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My wife got me a MistressBoth my wife and I have careers and our career are booming. I'm 37 and my wife is 36 and we've 3 young children 6, 4 and 1 and as our careers are taking so to speak. My wife decided 3 was enough and I agreed, she got her tubes tied and I was going to get the snip. But my wife said don't bother, but due our careers sex became less regular over time. I really like sex and my wife knows that and so she ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Randy Husband....
Happily MarriedI'm now 42 married and have 2+ children, my wife is 39 and an only child. Her father passed away in early 2021 heart attack at 63 and her mother 57 came to stay with us. In 2022 my wife asked to include her mother in our lovemaking, which was a bit of a shock at first. But I'll do anything to please my wife and her mother started joining us and as my wife is again pregnant (7months) her mother provides most of my sex at ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Blessed Man
My wife's best friendNo Names used to protect the horny. I didn't cheat on my wife with her best friend, she asked me to fuck her best friend to get her pregnant. I'm 38 and my wife is 34 and her best friend is 36 and a lesbian till before the request to fuck by my wife. Her friend was in a long-term relationship with a woman who decided she wanted pastures new. Depressed and wishing she had a child; my wife was comforting her after ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Agreeable Husband
My problem is I can't keep my dick in my pants.I'm married with one child and two on the way, the problem of the two is only one is with my wife. I had to marry because I got her pregnant at 18, but I was thinking of asking before she got pregnant anyway. The second child I'm expecting is with my wife's mother and we had a bit too much fun at her 39th birthday in June and with my wife pregnant and now feeling well went to bed early ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Horny Son-in-law
Wife’s bff blows me and tells me about wife cheatingMy wife had a beautiful friend who, to me looked like a movie star. No exaggeration. When I met her she wore mink, had a huge diamond wedding ring, and drove a new Lincoln town car. She and I, to make it short, we’re soon fucking regularly. One day when my wife was working, this lady came over and soon she was giving me a great blow job. As she sucked she would stop,and talk dirty to me. ...reading time 2 mingenre
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My wife caught me update I decided to ask my mother-in-law about joining in with daughters and me. Expecting a shocked reaction from her and her daughters, she just said I'll think about it. No reaction from wife or sister-in-law, still fucking sister-in-law and with the new the new baby she got clucky and asked my wife would she mind me fathering a child of hers. My wife agreed straight away and even asked me for her sister. As a result, sister-in-law now pregnant and ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Shocked Husband
I bought a WifeNo, I didn't go to some backward country and buy my wife, I just went interstate. It may surprise you, but you can buy a wife right here. Just look for the born-again Christians cults, anything and everything is available for money. My wife was sold to me, and nobody cared whether or not I could support her or treat her right. Their interest in her welfare stopped when the money was paid. I was 32 at the time and my ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Wife Buyer
Bedding the Minster's wifeThe church I 31 attend is the born-again variety and we've a holier than thou Minister 56 and his wife is 46 and their 2 children have moved on with their lives. The minister is always berating something or another, but not fucking his wife as often as she would like. I'm nothing special and I'm always ready and willing to fuck and I live right next to the Church and its residence. Single and not in any relationship, I've a natural radar for ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Women pleaser
Pregnant Wife PlusMy wife was pregnant with our second child and was having bad morning sickness. So, her mother (divorced) came to stay with us and allow her daughter to cope better. No problem, I get on very well with my mother-in-law and one rainy weekend with our 2year old with my parents. We were all alone just the 3 of us. It started with my wife wanting a massage and me and her mother massaging her, and it evolved into a threesome. ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Really Willing Son-in-law
My Sister-in-lawMy wife 38 can't have any more children du problems with the birth of our fifth child. We planned to have as many we could, and I 41 was happy with efforts. But my wife decided to help her sister 35 single and unable to find a husband, in our culture she has passed latest marriable age (25). Only exception being widows as her sister pursued a career after university, she put her career first. Now that she is ready to marry no takers ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy I agreed
Family FunI married at 26 and by the time I was 30 had 3 children, my wife was 23 at the time of our marriage and attending university where we met. She finished her studies and I join my family business. At 34 and with 4 children, I took a position interstate in the business, we all moved there. While there my wife was also working for my family business, we were together almost all the time at work or home, we preferred it that way. My ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Lucky Man
Married and HornyMy marriage is great, and my wife is great also. But with 4 young children it wears her out. So, she isn't as active sexually as I would like her to be, but I also didn't want to ruin my marriage by having an affair. Luckily for me my wife (37) realized I (39) needed extra sex, so she arranged for a lover for me. She asked her longtime friend (46) to fill in for her. Her friend divorced and having a tough time. ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Blessed Husband
Arrangement with sistersI met my now wife when I was 27 and she was 24 and we hit it off and married year later, Now I'm 34 and my wife is almost 31 and we've 3 children, quite happy living in a large house along with my sister-in-law 36 and her 2 children, I'm also the father of my sister-in-law's children. My wife was pregnant, and her sister came to stay with us after she had a nasty breakup with her partner. Depressed and feeling unwanted, my wife wanted ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Delighted Husband
Caught so got marriedMy family is well connected and well off, but that comes with certain obligations. Like keeping the family name out of the news (bad news) and when I 28 was caught fucking the local minister's only daughter 19. I was given two choices marry or be cut out of the family inheritance. I have strong values and of course I married her, I really value money and didn't want to lose access to it and actually have to work to earn it. ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Obligated Man
Family TogethernessI'm married 2 small children, my parents only had me and have passed away. My wife is likewise an only child, her father departed when she was 15 and hasn't kept in touch. My wife was hurt in a traffic accident and was in hospital and then laid up in bed for 5 weeks at home. Her mother came to look after her and the children, my wife had been in hospital for 8 days before coming home. So, we weren't having any sex ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Grateful Husband
Job on the sideI (39) work as a private investigator but need to work another job to get by. As being a PI doesn't pay enough regularly enough to get by on. There are some weeks I really busy and others it really dead. My other job allows me to do online searches and so doesn't impede my PI work. Most of my work is just checking people are who they say they are, rarely I get jobs checking on a wife or a ...reading time 2 mingenre
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PI perfect
The Minster's wifeOur local minister (57) is a real conservative type and a hail and brimstone preacher. Says he is strong and fit and ready to fight the devil's horde. But he isn't up to fucking his wife, if he's fucking anyone it's not his wife 49. How do I know because I'm fucking her, and I don't go to church at all. I (51) run a small shop near the church, my wife died of cancer in 2019 and my children are grown and have ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Horny Shopkeeper
Big Problems, lucky for the pandemicAt the time I was 25 and worked for a know all asshole, he was into anything to make a buck. I was his mule his description of my job, I would pick up or deliver whatever he wanted. He was shady and bent the law, never broke it as he claimed it was too costly paying lawyers. He was 56 and his wife was 40 and daughter 18 and he had gotten so busy as he was neglecting his wife. I had taken ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Help
My wife new job part 3So it's been 2 months since my wife started her new job as Mr Jones caregiver and as you all know she has been fucking him and all of ten of Mr Jones roommates and other friends in total I have counted fifteen black men. My wife still doesn't know that I have been noticing her extra activities. At first I was upset about the whole thing , but this situation has actually been very good for our marriage I have to ...reading time 2 mingenre
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My mother bought me a wifeI'm the quiet shy type and a nerd is what I was called at university, my mother widowed wants grandchildren and as her only child it's up to me to produce said grandchildren. But at 26 and no girlfriend my mother purchased me a wife 20-year-old okay on the eye and shy like me. But we get on very well together and my wife is pregnant and due in early November, and I can't thank my mother enough. Lucky we're very ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Lucky Son....
UserI'm a user of people for my own connivence, whether in business or personal activities. I will use you get what I want, I married for that reason, and it worked very well. My wife wasn't the best looker, but her family was connected and if I was to succeed, I would need that access to those connections. But I also knew, playing up on her would end my career before it really got started. But it turned out my ...reading time 2 mingenre
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User Husband
Change of LifestyleI 32 was going along as usual for me, go to work come home and maybe get lucky with my wife 31. But we already had 3 children, we were fairly well off. My wife was a stay-at-home mother and had a internet business, she ran from home. With children aged 6, 3 and 1 we weren't not looking to added to our family. But wife had other ideas, having me get her sister 37 pregnant. My wife is the youngest of 3 and her sister is the ...reading time 3 mingenre
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2 sisters Fucker
Drunken Party I'm married and have 3 children and very soon another child will join our family. Except it's not with my wife it's with her only sibling, her older sister. Her sister had to go to some award dinner and her boyfriend broke with a couple months earlier and she hadn't yet found another boyfriend by the time the dinner. So, my wife decided I should go with sister as I knew her very well and could be passed off a boyfriend. ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Sisters Fucker
Promise to my wifeI've been married 8 years and we have 3 children and are both in good careers. In early 2020 I asked by my wife would I do her a very big favor. I said I promised to love and care for you at our wedding, so of course I'll do you any favor you want. Then she stunned me asking me to get her cousin pregnant. Her cousin hadn't found her perfect man and time was running out if she was to have ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Favored Man
Beautiful RelationshipI'm 27 married 2+ children, I married when I was 23 and married my boss's daughter and everything is perfect. My wife is a stay-at-home mother 25, and we live across the street from her parents. Nothing out of the ordinary in that. Her mother is 51 and her father 63 and he seemed to lose his sex drive and started playing golf and not fucking his wife all that much. My wife really loves her mother, and she asked me to take up the slack ...reading time 2 mingenre
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MIL's Stud
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