I came home late one Friday. Too late. I knew this as I pulled up to the house and there where three cars parked in the street and one in the drive.
I got out of my car with deep trepidation. I hurried into the house and I heard the awful guttural sounds of someone having sex. I hurried towards the noise and found three men encouraging one man on as he continued to fuck my drunken mother on the couch.
“Enough!!!” I yelled. The three men laughed at me. I went to the closest one and said “Get the fuck out of here now…” He laughed again and said. “Make me…” I grabbed him by his collar an threw him about ten feet towards the door, landing hard on his back.
All the men now looked at me in surprise, even the one fucking my mother. I stood six foot even, I wade about two forty but I looked like I wade about 180. I had been in marshal arts since I was ten and kickboxing at twelve. These men where no match for me.
Two of them stepped towards me and one started to swing his fist. He telegraphed his move and I was under it and I punched him just at the v of his chest. He would have gone down, but I caught him and threw him at the door like I just did his partner, he landing on him in great pain unable to breath now, his partner still hadn’t been able to get up yet. The man landing on him didn’t help.
The last two finally got smart even the man fucking my mom got up and pulled his pants up, buttoning them as quickly as he could. They started to leave when I told them “Don’t forget your buddies.” Who were still struggling to get up.
They took the time to pick up their friends and ran out. They dropped their friends right outside the door. I don’t think they liked them much. Then they went on to their cars and left.
I expected it to happen one day. It had been very close several times. actually, almost every weekend, sometimes twice in a weekend. I had to work late or I would have stopped it again today before it started.
As I have done almost every weekend since this has started almost three months ago. I drew a bath for my mom, I put lavender in it. Then I stripped. I came back to her and picked her up and carried her to the bath. She was naked this time so I didn’t have to undress her. I walked into the very large tub and slowly sat down with her into the warm steaming water.
I sat at the end of the large tub, my mom between my legs. She is drunk and groggy slurring her words. I wet her hair with a cup I put in the tub weeks ago for this prepuce. I then put shampoo on her hair and begin to softly scrub it into her scalp. I then rinsed it out using the cup and carefully pouring it on her head. I then got a loofah and soaped it up good. I began to wash my mother’s neck, back, shoulders, then arms. I soaped it up some more and began to softly wash her small sagging breasts, then her stomach. I readjusted her, moving now between her legs. I put more soap on the loofah and began to wash her feet, ankles, calves, knees and then upper legs and thighs. I then very carefully wash out her pussy. It was red and swollen, the man I caught her with must not have been the first one.
After I clean her completely. I pick her up and dry her off. I then carry her to her room. I pull back the bed sheets and lay her softly on the bed. I crawl up next to her and pull her naked body to mine.
As I hold her, she begins to mumble. “You love me so much when I am bad.”
“Yes mom. I love you rather you are good or being bad.” I correct.
“No, you don’t love me when I am good.” She corrects me.
I softly chuckle at the accusation and ask “Why would you say that momma?”
“You care for me when I am bad.” You don’t do this when I am good.
‘Shit.’ I think for a moment. She is right. I bath and put mom to bed every time she comes home drunk. She comes home drunk every Friday night. And sometimes Saturday too. I kick men out of our house or don’t let them in our home. Could this be what this is about. To get my attention.
“Mom… I am sorry. I will strive to do better.”
She doesn’t answer me. I lie beside her and hold her. I have to back my hips away as my dick stars to become hard. I don’t know why seeing my mother with cum coming out of her pussy got my dick hard. But it did. It still hasn’t gone down. I have been fighting the urge to fondle her small saggy breasts.
As I lay there next to my mom, I remember the first time. It was just about the same as today. She came home drunk with another man. I wouldn’t let him take advantage of my mother and kicked him out of the house after I caught him fondling her while she was pushing him away. I bathed her, dried her and brought her to bed. I laid with her in her bed just like I did today.
My cock is becoming painful now. I need release and I know it. my mom pushed her ass against it harder just moments ago. knowing a few things right now it is all I can do not to take advantage of my mother right then.
I role to my back and keep my right arm around my mom and take my left hand and rap it around my shaft. I had found a way to squeeze my cock to make it cum without making too many movements. I couldn’t wake my mom.
My mom told me that she is a black out drunk and never remembers the night before. So even if she wakes, she wouldn’t remember me jacking off. Of course, I want to take her right now. But I can’t do that.
I squeeze it just right and as horny as I am, I feel myself erupting hard. Much harder than I ever thought it would be. I put my hand over the tip to keep the mess to a minimum wishing I had a towel. I barely contain my moans of pleasure as rope after rope erupts from my cock. Finally, after six ropes land into my hand the orgasm subsides and I start to recover.
I need to clean up and I start to role out of bed but mom cries out stopping me. “Please son no… don’t leave me…. please son hold me…”
My left hand full of cum and my right arm around my mom my crotch soaked with semen and the sheet too. I wandered as much I had come and if I got some on mom’s ass.
“Hold me baby….” She begs.
I take my right hand and hold her tighter. I take my cum filled hand and try to make it comfortable. Surprisingly I fall right to sleep.
The next morning, I wake as usual in the bed alone. Mom downstairs busily putting breakfast together. I walk in as my mom hears me and turns for our normal greeting. I kiss my mother’s lips and hold her tightly and say “Good morning mom. I have no idea how you escape a hang over every Saturday, but you do?”
“Just lucky, I guess. Why where you late yesterday Roy?” she asked conversationally.
“Told you yesterday morning I had to work late. But I didn’t expect that late.”
“We need to get some Cell phones so…… uhhh…. soooo…. We can keep in… in…. in…. contact….”
I wouldn’t have thought much of her question if she didn’t stutter out her extension.
“Mom? You remember last night?” I asked.
“Yea, I went out to the lounge and woke up in bed naked again with you. and just what was all that stuff in the sheets this morning?” she said putting her fists on her hips and leaning into me defensively.
“AH, Well, I had a small accident last night. Sorry….” I try.
“Well, you watch where you put that stuff. And I will wash the sheets today anyway.”
Ok, wow. I got away with that one but. What was that comment about her knowing I was late? More important the comments last night about me not loving her when she is good.
I walk to her as she keeps cooking. I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me. I squeeze her plump motherly belly to me and then whisper in the back of her head. I love you always mom. I am sorry about the accident. But I still love you.”
She puts her hands over mine to keep me from loosening the grip on her and said. “I love you too Roy. and an accident can easily be cleaned up.”
The phone rings and mom answer it. I don’t pay much attention to it until mom starts saying. “Oh my god…. Oh my god. Will he be ok?”
I came to the phone but she pushed me away trying to have more privacy.
After mom hung up, I came to her “What’s wrong???” That is when she made her third mistake. In her behalf she was in a panic. “One of those men you threw out of our house last night broke his arm. You hurt him pretty bad. You need to be more careful.”
My comment to my mom then caused her to turn white. “You do remember last night then?”
Moms eyes opened wide with the fact that I knew. And she had no way of saying otherwise. “Just bits and pieces of it… Please Roy, just be more carful when you throw men out of the house.”
Red flags everywhere now. I realize my mom knew what I was doing. And had been doing for the last several months.
I spend the day with my mom. I do the yard work that I have been charged with every since my dad left her. I help with the laundry as my jizz forced her to launder the sheets today. I vacuumed the rug and take her to the super market for groceries.
That night instead of setting in my normal chair watching television, I set next to my mom on the love seat. She smiles as she leans into me, I rap my arms around her and softly kiss her forehead.
After the show, I get up and tell mom I will be right back. I go to the bathroom and run the water. I put the lavender in it this time along with bubble bath. When it is full, I strip to my boxers this time. I walk out into the living-room.
I see my mom looking at me with trepidation. I walk to her and stand her up. She doesn’t say anything. She continues to look at me as I start to unbutton her blouse and pull it off her, I then take and unsnap her bra with a flick of my right hand. I had a lot of practice in the last six months. I gently lower her braw exposing her small sagging breasts. I then unzip her skirt and lower it to the ground letting it pool at her bare feet. Then I hook my thumbs in her panties and lower them to the ground as well.
I turn her and lay her back into my left arm and scoop her knees up with my right arm and carry her to the tub. Again, just like yesterday I walk into the tub with my mother.
After I drop my Boxers, I sit down and bring her again between my legs. I again wet her hair and wash it. I wash her body just as completely as I did yesterday. I then pick her up and dry her off. I carry her again to her room and pull back the sheets. I lie her in the sheets and then I get in myself and pull my mom to me.
“Roy?” “Yes mom.” “I love you.” where the first words out of my mother’s mouth since I started to put her to bed.
“I love you too mom.” I said softly. “Roy, I hated doing what I was doing to get you to sleep with me. I am sorry.” “I know mom. I know.” “Roy?” “MMMM…” “Roy rather than change the sheets again tomorrow. You can have your accident in me… I don’t mind, it would be better than what I had to do yesterday. And I want you too. I have for a long time. I have been so afraid to tell you.” there was a long pause. I could here mom starting to quietly sob.
I start to kiss my mother’s shoulders. Then I continued to go up her neck. I moved so I could continue to her lips. I then covered my mother’s lips with mine and began to assault them with loving kisses, that soon became French kisses.
I managed to maneuver her under me. our naked body’s caressing each other with a feeling of love and lust. I broke the kiss and heard my mother gasp and cry this time with happy tears. “ROY!!!!”
I lower my mouth to her small saggy breasts that I have wanted to fondle for so long now. I kiss the nipples that are hard as a rock. I continue to suckle them for a long time until I break free and kiss my mom again.
I raise up and open her legs. I have smelled the sent for a long time now. As much as I wanted to fuck it. I needed to taste it first. I work my way from her lips, down her chest, her belly, her naval, her pubic mound then finally her pussy. I lick my way opining her pussy lips with my tongue. I taste her essence with it. I continuer tasting her and feeling wow wet she is and I begin to feel her shuddering as her pleasure began to erupt in her.
She continued to try to suppress her pleasures. But I wasn’t going to give up. I remember how I had never heard my mother moan when dad and her had sex. His grunts and cries of pleasure could have brought down the house, but mom never moaned or cried out.
Well… Until today. I latched onto her button and began to force my tongue over it stimulating it with all I could give her. Her fist cry was “ROY!!!! oh god Roy… AAAAAHHHHH OHHH GOD ROY” her convulsions rocked the bed and the bedroom as she cried my name over and over again.
I had to stop. I couldn’t take anymore. I got up and onto my knees between my mom’s legs. She settled down form her orgasms and looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Take me Roy. Take me forever.”
I did. I put my cock to my mother’s pussy and pressed into her filling her with my need. I couldn’t believe how tight she was as I softly fucked in and out of my dear sweet mom. I built quickly and couldn’t stop the premature release of rope after rope of jizz squirting into my mother’s womb.
“Roy, Oh my god. I have never in my life!!!! Oh my god Roy….” “Mom, I am sorry I couldn’t hold out any longer.” “Roy!!! Don’t you dare take that from me. I have never had better sex in my life…”
Though I thought she was just playing with me trying not to bruise my male ego. I found out later that it wasn’t. she met what she said.
We slept together that night and from then on. I made love to my mother almost every night and she never went out to a bar or lounge ever again. nor did she drink, or pick up men.
She told me that the first time had been an accident. Though she was drunk and let a man take her home, she didn’t think he was going to try to have sex with her. when I threw him out of the house and put her to bed, she loved it so much she had to do it again. So, she kept doing it.
Last night was the first time she had actually had sex with any of them. She admitted that she had gotten in over her head and had to either give it to them or they would have taken it from her. She was with the second man she was forced to endure when I got home. She thought I would hate her because it went too far. But when I didn’t and I put her to bed like I had for the last several months. She told me that there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for me after that.
She also admitted that she had never blacked out drinking. She did those things to be closer to me. I kissed her then and took her to bed. We made love for a long time.
Thank you for reading
I came home late one Friday. Too late. I knew this as I pulled up to the house and there where three cars parked in the street and one in the drive.
I got out of my car with deep trepidation. I hurried into the house and I heard the awful guttural sounds of someone having sex. I hurried towards the noise and found three men encouraging one man on as he continued to fuck my drunken mother on the couch.
“Enough!!!” I yelled. The three men laughed at me. I went to the closest one and said “Get the fuck out of here now…” He laughed again and said. “Make me…” I grabbed him by his collar an threw him about ten feet towards the door, landing hard on his back.
All the men now looked at me in surprise, even the one fucking my mother. I stood six foot even, I wade about two forty but I looked like I wade about 180. I had been in marshal arts since I was ten and kickboxing at twelve. These men where no match for me.
Two of them stepped towards me and one started to swing his fist. He telegraphed his move and I was under it and I punched him just at the v of his chest. He would have gone down, but I caught him and threw him at the door like I just did his partner, he landing on him in great pain unable to breath now, his partner still hadn’t been able to get up yet. The man landing on him didn’t help.
The last two finally got smart even the man fucking my mom got up and pulled his pants up, buttoning them as quickly as he could. They started to leave when I told them “Don’t forget your buddies.” Who were still struggling to get up.
They took the time to pick up their friends and ran out. They dropped their friends right outside the door. I don’t think they liked them much. Then they went on to their cars and left.
I expected it to happen one day. It had been very close several times. actually, almost every weekend, sometimes twice in a weekend. I had to work late or I would have stopped it again today before it started.
As I have done almost every weekend since this has started almost three months ago. I drew a bath for my mom, I put lavender in it. Then I stripped. I came back to her and picked her up and carried her to the bath. She was naked this time so I didn’t have to undress her. I walked into the very large tub and slowly sat down with her into the warm steaming water.
I sat at the end of the large tub, my mom between my legs. She is drunk and groggy slurring her words. I wet her hair with a cup I put in the tub weeks ago for this prepuce. I then put shampoo on her hair and begin to softly scrub it into her scalp. I then rinsed it out using the cup and carefully pouring it on her head. I then got a loofah and soaped it up good. I began to wash my mother’s neck, back, shoulders, then arms. I soaped it up some more and began to softly wash her small sagging breasts, then her stomach. I readjusted her, moving now between her legs. I put more soap on the loofah and began to wash her feet, ankles, calves, knees and then upper legs and thighs. I then very carefully wash out her pussy. It was red and swollen, the man I caught her with must not have been the first one.
After I clean her completely. I pick her up and dry her off. I then carry her to her room. I pull back the bed sheets and lay her softly on the bed. I crawl up next to her and pull her naked body to mine.
As I hold her, she begins to mumble. “You love me so much when I am bad.”
“Yes mom. I love you rather you are good or being bad.” I correct.
“No, you don’t love me when I am good.” She corrects me.
I softly chuckle at the accusation and ask “Why would you say that momma?”
“You care for me when I am bad.” You don’t do this when I am good.
‘Shit.’ I think for a moment. She is right. I bath and put mom to bed every time she comes home drunk. She comes home drunk every Friday night. And sometimes Saturday too. I kick men out of our house or don’t let them in our home. Could this be what this is about. To get my attention.
“Mom… I am sorry. I will strive to do better.”
She doesn’t answer me. I lie beside her and hold her. I have to back my hips away as my dick stars to become hard. I don’t know why seeing my mother with cum coming out of her pussy got my dick hard. But it did. It still hasn’t gone down. I have been fighting the urge to fondle her small saggy breasts.
As I lay there next to my mom, I remember the first time. It was just about the same as today. She came home drunk with another man. I wouldn’t let him take advantage of my mother and kicked him out of the house after I caught him fondling her while she was pushing him away. I bathed her, dried her and brought her to bed. I laid with her in her bed just like I did today.
My cock is becoming painful now. I need release and I know it. my mom pushed her ass against it harder just moments ago. knowing a few things right now it is all I can do not to take advantage of my mother right then.
I role to my back and keep my right arm around my mom and take my left hand and rap it around my shaft. I had found a way to squeeze my cock to make it cum without making too many movements. I couldn’t wake my mom.
My mom told me that she is a black out drunk and never remembers the night before. So even if she wakes, she wouldn’t remember me jacking off. Of course, I want to take her right now. But I can’t do that.
I squeeze it just right and as horny as I am, I feel myself erupting hard. Much harder than I ever thought it would be. I put my hand over the tip to keep the mess to a minimum wishing I had a towel. I barely contain my moans of pleasure as rope after rope erupts from my cock. Finally, after six ropes land into my hand the orgasm subsides and I start to recover.
I need to clean up and I start to role out of bed but mom cries out stopping me. “Please son no… don’t leave me…. please son hold me…”
My left hand full of cum and my right arm around my mom my crotch soaked with semen and the sheet too. I wandered as much I had come and if I got some on mom’s ass.
“Hold me baby….” She begs.
I take my right hand and hold her tighter. I take my cum filled hand and try to make it comfortable. Surprisingly I fall right to sleep.
The next morning, I wake as usual in the bed alone. Mom downstairs busily putting breakfast together. I walk in as my mom hears me and turns for our normal greeting. I kiss my mother’s lips and hold her tightly and say “Good morning mom. I have no idea how you escape a hang over every Saturday, but you do?”
“Just lucky, I guess. Why where you late yesterday Roy?” she asked conversationally.
“Told you yesterday morning I had to work late. But I didn’t expect that late.”
“We need to get some Cell phones so…… uhhh…. soooo…. We can keep in… in…. in…. contact….”
I wouldn’t have thought much of her question if she didn’t stutter out her extension.
“Mom? You remember last night?” I asked.
“Yea, I went out to the lounge and woke up in bed naked again with you. and just what was all that stuff in the sheets this morning?” she said putting her fists on her hips and leaning into me defensively.
“AH, Well, I had a small accident last night. Sorry….” I try.
“Well, you watch where you put that stuff. And I will wash the sheets today anyway.”
Ok, wow. I got away with that one but. What was that comment about her knowing I was late? More important the comments last night about me not loving her when she is good.
I walk to her as she keeps cooking. I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me. I squeeze her plump motherly belly to me and then whisper in the back of her head. I love you always mom. I am sorry about the accident. But I still love you.”
She puts her hands over mine to keep me from loosening the grip on her and said. “I love you too Roy. and an accident can easily be cleaned up.”
The phone rings and mom answer it. I don’t pay much attention to it until mom starts saying. “Oh my god…. Oh my god. Will he be ok?”
I came to the phone but she pushed me away trying to have more privacy.
After mom hung up, I came to her “What’s wrong???” That is when she made her third mistake. In her behalf she was in a panic. “One of those men you threw out of our house last night broke his arm. You hurt him pretty bad. You need to be more careful.”
My comment to my mom then caused her to turn white. “You do remember last night then?”
Moms eyes opened wide with the fact that I knew. And she had no way of saying otherwise. “Just bits and pieces of it… Please Roy, just be more carful when you throw men out of the house.”
Red flags everywhere now. I realize my mom knew what I was doing. And had been doing for the last several months.
I spend the day with my mom. I do the yard work that I have been charged with every since my dad left her. I help with the laundry as my jizz forced her to launder the sheets today. I vacuumed the rug and take her to the super market for groceries.
That night instead of setting in my normal chair watching television, I set next to my mom on the love seat. She smiles as she leans into me, I rap my arms around her and softly kiss her forehead.
After the show, I get up and tell mom I will be right back. I go to the bathroom and run the water. I put the lavender in it this time along with bubble bath. When it is full, I strip to my boxers this time. I walk out into the living-room.
I see my mom looking at me with trepidation. I walk to her and stand her up. She doesn’t say anything. She continues to look at me as I start to unbutton her blouse and pull it off her, I then take and unsnap her bra with a flick of my right hand. I had a lot of practice in the last six months. I gently lower her braw exposing her small sagging breasts. I then unzip her skirt and lower it to the ground letting it pool at her bare feet. Then I hook my thumbs in her panties and lower them to the ground as well.
I turn her and lay her back into my left arm and scoop her knees up with my right arm and carry her to the tub. Again, just like yesterday I walk into the tub with my mother.
After I drop my Boxers, I sit down and bring her again between my legs. I again wet her hair and wash it. I wash her body just as completely as I did yesterday. I then pick her up and dry her off. I carry her again to her room and pull back the sheets. I lie her in the sheets and then I get in myself and pull my mom to me.
“Roy?” “Yes mom.” “I love you.” where the first words out of my mother’s mouth since I started to put her to bed.
“I love you too mom.” I said softly. “Roy, I hated doing what I was doing to get you to sleep with me. I am sorry.” “I know mom. I know.” “Roy?” “MMMM…” “Roy rather than change the sheets again tomorrow. You can have your accident in me… I don’t mind, it would be better than what I had to do yesterday. And I want you too. I have for a long time. I have been so afraid to tell you.” there was a long pause. I could here mom starting to quietly sob.
I start to kiss my mother’s shoulders. Then I continued to go up her neck. I moved so I could continue to her lips. I then covered my mother’s lips with mine and began to assault them with loving kisses, that soon became French kisses.
I managed to maneuver her under me. our naked body’s caressing each other with a feeling of love and lust. I broke the kiss and heard my mother gasp and cry this time with happy tears. “ROY!!!!”
I lower my mouth to her small saggy breasts that I have wanted to fondle for so long now. I kiss the nipples that are hard as a rock. I continue to suckle them for a long time until I break free and kiss my mom again.
I raise up and open her legs. I have smelled the sent for a long time now. As much as I wanted to fuck it. I needed to taste it first. I work my way from her lips, down her chest, her belly, her naval, her pubic mound then finally her pussy. I lick my way opining her pussy lips with my tongue. I taste her essence with it. I continuer tasting her and feeling wow wet she is and I begin to feel her shuddering as her pleasure began to erupt in her.
She continued to try to suppress her pleasures. But I wasn’t going to give up. I remember how I had never heard my mother moan when dad and her had sex. His grunts and cries of pleasure could have brought down the house, but mom never moaned or cried out.
Well… Until today. I latched onto her button and began to force my tongue over it stimulating it with all I could give her. Her fist cry was “ROY!!!! oh god Roy… AAAAAHHHHH OHHH GOD ROY” her convulsions rocked the bed and the bedroom as she cried my name over and over again.
I had to stop. I couldn’t take anymore. I got up and onto my knees between my mom’s legs. She settled down form her orgasms and looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Take me Roy. Take me forever.”
I did. I put my cock to my mother’s pussy and pressed into her filling her with my need. I couldn’t believe how tight she was as I softly fucked in and out of my dear sweet mom. I built quickly and couldn’t stop the premature release of rope after rope of jizz squirting into my mother’s womb.
“Roy, Oh my god. I have never in my life!!!! Oh my god Roy….” “Mom, I am sorry I couldn’t hold out any longer.” “Roy!!! Don’t you dare take that from me. I have never had better sex in my life…”
Though I thought she was just playing with me trying not to bruise my male ego. I found out later that it wasn’t. she met what she said.
We slept together that night and from then on. I made love to my mother almost every night and she never went out to a bar or lounge ever again. nor did she drink, or pick up men.
She told me that the first time had been an accident. Though she was drunk and let a man take her home, she didn’t think he was going to try to have sex with her. when I threw him out of the house and put her to bed, she loved it so much she had to do it again. So, she kept doing it.
Last night was the first time she had actually had sex with any of them. She admitted that she had gotten in over her head and had to either give it to them or they would have taken it from her. She was with the second man she was forced to endure when I got home. She thought I would hate her because it went too far. But when I didn’t and I put her to bed like I had for the last several months. She told me that there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for me after that.
She also admitted that she had never blacked out drinking. She did those things to be closer to me. I kissed her then and took her to bed. We made love for a long time.
Thank you for reading
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