Were-Aykroyd From Planet Dum Dum.


Were-Aykroyd From Planet Dum Dum.


Nathan Forester had a peculiar problem, you see he was a Were-aykroyd and he kept having masters who either weren’t exactly trustworthy or just got taken over by their own Were-Aykroyd sides, and one evening he was dealing with a problem that was brought on by transformative cookies.

A dum dum were-aykroyd invasion was taking place in the town of Oakendale and he thought he could make peace with the dum dums when they arrived at his apartment, only to transform, luckily though he never completed the transformation since he rarely did mental transformations. That evening he was looking for movies to watch on the television when he saw that Sy Fy was showing a schlocky b-grade horror comedy movie.

His were-aykroyd alter-ego Dan thought it would be a good idea to watch this movie, this movie was titled…’The Were-Aykroyd from Planet Dum Dum’ and had a monstrous plus sized were-aykroyd monster rampaging around in an American city, roaring like a maniac and being gross and stupid.

Dan was enjoying it…’How can you honestly like this movie, you’re a Were-aykroyd yourself, you’re supposed to be better than this.’ ‘Maybe you think it’s stupid but I enjoy this movie. Come on, let’s watch it together.’ ‘I don’t know, this might give me nightmares.’ ‘Since when do you worry about nightmares? You’ve got me.’ ‘True, but everytime i’ve had a dum dum moment it’s nightmares brought on by either you or another were-aykroyd.’

“It will be different I swear. Come on, it will be fun.”

“The movie looks stupid to me but i’ll watch it with you.”

Nathan sighed and sat down as he and Dan watched the movie, half-way through the movie, Nathan couldn’t stand the movie and how offensive he thought the were-aykroyd portrayal was, like he thought the director of the movie thought the were-aykroyd was meant to be a race of morons. ‘How can you just sit there and watch your species be portrayed in that way?’ ‘I know it’s offensive, but I don’t think the director intended for were-aykroyds to be portrayed as stupid.’

‘Did the director intend to give were-aykroyds a farting gimmick like Wario as well?’ ‘I don’t think so. It’s just a movie, relax.’ ‘It’s just a movie, relax…’ ‘One of these days Dan, you and I are going to look for a master who is going to help us with my little problem of turning into you, not make it worse.’

After being bored by the movie Nathan drifted off and had another one of his Were-Aykroyd visions, this time he dreamed he was in his home when he saw the leader of the Were-Aykroyd Dum Dums, the leader was looking for him. ‘Hello Nathan.’ ‘Oh no, not you.’ ‘Oh yes, it is me, we have some unfinished business.’

“What do you mean by that?”

‘You didn’t finish your transformation and now we have come to finish it..either you turn or we will make you do it.’ ‘But I don’t like my fat were-aykroyd form.’ ‘That is too bad because we will make you love it and you will love being so gassy and stupid.’

Hordes of dum-dum Were-Aykroyds stalked Nathan as they lumbered towards him, all with a ridiculously mindless look on their faces, they were just like the Were-Aykroyd in the movie. He freaked out as they lumbered towards him. ‘Join us, Nathan, be a dum dum like us.’ ‘Having no brain is fun.’

Nathan began to make a run for it as he headed downstairs and headed into the lab, he was desperate to find a cure or a way to stop himself from becoming like his previous master had. The dum dum were-aykroyds chased him along with their leader.

Even though these were all comically goofy clones of Dan the Were-Aykroyd, Nathan noticed that they weren’t at all stupid and could smell where he was. He tried to call for help but the leader of the dum dums wanted him to join them no matter what. ‘You never were meant to be a human, you were supposed to be a dum dum were-aykroyd like us.’ ‘I believe that you are lying.’

“Say it, say I am a dum dum were-aykroyd.”

“You are a dum dum were-aykroyd.”

“No, I said I am a dum dum were-aykroyd.”

“That’s what I said.”

“Ugh, enough…i’m going to turn you.”

The blubbery were-aykroyd leader clearly had enough of Nathan’s insults so he charged towards Nathan, getting bigger and fatter as he did so, stomping towards him, eventually becoming so big that he burst through the door. And now he couldn’t even move, at least not as fast as he normally would.

Nathan decided to poke him a few times before tossing him on his stomach and making a run for it but he felt bad for him so he decided to eat with him and be his friend. Little did Nathan realize that this was part of the leader’s plan, for as he ate he began to feel strange, he suddenly felt compelled to eat more and more, as his stomach grumbled loudly. His stomach gurgled as it began to grow, pushing against his shirt, he held his stomach and groaned as he witnessed its growth.

His stomach inflated and grew, pushing against his shirt and causing the buttons to pucker and some of the buttons even popped off as his shirt tightened, he attempted to remove his shirt but his chest and torso expanded just like his stomach was, filling with fat as did his stomach.

Brown hairs slowly sprouted on his arms and on his hands, which enlarged, and his skin matured and bubbled, filling up with fat as his fingers thickened, fattening up, giving him fingers that looked quite plump as he looked at his much larger hands. ‘What is happening to me?’ ‘You’re becoming like me. You will be a fat dum dum were-aykroyd who loves to be fed.’

“But this cannot be happening.”

“Oh but it is, you saw it all yourself.”

‘Yes I did see it all myself, the cookies that turned everyone into dum dum were-aykroyds, the were-aykroyd lair, the plague, the gas, you’re doing this and i’m going to stop you.’ ‘You won’t be, at least not for long, you will join us as a dum dum, you have seen it all yourself, you let a dum dum were-aykroyd into your house, you are going to become one yourself.’

Nathan panicked as he saw his shirt slowly ripping apart as his back and shoulders expanded, he couldn’t help but rub his rapidly growing stomach as he wanted more and more food, he couldn’t help but let out a few belches, he covered his mouth out of embarrassment. The fat continued to pile until it spread to his legs, causing his belly to slowly push against his belt, his belt slowly began to get tighten and unbutton itself as the buttons off the fly of his pants broke and popped off, his rear slowly fattening up as it pushed against his jeans.

His rear fattened up more and more as it pushed his jeans while his belt buckle broke apart, unbuckling as his stomach grew even larger, popping it open, he gasped as he looked over at his stomach which was tremendously round. A loud fart erupted from his behind and he was so embarrassed by this.

As horrifying as this was, he couldn’t help but oddly be entranced as he let loose another fart, and another fart after that. He watched as his jeans ripped open, leaving him in his shorts. ‘Those human clothes look oh so silly on you, you don’t need those do you? Of course you don't, my big fat dumdum needs to wear nothing at all or possibly the dumbest things ever.’

The were-aykroyd leader taunted Nathan as his big fat were-aykroyd butt continued to grow but it didn’t rip his shorts, his shoes however burst open to reveal his feet which were growing much larger and thicker as the toes on Nathan’s toes shifted to look webbed and also thickened, becoming fatter like his fingers had. ‘Yes yes, there we go…be so very fat for me, my dumdum ,eat so much, fart for me, you are not human, you are a dum dum were-aykroyd.’

‘No i’m human, you’re controlling me into doing this.’ ‘Oh but we all know your human self is a lie.’ ‘If I had a nickel for everytime a master of mine told me my human life is a lie I would probably have more than enough to buy me a new lab.’

‘You don’t need that do you?’ ‘Yes I do.’ ‘Nonsense, dum-dum were-aykroyds do not need human things, they just need to be fed and fattened up and to be so mindlessly happy with their gassy selves.’’I can’t imagine anyone being happy with that.’ ‘Oh but I can and I know a big dum dum who just loves it.’

Nathan hated this, he hated the idea of being turned into a dum dum were-aykroyd and being forced to join them, but still the only options he had before were: Either eat with the leader and be transformed, or be eaten/absorbed by said were-aykroyd leader and be spawned out as a were-aykroyd in that way, so ultimately decided to befriend him and eat with him because he felt bad for the leader.

“I only agreed to do this because I felt bad for you.”

“And now you get to be like me, forever.”


‘Yes, every night for the rest of your life you will become a dum dum just like me.’ ‘Noooo…I don’t want to be a dum dum were-aykroyd forever.’ He tried to escape as he headed over to the door only to be stopped by the leader, who made him eat more and more. ‘You cannot escape this, this is your fate, this is what you get for not completing your transformation.’

Nathan detested the stereotype of ‘dum dum’ were-aykroyds because he always knew Were-aykroyds to be a smart species, yet this were-aykroyd was telling him that wasn’t the case. As if he was lying to him and telling him that what he had heard wasn’t true. He looked at himself and groaned as he grew in height to 6’1 as his neckline altered, also gaining some fat on it while his hair lengthened and his forehead elevated higher up and his eyebrows thickened and arched, one eye turning from brown to green as both eyes widened and his face plumped up in the same way as the rest of the body, his nose broadened, developing a cleft in the middle as his features shifted to look Aykroydian.

His voice deepened and shifted to match, but also becoming comical sounding and sounding like he was doing an impersonation of a stupid person as his voice sounded so stupid it warped to sound like he was speaking in the Ollie North impersonation type of voice Dan Aykroyd used in Caddyshack II, he attempted to keep his human memories and thoughts from being altered but he felt headache after headache happen to him as he held his head…’My name is Nathan, right? I’m human, right?’ ‘No, you are dum dum, you are a dum were-aykroyd who is proud of their gassiness and fatness, you want to grow for your master and feed others, make them into dum dums too.’

He attempted to resist those words and to keep any traces of his human side, and he tried calling for help and he called his friends to help him only for his friends to run away from him, not wanting to catch the dum dum were-aykroyd plague from him. He cried out in horror as his transformation finished, signified by the partial draining of his intelligence, making him a comical goofy were-aykroyd who loved being stupid and fat who also loved breaking wind, as he let out a louder than humanly possible burp and dangerous flatulent were-aykroyd farts that created another gas cloud that spread through his neighborhood, turning his friends and closest acquaintances into dum-dum were-aykroyds just like he had.

Luckily though he had recovered enough of his intelligence to snap out of it and he broke down in tears and he cried, he was horrified at what he had done. A couple of seconds later, the vision ended and he woke up with a scream. ‘What a horrible nightmare that was.’ ‘What’s wrong, Nate?’ ‘Dan, I had a nightmare about turning into a massive fat stupid were-aykroyd.’ ‘There there, it’s okay. The were-aykroyd dum dum plague will not get to you or me.’

He looked over at Dan…’That’s good.’ ‘Sorry that had to happen to you.’ ‘I know, that stupid movie gave me nightmares.’ ‘It wasn’t that bad was it?’ ‘Oh yes it was and it’s your fault…’ ‘How is it my fault?’ Dan responded, inquiring as he looked over at Nathan, wondering why it would be his fault.

“Dan, sometimes I question your taste in movies.”

“Why? It wasn’t that awful was it?”

“It was the worst Aykroyd or Aykroyd themed movie i’ve ever seen.”

‘I thought it was kind of funny, then again it is a Sy Fy channel movie. And Sy Fy isn’t known for their quality.’ ‘Yeah, but even the Sharknado franchise is better than this movie. Why couldn’t we just have watched Mansquito instead?’ ‘I’m sorry that had to happen to you, I just wanted to have a movie night with you and well I thought it would be fun if we watched Were-Aykroyd from Planet Dum Dum and made jokes about it.’ ‘But what you did was a big mistake, next time i’m picking the movie.’ ‘Is it really my fault?’


“How is it my fault just because of the movie?”

“Let’s watch Were-Aykroyd from Planet Dum Dum, you said. It’ll be fun, you said.”

‘Honestly if you knew that the movie would have that effect on me you wouldn’t have picked that movie.’ ‘Yeah I know and I am sorry, I just used my were-aykroyd powers to mess with you a little bit by making you reenact a scene from the movie, I didn’t meant to give you a vision of turning into a fat dum dum were-aykroyd.’ ‘Your powers are dangerous sometimes, especially when it comes to visions and dreams.’, Dan reached for the remote and switched the channel, this time it was showing an episode of South Park on Comedy Central which Nathan loved.

“I know that and I am very sorry for that.”

“Apology accepted, just don’t do it again.”

And so Nathan hugged Dan and Dan told him that he felt bad for what happened to him so he decided to spend the next day with him doing Nathan’s favorite things and helping him to make up for the problems that had been brought on by the movie and the vision, Nathan never had to deal with being a fat dum dum were-aykroyd ever again, at least not that he knew of.
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