


no one under the age of 18 had sex of any tipe in this story.

Can anyone really explain how it feels, when the wheels touch the earth beneath you near your home after being away for three and a half years. There is an extra euphoria with me because I am home and single for the first time in 8 years.

I all but run to the baggage claim to get my duffle and head to the long-term parking. I knew the pickup truck was going to be a disaster, but I paid a service to have it cleaned up and started, tires and battery checked. It cost a bit, but I know it was worth it in the long run.

I smiled after retrieving the keys and looking at my baby. The silver paint was not all that bad, but the pickup stood out like a beacon because of its orange doors. I had an accident a few years ago someone backed in to me on my right side. Just as I was on my way to get it fixed someone else backed into the left side of my pickup. I couldn’t believe it myself. The second man didn’t have insurance and I sort of liked the guy, so I gave him a break. I took the pickup to the junk yard and found two orange doors that fit my truck. I was going to have it repainted just before, well just before. I didn’t mind the look, what the hell Its mine and they know I am here now, no sneaking around trying to get away with something. The service changed the tires and put new battery and even changed the oil and radiator cap. The itemized receipt was on the front seat. I started the pickup right up. It was still early, I was in uniform and so I decided to report to my commanding general before I went home. I was stalling, I knew it, but I really wasn’t ready for the pain to start yet.

General Morass was a great general. He seemed to know everything about his base and no one would ever pull the wool over his eyes. He had been my commanding general for seven years before I asked to be deployed to Kuwait voluntarily. He was in a state of shock and I told him that me and Anna were divorcing, and I need to be away till then. He didn’t like it but put me on a one-year deployment only because they were so desperate for officers there.

I volunteered for three more times, but the last time they refused my request, so after the three and a half years I was there. They shipped me right back to where I didn’t want to go or be.

I reported to my General with a proper salute and stood at attention, he returned my salute and told me to have a seat. After the pleasantries’, he asked me what my plans where tonight.
I asked him if he wanted it strait or embellished? He told me strait, so I said. “I think I am going to the offense’s club, from there I am going to relieve three years of pent up frustration and back up on the first woman that even accidentally looks my direction.” I answer honestly.
He gives me a funny look and says, “You might want to belay that for a few more months yet caption.”
I am looking a bit confused and wandering why he would say that. He knew I had filed divorce papers before I left the first time. So, I asked.
“Well.” He said a little embarrassed. “You are aware that you aren’t divorced yet. Don’t you?”
“The lieutenant said that it was a done deal. All I had to do was wait for the twelve months and it would be over. It has been far more than that now.”
“I am sorry that I am the one to tell you, but your wife has been fighting this divorce tooth and nail. She told me personally that she will find out whatever irreconcilable differences that are bothering you and make it right.”
I sat there in total amazement. “She chose another man.” I said for the first time since I had filed. I had lied about the true reason for filing, I put irreconcilable differences rather than infidelity. The scar on her would be Permanente and she would be forever branded an adulterer. I didn’t want to do that to her. I just wanted a simple divorce and go.

“I knew that,” the general announced “what I don’t know is why didn’t you put that on the divorce? I could have pushed it threw if you had of. But cense you didn’t she requested counseling and Judge Bud Arthur” the judge assigned to my case. “said she will get it. I couldn’t stop it.”

I exhaled audibly and looked at the general. “These sucks: I guess I need to get with my lawyers and see what I have to do.”

“You go on now report to colonial Day in three weeks, that will give you time to get settled.”

“Thank you, Sr.,” I saluted did a bout face and left very disappointed.
I wasn’t ready to face my lawyers. yet I needed to face them when I wasn’t so angry. I was supposed to be divorced and dammit I wasn’t. I headed towards the house I bought some ten years ago. I really wasn’t quite ready to go there yet, I knew it would be full of painful ghosts, so I instead went to Denny’s restaurant for some dinner. Truthfully, I was stalling, I knew it. I was setting facing the front doors, I had ordered coffee and a grand slam breakfast when she walked in. Dam she was still beautiful, she still made my heart shudder. She was on her cell phone and looked straight at me, so much for hoping she didn’t see me. She hung up and made a bee line right for me and sat down without invitation.

“Roy, oh my god I couldn’t believe it when I saw your truck.” She said and took a few breaths. “I would ask where you been, but I know where, so let’s get right to the point. I need to talk to you. It’s important.”

“I have nothing to say to you Anna.” I assured her plainly. “now if you don’t leave I will and stick you with the check.” Was my best attempt at a threat.

She looked at me and told me again “We have to talk Roy.”

I started to get up to leave just as I did she grabbed my hand holding me in place. I felt the electricity pulse threw my vanes as it always has ever since the first time I held her hand, those feelings mixed with the pain of what I had gone threw was monumental I went pail and my knees went weak, then I fell back into my chair.
“We need to talk!” Anna said with harsh bitterness in her voice. “Set down now.” She continued making sure I was aware she wasn’t afraid of making a scene.
I sat and glared at her, she glared back. “we need to talk between our lawyers, not face to face. I don’t want to do or say something that will mislead what is really going….” I stopped talking and looked up. I recognized the woman that just came in the door. She was panting like she had ran a marathon, yet that isn’t what caught my attention. She was carrying a small blond hared bundle of joy. The little girl’s bright blue eyes where the size of small saucers, and her little smile was enough to light up the room, I froze because my soon to be ex mother-in- law was carrying her.
Noticing my look, Anna turned and started to wave at her mother, “over here.”
Deloris, carrying the bundle walked strait to us, surprisingly she smiled a genuine smile “Hi Roy great to see you again this is Chelsie” She handed Anna the bundle.
The little girl kissed her mouth hugged her like she had been gone a month, then asked in an excited voice, jumping up and down as she did, “Is that him mommy?”
I gritted my teeth. Looked up and couldn’t help myself. “So, is this yours and Jim’s love chilled?”
Deloris changed her look dramatically, but said nothing, just stood there.
Anna went pail then looking down “I suppose I deserve that. That and a lot more but can you restrain the comments until we are alone Chelsy doesn’t need to hear some of what you want to say to me.”
“It is an honest question. You don’t have to tell me who the father is if you don’t want to. It’s really none of my business, I apologize for my hasty comment.” I say as I got up to leave, I threw a twenty on the table without another word I walked out still very hungry. So, I went to the store and picked up several things before I went home.

I could feel the stinging in the back of my eyes before I even pulled into the driveway. The house was empty now, but I could hear sounds that will never go away. I could see the visions of my last night there. I was so stupid and naïve, I knew it was going to happen, I don’t know if I wanted to stop it or not. So, I made the decision not to stop it, for as long as everyone was honest with me I could forgive. Not only where they not honest, but something they did was just to mortifying for words. I could not live the life of a cuckold in that way. I was so in love with her I don’t think any woman will ever hold my heart like Anna did, or in fact still dose. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of her for more than three years now. So, do I still love her, probably. I don’t think she will ever get out of my heart. I tried to hate her, that lasted six months. I just couldn’t. so, I tried to hate him. That lasted almost eighteen months, he was a great friend, not anymore, I have no intentions of speaking to him again, but I don’t hate him. Again, I could have stopped it, I didn’t, so I need to kick my own ass first before I condemn anyone else.

The furniture was still in the house about where it was the day I left. All her things are gone, I walk to the hall and froze, the door was ajar just as it was that night. I couldn’t breathe as the memory became haunting. I finally take steps to the door and look in. the bed is there, made up neatly but there is no one on it. No moans no whispers no ghosts, but I feel the pain none the less.

I turn and go to our room, Anna’s and mine. The bed there is made and empty as it will be for a long time I realize. I had and still have no desire to be with anyone right now. The love I still have with Anna must die before I could start another.

Anger suddenly passed threw me. I grabbed the mattress of our bed and dragged it threw the house threw the sliding glass door in the back. I threw it in the middle of the yard. I went to the garage and grabbed a maul. I went back to the room and began beating the bed apart with the maul. I carried the pieces out back in the pile. Then I went to the spare room and did the same with that bed, the bed I watched them on. It wasn’t enough I did the same to the dresser and side tables. I went to the garage and grabbed four bottles of lamp oil and began to douse the pile. I had a tough time finding something to start it with, finally putting some paper on the stove until it ignited and carrying it carefully to the back then putting it to the lamp oil.

The fire took off slowly but gained in momentum. It was well controlled, and I had a garden hose nearby to keep it under control.
I was setting in a chair watching the fire when I heard her voice for the second time today. I looked, she had come in the house uninvited and She was carrying Chelsey, “shall we get some marsh mellows.”
I bit back “Anything you cook on this fire will be poison!” I turned to stare at the fire hoping they would just leave.
She pulled a chair beside me and sat putting down the little girl. “Not too close to the fire Chelsey.”
I turned to her and spat out, “what are you doing here?”
“Watching our bed burn with you right now” she said with a bit of smart ass. “We have to talk.” She said with a plea of desperation in her voice.

I turned to her not trying to hide the anger in my face and again I said. “The lawyers do my talking for me, what you said the day I left was all I ever want to here, and yea, I know, YOU DIDN’T SAY IT TO ME!” I emphasized very clearly one word at a time, so she could understand.
“There is more to it than you think. But that isn’t what I want to talk to you about.”
We were both watching Chelsie closely, she was sitting on a bench not far from us holding a doll and watching us and the fire as we sat. she was beautiful, the little girl I longed for all my life the little girl I wanted Anna to give me, but she refused.
“Chelsie,” Anna said. “Can you play outside while we go in and have a talk?” she asked her.
“Shure mom.” She replied.
I still to this day don’t know why I decided to talk to her but I did. “Not too close to the fire.” We both stated at the same time.
She smiled and said, “I won’t.”
We went inside and sat at the dining room table, I had a pleasant view of Chelsie and for some unknown reason I wanted to keep an eye on her. “So, talk.” I wanted to say bitch, but I held back. Still not believing I was talked into this conversation.
“To start with you are Chelsy’s father.” She started.
The anger in my face had to be evident as I turned from watching Chelsie to face my soon to be ex-wife, then I drawled out. “Bull shit….” “You where fucking Jim bare back the day I left, we didn’t have sex for weeks, well not intercourse. You just kept making me….” I stopped not wanting to say it allowed.
Anna didn’t look up at me she knew the truth and like me, some of it was too much to say allowed.
Something shifted in the fire making a blinding light for an instant. I looked back through the glass doors and Chelsie was gone. I jumped up and ran to the door, opening it so hard it jumped the track. I ran outside and looked around desperate to find the little girl, I stared at the fire but could see anything. I heard something behind me so I turned to find Chelsie standing with the prettiest smile holding out flowers. Actually, they were weeds with flowering tops.

“I picked these for you.” She said. I was torn between yelling and crying, I wanted to beat her ass but more of me just wanted to hug her. I closed my eyes and was surprised when I felt wetness run down my right cheek. I bent and took the flowers. Realizing the girl didn’t do a thing wrong. She just wanted to pick flowers. “Thank you, Chelsie.”
“maybe you and mommy can get along better if I was gooder.” She said.
“Gooder?” I questioned.
She came to me and motioned to me, so she could whisper in my ear something.” Don’t tell mommy I know but I know you left because I wasn’t good enough.”
My heart that I thought was completely destroyed ripped out of my chest yet again as I took this little girl in my arms and held her, “Honey I am not sure what is going on here right now. I don’t know what your mom and grandma is telling you, but you are the Gooderist little girl I have ever met, you are gooder than any girl I will ever know.”
She smiled at me, “Are you going to be my daddy then?”

My heart; that again I dint know I even had rolled over in my chest with great empathy I looked at her and said. “Being a daddy isn’t something I can chose. It is either is or is not, if I had a choice of course I would love to be your daddy, but it isn’t as simple as choice Chelsie.”
She looked confused, “Mommy said that you are my daddy but may not want to be because she hurt you really bad,” she hushed her tone. And whispered. “That’s because I was in her belly, that’s why you left.”
“I dint know you where in her belly when I left Chelsie. I really didn’t. had I known I would have never left.”
“Let’s go inside” Anna suggested as she stood behind me.
Chelsie hugged me tighter, I thought it was just a hug, but she kept hugging me. I picked her up before she loosened her grip. I held her with her setting on my arm and on hand on her back, her face was in my neck and her arms around me. She fit like a well-tailored glove. For the whole time I carried her I wanted her to be mine, all mine. But somehow, I didn’t think it was posable.
We sat at the table and I turned her to face her mother, she was searching her purse, pulling out two envelopes she slid them across the table. “D.N.A. results” she said. “your parents requested them, they both took samples and so did Chelsie and me. I opened them and had a tough time reading them at first until I found where it said biological grad parents and percentage of match, 92 percent for my dad, it was only 89 for my mother. I stared at the results of the testing. As I felt the young Chelsie squirm from boredom, I started to hug her, slowly the truth started to sink in.
“You already knew though.” She said. “I saw the way you ran out after her the second you lost sight of her, you already knew.”
I was confused, and dint know what to say. I looked to her and bit out. “So that’s what you have been waiting on in the divorce, Child support?” though I tried to hide it in bitterness and anger, I couldn’t hide the feelings of loss. I was completely dazed when I felt two streams of wetness role down from both my eyes this time. I tried to hide my face, but I knew she saw.
“I deserved that too, I suppose, and more, let me know when you think I had enough.” I was speechless, her voice was more a surrender than anything else, then she said something that took all thought away for a moment. “Roy, Chelsie hasn’t eaten lunch yet, I am going to go to Mc Donald’s to get her something, why don’t you watch her wile I am gone, you still like there big Mack?”
“That would be fine,” I say after a moment of shock wore off. And truly not realizing what I had just committed too.
“make sure you keep an eye on the fire,”
I jumped up with Chelsie and headed to the back door, with a three-year-old in my arms. The fire was good. I sat Chelsie down and began to stir the fire to keep it burning
I came back to her and we sat opposite of each other each in our own chair. “So, tell me Chelsie what do you like to do when your mom isn’t around.”
She shrugged.
“You like to work on cars, rebuild engines, climb mountains?”
She started to giggle at my questions. “I am only three.” She said.
Oh, so you’re in high school now when do you graduate?
She giggled again. “your being silly.”
I make an exaggerated confused face, then one of surprise, “You’re in collage already?”
She giggled some more “no silly I am in preschool. Mommy drops me off when she goes to work.”
I nod my head, so you like to go climbing mountain’s or swimming? What do you like to do?
“I don’t know?” she answers in between more giggling.
“What about fishing?” I asked and look at her face closely.
She lit up like a Christmas tree. “I have never gone but mommy tells me you go a lot and….” She stopped not wanting to ask me.
“So, do you want to go fishing with me sometime?” I asked for her.
“Yes, if mommy said it was ok I would.”
“How about tomorrow. And I will ask your mommy for you.”
She jumped from her chair to my lap and hugged me good. I guessed that was a yes. I had a date, cool by me. I hugged her back. We chatted some more and watched as the fire turned to nothing but smoldering ash. I sprayed water on it and dowsed it completely out before we went in. I pulled some bread, ham, mayo and mustard out of the refrigerator and made us both a sandwich with milk.
She shared about her school and her home and mostly the things her grandma and grandpa liked to do, seems she had two of each, and they liked to take her to the movies and buy her cloths eat out a lot. She liked them both and has her own room in two houses and an apartment.
I found her fascinating, smart as a whip, and beautiful. She was getting tired and I let her sleep on the sofa covering her with an old blanket I had found with a pillow for her head. I sat watching her breath as she slept when Anna walked in without knocking a Mc Donald’s bags in hand.
I glared at her. “We already ate.”
“I figured but it won’t go to waist, you do have a microwave, don’t you?” she said as she walked into the kitchen and put the food away as if she owned the place.
“What took you so long?” I asked
She looked at me before she answered, “thought you would like some time with your daughter is all.”
She was right though I would never admit it to her, “Where you been?”
“I went to run some errands, then I talked to your parents, at their home, then I went to get the food and came back.” She looked at me as if to say something unspoken. “They agreed with me to let you get to know your daughter.” Still looking at me. “What do you think of her?”
“She is amazing.” I said then continued, “she is smart full of life, incredibly grateful and joyous. I don’t think anyone could ever take the smile off of her. Not that I wouldn’t kill anyone who would try.” I immediately wanted to take the last back. But it was too late.
“A little protective aren’t you daddy” she said with a smirk on her face.
I just glared at her. “We are going fishing tomorrow.” It wasn’t a request. I was surprised by her response. “What time you need her here?” she asked. “Six, A.M. please.” “Ok, she will be here at six. She may not be all awake though, she is used to sleeping till eight, I don’t go to work till nine.”

She turned and picked up her daughter with all the care of a great mother, “come on baby, time to say good bye to daddy and go home, you can see him again tomorrow.”

Chelsie started moaning and pointed to me, her groans got louder with each step she took away from me until Anna turned and walked back, she held her to me I took her she hugged me so tight It felt unbelievable. Then she kissed my cheek, “I didn’t know what or how it is supposed to feel but for some reason I felt like I just fell in love all over again. She went back to her mother and they left.

I cleaned up and fell asleep on the sofa Chelsie used for her nap. I held her pillow that I had given her as tight as I could, then drifted off full of sorrow for what I had missed. I wish I could say I had a wonderful night sleep, but it wasn’t.

It is a recurring nightmare. It seems like it is in slow motion. I could feel how sick I was. I struggled to the medicine cabinet for some NyQuil. I found three opened empty bottles. Angry now I threw then in the trash. I took a swig of Listerine. It tasted awful. I walked to the bed and laid down.
I toss and turn for a while. I hear something. something I didn’t like. I slowly get out of bed and walk to the hallway. I see the door to the spare room ajar. I walk to it to look in. I can hear them talking as I approach.
“Are you going to do it again?” Jim’s voice echoes.
“No, he took three bottles of NyQuil tonight, he won’t be able to get up. just fuck me and let me go….”
“Tell me what he did the first time he ate my creampie form your pussy. What did he do?”
“You know what he did. I told you. now just get it over with.”
I could hear the bed springs creaking. They continued to creak and then it started to beep, instead of creak. “Beep, beep. Beep.” Shit the alarm….

I was up at 5 am and got ready. I bagged the ashes of the bedrooms and put it on the front for collection. Then waited, I don’t know why I expected she would be late or even stood up however she was there with ten minutes to spare. She carried in the little bundle and as soon as she seen me she almost jumped out of her mother’s arms to me, I caught her well before her mother could even react. This little one would never hit the ground with me around.

Suddenly wide awake, hugging my neck and kissing my cheek she was a bundle of excitement. “Are we going to go, are we going to go.” The excitement was too contagious to ignore.

“Yes, Chelsie we are going to go, let me get with your mom for just a moment before we leave, ok.”

“O. K.” she said one letter at a time with a huge smile.

“Why don’t you go potty wile your daddy and I chat? That’s so you don’t half to stop at the next corner.” Anna murmured to me.

Potty I haven’t thought about that. Or anything else for that matter. “oh, I, a, uh.” I stuttered for a moment. “I have never done this before, what do I need to know.”

The bitch laughed at me. “not much actually. Just listen to her, she will tell you what she needs.” She paused then continued. “She hasn’t eaten yet but loves Mc Donald’s, just take her and have fun, I will be back to pick her up around 4 this evening. 1600 hours in your language.” She laughed a little, she has the most amazing laugh, I tried not to react to it. But I did laugh with her. She handed me a bag, “change of clothes, her doll she doesn’t want you to know about because she wants to act older for you, but she will need her doll if she starts getting tired. Also, I left a car seat at the front door. That’s all you should need” She finished. “See you at four.” She turned and walked out. I couldn’t help noticing she wore a white blouse with a black braw and a short skirt that stopped way above the knee, heals and stockings. Wow she was hot, I think she was swaggering her ass while she left as well. That took an offal lot of effort for just a quick drop and go. what was she up to. FUCK I thought to myself. She must have a date. Doesn’t matter, I have one too.

I was a bit angry but the look on Chelsie’s face took it from me instantly. Chelsie asked, “are we ready to go?”

I had to smile, “Yea I am ready what do you say, shall we catch our dinner for tonight?”

“If we catch enough can mommy come to dinner with us?”

What dose a man say to that but “Shure if she wants to.”


After stopping in the drive threw at Mc Donald’s I took her to a pay lake, she asked about the fishing poles and tackle, “they supply all that for us at this lake, I think it will be fun and it is good for a father daughter first outing here.” Her smile couldn’t have been bigger or brighter. I know if she could reach out of the car seat she was in I would have gotten another hug.

At the lake I checked in and they issued us both a pole and bate, they said if I break a hook just turn it in and they will fix it. We went out and found a space by a tree with some chairs, sort of roughing it here, just kidding. I bated her pole and casted it by the edge of the shadow in the water. I handed it to her and quickly bated my pole and casted it in the shadow. I got a hit almost immediately. Setting the hook discreetly as I could I told her to let me see her pole wile she held mine with the fish on it.

The second she took my pole she felt the tug, “I think there’s a fish on it daddy?”

“Well real it in” I said encouraging her enthusiasm with a smile I took her pole and reeled it in so not to tangle the lines. The look on her face was priceless, unknowingly slowly healing the broken heart that beat in my chest.

“Look daddy look it’s a fish, it’s a fish. I caught a fish.” She said before it was even out of the water yet. She brought it to the shore and I helped her raise her pole, so I could handle the small trout. I put it on the stringer and rebated both poles and did the same thing again, over and over she brought out 8 trout I caught one, only because she had to go to the rest room just as I had set the hook on the one I caught.

Over all it was a glorious day. I took her and pretended to throw her in the lake for out fishing me. Telling her how she will have to swim home. She screamed and laughed as I tossed her in the air. I couldn’t believe the trust in her heart as I did so. We had the fish cleaned and put on ice, it was almost two in the afternoon, we loaded up, she fell asleep while I drove.
I learned something special that day. The most beautiful word in the English dictionary. “DADDY.”
I stopped at the store and woke her to get what we needed for dinner, corn meal, rice, seasoning, potatoes, I had Chelsie chose the vegetables. She picked corn. We got home before she could fall asleep again.

At home we put the fish in the fridge, she insisted in carrying them because after all she caught most of them. We began to prepare for dinner then I thought we should let her mom know she is invited, I called her for the first time in over three and a half years.

“Hello, yea this is Anna.”
“Roy here, Chelsie and I want to invite you to dinner with us, it will be ready about fo, 1600 hours.” I said with a smile.
“That would be nice Roy, I shall attend, tell me what vegetables you picked?”
I chuckled a bit and told her Chelsie picked corn.
She laughed and asked? “how did I know that?”

“Anna?” I asked.
“Thank you.” I said holding back vast emotions. Then hanging up without another word.

After a few breaths Chelsie and I made dinner, she was a great tremendous help with all I asked. Without question she hugged me more times than she caught fish. It made it a bit harder to cook but I dint mind the extra effort one bit.

We had set the table and sat the fish, rice, corn and potatoes on the table when without knocking again Anna walked in carrying a bag of frozen beans.

She could barely hand them to me before the barrage of daily events where recapped by a 3-year-old little girl.

“Mommy I out fished daddy, I caught 8 fishes he only caught one, and he tried to throw me in the lake because I out fished him and but he didn’t thought I thought he would, and he had the fishes cleaned and bought them here and I helped him cook them with this thing he make with the flowery stuff and I kept helping, he said I am a good helper and will be taking over the kitchen in a couple of year like when I am 5, daddy said I can go fishing with him next time we are off too and can help some more.”

I just was amazed how she got all that out in one sentence.

After all that she hugged and kissed Anna. “I guess you two had a wonderful time then” she said.

We ate dinner together it was sociable, and no harsh words where said. I wasn’t about to allow one to cross the table with Chelsie there. We all ate till it was gone after dinner Anna and Chelsie left to go where ever they lived.

It was about half passed seven in the evening, it wasn’t too late, so I got in the pickup and went to my parent’s house. I knocked on the door. When my mother answered it see looked surprised and excited, she slung her arms around me and held me tight for a long time. My dad showed up and held out is hand, “Colonel”, I acknowledged as I shook his hand.

“Son.” He answered back.

Mom invited me in to the living room, me and dad sat, and I took a deep breath. There was a lot I wanted to say to them, but I wanted them both in the same room together. It looked like my dad wanted to say some things to me as well.

After mom brought both of us a beer and her a glass of wine we all sat. Mom started.

Why couldn’t you come to us Roy? She asked. I dint have a chance to answer before dad jumped in.

“Why did you lie on the divorce papers.” he forced.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Chelsie?” I demanded.

“At first” my dad started after a long pause, “because I dint believe she was yours. or our granddaughter, I denied the whole dammed thing at first. It was only at your mother’s insistence that we had the D.N.A. test done. I must say I was surprised the results. After that we fell in love with her of course.”

“No one can help from doing that, she is an angel.” My mother chimed in.

I smiled.

“I found out more after that.” My father added. “And what I found out is why you are not divorced, and corporal fuckwit is in Alaska waiting for a dishonorable discharge from the army. If I have anything to say about it that is.”

“Jim’s is in Alaska?” I ask, not that I really gave a fuck about him.

“Yea, tell we fucking can prosecute him for all of his crimes, that’s where he is, and will stay.”

“You demoted him to corporal?” I asked with a smile I couldn’t hide.

“Yea,” he said. “It would have been easier if you would have come to us rather than run to Kuwait.”

I was surprised by the bitterness in his tone, he hated him. The way my mother looked she didn’t feel much better about him then dad did either. “You going to tell me what you found out?”

My dad just stared at me my mom said “Open your mind son and ask yourself. Would Anna ever cheat on you?”

“She did cheat on me.” I spouted for the first time with much more venom than I had ever intended.

“I didn’t ask you if she cheated on you, I asked you if she would ever cheat on you.” Mom said very sternly. “Think about it.”

I never would have thought that but her actions leading up to what I saw that night was sort of obvious.

My father looked at me and said. “What would happen if she were forced?”

“No one was forcing her.” I stated.

“Let me restate, blackmail. There is reason to believe she was being blackmailed.”

“Just what did he have over her head?” I asked.

“That we still don’t know.” My mother commented.

“That’s what we are trying to find out.” My dad said. “The moment we do he will be in prison I assure you.”


I was raised in a military home, there was a lot of love and companionship. Great people and I never felt neglected. I graduated high school and went to college. That is where I met Jim, he was really shy and secluded. He never could talk to a girl and I was really comfortable with them. It was really easy for me to woo a girl into bed for him it seemed imposable. That was until I started waking up in the morning after being with a nice girl just to find her in his room the next morning.

This became a regular thing and it took a long time for me to find out what they saw in him. I would try to go on a second date with some of these girls, but they would only ask about Jim. It was about six months before I found out what his calling was. I had brought home a pretty blond and had my way with her, we had snuggled together, and I fell asleep when I woke with a start from a bad dream. I went out to get me some water when I saw my gorgeous blond sucking Jim’s cock. It was huge, I was a formattable nine inches, but he was ten, I had an inch and a quarter across he was two and a quarter. Fuck no wander they wanted him, I had no idea.;

We complemented each other well, I was great in math he was great in English, I was an engineer, he was a English literature major. We helped each other into graduating with honors.

From there we joined the army, after boot camp we both went to O.C.S. graduated and I was shipped near my home here in the states. He was shipped to Germany.

I bought a house met and married the love of my life and settled into an illustrious career. He loved to live spent his money and chassed pussy but didn’t catch much. He was shipped back to the states five years later and right to my base, he came to me one day asked me if I would help him out a little, he hated living on base and said he would give me his housing allowance if I rented him the spare room.

When I ran it across to Anna she was delighted, her car had broken down and we had bought a new one. The payments where killing us and the extra money would be save us from reposition. So, he moved in.

The first few months where uneventful so I thought. It was about three months later Anna started acting strange. She didn’t seem as bright and happy as she should be. She seemed down a lot, then she started waring tighter sexier cloths. Especially at home. I came home more than one time to find her without underwear. No braw no panties at all, what husband in their right mind would object to that.

The things that started to bother me started at about 3 weeks before the event. I was watching television my wife next to me in a short skirt, the program was really intense, so I really didn’t notice at first, on a break on the show I looked at James across the room staring at my wife, her legs where spread wide apart I know she wasn’t wearing panties. I got mad and kicked her legs closed. “What the fuck Anna?”

I should have listened, “I am sorry, I didn’t notice.”

Looking back because of my anger I think I ignored her tears. Then she started to talk to me about cuckolding me. I don’t know why it turned me on so much, but it did. She asked me if James would be a suitable candidate for this. I said “NO. the worst idea ever, Bad idea, it would end us as friends, and most likely end us as husband and wife. Stuff like that can never work. Especially with friends.”

I don’t know why she kept pushing it. I wouldn’t consent to it. Finally, she stopped asking. But it seemed at the same time she would get really sad, almost like I had cut her or something. I finally told her that if she really wanted to cheat on me she could with my consent, but it couldn’t be with Jim or any other friend. it would be best just to pick up someone in a bar on girl’s night or something. I remember her reply like it was spoken to me five minutes ago. “Thank you but he won’t accept that.”

My confusion staid with me till now. I let it go then. The last three weeks we didn’t have intercourse, she would wake me in the middle of the night and make me give her oral sex. Of course, I did, hell what strait man wouldn’t. she would return the favor and swallow every drop of me. I was confused by that as she up until then never swallowed. Hell, she never let me finish in her mouth either.

Would she cheat on me, hell I gave her permission and she didn’t? well she did then hell I don’t know? Mom spit it out, I don’t know what you are asking about. This kept bothering me over and over again, I just dint understand what the hell was going on.



I talked to Anna, I told her I wanted time with Chelsie. She agreed and started bringing her to me every morning before she went to work. All three of us ate dinner together, these where good times for a few days.

I started thinking of what I had missed with Chelsie leaving the way I did. my feelings where real and more than I could stand.

One evening Chelsie was taking a nap on the sofa resting her head on the pillow I had found for her. Anna unknowingly made a statement that took my breath away. “If she only knew what I did on that sofa?”

I froze and didn’t move, she got Chelsie and went out the front door totally impervious of my mood change. I immediately opened the sliding glass door and began throwing the sofa and love seat in the yard. I ran to the garage and got more lamp oil and doused them well, I had bought a lighter, so I was able to start it much easier. As soon as I did that I saw the blanket I let Chelsie uses to sleep with. Her pillow was missing, I ran to the fire and started looking around. I found the pillow on the porch dirty but unharmed. I grabbed it and with all the force I had no idea I had, I squeezed the pillow and yelled out “You son of a bitch, I will kill you for what you took from me.” I fell to my knees, leaned agents the bench then moaned in pain.

Anna didn’t just leave, Chelsie had forgotten to kiss and hug her daddy goodbye. The confused look her daddy had made, made her forget, but she had to do it. This had to be corrected at once. Anna after getting her in the car seat and ready to go was told of Chelsie’s mistake and informed that it had to be corrected. She giggled and said lets hurry. She no more than got her free of her car seat than she heard her husband’s lament. It was concern that drove her to run back. She could smell the fire as she opened the door and rushed to the kitchen, then to the sliding glass door that stood open. She could see the love seat and sofa was gone, things started coming together as she went threw the back doors to see her husband on his knees exposed and in great pain. Ignoring the burning furniture, she went to me, put her arms around me then try to comfort me. Not knowing what to say she just kept holding me.

Anna may not have known what to say, but Chelsie did. she snuck in behind her mother ignoring the order to stay there, after all her daddy may be in trouble. Chelsie ran behind her mother and when she saw her Daddy she went to me and threw her arms around my neck holding me as tight as she could, hugging my neck like I was holding her pillow, “Don’t cry daddy we are here for you, me and mommy both.”

I released the pillow to take my daughter in my arms, she was much better than the pillow, “I missed so much of you the last three years baby, I can never get them back.”

“I am here now daddy, and I will go fishing and help you cook ever day you want me.”

Dam What can a man say to that.


Anna brought Chelsie by the next morning early, we went to Rooms to go and she picked out her own bed-room set and new front room furniture. Then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick out bedding and other things she might need. When we got home I set up the old room that I had caught her mother cheating on me in, into her own room. She was very excited to have her own room in three houses and one apartment.

After we had set it up I asked her mother if she could spend the night with me. Anna asked where I would sleep? I laughed so hard I thought I would break. All that running, and I had forgotten to buy me a bed. The new sofa would be my bed tonight. I hope this wasn’t a bad sign.

Before Chelsie and I went to bed we chatted for a long time. She was fascinating. After a lengthy conversation, we were talking about what made mom sad, how that topic started is anyone’s guess. That is where Chelsie made a monumental error, to my benefit, one that I will always be great full for.

“Mommies always saddest when she talks about my brother Gregory.” She said out of nowhere. After a full yet very subtle interrogation I started putting things together. Seems Gregory is eight years old. Chelsie was three, we married just short of eight years ago. Anna stayed with her Aunt May in Siler city North Carolina for almost seven moths just before we wed. it seemed at the time the worst seven moths of my life. I had written her every day and called her once a week. It was hell, she said it was to take care of her aunt after a really bad accident. I still remembered the phone number for her aunt I had called her so often.

The next day, Anna picked up Chelsie and took her home, I went straight to my dad’s. I knocked and again the hugging and hand shakes started. “Sr, we need to talk.”

Dad brought me to the kitchen table. General Morass was there with two other officers I had not met. A caption and a major Collins. Mom brought me a beer.

I became very nervous about laying all I had learned on the table with my general and two strangers here. This was some really dirty laundry I didn’t want just anybody knowing about.

“Ok son what’s going on, you look like your ready to burst.” My dad said.

I looked around the room and with pleading eyes back at my dad. “I would rather not say in all this company Sr.”

General More spoke up. “We have been all informed on your case caption. Spit it out.” It wasn’t a request.

“Sr.” I looked at my dad. “Anna has a son. He is eight. Was born just before I married her. You might remember how she took off to take care of her aunt the seven months before we wed.”

Major Collins took is note book out and started to right and quickly asked. “Where was he born, do you know the exact day?”

I told him Siler City North Carolina, and I gave him the best guess on the dates. I was quite curious of why he would want to know, so I asked.

“I have been investigating Jim and your wife.” He answered me

I looked at my dad. “What the hell dad?”
“We are trying to get to the bottom of this for three years son. Let the men do their job.” My dad informed me.

“Why, this should be a simple thing. She cheated, and I caught her, to make it easy and painless I filed, and she is trying to stop it. I have no idea of why everyone is involved?”

General Morass looked at me. “Your Jim, as you call him tried to black mail several of my officers. I have had it with him. What he did to you and your wife is incomprehensible. I am not going to rest until I see him in a federal prison.”

I had never seen General Morass in this sort of mood before. He meant it. It outright scared me. “So, the demotion is sort of a rouge to get him to slip up?”

The three men laugh.

“You got the picture.”

“Ok what about Gregory? My step son?” I was deeply concerned.

The major answered “first I need to find out all I can about what happened and where he is. Then we go form there. Give me three days on it.”

The next three days where hell to say the least. I spent time with Chelsie and her mother and all I wanted to do was slap the shit out of Anna for lying to me all these years. Knowing her secret was harder than being ignorant of it. I had to be very careful of what I said.


A few days later I met with Major Collins again, my father was there with me. We sat in his office as he told us what had happened.

Anna had given birth to Gregory eight years ago. She had gotten pregnant while we were dating. By a scum bag ex boy friend that wanted to make her life hell. Evidently, he told her if she gave it up one more time he would leave her be. That just happened to be the wrong time for her. When she had become pregnant she tried to reach him but got ahold of his mother instead. She told her what had happened, and her mother had agreed to take her in for the pregnancy under the condition that she could keep her grandchild. Anna had agreed, and then stayed there with them for the last six months of her pregnancy and a month to recover.

The daddy was never seen there and evidently estranged by his mother and father. He has not even laid eyes on his son Gregory ever.

Anna had been writing Greggory weekly and mailing the letters. Jim some how found out of these letters and using all the information to his advantage he blackmailed my wife into obscene sexual behaviors. Threatening to tell me about how she had gotten pregnant by another man while we were dating and hiding a kid from me as swell.
We would be able to convict him for major crimes against the U.C.M.J. uniform code of military justice. All we needed was a statement from my wife. We all new that would be like pulling hens teeth at this moment.

Major Colleens wasn’t done yet though. Evidently Gregory’s grandparents where sick, very sick and when the major was interviewing them he found that they where very excited to hopefully reunite Greggory and his mother once again.

I had agreed to go to North Carolina and get Gregory. I had agreed to keep him, after all he was my step son. Rather Anna wanted him or not he was going to be mine. Though I didn’t see Anna not wanting him. No one was ready to confront her just yet.

I had called Anna and told her that I had to go out of town for a couple of days. I talked to Chelsie and told her I would miss the heck out of her and to save me at least three hugs a day until I get back. She said she would. I also told her I had a very special surprise for her when I got home.

When the plane landed I started to get very nervous. I was surprised there was a man with my name on a sign waiting for me. He was Sargent Banks and was sent to pick me up and take me where I needed to go.

He took me strait to the house where my son was. We walked together, and I was glad he was there, it did help. I knocked on the door and a small boy answered. I had no problem knowing it was Greggory, he looked just like his mother.

I smiled, he looked at me. “Greggory?”

“Yea, you must be Caption Belton. My grandma told me you would be her to pick me up.” He said in a mix of sadness and trepidation.

I nodded not able to speak right then. “Is your grandma here?” I just barely got out when an older fellow came up behind Greggory and spoke “Caption come on in.” he looked like he had lived ten lives. He looked far older than his years, yet there were plenty to start with. I could see in his eyes he was tired and exhausted inside. I felt for him instantly and new this was Gregory’s grandfather. I held out my hand instantly, “Mr. Hope.” He shook it somewhat firmly.

“Caption I am glad you’re here, my wife wanted to meet you before you left, if you please this way.”

I was glad of this I needed to meet her too. I wanted to have a talk with them both but that seemed out of the question. He brought me to a large bedroom, a hospital bed was in the center, a cot was next to the bed and chairs around the room. It smelled of medications and sickness. The woman on the bed was bald, very frail, her eyes had set into her skull and she very pail skin. It was in fact her death bed I was looking at and I knew she would not make it much longer.

“Mrs. Hope.” I acknowledged.

With a much brighter smile than I could have ever expected she looked at me. “I am glad to meet you son. Thank you for coming. Thank you for taking car of our grandson. We did the best we could, but the cancer is stopping us, so it is your turn.” She took several breaths, what she was saying was taking all of her energy.

“It will be my pleasure and honor to take him form here Mrs. Hope. I have wanted a son all my life. I had no idea I actually had one until a few days ago. I look forward to getting to know him.”

She actually laughed. “Anna was so afraid you would hate him and the idea of her that was all she would talk about. I know she loves you son. Please don’t take that for granted.”

“I won’t.” I lied, I already did.

“Thank you again.” She took another breath or two. And looked at her husband saying something unspoken.

“I will be in the living room waiting.” He said as he turned to leave just me and Mrs. Hope.

After he left she turned to me and with tears in her eyes she told me. “I can go in piece now. Thank you so much for what you are doing. I know you are a good man far greater than the piece of shit son of mine. That the only good thing he has ever given me was Greggory and Anna. She is great girl.” She took some more deep breaths before continuing. “I don’t want Greggory to come back here, Carl and I have everything in order so we both said our goodbyes to him. Carl hides it well, but he won’t be far behind me. Neither one of us wants to live without each other.” Several more breaths before she went on. “My no-good son will get the house and what ever is left of our savings. Because if he doesn’t he may make it hard on you and Greggory. We can’t have that.” Several breaths

It made sense to me. But I really wasn’t afraid of the fuckwit. However, he was her son, so I wasn’t going to press it. I took her hands in mine, I bent and kissed her cheek, then I whispered in her ear. “I wish I had known you earlier. I would have loved to have gotten to know you and Mr. Hope better.”

“You will,” she said, “We are in Greggory, they say that a child’s personality stems from there grandparents. I see Fred in him and a little of me too.” She took a few more breaths before she told me that she hasn’t taken her pain relievers, so she could meet and get to know me a little. I was very touched by this. I kissed her cheek one more time and told her she has nothing to worry about with me, she then dismissed me as I saw the morphine distributer pump engage. I waited until she fell asleep before I left the room.

I went to Mr. Hope and told him that she had taken her pain relievers and fallen asleep. He spoke to me much as she did thanking me for taking their grandson. He hugged the boy as if never to see him again, I could see the pain in both of the men as they embraced. Greggory trying to be strong and grown up wile only eight years old had little experience of how to handle saying good bye to the only parents he had ever known. As much as he was looking forward to meeting his mom and sister face to face, the pain of leaving his grandparents was too great to hold in.

On our way to the airport we had plenty of time. I told the Sargent to stop at Denny’s restaurant go in and get something to eat on me. My son and I would wait in the car. When he balked, I told him it wasn’t a request.

I put my arm around my son and told him that if anyone ever said that big boys don’t cry, they where lying. That losing their grandparents was something that made the strongest men break down. And it was ok to greave all he needs to. It was over an hour before I went in and retrieved the Sargent.

Greggory and I went aboard the 737 and headed to his new home. All was not well. I found out later that even before we had taken off Mrs. May Hope had passed on.


We arrived home and with my parents help. I already had the third bedroom fixed for him. I showed him the house. He didn’t sound impressed, he did however want to paint my truck when he saw the two orange doors. He told me that he was a cartoonist.

I had arranged for Anna to bring Chelsie by, so I could get my hugs and kisses she had been saving for me. No longer surprised by her willingness to comply with keeping me and Chelsie together she eagerly agreed to it.

I was on the front step when the two showed up Chelsie struggling to get out of her car seat to come to me melted my slowly healing heart she dove form her mother ran to me like a bullet and jumped unexpectedly into my arms, it took some to catch her without falling myself as I took her in my arms, she had attached herself to my neck like she did the first day, all was right in the world.

I told Chelsie that the present I promised her was in the house would you like to go see what it is. She did but didn’t want to let go of me either. This was an unexpected surprise because I thought a present would be more valuable than just me to a three-year-old. I was so wrong. Again, healing the heart that was so broken just a few months ago with my daughter’s innocent love for me.

This of course altered my plan, and I really didn’t have a plan b. I shuddered and fumbled at what to do to fix what I had planned as Anna was getting ready to go back to her apartment I told her she should see the gift I brought Chelsie
“I will see it when I come and get her tonight.” She replied.

“NO.” I insisted, “You really need to see this now. While Chelsie and you can both see it at the same time. Please.”

“I am late for an appointment at work I really don’t have time Roy.”

She was dressed to kill again, I knew she had another date and had nothing to do with work. So, I tried to call her bluff. “I will call your boss when he hears what it is he won’t mind.”

With frustrated anger she surrendered let’s hurry and get this shit over with she told me.

I was relieved and scared at the same time.

I carried Chelsie into the house while Anna fallowed.

I don’t think anything could have prepared any of us for what was about to happen. Chelsie recognized Gregory instantly, she gasped and turned to me. “You brought my brother to me?” She yelled right in my face.

“yea I did. go say hi.” I requested as I put her down on the floor.

Anna had her hand over her mouth speechless. She was the one I was so afraid of. I knew from all the letters that she loved her son, and I believed she wanted to be a part of his life as well. However, I wasn’t so sure right at this moment. It could go either way. I held fast and prepared for my defense.

Anna went to her son and held out her arms to him in an embrace I couldn’t believe she had all that love in her face and body language. She spoke quietly to him, I couldn’t tell what they were saying, and it seemed to go on for a while.

I took Chelsie by the hand and quietly told her to come with me outside and let her mom and brother for a moment and tell me about her days without me. She seemed to understand and came with me to the back yard where she told me in detail everything she did while I was gone. I don’t know why but it felt like I was in heaven when this little girl talked to me like this, but it did.

Almost an hour had passed before Anna came outside with Gregory. Anna introduced him to Chelsie and let them get acquainted, we went in and I started to set on the new love seat in the middle not inviting Anna to set with me,

Anna wrapped her arms around me before I had a chance to set however then hugged me good. It felt wonderful, I didn’t want to let go but I did. we sat across from each other her on the sofa me on the love seat. I couldn’t believe her eyes, they seemed full of life, they had been somewhat emptied the whole time we where married. Yet today she seemed a whole woman. The change was absolutely astonishing.

“I haven’t seen him cense I gave birth to him eight years ago.” She started with tears starting to run down her cheeks. “Thank you.”

I sat saying nothing for the time. I was in a mixture of anger, sadness and out right fear. I had no idea of what I had started here. I let out anger at first something I had held in for a long time. “Why have you been lying to me all these years, why couldn’t you trust me with the truth.”

I could see her trying to come up with an answer, yet she couldn’t seem to articulate one.

I shook my head and looked out at the kids in the back yard. Chelsie was showing Greggory the burnt spot on the yard and probably explaining that her dad tends to burn furniture for no apparent reason. I chuckled at the thought.

“What’s so funny” Anna asked?

“Just thinking of what Chelsie was saying to Greggory. Like my daddy likes to burn furniture for some reason. I think we need to get him help for that.”

Anna didn’t look so happy about that. She held it in well though. “Why did you leave when you did. why didn’t you just confront me?” she asked.

“First it was anger, then jealousy” finally I answered the only way I knew. “I don’t think I could have without becoming violent.” I hoped that would be enough.

“I could have taken a slap or two.” Anna came back. “I needed you for god sake.”
“I would have killed the son-of-a-bitch. You where the reason I got out of bed in the mornings. The only reason some days.” There was a lot of venom in those words. I continued unexpectedly. “I could have handled you fucking him. All I ever wanted was you to be happy. And his big dick made you happy so be it.” Thank god the kids where outside. Because I stopped being able to control my anger.

“you fucking slut, you cheated on me twice, once with your ex and conserved a son you didn’t tell me about, two was with a fucked-up friend of mine, what the fuck is your problem I trusted you. You lied to me and told me your aunt was injured in an accident. To have a baby, my step son without me knowing. Then you have my daughter, how the hell did you get pregnant with her without Jim making her. Then, then, then what did you do.” I was beet red, my eyes filled with furry I couldn’t hold back any more I was either going to cut her to ribbons with my words or I would probably hit someone. “Then you rubbed it all in my face by making me eat his cum out of your pussy after he filled you with it. Why do you hate me so much?” I screamed the last not meaning too. I stood and stared at her for a long time, she couldn’t look directly at me. It was a long time before I asked “Well?”

Her lips started moving, nothing came out at first, it was several moments before she got something out. I was about to give up.

“I love you, I wasn’t in control of my body. He said he would expose Gregory to you if I dint do what he said. I had to you would have left me and divorced me. I couldn’t live without you, I still can’t. Pleas Roy, please I beg you.”

“beg me what?” I ask.

“please Roy I need you I don’t want to live without you. Please.”

I had no idea of what this was all about. “I dint leave you because you had Gregory did I. I didn’t leave you because you fucked Jim. I wouldn’t have left if you would have just been honest with me. These secrets you been carrying for over eight years are bull shit. I fell in love with Gregory in a mater of an hour, he is a great kid. I fell in love with Chelsie in about four minutes. I don’t know what sort of a monster you think I am?”

“Roy please, I don’t know what to do here.”

“Get honest and quit lying.” I said.

She looked at the floor and not my face, I sat back down and relaxed a bit. I saw Chelsie and Greggory staring at us. Their eyes were full of fear and pain. I signaled them both to me. Chelsie ran to my lap and held me tight. Greggory was a little more apprehensive, but he finally did come to me and sit down. I put my arm around him and brought him to us both. Anna was still in to herself unable to look at me. “Anna, Anna look here, look at what we have been missing for eight years now. Take a good look at our family you robed both of us of.” She looked, I could see the pain in her eyes, they began to gloss up and a tear began to run down her cheek. “I am not giving these kids up. There mine and there ours, what do you want to do about it now?” my statement was final, there was no power that could separate me form my two kids, I had court orders that saw to that. However, I didn’t want to bring them out unless I absolutely had too.


Two weeks later.

I was fixing breakfast with plenty of bacon home fried potatoes toast and eggs. We all set the table all but the plates, we were plating. Chelsie was cooking the toast with the same bright smile she seems to never relent. I put eggs on the third plate when the door opened and in walked Anna again without knocking. I started the last two over easy eggs.

Greggory Grabbed the plate with the eggs put some bacon and potatoes on it and brought it to the table. We where becoming quite the team.

Anna again waring a sexy short skirt and blouse combination. She almost always seems to have a date every time she came here she wore something that made my mouth water. Dam that woman. She must rub it in my face that she is dating. I blew off my anger, there was no point in it.

“Good morning Anna.”

“Great morning all.” Anna greeted in a charming dazzling smile. “My parents want to take the kids out today. They will be gone most of the day and then finish watching them here, is that ok with you Roy?”

I looked at her, “They asked me yesterday I said no problem as long as it was ok with you.”

She laughed and added “They told me that we need to get back together so they only had to make one call instead of two or three.”

“they to told me the same thing.”

“What did you tell them?” She asked?

I wasn’t looking at her when I told her the truth. “I told them that they would half to wait till their daughter stopped dating other men before I would even consider it. And then I don’t know.” I didn’t see her staring at me dumbfounded. I continued not to look at her as I set the final eggs on the plate, handed it to Greggory to finish platting. “Are we all ready to eat?”

We all four sat said our blessings that I always insist on together holding hands and began eating. It was good if I do say so myself, the toast was the best because Chelsie did it, and I told her so. That girl would smile at just about anything these days, and I loved to see her smile. Gregory was starting to fit in with us, I was more than willing to let him have all the time he needed.

Anna asked. “So how do you know about all my dates?”

“You are dressed to kill almost every time you show up here. I figure you are rubbing it in my face or something.” I answer trying to hold back the bitterness I felt.

Chelsie started giggling. “What is so funny little one? You think your daddy being tortured is funny do you.”

“You think I dress like this to impress some date I am having?” Anna answered before Chelsie could respond.

Greggory was just eating his breakfast but was doing it with a smile on his face.

“Why else would you dress like that. I mean really stocking and heals? A skirt that makes my heart ache, the white top you wore yesterday with that red bra, I mean the only reason anyone would ware something like that is because she is trying to impress a man. I am not stupid here Anna. The makeup you are waring is enough to make any man think what he is missing.”

Chelsie started out right laughing now.

“What are you laughing at Chelsie?” I asked.

“You daddy, mommy always asked me if I think you would like what she is warring every day. She doesn’t date daddy she dresses for you.”

I look at Anna. The look on her face just confirmed what Chelsie shared with us.

“It is nice to know the you have noticed me.” Anna said with a broad smile.

I try to ignore the previous conversation. “Gregory how are you eggs, cooked enough?”

He looks at me and bursts out laughing.

I turn bright red and concentrate on my breakfast. Without looking up, “Anna, you look very nice today.”

“Thank you.” She said just before she bursts out laughing which started the others all over again. I have never had a woman dress for me before. I felt funny, a good funny, but funny. I refused to laugh though. I had to have some pride left.

About an hour later Anna’s parents picked up Gregory and Chelsie both. I took Anna as we had somewhere we had to be. We used her car and went to the base. I took her strait to General Morass where he took her to the major Collins where she spent the next four hours being deposed.

I knew this would be hard on her, I staid in the next room without knowing what was going on. the four hours seemed four months. When she emerged, she looked exhausted and relived at the same time. The surprise I seen in her eyes that I stayed with her the hole time was evident. I don’t know what she expected from me?

Before we could leave General Morass had us detained, we waited when he came in about an hour later.

He turned to Anna and told her “Thank you Anna, the deposition will burry that son-of-a-bitch for twenty years plus.” He went and hugged her, letting her know it wasn’t all her fault. When he backed off her he continued. “Anna, you have a good man here. If you keep that in mind you wont ever have to go threw this again.” He looked at me and continued. “Caption we are arresting your Jim. He will be in custody by night fall. I had it with him a long time ago. I am glad we finally have this over with. Thank you both,” he finished looking at both Anna and me.

As exhausted as Anna looked, as much as she went threw today and as sexy as that skirt and blouse was on her I took her to Red Lobster for dinner. She was a bit surprised when I just turned her car into the lot.

I opened her door and took her hand when I helped her out of the car and kept it as I walked her to the door. We had a nice meal and we talk a lot but nothing important.

After dinner Anna smiled and said, “I guess you are trying to make a liar out of me.”

“How’s that.”
“I told you this morning I don’t date men, and now I am on a date with you.” Anna replied.

“Is this a date, I thought I was feeding you a really nice meal dew to you helping me stay out of prison. By protecting an x friend of mine by sending him to prison himself where I can’t get to him.” I said it in a much calmer voice than I even expected to here. I guess my anger was fading after I had my say with her. So, I continued, “you deserve it for all you been through today, I know it was going to take a lot out of you and reliving a lot of what you been through had to be so dam horrid, I certainly don’t envy you. I can’t tell you how much I owe you for what you did today.”

Anna was quick to respond. “so, if you owe me do you want to wipe the slate clean?”

“Anything,” I answered shaking my head to infancies’ my point.

“Then forgive me, please, it is all I ask.” Her voice shanking with her plea.

I looked at her then to the table with the empty plates. In a low almost imperceptible voice I said, “I already have.” I didn’t see the smile on her face, nor did I see the tear fall down her right cheek, I just kept staring at the empty plates until I felt her hand take mine across the table.

“Thank you.” She answered squeezing my hand tight.

I excused myself using the excuse of using the little boys room, I truly needed to calm my heart. After that I paid the bill and walked her to the car hand in hand. I opened the car door for her and helped her in.

Anna drove me to my house, there where no cars in the driveway, I asked Anna “do you know where your folks went, the kids aren’t here by themselves are they.” I ask with panic in my voice.

Anna laughed at my concern. “They took the kids home with them, they are spending the night with their grandparents.”

“When did that happen, I thought they were watching them here?” I asked.
The smile she was trying to hide unsuccessfully was adorable. “I talked to them while you were in the restroom. They were wanting them to spend the night with them, they really need to start getting to know Greggory and you see how hard it will be to ever separate him and Chelsie, so I said it would be ok. I know I should have asked you first, but I thought it would be ok.”

“Dam I don’t know what to do without them driving me nuts, talk about your day off. Why don’t you come on in I have a bottle of red wine I can pore you a glass?”

“Ok, I would like that.” She answered.

I got out and opened her door. I took her hand again and walked her to my door and opened it. She went in first and I fallowed. I poured her a glass about half full of wine, I got myself a bear and sat on the love seat, she went to the bathroom to fix herself, so she said and returned looking as beautiful as she had ever been. I also noticed that there was a little bit of clothing missing as well, her bra, and I would bet her panties where gone as well. I don’t know why it was her that made me think and do things that a man would never do, it was, and I know that there is nothing I can do about it. There would be no other woman ever could do what she does for and to me.

I was beside myself as she sat beside me rubbing her legs against mine, asking for her wine. My heart began to beat out of my chest when she turned and kissed me. It was a great kiss. There was no mistake that she wanted me, who was I to play coy. I turned and kissed her as passionately. It only took less than five minuets before we had a line of cloths from the love seat to our bedroom. Some of them resembled tattered rags and would never be worn again. I carried her the last few feet to the bed, placing her somewhat gently on the bed before climbing up next to her. I began to kiss her where ever my lips just happen to be at the second. Her mouth, her cheek, her neck, her breast. I kept going lower and when I finally got to her pubic mound she forced her way around and to my cock. She put it in her mouth the same time I made it to her clit. I began to stimulate it with my tongue, teeth and lips. She had her first orgasm on my face in only a matter of seconds form me starting.

After her second orgasm she forced me on my back, she kept herself on my mouth as she took my cock deep into her mouth. Stroking it with her lips in and out of her mouth.

I had to stop her before I came to soon by forcing her over on her back. I went the wrong way and we both landed on the floor. We began to laugh and kiss at the same time. If you asked how we did that I could describe it with words, but I can tell you that it can be done. I got up first and helped her up, she shoved me on the bed on my back, then climbed above me took my cock ready to lower herself onto me. As she did I felt her for the first time in over three years. I knew it would last long and I hoped I could satisfy her before I released. I wouldn’t take long. Fortunately she didn’t either, her scream would carry threw out the house, I was glad our kids where gone for the night. It was only seconds later before I couldn’t last any longer and filled her with my seed.

Basking in the glow of after sex we laid in each-others arms lightly kissing each other gently.

I asked her “How did you get your parents to watch the kids overnight.”

“I told my mom that I was going to go home with you and fuck the shit out of you, so it would be best if the kids stay with them tonight.”

“You told your mom we where going to have sex?” I asked.

Anna laughed like there was no tomorrow. “Yes silly, I have been practicing being honest like you said.”

“Are you going to spend the night here?” I asked

“Do you want me to?” she asked.

“Yes.” I answered. “But if you do, you can’t leave tomorrow either. I won’t take any back and forth bull shit. So, think about it while I get us some more to drink.” I said as I stood to go to the kitchen to get her more wine and me another beer.

I returned, she was under the sheets setting up. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I would like to start tonight.”

“No more affairs? No more secrets? And no more lying?” I ask in a demanding tone.

“No more affairs, no more secrets and no more lying. It’s a deal.”

“I mean it Anna. I really mean it. it took a long time to get over what happened. the fact that I fallen so deep for you is the only reason that I could handle what you did to us.”

“I fell in love with you all over again when I saw you burning our bed. I didn’t know you cared for me that much. I couldn’t believe how much you must have loved me to be hurt so. I never want to hurt you again. Especially like that.” She looked at the floor then back at me she got up from the bed and kissed me good and held me close, she continued kissing me very patiently tasting me all over again. When she sat back on the bed she added, “you know I am going to spend a lot of time making up for my mistakes. So, if there is anything you want extra special you might want to ask me for it before I figure I paid my debt.”

I quickly answered her. “Two more kids, Please!”

Well that’s our story.
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