Awestriker is the mother of Bitches.


It is time for another Bonzi's Storytime session, get ready because this one is going to be super bizarre yet hilarious! Once upon a time in the land of Deviantart there was an annoying emo brat named Awestriker007, she used to be a friend of Nathan's but when she found out Nathan was allegedly transphobic through Gavin aka Mrdrawinglover or as Nathan called him 'the wannabe himbo', she went from liking him to saying 'screw Nathan, he is a manbitch who writes revenge-fics about people who he has problems with. I am totally not doing this to be a total suckup to those people or anything, i'm just doing it because I am a totally obvious villain in this story!'

Nathan tried to tell her that he would never say and do such things yet her response was...'Well I don't care if you wouldn't do such things, the fact you get paranoid over the opinions of people who clearly didn't deserve the hatred from you means you have issues and you need therapy.' 'I NEED Therapy? Bitch, have you looked in a mirror? You are one basketcase of a deviant. It's no wonder you hanged out with that Kelly Osbourne wannabe with the Octoling powers and now with Mrdrawinglover, you like problematic people! The fact of the matter is I would never turn against you at all not even if it was the plot of a roleplay session.' 'I wish I could believe you Nathan but I know that you have serious issues and if you don't give me a valid reason why I shouldn't put the block-hammer on you I am so out of here. And of all examples, you use a fucking roleplay? A fucking roleplay?' 'Look I did all I could to tell you my side of the story but if you would rather kiss Gavin's ass, then fine!'

So that is when she used her petty threats on him before blocking him and when Nathan tried to contract her on other online domains she made more threats against him that went nowhere before making a petty hateful post about him that translated to ‘Waaaaa, Nathan is being an asshole to me even though I myself have problems because one time I totally bitched about him hating Changed and the one time I bitched about him using Mel to mock people over an RP of all things and I am a total bitch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!’ and she very much tried to make Nathan look like the villain.

The deviantart world admins did not bother to do anything about her so that is when Nathan made a wish and he made a wish for revenge to be executed on her. ‘I wish people would see Awe for the bitch that she is. And that her friends would befall similar fates to her.’ ‘Fear not, dearest human friend and fellow online universe member, I shall help you!’ A voice responded as a cloud of purple smoke materialized, forming into the shape of a purple gorilla. ‘The almighty lord and master Bonzi? Would you be able to help me?’ ‘Well yes I would be. I am after all a powerful wish-granting gorilla who can ruin people who have wronged you! Tell me who to come after and I shall do it.’ ‘Awestriker needs to be taught a lesson!’

‘I can do that.’ The purple gorilla used his magic to transport himself into the lair of Awestriker007, she was in her lair petulantly whining to her two boytoys Lightning-Boomer and Guy Bronson, both of them had no personality other than be generic yes-men to her who sometimes acted as her meat-shields. ‘That Nathan must be cowering because of me now, for I am the best basic bitch queen there is.’ ‘Oh yes your majesty, you certainly are.’

‘I have seen better.’ The gorilla responded in a snarky fashion. ‘Oh that is just great, a rejected screenmate is going to punish me like in one of Nathan’s revenge fics!’ ‘How dare you speak to me like that, you pathetic waste of an organism! I am Bonzi, the all powerful lord and master of the internet! I watch everything that goes on in this universe and I am very protective of those I call allies. And what you did to Nathan was shameful. Nathan gave you his best explanation for his actions and you tell him to get professional help?’ ‘Well he does!’ ‘No, my dear Awe, it is you who does, you clearly act out your aggressive acts on him.’ ‘He started it by going after me!’

‘That is so very much like you, acting like it’s always someone else’s fault. You are such a little bitch, how does anyone put up with you yet alone these yes men you call your friends?’ ‘These men are not my yes-men.’ ‘Oh yes they are, if it wasn’t for them, you would be very much getting your ass handed to you.’ ‘You are definitely not going to get the best of me, monkey boy!’ ‘Monkey boy? I am a gorilla and I am an ape, and for your insolence, you shall be punished.’

Dark surges of supernatural energy flowed through the room as her girlfriend who she had been ignoring and giving all the attention to her boytoys, entered it. ‘What is going on? I fall asleep for like an hour and my GF is being haunted by a ghostly ape?’ ‘Yes, finally someone who knows that I am not a monkey!’ ‘This ape says he is going to punish me!’ ‘And punish you I shall!’

He clicked his fingers and a dog collar with Awe’s name manifested next to her…’A dog collar? You’re going to make me your pet?’ ‘Oh yes, since you like being a bitch, I am going to make you into one.’ Before Awe could object, she heard a series of unsettling crunching noises as her gloves which looked like the type you’d buy for a cheap cosplay made of Party City clothes and Hot Topic accessories slowly began to strain and slowly ripped apart as her hands slowly deformed and grew thick hair on them. ‘My gloves! My hands!” ‘Oh don’t worry, you will not be needing those, not with all the fur you will have.’

‘Fur?’ She panicked as her fingernails lengthened, resembling sharp claws as her chest and torso slowly began to swell, her breasts expanding and the outfit she was wearing slowly began to strain as her whole body expanded, growing thick hair all over it. Her breasts started to lactate too, developing milk that suddenly splashed all over her bed. ‘Nooo, please,I know i’m a total pervert who likes busty animal-women but I don’t want to become pregnant!’

Collette tried to help her but also was hit with the dark supernatural energy as her body slowly began to grow and deform, slowly growing hair all over it. Her breasts retracted inside her chest as her body grew more musculature on it, her tank top slowly tearing at the seams to reveal the hair and the muscle that was growing underneath it. She panicked as she tried to help her mutating GF but was also having trouble keeping her own growing desires under control,

Her arms and legs expanded with muscle as her hands deformed, her fingernails lengthening like Awe’s as Bonzi laughed…’Aaaw it is so cute seeing you trying to protect your GF and save her but alas, she cannot be saved. She made the bed and now she has to sleep in it, but don’t worry i’m sure you’ll both do well as my newest additions. After all, I know a lot of people who will pay to see a mutant dog-creature couple!’

Colette panicked and cried as her hips retracted in size and the hair continued to grow all over her, she looked over at Awe and started getting odd feelings towards her, feelings of wanting to mate with her. Awe panicked as her mutating GF started to bunch up against her and began thrusting back and forth, she tried to call out…’Stop, don’t do this! Look I know I have feelings for you but not not like this!’ but her GF was too busy being controlled by her growing lustful feelings towards her to do anything about it.

Awe’s own body was swelling and deforming as her shoes ripped apart revealing her feet were growing and contorting in the same way her hands had done, her rear expanded as a thick furred tail burst out from her jeans and her stomach swelled and swelled, swelling as if it was pregnant and her breasts also swelled more and more, destroying her purple top. She yelped as she saw Collette thrusting into her, Colette’s body was swelling with muscle and becoming more savage and monstrous as a tail slowly emerged from her rear and her hips retracted in width, her privates slowly shifting from that of a female to that of a male.

Colette had never been so embarrassed in her whole life…yes, she had feelings for Awe, but not feelings of wanting to plow her on a regular basis, yet she was even more horny for her than ever as she thrust into her, moaning as her back and shoulders underwent the process broadening as she grew taller. Awe looked at her GF and she turned to try and shout at Bonzi. ‘Please stop this, please turn my GF back, I can’t cope with losing her and my humanity at the same time.’ ‘Well maybe if you were not a bitch this would not have happened!’

Awe broke down in tears as a loud cracking sound was heard and her posture shifted, making it look like she was clutching onto her growing stomach. She cried in agony as the fur crept up her neck, Her black hair with dark blue frosted tips slowly became messier and messier as her ears shifted to gain pointed tips and her brow deformed, her eyebrows thickening as her eyes turned from blue to yellow. ‘You will pay for this Bonzi! Guy Bronson, Boomer, attack!’

Bonzi was not afraid of Awe’s yes-men and he knew what to do as he used his magic to make Awe’s breasts produce more and more milk, and he made Guy Bronson drink said milk, Guy couldn’t believe this was happening but he couldn’t stop as he drank up the milk and he slowly began to de-age and shrink down in size, slowly turning from human into a deformed mutant humanoid demon-dog offspring. He tried to fight it but he couldn’t and he started to view Awe as his mother.

‘Aaaw, isn’t that adorable? Looks like the little guy loves you, mommy!’. He laughed as he saw Awe begging for him to undo his spell as her feminine features distorted, fur growing on her face as her teeth sharpened, becoming like those of a viscous monster as two horns sprouted from the top of her head. ‘I am sorry, please give me my old form back.’ ‘Too late, you should have thought of that before you bitched about my friends like that!’

Awe cried and groaned as her voice distorted, sounding gruffer and slightly more demonic sounding as her transformation reached completion, all of the bad thoughts she had from before were completely erased and now all she wanted was to be a perfectly good girl. Colette’s mutation was also spreading to extreme lengths as her neck throbbed, her hair slowly lengthtening and growing messier as horns emerged from her head.

More than that though, she felt a demonic presence enter her body as her eyes turned from their normal shade of brown to a piercing crimson color and her brow deformed, she gained markings on her body and her features slowly deformed in the process, her teeth sharpening as her face slowly morphed into a demonic twisted half canine muzzle. She would have done anything to save Awe but she knew Awe never gave her the time of day and never appreciated her, but nonetheless she wished she could have made Awe make up for her heinous acts.

Bonzi of course was enjoying the show, smirking and laughing as the demonic humanoid dog-creature couple continued to thrust against each-other in a sexual manner before Awe stopped, now there was only Lightning Boomer left. ‘Now what shall I do to you, my dear Boomer?’ he inquired.. ‘You know this was all mistake, I am sorry that Awe had to act like this but come on, can’t you turn everyone back to normal?’

‘No can do I am afraid.’ He used his magic on Lightning, Lightning began to squirm as he too slowly shrank down in size and mutated…slowly mutating into a demonic dog-creature offspring monster as well. ‘Since you both love Awe so much, you are now her kids and she will have many more to come too.’

Both Collete and Awe’s transformations had come to a conclusion…’You lot are coming with me, and you are going to be my newest attractions.’ Bonzi explained. ‘And just to make sure you don’t escape from me I am taking your powers away.’ He used his powers to drain Awe of her interdimensional powers and her ability to turn back to normal, before putting her and Collette to sleep.

As soon as the two mutant dog-people were asleep, he used his powers to transport them from their home into what appeared to be a special kind of freak-show. The sign on the freakshow read…’Bonzi’s Fabulous Freakhouse’. Bonzi smiled as he put them and Lightning and Guy into a very special ‘dog-person’ enclosure, and soon everyone showed up at the freakshow to see the two of them and their mutant off-spring. ‘I think that you are much better like this, not only are you are a much better person but…also you’re a mommy, enjoy your new life, mommy, because you are going to be famous!’

And so with that the revenge had been completed and Bonzi laughed and smiled, once again, proving why he was the lord of the internet. Awe and Collette were now forever his sideshow attractions to be displayed and their new friends didn’t come to help them and never saw them again, and it’s all thanks to that magical purple gorilla.

Which just goes to show you, next time you have a fallout with your friend, don’t make posts about them threatening to go public! And so there you have it, another tale from the internet courtesy of me, Bonzi!
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