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My wife invites her brother into our bedroomMy wife and I create sex dates once a week,to fulfill our fantasies. I told her brother once she dressed in a mini skirt and went to buy shoes from A high end shoe store. She spent over $200 on a pair of shoes but gave the shoe salesman a full spread pussy shot and her phone number. She returned to shoes the next day and the phone number was fake.I told her brother we were thinking about recording it so we could rewatch all the responses. This was in the 1990s so cameras were big and wanted to ... reading time 3 mingenreIncestwritten on
Horse riderMy Island RetreatAfter my marriage ended in 2017, I (39) decided to get away and live alone for a while. So, with that in mind I bought an island, 12.5 acres and away from crowds of people. Not short of money I could set it up to meet my requirements. The house on the island had 7 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and it also had a boatshed and jetty. No power connected at the time, but I had a cable laid, wind, solar added and satellite internet and it had a fairly good cellphone service. But I added a booster to make i... reading time 3 mingenre
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Ex HermitThe Affair led to another affairI was then 34 divorced and in no relationship, having no children and both my ex and me having great careers so no alimony. Our mutual careers were the main reason we divorced as we both were seeking promotion which led to divorce. Parting on fairly good terms, I stayed put and my ex moved interstate to advance her career. I decided to buy a house instead of living in an apartment. I bought a 4bedroom 2bathroom house in a quiet area and kept to myself at first. Finally meeting my 39year old neig... reading time 3 mingenre
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Perfect RelationshipOur Fountain of Youth I am like many other married men. After we were married for few years I began getting ideas of expanding our sex life to include my wife fucking other men. Like others I am sure have done we talked it over and decided against it. My concern being if she got to attached to another lover I may lose her and my heart would be broken. With her, being promiscuous and slutty went against how she was raised. Then we had some new neighbors move in. Like us they were an older couple in their 50s. We s... reading time 7 mingenre
Cuckwritten on
GennygurlSo I tried to buy a wifeReading about men buying a wife, I (34) decided to try my luck. But like all my attempts at having relationships I failed again. But as they when one door closes another open, in my case it was my second cousin (25) on my father's side. My father is the youngest of 3 and his oldest sibling (deceased) only child had fallen on hard times. My late aunt's only child had been caring for her ill mother for years and had lost her father when she was 12. Having used what money and assets they to suppor... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Lucky CousinParents fucking at the front of kidsSo I finished work and I called my wife to see how her and our kids were doing and if she needed anything from the shop on my way home... my wife Janet said no she's making dinner atm and I told her I'll be home soon. I arrived home to find my wife cooking in a short skirt that bearly covered her bubble ass also being topless wearing an apron to cover her big tits...upon seeing this it made me real horny because my slutty girl knew what she was doing so I walked up behind her, placed both hand... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Daughters love mom and dad I moved aboard on the passing of my motherAs an only child never knew my father and completed college and started great career as a structural engineer. Also, very well off due to inheritance from grandparents and mother. At 30 I decided I should start a family and at 31 met my now wife. She like me is an only child and lived with her mother and they were just getting by. She as gorgeous woman and I would've married her without even waiting to get to know her better. But in their culture, there is the proper procedure to follow, quick m... reading time 2 mingenre
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Well worth waiting forChristmas FunI was divorced and had 2 children who were with my ex-wife and in the next state, she lives close to her divorced father. I'd no close relatives living near me, except if you count an ex-mothers-in-law. My wife mother and her didn't get on very well and as I get the children every second holiday. It was her best chance to see her grandchildren, her and me got on fairly well before the divorce. But kept in touch after for before mentioned reason, my ex is a very spiteful woman. Had it in for her ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy ex-son-lawHaving Fun I 42 had recently divorced, my fault I got caught up to my nuts in our widowed neighbor 56. My wife didn't take my excuse of helping the neighbor get over her loss. Our marriage wasn't doing that well anyway. She took the children back home to her parents and she sold her home as it was after the divorce. I gave her a single cash payment instead of alimony and only have to pay child support. Which is based on my base pay, which is at higher end of earnings in my career path. I also get extra mon... reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny BastardI've the MoneyAt 34 I was single in no relationship or likely to have one any time soon. I've a very good career and have my own home and money from my career and large trust fund. I've always had trouble with women, I just can't talk to them about anything except career related things. Personal or just general conversations I just stay quiet. I've tried different things over the years and had minor success. Hypnosis being one of the things I tried, it gave me minor help. But it was taking far too long and at... reading time 4 mingenre
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Husband/FatherOff with the Fairies My neighbor is an idiot to say the least, always on with conspiracy theories. But he does have a beautiful wife and she isn't as involved with his conspiracy theories as he is. But she pretends to follow him, mainly he is rich, she is his trophy wife. Carenza 35 and Nigel 58 have no children and since the pandemic and all the conspiracy theories connect to it. His health isn't what it was, never in perfect health before the start of the pandemic. So, he got Covid and now has what they call as L... reading time 2 mingenre
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Messenger of the FairiesDating I tried dating and kept getting knocked back, the girl she had no interest in dating me. But now 4 years later we're married and have 2 children and another arriving soon. What cause the sudden change in my luck, her mother did. Her mother a widow and was working hard to keep her daughter and herself. Decided I was a good catch, so she started fucking me and also got her daughter to join us in threesomes. I was really enjoying the sex with the both of them and was told I should marry the daught... reading time 2 mingenre
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Man of the HouseMy Story continuedBack in 2022 I wrote about how I married my new wife, Andrea. She had been mistreated by her late husband Bruce and her family before him. Being a quiet woman I was her only contact after Bruce passed away and I ended up bedding and marrying her and my ex-wife Teresa and her partner Jasmin are regular visitors to see Andrea and our son Jeff junior, my daughter Emily I'd with Teresa loves her little brother and is delighted again as Andrea is again pregnant along with Teresa and Jasmin. Not actua... reading time 2 mingenre
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Jeffery JBGot drunk at a wedding I 30 was alone at my cousin's wedding; I'd flown in for the wedding a week's holiday visiting the extended family. Next morning in my motel room I awoke, and I wasn't alone in the bed. A woman was laying with back to me and was a mature woman. I couldn't remember who she was, then she turned over and I saw it was my mother 54 (widow). I'd fucked my mother, no doubt as we were both naked and she had the remains of sperm around her vagina. But she is passed getting pregnant, she thanked me for ma... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Lucky DrunkBrother is BestI was married for 12 years from the age of 18 and my husband decided I wasn't his type and started to divorce me. Also, our children weren't good enough also and would put a drag on his soon to be new wife then 23. So, I got the children and alimony as well as child support. But had to find a new place to live as our home was his family home and he didn't want us there. I moved in with my only sibling, my brother was successful and always on the go. Too busy for relationships and so was still si... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Beloved SisterBedding the MinisterI've always been a bit of a wild child and over the years done whatever I wanted too. Nothing illegal, my family is well off and if I broke the law, they would be the ones to throw in jail. The most illegal thing I've ever done was speeding, but I do like women and will fuck any woman with a heartbeat. My family is church going and I'm dragged along every now and then. Especially when we got a new minister, I wasn't all that interested, but as I hadn't graduated and relied on my family to suppor... reading time 2 mingenre
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Reformed Wild Child almostI become an AlienI married the year I finished university and was happy with my wife until she passed away in a car accident and my only child then 5 also died in the same accident. After 6 years of marriage, I was single again. Not interested in dating at the time and so focused on my career. Several years later, I thought it was time to find a wife and so started dating. But I compared every woman to my late wife, and they couldn't compete with her memory. I've always been very well off financially, as my fami... reading time 4 mingenre
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StarmanMarried my secretaryAt the time I was 43 recently divorced and promoted, my ex was also a career person like me and decided she didn't want children. So, we divorced no alimony just split everything 50/50. In my new job I got a secretary 26 as I was in and out all day and she stayed in the office and kept me up to date on everything. That was October 2023, she was pretty and reserved not shy only spoke when she had something to say or answer. The business Christmas party, she got drunk (spiked punch), and I took ad... reading time 2 mingenre
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HermanWife’s bff blows me and tells me about my wife cheating pt 4My wife and I went out for drinks after I came back from my trip. I was debating asking her about the things K had told me, but she began to be a bit fuzzy and was obviously getting drunk so I took her home and put her to bed. I started kissing her and playing with her small, firm breasts and then began to play with her pussy. She started really getting hot and rolling around saying oh god fuck me and please fuck me. I decided to see if she would give me an infrequent blow job and raising up... reading time 5 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Annonymous4Went OverseasQuite a few years ago no I was single and went overseas to get more experience in my career as big projects weren't being done here. So, on arrival I was free and fancy free as they say and liked the country less stress than back home. If you hear a pop of a bottle being opened, you don't drop to floor thinking there's a gunman shooting. I've always been a gun owner and enjoy target shooting and I was able to continue my hobby while there. There were extra rules but nothing I wasn't prepared to ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Very Happy SonNew Job New LoveIn 2021 I transferred to the other coast having just divorced, a no-fault divorce and no alimony or child support either. How 2 children had already left the nest so to speak. Still on friendly terms with my ex-wife, but thought a change was in order. So, once I was settled in my new job and apartment, I'd a PA assigned temporally. To allow me to find my own in time. The PA I was given was part of the office staff of the business and was 2 years younger than me, very efficient and nice to look a... reading time 2 mingenre
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Fallen GuyMy wife's cuckhold !One night after a torid sequel encounter with my wife in our pillow talk I tell my oh so timid proper wife that I would like to see a big dicked stud fucking her. To which she does not respond at all. I figured that was a no. That Friday I call hone and tell her I may be late coming home. She responds that she just may go to bed early and please be quite as she maybe asleep. I arrive home and the house is very quite, I assume she has retired early. I ease down the hall quietly as not to disturb ... reading time 3 mingenre
Cuckwritten on
HntrdnSadness to HappinessMy wife died in a car accident with her parents, and I (36) was left with my 2-year-old daughter. At the funeral was my sister-in-law (32) 5mths pregnant with her son at the time, the father of the child had left her pregnant and broke and so her had been living with her parents. But stayed home the day of the accident due morning sickness and not wanting to go shopping. I was living in our forever home as my wife called it and my sister-in-law (SIL) was staying the condo her parents had at a re... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy againDaddy pleaseI have written a couple of stories, and this one is taken from an account about 10 years ago when my wife then was 42, we just had our first child after 18 years of trying qe stepped into the sharing life style and we both loved it, anyway this takes place well after our child is born and her dad comes for a summer visit. I worked second shift in a manufacting plant in maintenance and sometimes I wouldnt get off work till around 2-230 because of break downs. Anyway this one night I called and to... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
SqKidPerfect ResultI'm now 40 and 6 years ago I was working overseas and staying in a hotel. It was the only hotel in the area I was working and there wasn't much in the way of entertainment, except for drinking alcohol. I do drink, but not enough to a bar every day. Anyway, I started getting aroused by one of the 2 maids, she was 38 widowed and had a daughter 21 the other maid. The male owner of the hotel had a sexual interest in them, but his wife kept a very close eye on him. I knew they were having a rough tim... reading time 3 mingenre
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Perfectly happy..