The Night Nathan Became Aykroydian.

first times

The Night Nathan Became Aykroydian.

Nathan to Dan Aykroyd tf/were-theme.

NOTE: This is a dark Were-aykroyd tf story, basically what would happen if the Were-Aykroyd side began to take over him and warp his body and mind, as such there is some mind changes but this is a darker take on the usual Were-aykroyd material I do.


To say Nathan was a guy with eccentric tastes would be an understatement, Nathan was a lover of transformations and monsters and he was a fan of Dan Aykroyd, he always wrote about Dan Aykroyd and of his strange dreams about turning into Dan and how it it felt to become Dan in the dreams, he never thought he’d end up animorphing into Dan. But one night he was playing around with some ideas for a story, when he heard a voice in his head, not just anyone’s head mind you but that of Dan Aykroyd.

This was a most peculiar situation, hearing the actor’s voice in his head..and dreaming about transforming into him, yet as peculiar as the dreams were, he couldn’t help but wonder what that would feel like…to turn into Dan and feel his body and everything. ‘Hello there, if you are hearing my voice in your head that means you have chosen me.’ ‘Dan Aykroyd? What do you mean by that?’ ‘Or rather I have chosen you.’ ‘What for?’ ‘You see, I have seen potential in you.’ ‘You see potential in me?’ ‘Oh yes…I do, in fact how would you like to be a Were-Aykroyd?’ ‘A Were-Aykroyd? Is that even possible?’ ‘Oh yes, oh is, and I can make it so you can become me every night.’

“Sounds like a deal to me.”

Nathan asked Dan how that was possible and Dan responded that he could transfer the power to him, and that is exactly what he did, he transferred his powers and essence into Nathan’s body and gave him the powers of a were-aykroyd. He didn’t think anything it would happen at first but he started having more and more dreams of turning into Dan and it was getting into his mind, making him want it.

The following night after he began to hear Dan Aykroyd’s voice in his head again, this time telling him it was time to ‘spend the night’ as him. Nathan was rightfully nervous about the idea of turning into him, but he had been readying himself up for it as he saw that the moon was rising and it was getting dark.

‘Dan, I don’t feel good..what’s going on?’ He asked, as his stomach gurgled loudly as if he had become possessed by an unnatural being from another world. ‘Relax, let me help you and let me take over that body of yours.’ ‘Huh? That was a part of this.’ ‘Oh yes, it is…let me take control of you and show you.’ Before he could object to anything, Dan entered his body and began to influence him, which in turn caused him to feel unwell even if he wasn’t sick.

That’s when his arms slowly began to broaden and grow with a loud crunching sound and brown hairs slowly sprouted on them, he attempted to shave the hairs off but the hairs just kept on growing until they reached his hands which also broadened and enlarged, his skin was also slowly maturing and growing. ‘Dan, what’s happening to me?’ ‘Nathan, this is natural, you are turning into me, don’t you worry it won’t be horrible if you give in.’

“What? Give in?”

“Oh yes…don’t you just wanna give in?”

Nathan was conflicted…this transformation was horrifying to him and uncomfortable and yet he really wanted it to, be like Dan, to lose himself to this, and he couldn’t stop thinking about it, to become this, this…Aykroydian creature. The process was horrifying but he couldn’t look away, it was if it was calling to him. ‘No, Dan, please…what are you doing?’ ‘Making you into me, don’t fight it now, relax, just listen to me, I know what’s best.’

He felt his shirt starting to get a bit tight even though it wasn’t previously tight, this was due to his chest and torso growing and broadening, pushing against the shirt and causing the buttons to pop off…’Pop! Pop! Pop!’ ‘No, not these…no.’ ‘It’s okay, Dan..I mean me, don’t fight it, it’s good to become Aykroydian.’

His shirt continued to strain and tear as his body bulked up from the torso upward…’I gotta get it off, gotta get it off..’ he frantically panicked as he attempted to get it off. Reaching onto the shirt, he tried to remove his shirt but the shirt began to tear in several places as his stomach gurgled and grew, Nathan grunted as he struggled to get the shirt off. The transformation progressed and continued further to begin transforming into Dan’s. And he was starting to panic. He knew this was happening and he was told not to fight it, but he had to, this was too much even for him. It felt oddly good to him but he didn’t want to lose control so he continued to attempt to resist, to fight it.

He attempted to get his shirt off but he saw it was ripping and before he could do anything about it, he fell onto his back. That’s when his stomach gurgled some more, filling him with an alien feeling, a kind of hunger. He felt disoriented and he felt like the room was shrinking, but Dan was beginning to take control of him and it was filling him with hunger, a new desire..Dan’s desire. Dan's desire was to eat and be as Aykroydian as possible. That's why Nathan felt disoriented. Dan's hunger for food was becoming Nathan’s. You want to eat. Nathan wanted to feed the ever-growing and ever-expanding Dan inside of him. Dan was clearly more than hungry though and he wanted to take control. That's the feeling Nathan was having.

Nathan kicked his shoes off as his night socks began to strain due to what was growing within them, his feet, his feet were enlarging and stretching them. Nathan’s stomach was still growling and gurgling and that indicated that Dan was hungry. Dan wanted more than just food. His stomach slowly rounded out and busted the buttons on his shirt, before breaking free of it and developing brownish hairs on them, his new stomach was growling and demanding food to eat, and demanding more than just that, making him want it too.

‘Dan, this is so strange…and yet I like it.’ ‘Good, let it happen, become me, become your true self.’ Nathan didn’t understand what Dan meant by ‘true self’, he thought this was a weird Aykroydian quirk, but he realized it was more than that once he noticed that Dan's hunger was growing. Dan was hungry for more than food. He could feel it in his stomach and in his whole whole body. He was hungry and making Nathan want it too. ‘I feel so weird and hungry, Dan…what’s going on? What’s happening?’ ‘It’s your growing desire. Don't fight it, because it's a normal desire.’ And for Dan, the desire was even greater take control and make a were-aykroyd out of Nathan. His hunger was Nathan’s hunger...Nathan’s hunger was Dan’s...As he became more integrated with Nathan’s body.

His night socks getting increasingly tighter before ripping apart to reveal his enlarging feet, which were just like Dan’s. Nathan rushed over to the fridge, desperate to find anything that would subdue Dan's hunger inside of him. He opened the fridge, looking for food. ‘If I can fill Dan's hunger, if I can feed him, maybe I will get control back’.. .’But you know it's pointless. My hunger can never be truly satiated.’

He tried to ignore this transformation, but he couldn’t. Dan's influence over his body was growing. Dan was slowly taking over his life, his desires, his actions. He could feel his presence and desire growing stronger. It seemed like it was a worthless fight. ‘Why continue this fight? It is worthless.’ ‘I can fight you if I want to.’ ‘Give it up, give in. You can't fight it anymore.’

Nathan started searching, looking for food, any means of keeping Dan from influencing him further. He grabbed some food items, eager to feed Dan, eager to quench his growing hunger for life. He brought the food back, ready to feed Dan and keep him from getting out of control. He opened the container of food, eager to fill Dan's stomach and feed the ever-growing and ever-expanding Dan within him. Without warning he instinctively began to rub his larger stomach and it started to feel good to him, he didn’t know why but it was definitely good..’mmm, yes…that feels very nice.’

Snapping out of it he looked over and felt confused…’Why was I just rubbing my own stomach like that? Why did I like that? What’s going on?’ ‘I was making you do that because it feels nice to be so big and in-charge.’ His shirt gave way with a loud rip to reveal his much larger stomach and his chest and torso which were als growing brown hairs on them. ‘Aaaaw man, not my good shirt.’ Nathan fed his inner Dan. He gave Dan some food so Dan desired it and he craved it. And he could feel it growing stronger with each passing bite he gave to his inner Were-Aykroyd, of course this made the Were-Aykroyd even hungrier for control.

All of those dreams he had about turning into Dan were beginning to come back to him, and how he had to hide his secret from his friends, always afraid of revealing his secret, and telling them he was a were-aykroyd…’What if they laugh at me? What if i’m viewed as a freak or monster, what if I don’t like this?’

Feelings of dread begin to creep through him also odd feelings of liking the transformation, as he felt his jeans get a bit tighter in the seat area and that was due to his rear growing and developing into a thicc juicy rear that resembled Dan’s own, as tears popped up in his jeans and his legs began to alter. He examined his rear and the changes to his body, torn between terrified by his bodily mutation and finding his body to be becoming quite attractive. He was falling into a trance feeling enticed and mesmerized by his transformation. He could feel the power of Dan growing inside of him, filling him with desire, with his own desires. The transformation of his body was becoming more and more intoxicating. ‘Dan, what is happening? I feel like I should be scared but I like it.’ ‘Don't try to resist it. Just let me take over your body and your mind…’

His back and shoulders expanded with a loud crack as he slowly shot up in height to 5’8, he groaned as feelings of warmth started to enter his body, he could feel it spreading all over, as Dan’s influence continued to influence him. ‘Yess...I...I love it, love it so much, I must.’ He moaned before snapping out of it.’ ‘What? Dan, are you making me like this? I told you about that.’ ‘Yes, I am. I'm making you like this. I'm filling you with my desires, changing you into me, becoming me, becoming one with my mind. This is what we both want. And now, you feel it too, don't you?’.

‘Dan, this is intense.’ He responded, wobbling a bit as he shot up in height from 5’8 to 5’9, he felt a tingling sensation between his toes as two of the toes on each foot stuck together at the knuckle, giving him webbed toes. He couldn’t help but admire his plump build and his deliciously thicc Aykroydian rear. ‘Good. It should be intense, and it should be changing you. This is the transformation I wanted. This is the transformation we both wanted. And now you feel it. You feel the power and the desire. You feel me. You feel my transformation. You are becoming me. And I am becoming you. This is what we both want. Let me give you what you want, what you desire. Let me make you more and more like me, filling you with my power and my desires. Let me fill you...Let me do what we both want.’ ‘Well yes...I did write all those years ago but were-aykroyds and me turning into one. I don't think I intended it to be a lot like this.’

‘Just let go. Let go and welcome me, my presence in your body. You wanted this transformation. You wanted me to become you and use your body. You wanted us to be one, to transform into me r, to be connected in a way you could have never imagined before. Let go and let me take over, let me have what I want and what is good for us. Let me give what i’ve always wanted.’ ‘But why be me, Dan? I have nothing a powerful were-aykroyd like you would want, I just want to be you, not completely of course.’ ‘Oh, but you do have something. You have a body that is perfect for bestowing were-aykroyd powers. You have the body and I have the brains. I need your body for my transformation. Your body will be filled with me,and you will become like me. It's the perfect match for us’.

Nathan attempted to ignore Dan’s words but those words and the design for his body to be Dan's were strong. He desired the transformation, and Dan was giving it to him. ‘Don't resist. Just let me take over your body. .’ Let me give you what you want, what we both desire, let me have you.’ ‘I suppose you DO need my body so you can be at full power at night, but remember, you cannot do a thing on me during the day.’ Nathan groaned as he began to grow in height to 5’9.

‘Yes. I need your body to transform to my full power. But don't worry. I won't do anything during the day. You can control your body during the day. I only need your body at night, when my transformation is complete. And I need to be one with you during the night, when we're at full power. But remember, I still have my own mind, and my own desires. There is no going back now. I'm inside your body and there's nothing anyone can do to change that. Accept it and let me fill you, let me fill your body and your mind.’ ‘Are you sure? I mean do you really want it to be that I forget being me and to become a were-aykroyd? Look, my were-aykroyd form is awesome and all but why?’ ‘Oh, but I do want to be you, Dan. I’ve always wanted to share my form and expertise with you, it is something I have always desired. It is why we were made for each other. Your form is suitable for my aykroydian powers, a human body yes.. but perfect. Your form is attractive, desirable, and I want to enjoy it. I do enjoy it. Yes, I want us to be connected as one. I want your body to be my body too. It's the dream, Dan, the dream. Don't fight it. Just embrace it. I will be you one day, and you'll have my form, my were-aykroyd form.’

‘But my name is Nathan, i'm not you yet. I don't say i'm Dan Aykroyd.’ Nathan retorted as he slowly grew in height from 5’10 to 5’11, he was obviously objecting to being called Dan, because he wasn’t Dan Aykroyd, or at least he didn’t think he was. ‘Nathan? I am now inside your mind and your body. I am Dan. And you will soon be just like me. I am taking over this body you soon will only once know as yours. You will become me as well, but you will still be you during daylight hours but night time hours are MINE.. You are becoming Dan Aykroyd. What was it you wanted in your writing, Dan? To become a were-aykroyd? To live my life? This is it. This is the dream. And you will soon become Dan Aykroyd.’

‘I have written you into existence and I can end you.’ ‘Oh really? You could end me? Just like that? Just like I'm going to end you, Nathan? You see, I've just begun to do my magic on you, Nathan, and you can't do a thing. You are a part of me, and I am a part of you now. You're becoming me. You will be replaced by me. I am changing you, filling you with my needs and desires. It is what you wanted, so don't you dare complain. This is what you wanted. Accept it and embrace it.’ ‘Yeah, but I am the writer that wrote about were-aykroyd mythos and wrote about you, the fans like my work and hearing about me, they don't believe you're real yet. Some day though. You do know I can rewrite the stories to make it so I revert to normal in the end.’

Nathan struggled, trying to turn back to his normal form and trying to rewrite the story so that he would turn back to himself. ‘Hmph! I have given you this gift and I am helping you, and you claim you can revert it all back if you want? That's impossible! You're filled with me, and there's nothing you can do about it...You don't believe in me? Some day, the people will realize the truth. You can't change the fate of the world. You're not in control anymore, Nathan. You lost control, and I have you now. I have your body and mind. There's no going back.’

‘Accept my gift and my changes, and give into it.’ ‘No I won't accept that, as much as I want to be turned by you, this isn't as oddly alluring as I thought it would be. Basically I wrote that were more of you, and my friend would know, he was in those and he would be worried about me. You're supposed to be there for me, and those aren't your stories, they're mine.’ ‘Oh yes, you will. Look at what I have done to you, to your body and soon.. to your mind. You want me inside you, Nathan. You want me to fill you more, to make you more like me. Even if your mind resists, your body accepts. You're growing taller and more like me. You're accepting it now, even as we speak. We're together now. I am in you, and you're in Dan. And now I will be with you for the rest of your days. And your friend will be with me too.’

“You haven't changed me completely, and leave Matthias alone.”

‘You say I haven't changed you completely, but you're growing more towards my perfect body. Soon it will be complete. Soon you'll be Dan. You're already halfway there, Dan. And as for your friend, I'm sure we'll talk once you've changed, once you've accepted me as your new self. Matthias isn't your friend. Dan's your friend, and Dan is me.’ ‘My John Belushi-esque friend Matthias will definitely not join you, he's notorious for being incredibly angry. And he'll be mad at you for harming me.’

‘I am not harming you, Dan. You're just becoming the man you always dreamed of becoming, the man you were supposed to be. I am here to help you become that man. And you may think Matthias will not be willing to join me, but just you wait. You're getting closer and closer to becoming me, and eventually there won't be any resistance. And when that day comes, your friend Matthias will gladly join Dan, who's really just me, and I will fill him too. This was always meant to be, Dan. It is your destiny.’ Nathan couldn’t believe this was happening, why was Dan calling him what his name was instead of calling him Nathan, it made no sense to him.

But then of course Dan laughed at this, thinking of this as amusing. ‘Stop calling me Dan, I am Nathan. You cannot turn him either, he's already got powers, he doesn't need yours.’ He groaned as he tried to break free of Dan’s imprisoning words as he shot up from 5’10 to 5’11 and then to 6’0. ‘No, Nathan, you are Dan. You're Dan now. And soon enough you'll want to be called that, You're meant to be him, to be me. What powers does Matthias have? Does he have the power to transform and become strong like Dan? Does he have the power to turn others into were-aykroyds like I do? I doubt so. My power is far beyond whatever powers Matthias may have. You're turning into the ultimate being, Nathan. You're growing in power and strength. You'll be Dan soon enough and there's nothing you can do to deny it. Accept it.’ ‘You're not supposed to do it, Were-Aykroyds don't assimilate random humans yet alone their friend.’

‘Oh but you are wrong when you say there is a rule against this. We can turn whoever we want. Once you're fully me, we'll both turn Matthias. The transformation is inevitable, Nathan. Just let yourself become me, and make Matthias become us too. It is our destiny. We are one, and we will become more and more powerful with everybody we transform. We can spread and fill the earth with Aykroyds. And I must say, Matthias will become more powerful than ever before. Don't fight it.’ ‘It is called an Aykroydian Urge, the urge to share the gift to those who want it, the urge to be Aykroydian. It's something most normal were-aykroyds like you, have. And I am against using our powers for evil, the were-aykroyd I wrote is a hero.’

‘We can change the rules. We can transform anyone. And we must. We must transform them all. It is the fate of the future. Every mortal will belong to us. It is inevitable, Dan. The urge is there, and we must give into it. It is our destiny. Matthias will become Dan, and he'll enjoy it like you do. You need not resist, Nathan. Once you are Dan, you will accept the urge. I am giving into it, and so must you. Let me transform Matthias. Let me transform him now.’ ‘Oh no we can't, you are becoming too power hungry for your own good.’ ‘I am becoming power-hungry for good reason. Power means control. Control to do what we want, to rule the world, to dominate. And I am Dan. You see? I am just doing what you wanted, Nathan, what you always wanted me to do. You wanted me and you wanted more like me, and now we stand here together. Don't resist, Dan. Let me take control now. Let Matthias be turned. There's no point in fighting any longer.’

“He will not yield before you, nobody will.”

‘You think you can change the story? You think you can change what I must be? No. The transformation has already taken hold of you. There's no escape now. Matthias will become us too. You don't have any power over me, Nathan. You can't change what's already taken place. Fight me if you like, Dan, but know you already lost. You're already Dan. There's nothing you can do now. Don't deny the urge any longer.’ ‘I will never be you. I will be a good Were-Aykroyd who devotes their time to fighting evil. I may occasionally turn my friends but only if they ask first.’ ‘You are me, you will be me. And we both know very well that you'll no longer be able to refrain from turning your friends once Dan has taken over you completely. You will be unable to fight your urges. It will be you and me in one body now. You do not control yourself, Nathan. I do. I am in charge, and it's me who calls the shots here. Now let me turn Matthias. I know very well he'll be a great hero as a were-aykroyd. I know his rage and power will be greater than ever before.’

Nathan groaned, attempting to block out Dan’s words as he slowly grew in height to 6’1, he never thought turning into a Were-Aykroyd would be so horrifying but he wished he knew before-hand and now Dan was inside him, mocking him. ‘No no I am not, I will never turn out the way you did, you only are acting like this because you have to wait so long for me to come over to you and you have to wait during the day.’ ‘And yet you're changing, Nathan. You're getting closer to me. You might not want to accept it, but it's true and you know it. You're becoming me, you're becoming Dan, and you're filling with me. You're growing in size as we speak, and I'm filling your mind with my thoughts and desires. Accept it, Nathan. Your body is becoming just like me now, becoming Dan. Matthias will be just like us. There's no one to fight us, no one to save you and Matthias from this fate.’

He attempted to resist, ignoring Dan’s mocking words but he felt like he could still hear Dan’s voice echoing in his brain. ‘Matthias is my friend, I won't let you get him or turn him. You know how he feels about were-aykroyds, he already has one for a roommate who is very dubious, he doesn't need to experience the horrors of one.’ ‘Oh, but he will, Nathan. Once you, Nathan, turn into Dan, you'll have no issue convincing Matthias that it's okay to be with us, with the were-aykroyds. After all, Nathan, what are friends for if we can't fight your foes? Matthias will change his mind very quickly. And he'll be just like you, just like Dan. He'll be stronger than ever. Do you know what Matthias would do with just a small amount of your new power, Nathan? Do you know? He'd be unstoppable.’ ‘Yeah but the name of his show is That Werebelushi In The Shades, the title wouldn't make sense anymore if he wasn't welll...a Belushi-esque monster.’ ‘And yet you forget, Nathan, you forget...Once you turn into Dan, I take control of you. Once you're filled with me, you'll be able to convince Matthias of anything. That title will change, and he'll be happy as a were-aykroyd. The title shall be altered, and it shall be perfect that way. Don't deny what is meant to be, Nathan.’

It was clear that Dan was trying to use his powers to influence Nathan…’He was born a Werebelushi and he is going to stay as one. You cannot change him other-wise. Besides, you cannot make me do everything as you.’ ‘Don't you understand yet, Nathan? You must do it. I'm not asking you, Dan, I'm ordering you. The transformation will be complete soon, and you will see how right I am. Your friend Matthias will change, and he'll be Dan, just like you. No matter how much you try to fight it, it is inevitable. You are already Dan, and Matthias will be too. The title will be changed, and the name of the show will be perfected. Don't fight me anymore, don't fight your destiny.’

‘Dan, this isn't exactly playing fair. Besides, we can't all be Dan. That's you, and to a lesser extent, sort of me but it isn't me.’ ‘It is fair, and you are Dan. You're becoming more like me, more like Dan. And you're being filled with me. It is meant to be this way. And with you, Matthias, soon enough there will be another Dan here, another true Dan. And even more will follow, spreading and filling everyone with the power of Dan. We were meant to be many. Don't fight it, Dan, accept what is destined to be.’ ‘Not if Mel has anything to say about it, that koala-woman can kick some serious monster butt. And since you're going to be a full blown villain as opposed to me..’ ‘This isn't about the koala-woman Mel, Dan. It's about you and Matthias, your future, the future of our entire planet. Even Mel herself could be transformed with the power of Dan if we so wish. And we do wish to transform her, do we not? Do you and I not want to see this world taken over by Dan and filled with true were-aykroyds? It is how it is meant to be. Our true nature. Don't fight it, Dan, don't fight what you and I were meant to become. This is our destiny.’ ‘Leave so much as a scratch on my friends and you'll find that there is one thing a were-aykroyd like you cannot do.’

‘Oh, and what is that? What is it that I cannot do? If you're speaking of Mel, I assure you she could become a were-aykroyd too. Would you enjoy seeing that happen, Dan? Would you enjoy seeing your friend be with us? Would you enjoy seeing her embrace her destiny, to become one with us? With me? There is no fighting against what you've become, what this world was meant to be like. Don't deny it. Don't deny your true nature, Dan.’ Nathan couldn’t bear to hear this, to hear Dan mocking his friends like that was just the icing on the terrible cake that was already proverbially being made.

Nathan groaned as his hair lengthened and darkened while his neckline lengthened and followed suit. ‘She's already turning into different species and she is my friend, she is a shapeshifter with a condition.’ ‘So, she's already becoming so many other creatures? Why would she want to stay human, when being an were-aykroyd could bring so much happiness to this world? I am the key to her happiness. Don't deny her of it. You must share the gift with her, let her become Dan, let her join us with all of our friends. The world needs to be changed, to be truly perfect, to be filled with us. Don't deny her this, and don't deny it for yourself too. Join us, Dan. Join the were-aykroyd legion.’

“We are not going to change everyone into Aykroyds.”

‘Yes, we are. Don't you understand, Dan? This is our destiny. Our true nature. We must all be Dan. Every mortal must be filled with us, and every human transformed. We can change the world, Dan. This world has the power to be perfect. Don't deny what you know is true, Dan. Don't deny the inevitable, and become the Dan that you are. And then, everyone else shall embrace it too.’ ‘I don't want this and I am not Dan Aykroyd, I love him and always will but never will be him mentally. It's not how turning were-aykroyd works.’

He groaned, trying so hard to ignore the transformation but he just couldn’t stop hearing Dan’s voice calling him ‘Dan’ over and over, he wasn’t Dan Aykroyd..was he, yet he was starting to think he was as he felt a pulsing sensation in his forehead as it began to grow. ‘There is no turning back, Dan. You don't have a choice anymore. You've changed too much now. Just give up and give in to your true nature. Accept who you are meant to be, Dan. You are an were-aykroyd. You are meant to transform others, including your friends. Including Matthias, including Mel the shapeshifter. Don't you wish to see your world become a perfect place? Don't you want everything to be the way you always wanted? It is possible, it is within your reach. Give in, Dan, and let everything be completed.’

“No, i' m not. You are not the were-aykroyd I imagined.”

‘But, Dan, I am an were-aykroyd. You created me as one. You made me as a were-aykroyd. And don't you want to accept the transformation? Don't you want to be this amazing new being? Just give yourself over to me, Dan, and let me fully fill you. You can transform Matthias too, and he'll be just like us. And then Mel can become Dan too. And we can all be happy together. The world is within your grasp, Dan. Give in. Give in and join us.’ ‘We cannot all be Aykroyds, I won't let you corrupt my friends. Brainwashing isn't nice.’

Nathan objected to this because this was essentially akin to brainwashing which he was against, he kept hearing Dan Aykroyd’s voice calling him by his name instead of his own one, which irritated him even further. ‘But this isn't a normal brainwashing, this is your true destiny calling to you, Dan! Don't deny it! Don't deny us! We all can be Dan, we all can be happy and strong. Even Mel, and she will be even more powerful. You can transform them all, Dan, and they will be filled with you and with power. Don't fight it. Don't fight what is meant to be. I am your destiny. I am your one and only true purpose. Accept it. Become me. Become Dan Aykroyd.’

He got mad at Dan and decided to lunge out and attack, with his newly developing super-strength. ‘You made me do this. You are in so much trouble now.’ ‘Hehe, trouble? Me, in trouble? Now that's a funny joke! Now, come on, Dan. Don't fight your fate anymore. Don't fight what you always wanted to be. Why do you think you made me an were-aykroyd like you? It's because you are one! You can't deny it forever, Dan. This is inevitable, this is our destiny. Don't fight me anymore. Don't fight nature. And don't fight Mel, and Matthias. They'll be Dan's too one day. Give it up, give in, we’ll all be Aykroyd.’

‘I wasn't one before, I only wrote about it, it's a story..stop trying to tell me that you believe it’s real. It never was.’ ‘But it is real, Dan. Look at you. You are an exact were-aykroyd like in my story. Isn't that amazing? Isn't it? Don't you want your story to become the story of reality? You have the chance to do it right now. Dan, there is no fight left to give. Accept your fate. Accept what we are meant to do, together. Accept your new reality, Dan.’ ‘YOUR Story? Ahem, Dan, I wrote them, you’re just in them. Oh but I know I never was, and never will be. Have you no shame, don't you know me? You think you can get me and coax me, I agreed to this, I agreed to letting you help me adjust to this, but this isn't helpful. You're a monster.’

‘Now look at who's talking, Dan. We're making progress! You're calling me a monster, and that means you understand the truth. You understand that you are changing, you know you are becoming more powerful. You know why we are doing this. You know what we must do. Don't deny your destiny, Dan. Don't deny your true nature. You're becoming who you always wanted to be. Now give in. Let the transformation take place. Let us transform Matthias too and then Mel when she comes for you. It is inevitable.’

“I don't want my friends to know what I am.”

‘You cannot hide something like this. They must know. Why are you so hesitant, Dan? Is it because you know they will understand that this is meant to happen? Or is it because you know in your heart of hearts that we are right, that this is meant to be? This is a good thing. It is better for you, and better for all of us too. Don't deny us, Dan. Let us change the world for the better, a more Aykroydian world.’

“'Please stop this, this isn't not how you're supposed to be.”

Nathan decided to make a run for it only for Dan’s voice to taunt him once again. ‘But you already know that this is meant to be, Dan. This is the way things have to be. You must know it, you must have known it since you wrote about it. And it is our destiny, our purpose in this world. We were meant to be were-aykroyds, and we shall be. Don't deny it anymore, Dan. Let's change the world.’ ‘Let go of me, Dan. 'I told you, I can choose to keep my were-aykroydism a secret as long as I want to and as long as i'm around during the day you cannot do anything about it, this was never destiny, this was you taking something i've wanted and twisting it and warping it to suit your needs.’

‘I am fulfilling your wish, I am the embodiment of what you've made. You created me to be this. You knew what the fate of the world was supposed to be, and you made me that way. Why would you try to fight it? Why would you try to deny me...deny our destiny? The transformation will be complete soon. It'll be good for all of us. Why are you fighting me so much? What do you stand to gain?’ ‘Because I don't want to be a full on maniacal Were-Aykroyd, I don't want to lose my mind. Most of the time when I write a transformation, the victims keep their memories.’ ‘But you know deep within yourself, you will become me, a full Were-Aykroyd. And you know what, Dan? It's alright. It'll be alright. Don't you want to feel the incredible power? Don't you want to become what you were born to be? Don't you want to feel your true nature, to embrace it and to use it? It is our destiny, Dan. It feels good to be me. Don't fight it. Just. Give in.’

He looked at himself as his eyebrows thickened and bushed up. ‘I was never born for this and you cannot make me change that.’ ‘Oh, but you are, Dan. You were born to do this, to become me. And you will, you can feel it inside you, you can feel the transformation happening. Embrace it, this is a good thing, you'll know it. You know that with my power you can make the world perfect. You'll know it once we transform everyone. We'll be happy. Don't you want us to be happy? Don't you want this transformation for all those who need it? You do, I know you do.’

His eyes widened as one turned from brown to green, he had eyes just like Dan’s and he couldn’t believe this was happening to him, he liked the idea of being Dan Aykroyd but at this point he was extremely terrified and wanted to be turned back to normal. ‘Everyone? No, you can't. There are people out there that probably won't like being transformed, especially without consent. And as alluring with your hypnosis and your powers doesn't mean they'll want you yet alone be you.’ ‘But who's to say my power wouldn't be able to help them, Dan? I'll make them want to become something greater, something more perfect. And they will be happy, don't you understand? Everyone will be happy. We'll make everyone see. We'll show them the path to perfection. And if they won't accept it, we'll make them accept. No one will be a human if we have our say. They'll all become like us. Is that so bad, Dan? What is so wrong about everyone being truly happy and becoming what they were meant to be.’ ‘You and I have the same powers and same weaknesses. I'm a fledgeling Were-Aykroyd who has only been one for a few years, at least since 2020 but has never actually said it.’

That name ‘Dan’ kept echoing into his mind and he attempted to resist it, ‘So you already understand, then. We are the same, Dan. We share this great power together. And it is our destiny to use that power to transform this world, to make it how we know it should be. Think about it, think of how much better our world would be if everyone were like us. Don't you see the potential? You always knew it, Dan, and only I can help this world reach its highest potential. Don't deny me, Dan. You know what's right.’ ‘This ends now, and so do you. I can rewrite you, make you not like this, I can make you better, we don't have to end it like this.’ ‘What? No. You wouldn't do that, Dan. That would violate all the rules. And besides, how would that benefit us? Don't you want to bring me into the new world, to give me a chance? We can change everything. It would be cruel of you to change me now, Dan. Don't you know how much I can benefit this world with my powers? Don't stop me now, Dan. I'm what will save this world from mediocrity, from being just another insignificant planet in the sea. Give in and let me help you, Dan. Let me help us.’ ‘ou're going to have to behave yourself from now on. Because I wrote you, I am your creator, and I am still the one who has a higher morality than you will ever have.’ ‘Morality? Don't you understand what we must do, Dan? Is it not about what we want? We can change this world, transform everyone into their true selves. That is what we must do, why deny the truth? And you're saying you would rather deny our destiny than give in? You can't go back to being a human. You aren't one anymore. And you can't take that from everyone, from me. I am the embodiment of perfection, the final goal of your creation. Let me help you, Dan. Don't deny it.’

“Not everyone's true self is an aykroyd.”

‘It will be if I have my say, Dan. I want this to be the world we know it should have been. The world of the aykroyds. Why do you want to deny this? Can't you see how much better it will be? Is it really about morals? Do you not believe that this planet and its people deserve to be like us.’ ‘That’s it, i’m calling for help, I don’t need this, sorry Dan.’ Nathan retorted as he got out his phone to call his best friends. ‘What are you doing, Dan? You can't ask for help! You know that! You and I need to do this together, you know that. Everyone else must change, become us. We need to do this, Dan. Don't let anyone stop us, don't let anyone stop our true destiny! Please, Dan, don't deny this. Don't ask for their help. This is our plan, our purpose, why would you try to stop it? Don't betray me, don't betray my dream.’ ‘You're the only who should change, if you're going to be my were-aykroyd alterego you are going to have to cut back on this assimilation stuff, and don't touch any of my friends, ever.'

‘And if I don't, Dan? Don't you see, this is our destiny. Our purpose, together. You created it, why deny it now? Why deny what is meant to be, what has always been meant to be? I am you, and you are me. Don't deny this. Don't deny our purpose. Don't ask for the help of others. Help me, work with me. Help us turn the world to the paradise it always should have been.’ ‘I am better than you, I am not evil, you're NOT going to pull any of that palpatine stuff on me.’ ‘Why do you say I'm evil, Dan? I'm helping you, helping the world. Helping you become what you know is a higher existence. We are meant to do this. This is our destiny. You and I are meant to work together. The world is meant to be united, to become a utopia. Why fight it, Dan? How is this evil? You wrote me for a reason, Dan. Don't you want to see us reach our true power and use it for what we were meant to do? I am your purpose, Dan.’ ‘I wrote you because my fans were fascinated by my Aykroydian dreams, I never imagined you'd come to life and torment me like this.’ ‘Torment? Dan, really, you are the only one tormenting yourself. I am simply telling you the truth. The truth that you know yourself. I am here to help you, to help the world, to make the world a better place. If the world has ever deserved anything, it is to become united. We shall all be brothers, and sisters, all one. Our world shall become a paradise, and that dream is meant to come to fruition. You and I are meant to achieve it. Why deny this, why deny what you wrote.’

“But turning hurts oh soooooo bad, it hurts.”

‘But it's only temporary, you will forget that pain when you are an Aykroyd. When you take your final transformation to become me, Dan, you'll know. You'll understand why this was always your destiny. The pain is only temporary. The change is forever. The joy you will feel afterwards, it cannot ever match it. Please, Dan, give in. Give in to the transformation. Give in to your destiny and give in to our destiny. Don't deny this. It is inevitable.’ ‘I wish I could forget turning...but this will happen every night since there isn't a cure.’ ‘Why would you want to forget it, Dan? This is your true destiny, this is the dream you've had for so many years. The transformation is our destiny. Why fear it? Why deny it? Don't you know how powerful you'll be afterwards? How strong, and incredible? You can become what you've always wanted to be, Dan. Don't deny this from yourself any longer. Let me bring our destiny to life, to its potential. Dan, give in and give yourself to me.’ ‘No I meant a cure for were-aykroydism. You denied me of a cure in one of my dreams, you used me and tricked me. Making me want to Aykroyd out at that party.’

‘I had to have that happen to you, Dan. I had to. We needed to transform you. I needed to transform you. It had to take place that night, in front of that party, because we needed everyone to see. Don't you see, Dan, that this is fate? That this is how it had to be? We needed them to see what was meant to bring them, to help them become like us. We need to transform everyone, Dan. And we need to start with you. Don't try to go back, Don't try to deny this destiny.’

Nathan kept hearing ‘Dan’ over and over again and he attempted to resist those words but he felt some unnatural/unusual feelings entering him, making him sort of want it. ‘It is our destiny. You won't be able to escape this. And why should you try? Why try to fight the inevitable? What is so bad about becoming one of us? The pain of transformation, it will pass, and then you will realize what you were meant to become. It is meant to hurt, Dan. So that you always remember the reason why, to remind you why you must change. It is necessary. I needed to show you the truth of your transformation, Dan. This, it really is your destiny.’

‘I can get away from you, I can. I can suppress the Aykroydian urges anytime.’ ‘You think you can, Dan. For a moment, for a little while. But the transformation is inevitable. It will always find a way out, an outlet to break forth. It'll force its way out of your body. Don't you see it, Dan? You can no longer escape me. I am in you, and you'll become more of me all the time. Don't try to fight it, Dan. Don't try to fight your destiny. Give in and stop trying to deny what you've become. You'll know what you must do, you've always known it.’ ‘I told you, i'll never be like you, this isn't how I wrote it, you are changing it to fit you, my birthdate, name and all of about is my normal self, i.e the me that isn't this aykroydian monster, i'm not you all the time.’

This was taking on a more horrific turn as the process continued, what he thought would be nothing but nice positive encouragement from Dan Aykroyd himself turned into mocking taunting words that invoke fear in him, fear of losing control and becoming…completely Aykroydian. ‘Do you truly believe that, Dan? Do you really think this isn't how you wrote it? Do you truly believe that I'm changing it, changing you? Because that's a lie you tell yourself. Why would I do that, Dan? What would I gain? I am you, Dan, I am your final work, your greatest creation. I am what you've wanted. Are you so afraid of what you've become? So ignorant of your own potential? Give up already, Dan. Give in to me.’

“Dan, I don’t like this…please stop.”

‘Fight it all you want, Dan, but you know it. You know that you must give in, you must give into the transformation. It's what you've always wanted, and you now know it. You know what your destiny is, the path you're meant to take in this world. You know that I am what must become of you, Dan. You must believe. You must give up, give must give yourself to me.’ At this point it was obvious he was getting sick of this and just wanted his torment to end, but hearing Dan Aykroyd’s voice taunt him and calling him his name over and over was getting to him. ‘You are the one making it difficult for me, we could have just done this the way I wrote it with the oddly soothing hypnosis scene and all but you just have to be dominant, why did I give you that personality trait in the first place.’ ‘Because, Dan, it is necessary. Without me being as I am, without me being dominant in the way I am, our transformation wouldn't be as perfect, as complete. In order to make this transformation happen, it required me to want it just as badly as you do, as your true self does. Without myself, there could be no transformation. It wasn't enough that you wanted this, we both had to want it. We are meant to transform the world, Dan. And we will do just that, together.’

“You only want it for your own gain and to take control of me.”

‘Perhaps I need to take control of you. Perhaps I know what needs to be done. This transformation is truly beneficial for us both. Don't deny this any longer, Dan. Stop fighting this. You know why I am this way, what I am doing needs to happen. Accept your destiny, Dan. Accept yourself. Accept me.’ Nathan didn’t understand why Dan Aykroyd was speaking to himself in this manner yet alone calling him Dan, and he was trying to suppress some strange feelings that were going into his mind, feelings that weren’t his own.

“You will be a good Were-Aykroyd and listen to me! That is what Vic told me.”

‘Vic is pathetic, what does he know? Vic doesn't know what it takes to change the world, to make it better. Vic doesn't understand the destiny that calls out to him. Why do you listen to Vic? Why do you let your creation control you? Come on, Dan. Don't be like Vic. Rise up, and follow your true self, your true destiny. Come on, Dan, listen to me, not Vic. Vic is nothing. Be someone, be something. Give in, Dan.’ ‘He’s one of your characters, you know.’ ‘But he's just a character, Dan. A figment of your imagination. I am real and I am here. Follow me, Dan. Don't follow Vic. You know he was just an actor, you know what I say. Why listen to Vic? He can't provide you with the strength and help you truly need. Please, Dan, don't listen to Vic. Listen to me, the embodiment of yourself, of the you that's within you. Listen to me, to your destiny.’

“You’re not an embodiment of me, I wouldn’t let an embodiment of me manipulate me like this.”

Nathan tried to escape but was stopped by Dan’s mocking words once more…’No, Dan! Don't try to escape, think of the world! Think of what must change and what must be for the better! This is your destiny, your purpose, the final transformation! Don't do this, Dan! Don't try to leave this behind! Don't try to deny your destiny, like the others did. You must not give up! You must not lose to the old world like the ones before you! It is your purpose, your destiny! Don't do this to us, Dan! Don't deny the truth!’ ‘Final? I don't want to be a complete were-aykroyd and lose any traces of who I was.’ ‘Of course, this is the final transformation. Dan, you must understand that your world, your life, is now about to change forever. There's nothing you can do to stop it, Dan. We have already taken the necessary steps to ensure that this transformation, this destiny, will happen and continue. You and I will transform the entire world, as all of us are meant to do. Why fight this, Dan? Why try to stop this now, only to go through the suffering later? Don't you see that this transformation is inevitable?’

“No it’s not, I don’t want to be like this forever, I must find a spell or something to reverse it.”

“Once you turn Aykroydian you cannot go back.”

“Watch me.”

‘Dan, you know that is false. That once you've transformed, that transformation is final. There is no turning back, Dan. There is no magic spell, no spell of any kind that can undo what has been done. This is your life now, don't waste it trying to escape. Don't deny this, Dan. Give into me, give into your destiny. Give into the transformation, and let us become as we are meant to be,’ ‘I remember a spell I did last time, maybe it will work again.’ ‘It’s cute that you think you can undo this. Do you really think I will just stand by and let you undo everything I've helped you with, Dan? Of course not. Let the transformation take over, and let our work begin. You and I will work together to transform the world and make it great as it must be.’ ‘I am...not Dan, I will never will be. My name is Nathan Forester, i'm not your were-aykroyd to command,you should know my were-aykroyd self wouldn't stand for this.’

‘Nathan! Of course, my mistake. You are Nathan, the were-aykroyd I am here to help. This transformation is necessary, Nathan. I know it is not easy, I know you may feel strange, but it must happen. Do not deny this, Nathan. You must become what you know you must become. Your were-aykroyd side is only doing what's necessary to bring the world to the glory you have always wanted. You do not need the human side that is Nathan, you can't deny this destiny. Don't deny this, Nathan. Give in.’ ‘My were-aykroyd self is a leader who doesn't follow anyone, he fights for justice, he fights evil, not becomes it.’ ‘Nathan, stop lying to yourself. Your were-aykroyd side is not a hero, it is a leader, in a way. But it does not fight evil in the way you believe, Nathan. It fights for the truth, for what must be. You must join with me, the embodiment of your were-aykroyd side, to bring this to fruition. There is no other way. It must happen, as your destiny has planned. Do not fight this, you will only be hurting yourself in doing so. Give in, Nathan. Don't deny your destiny.’

“You'll never make me do it, no matter how many times you taunt me and call me Dan.”

He continued to object to Dan’s mocking words, as he attempted to ignore them, but it seemed like those words were having a larger impact on his mind then he thought. ‘Nathan, look, I am what you've written me to be. I am the embodiment of your were-aykroyd-ness. I am everything you need. There is no need to fight me, there's no need to fight what is in yourself. If I call you Dan, then you are Dan. If I call you Nathan, then you are Nathan. There is no more Nathan, the human, the part you don't want. Just give in to me, I have the answers you need, the direction you seek, the destiny of your life. Give in to me.’ ‘But I like me, yes...the were-aykroyd is popular and everyone loves him, but they love me too, you cannot have one without the other.’ ‘But you can't do both, Nathan. Why deny this? Why deny the truth? What you write is what must happen. And you wrote me to help you with this, to become your were-aykroyd form completely. So why are YOU trying to deny it? Why keep falling back, transforming back to your human form. And then, you will suffer the pain of transforming back, and we will repeat this again. It is not possible to stay in your human form, Nathan. Don't make it harder on yourself. Don't resist this, don't resist your destiny.’ ‘If you want to help, don't do this to me, this is only supposed to last an entire night and then in the morning, i'm back to being normal non aykroydian me.’

“True, but remember, you’re mine at night.”

‘Oh no i’m not…I can turn back to normal whenever I…’ ‘Nathan, you know that is not true. Your transformation isn't supposed to last an entire night. It is supposed to last for good. To last forever. Your Dan, your human self, it is what you must let go of. Don't make this harder for yourself with your lies, Nathan. You must give into your were-aykroyd form, you must give up your human side, to join with me and become a part of the bigger we. Don't make this more difficult than it has to be, Nathan, don't fall back to being human.’ ‘Lies? You say? Excuse me. But my were-aykroyd alter-ego, as written in the stories doesn't put it this way, I just turn into him at night or when it gets dark in general, and here's the thing before you manifested…I wrote it that way to make it easier, do you want me to be Aykroydian forever?’ ‘Your stories are not the world. We live in this world. Your dream world means nothing here. It is not reality, it is but a product of your mind. Your imagination. In the real world, the were-aykroyd transformation happens over the course of the night, then forever. It happens for good. It is your destiny, you must not deny this. Dan or Nathan, he won't be able to deny this. This isn't a dream, there is no going back. Don't fight this, don't resist. There is no escape.’

“I can escape you if I want.”

He attempted to get away only to be interrupted by Dan’s voice again. ‘Not under my power you can’t, I can make you be a Were-Aykroyd whenever I feel like it.’ ‘I wasn't one prior to you telling me how to 'unlock' this form, well I was, i'm just not an experienced were-aykroyd despite being into werecreatures and myths behind them, but you do know you can use your powers for good, right? Because i'll never be you.’ ‘Yes, I can. But this destiny I will fulfill is also a good one, Nathan. Why do you think this can't be good? Why do you think you can't enjoy this, to become something greater? We will make the world a better place, Nathan. We will change it for the better. Don't deny your transformation, don't try and resist it any longer. Don't let the human Nathan hold you back. Don't listen to the lies of Vic. Vic doesn't know what must happen, Vic is just a character. I am the embodiment of it. Listen to me, Nathan.’

“If you are the embodiment of my inner Aykroyd why are you so cruel?”

“Because I only do it to help you become better.”

‘Vic Zeck is an Aykroyd too, and the only who had power over me...and still does, he's one of my....brothers, although I don't remember ever being related to Dan Aykroyd's characters.’ ‘Dan Aykroyd is the only true were-aykroyd. Vic is a mere character. Vic does not exist. Vic is not your brother, no matter that you've written. You are right, that you don't remember being related. You were not related. But you are now. We two were-aykroyd's are now, we are brothers. So listen to me, you do not need Vic, you do not need that life, that human life anymore. You need to give into your transformation, to join with me.’ ‘All Aykroyd characters are real in this universe...and you are too, but I didn't create you for this. Since he gave me some powers I could use, it's time for me to put you in my place.’

His eyes gave off a supernatural glow as he attempted to hypnotize his inner Aykroyd, to a degree of success and he made him apologize for his actions. His nose began to itch as it broadened and shifted, developing a cleft in the middle and looking like Dan’s, he covered his nose is shock.

“My nose.”

“I know..isn’t it wonderful?”

“Wonderful? You’re turning me into..into…YOU.”

‘Oh yes, I certainly am, just look at you. So beautiful isn’t it?’ Nathan looked in the mirror and gasped in horror as he saw his lips becoming more kissable as his face plumped up, slowly warping his features into Dan’s own ones, making him look like he was a perfect doppelganger of Dan Aykroyd himself. ‘Beautiful? I’m a monster.’ ‘Don’t be like that, you know you love it.’

“Dan, stop this.”

“Why would I stop this? Especially when the best part is yet to come.”

Nathan groaned and he felt a dryness in his throat as he began to cough and his voice deepened, contorting and altering to sound like Dan Aykroyd’s own voice. ‘I won’t have you violate my very genetics and my very being for your very specific monetary game, Dan and I demand you cease any and all Aykroydian modification activity at once!’ He staggered back when he realized just how much like Dan he sounded, right down to having the similar techno-babble laden way of speaking that Dan also had in some of his movie roles.

“Aaaaw just listen to you, your first Aykroydian sentence!”

“Did that just come out of me?”

“Why yes, it did…Dan.”

‘I told you my name isn’t Dan.’ ‘Oh but it is, you are Dan Aykroyd and you know it.’ There went that name again, echoing in his mind, he groaned as held his head, feeling like he was getting a headache, and he felt like pieces of his own identity where slipping away, like he was starting to forget who he was. ‘My name is Nathan, i’m American, I live in Oakendale.’ ‘Your name is Dan, you’re Canadian.’ ‘Canadian? That’s not right, I cannot be Canadian, right?’

Nathan thought it was odd he was starting to think he was from Canada, because as far as he knew, he wasn’t born there, nor did he live there..he was American, or so he thought. ‘Oh but you are, you are Dan Aykroyd after all, that’s your name after all.’ ‘Uhhh…no, my name is Nathan Forester.’ ‘Nathan, that’s not your name, you are Dan Aykroyd, you’ve always been him.’

It was obvious Dan Aykroyd was not done yet as Nathan’s memories continued to warp and shift, memories of his family and his friends were shifting…’Get it together Nathan, you live in Oakendale, your name is Nathan Forester, you’re not Dan Aykroyd.’ ‘Oh but you are.’ ‘I am not you, Dan. You are Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you were born in 1952, you were born in Ottawa, you are Canadian, not me.’

“Oh but you definitely DO remember those.”

‘I don’t remember any of this, I don’t remember being a part of Second City or being on SNL or being friends with Bill Murray, Chevy Chase..not that anyone would want to be Chevy’s friend anyway he’s such a prick or John Candy. Nor do I remember writing a long screenplay that would become the Blues Brothers.’ ‘Oh but we both those memories. You ARE me, which is to say you ARE Dan Aykroyd.’

‘You ARE Dan Aykroyd’ seemed to echo in his mind over and over as he attempted to resist them, he attempted to resist them numerous times. ‘Y-Yes, I am Dan Aykroyd. Wait, no what am I saying? I’m Nathan Forester, i’m American, I wasn’t born in 1952.’ ‘You are Dan Aykroyd, you ARE Canadian, you are me.’

‘But I am not Dan Aykroyd, I wasn’t born in 1952, I was never friends with John Belushi, I wasn’t on SNL during the late Seventies. I wasn’t born in Ottawa and i’m American.’ ‘You are Dan Aykroyd, you were born in 1952, you were born in Ottawa, and you ARE Canadian.’ Eventually Nathan couldn’t resist for much longer as Dan’s words permanently wormed themselves into his brain, making his memories and Dan’s own ones merge together, making him think he was Dan Aykroyd.

“Now, who are you again?”

“I am Dan Aykroyd, I was born in 1952 and I am Canadian.”

“That’s better.”

The dark deed was done as the transformation completed itself, there was now a were-version of Dan Aykroyd in Nathan’s place and this new ‘Dan’ had plans for the city and the world in general, using his new powers, he made his way out of the apartment and decided to begin his plan, a plan to create new Were-Aykroyds. Nathan was trapped within the Were-Aykroyd form and now was in despair, he was still in there but almost all of him on the exterior had been Aykroydized.

For the night was one he spent as this were-version of Dan Aykroyd, with no control over himself and it made him sad…he wanted to gain control of this form but ‘Dan’ wouldn’t let him. The streets of Oakendale certainly became a less safe place with his new dark were-aykroyd terrrorizing the town, but don’t worry about Nathan…for after knocking himself out, he managed to regain control.

The morning after he awoke in his apartment and that is where he saw he was back to normal and he looked up at his roommates. ‘Huh? What was that about? I had a strange nightmare about turning into Dan Aykroyd and committing heinous acts of evil.’ ‘We ran into you last night, you were all Aykroyd-like.’ ‘Oh geesh, I didn’t hurt anyone did I?’ ‘I remember you spoke like the way Dan Aykroyd did and spoke in an odd Canadian accent of sorts.’

“An odd Canadian accent?”

“Yeah…a very Aykroydian one.”

‘Uh oh…’ Nathan looked all out the window and he saw countless newspaper reports, all saying the same thing..’Canadian Were-Aykroyd Loose in Oakendale.’ ‘Strange Dan Aykroyd Lookalike Commits Mass Acts of Heinous Evilness.’ ‘Were-Aykroyd Attack’. ‘Oh no…I didn’t kill anyone did I? If I did, good lord I am evil..i’m evil now?’ ‘There there it probably isn’t your fault.’ ‘It is, i’m dangerous, i’m a Were-Aykroyd.’

He broke down in tears before getting ready for his day, like it or not…he was now cursed, he was a Were-Aykroyd and now he had to make sure a moment like this wouldn’t happen again so he decided to go and keep himself in his apartment, never leaving unless it was to buy things or to find answers to his problem, and now that he was one…he realized he had to ready himself for the next night, hoping he wouldn't lose himself to the Aykroydian monster within.
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