Catfight between Jennifer Ellison and Adele Stevens


These two teenage soap opera actresses are regarded as being two of the hottest young things on British TV. Jennifer stars in the Channel 4 soap ‘Brookside’ set on a Liverpool housing estate. Her character, Emily Shadwell, is a blonde minx who specialises in house breaking, exacting revenge on the woman who had an affair with her father (later killed in a bomb explosion), and running away with her boyfriend all while wearing outrageously sexy outfits. (Shops at PVC trousers R us!)

Adele appears in the ITV rural soap opera ‘Emmerdale’ as a feisty Londoner Kelly Glover, who moved to Yorkshire with her family. Her character struts and pouts her way across the screen invariably wearing sexy outfit (usually short skirts and knee boots) which are certainly not the norm for rural England. Her character is also a cross between a minx and a bitch who was made pregnant by her step brother, married the village idiot and argues intermably with other characters in a grating London accent.

The fight

When Maxim magazine decided to spread featuring the 12 sexiest women in British soap operas they realised the size of the ego’s would be tantamount to lighting a stick of dynamite. Their solution was to limit the shoot to one or two women a day and keeping actresses from opposing shows apart. This went well until Adele couldn’t appear at her allotted time and an ignorant assistant re-scheduled her for the same day as Jennifer. Although the two young women only very rarely met and couldn’t be described as enemies, they had shared some bitchy words. Adele regarded herself as a serious actress marking her time and Jennifer as stupid blonde Britney Spears wannabe. Jennifer regarded Adele as an over paid under talented tramp. This rivalry was upped several notches when they appeared for the photo-shoot. Jennifer was chauffeured to the studio, but Adele got the better changing room and the pick of the outfits. Jennifer who was being photographed first insisted on several changes of outfits which kept Miss Silva waiting.

With only the photographer present this all boiled over into a blazing row with Adele accusing Jennifer of spreading her legs wider than the Mersey tunnel. Jennifer responded by describing Adele as a stroppy slut who only got her role by cornering the jailbait market. Adele retorted that this was a bit rich coming from a blonde trollop who made Britney Spears look like a Nun. At this point there was a slap, followed by a slap in response, at which point the photographer threw them a key to a room down the corridor which was set aside for resolving some matters. They wouldn’t be disturbed and could sort out their issues as loudly as they liked. They stomped off Adele in the lead clad in their outfits. Adele was wearing black leather hot pants, cream strapless bra which accentuated her cleavage and her light brown shoulder length hair worn naturally. Jennifer was attired in a tight pink cropped vest which showed off her pierced belly button (as well as clearly indicating that she wasn’t wearing a bra), high cut denim shorts and her blonde hair in two pigtails. Had their been any males watching them they would have almost certainly got the wrong idea about what was going to happen.

The entered the neutrally coloured room which contained a large bed and a leather chair in the corner. Adele allowed Jennifer to enter first and aimed a kick at her butt as she passed, making contact but not causing any pain. Jennifer spun round to see Adele’s smirking face. This was just to inviting a target and she let fly with a right handed slap that caught the brunette squarely across the cheek. This seemed to stun Adele who although as much of a bitch as the character she played hadn’t thought Jennifer would actually want to fight. Jennifer had no such qualms, and although this was her first real fight, she had been coached for her role on Brookside. Without further ado the blonde minx leapt forward onto Adele grabbing her hair on either side of her head and pushing her backwards. Miss Silva yelped with surprise and pain as she staggered back, but had sufficient wits about her to raise her own hands and take hold of both Jennifer’s pig tails. Adele continued to be pushed back, shutting the door in the process before being pressed against it by Jennifer. As their two young, but not innocent, bodies collided Adele used her hold to pull the blondes head back sharply.

“Let go of me you stupid blonde tramp!”, screeched the Emmerdale actress, “I’m not into your filthy lezzie games!”

“You started this fight you stupid cow, and I’m going to finish it!” retorted Jennifer who started to shake Adele’s head from side to side and pressed her body against her opponents. Adele could feel Jennifer’s already aroused body pressing and sliding up against her own (was it the fight or Jennifer interested in women as well as men?) and it repelled her. She started to use her bare feet to pummel her blonde opponent’s legs, without apparent success as it simply caused Jennifer to press harder. So instead she took a hand from Miss Ellison’s long blonde hair and used it grab her exposed neck.

At once Jennifer began to choke and gag for air. She started to try and break away from her opponent but Adele wouldn’t let go. Jennifer pulled a hand out of Adele’s hair and tried to prise the fingers away from her throat. The Emmerdale star managed to retain her grip until the blonde was able to get a grip on two fingers and bend them back, causing the brunette to wail with pain. But no sooner was Jennifer gulping down air with relief than Adele snaked a foot round her ankle and pushed forward, causing the two young stars to fall to the floor. Jennifer landed on her back quickly followed by Adele who landed on top of her, her breasts pressing down on her opponents. It was fortunate for Miss Ellison that Adele was as waif like as her else she might have suffered more.

“Get off me you fat slag!” snarled Jennifer as she reached up and grabbed hold of Adele’s hair. But the Emmerdale was quite happy where she was and returned the hair pulling, intent on destroying the blonde’s pigtails. At the same time she pressed and ground her body down against Jen’s causing her to groan in a not entirely unpleasurable way. But before Adele could get comfortable in her new position, Jennifer had managed to roll the pair of them over so that she was now on top. The two young stars continued to pull hair feverishly groaning with pain and effort. Adele tried to roll them over but Jennifer was able to counter this.

Becoming frustrated Adele stopped pulling at blonde hair with her right hand and instead used to land blows on the Brookside star’s back and head. Although these caused the blonde to wince slightly, they did nothing to stop her trying to rip the hair out of her opponents head. Now becoming more vocal in her expressions of pain, Adele took hold of the back of Jennifer’s top and started to pull. The thin material stretched taut across Jennifer’s breasts emphasising her stiffening nipples.

“Leggo my top you stupid cow!” howled the blonde, to no effect followed by the first sound of ripping material. Frustrated and angry at her inability to stop her opponent, Jennifer took her right hand away from Adele’s long hair and grabbed her right breast, encased as it was in the cream bra top. At first this had no noticeable reaction, but when her fingers dug into the exposed flesh, the Emmerdale actress seemed to blanche.

“Lezzie slut!” whispered Adele, unable to quite comprehend that another woman might attack her in such a manner, “Get off my tits will you!” Adele began to buck and struggle in an effort to throw the blonde woman off of her. When these had only limited success, she ceased trying to rip away the top and used the hand to defend herself. She managed to quite easily move aside Jen’s hand, although finger prints in her flesh remained. The two young stars continued to struggle for supremacy from the tips of their toes to their scalps.

Adele broke the deadlock by using her free hand to avoid Jennifer’s and secure a neck lock. Before the Brookside actress could free herself, Adele had used the hold to roll the pair of them over. Jennifer’s reaction was to break off her hair pulling and use both hands to try and free herself. But although she managed to scratch Miss Silva’s bare arm this did nothing to help her. Indeed it enabled Adele to move her body and sit astride her opponents waist (anyway as much as her tight hotpants would allow). In doing so she broke off her neck lock, to Miss Ellison’s relief, and instead concentrated on pinning her. The two women traded slaps and grabs, although neither could gain a decisive advantage it was Adele who came off the best by landing a couple of open handed slaps on Jennifer’s still hidden breasts which caused her to yelp with pain. They paused for a moment to catch their breath, before Adele reached forward with both hands and grabbed Jennifer’s breasts. Through the thin material she could feel their firmness which only encouraged her to squeeze harder.

“Lets see how you having your tits squeezed slag!” cackled Adele as she saw the discomfort writ large on her opponents face.

“Get off me!” wailed Jennifer as she bucked and struggled to be free. She tried to defend herself, but she could only momentarily breaks Adele’s hold. So instead she gritted her teeth and reached up and grabbed the Emmerdale stars strapless bra. She was able to hook her fingers over the bra cup and pull the article away from Adele’s body, in the process the elastic bit into her skin.

“Rip my bra off slut and I’ll rip yours off too!” snarled Adele as she turned her attention from hurting Jennifer to ripping off her skimpy top. Although her top as less substantial, Jennifer had a head start and her pulling on Miss Silva’s bra soon caused both breasts to pop into view. This didn’t stop Adele from ripping aside Jennifer’s sweaty top as if she were opening packet of crisps to reveal two equally pert breasts topped with a stiff nipple. There was a momentary pause whilst both women eyed each others orbs, before launching a two handed breast grab. This was a new experience for both women and it took a few squeeze’s and tweaks before they determined how to inflict the maximum amount of pain. Adele’s breasts were marginally larger and Jennifer spread her fingers wide to grab as much flesh as she could. Jennifer, on the other hand, had more prominent nipples and it was these that Adele concentrated on. They gritted their teeth and writhed in discomfort rather than cry out and show weakness.

“Dirty cow!” wailed Adele.

“Filthy slut!” retorted Jennifer as she put her body weight into freeing herself. This took Adele by surprise, as she had been concentrating on hurting her blonde opponent. She fell forward and to her right, landing next to her opponent. In the process both women broke their hold on the others breasts, but it allowed Jennifer to twist her body so that she could get up onto her knees. Whilst she did so, and Adele struggled to fight back, Jennifer reached out with her right hand and took hold of Miss Silva’s long hair. Having gotten the Emmerdale actresses attention she then used her spare hand to launch an open handed slap across her hotpants clad bum. The resultant thwack caused Jennifer to smile and Adele to yelp.

Before Jennifer could repeat this satisfying attack, Adele managed to twist her own body round and slapped the blonde across the cheek with her own right hand. Jennifer let go of Adele as she recoiled at this assault which allowed the older woman to scramble forward and away from her opponent. Having recovered from the slap, Jennifer rose to her feet and discarded the sorry remnant of her pink top. Adele had also gotten to her feet and undone her bra top which fell to the carpeted floor. They eyed each other evilly and began to circle hands outstretched, but just out of reach. As they did so Jennifer unconsciously stepped forward because the bed got in the way. This brought both women into range and they began to lash out and slap, slowly closing the gap between them further.

Miss Ellison was able to secure a hair pull first and used it to pull Adele closer to her. Whilst Miss Silva was able to grab hold of blonde hair, she couldn’t stop Jennifer putting an arm round her neck and pull her down. Adele struggled to break free, with little success as the blonde actress kept shuffling around, but manage to hand onto a pig tail with her left hand.

“So come on then you country skank, admit that I much better than you!” demanded Jennifer despite the pair in her scalp and to emphasise her point used her spare hand to pull the hair on the top of Adele’s head. The Emmerdale actresses reply was muffled but defiant and supported by a defiant hair tug that pulled Jen’s head back. As they struggled Jennifer moved round so that she was facing the bed. At which point Adele moved her spare hand from trying to free herself from the neck lock she was in to clawing at Jennifer’s thighs. Although her nails were quite short they caused damage to the soft flesh, but Jennifer bit her lip rather than cry out. In fact Jennifer was more worried about Adele trying to grab her crotch (she had heard rumours that the Emmerdale actress was partial to women), so flung her opponent forward onto the bed. Miss Silva landed face down on the mattress, her legs dangling back over the edge thrashing about. Jennifer stepped back to avoid being kicked and looked down at her now less than perfect thighs; no appearing in mini-skirts for the next couple of weeks. The squeal of shock and outrage alerted Adele that her opponent was out for blood, so she rolled over onto her back ready to receive the next attack. But instead the blonde who had leapt forward landed on the mattress where she had been. Adele needed no second invitation and rolled back so that she was on Jen’s back before straddling her blonde opponent and taking a two handed grip of her hair. Jennifer howled with pain as her head was pulled up off the mattress and began to struggle to through the younger woman off of her. In an effort to subdue the struggling woman beneath her, Adele raised her butt and brought it down on Jennifer’s spine, resulting in the loudest shriek of pain in the fight so far.

Pleased at the reaction to this assault, Adele raises herself for a repeat attack, but is taken by surprise when Jennifer pushes up on her knees raising her own lower body up into the air. This takes the Emmerdale actress by surprise and instead of hurting her blonde opponent she slides off to her right landing on her side still on the bed. Although Adele kept her hold on Jennifer’s blonde hair she concentrated on trying to trap the Brookside actress between her legs by pushing her left leg under her opponent. This allowed Jennifer to twist her body so that she could face her now rapidly hated opponent and she was able to grab hold of Miss Silva’s hair to remind her that the fight was not yet over. Both women screeched with pain and frustration, hurling insults that would not be allowed on TV before the watershed.

“Stop trying to get your leg over me you filthy cow!” hissed Jennifer whose fear of losing was causing her imagination to run riot. Adele now reached down with her right hand and took hold of Jennifer’s left breast in an effort to distract her enough so that she could trap her in a scissors. Secretly though, Adele liked the idea of shocking and hurting her blonde opponent and was not prepared to do anything to win this fight. Indeed she was already considering asking the producers of her show if she could have a catfight scene in a forthcoming episode. But these thoughts were dismissed when Jennifer matched Adele’s breast attack, this time concentrating on her nipple.

“You dirty fucking cow!” howled Adele who in response dug her finger’s harder into Jennifer’s breast and tugged on the sorry remnant of a pony tail. Jennifer responded with a mouthful of expletives and vitriol about what she’d like to do to Adele with a farm implement! This only caused Adele to try hard to scissors her opponent,and as their long legs battled she thought she hand an opening. But Jennifer was alert to this and as Adele was able to twist her body so that all that happened was that Adele was now on the right of her opponent, still facing her but closer to the edge than she had been. Frustrated that this attack had failed and more determined than ever to win, Adele let go of Jennifer’s hair and instead used the hand to grab the zip on the front of her denim shorts. Jennifer reacted by letting go of Adele’s hair and moved the hand to defend herself, as she had been pondering the same move, Miss Silva had just beaten her to it. As their two sweaty bodies writhed, a hand clamped on the others breast, neither woman took theirs eyes of the other, unwilling to show any sign of weakness.

“Showing what a true lezzie slut you are!” snarled Jennifer through teeth clenched with pain and effort. Adele smirked, as much as she could given the pain she was under and whispered, “Give you a nipple twister deary!” and with that turned Jennifer’s nipple like a radio dial. Miss Ellison just screamed with pain and brought both hands to bear to pull the offending hand away from her breast. Although this brought an end to the attack, at also allowed Adele to pull down the zip on the denim shorts. As Adele began to tentatively push a hand inside the newly opened gap Jennifer reached down, with a haste borne of desperation and pulled the buttons holding together the front of the brunette’s hot pants. This only convinced Adele to take the plunge and she pulled aside Jen’s damp thong and took a firm hold of the unseen short curly hair.

Jennifer tried not to scream at the burning sensation that was wracking her body and instead concentrated on doing the same to Adele. She pulled hard on Miss Silva’s hot pants which peeled open like a banana to reveal the top of a cream thong before plunging the hand down into the unknown. Suffering as she was Jennifer pushed aside all doubts about this form of attack and pushed aside Adele’s damp thong and started to pull at her pussy. Adele jumped with shock at the first tug, but realised it was a bit late to have doubts and used her free hand to re-grab Jennifer’s breast. Both women thrashed and struggled as if being electrocuted as they inflicted untold pain on one another in a way that viewers of their shows could not have imagined possible. This was followed by cries of anguish mixed with harsh insults, often of a crudely sexual nature while tears welled up in their eyes. Jennifer used her free hand to reach and pull on Adele’s hair, using the grip to start shaking her head.

“Leggo my cunt your dirty slut!” wailed the blonde. There was no meaningful response from Adele, so in a fit of screamed rage Jennifer pushed her hand further down the Emmerdale actresses crotch. She was surprised by what she found.

“You filthy cow, you’re enjoying this!” shrieked Jennifer who now wanted to get her opponent as far away from her as possible. This only prompted Adele to push her own hand further into Jennifer’s snatch.

“So are you cheap slut!” wailed Adele as she made a similar discovery. It was just was they both contemplated attacking the most intimate part of the others womanhood, that Adele fell off the bed. She had been perched on the edge for some time and the desire to make it as difficult for Jennifer to hurt her that she ran out of room. With almost painful slowness she slide off the bed, letting go of Jen’s breast and pulling the hand out from the blonde’s shorts, her fingers covered in short, damp, curly blonde hair. Miss Ellison was forced to release Adele’s hair and let go of her minge as well, but not before inflicting one last tug that elicited a scream of pain.

Adele hit the floor, her body wracked with pain and she lay there catching her breath and praying that the pain would subside. Jennifer rolled in the other direction towards the far edge of the bed in an equally shocked and pained state. Neither woman had ever been hurt this badly before and however much they now wanted to give up, as they checked themselves for damage both wanted nothing more than revenge.

Adele slowly pulled herself up, which caused her hot- pants to slip down, so she removed them and her thong to reveal her ravaged but still subtly blonde pussy. Jennifer had swung herself off the bed and dropped her shorts. When she saw the state of her once immaculate blonde minge (or so she thought as it was the same colour as her hair) she span round to confront her opponent. Seeing Adele naked she ripped off her thong, which wasn’t difficult, and moved back towards the space in front of the bed.

“You’ll fucking pay for this bitch!” snarled Jennifer with a lot more confidence and nastiness than she felt.

“Don’t make me laugh. When I’ve finished with you cow there will be more hair under your arms than your overused cunt, and we’ll know who the biggest bitch in soaps is!” snapped back Adele giving Jen the come on with her hands.

The two battered, sweaty and naked actress began to circle wearily. Neither was in any condition to do any acting for several days now, but they didn’t care.

Jennifer leapt forward first and used both hands to pull hard on the brunette’s hair. Adele retaliated by using her right hand to return the hair pulling and used her right to squeeze the left breast of her opponent. Aware that her breast had already taken a mauling Jennifer pushed Adele away sufficiently for them to break contact. But Adele was having none of this at threw herself at Miss Ellison so that their breasts collided and were pushed back into their rib cages. They both howled with the pain as their already bruised and sensitive breasts received further punishment. But this didn’t stop the two young actresses resuming their two handed hair pulling, trying to pull or drag one another around. As their bodies parted and then came together again their breasts slapped against one another. As their bodies became entwined in a hateful embrace they fell to the floor and started to roll around screaming insults. Adele tried to clamp Jen’s left leg between her own to protect her pussy, but couldn’t maintain the grip. They rolled back and forth some more, doing nothing but use up precious energy.

When Jennifer next rolled round to being on top she managed to spread her legs to maintain her dominant position. Then, and despite the fierce hair pulling that she was suffering, she pulled herself up so that she was sat astride Adele’s waist. Miss Silva tried to roll and throw Jen from this position but could do nothing. She was also suffering from a fierce hair pulling and was finding it harder and harder not to cry. In desperation she let go of Jennifer’s hair and reached up to clamp both hands over the blonde’s breasts. Jennifer pushed her crotch down into Adele’s stomach as she suffered and transferred her own hands from hair to the Emmerdale actresses breasts. As her fingers squeezed hard Adele’s reserves of will power finally deserted her and she began to cry.

But Jennifer was in no mood to let her of lightly and she dragged herself up Miss Silva’s stomach, making it harder for Adele to maintain her grip, which was anyway getting weaker. Miss Ellison then raised her butt, which caused Adele’s hands to fall away, and brought herself down on Adele’s breasts. Adele reacted as if she had been connected to the national grid and her sobs turned into a gasped mixture of crying and screams of agony. Slowly these gave way to whimpers and it became clear to Jennifer that she had won, but she continued to press down on Miss Silva’s chest until she was absolutely certain that the fight was over. She drank in the feelings of triumph, dominance and superiority that swept through her body.

As Adele lay there crying, Jennifer very shakily stood up and collected all the tattered pieces of clothing. Adele had no idea of how long she lay there, but when she opened her eyes she saw Jennifer’s foot descend on her mouth and pin her head to the carpet. As fresh waves of tears began to flood down her cheeks she heard Jennifer call out in a weary but mocking tone, “So whose the baddest bitch in soaps now!”
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