A new life


I sauntered to where Tom was setting wearing only a black lace bra and boy cut underwear.
My raven black hair was curled, my thin lips fire engine red and my blue eyes highlighted.

I wanted fucked in the worst way.

Leaning over and grabbing my ankles with a green diamond wiggling in my brown love tunnel, I smiled at Tom from between my legs giving him a wink.

I wasn't always a out going slut. Not by a long shot.
No I was very much the opposite.
Up tight and prudish.
I never really gave my husband all that much sex and with him it was more of a chore then a pleasure.
I will admit it wasn't his fault at all. It was all mine.
My husband gave me everything and well I gave only what I had to and not one ounce more.
I used my exhusband and lied to him and about him to everyone about ever thing.
There was no reason for it either.
It was my own insecurity and arrogance.
I was lazy and was mad because he wasn't. I wanted to control everything he did.
When my husband delivered the divorce papers I just laughed at him.
I was mad sure. But, in truth i never thought he would have the balls.
I knew for fact I would get everything i wanted and more. I was wrong again. I got very little.
My fault again. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. My arrogance took over and i laughed at the judge to his face and lied to him in spite.

Tom and I had always been close for the most part. We are only eight years to the day apart.
But, in the last few years he had started to distance himself from me.
Sure we still talked. But, we weren't like we used to be.
I knew why. But, there again I blamed my exhusband. Knowing full well it was me and my bullshit.

Well, with no where to go and my sister wouldn't let stay very long with her. I called Tom for a place to stay.
I knew or at least hoped he wouldn't turn down his favorite aunt.

I had been there about a week when I started trying to bully Tom around.
It didn't go as I planned. Not at all. He had absolutely no patience for my bullshot.
When I say none. I mean none at all.

Tom gave me fair warning not to push him. I laughed at him and didn't listen.

Tom was the first person in my thirty-five years on this plant to ever whip my ass.
Yes that is correct. He whipped my ass like I was a twelve year old.
He put me over his knee and spank my bare bottom till it was red and tender. I couldn't set down comfortablely for two days my ass hurt so bad.
Tom didn't make a big deal of it. He went on about his business as normal.

I should have stopped. But, to tell the truth I thought I would be smarter and quicker the next time. Also didn't think he would do it a second time.

I was wrong.

The second time I pushed him to the limit was less then a week later in the middle if the kitchen.
I decided to give him a good snack across the face.

That was a no go. He grabbed my hand and before I knew it, I was over his knee with my bare ass showing.
Son of a bitch. I never realized how bad a leather belt hurt.

It was over a week before I could sit down right.

"You can eat in the pantry till you decide to be suitable." Tom said in a light voice that I knew I better not push.

Tom also never said a word to me or even acknowledged me the hole time.
It was like I was a ghost.

No one had ever treated me that way ever.

I tried talking to him. But, it was no use.
I fixed him breakfast. He wouldn't eat it. It was like I didn't exist.

You talk about making someone feel like shit. Tom did it and never flinched.
He made it clear there was gonna be no bullshit and I mean none.

Tom was eating dinner and reading the paper when I decided I had had enough.
I couldn't take it anymore.
I had been defeated and I knew it.
But, for some odd reason it felt good to be dominated.

"May I sit?" I asked standing at the end of the table with my plate expecting to be turned away.

In a look I had never seen from any one in my life.
It was a look of power and dominance.

"Are you ready to start acting like a civilized human being?" Tom asked staring me down
"Yes sir." I said quietly looking down.
"No more bullshit. No lieing. No stealing. No more a fucking bitch." Tom stated looking me down hard.
"No sir." I answered again.
"You gonna mind your manners and be a woman, instead of some crazy fucking banshee." Tom said flatly
"Yes sir." I said again not looking up.
"I will not tolerate any if your bullshit. You can live here for as long as you want. But, there will be no bullshit. None. Period. Do you understand me." Tom said in a voice that I knew was not to be fucked with.
"Yes sir." I nodded.
"One more thing." Tom said in a gentler tone.
"Yes sir" I asked looking at him.
"You will start taking care of yourself." Tom finished.
"Yes sir." I answered. "May I set now, please?"

He was right. I did need to start taking better care of myself. Over the last few years I had put on quite a bit of weight.

After dinner that night I cleaned the table and washed the dishes.
The next morning I was up early cleaning the house.
Later that afternoon I drove to town and picked up some things work out with and a weight set.

It took some doing. But, I got into regiment and started working out, exercising and eating right.

At first I did it because I had to and I didn't want to be thrown out in the street with nothing.
I knew if I didn't do what Tom told me to do he would throw me out without a second thought. The two ass whippings done proved that to me.

Tom made changes in his diet also. I knew he didn't want to. But, to support me he never said a word.
He also worked out with me part time.

Like I said. I started doing all this because I had to.
But, after a whole I did it because I wanted to.
I liked the looks guys and girls gave me as I walked through the grocery store aisles.
I not only cut the flab. I was putting on muscle.
My legs got toned. The flab on my belly was being replaced with nice, sexy six pack muscular abs.
I was getting back a better figure then I had ever had before at 34DD-25-36 at 5'7" tall I looked good.

But, mainly I liked the way Thomas looked at me.
He looked at me like we where kids again. It made me feel good about myself.
I wanted him to notice me.
I starte dressing sexier also. More revealing. Sweat pants and Jean's where replaced with yoga pants and skimpy cut offs.
I had a body and I wanted Thomas to look at.
I also started going with Thomas as much as I could.
I wanted to be with him.
Another thing I noticed as I transformed. My pussy got tighter and I was able to cum harder and longer.

No I wasn't out fucking guys. I would lay in bed at night and diddle myself as I thought about being on my back under Thomas as he pushed his large meat into me.
Several times I had to change to sheets after I was done because how much I had cum.

I'll never forget it.

"Alyson, would you like to go to dinner this evening?" Thomas asked as we set at the table eating breakfast.

I was shocked at first. Sure we had been out together several times to eat. But, never had he asked me out on a date.
I didn't want to show my excitement to much. Even though I was ready to burst inside.

"Thomas Sills are you asking me out on a date?" I smiled coyly with a twinkle in my eyes catching Thomas off guard for once.
"Well, um. I. Wellll." Thomas studdard cutely looking at me.
"Is this a fancy date." I smiled again enjoying his uncomfortableness.
"I guess you could say that."
"Is this a steak and shrimp dinner or a cheeseburger and fries dinner." I smiled teasingly and very flirty.
"Steak! Definitely steak." Thomas stammered.
"Then yes. I'll go to dinner with you. What time will I need to be ready by." I grinned ready to jump him right there.
"6. No. 7. 6. Yes by 6." Thomas stammered making me want him all that much more.

I cleaned the table and waited for Thomas to leave for his morning choirs before I almost ran for a shower and headed to town.

The look on Thomas face when I came down the stairs was priceless.
I spent more money getting ready for that date then I had ever spent on any date in my life.

My black dress hugged me just right in all the right places. My hair was curled and pulled back. My makeup was just right.
I looked good and felt good and the look on Thomas face was one of need and want.

I was worried I had out did myself and over thought things.
But, his eyes told me I was just right.

The night was perfect. If he was trying to seduce me. It was working. I was already in bad need of him fucking me. But, he made it a sure thing.

We rode in Thomas's jet black 1965 Lincoln convertible.
As he opened the door there set a single red rose.
He took me to a restaurant that I had never been to before. I had dreamed of it. But, could never afford it in my life.

We ate. We danced and We became very intimate.

I felt a love like I had never felt before. One that I never ket my husband feel.
I wanted Thomas. I wanted to give him my everything.

I looked up at Thomas as he held me close meeting his sexy brown eyes.
When he leaned into kiss me I willingly accepted. It wasn't a nasty, vulgar kiss. It was soft and sensual. One of love and desire.

"Careful you two. You might set the hoke place on fire." A older woman chuckled next to us on the dance floor.

"Thomas. Take me home." I whispered to him smiling at the womans comment.
"How about a room instead." He grinned at me.
"Even better." I smiled at him.

We got busted in the elevator making out on the way to our room by a couple twice our age that gave us a nice big applause.

We made love. We fucked. We screwed. We even got the front desk called on us.
Poor girl didn't know what to think when I answered the door with my tits hanging out and cum dripping off my tits.

I gave Thomas my one virgin hole that night.

Well, it wasn't completely virgin. I had stuck a vibrator up there several times. But, I had never had a actual man in there before.

He was so patient with me.
He had been finger fucking my ass. So I knew I was relaxed enough.

I climbed up on top of him and straddled him.

"Hold your cock straight up for me." I grinned him lewdly.
"You sure?" He smiled at me.
"I'm more then sure." I grinned as I placed my hands on his chest and looked deep into his eyes.

Cum bowled from my pussy when his large cock head popped past my rubbery ring.

"JEUSSSSS YESSSSS!" I moaned in pleasure looking Thomas in the eye as he penetrated deep into forbidden hole.

"FUCKKKK. THAT'S IT. FUCK MY ASS!" I growled in lust as cum erupted from my boiling love flower. I laid on my back with my ankles behind my head clawing out Thomas's muscular body as he drove his powerful shaft into my ass hole.
Thomas drive his powerful shaft deep into my guts filling them with his love juice with a deep gruntle groan.
I quivered and shook and cried in lust as eruption after eruption blasted deep into me carnivorous hole.

Thomas had blasted his sweet nectar into all three of my greedy holes much to my delight.

I woke the next morning as horny as I had started the evening before.

So I eased out of bed and snuck off to the shower. I wanted to be fresh for Thomas.

It was hard for me to believe. But, Thomas's prick was as hard as steel when I returned.

"My god." I whispered to myself as I looked at his amazing cock.

Slowing I climbed up on the bed trying my best not wake him.
I straddled his face planting my hands on each side of him, I started sucking his sexy prick.

I went to breakfast that morning with a belly full of sex juice and a hole new out look on life.
I no longer wanted to be the over powering controlling bitch I have always been.
I wanted to be a good woman with a man who loved me.
I knew this was a second chance at something I shouldn't have fucked up the first time.
I also knew Thomas had given me all the leeway I was ever gonna get.
The next time I wouldn't get a ass beating. I'd get put in the street.

"What do you say after breakfast we head home." I smiled at Thomas.
"Okay. But, its raining. There ain't much that can get done outside." He said looking out the window.
"No. But, there is plenty inside that needs done." I said with a flirty smile meeting his eyes.

"Oh." He said looking at me with an odd look.
"Oh. Is right. Lots and lots of ohs." I grinned.

Thomas got his first rim job that afternoon and I gave my first rim job.
It was hard, rough, brutal sex.
I was determined to be the perfedtslut for Thomas.

Sense that day I never turn Thomas down. If it's that time of the month. Well, my ass is always ready.
If I go more then two or three days with out getting fucked by Thomas I let him know I'm getting impatient.

One afternoon I decided sense he wasn't taking the hint. I climbed up on the kitchen island stripped naked and had large lime green vibrating plug stock in my ass and working my pussy with a large pink dildo when he walked through the door.

I've dropped hints if another woman joining us.
Thomas hasn't said no. But, he hasn't said yes.
He better hurry up and decide or I will help him decide

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