T-Girl fairy tale 8


The Search Begins

Word spread quickly around the kingdom about the unfortunate happenings of the Beltane Ball and that Princess Angel was out looking for the man that had left in such a hurry that night. Though the details were somewhat sketchy the whole area was awash with new hope that Angel would choose from someone even if she couldn't find her lost husband to be.

Angel's entourage rode onto the first estate and the Earl living there trotted out his three sons for Angel to see. Angel quickly waived a hand and said she wanted to see the servants, particularly the stable hands. These young men were fetched and while she looked them over one seemed to be the right height and build. The color of the hair seemed to be correct, but he held himself with much less confidence than she remembered from Jared. Still...there was one way to be sure and beneath her dress that test began to grow in anticipation.

Angel took him by the arm and pulled him back to the stables. Once inside she said,

"What is your name?"

"G...G...Giles, Highness" He said with a gulp.

"You were not with me at the ball several nights ago were you."

She said it as a statement and Giles shook his head slowly in conformation of her suspicion. Under her dress her womanhood had her small clothes stretched tightly and it didn't seem to care one way or the other as long as it got put to use. Angel knew that time was of the essence, yet she felt that she could take a few moments to enjoy one of her subjects before she had to move on to the next estate.

"Giles, turn around and drop your breeches around your ankles."


"Quickly now, I do not have much time and I would like to share a little something with you and leave you with a present."

As Giles slowly turned and dropped his breeches Angel reached into a hidden pocket and drew out a small jar of whale grease. She opened the jar and reaching under her dress she applied some to the tip of her engorged prick. She held up her dress as she stepped up behind Giles and placed the slippery tip against her subjects tight unsuspecting hole.

"Highness, what is happening?"

"My lucky subject, you are about to receive your Princess's royal penis deep within you and be given the opportunity to pleasure her."

With that Angel placed a hand on his hip as she guided her throbbing member through his sphincter with the other one. After taking her hand from her penis and placing it on his other hip she steadily fed herself into him. To his credit he did not cry out, but his sharp intake of breath told her that he was not prepared for the size of her royal member. She once again could only get about three quarters of cock into him before she felt his insides run out of space to accommodate her, but that was enough. Gripping his hips firmly she began to pump as much of herself as she could in and out of his surprisingly willing arse. In the last couple of days she had enjoyed more sex than ever before, but instead of sating her desires it only seemed to enflame them all the more. For a wild instant she imagined having her way with each of her male subjects, or at least the ones she fancied. It brought a huge smile to her face and made her swollen balls ache with desire. Angel exploded into her subject with a grunt of pleasure.

"There, I have delivered your present as promised. Squeeze you arse tightly as I pull out of you so you do not lose one precious drop of it."

Angel slowly pulled herself from him and she could feel him squeezing her somewhat, but nothing like her future husband could squeeze. She bent down and pulled up his breeches enough to wipe off her deflating penis, then tucked it back inside her smallclothes and straightened her dress. Without another word she strode from the stables toward the crowd that was anxiously awaiting her.

"After my deep examination he is not the young man that will be my husband." She said without pausing at the group and walked on past them to enter her carriage. The rest of her entourage scrambled together and they rode from the estate in a cloud of dust.

For that whole day they went from estate to estate and Princess Angel gave a 'present' to the best looking stable hand at each estate. The sun was low on the horizon when they entered the gate of Jared's estate. As the entourage stopped before the manor house and Angel disembarked from her carriage they could hear people shouting at the top of their lungs inside. Angel nodded to her Herald and he strode to the door and pounded on it with his standard.

"Open your home and attend her royal Highness, Princess Angel!" He called over the din within. Silence fell in the mansion and footsteps could be heard scurrying to the door. The door was flung open and Martha stepped out quickly pulling the door closed behind her.

"Your Highness! What an unexpected pleasure to have you here! My home is yours and I am at your service!" Martha curtsied deeply and waited for Angel to tell her to rise.

"Arise Mistress Martha. I heard shouting when we first stopped outside your door, have I come at a bad time?"

"Oh it is only a misunderstanding between me and my youngest daughter. She seems to think she no longer must do as I say."

"Children can be so willful at times" Angel said with a sidelong glance at her Regent who's face remained studiously still.

"Yes I suppose so. Now, how may I be of service to you Highness?"

"Well I am making a round of all the estates in the area in search of my future husband who unfortunately had to hurry away from the ball before we could be more formally introduced. I need to see all your stable hands to determine if he may be among them."

"Stable hands Highness?"

"Yes, it seems the young noble told me he has been reduced to working as a stable hand on his own estate. Would you have any idea who may fit that description in the area?"

All the color drained from Martha's face as she stammered,

"N...No Highness, though that does sound to be a very sad story."

Angel noticed the loss of color and her balls tingled in the hopes of finally being near her goal. A slight shiver went down her spine as she remembered being buried to the hilt in Jared's fabulous gripping arse. Even though she had enjoyed so much sex she missed her future husband greatly, because only he could fill the unique void she felt in her otherwise full sex life. He was more than just sex, he was romance and dare she think it...love? Her small clothes began to get smaller as her womanhood began to get larger.

"Are you telling me that you have no young men here working in the stables? Please consider your answer carefully."

"I do have a young man that works in the stables for me, however he was locked in his room being punished the night of the ball. You are more than welcome to meet him, but at the moment he is out hunting on the back of the estate. He is a poor hunter and sometimes it takes him a long time to take an animal, it may yet be a while before her returns."

"I do not think it will be too much longer seeing as how the sun is soon to set. Perhaps we can wait in your sitting room and pass the time till he arrives?"

"Why...yes...that would be...very nice. Let me get Evelyn to make some tea for us. Please come in and I'll show you to the solar where we can watch the sun set. It is quite lovely."

Angel, her Regent and her closest handmaid, Juliana, followed Martha into the home. Angel had done well in keeping her face straight when she heard Martha's daughter's name was Evelyn. Angel could feel that she was on the right track and her hunt for Jared was coming to a close. Martha settled them into the solar and went to have Evelyn fetch the tea.

When Martha returned they had some small talk as Angel waited for her tea and the chance to meet her competition, Evelyn. Angel knew that in sheer size she had no competition, but if Jared saw Evelyn as a first love she may hold some sway over him. Angel wanted to have complete control of Jared and to have him at her beck and call. Her prick was half hard and throbbing in anticipation of soon being back inside Jared. She didn't have to wait very long before Evelyn came in carrying the tray with the tea.

"What a lovely young daughter you have, though I'm surprised to see her serving the tea."

"Thank you Highness, but I think it is important for her to be able to complete all the tasks of running an estate and sometimes the lady of the house is called on to serve her guests. Before my poor husband died, one day a year he would let the lowliest servant boy take his place and he would spend the day doing all the menial tasks. He said that it was the only day off he received all year long. I would continue that tradition, but since his passing we don't really have any servants due to the tight times we live in."

"I'm so sorry to hear of your tight financial straits, how did your husband pass?"

Martha blushed and looked down at her hands folded in her lap as she said,

"He actually died in my arms the evening of our first night of wedded bliss."

A thrill of triumph burst over Angel as she knew now that she was in the right house. Angel had to adjust her position in the chair so that her now almost completely hard penis wouldn't be visible through her dress.

"That must have been horrible! I'm surprised you didn't die from the shock, you poor dear."

Just then they all heard the door to the kitchen close.

"That must be him coming in now, Evelyn go fetch him so that Princess Angel can meet with him."

Scowling, Evelyn rose up and left the room to go fetch Jared. She was seething in anger at the thought that Angel might just find in Jared what she was looking for and claim him for her own even if he wasn't the right man. She thought that Jared loved her, but how could he pass up a chance to become a prince if it was offered to him. Besides it didn't help that Princess Angel was so beautiful, any man would scramble to have to opportunity to bed a woman like her even if she was not a princess. Evelyn was almost in tears when she entered the kitchen where Jared was busy cleaning the pheasant he'd shot with his bow. He looked up as she entered the room.

"What in the world is going on? There is a whole group of people bearing the royal standard in our courtyard."

"It seems that the Princess is on the hunt for her missing husband to be and is going from estate to estate looking for him. She is here now to see you in case you may be the one."

Jared said,

"I thought she was going to choose from all the men at the ball. I guess that didn't work so now she's down to the stable hands?"

"No silly. Have you not heard? Her chosen one had to leave in a hurry that night and they never got formally introduced."

Jared looked thoughtful for a moment, but dismissed his suspicions and laughed,

"Well I have never even met the Princess, so I'm sure she won't find her future husband in me."

"Still, what are we going to do if upon seeing you she decides she wants you anyway?"

Tears broke over and slid down her cheeks as she stepped up close to Jared and said.

"I know I've never told you properly, but I love you and don't think I could live without you." A sob escaped her and Jared pulled her into his arms to hold her tightly. He was now feeling even guiltier about meeting the woman at the ball, but he was sure he'd never see her again even though he wanted to very badly.

"There, there Evelyn. She won't want me if she truly has her mind set on one man. Come, take me to her so we can set your fears at ease and when you make love to me tonight we can laugh about it together."

Evelyn attempted to smile through her tears as she took his hand and lead him to the Princess.

The Princess and the Stable Hand

Jared entered the room and as soon as his eyes and Angel's met they both flashed back to that night of ecstasy in the moonlight. Jared's mouth dropped open in surprise and Angel's cock throbbed with desire to fill it. Angel had been prepared and showed no outward signs of surprise, but her heart was racing and she felt slightly faint with lust. And still she was not sure, but maybe something more. Jared was even more handsome than she remembered. He fell to one knee and bowing his head burst out with,

"My Lady!"

Martha was instantly furious as she scolded him,

"Never address her Highness as My Lady! She is a Princess and is far above any mere lady!"

Jared's head snapped up and he again locked eyes with Angel. There was a little smirk on her face and her blue eyes were twinkling with the grand jest as she watched the realization settle into Jared's mind. He now knew that he had actually spent the evening with the Princess herself and not some mere lady of the court. Jared started to speak and Angel shook her head ever so slightly stopping whatever ill thought out words were about to tumble out. He visibly got a grip upon himself then said,

"I am so sorry your Highness. How uncouth of me, but then I am only a servant here and do not get the opportunity to converse with royalty often. Please forgive me."

"Of course, it was nothing and I take no offense, but I must say you seem to be very well spoken for a servant."

"My father tried to teach me how to speak properly, but alas he is no longer with us and I am an unfinished project that toils only with my muscles. It would be far easier for me to saddle up a horse for you to ride than to converse with you in any proper terms."

"Martha, I would like to be alone with...what is your name?"


"...Jared for a few moments. He intrigues me. Please take your leave and close the door behind you. Juliana, if you would be so kind, as my lady in waiting, please wait outside the door and be sure we have the privacy I desire."

Juliana nodded her head and ushered out all of the rest of the occupants. Martha was blustering and stuttering about it being inappropriate, but what Angel noticed most was the quiet sob that escaped Evelyn and the tears that were freely rolling down her cheeks. Without looking back Juliana closed the door behind her leaving Angel and Jared alone.

Angel pounced on Jared and pulled him into a bone crushing embrace as she filled his mouth with her tongue and pushed her rock hard member against him.

"Oh Jared, I was so afraid that I wouldn't find you! I must be inside you right now, before my womanhood verily splits apart from growing too hard!"

They both fumbled for the tie on the front of his breeches and finally got it undone. The breeches dropped to the floor and as he stepped out of them she pulled up the front of her dress to free her aching member.

"Quick Love, make me slippery so I don't hurt you too much."

Jared dropped to his knees and swallowed as much of her as he could which was more than most other men she'd been with. She let him slobber on her only for a few seconds then pushed him onto his back on the hardwood floor.

"You remember your oath to me do you not?"

"Yes, Highness." He said in a whisper. "Please make love to me and fill me with your royal lust. I'm begging you for more and ever more."

She playfully slapped him and said,

"No Highness here. When we are together like this I am only Angel."

"Then my Angel, please stop talking and make love to me."

She placed the slippery head of her penis against his eager arse and urgently fed herself into him. She neared the depth where she usually had to stop, but Jared's willing hole easily continued to swallow her and as soon as she was fully in him his talented sphincter gripped the base of her prick. Angel moaned with delight at finally being completely engulfed by her man's arse. She slowly and luxuriously stroked from the base to the tip and back to the base again, reveling in his sweet deepness. His sphincter gripped and released her with a steady rhythm always being sure to squeeze around the thick base of her throbbing womanhood.

Jared reached up and cupped her full breasts through her dress. He squeezed them and rubbed them, then finally slid his hands onto her sides to pull her down on top of him. Their mouths met and her tongue pushed deeply into him as she kissed him passionately never slowing the steady pumping of her hips. They kissed and Jared sucked on her tongue in time with his flexing arse hole as she fucked him deeply. Angel pulled away, breathing hard she looked into his eyes and the lust he saw there told him she would be coming any moment. He wrapped his legs around her waist and hooked his ankles over her round firm ass. Pulling her big member as deeply into him as he could he clamped down around its base with all his might and a whimper escaped Angel. Convulsing in an orgasm that was so intense it was almost painful Angel erupted deep inside her future husband.

Angel lay upon Jared as they recovered. After a few moments Angel said,

"Jared, I came here looking for my husband and in my mind I have found him, but I noticed that the young Miss Evelyn was quite distraught as she left the room. She loves you and I need to know if you love her."

Jared thought for a few moments and searched his heart then slowly replied, "I do love her." The look on Angel's face showed she was crushed and tears began to form in her eyes. Jared continued, "I love her, but not in the same way as she loves me. Mine is more of a playful fondness where I believe she thinks she is actually in love." The tears were still glistening in Angels eyes as Jared looked into them and said, "I am in love with you and have been since I first held you in my arms to dance with you."

Relief flooded through Angel and she kissed him over and over until they were both laughing as lovers do. With a heavy sigh Angel said,

"I suppose we should put ourselves back together and let the rest of the people back in so we can give them the good news."

"I don't think Evelyn will think it such good news. I do care for her and don't want to see her hurt, but I don't see any other way around it."

"Leave that to me. I have an idea of what to do with not only her but her scheming mother as well."
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