My cuckold life: ch 1 How it started / the party.


I’ve decided to write down how I’ve spent my life as a cuck as a series of stories. All stories are true with name changes.
I had had a few high school girlfriends but nothing serious until my Sr year, I started dating Jan and we stayed together after school continuing into college together. We had been together about a year and a half when one of our friends started darting an ex boyfriend of hers, she had mentioned how Mike was an asshole and our friend should be careful, of course this prompted me to ask about the past and what had happened. After asking over and over Jan finally told me that Mike used to make her blow him in front of his friends and encouraged them to join in. At the time I was young and innocent and asked the question that started it all… “why would he want to pull his dick out in front of other guys, I’d be embarrassed” Jans response was “I’m sure you would babe but Mike has nothing to be embarrassed about”, up to this point I had not gotten jealous but the impact of that sentence made my heart skip a beat and I was instantly sick to my stomach, then something started happening… I was getting hard, I was feeling a flood of emotions suddenly and had to get up and move around the room, when I did I adjusted my dick and Jan noticed. “Oh did that make you hard babe” Jan asked while chuckling on the couch. I responded with “I just didn’t expect that response”. Jan patted the couch next to her and asked me to come sit down, I did and she told me everything is okay and that Mike was in the past, we talked a while until I calmed down and went to bed.
In bed Jan curled up to me with her body pressing against me and started to play with my cock, just as I got hard she whispered “What part made you excited earlier? The fact Mike has a huge cock or that I got double teamed?” WHAT THE FUCK, I had heard what she said but never even considered she did it! The feeling came over me again, sick to my stomach, difficulty breathing, jealousy, and my cock went from just getting hard to the hardest I had ever been. Jan immediately went down and started to suck me all the way to my base for a min more passionately than ever before then looked up and crawled on top of me saying ”it’s okay to feel like that, I won’t tell anyone, just fuck me”. I had never felt her so wet and never seen her so aggressive in our whole relationship. I lasted about a min before unloading inside her. This went on for the next few weeks telling me stories and asking questions and saying things that progressively got more and more humiliating, “are you mad that your little dick can’t compare to Mikes” “Cindy (our friend) is so lucky, Mike can last hours” “would you want to double team me with someone”. This became our normal sex talk and game, the more and more she talked about how much bigger he was the more and more I started liking the game, but it was all just talk and our little secret, for now.
One Friday after class Jan and I are watching some movies we rented and the phone rings, it’s Cindy wanting to know if we want to go to a party that’s kicking off at one of her other friends houses. Jan and I decide why the hell not, we aren’t big party people but it would be nice to get out of the apartment for the night. So we get dressed and off we go.
When we get to the party I notice a few people there I know but not a lot, Cindy is the only one I really am friends with so we make our way over to her and she is already pretty drunk, but in a great mood! She says how happy she is we are here and sorry she didn’t send the invite earlier but Mike just mentioned that she should call us. Oh shit, Mike…. THAT Mike. I had not realized he was going to be here even though it should have been obvious, I’m sure Jan realized it right away. About this time a tall strong cowboy walked up to our little group and put his arms around Cindy, was this Mike? This guy was nothing like I had imagined, Jan and I were more the slacker types I would have never seen Jan dating a cowboy! Mike then noticed Jan and immediately grabbed her in a big hug that seemed to last forever, as I watched my girlfriend in his arms I started to have that feeling again, only there was nothing I could do about it in the middle of a house party except suck it up and act like everything was okay, after a min of friendly chat Jan introduces me to Mike who shook my hand with a very polite smile and friendly “nice to meet you”. He’s hands were big and strong and he squeezed tight when we shook, all I could think of was how this man had a huge cock that my girlfriend loved and missed, the feelings got worse, so I started drinking. About an hour or so later am past my normal drinking level and Jan even mentions to me I should take it easy unless I want to end up like Cindy who was now barely able to stand, I agreed and put down the beer for the moment and continued to talk to the few people I knew. About 30 mins later Mike comes back over to us and asked if we could take Cindy home because she is passed out and he can’t drive because he’s a bit too drunk. Jan always being the responsible one had not drank very much and agreed to take her home, I asked if she wanted me to come with her to help get Cindy inside but Mike protested and said “hell man, a few more and you’ll be as bad as her, just hang here with us”. I thought he does make a point and he is being a lot nicer than I expected so why not, maybe we can become friends and I won’t feel this jealousy as bad.
As the girls leave Mike walks them to the door, gives Cindy a kiss and returns with a few beers, Mike strikes up a little small talk about school and work as we drink then suddenly jumps up and yells “Tim, over here man”. Apparently another friend had entered the party, he comes in and has a seat around the table we are at, normal conversation happen and another beer down, I need to excuse myself to the restroom and I have a hell of a time getting up or walking, at this point I start thinking I have drank way too much and haven’t even realized it, Jan did tell me to slow down. I return and Mike and Tim are laughing as I come back, Tim hands me a shot of tequila and toast “cheers man, I hear your dating Jan, congrats”, well that was nice of him, it would be rude to refuse the drink. Not long after Jan returns and comes and finds me, “oh babe, you are drunk as fuck, I told you to stop”, “I know but Tim kept giving me drinks and I didn’t want to be rude” I replied. Jan froze “Tim? Tim is here too?” “Yeah, do you know him?” I mumbled in a drunk response. “Yep, I know him, let me get you another drink, I’ll be doing the driving tonight anyway”. That was sweet of her I thought as she helped me over to the couch. Another shot and that’s about all I remember of the party.
I woke up in the back seat of Jan’s car the next morning, feeling like you do the day after a party, thanking god I got the weekend to recover. I make my way in to find Jan already awake and watching the movies we rented. “Morning babe” she said as I walked in, “why did you leave me out there last night” I asked a little upset. “Because you outweigh me by almost 100 pounds and I didn’t think I could get you inside, plus you looked comfortable”. Fair enough I thought to myself, “what happened last night?” I asked as I pored some coffee. “Not a lot actually, you passed out because you wouldn't quit drinking and we left shortly after. Not really much to tell” said Jan. The rest of the day and the night went without incident then by Sunday night I’m feeling normal again, Jan leans over in bed and asked “how did it feel meeting Mike knowing what you know” I took a second then said “well he was actually a lot nicer than I expected but I kept thinking about you two and that’s probably why I drank so much, but all night I felt insecure and inadequate thinking about his big cock fucking you”. An evil smile crossed Jans face as we lay there in bed, “and what about Tim? How was meeting the other half of the tag team?” “That was him!” I said, you didn’t tell me that was him”. Jan smiled, “well you were to drunk to understand anyway”. The rest of the night was about how bad she wanted them both again and about how small my dick is compared to them. Of course I had to ask if anything happened while I passed out and Jan assured me that nothing happened and this was all just talk.
Monday after classes Cindy catches me and says we need to talk, we meet up in the park and Cindy looks like she’s about to cry “I broke up with Mike this weekend” she says with a trembling voice, “oh, I’m sorry, can I ask what happened” I say as I thought how odd this is, we are friends but she usually goes to Jan with this kind of stuff. Plus why is she so upset, they have been saying such a short amount of time I didn’t think it would affect her too much. Jan looks up at me and says “he cheated. But I needed to tell you because it was with Jan”. My heart stopped and the jealousy feeling all came up once again, so did my dick. I begged Cindy to tell me what exactly happened but all she would say is that it was bad and I need to talk to Jan about it.
I go straight home and basically run into the apartment yelling at Jan, “what did you do, Cindy told me about the party”. Jan walked up to me and put her arms around me and said “I did what we both wanted, try to calm down and we can talk about this in bed when you are ready”. I continue to yell about how it was a game and how it wasn’t supposed to be real, but Jan didn’t fight back, she would just smile and eventually said “I know, and we can talk when you calm down, I’ll be in bed waiting, but don’t come in there to yell or fight”.
I took 10 or 15 mins to smoke a cigarette and stop shaking but the whole time I was aware I was rock hard, what do I do? I can go in there and pick a fight and maybe lose the love of my life or go in there and have sex, I stepped into the bedroom with my head hung low, “babe, I’m sorry I yelled”, it was dark and I couldn’t see too well, but as my eyes adjusted I could see Jan laying on the bed in a sexy black bra and panty set. “It’s okay baby, come let me tell you everything”. I climbed up to my side of the bed and just sit there wanting to cry but hard at the same time. “What do you want to know” Jan said. “Everything” I replied, “good, now get undressed and play with it while I tell you”. I did as I was told, so I’m laying on the bed stroking my dick as Jan begins….
“Now don’t cum or the story ends, but after I you said they were giving you drinks and you told me Tim was there I knew what was going to happen, they wanted you to pass out, and that turned me on so much! As the next hour went by you were out and the party started to dwindle down, Mike and Tim started flirting with me and I let them, we talked about old times and the more we talked the wetter I got for them both, but especially for Mike, finally there was no one left at the party, everyone had gone home, passed out, or was in the bedrooms with someone. Just us 3 and you passed out. Finally Mike made his move after lots of flirting and soft touches, he kissed me right in front of Tim and in front of your passed out body! Babe I couldn’t say no, I wanted it so bad I was willing to do anything, Tim got up and walked across the room and turned off the lights and came back and sit to my left as I made out with Mike, he started running his hands over my thighs and up my body, in just a few moments they were both all over me taking off my cloths and I was unbuttoning Mikes pants. His cock was everything I remembered and Tim’s was actually bigger than I remembered but maybe that’s just because I’m used to yours now. They took turns on me and I blew both of them until I thought I was going to pass out. When they were finally starting to slow down Tim asked where I wanted it, I told them I didn’t care, cum anywhere you want. Then mike said he wanted me to stop and sit on the couch next to you and take both their loads in my mouth without swallowing. So I did as I was told, and sit there right next to you, naked, sucking both of them Mike asked if he was still the biggest I’ve ever had, I shook my head yes without stopping. Then he said ‘well what about him’ motioning at you, I stopped and told him you have a tiny dick and how they were both bigger and better than you ever could be, well that was enough to send them both over then edge, Mike grabbed my head and forced his cock back in my mouth and moaned as he shot his hit load in my mouth, I gagged a little and was about to swallow when he said no, don’t swallow, then Tim shot me right in the face with his shot, I moved to take him in my mouth before he finished without losing what I had in my mouth already. After I opened my mouth to show Mike I had a mouthful of cum just like he told me, then he told me to kiss you. I couldn’t believe what he was telling me to do, but I did it anyway, I leaned over and as I did Mike slid his fingers in me and I kissed you, you moaned as I touched you but you kissed me back, I told you to ‘swallow your drink before kissing me babe’ and you swallowed all their cum I had spit in your mouth when we first kissed. I asked if you liked it and if it tasted good, you said ‘yes babe’. Right in front of both of them, they laughed and started to call you cum boy. After I got dressed Mike helped move you and threw you in the back of the car before driving home.”
I had stopped touching myself early in the story because I knew I wouldn’t make it if I didn’t stop, so now I’m laying there, naked, cock hard, hearing about how my girlfriend feed me two men’s cum and trying to process it all. Jan looked at my cock and said “well aren’t you going to finish cum boy”. “Yes ma’am” I said as I started to shake and wanting to cry, as I lay there thinking about what all she said stroking myself I finally asked “can I have you tonight”, Jan looked at me all sweet and said, “no babe, not tonight, just finished yourself”. “Okay” I replied, but Jan corrected me immediately telling me to say “yes ma’am” and not just “okay”. I obeyed and continued, Jan asked if I was upset because I didn’t get to remember the taste of mikes cum, again I responded with “yes ma’am” as I started to shoot all over my stomach, Jan smiled as I finally stopped and took a few deep breaths, Jan ran her fingers through the cum that had landed and pooled on my stomach and brought her hand to my lips “good girl, now swallow, we aren’t getting up till you eat it all cum boy”. Yet again I obeyed.
As Jan fell asleep questions kept running in my mind, did she know this was going to happen, did they plan this, how did Cindy find out, what will happen next. Guess I’ll find out in the morning… To be continued.

So this is my first attempt at putting any of my stories down in words, I’m sorry if it wasn’t any good. I’ll wait to hear responses before I figure out if I even want to continue to write down the next chapter.
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