Corprate whore "Hey Nick"


My name is Roy. I am 32 years old and happily married for eight years now, so I thought.

My life ultimately changed forever the morning my beautiful wife that I was so in love with forgot her purse and cell phone. She was in a big hurry being lait she ran out the door without them. I had found them after she had left and knowing her as I do I knew she would go crazy, and absolutely become miserable without them. I thought I might help so I took them to work. When I went in to give them to her on a Saturday of all days. When I arrived the lady in reception told me she wasn’t there.

There were no red flags there, she often met customers outside the office. I logged into her computer and pulled up the address where she had parked the car. Isn’t Lo-Jack amazing. I got back into my pickup and headed to the Four Seasons Inn and Sweets.

Again, no red flags, Anna had many times had business meetings in motel lobbies, lounges, restaurants and even a room occasionally. This was just a part of her job.
I saw her car when I pulled onto the parking lot, just for fun I parked right next to her. I walked to the lobby with her purse in hand. That is where I had received my first red flag.
James Johnson, both Anna’s and my boss. He was setting on a sofa reading the newspaper.
The lobby was large and very formal. I see a large leaf tree growing in the corner with a few seats around it. I went and sat down wandering, one where my wife was and two what the fuck was James Johnson doing waiting in the lobby.
I watched closely the ding of the elevator sounded and James looked up expectantly. When two couples stepped form the elevator on their way out, James went back to his reading. ‘He was waiting for my wife to come down from the elevator.’ I said to myself.
I don’t know what I was feeling or even thinking as the realization came to me. The fact that my wife was upstairs with a customer without escort, and her boss was waiting for her in the lobby of the hotel. I wanted to go up to James Johnson and ask him what the fuck…. But all I did was wait.
It seemed forever before the elevator binged and my wife stepped out with a man I have never seen before. He was an older man mid fifties and in a nice tailored suit. But he was holding my wife’s hand. James jumped up from where he was setting and immediately met them.
With a broad smile Anna pulled parchment form her braw and handed them to James. “All signed sealed and delivered.” She announced.
The other man asked, “I can still see you again when I come back in a few weeks?”
Anna turned to him and smiled. “I am only available in the evenings Monday Wednesday and Sunday. Other than that, I must meet you during business hours. No exceptions.”
Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays? I thought to myself, Mondays I had staff meetings, Wednesdays Anna had staff meetings, and Saturday has always been girl’s night out for Anna almost every Saturday. Shit that couldn’t be a coincidence.
“Not even by appointment?”
“No, sorry but that is all I can give.” She turned to James and continued. “I have a barbeque tonight I have to get back, Roy should be expecting me.”
The strange man decided to make a smart-ass comment “Well I guess you have to get back to your cuckold don’t you.”
Anna spun around on him and got right into his face then spat out. “Don’t you dare call him that, you son-of-a- bitch he is twice the man you are and ten times the lover. You and your three-inch prick.”
James started laughing so hard he about fell over. The other man was speechless holding his hands up trying to step back in surrender.
“I told you not to say anything about her old man, I warned you.” James finally finished.
“I am sorry Mrs. Anna I am really sorry, it was supposed to be a joke.”
Anna turned and walked away from both men walking within five feet of me on her way out without seeing me. I watched her leave and looked up as James and the other man went into the elevator. I got up and went to reception.
The lady smiled, and I handed her my wife’s purse with her cell in it. I told her “the woman that just left is going to be running back in here, give her the purse and phone and let her know her husband brought it to her please.” The lady looked at me with a look of concern on her face, yet still excepted her mission. I turned and walked to the lounge.
I threw a fifty-dollar bill on the bar and asked the bar tender for a triple Jim Beam neat and directions.
He poured my triple shot sat it on the bar and ask me where I wanted to go.
I threw back the drink at once and told him I needed another way to get to the cars out front. He took me to the back of the bar and showed me a door. I walked out the door just in time to see my wife running to the front lobby. I hurriedly walked to my pickup started it and drove off.


My cell phone went off before I turned the corner, it was my cheating wife. I dint answer it, I decided to set it to go straight to voice mail. I was in a confused state of anger and rage, not to mention jealousy and loss. I dint really know what to do. I needed more time, time to think what the hell I witnessed, and information. What the hell was she doing, up stars with a man and her, hell our boss in the lobby of the hotel waiting for her, them.
Driving down root 5 I called James Johnson’s cell number. I shouldn’t have done it till I was calmer, but I was too angry to wait.
“Roy where are you your wife is frantic.”
“What where you doing in the lobby of the Four Seasons waiting for my wife to come down the elevator with another man?”
“Roy you need to talk to your wife she is beside herself with grief here, let me give her my phone.”
I hung up.
I went to the atm and pulled 300.00 bucks from our checking account, from there I went to the slimiest no tell motel I could find and checked in for the night cash. I asked the attendant where the nearest liquor store was, he pointed the way.
I bought the biggest bottle of Jim Beam they had and a two-leader bottle of diet coke.
Returning to the room the first thing I had to do was turn off the porno on the television. I made myself a drink and killed half of it, then I turned my phone back on. I called Charly Love who was the big boss above James.
“Roy?” Charly asked when he answered the phone.
“Charly, yea this is Roy I just seen something, and someone has to tell me what is going on.”
“Roy, you need to relax I already know, James called me already.”
“So why was he waiting in the lobby for my wife while she was upstairs in the motel with a man I had never met, and why shouldn’t I believe she wasn’t in the mans room with him before she got to the lobby? I don’t know what is going on, but I don’t like this one bit. Tell me what the fuck I saw Charly, please.”
“Roy, why don’t we meet up in my office, I can.” I cut him off.
“No! I am not meeting you or anyone else I need to know what my wife was doing in a motel with a strange man wile James waited for her in the lobby.”
“Roy we really need to meet face to face on this.” He said calmly.
“Spit it out Charly. I have made you a lot of money and never lied to you. Not one word of untruth. What the fuck was my wife doing in that hotel with a man wile James waited.”
There was a long pause before he finally answered. “look Roy, your wife was making a sail. She closed a two-million-dollar contract. Her commotion from it will be two thousand dollars up front, more to come. What you saw was your wife making you money, not to mention that you get to work the contract, that will be long term stability and good for two years. Roy you should be proud of her doing what she doses to keeping your job stable.”
I hung up. I had no idea, I know this wasn’t supposed to happen. But it did. my phone rang again it was my wife, I ignored the call, when it rang again it was James I ignored him and turned it off and proceeded to get drunk.
The next morning, I called a friend of mine that had been trying to hire me for the last five years, I told him if he really wanted me, I needed a plane ticket, one thousand dollars and a place to stay for two months. It took him less than a second to accept my offer.
I had to leave my phone on to get the antennary, his secretary was going to call me back sometime in the next hour or two to let me know about the flite.
I called another friend of mine that had gotten divorced and got the lawyers name. he recommended his wife’s lawyer instead of his. I called and made an appointment that afternoon. My phone didn’t ring which made me nervous so after I got the time of my flight I left the phone in my room and went to the lawyer’s office.
I spoke to a Mrs. Carla Banks who recommended I go for the jugular, I didn’t want nothing but a simple divorce and go. She hemmed and hawed trying to make me go further but I refused. I still loved my wife. I just couldn’t believe she would whore for me to keep my job. What the hell. I gave Mrs. Banks receptionist a credit card for her retainer and left. She had also had full power of attorney for all matters of the divorcee. It should be simple sell the house, we had no kids, she had her car I had my pickup witch I was going to give away. I would walk out of this marriage with nothing but the cloths on my back.
I landed lait that night in a new state, new town, new job and a big feeling of loss and emptiness. I knew then I was doing the wrong thing. However, I dint know what to do about it.
I went to a motel that was set up for me in advance, I checked in and turned on my phone. It was getting late, so I knew I wouldn’t get any calls. The notifications started coming in and I decided to call my voice mail. The messages went sort of desperate at first, then as time went on it became anger then like someone turned on a lamp she began to plead for me to call her. It was hard for me not to dial her at once. In fact, I started too but a plan started forming in my mind and I thought it might be best if it played threw. I took several drinks and started reading the text messages, they were about the same as the voice mail. I stared at the phone for a long time before I turned it off. I started feeling a little too tipsy, so I started to dose off.

The day, the very moment I laid eyes on Roy Davis I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life in his arms. He was amazingly good looking, six-foot-tall, broad chest, his smile made my loins ache with pleasure.
I have never been promiscuous yet on our very first date I refused to let him say no, and what a lover he is. We kept seeing each other throughout collage, I loved every second I spent with him. He was something special, I obtained a degree in anthropology while he majored in accounting and business. Hind sight being what it is, I know that was a mistake there isn’t a lot of jobs for an anthropology major out here.
We where at a job fair and I was staying very close to Roy when we met James Johnson, he chatted with me a lot and got a good feel for each other, Roy got the job, it was a wonderful job at first and though he was nervous I was there to let him know he could do it.
We bought a house; the firm had guaranteed our loan and encouraged us into buying a much nicer house than we wanted, I later regretted that.
James had this nice car, a Mercedes Benz he let me buy it for what he said was a bargain, I had I appraised it was, but we couldn’t really afford it. Again, the firm guaranteed our loan for the bank. Roy’s checks started coming in and I was amazed how much they were even with the deductions of the house-note and car payment.
After about six months the economy started going downhill and Roy lost most of our income. I had a job, but it was nothing like Roy had. His checks started coming in under one hundred dollars a week after taxes and deductions. That’s when Roy sold his Harley Davidson. It was the only thing in the world he loved as much as me. I cried when he sold it, thinking how stupid we where to by such an expensive home and I really didn’t need a Mercedes. I put the car up for sail, but no one was buying we where in trouble and there seemed no way out.
Roy told me that there was a business party we had to attend at work, I got dressed in my best dress, Roy dressed in his best business suit. When I was done I looked good enough to eat. It had been a long time almost two weeks since we made love, mainly dew to the stress of lousing his income. I was hoping to seduce my man tonight.
The second we arrived James took me by the arm and led me to a conference room. He told me that he understands what I am going through and that if I am interested he can offer me a job making almost as much as Roy used to. Of course, I wanted the job, I needed to fix our mistakes, I was the one who bought the Mercedes and I picked out the house as well. Roy never made me feel bad about that though. I love him so much.
I couldn’t hold back my excitement. After James offered me the job and I told him I wouldn’t need to give notice where I was, they would understand. I told him I would see him bright and early Monday morning.
I waited for the ride home to spring the news on Roy though. He was driving, I told him I had some good news.
“What good news, I sure could use some?”
“James offered me a job,” I announced. “I am going to be a new sails assistant. He said that I can make some good money. And, all my sails will be assigned to you. So, it is a win, win for both of us. Well what do you think?”
He and I both went home and celebrated between my legs. It was the some of the best sex we have had since graduating.
I woke Monday dressed appropriately in a pencell skirt that stopped below the knee a white blouse buttoned to the neck, black braw and panties flat black shoes. I was ready to go to work.
James met me at reception, he was waiting for me. He personally escorted me to a medium size office that had been separated into six cubical. There were only four women there, they greeted me warmly and brought me to a conference room with mirrors on two sides. They had me fill out a whole bunch of paper work for personnel.
I met some of the sails men and women. They all seemed nice. They sat me down and told me that we would be negotiating contracts of anything from one hundred thousand dollars to up to one hundred million dollars. The people who have that sort of money to spend have a lot of expectations. And we here are the unspoken deliverers of these expectations.
“As you know your husband must keep working to keep the income flowing, we have to sell. Just how bad do you want to keep the money flowing in your accounts is something we have to ask ourselves every day.” The sails manager Carol billings lectures. She introduces me to the other three women. All three where married to other men working with Roy. All three of the women where very pretty just like me, and all three of them except me where dressed in very nice reviling clothing that accented their breasts and legs. All three of them also had six-inch heels on with there hair lose around their necks.
I had to ask, “we all work to keep our husbands working?”
“Yes, Proudly.” One of the women answered.
“Ok, so what do I have to do?” I asked just as proudly as she did.
They all smiled at me. Joy, one of the wife’s, told me “we will be showing you very quickly, I have an appointment in just a few. Most of the clients meet us during our staff meetings on Monday, or our husbands staff meetings on Wednesday, then there is girl’s night out, were we meet the clients on Saturdays. The other four days a week are only for our husbands.
“Ok?” I drawled out for a couple of seconds. I didn’t know I would be working nights.
“I want you to know that we are in this together, so, if there is any problems you can let us know…”
It was nice to know I had support structure in place, I sort of liked that. But I still didn’t know what I was expected to do.
James came into the conference room. “Mr. Smith is here Joy. are you ready?” he asked.
Joy smiled and said “Always!!!” She then came to me and hugged me unexpectedly. “Take notes if you need to, and let me know what you think.” Then she left the room. I started to fallow but I was stopped by James.
The other girls and I started to gather around one of the mirrors in the conference room. James flicked a switch and the room went dark. As it did the mirror became transparent. Beyond the mirror was a room. It was made up into a really nice bedroom. The room had a king size four poster bed, phenomenal art work by Peter Max. what surprised me the most is. It had a large photo of Joy and her husband in the room. I stared at the photo. I guessed it was incentive for joy to do her best.
The door opened to the room in only a couple of moments, Joy and a large man walked in hand in hand. Joy brought him to the bed??? My mouth fell open and I started to feel all the blood leave my face as I watched joy sit on the bed very seductively. This has to be a joke I think to myself as I continued watching. I couldn’t stop myself.
He went to her and sat beside her and put her arm around her. ‘Oh my god?’ I was utterly speechless. As I watch her go to him, he who is not her husband and kiss him. kiss him on the mouth with a photo of her and her husband on the wall right behind her. Then when his hand starts to feel her breasts I began to faint.
I feel arms around me that began to hold me up. I hear a deep male voice whisper into my ear. “Relax honey. Everything is ok.”
I stare at what can only be described as complete infidelity, adultery, out right cheating.
“See the contract on the bed side table sweet heart?” James asked.
“Yes.” I murmur.
“She will have that signed before anything happens. She is really good at this.” He finished.
I watched on as he began to undress her. he pulled her top over her head and then began to undo her skirt. She allowed him to feel he was in control. I watched her and I could tell even though he felt control she was playing him like a two-dollar fiddle. It was like the artwork on the wall by a great artist. Look into the empty spots and you will find something.
Joy was topless now as he was pulling her skirt off her, she looked at the mirror and smiled. Then she winked at us. Even though I thought she winked at me.
I noticed she wasn’t waring panties, as he finished pulling her skirt down and then began to mount her. that is when she made her move.
She stopped him and kissed him good. “Oh, baby I want you so bad but I promised Ken. Oh, honey can you at least promise me that you will let him do the work for us. Then you can have me anytime you want…. Please promise me.” she said holding him back from her.
The man looks up and then sucks on Joy’s nipple for just a second. “Ok!!!” he says firmly. Stands up and quickly picks up the pin that is laying on the contract, he signs it quickly and drops it back on the bed side table.
Joy smiles like she just won the lottery and says. “Ok, baby, I am yours now.” He wasted no time getting between her legs and taking her.
I notice he was a small man in the man department. If he was four inches long it would be giving him credit. But as he fucks Joy, she acted like he shoved a two by four in her. At first, I thought she might have a pussy the size of a pin prick but then I notice that she roles her eyes at us.
I stood there sweeting as James arms held me steady. I was thankful for them but not all that thrilled that another man was touching me. This body belonged to Roy. However, I needed the support right now.
It took him a long time to cum, when he finally did, joy acted like she had just fucked the Dallas cowboys starting lineup.
I could tell that Joy was done and wanted out of the room with him. She quickly got dressed and kept telling him. “I have to get back to work.”
I could see he was spent and wanted a nap. I almost laughed. That is how Roy looked most of the time after we make love.
They walked out of the room together after dressing and checking themselves in the mirror right in front of us.
As they left James led me to a seat and helped me into it. Joy came into the room and presented James with the signed contract and sat in front of me with the other women.
James sat down and asked. “So, what do you think.” As he handed Joy what looked like a lot of one hundred-dollar bills.
I was speechless.
Joy held up the stack of hundreds and said. “Two thousand bucks.” She then looked at the clock on the wall. “For ten minuets worth of work. Not bad I would say.”
I wanted to run. I wanted to turn and bolt out the door and find my husband and run. But the sight of all that cash. The two-grand would catch us up on all the small bills we had gotten behind on. not only that but we could go shopping and have some real food tonight, instead of Ramon noodles. But could I do it.
I went home that night. Roy did not. He was sent to a conference out of town. I knew this was to keep my mind to myself and keep my Roy from finding out what was going on.
Joy and Amy, came home with me. they brought some liquor to keep me settled, but they didn’t let me drink too much.
Finally, I was given the job description. I would be a corporate whore. They gave me the rules. There would be three nights a week I would be expected to be available, there would be cover by saying staff meetings. For Roy would be on Monday, mine would be Wednesday and Saturdays would be girl’s night out.
They told me that they would cover for me and I would be expected to cover for them. we would each day come up with alibies for each other.
One of the rules that I must fallow is… I must keep taking care of my husband. In there experience the only time one of us got caught was because she wasn’t taking care of her husband getting all sorts of loving from the clients.
It had cost the company a great business consultant, a really good whore and millions of dollars in settlement and needed to be avoided. So, Rule number one was take care of your husband. Especially when you don’t want too. a couple of the girls said. Joy told me “The real work is when I get home most nights. Having sex with Jeremy is harder some days than fucking some of my clients.”
I dint like that at all. I loved making love to Roy. I looked forward to it each and every chance I could. I dint want that to change. I finally asked. “How long do I have to decide to do this or not?”
Joy simply said. “We need to know now. We have someone that needs encouraging. He has mentioned your name already. He will be at the office in the morning…..”
There was a long silence. “Ok. Shit.”
The next morning the girls helped me dress for my fist client. Nothing too slutty. A skirt and a blouse, stockings and heals. I dint have any stilettos and was told that I would need to get some.
I was told we had an open account at one of the local boutiques in town.
James pointed to the room that was being cleaned by a cleaning crew of three people. Another contract was setting on the bedside table with a pen. And I also noticed that the photo of Joy and Ken was replaced to a phot of me and Roy…
James took my arm and led me around the hallway to the door that led to the room.
I was glad when James introduced me to Bill Knight, that he wasn’t all that bad looking. I was glad I dint have to say anything to him. James continued to lead me right back to the room that I watched Joy fuck her client. It was clean and smelled of lilacs.
I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks as the strange man led me to the bed. I let him undress me, I was quite stiff as he took my clothes off. I know was just going through the motions as he continued to molest my body. He took me at the edge of the bed, he was standing as he put his six-inch cock into me and began to fuck me with it.
He didn’t last very long and came in me which I hated even more than the fact that I let another man touch and fuck me.
“Well… that was great Anna.” The man said after he signed the contract and gotten himself dressed. “Hope I did you better than your cuckold husband…” he continued.
My husband…. My husband…... “Don’t you dare you SON-OF-A-BITCH…. You call him that again I will rip your little two-inch cock off you with my bare hands.” I jumped charging him in an offensive stance.
James charged threw the door right then and caught me before I would have hurt him. He calmed me down and the other women came in to help him keep me away from the client. They tired to tell me that some of the clients like to make fun of the fact that we are married and essentially cuckolding our husbands. Except for the fact that they don’t know about it.
I told them “If anyone says anything about Roy… I will rip his dick off and I don’t care how big it is.” Staring right at James.
James reached down to protect himself. He knew I meant it.
I went home and took a shower for over an hour. I cried for the whole time I was in there.

My schedule was simple Monday through Friday I was to show up for work. Even though I drove my own car I would bring a large hand bag so I wouldn’t have to dress sexy on my way to work. I did everything I could to assure Roy never found out what I was doing.
I did not see multiple clients every day. In fact, I saw one or two a week. Most of our clients lived out of town and needed to be happy when I was available.
I didn’t have to have sex on the three nights either. Actually, I only had to seduce or be seduced by someone one or two times a week. With one exception. James Johnson decided I owed him something and wanted me. he told me it was because he gave me the job that I was able to be here so he should be able to have privileges with me.
James did not use the company bedrooms, or even the motels I had to go to, to meet, or meat, lol the particular clients. He instead took me to my house. he had sex with me in the spare room. I absolutely refused to have sex with him in my marital bed. That was for me and Roy. I even went so far as to put a lock on the door so he couldn’t go in it.
One time he demanded the key and I simply told him that Roy was the only one who had it. of coerce I was lying but he wasn’t going to get in there. The bastard even threatened to lay Roy off if I didn’t let him fuck me in the room. Talk about your slimy piece of shit.
I made sure that I took care of Roy every time he wanted me. I never said no to my husband.
One other thing that I started doing was I started keeping a budget. I had a feeling the clothing I had to buy to be the corporate whore I was, had to be paid back. So, unlike the other wives I didn’t spend a lot of money there.
The cloths where very high-end designer labels. The stilettos they made me buy where almost three thousand dollars.
I reused the clothing several times and I went to another boutique to buy more. They weren’t as nice but I didn’t have them on long enough for anyone to notice.
One little hiccup that James tried to fix with me was I protected my husband Roy. No ONE, said a bad word about my husband around me.
I almost lost a 5-million-dollar deal because I slapped the shit out of the client after he told me I was married to a wimp, letting me fuck around like I was. I had slapped him three times and going for more when I was pulled off him. I was the whore; my husband was everything to me. he was really all I had. the money, the car, the house, they were nothing without Roy.
I think if it wasn’t for my husband, I would have killed myself.
Thank you for reading
R.L. Benton
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