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T-Girl fairy tale 1Jared tossed the last bit of horse manure onto the highly stacked wheelbarrow. With a heavy sigh he gripped the handles and lifted. His muscular arms strained and bulged as he pushed the unwieldy load out the stable door to the large pile where he would deposit it until it was needed for the gardens. Sweat ran in rivulets down over his mostly hairless chest, then on down over his rippled abs to be soaked up by the waist band of his breeches. His skin was tanned from his new duties working the fi...reading time 10 mingenre
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T-Girl fairy tale 2A New Plaything Jared was stoking the cooking fire for the evening meal when his two step sisters entered the kitchen. Patrice was a year his senior and Evelyn two years his junior. Patrice was wearing a low cut light blue country dress that fitted tightly from the hips up. The blue matched the blue in her eyes and she had a matching blue ribbon in her golden hair which cascaded down to the middle of her back. She was thin but not bony and had a nicely shaped almost athletic figure. Evelyn ha...reading time 24 mingenre
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T-Girl fairy tale 3Six Long Days The next six days went by very slowly for Jared. All three of the women in the house couldn't seem to leave him alone even long enough to do his chores. When he brought Martha her breakfast the very next morning she tacked on an extra chore for him. Pushing down the bed covers and raising her night gown she motioned him up onto the bed. Once she took the tray holding her breakfast from him and began eating she motioned toward her erect penis with her hand as she lazily chewed on...reading time 18 mingenre
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T-Girl fairy tale 4The Suitors Princess Angel nodded to another would be suitor, Duke Schuster, and extended her elbow for him to take her arm. Typically the woman takes the man's arm, but not in Angel's world. The Duke was graying at the temples just a bit and his coat did a fair job of hiding his small paunch which caused him to wear those new pants with an elastic waist band. Angel guided him to a small private chamber off of the Ball Room. The room's walls were paneled in dark wood with golden accents. Ther...reading time 15 mingenre
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T-Girl fairy tale 5Getting Ready for the Ball Jared tried to stay out of the way as his step mother hurriedly fussed with her daughters elaborate ball gowns. Patrice's was a deep emerald green trimmed a gold that almost matched her hair. The gown fit tightly and was scooped deeply in the front as was the current fashion in Italy. Gold lace trimmed the scooped opening and her modest bust line did an apt job of filling the opening. Evelyn's gown was a dark red trimmed in silver and it fit her like a glove. It ...reading time 13 mingenre
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T-Girl fairy tale 6Angel and Jared No more had the door closed than her mouth covered his and filled it with her tongue. They each kissed as though kissing the other sustained their very lives. Ravenously they devoured each other as only two people could do that had teased and flirted so long that they had become desperate to have the other. Their hands grouped through openings in their clothes so that they could feel the burning heat of the others flesh. As they kissed their eyes adjust to the darkness of t...reading time 29 mingenre
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Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 1Natasha walked out of the studio at 5 in the afternoon. It was a drizzly afternoon, but she was happy; hell, she'd done it! She had been accepted! Next Tuesday, she'd be in that studio again, for a couple of contracts and, then, the shooting would begin. She was to be the next Playman's Playgirl! It was all too good to be true. Sure, she knew she was beautiful. It was all her life that she had been told that she was nice. And her beauty had been important to escape from her family and home in ...reading time 11 mingenre
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T-Girl fairy tale 7Home Again It was late at night when Jared arrived at the stables of his own estate. The sun had broken over the horizon and his clothes were the bedraggled mess that he had started out with before his God-father Gerald had bewitched them into so much more. Bedraggled and weary he saw to Thor's needs then went to the house, slipped into the kitchen and up the back stairs to the second floor. Carrying his shoes he sneaked down the hall to the stairs that led up to his tower bedroom. He hadn...reading time 11 mingenre
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Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 2Natasha awoke, slowly and confused, in a room that she didn't know. It was a damp, dark room ; she felt the stench first, then tried to move, but she couldn't. She was lying on a bed, and when she tried to sit up and stand, she found herself immobilized. His wrists had been taped together and tied high to the bedpost, and each of her feet had been tied to two feet apart to the word bedposts. She wasn't alone, of course. She pulled, trying to strain in the bindings, but couldn't do it. She groa...reading time 75 mingenre
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Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 3They walked out. Their old, battered sedan was in the street, and she was forced to enter in the back, squeezed between Johnny and Amos. Jessie drove, Roy was beside him. They began to cruise slowly with the car, and it was clear that they were looking for someone or something. They arrived in front of a disco, or so it seemed from the mass of lights. Natasha was horrified at the idea that the for nigger boys would drag her into that huge, flashy disco to show to everybody that she was their s...reading time 34 mingenre
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Caught her purple handedIt was summer a few years after my earlier story about fulfilling a good friend’s rape fantasy. I hadn't seen the same girl in a long time and being back at home during the summer can be so boring when you're used to late nights, lots of booze, and always someone being available to hang out with. I was cruising around and decided I'd swing by her mom's house to see if she was awake. I figured I'd look up to her balcony and see if the light was on and maybe try and scare the shit out of her by ...reading time 9 mingenre
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The pussy powerThe warm Cabo sun felt wonderful on my skin, so warm so relaxing, I could feel the stress of today melting away. The sound of the surf crashing on the beach below our villa balcony, so private I love laying there naked. As I sip a glass of chilled wine I try to go backward and recall the recent events. My husband Trent and I arrived last night on our jet from Carmel, we always loved spending time at our villa here in Cabo. Two years ago we met in Las Vegas while I was working as a dancer. I wa...reading time 7 mingenre
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L Lady
T-Girl fairy tale 8The Search Begins Word spread quickly around the kingdom about the unfortunate happenings of the Beltane Ball and that Princess Angel was out looking for the man that had left in such a hurry that night. Though the details were somewhat sketchy the whole area was awash with new hope that Angel would choose from someone even if she couldn't find her lost husband to be. Angel's entourage rode onto the first estate and the Earl living there trotted out his three sons for Angel to see. Angel q...reading time 18 mingenre
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Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 4The rape, accurately filmed in all his lewdness and artfully camouflaged as a lewd prostitution trick by Bob, went on again and again. When their cocks were limp, they got them hard again torturing her with huge rubber cocks and dildoes taken from Bob's stock in the shop; they put clips on her sore nipples, plunged bottles and a special ultra-wide dong in her asshole. After they had finally stuck in her cunt and asshole the biggest dildos that Bob had at the shop, they lost interest in her. Th...reading time 20 mingenre
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My Boyfriend, my stalkerWhen you've finished reading this you'll know why I didn't report him. It was the wrong sort of rape and no one would have believed me. I didn't ever tell anyone because I didn't want to be a 'victim' or, even worse, a 'survivor'. I hate that term, like half an hour of your life indelibly marks you forever. My first warning should have been that I met M on a blind date, the blind date wasn't with him, he was a stranger in the bar that came and sat with us and refused to leave until I handed o...reading time 10 mingenre
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What a clientHi everyone. I'm Rahul about 28yrs of age from Mumbai. I'm a lawyer. This is the first time that I'm sharing a wonderful and beautiful experience of mine that has happened very recently and also let me assure you that it is a true incident with no manipulation of any facts. Let me tell you about myself. I'm 6ft feet tall and as everybody tell me that I very much resemble Madhavan, the actor, in my looks and my physic. I have very broad shoulders as I regularly work out. Though I'm quite young ...reading time 19 mingenre
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Sleeping with aunty in a sariI fantasise a lot about touching; feeling and fondling big-breasted females and also beautiful, voluptuous bellies, deep holed navels. I love females wearing saris and revealing. I can give them lot of pleasure, fondling and pampering. I also love to keep my erection for a longer period and enjoy it. Sometimes I enjoy my erection for many numbers of days. I am married hence "No Sex" with others. Only fore playing and fondling. This fantasy is about, when I am of around 18 years of age. The place...reading time 13 mingenre
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Subliminal messagesAs you know, I design sex toys for both men and women. In designing any kind of product, you need to do some research and while working on the design of a toy, I found some interesting stuff about subliminal messages in marketing. Advertisements had always used some sort of subliminal messaging to connect you with the product. You really don’t need the last gadget on the market, but somehow the ads convince you to buy it – that is the power of subliminal messages. About two years ago, I decided...reading time 11 mingenre
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Unpopular girlMy work as a sex toy designer takes me around the world presenting ideas or introducing products. In each one of those trips, I add more and more anecdotes to my collection, some funny, some tragic, and others, simply erotic. This one is the last type… One of my biggest clients is a sex shop in Chicago. I usually visit their offices every other month, so the staff and I already know each other very well. I had even made up a clique of pals to hang out whenever I was in town. In one of those tri...reading time 10 mingenre
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Venom girlsMarlene looked at the other girl standing across the bushes, right within her area of sovereignty. It did not take her long to realise that she was facing a competitor. The other girl, a brunette like her, was dressed in the typical wild outfit, clothes scantily covering her tanned body. Marlene observed her from bottom to top. The girl had a body that could match Marlene's in every respect. Long, slender but well-formed legs, slim waist, followed by a glistening belly up to the chest that swell...reading time 27 mingenre
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FF lover
Lavinia at the ranchLavinia was bored. It was summer and the excitement of being out of high school had worn off. She was alone in the family's small ranch. Her parents had gone into town for the afternoon and the ranch hand, Jeff, was off buying supplies. She had written in her diary, cleaned her room and finished her chores and now how nothing she had to do. Lavinia didn't feel like calling any of her girlfriends and hadn't wanted to go shopping with her parents. She was too restless for such things. In fact, ...reading time 13 mingenre
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H Lover
Catfight between Jennifer Ellison and Adele StevensThese two teenage soap opera actresses are regarded as being two of the hottest young things on British TV. Jennifer stars in the Channel 4 soap ‘Brookside’ set on a Liverpool housing estate. Her character, Emily Shadwell, is a blonde minx who specialises in house breaking, exacting revenge on the woman who had an affair with her father (later killed in a bomb explosion), and running away with her boyfriend all while wearing outrageously sexy outfits. (Shops at PVC trousers R us!) Adele appear...reading time 22 mingenre
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Discussion groupI decided to join a discussion group not far from my home. I got tired of sitting around the house and seeing my husband watch the tube all night long and then fall asleep. I needed to get out and stimulate myself. This group would invite interesting people in and have them tell stories about their lives and experiences. I figure I could also meet some new people. The first few meetings went well. I did get to meet some people and talk about new things. I also met Joseph. Joseph was a tall blac...reading time 7 mingenre
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Words maniac
VIPs in bondage - OneBeyonce Knowles finished her final encore and thanked the audience in the arena and left the stage blowing air kisses at her fans as they yelled their approval and thanks. Sweat dripped from her long athletic body, soaking the tiny white, lacy bra top and miniskirt she had sang her final two numbers in. She smiled as her entourage and other backstage congratulated and praised her performance but was finally relieved to reach the sanctuary of her dressing room. It was a awash with bouquets and f...reading time 13 mingenre
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Dark Cloud
VIPs in bondage - TwoThe taxi came to a halt before the huge mansion and Beyonce rather tentatively exited from the back seat. She was alone and in something of a disguise (sunglasses and a dowdy jumper and jeans to hide her stunning looks and figure) and was both extremely excited at the possibilities of this weekend may bring and extremely worried as well. Since her night with Mistress Mariah she could think of little else than what the older diva had done to her and how she had reacted to it and enjoyed it. Actua...reading time 13 mingenre
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Dark Cloud
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