Be carfull what you wish for


Be carful what you wish for

I was on a week-long seminar in Atlanta my boss James Johnson demanded I attend. I had worked for the man for almost five years now, I have been happily married for almost ten years as well. I loved my wife, my job, my town, I mean how could life be this good.
It is better than good, everyone would want my problem. My wife has never in the six years I have known her said no to me. I have the most active sex life I have ever herd of. Men always complaining at bars and in lunch rooms how their old lady won’t give it up. Not here by god. Every night and not just a night time quickie either. Oh no, not with me, she dresses up in sexy slutty clothing, and pretends to be anything that she thinks I would want. From a slut, whore, innocent little virgin and more. Role playing is almost a nightly occurrence.
Sometimes we would take it outside the walls of our home and go out. I have picked her up in every bar I could find. Restaurants, and even street corners. Bet you think this is my idea, not even, most of the times Anna would choose the role-playing idea. Her favorites are forced sex and bondage and being a submissive little slut.
The trouble started when we started talking about sharing her with another man. I don’t know why it turned me on so much, but it did. the sad thing is once it is over the shame and guilt told me that this could and should never happen in real life. So, I always told her when we where done for the night that it is really, hot but please don’t ever ask me to do that for real. She seemed to agree.
These conversations continued for several months. She actually started to pretend to cheat on me and when I came home tell me about these fictitious encounters. It was so hot I can’t tell you how hot it was. After we finished each time I continued to make sure she knew that I love talking about this, but I don’t think I could ever do it.
I was on this forced business trip when I suddenly got a text message from a number I didn’t recognize. “Your fantasy is going to happen this week.”
I text back “LOL I think you have the wrong number.”
“No, I don’t have the wrong number. Check your email. Roy” was there answer.
I checked my email on my laptop. Shure enough I got a email form a unique address.
The message read. Notice the number that’s where I am going to fuck your wife. Your address isn’t it. I will say I will be fucking her by Wednesday. You won’t be home till Friday night, so she will be really satisfied by the time you get back.
Don’t worry I will keep giving you updates as we go. I may even send you some photos. Hope you enjoy them.
It frightened me for a long time, I called Anna and asked her what is going on?
“Nothing is going on just got home from work, what about you, found a girlfriend in Atlanta yet?”
“No, my girl friend is home, and don’t you ever forget it, between her and my wife I have no desire for anyone else.”
She laughed. Then she scared the hell out of me. “Baby, how would you feel if I surprised the hell out of you when you get home?”
I didn’t know what to say for a moment, “Just how do you plan to do this?” finally came out.
“You always wanted sloppy seconds, didn’t you?” she asked.
My eyes widened, I choked for a moment unable to speak. “Honey, I know you aren’t going to try and really do that are you?”
I heard her speech change, “Why not? I bet you are as hard as a rock just talking about it?” she paused, “Aren’t you?” she asked
I actually had to feel my crotch to find out, it was like it wasn’t attached to me anymore. When I found it was like steal I couldn’t hide the surprise in my voice.
She laughed. “so, what do you say?”
“Honey I really don’t want to go further than just the role play and teasing on this one, I know I would never be able to share you. You are mine and I am a little terrified when you sent the email. That you may really do something.”
“What email?” she asked.
I got a text message from an unknown number that said that my fantasy is about to come true. Then it told me to check my email. I did and got one from, what I hoped was you.”
“No, I didn’t send any email to you, but I like the idea. Maybe I should start.” She teased.
We talked for a wile longer. I told her I would let her know if I get anymore text messages or emails.
Not one minute after I hung up I got a text. I here you are having second thoughts. But don’t worry, she may still want you after I am done with her.
I suddenly went from concerned, confused, bewildered and horny to out right pissed. Either Anna was fucking with me and lied on the phone or someone was there with her and she had lied to me about his intentions, or she was with him and naive to the fact he was moving on her. I sat there getting more and more angry. Finally, I went into the conference, but I paid no attention to what was happening.
That night after I got back to the room I was in somewhat of a coma. I hated it I was about to call my wife for my nightly call when I got a text from the unknown number. (Your wife will be buzzy tonight we are going out. Wish me luck.) He sent me a photo of my wife in a sexy red dress with the text.
I decided to call my home number. There was no answer after almost a dozen rings. I didn’t call her cell.

It was almost two hours later that I got another text message. It read (second base.) with a photo of my wife with the dress pulled down below her breasts. She was setting in a car I dint recognize as ours. With the back drop of a baseball field. Her nipples where hard and there looked like a small hicky on her left breast. I could see her left hand with her wedding ring on it. I lost my breath.

I kept staring at the dark-spot on her breast. Knowing someone else was enjoying them. I could feel my heart tarring from my chest. I got another text. This time just the photo of my wife lifting her dress above her hips, her legs opened, and I could easily see her pussy was dripping wet. The text red (third base. I dint expect third till tomorrow.)
I felt like throwing my phone, but I couldn’t. I opened my lap top and started looking for flights going home. The earliest one I could find wouldn’t leave till four in the morning.

I got ahold of the two men that I was there with and asked them to cover for me. They agreed I went to the hotel to get some sleep. I set the alarm for thee and tried to crash. But I got another text message. (I am going to fuck her tonight. She already told me she was more than willing. I am going to bet you that you jack off thinking about what I am doing to your woman. Don’t worry I will take good care of her.)

My hart bled. As I started to cry. My tears running down to the pillow behind me. I turned the phone to do not disturb so it wouldn’t wake me. I had to get up at two thirty.

My alarm went off I woke, got dressed and ready to go in moments. I got a cab was taken to the airport, I looked at my phone for the first time since I got up. There were numerous text messages from him. I opened them, most of them where photos of my wife in various positions, opened to him. Her pussy was gaping and red, obviously well used. Some had cum on her ass and her tits, another on her stomach.

One of the text asked. (Did you jack off knowing that your wife is being so well fucked?”
I answered this one. (Let’s just say that the bedding was soak and wet this morning.) I didn’t let them know it was from tears.

The flight landed at 7 am. I ran to baggage clame to get my saddle bags. From there I went to long term parking and set them on my Harley soft-tail, jumped on and headed home as fast as I could.

When I got to the top of the hill on the street I live on I stopped. I could see the house, in the driveway, there was a car I recognized, but it did not belong there when I was not home. I got my phone out and set it to camera. I pushed the Soft-tail forward and coasted to the driveway, I turned in and stopped. I set the camera to record and then I took several still and moving shots of the car.

Then I set the camera to record and pressed the start Butten on the bike. I revved the Harley two times like I do every time I started it. The loud pipes sounded which made it clear that I was home. The camera was pointed to our bedroom window. The curtains swung opened, my naked wife was standing in the window with a look of astonishment on her face, behind her was my Boss James Johnson. His face was a mixture of arrogance and superiority. It took all I had not to puke right then.

My wife ran from the room. I put the camera in my pocket, pulled in the clutch and put the soft-tail in gear. I let out the clutch and started up the street.

I could hear my wife scream, “no, wait, let me explain. Stop.”

I wondered if she bothered to put something on or if she was giving the whole block a show. Anna was smoking hot, so I am sure they enjoyed the show.

I went to the sleaziest no tell motel I could find and checked in cash. I then walked to get a bottle of Jim Beam and proceeded to get drunk. To tell you the truth I wanted to drink myself to death. Unfortunately, I failed.

When I woke or came too was more the word for it. I turned on my phone and called a friend of mine, I told him I need a good divorce lawyer and I knowing he just gone threw a horribly painful divorce I thought of him.

He gave me his wife’s attorney’s number instead of his. “You want a good one don’t you.” He said.
I had to laugh.

I made an appointment for the next day, I went and drove to office depot. I bought a printer and good photo paper and other things I would need. Then I went back to my dive of a motel room and began to print and build a case against my wife. I had her cold, but it still needed to fit together. I printed the emails and the text messages I received.

I had a recorder on my phone, so I could transcribe the conversations, or lies my wife told me over the phone.

After I built my case as best as I could, I got drunk again.

I woke in plenty of time to clean up and go to my new lawyer’s office. I went to the bank first and withdrew half the savings account. We had our own checking accounts so that was fine.
I got there in plenty of time, then I waited before I could see her. She didn’t look very imposing, but she came highly recommended.
I handed her all I had put together, she rather liked it this way. She asked me a few questions, I answered them as best as I could. Then she came to one of the photos I took.
“Is this the man?” she quickly asked.
“Yes, that is him.”
She slammed the file closed and jumped away from it. she looked at me with a look I couldn’t read, not that I could read people very well. “I will be back in a moment. Don’t leave.”
It took her almost a half hour before she walked in and handed me an address and phone -number. She handed me my file and told me “Go out her door turn right to the steps, go down the steps and turn left. Talk to the man waiting for you at the other end of the hall…. I did NOT TELL YOU THIS….”

“Ok.” I said got up and left fallowing the directions he gave me.

Before I got to the end of the hall a short balding man looked at me with eager anticipation. He invited me in and asked for the folder. As he looked threw the file he asked me a few questions. I answered them as best I could. He took a wile and just kept putting things together in the file.

Finally, I asked “How much is it going to cost to get my divorce?”

He smiled and said. “I will do the divorce pro-bone-um. He pulled a standard form a desk drawer. He placed it in front of him and wrote in a few things quickly. Then he slid it across the desk. “Like I said the divorce I can do pro bone um. But the law suit I am going to keep forty-five percent. Pluss expenses. Sign here.”

I asked. “Law suit?”

“yea.” He said with a grin. “Yea, we got the bastard, tell me, are you ready for retirement.”

When I left I thought about what to do now? I waited till the next morning. I called her job and asked for her. they transferred me to her. the second I heard her voice I hung up and headed to the house I used to live in. I went in and took my clothes. There was not much more I wanted there. I went and hooked my pickup to my trailer and loaded my bike into the trailer. Then I dragged the mattress. Bedding, frame and rest of our used to be bed, to the driveway. Then I took charcoal starter and dowsed them. finally, I threw a match on them. the fire took off instantly. I got in my pickup and left.

I went to Albuquerque New Mexico. There was a firm that was looking at me, I helped
them out a few months ago and I thought it might be a chance to get on without notice.

The interview was nothing more than a formality, I filled out papers and they told me to be ready for work on Monday, giving me time to get myself settled in.

From there I bought a paper and looked for some where to live. I found a one-bedroom apartment in what seemed a decent enough area, then I went and found a good storage unit for my bike.

I bought a bed and a sofa from one of the adds in the paper. Went grocery shopping and tried to settle down in my new life.
The first thing I noticed was there was no settling. I missed my wife, my soul mate. So instead I started grieving my loss.
I guess I was just ignoring my obligations or didn’t want to face the fact that I had lost my wife to another man, but it was almost three weeks before I looked into my email account. I could see I had numerous emails form my lawyer.
I opened the last one first and it simply said. “Call me. Very important.”
So I did, I thought that would be best as I dilled my new cell phone…..
“Blake, and Cox law offices.” A friendly woman answered.
“Yes, I am Roy Belton. I got an email to call Mr. Blake.”
“I put you right threw, Mr. Belton, he is expecting you.”
In only moments, “Roy, I was afraid I had lost you. Where you at?”
“I moved to Albuquerque, I got a new job and just settled into an apartment. You need my address?”
“Yes, I do, give it to my secretary when we are done here. Look Mr. Belton, your wife is wanting a confab. She is outright demanding it. when can you make it?”
“Mr. Blake, I live in Albuquerque, this would be of great hardship to drive all the way there. Can’t you take care of it? Just tell her she made her choice….”
“Well I understand you just started a new job. So, tell you what, when are you off next?”
“I work Monday through Friday.”
“What time do you get off?”
“Usually about five.”
“Ok, tell you what we will do. I will get ahold of your wife’s attorney, and well set up a day, time and a place to meet with you.”
I interrupted. “I live in Albuquerque NM. I can’t just leave right now.”
“No, we will set up an appointment there, Mr. Belton. It won’t be a problem for me and them to travel there for this.”
“UH, this isn’t an expense that you are going to bill me for is it.”
“No, your x-boss Mr. Johnson will be paying for this expense.”
My stomach got tight thinking about that son of a bitch. “Why would he pay for this. I am not so sure I want this meeting? I don’t need that S.O.B. gloating his triumphant glares at me wile my wife tells me what a piece of shit lover I am. Mr. Blake I really don’t need to be cuckolded that way.” I really didn’t want this meeting now.
“Mr. Belton. I want to assure you that you are on top of this situation. Trust me when I say that Mr. Johnson would be the one being humiliated here. Not you.
I certainly dint feel it. “He fucked my wife in my bed, behind my back then gloated when he saw me catch him. How can I be on top of that?”
“You will soon find out. I will call you, now that I have your number and let you know when we will be there.” Mr. Blake told me firmly.
Two days later I got almost a full sack of mail delivered to my apartment. All from my attorney. I had no idea that there could be so much paper involved in a divorce, personally I thought it was just a waiting game. I tossed all the letters in a corner of my office, that I set up instead of a bedroom. My bed was in the living room, no one comes to visit me, and I wanted an office space, so this worked out well.
True to his word Mr. Blake called me and told me they would be there to meet with me at the Four Seasons banquet room at six o’clock on Saturday. There would be a meal if I wanted, provided to me. I didn’t want. I didn’t need to rsvp. However, I really needed to prepare myself. Every time I thought about this meeting, I would think about the gloating look I received form Mr. Johnson looking through my bed room window.
What had to be the longest week of my life finally came to an end, I set the alarm for four o’clock and forced myself to stay in the apartment.
Finally, I got up and headed to the Four seasons. It wasn’t long before I was there. I entered in the banquet room and saw my wife for the first time in months, across the room I saw my ex-boss James Johnson. I saw a hole lot of fairly nice suits standing around mostly designer, male and female.
It was only because two really big, and I mean linebacker big, suits got beside me the second, I came in the door that stopped me from slapping James Johnsons smile off his face. Truthfully, I wanted to kill the son of a bitch dead. But I had to keep calm. Two men asked me asked me if I was Roy Belton, I said “Yes I am.” They attached themselves to each side of me. I asked, “what are you doing?”
“We have been hired to make sure you don’t do something that could get you into trouble.” One of the linebacker sized men said.
Anna finally saw me, and I noticed she wanted to rush over to me but was stopped by a woman I recognized. The one that sent me to my lawyer I had hired. She must be representing Anna.
I could see her fighting with here lawyer trying very hard to come to me, but her lawyer wouldn’t budge. I didn’t know why at the time. I knew I dint want her to come to me at all. She fucked another man in my, our bed and that was pretty much unforgivable. But looking at her I realized I was still in love with her.
I was directed to a seat and sat on my own accord in the seat I was told to set at. My attorney came and set down next to me with one of the linebackers on the other side of me. I asked, “Ok what is going on now.”
“These men are here to keep you out of jail. I know that right about now you probably want to kill that son-of-a-bitch. And personally, I would hang a jury, but I won’t be there. So, I hired Theas two men to keep you out of prison…. Now if you notice he isn’t smiling at all.”
It was only then I did notice his look. He wasn’t gloating at all. I could see my wife wanting to get to me. I was glad no one would let her though.
My lawyer finally got up and approached a podium…. “Mrs. Paterson…. You wanted this meeting, we are here, would you like to start?”
Anna’s lawyer approached the podium and began to speak. “Thank you for coming Mr. Belton…. I would like to say this has been a nightmare to put together. I did all I could do as fast as I could do it…. I am sorry for all the delays but, we are here now, so let’s get things going.” After she took a breath. “Mrs. Day? Would you like to start?
A woman got up and approached the podium, then turned to me. “Mr. Belton. I am so sorry for what you must have gone through…. My client Mr. Johnson has agreed as part of his plea agreement to confess what had happened. He has also agreed to pay all attorneys’ fees and expenses. He has also agreed to pay both you and Mrs. Belton a sum of four million dollars each. Your attorney has the certified check for you to cash at your convenience….”
“Mr. Belton, if I may tell you on my own personal experience…. Please keep an open mind wile Mr. Johnson speaks. It was not all your wife’s fault….” she then looked at Mr. Johnson and nodded.
Mr. Johnson nervously took the podium, then he looked right at me and spoke. “Roy, as part of my plea Bargen with your attorneys and your wife, I have agreed to make this statement. I have also agreed to answer any questions you might have. However, if my attorneys tell me not to answer, I won’t be able to answer that particular question.….”
He looked at me as if I was going to say something. All I wanted to do was to rush the S.O.B. and kick his ass or as much of it as I could before linebackers catch me…. I just stared at him.
Mr. Johnson cleared his throat…. “This is the third time I have done this. The first couple actually still work for me. The second couple did get a little testy and left my employ and are presently divorced….”
“You where actually the third couple I have hired and, well, used for my personal vendetta.” He looked down and I could see he didn’t like doing this. He continued. “After I hired you, I paid you more than you really deserved. I then preceded to impoverish you by getting you into debt, a debt that you could afford at the present salary but there would be no way you could have survived it if I or someone else cut you pay in half.” He started to get really nervous. “I justified my actions by telling myself that only a moron would go into debt this deep without consequences. But that is just horse shit…. I led you down a slippery slope, and when the door closed on you. I went to your wife and told her I would be laying someone off.”
I could see him turning red now. A far cry form the look of superiority that preceded this.
“I told your wife that there is only one way to keep you off that list….”
“Mr. Belton it took her almost six weeks before she would agree to this…. I was afraid I was going to have to lay you off after Atlanta.” He took a long time before he continued. “Mr. Belton…. while you were in Atlanta, I took advantage of your wife. I told her that you would come back without even severance pay if she didn’t learn to take care of me. I forced her using threats of financial ruin to come to let me humiliate you…. I really didn’t expect you to leave the seminar too soon. I had hired two women to keep you happy and feeling guilty…. I understand they failed in their pursuits. Your wife should be proud of what you did as I have never heard of a man staying faithful under the pressure you were under….” Finally, he looked at his attorney and she nodded. “Roy, this wasn’t your wife’s fault…. This was mine….” Please consider taking her back. She only did what she did to protect your and your finance stability….” He looked back at his attorney. “I will answer any question you have for me….”

I was in somewhat of disbelief. At first, I really didn’t want to ask anything…. But then I wanted to know….
“When did you start fucking my wife?”
His answer was quick. “One week before you went to Atlanta.”
“How long has it been, or do you remember when you first approached her for the first time?”
“It took almost six months. Before I actually convinced her that she didn’t have a choice.”
Ok that would be about the time she started to play the cuckold game while we were in bed…. I looked at Anna. I for the first time seen her eye’s pleading for me.
“Why in our bed?” I finally asked. Though I was still looking at Anna.….
“In our bed?” I asked again….
James noticed I wasn’t asking him. He looked at Anna.
“In our bed!!!!” I was looking at my wife. She didn’t have an answer either. I felt my heart pull, my chest tighten, I stood up and waked out the door. When I was there, I quickly found a corner that I hoped was privet enough, but I was running out of time. I coiled into a ball and tried to hold it back. I dug my nails into myself trying to get through the pain and the hurt and all the feelings of bedrail. I contained the sobs but some small moans left my mouth. I was trying to keep them contained when I felt a hand on me, then arms come around me.
Fuck. I thought now I have linebacker trying to comfort me. As the arms tightened, I thought, he smelt a lot better than he did. then he felt a lot better than he did before. I dint want to open my eyes squeezing them tight to control the tears. I couldn’t contain the small tremors. Then I felt linebacker’s cheek against mine. I backed off and opened my eyes. It wasn’t linebacker. The angelic face I was looking at was my wife’s.
“Why, in our bed?”
Thank you for reading.
R. Lee Benton
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