Jasper's the Real Monster


Once upon a time in the land of Deviantart there was an annoying little jerk named Jasper, Jasper loved to fap to overweight characters and liked commissioning art of his OC who totally wasn't his self insert being turned into weird or unsimpable characters and he had a vitriolic hatred of Nathan. You see, it all began with one simple breakup between friends but then it had become one mini-war against the other and as far was Nathan was concerned, the war had ended in 2022.

Jasper had still gotten the tendency to talk about Nathan, just without mentioning his name and it had gotten to the point even his boyfriend was getting sick of it. 'Jasper, when are you going to pay attention to me instead of this Nathan?' 'He stalked me for 3 years and he probably is still going to do it until I die.' 'Why do you even care about what he says about you anyway?' 'Because he clearly hates me just for even my most benign posts like how I simp over obese men who can't fit into their clothes!' 'Really? That's your problem with him? Yet you pay more attention to him than you do to me?' 'Oh no it's not like that.' 'Are you saying he is yandere for you, or are you really secretly yandere for him?' 'No, what has that got do with anything?'

'I am just saying..' 'Saying what? That you side with him? He rants about me using his OCs and makes AI written knockoffs of my work which are devoid of any and all creativity.' 'Yet you also just lack creativity and just use your own OC over and over again for fetishistic commissions.' 'You thought it was hot when you started dating me!' 'True, but it gets annoying at times.'


‘Yes, not to mention hearing you say 'fuck me in the ass Doctor Robotnik' in your sleep is very disturbing to me. You like the fat characters you simp over more than me, don't you?’ ‘Are you insisting I talk like that in my sleep?’ ‘Oh I am not insisting, I know you do that, you have sexual fantasies about being banged by and turning into a fat character. I do have those kind of fantasies but I don’t make them public like that. You love those characters more than me, don’t you?’

"Of course I don't, I mean I love you too."

"If you truly loved me, you would pay more attention to me."

He sighed, not knowing that his own words would lead to his downfall, that evening as he finished upon yet another fat fetish TF story that only people with Patreon accounts would be allowed to see the full version of a cloud of purple smoke emerged through the walls, the smoke took on the form of a purple gorilla. ‘Oh dear, are you causing more trouble for yourself again, Jasper? I thought I taught you a lesson before but now I see you very much trying to cause more trouble and all because you don’t know what real humiliation is!’ ‘Oh no, not that weird purple ape OC again.’ ‘An OC? An OC? I am Bonzi, the lord and master of the internet! We have met before. And I punished you by transforming you and your friends into monsters, this is no revenge fic, my boy, this is simply because of you.’

‘That may be so but…’ ‘Oh dear, I am afraid you do get it. I am going to teach you a lesson by using your favorite fetish against you.’ He tried to make a run for it but Bonzi leaped off with inhuman speed over to where he was. ‘Stay away from my commissions.’ ‘Oh but I will not. Your commissions give me a ton of ideas to work with.’

He looked through Jasper’s art and he saw a ton of fat character transformations and weight gain stories, he visited his after-dark account and found the feederism accounts Jasper was reposting form. ‘This is going to be a bad revenge fic which is void of all creativity like Nathan’s AI stories I just know it.’ ‘You are the one to talk, mister, you don’t even do full stories any more, you just shill out on Patreon, no nobody can see your work anymore!’

Bonzi knew exactly what to do, as he used his dark magic to make Jasper’s fantasies come to life, as a gigantic buffet materialized in front of Jasper. ‘Holy hell, look at all of those foods to eat.’ ‘Oh yes, it is very huge and soon, you shall be too.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ the purple gorilla clicked his fingers and Jasper’s stomach growled uncontrollably as his hunger grew and grew! ‘Ugh…I feel so damn hungry.’ ‘Well then my boy, you are in luck…see anything you like? Eat it, eat it all!’

Jasper’s stomach gurgled loudly as he couldn’t help but think about eating all of that food that was on the plate and thoughts of eating it and gaining weight plagued his mind, so he barged towards the table and started scoffing it all down, only to stop to get a look at himself in the mirrors, he saw himself as a fat beast-man who was being mocked by his friends and locked in a cage of his own creations. ‘Is that me?’ ‘Yes it is, who you actually are.’ ‘I am not a monster, i’m a normal person, Nathan is the real monster!’

He looked at himself and as he did, his stomach slowly swelled and gained weight, growing thick hairs all over it as his replica Fat-Gum hoodie slowly strained due to the growth..’Oh not, not this hoodie! It is brand new!’ ‘Too bad Jasper, if only you had learned your lesson before instead of trying to make others side with you.’ He groaned as he rubbed his stomach a multitude of times as it swelled, followed by his chest and torso slowly inflating in the process, his hoodie straining continuously.

His hands slowly swelled and deformed, his fingernails growing longer and crooked looking as his fingers thickened, he tried to call for help on his phone only for his messages to be deleted as all of his contacts were deleted, his accounts vanishing in the process, both of his twitter accounts, his storygraph account, his furaffinity and discord accounts and Deviantart accounts all of them were deleted.

Bonzi laughed at him and smirked…’Oh you poor deluded man-beast, you think you can call your pals to help you! What a hilarious little joke. Don’t you know you and your boyfriend will belong to me now?’ Jasper panicked and groaned as his hoodie slowly strained even more and ripped apart as spikes burst out from the back of it and his back broadened, the hairs from his stomach spreading across his hands and all over his body.

His boyfriend tried to run over and help him only to get a nose full of beastly gas that erupted from Jasper’s ass which was enlarging and bursting his jeans open, leaving him in his shorts and leaving him with a swelling hairy ass as a tail slowly burst out of his rear. ‘Jasper, you smell so so..hot, so…haaaawt!’ he exclaimed, not knowing he himself had let out the sound of a donkey’s bray, he was shocked when he saw his ears slowly lengthening and extending to resemble those of a donkey as two ram-like horns grew out of his head.

Jasper’s gas only got smellier and smellier as he could only think about wanting to feed and grow, he groaned as his feet slowly enlarged in size and burst through his socks, his feet swelling and deforming to resemble those of a boar’s cloven hooves, as he developed leathery bumps on his skin that had not been covered by before. ‘Okay I know I like fat-men a bit too much but can’t you turn me back to normal?’ ‘No can do, you deserve this.’

He begged Bonzi to turn him back to normal only to threaten to make a document about him…’You cannot do that about me, silly Jasper. I am the lord and master of the internet! I control you and not the other way around!’, Jasper moaned as his shoulders broadened and he grew taller and taller, his back developing a hump of sorts to it as his neck thickened, developing into what appeared to be a mix of a double chin and a frog’s puffed out throat, he was panicking yet also turned on as he started to jerk off to his overweight body.

This caught the attention of his other friends who Bonzi had not taken care of yet and Bonzi pointed at him and exclaimed…’Hey, everyone, look at Jasper! He is jerking off to his own weight gain, he likes overweight men and is a gross fat beast who can’t stop eating, isn’t he embarrassing?’ all of the friends laughed at Jasper and some of them left him for good and decided to get better friends because they didn’t want to be hanging around with a fat beastly horn-dog anymore.

His boyfriend panicked as his body inflated and filled with fat, growing thick bristly hairs all over as his hands deformed, growing crooked claw-like nails as his clothes slowly ripped apart as his body grew fatter and fatter, leaving him almost half-naked and still transforming as his feet deformed, slowly taking on the scaly appearance of resembling a crocodile’s feet as bumps formed on his body and a long spikey tail grew out from his fattening rear, the smell of Jasper’s farts were getting to him and making him want Jasper, so without warning he started to thrust into him.

The two boyfriends began to fuck each-other like crazy, turning more and more monstrous as Bonzi watched them…’Look at you two, such cute little abominations. You will be perfect for my freakshow!’, they begged for him to turn them back only to cry out in pain. Jasper’s long black hair was getting messier and messier as his brow deformed, two long horns slowly growing out of the top of it as his eyes turned from their normal color to red, and his teeth sharpened, looking more like they belonged on a savage beast as his appearance deformed even further. ‘What have you done to me? I’m all fat and gross and hairy.’ ‘Just like half of the men you fetishize. So it is fitting.’ ‘This is not fair, Nathan did this and not me, why are you not doing this to him when he has been tormenting me since 2020?’ ‘Jasper, my dear boy. I am only saying this because you are too stupid to know that you instigated this and the original event by being a shithead, you are a shithead and you should be lucky I was not going to think about turning you into a toilet so I can use you!’

Jasper looked over at his boyfriend and had the urge to mate with him and the two of them continued to bang each-other ferociously, his boyfriend (named Accelo) found himself losing control of his own urges as his hair grew longer and turning into a mane as his face slowly deformed, his teeth sharpening as his face pushed out into a sort of deformed humanoid draconic muzzle, his voice was deepening as was Jasper’s.

Bonzi laughed at this and made them do it over and over again until both of them climaxed, Jasper of course now fully beastified. He reached a hand out and said…’This place is not for you two at all, people will judge you and call you freaks. However I know where you can go, some come with me!’, he used his magic to teleport the horny beast-man couple away, teleporting them all the way to his freakshow where they became his newest sensation act along with all the others.

He replaced their old home with a much better one that was suitable for himself and his gang of friends who used to be Jasper’s and he smiled as he knew he had done his job. Jasper was now permanently stuck like that for all entirety and so was Accelo but they did not mind, they had each-other and could have all the horny animalistic sex they could ever ask for, so it was a win-win scenario.

And thus Bonzi announced that he had done it and he was now in charge, and all worshipped the great purple gorilla who was the lord and master of the internet. Remember my dear readers, don’t be a monster towards other users even if you claim they started it first, and always keep your beastly urges to yourself or else.
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