VIPs in bondage - Two


The taxi came to a halt before the huge mansion and Beyonce rather tentatively exited from the back seat. She was alone and in something of a disguise (sunglasses and a dowdy jumper and jeans to hide her stunning looks and figure) and was both extremely excited at the possibilities of this weekend may bring and extremely worried as well. Since her night with Mistress Mariah she could think of little else than what the older diva had done to her and how she had reacted to it and enjoyed it. Actually, enjoyed was the wrong word, she had adored being treated like that, she had adored being taken by Mariah and tied up and used as she wanted. Fact is, Beyonce had thought since that night that she could easily become addicted to being treated like that. But still that was tempered with concern for what she was doing, she was a superstar, what if the press discovered this side to her? She had such a carefully cultivated public image and if this was revealed in public it would ruin it.

The driver handed Beyonce her case, accepted his payment and a hefty tip and sped off down the driveway leaving her standing looking up at the large wooden doors at the top of a high set of stone steps. She ascended them and rang the bell, trying to control her fast beating heart and wet her drying lips. She pressed the large button and waited, taking the time to scan the outside of the huge country mansion, noting the CCTV cameras that were dotted around the building suggesting a high security presence somewhere. One of the camera’s seemed to focus on her and again she had doubts about this, the prospect of being caught on camera not a pleasant one to her (little knowing Mariah had a tape of her in action from their first encounter in Beyonce’s hotel suite). At least one minute passed and no-one came and she was starting to feel compelled to act either to ring again or to leave, putting it all down to a foolish misjudgement when suddenly the large double doors opened inwards and she was admitted by a tall, balding butler.

As he closed the doors behind him Beyonce took in the hallway, it was poorly lit but oozed elegance and riches, reminding her of all the mansions she had seen Hollywood movies. Without speaking the butler managed to thrust a card into he hand. Confused, she opened it and read.

“Well done Bee, I knew you would come. I know how much you enjoyed our last meeting and can promise even greater things if you give yourself to me completely. I will be with you presently, however, in the meantime I want you to give your case to Jenks (the butler) then I want you to strip naked and give your clothes to him. Once you have done that he will give you further instructions. Mistress M.x.”

The butler stood stock still in front of her awaiting her next movement. Beyonce swallowed and made up her mind to go through with it, she had come this far and besides last time had been so exciting and enlightening for her. She handed over her suitcase and watched aghast as he took it and threw it carelessly into a side cupboard and stood impatiently waiting her next move. Feeling pressured and flustered under his cold, hard stare Beyonce nonetheless stripped off her thick jumper and jeans and shoes, leaving her standing before him in just a tiny black bra and panties. Holding her discarded clothes he tapped his foot impatiently waiting for her to finish her undressing. So she reached behind her back and unlatched her bra clasp and let it slide down her arms and shyly handed it over to the butler. He took it impassively and awaited the final garment. Giving a little sniff, and feeling embarrassed to be nude before this man she had never met before she hooked her hands into the sides of the panties and slid them down her legs and stepped out of them before handing them over. Jenks flung the pile of clothes into the cupboard and came back over with a small box. He dropped it on the ground in front of the naked figure of the diva and spoke harshly to her.

“In the box you will find a pair of wrist chains, a pair of ankle chains, a collar and leash, a ball gag and a blindfold. You are expected to put all of these items on then wait here, on hands and knees for your Mistress to collect you. If you fail to put any of the items on or are not in the position when she arrives for you, you will assumed as not wanting to serve and as such will be asked to leave here. Do you understand?”

Beyonce nodded, but by that time the butler already had his back to her and was disappearing up a side passage, leaving her alone and confused in the hall. She crouched, conscious of her nakedness and started taking the items from the box and laying them out on the floor in front of her. Mentally, she convinced herself that she was doing this come what may and began the process by affixing the collar around her neck. She hurried it on and soon had everything in place, her hands secured in front of her body so that she was able to pull the blindfold down over her eyes and assume the position on hands and knees on the floor. She knelt there feeling helpless for sometime, there was hardly a noise, bar a slight breeze that came through the side of the door whistling behind her. She felt a mixture of emotions rushing through her, fear, excitement, even a little turned on at her exposure and treatment at the hands of the rude butler (her nipples visibly hardening as she knelt there waiting).

Kneeling there blindfolded and restrained her sense of hearing seemed to be magnified and she nearly jumped up when she heard a loud clicking of heels approach her to the left. They strode towards her and stopped right next to her. She held her breath in anticipation and gave an involuntary shudder as a soft, feminine hand ran through her long hair and softly patted her head.

“Good girl B. I knew you’d do as you were instructed” Mariah almost whispered to her tethered slave girl.

Beyonce then felt the slack of her leash being taken up and she was tugged along by her Mistress like a dog. Fortunately, there was plenty of give in her wrist and ankle cuffs so she wasn’t too shackled to crawl with discomfort. As she crawled along at Mariah’s heel Beyonce thought about how Mariah had spoken to her. She had been much softer spoken and subdued than in the hotel room and Beyonce wondered what had changed. She didn’t have too longer to ponder as they came to a stop and Mariah led her down a set of cold, stone steps. They journeyed down the steps for some time, the atmosphere getting colder as they went until finally the steps stopped and the walked forward again until Mariah halted.

They waited some moments and Beyonce could hear other walking, scuffling noises to her right and felt Mariah’s hands slowly pull off her blindfold.

The sight that confronted her was a large dark room, seemingly lit only by a series of torches along the wall. She was kneeling on concrete and standing before her was her Mistress, Mariah Carey. Mariah was clad in black heels only, the rest of her curvaceous body naked as the day she was born. When she looked down to view the restrained Beyonce, Beyonce was surprised to see a thick leather studded collar tightly around Mariah’s neck. Then a small gasp to her left caused Beyonce to glance in that direction. Again, she was taken aback to see two figures in the red fire-cast shadows there. They seemed to represent almost a mirror image of Beyonce and her Mistress. One woman standing over a bound second woman. But closer examination showed this was no reflection. Indeed, as Beyonce’s eyes adjusted better to the gloom the other two figures stared back at her to reveal them as Halle Berry standing as Mariah stood and Christina Milian trussed up as Beyonce was. Before anything further was said or done a fifth figure appeared before all four of them and simultaneously Halle and Mariah lowered their eyes and sunk to their knees in honour of this newcomer. Beyonce tried to do the same but failed and couldn’t deny herself a glimpse, and couldn’t hide her surprise to be looking up at the cat suited figure of Whitney Houston.

Exactly four weeks previously…

Whooosh! Crack!!!

The riding crop exploded with noise as it connected firmly with Mariah Carey’s soft buttocks, which may have sounded to some like pain but was in fact exquisite pleasure. She squeezed her eyes shut and counted aloud “Nine” and awaited the tenth blow.

It came seconds later, her Mistress Whitney Houston adding a little extra snap to it knowing it would be the final one and smiling as Mariah gave a little squeal and spoke ” Ten. Thank you Mistress” in her little girl lost voice.

Whitney stood back to admire the angry red lines she had created across Mariah’s beautiful backside. They almost symmetrically criss crossed her ass as she hung there, chained to the tall red cross in Whitney’s dungeon.

“Now it’s your turn slut” spoke Whitney as she moved over to an identical cross which had Halle Berry’s sumptuous body chained to it in identical fashion as Mariah’s.

“Ready?” she asked and Halle nodded and answered “Yes Mistress” and the crop swung down cut the air.

Whooosh! Crack!


As she listened to her fellow slave’s punishment, Mariah envied her and thought back to how this situation had come about where she was forced to share her Mistress with the actress. Mariah had first been taken on as a submissive by Whitney when they had performed a duet a few years earlier, the older woman seducing her rival and soon introducing her to the idea of being subservient to her. Mariah loved it, she loved giving up control to her fellow diva and they shared many sexy, kinky sessions over the years. Whitney could be, and often was, a cruel and sadistic Mistress, taking a strong sexual pleasure from punishing and humiliating her slaves. The fact was, however, that Mariah loved that, she got off on that treatment, and it was a mutually pleasurable relationship for some time.

Then one time when Mariah had arrived at Whitney’s ‘special’ mansion in the country she was introduced to Halle and the situation changed. Whitney it seemed had recruited a new famous submissive and had designs to create a harem. This annoyed Mariah, particularly as Halle got the lion’s share of attention to begin with and this led to a resentment between both slaves, one which Whitney seemed to encourage, wanting no empathy between her superstar slaves.

“Ten. Thank you!” exclaimed Halle as the final stroke lashed across her soft, brown buttocks. Whitney stood back as her two beautiful slaves hung from their crosses before her.

“I know you both resent each other’s presence as my slaves. Well that is tough! I will have as many submissive sluts serve me as I want. However, I do intend for a little change of roles around here when we get together. Basically I am going to add some younger, fresher blood to my harem and you two will help with the recruiting. I have two candidates in mind and after studying them feel sure they will be susceptible to the subservient roles I give them. But you two will convince them to come here and will each support them in their early days. Once you have trained them I will test them and whoever’s little slave girl pleases me most will win a special prize for their sponsor. That being that that slave will be able to dominate the others when I say so. So, Mariah if you want to be the one punishing Halle then this will be your chance and Halle if you want this diva to obey you then here is your chance. But first you must convince my two prospective new subs of their new roles.”

Back to the present and a heavy scented, fire lit dungeon where five beautiful famous women are placed in an erotic tableau.

The silence is broken as Whitney Houston steps forward towards her four bowed slaves. Whitney has a statuesque figure and despite being the oldest of the assembled quintet more than holds her own in the sexiness stakes. Indeed the confident way she moves gives her an air that none of her younger servants can match. She is wearing a full body black, skin tight, cat suit. On her feet are incredibly long, thin high heeled shoes but her movements remain graceful and catlike. Beyonce cannot help but stare at the black, army officer type cap that Whitney has balanced on her head giving her yet more authority over the four. A glance from Beyonce at Mariah reveals a completely different Mariah than the one who so confidently and dominatingly taken her in a hotel room only a week earlier. This Mariah, her neck encircled by thick collar, her long hair straight and hanging over her shoulders, knelt head bowed next to Beyonce never once looking up.

Whitney came before Beyonce and Mariah and at once picked up Beyonce’s leash and jerked it as hard as possible. Pulling at Beyonce’s neck painfully.

“Listen carefully slut” Whitney hissed at Beyonce,” For the punishment for failing to listen will be severe. When you are in the presence of your Mistress you will never meet her eyes as you have just done. Understand?”

Beyonce nodded her head feebly and whispered a “Yes Mistress” which failed to change Whitney’s hard glance at her serf. Seemingly producing a thin bamboo cane from inside her outfit, she slapped it hard against her own palm and stood before Mariah.

“Your slave has not impressed me so far. Do you think she would respond better if I gave her a taste of my cane?”

Mariah spoke in a soft, young voice saying that would be in order.

“I disagree slut” barked Whitney at Mariah,” You are responsible for her so I feel you should take her punishment, go and assume the position on the whipping cross.”

Mariah slowly rose to her feet and walked to the side of the room and stood, leaning slightly forward, her arms spread to the side and her shapely bottom beautifully presented to her watchers.

“Slave Halle, come here” demanded Whitney.

Whitney then presented the cane to Halle and told her to discipline her fellow slave with fifteen swipes of the cane.

“You will thank Halle for each stroke and maybe take the opportunity to consider that if your slave Beyonce continues to disappoint that Halle whipping you may become rather more permanent.”

Beyonce watched from her low position as a small smile crossed Halle’s lips as she swung the cane back and brought it crashing down on Mariah’s backside.
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