T-Girl fairy tale 7
Home Again
It was late at night when Jared arrived at the stables of his own estate. The sun had broken over the horizon and his clothes were the bedraggled mess that he had started out with before his God-father Gerald had bewitched them into so much more.
Bedraggled and weary he saw to Thor's needs then went to the house, slipped into the kitchen and up the back stairs to the second floor. Carrying his shoes he sneaked down the hall to the stairs that led up to his tower bedroom. He hadn't been here when his step-mother and sisters had returned so he knew there would be hell to pay tomorrow. As he approached the top of the stairs he heard someone softly weeping inside his room.
He quietly opened the door and saw Evelyn laying on his bed crying into his pillow. Jared sat on the edge of the bed startling Evelyn. She flinched and rose her hand up as if to ward off a blow, when one didn't come she looked at who was sitting on the bed and the look on her face spoke volumes. Jared could see in her eyes that she never expected to see him again and when the fact that he was actually sitting there sunk into her she grabbed him and pulled him into a fierce embrace. More tears streamed from her puffy eyes to drip onto Jared's shoulder, but these were tears of joy.
"We thought that you had run away! Mother was furious and said good riddance, but I hoped that you would come back if for no other reason than to take me with you!"
Evelyn pulled away and as the tears streamed down her cheeks she began to kiss him all over his face, but Jared's heart was black. He felt hugely guilty for being with that other woman, yet it had been incredible. He felt as if his very soul were being torn to shreads as these two women vied for his heart.
"What of Patrice? Did she find what she went to the ball to obtain?"
"Oh yes!" Evelyn said with an emphatic nod. "She had her way with a middle aged Duke in one of the hallways behind the ballroom and by the time she was finished he had agreed to take her back to his estate with him. She is there now. Only I and mother returned."
"What of you, couldn't you find a rich Duke to bed and wed?"
Evelyn leaned back up against Jared and said softly,
"I was with the son of a rather rich Duke. I worked him away from the crowd then worked myself into him, but my heart wasn't in the task and I couldn't persuade him to keep me. Mother berated me all the way home and told me I would wind up a spinster living with her. In truth all I could think about was you. Everything just feels so right and easy when we are together that I always want it to be that way." She pulled back away from him and pleaded, "Please don't be angry with me! I want to run away with you! I was only doing what Mother told me to do, but I will never follow her orders again!" she spat out.
Jared looked at Evelyn and wasn't sure exactly what to do. He didn't have any way to contact the incredible woman he'd spent the evening with so he really didn't have many options and he did care for Evelyn.
"Should I get my things so we can leave Mother to this place and run away together?"
"No. I have an idea. If you are willing to hold your ground against your mother there will be two us to one of her. As long as we work together she won't be able to force us to do anything. We can take control of the Estate."
Evelyn's face slowly brightened with a smile as she nodded in agreement.
Back at the Royal Stables
"What do you mean you sent him away?! I have very special plans for that young man! Where did he go?!"
Roland groveled at her feet on the cold cobble stone floor in his night shirt. He knew what was hidden in her riding breeches and was doing everything he could not to infuriate her to the point of using it on him as punishment. Ever since that day in the stables he had been terrified of Princess Angel and her huge prick. He now slept in the stables seeing as he was the current stable master, but did everything possible to avoid her. He knew it was cowardly, but he let his young stable hands deal with the Princess, which they thought was a great honor. Little did they know the danger he put them in each time she came to the stables.
"Highness there was an alarm at the front gate to the castle. An unknown young man in ragged outdated finery stole a horse and fled into the night. That must have been your young man!" He could do nothing to keep the fear from showing though in his voice and Angel didn't miss it.
"Roland, are you afraid of me?"
"I hear a tremor in your voice tonight and I've noticed that you never get my horse ready for me when I come down to ride. Maybe it's not me you are so much afraid of as this."
Angel slipped a hand down the front of her breeches and pulled her growing penis from its confines. The fear was obvious on Roland's face as he scooted back from it upon the cobblestones. Angel gripped her expanding member and gently stroked it to full size while Roland's eyes never left the throbbing menace. She took a step toward him.
"Highness, please." He whimpered.
"Please what? Give you a second chance to pleasure me? After all that first time was less than satisfactory."
"Please don't make me..."
"Beg for it? I have no intention of making you beg for it. I am a more mature woman than that young girl that was infatuated with you so long ago. I have the appetites of a mature woman and tonight I am insatiable. I have found the power that comes with my station and I am exploiting it for all of the sexual satisfaction that I desire. My dear lucky Roland, you are next."
With two quick strides she covered the distance across the cobblestones and grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head. He let out a squeal like a little girl as Angel began to beat him about the face with her rigid member. The thwack, thwack, thwack, of her hardness on his skin echoed in the stable.
"Open your mouth! Open it for me! You need to make me slippery before I try to enter your tight little arse! You better slobber all over it!"
Roland's eyes were tightly shut as he tried to no avail to squirm out of her grasp, but Angel was too strong for him. She released her grip on her flailing pole and grasped his jaws forcing them open. Aiming her cock with her hips she shoved it into his open mouth all the way to his throat making him gag. Pulling her hand away from his jaw she pinched off his nose forcing him to gasp for air around her invading penis as she thrust repeatedly into him. Holding tightly onto his head Angel proceeded pumping his mouth in earnest as he sputtered and slobbered all over himself and her prick.
Angel felt like a powerful goddess as she forced this pathetic man to grovel at her feet and service her pleasure hungry womanhood. Within minutes she was once again close to orgasm, but she wanted to come inside his arse, something she had not been able to accomplish on that first fateful encounter with him. Angel dragged him to his feet and pushed him into the stable they had originally occupied when she tried to make love to him that first time. Now she pulled up his nightshirt to reveal his white quivering bottom. Her womanly member dripped with his saliva as she pushed it between his white cheeks. She easily found his tightly clamped sphincter, but this time it was not going to keep her out.
Angel began to push her hips forward and as she did she could feel his unwilling hole begin to open for her. He whimpered into the hay manger as she slowly and steadily pushed herself inside him. Once the initial stretching of his hole allowed the crown of the head to pass inside the rest followed more easily. She fed inch after agonizing inch into him and with each one his breathing became shallower. She felt his insides protesting her intrusion and she was pretty sure that he couldn't take any more of her. With only about three quarters of her penis buried in him she began to pump his unwilling arse. Roland clung to the boards of the manger like a drowning man clings to drift in the water as she pummeled his aching hole.
The excitement of the evening and the thrill of her new found power over her subjects was an intoxicating liquor for her libido. Within a blessedly short time for Roland she began to spew her pleasure into his bowels.
"So Roland, aren't you pleased to have pleasured your Princess and received her seed in approval? If I didn't have a young man to track down I'd stay for awhile and enjoy your tight arse a bit more. Maybe even see if you could take all of me inside you with a little practice. I bet you'd like that wouldn't you."
Roland was as pale as if death was were standing there before him to collect his soul. He couldn't find any words of response and could only quiver and shake as if standing naked in snow up to his knees. Angel pulled her deflating penis from his arse with a soft plop then proceeded to wipe it off with the tail of his nightshirt. She slipped her now clean prick back into her breeches, adjusted her thigh high riding boots and low cut blousy white shirt back into order. She walked across the stable and when she got to the door she stopped. Turning to look over her shoulder she said,
"From now on I expect you to prepare both my horses and your arse for my riding."
Roland fainted dead away into the straw on the floor as Angel strode from the stable with a huge smile.
The Next Morning
"As I have already told you the previous dozen times, we didn't exchange full names, I don't know who this Jared is, but I think I would recognize him if I saw him and I know that if I can be alone with him for a few minutes I will be sure of his identity." Angel said with a bit of annoyance.
"Yes, yes, Princess Angel, I know you've told me that many times, but I'm trying to plumb the depths of your memory to see if there is anything else that you may remember to help us track down this mystery husband that only you spent any time with. I do not intend to badger you, only to find a way to help you." Lady Dortello said soothingly.
Angel thought for a few minutes then slowly responded,
"He did say that his mother had passed away and when his father remarried he died the night of the consummation of his new marriage. Does that mean anything to you?"
The Regent crossed her arms below her breast and tapped her lips with one finger as she thought about the story and stared at the ceiling. After a few moments a smile spread across her face.
"Princess that is exactly the kind of extra information I was hoping for, I remember a sad tale such as that from a few years ago and I believe that the estate is located relatively nearby. Somewhere to the southwest of the castle if my memory serves me, we will start our search in that direction.
It was late at night when Jared arrived at the stables of his own estate. The sun had broken over the horizon and his clothes were the bedraggled mess that he had started out with before his God-father Gerald had bewitched them into so much more.
Bedraggled and weary he saw to Thor's needs then went to the house, slipped into the kitchen and up the back stairs to the second floor. Carrying his shoes he sneaked down the hall to the stairs that led up to his tower bedroom. He hadn't been here when his step-mother and sisters had returned so he knew there would be hell to pay tomorrow. As he approached the top of the stairs he heard someone softly weeping inside his room.
He quietly opened the door and saw Evelyn laying on his bed crying into his pillow. Jared sat on the edge of the bed startling Evelyn. She flinched and rose her hand up as if to ward off a blow, when one didn't come she looked at who was sitting on the bed and the look on her face spoke volumes. Jared could see in her eyes that she never expected to see him again and when the fact that he was actually sitting there sunk into her she grabbed him and pulled him into a fierce embrace. More tears streamed from her puffy eyes to drip onto Jared's shoulder, but these were tears of joy.
"We thought that you had run away! Mother was furious and said good riddance, but I hoped that you would come back if for no other reason than to take me with you!"
Evelyn pulled away and as the tears streamed down her cheeks she began to kiss him all over his face, but Jared's heart was black. He felt hugely guilty for being with that other woman, yet it had been incredible. He felt as if his very soul were being torn to shreads as these two women vied for his heart.
"What of Patrice? Did she find what she went to the ball to obtain?"
"Oh yes!" Evelyn said with an emphatic nod. "She had her way with a middle aged Duke in one of the hallways behind the ballroom and by the time she was finished he had agreed to take her back to his estate with him. She is there now. Only I and mother returned."
"What of you, couldn't you find a rich Duke to bed and wed?"
Evelyn leaned back up against Jared and said softly,
"I was with the son of a rather rich Duke. I worked him away from the crowd then worked myself into him, but my heart wasn't in the task and I couldn't persuade him to keep me. Mother berated me all the way home and told me I would wind up a spinster living with her. In truth all I could think about was you. Everything just feels so right and easy when we are together that I always want it to be that way." She pulled back away from him and pleaded, "Please don't be angry with me! I want to run away with you! I was only doing what Mother told me to do, but I will never follow her orders again!" she spat out.
Jared looked at Evelyn and wasn't sure exactly what to do. He didn't have any way to contact the incredible woman he'd spent the evening with so he really didn't have many options and he did care for Evelyn.
"Should I get my things so we can leave Mother to this place and run away together?"
"No. I have an idea. If you are willing to hold your ground against your mother there will be two us to one of her. As long as we work together she won't be able to force us to do anything. We can take control of the Estate."
Evelyn's face slowly brightened with a smile as she nodded in agreement.
Back at the Royal Stables
"What do you mean you sent him away?! I have very special plans for that young man! Where did he go?!"
Roland groveled at her feet on the cold cobble stone floor in his night shirt. He knew what was hidden in her riding breeches and was doing everything he could not to infuriate her to the point of using it on him as punishment. Ever since that day in the stables he had been terrified of Princess Angel and her huge prick. He now slept in the stables seeing as he was the current stable master, but did everything possible to avoid her. He knew it was cowardly, but he let his young stable hands deal with the Princess, which they thought was a great honor. Little did they know the danger he put them in each time she came to the stables.
"Highness there was an alarm at the front gate to the castle. An unknown young man in ragged outdated finery stole a horse and fled into the night. That must have been your young man!" He could do nothing to keep the fear from showing though in his voice and Angel didn't miss it.
"Roland, are you afraid of me?"
"I hear a tremor in your voice tonight and I've noticed that you never get my horse ready for me when I come down to ride. Maybe it's not me you are so much afraid of as this."
Angel slipped a hand down the front of her breeches and pulled her growing penis from its confines. The fear was obvious on Roland's face as he scooted back from it upon the cobblestones. Angel gripped her expanding member and gently stroked it to full size while Roland's eyes never left the throbbing menace. She took a step toward him.
"Highness, please." He whimpered.
"Please what? Give you a second chance to pleasure me? After all that first time was less than satisfactory."
"Please don't make me..."
"Beg for it? I have no intention of making you beg for it. I am a more mature woman than that young girl that was infatuated with you so long ago. I have the appetites of a mature woman and tonight I am insatiable. I have found the power that comes with my station and I am exploiting it for all of the sexual satisfaction that I desire. My dear lucky Roland, you are next."
With two quick strides she covered the distance across the cobblestones and grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head. He let out a squeal like a little girl as Angel began to beat him about the face with her rigid member. The thwack, thwack, thwack, of her hardness on his skin echoed in the stable.
"Open your mouth! Open it for me! You need to make me slippery before I try to enter your tight little arse! You better slobber all over it!"
Roland's eyes were tightly shut as he tried to no avail to squirm out of her grasp, but Angel was too strong for him. She released her grip on her flailing pole and grasped his jaws forcing them open. Aiming her cock with her hips she shoved it into his open mouth all the way to his throat making him gag. Pulling her hand away from his jaw she pinched off his nose forcing him to gasp for air around her invading penis as she thrust repeatedly into him. Holding tightly onto his head Angel proceeded pumping his mouth in earnest as he sputtered and slobbered all over himself and her prick.
Angel felt like a powerful goddess as she forced this pathetic man to grovel at her feet and service her pleasure hungry womanhood. Within minutes she was once again close to orgasm, but she wanted to come inside his arse, something she had not been able to accomplish on that first fateful encounter with him. Angel dragged him to his feet and pushed him into the stable they had originally occupied when she tried to make love to him that first time. Now she pulled up his nightshirt to reveal his white quivering bottom. Her womanly member dripped with his saliva as she pushed it between his white cheeks. She easily found his tightly clamped sphincter, but this time it was not going to keep her out.
Angel began to push her hips forward and as she did she could feel his unwilling hole begin to open for her. He whimpered into the hay manger as she slowly and steadily pushed herself inside him. Once the initial stretching of his hole allowed the crown of the head to pass inside the rest followed more easily. She fed inch after agonizing inch into him and with each one his breathing became shallower. She felt his insides protesting her intrusion and she was pretty sure that he couldn't take any more of her. With only about three quarters of her penis buried in him she began to pump his unwilling arse. Roland clung to the boards of the manger like a drowning man clings to drift in the water as she pummeled his aching hole.
The excitement of the evening and the thrill of her new found power over her subjects was an intoxicating liquor for her libido. Within a blessedly short time for Roland she began to spew her pleasure into his bowels.
"So Roland, aren't you pleased to have pleasured your Princess and received her seed in approval? If I didn't have a young man to track down I'd stay for awhile and enjoy your tight arse a bit more. Maybe even see if you could take all of me inside you with a little practice. I bet you'd like that wouldn't you."
Roland was as pale as if death was were standing there before him to collect his soul. He couldn't find any words of response and could only quiver and shake as if standing naked in snow up to his knees. Angel pulled her deflating penis from his arse with a soft plop then proceeded to wipe it off with the tail of his nightshirt. She slipped her now clean prick back into her breeches, adjusted her thigh high riding boots and low cut blousy white shirt back into order. She walked across the stable and when she got to the door she stopped. Turning to look over her shoulder she said,
"From now on I expect you to prepare both my horses and your arse for my riding."
Roland fainted dead away into the straw on the floor as Angel strode from the stable with a huge smile.
The Next Morning
"As I have already told you the previous dozen times, we didn't exchange full names, I don't know who this Jared is, but I think I would recognize him if I saw him and I know that if I can be alone with him for a few minutes I will be sure of his identity." Angel said with a bit of annoyance.
"Yes, yes, Princess Angel, I know you've told me that many times, but I'm trying to plumb the depths of your memory to see if there is anything else that you may remember to help us track down this mystery husband that only you spent any time with. I do not intend to badger you, only to find a way to help you." Lady Dortello said soothingly.
Angel thought for a few minutes then slowly responded,
"He did say that his mother had passed away and when his father remarried he died the night of the consummation of his new marriage. Does that mean anything to you?"
The Regent crossed her arms below her breast and tapped her lips with one finger as she thought about the story and stared at the ceiling. After a few moments a smile spread across her face.
"Princess that is exactly the kind of extra information I was hoping for, I remember a sad tale such as that from a few years ago and I believe that the estate is located relatively nearby. Somewhere to the southwest of the castle if my memory serves me, we will start our search in that direction.
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