Drunken cousin fuck


So after 3.5 years of the event itself taking place, I’ve decided to finally share my story in case there’s anyone out there that enjoys the story as much as I like thinking about it.

I have to emphasise that this story is absolutely 100% true and is still very vivid in my memory. The only thing I’ll do is change our names, you know, just in case.

Now just to paint a bit of a picture to the story, it involves my first cousin, Katie. At the time of it happening we were both 23. Katie is white, brunette, about 5’5’’ tall and has large breasts with a bit of a belly. She’d admit herself that she’s no model but she’s certainly not unattractive. If I had to put it into numbers I’d say she’s a 5.5/10. I, myself, have always been heavily into fitness and have always done ‘alright for myself’ when it comes to the ladies. I’m 6’1’’, have broad shoulders and dark hair and dark features. There’s no way I can put a number on myself without sounding like I absolutely love myself by the best way I can put it is that I probably wouldn’t go for Katie if she wasn’t my first cousin and found that kind of thing incredibly hot.

Katie and I were both born in the same hospital only 7 months apart (me being the older). We lived less than a mile away from each other growing up and spent a lot of time at my grandmas together. We went to the same primary school and secondary school, but were never in the same group of friends and as we grew up, we only really saw each other at family get togethers and in passing on nights out in town.

At the age of 23 I had a break up with a long term girlfriend so ended up renting a flat with my best friend in the centre of our local town. Not long after this I was then in a very long distance relationship with a girl I was very fond of but deep down always knew it wouldn’t be permanent. Katie at this point was still living at home with my aunt and uncle. She had been in a few relationships herself but wasn’t committed at the time of our ‘get together’.

It all started on a drunken night out in town I had with a group of mates from my football team. I had been out in town for a good few hours with them and it’d be an understatement if I said I was drunk: I was absolutely obliterated. What normally happens when I get drunk is that I wander off from my friends and lose everyone. Tonight was no exception. I’d lost everyone and no one was answering my texts so I decided to have a walk around and try in a few clubs to see if I could find anyone I knew. Having been in the town my whole life, it was always next to impossible to walk into town without bumping into someone I knew so I was confident id find someone, if not my original party of friends.

Sure enough, whilst walking passed one of the larger clubs, a face catches my eye whilst in the queue. It was Katie, and Katie was wearing a very short dress which very much had her breasts on display for everyone to see.

I’d never looked at Katie in any way other than in a platonic cousin way that most do their respective cousins. Apart from the fact I’d thought to myself that Katie scrubbed up good, this hadn’t really changed yet. She was in a group of 5 or 6 friends and one of her friends in particular had caught my eye. A very attractive and slim brunette girl who was 19 or 20 at the time. I focused all my attention on her and from what I can remember, things were going well. Katie told me that her friend, Jodie, was single and was playing match maker for us both. About an hour later, copious more drinks and lots of dancing with the now even bigger group of Katie’s friends, I was somehow even more drunk. It was about 2am and I have a patch of slight haziness of how exactly the next stage goes down but this is what I can remember...

The group was in a large circle in the middle of the dance floor. The girl I fancied to my left and Katie to my right. We were all linked together with our arms around each other which is what linked the circle, like a wedding party at the end of the night.

My right hand was on Katie’s side at an ‘appropriate’ height and my left hand was in the small of Jodie’s back. What caused me to do this other than alcohol, I do not know, but I distinctly remember slowly and gradually sliding my hand down Katie’s back until it was eventually fully on her firm ass. Her dress so short it was barely covering her ass, I would feel the occasion warmth of soft skin. This turned me on. A lot. This coupled with the fact that no one in a circle could see what was going on just turned me on even more. All of a sudden, I had absolutely no interest in her friend (I think just before this happening her friend and I had a snog and a grope but I really can’t remember about half an hour of that night particularly well so your guess is as good as mine!

My hand stayed on Katie’s ass for a good while. As time went on I was feeling more confident and brazen; my hand began to squeeze her ass and then found it’s way under her dress, fully on her skin. Still, no reaction from her or suggestion she didn’t enjoy what was happening.

At some point I leaned over to her and asked if she wanted to go outside for a cigarette. Neither of us actually smoked. I was just partial to doing so when drunk and wanted to get her alone, although I had no idea what the next move on my part would be. We walked outside and as we reached the doorway I checked behind me; no one had followed us.

We stood there in this very busy and narrow smoking area outside. There wasn’t loads of space but we’d managed to get a gap halfway down the walkway and next to the wall. We stood there talking for a few minutes whilst sharing a cigarette. At some point Katie said to me “so me and Jodie were talking about how fit you look tonight”. My heart skipped a beat. Despite being my cousin she had no issue in making it clear to me that she thought I was fit. I thanked her and ignored the fact Jodie said I looked fit and focused on the fact that Katie said it. I returned her a compliment and added that I liked her dress before grabbing the bottom part of it and looking her in the eyes. There was a pause. We looked directly at each other with an almost mirror-like mischievous smile smeared across our faces.

I decided to go for broke. I added that I thought she looked really fit and that I wanted to kiss her. (Being in a busy place in my home town where I knew hundreds of people I didn’t actually have any intention to kiss her through fear of getting caught. I wasn’t really doing much thinking at this point however).

Much to my surprise Katie replied “why don’t you then?”. I told her that there were lots of people about and highlighted the risk but she didn’t care. She told me that there wasn’t anyone around that either of us knew. I looked 360 degrees around me and she was right; not a single face was one that I recognised. Katie smiled. I suddenly felt movement in my jeans and felt my heart rate increase. We both knew what was about to happen. I placed one hand on her ass cheek and pulled her towards me so that our bodies were pressed against each other. Keeping the cigarette in my other hand out to one side, I leaned in whilst she did the same. Then, before I knew it, we were snogging, tongues in each other’s mouth, blissfully ignoring the fact we were surrounded by dozens of people who would no doubt have strong opinions of our kissing, if they’d had known we were cousins.

I was so turned on. My cock now fully erect in my jeans and pressed against Katie. After 20 seconds or so, I slowly pulled away and looked at Katie. She was smiling but shyly looked down at her feet, at least I think she was looking at her feet! It was in this moment I knew I wanted to fuck her.

I had another check around and once happy, began to kiss to her again. This time I didn’t fully pull away, instead I softly muttered in her ear and asked if she wanted to go back to my flat for a few more drinks and a movie. She immediately said yes but explained that she was meant to be staying at her other friends house, Stacey’s. It would’ve looked weird and obvious if we had just left together so we agreed that Katie would tell Stacey that I wanted them both to come back to mine for more drinks. Stacey was not attractive and I felt it a necessary shame she had to come with us.

Stacey agreed to come back to mine and the 3 of us immediately left and started to walk back. Still highly drunk my memory is partly hazy. The walk back went quickly but that’s probably because I spent the entire time grabbing Katie’s ass and whispering in her ear that I wanted to fuck her whenever I had the chance away from Stacey. As time went on I was getting more and more risky and less careful about my actions. To do this day I still have no idea but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Stacey was completely aware of everything that was happening.

We got back to the flat and snuck in the living room with my flat mate and his girlfriend asleep in bed. The 3 of us sat on the sofa with the premise of watching a film. I tactfully brought in the duvet from my room to cover us all so my hands could wander up Katie’s legs, and that’s exactly what they did. The whole film I had my hands all over her and eventually in her thong. Her pussy was soaking wet and as I occasionally played with her clit, she would let out a gentle gasp of air. I continued to whisper in her ear everything I wanted to do to her once Stacey had left.

The film ended at about 3am and Stacey mentioned it being time to call for a taxi. I told them both that they were both welcome to stay for the night and that I’d give them a lift home in the morning but Stacey was adamant she wanted to leave. Katie played it perfectly well and pretended to fall asleep and upon ‘waking’ said she would pay for Stacey’s taxi and get a lift with me in the morning because she was too tired to go anywhere now. I saw Stacey out the door and bid her a good night.

My cock was already fully hard before I’d even got back to the living room with the knowledge of what was about to happen. I tiptoed passed my mates room and quietly closed the living room door behind me. I put the door stop behind the door so no one could get back in and approached Katie on the sofa. Katie had miraculously woken up and was anticipating my arrival.

We kissed on the sofa and slowly started undressing each other until we were just in our underwear. I brushed her thong to one side and slid a finger inside her. She was incredibly wet but holy fuck, I couldn’t believe how tight she was. Katie pulled my boxers down and returned the favour; sucking my cock, making it extra sloppy in the process. Now, I’d had my fair share of sexual encounters by this point in my life but this felt different. I swear, my cock was harder then it’d ever been before and my heart was racing like a formula 1 driver. I couldn’t get the thought out my head ‘she’s my cousin and I’m about to fuck her’.

I gently brought Katie to her feet as I did the same and guided her to the space on the living room floor, bringing the duvet with me. After laying the duvet on the floor, Katie laid on her back, looking up at me in anticipation. Without a moments hesitation I laid between her legs and immediately started licking her pussy. She tasted incredible and I could’ve eaten her for hours. I slipped a finger in and massaged her g-spot as I licked and teased her clit. Her moans are something I’ll never forget. So genuine and erotic. She was getting louder and began to shake all over. I was making my cousin cum which was in turn making my cock leak more pre-cum than I thought was even possible. She got loud, like very loud. If I hadn’t been so drunk and turned on I would’ve cared that my housemate could wake up and catch us in the act at any moment. Fortunately he didn’t and I was able to experience Katie have the most sensual orgasm.

As her moans subsided and shakes rested to a halt, I made my way up her body and started to kiss her. She kissed me back without the loss of any enthusiasm. My cock was trapped between our bodies and crushed against her pussy, but not yet inside. I lifted my body up whilst continuing to kiss her so my cock was free. As I did this, Katie reached down and grabbed my cock. She started leading my now throbbing and pulsating cock towards her soaking pussy. I checked she was on the pill and after she said yes, nothing else mattered.

I slowly entered her and gradually got deeper and deeper until there was no more of me left to go inside her. She moaned again and dug her nails into my back as I started to thrust in and out of her. All of my lust had now reached absolute peak. I was in pure euphoria and kept telling myself how great my cousins pussy felt. She was so tight that had I not been so wasted, I would’ve definitely found it difficult to last more than a minute.

As it so happened, I was able to control myself and we fucked for what must have been an hour. There was times when she was on top bouncing on my hard cock whilst I grabbed her firms breasts, and other times when I had her on all 4 in front of me, taking me from behind her, hard, as I squeezed her moist ass-cheeks. Then she said the words I’d been waiting for her to say: “I want your cum inside me”. That was it, I was about to cross the final line. I was going to cum deep inside my cousins pussy.

My hands shifted to her hips and I repeatedly rocked her back towards me whilst shunting hard and fast back at her. Our skin hitting each other made loud slapping noises only drowned out by her moans. We were a sweaty mess by this point and I was getting seriously close to cumming but was struggling to finish due to all the alcohol I had consumed. Just when I was wondering if I’d be able to actually cum, Katie began to shake again. She was shuddering with more intensity than before and fuck that’s all I needed. I saw her grasping the duvet beneath her with both her hands and was repeating herself to me “give me your cum Cuz, give me your cum deep inside me. I’m going to cum again”.

No prizes for what happened next. I’ve always been a very heavy cummer but I knew this was going to be like nothing else ever before. I too had began to shake, almost in sync with Katie and as I did, I felt the cum leave my cock and enter her. My vision started to blur and I made my own moans. We climaxed together before collapsing in a heap next to one another and quickly became very sleepy. After a few minutes of catching our breath back we got up and tiptoed to my bedroom. Katie had leaked a lot of my cum on the duvet so she put her thong back on to catch the rest of it which was still seeping out of her. It was everywhere but neither of us cared. We just fell instantly asleep.

Katie had set an alarm for only a few hours after we had fallen asleep as she had to get to work, and once sense had kicked in I knew I was still way too drunk to drive her anywhere. I called her a taxi and when it arrived, I walked her to the door, gave her one last kiss and saw her off. I went straight back to bed and sleep again, this time for much longer.

I woke up hours later, this time sober. It had suddenly dawned on me what had happened and I begun to experience a huge number of emotions. I was crazy worried she would tell someone and that we would be found it by everyone, alienating friends and family in the process. There was also an element of still being turned on by it. As I began to recall the events I noticed my cock get hard again. I wanked with the memories fresh in my mind and the cycle began. One day I’d be stricken with anxiety and the next turned on like no porn could ever achieve.

Anyway, weeks and months then passed and Katie and I had not spoken a single word to each other. We didn’t exchange a single text since that night and slowly the memory of what happened slipped to the back of my mind.

Fast forward to 3.5 years later - today. Katie and I had bumped into each other a few times in this period and shared each other’s company a few more times at the family get togethers but still nothing had been said. There wasn’t any awkwardness or anything like that; we just didn’t ever speak about it to each other. Until last night that is..

I saw her come up as recommended friend on snapchat and decided to add her and start up a conversation. I’d wanted to text to her about that night for ages but was concerned about leaving evidence so never did. Luckily with snapchat, I knew that couldn’t happen so one horny evening I found a way to bring up the night and get her thoughts about it. We were both pretty cautious about the whole thing but she confirmed to me that she remembered the night and that she didn’t ‘think’ she regretted it but that she hadn’t thought about it for a long time. The conversation was cut short due to the late hour and her having work in the morning but it was left that we would continue the conversation later.

I’m now in a long term relationship and plan on asking my girlfriend to marry me later on in the year so option are limited.

However.. the more I think about it, the more I get the old memories which still turn me on just as much as they did back then. There’s a good chance I’ll attempt to have one last ‘bonus night’ with Katie before getting engaged which will rely solely on whether she feels the same or not. So like most good stories this ends with the line ‘to be continued’.
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