T-Girl fairy tale 2
A New Plaything
Jared was stoking the cooking fire for the evening meal when his two step sisters entered the kitchen. Patrice was a year his senior and Evelyn two years his junior. Patrice was wearing a low cut light blue country dress that fitted tightly from the hips up. The blue matched the blue in her eyes and she had a matching blue ribbon in her golden hair which cascaded down to the middle of her back. She was thin but not bony and had a nicely shaped almost athletic figure. Evelyn had a fuller figure with broad hips creating more distinct curves. The low cut pink dress was cut the same as her sisters, but her breasts were much more prominent. Her eyes were brown and her hair was a dark auburn brown that hung to her shoulders. Patrice was the tallest, but both girls were more than several inches taller than Jared himself. Under different circumstances Jared would have believed both young women to be attractive, but they tormented him whenever possible and since they were the offspring of The Harpy he couldn't tolerate being near them.
Both Patrice and Evelyn had on separate occasions and more than once caught him alone in the hallway. There they would push up against him and feel him up. Evelyn wasn't as rough as Patrice, but she was still very persistent. One day Patrice had even shoved her hand down his breeches and stuck her finger into his ass. Jared had shoved her violently away and was preparing to clout her when she said,
"Now, now, if you strike me Mother will have the blacksmith clamp you in irons for her to whip. You remember how that felt. I didn't hurt you or anything, besides it was only my finger." With her nose in the air she turned on her heal and headed down the hall. As she walked away Jared wasn't sure, but he thought he heard her say, 'Only my finger...for now.'
"So what will you be serving for dinner tonight Jared?" Patrice purred.
"Potato soup. Roast mutton with leeks." He said shortly.
"Oooo two of my favorites." She said sarcastically.
"Well if your mother hadn't spent all that money on the wedding we'd have more choices in the larder." Patrice took two quick steps across the kitchen and slapped Jared hard across the face.
"I'll not have you speaking about mother in that fashion. You're lucky she allows you to stay here at all. She could have sent you to serve in the Regent's Army."
Jared rubbed the side of his face and thought, 'I'm just about ready to abandon father's farm and join myself.' But he wisely said nothing out loud. In a commanding voice she continued,
"Evelyn and I require your...ah...services in our rooms. Since you do not have anything on the stove for now and mother plans to dine in town with the Earl of Scranton I want you to wait dinner and attend us first. Come Evelyn, let us prepare for Jared's help in our suite."
As Jared watched his step sisters swish from the room he thought that Evelyn was holding her hands in an odd way in front of her. To his mind they were just odd in general though so he released a heavy sigh, dampened down the fire so it wouldn't be out by the time he returned, and followed them from the room.
The sisters were already in the suite when he arrived and the doors were closed. He considered not knocking, but didn't feel like hearing the 'Knocking Lecture' again so he rapped smartly on the dark wooden doors.
"Enter." Came from within. Jared gripped the brass knob, turned and pushed the door open. As soon as he stepped inside the room something hit the back of his head and his world went dark.
When Jared came to he was trussed up and tied to a small wooden side table that was about waist high. The very next thing he noticed was that he was buck naked. 'Oh hell,' he thought 'they're going to whip me like their mom.' He struggled against his bonds to no avail as he attempted to look around the room for his wicked step sisters.
They were standing behind him outside of his field of vision, watching him struggle. The dresses were gone and each girl was only wearing her corset. The corsets matched the dresses and gave the girls dramatically curvy shapes. Even Patrice's small breasts looked round and full as they spilled out of the top of her blue corset. Evelyn's breasts needed no help and were barely contained within the top of her yellow one.
Patrice spoke from behind Jared,
"Feeling a bit helpless little brother?"
"Let me up at once. I've done nothing to deserve a whipping!" Both the girls giggled at that and Patrice continued in a haughty voice,
"My dear little brother, we have no intention of whipping you! Using you for our pleasure certainly, but not whipping you. Unless you fail to provide us with that needed pleasure." The menace in her voice was unmistakable. "With Mother away in the city visiting the duke you can expect to be spending some quality time with your loving step sisters. Evelyn I believe that the time has come to show our little brother how much we love him."
Jared heard their foot steps on the floor as they each walked down either side of him and came to a stop in front of him where he could see them. Jared's mouth dropped open in shock for there before him stood his two step sisters in their corsets. That would have been shock enough, yet to his greater amazement each girl had a stiff penis standing out from her crotch where her little cunny should have been. Jared stuttered,
"WWWWhat the hhhell! You're boys? I thought you were girls!"
"We are girls silly! Look at these breasts. Do boys have breasts like these?"
"Well...no, but girls don't have cocks like those either!"
"Oh! These little things? Patrice said with mild surprise in her voice, "Yes I suppose most girls do not, but they're sooo satisfying, I would bet they would have them if they could." The girls reached down and each gripped her cock. Patrice's was long and thin, matching her slight build. While Evelyn's was shorter, but very thick, so thick in fact she couldn't quite get her hand around it. "Get the device." Patrice said quietly to Evelyn. With a wicked grin Evelyn quickly stepped over to the night stand, opened the drawer, and retrieved a thick piece of steel rod with wedge shaped pieces of metal on either end. The rod was bent in the shape of a U and the wedge shapes were on the inside of the tips of the U.
Evelyn pressed the pointed ends of the wedges against Jared's mouth, but he held his mouth tightly shut. Patrice let out a rather ominous chuckle then said,
"It will do you no good to struggle against us little brother. We will take what we want from you." Patrice leaned down and licked along Jared's cheek up to his ear where she whispered, "Though if you struggle and thrash as we have our way with you, we find that quite...exciting!" She punctuated by sticking her long pointed tongue into his ear. Jared made a strangled sound and at that moment Evelyn pushed harder against his mouth.
The metal rubbed against Jared's teeth causing a shiver to run down his spine and as he tired to avoid the feel of the metal against his teeth he relaxed too much allowing the metal wedges to slip to the back of his mouth. Once the wedges were in place Evelyn rotated the rod around behind Jared's head locking the device in his mouth and conveniently holding his mouth open for their use.
When Evelyn stepped away Jared tossed his head and made some obscene sounds at them, but that was the best he could muster. Patrice said,
"We much prefer to have our man unencumbered by such devices because it inhibits the good sucking qualities that we so enjoy in a mouth, yet we have found that until our new man has been broken in it is best to use caution when sticking our cocks in his mouth. Teeth can be such bothersome things." Patrice stepped up to Jared's face. Her cock was just above his head so she had to squat down a bit to line up the tip with his open mouth. She easily slid her penis into his mouth and continued on to his throat until Jared gagged on her cock head. She pulled back then pushed in until once again he gagged on her throbbing member. Patrice let out a little moan of pleasure and began to pump in and out of Jared's controlled mouth. Evelyn stood there stroking her own fat cock as she waited her turn.
Jared's mind was spinning. He struggled, but it was to no avail. The girls had him truly trussed up with his mouth held open for their pleasure. As Patrice's cock hit the back of his throat again and again tears of frustration rolled down his cheeks.
Patrice noticed his tears and said to him, "Don't cry little brother. It may seem harsh now, but in the coming months you'll grow to love our attentions and eventually you'll ask us for them. Maybe even beg us for them." She pulled herself from Jared's drooling mouth as she said, "Your turn Evelyn."
Evelyn eagerly stepped up to Jared's mouth. She was exactly the right height, but as her cock head drew near to Jared's mouth he knew that she was going to be a much tighter fit. Where Patrice hadn't touched Jared's lips, Evelyn's cock dragged against his lips and even touched his teeth lightly. He could feel her cock making the wedges move out more tightly against his cheeks. Her pubic hair touched his nose at the same time her cock caused him to gag on her. Evelyn moaned loudly and without any warning began to enthusiastically pump his mouth. With each thrust Evelyn's pelvic bone bumped against Jared's nose and he gagged on the tip of her cock. His nose was hurting and he was sure that any second she'd hit him so hard it would start to bleed, but before that happened something else completely took his mind off of his nose and Evelyn's penis.
He felt something pushing against his sphincter and the cold realization that Patrice was behind him with her cock ready to enter him washed over him. He renewed his struggle against his bonds, but to no effect. He felt Patrice's hands caress his hips then move down onto the cheeks of his ass. She rubbed his ass enjoying the anticipation and dread she was causing, then spread his ass cheeks widely. Patrice watched his asshole quiver and move as she placed the tip of her penis on his skin above it and slowly dragged the tip down until was against his inviting hole. She watched the muscles across his back tighten as he prepared for her to enter him. But still she waited. Feeling his sphincter quivering against the tip of her cock she slowly began to push into him. Jared tried to squeeze his hole tightly shut to guard against her entry, but she was rock hard and there was nothing that could keep her out of him. Patrice moaned and purred,
"That's it. Squeeze it tightly shut. Try to keep me out of you." She toyed with him, pushing and relaxing, pushing and relaxing, as though she couldn't penetrate his snugly shut asshole. His ass cheeks hurt where she had them stretched open so far, but the thought that just maybe he would be able to keep her out of him kept him squeezing. Evelyn's tempo hadn't changed and she continued to pump his mouth as she excitedly watched her sister torment Jared's asshole. Jared's mouth was numb to Evelyn. He was busy worrying about Patrice.
Patrice pushed again and said in a pouting voice,
"Evelyn, I don't think I'm going to be able to get inside Jared. His ass is just too strong for my girly cock." Jared wanted to smile, but his mouth was full of Evelyn, whom he heard giggle, and he knew right then that Patrice was only toying with him. In answer to this stark realization Patrice pushed hard against him until the head of her cock popped inside his sphincter. Jared moaned in pain while both girls moaned in pleasure. Evelyn said,
"That feels so good! Patrice, make him moan again, please!?"
"I'd love to my sister dear." And with that she began to steadily force her cock into Jared's tight ass. Jared thrashed against his bonds as the pain exploded in his ass. He moaned and groaned in pain giving distinct vibrational pleasure to Evelyn's aching cock. Jared was hit by two pelvic bones at once. Patrice's hit him in the tail bone as Evelyn's hit him in the nose. Patrice leaned forward and grabbed Jared by the shoulders as she started to hump his ass vigorously. Evelyn shot a huge load of come into Jared's throat and he struggled to swallow what he could so he didn't choke on it, but most of it just dripped out with all the saliva.
Patrice was pumping him like he was the last piece of ass she'd ever get as Evelyn languished with her still erect member in his mouth. It didn't take Patrice very long to catch up with her sister. In the middle of an extraordinary flurry of thrusts she suddenly buried her cock in Jared and with a huge grunt began spraying her cum into him. As she came she ground her prick in his ass, reveling in the feeling of his unwilling sphincter quivering around the base of her cock. When she finished coming she collapsed across Jared's muscular back panting for breath.
Evelyn waited patiently for Patrice to catch her breath. With her cock buried in Jared's ass Patrice leaned up and licked his ear.
"That was scrumptious!" she whispered and squeezed her muscles making her cock jump inside of him. "But I think your dear step-sister Evelyn would like a chance to enjoy your fruits as well."
Patrice pushed up off of Jared and pulled her still partially hard penis from his well pumped ass.
"He's all yours sister dear. I got nice and deep inside of him but maybe you can stretch him out some more." Evelyn pulled herself from his mouth and eagerly moved into position behind him. Patrice was standing beside her as she placed the head of her much thicker cock against Jared's only somewhat stretched hole. Evelyn didn't wait or tease Jared, she just simply pushed her thick cock into him. Jared's world exploded in pain again and he yelled out as she began to pummel his ass. Jared imagined that having Evelyn in his ass is what it must feel like to be shoved down on a hitching post and she was ramming her post into him with complete abandon.
Within minutes Evelyn was gripping Jared's hips and yelling her own pleasure as she too sprayed his insides with her come. At that very moment the door burst open and there stood his step mother. Her face was livid as she roared at the girls,
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" Evelyn scrambled back from Jared so fast that her cock made a popping noise as it pulled from him. Patrice stammered,
"Mother! We thought you were staying in town with the Duke! We were just sharing some special time with Jared here and didn't expect you home tonight. And well we uh..." Patrice ground to a halt. For the first time in his life Jared was glad to see his step mother. The look on her face showed that she was here to save him from this outrage. His step mother continued to yell at the girls,
"What are you thinking? You can't just screw your step brother like this! This could destroy everything we've worked so hard for, is that what you're trying to do? Patrice can't you keep a hold on yourself?" Patrice stammered,
"I don't care what you wanted! Hell, I know what you wanted because I see what has happened to Jared! I just found out today at the Duke's that there is to be a ball held for Princess Angel and she is going to choose a husband from the men at the ball! If you two can each woo one of her cast off suitors we may yet gain access to the money we need to live in the manner to which we've become accustom! Now you horny little girls get out of my sight!" The girls were loathe to give up the fun and when they didn't move fast enough she roared, "NOW!"
Both girls grabbed their dresses and pelted from the room.
His step mother stood in the room looking at him. Jared could only look back seeing as how the wedges still held his mouth open. She stood over him and the anger that had filled her just moments ago began to ebb and then flow away. Martha was proud of her figure and she showed it off at every opportunity. The dress she was wearing was a deep emerald green with black lace along the plunging neck line. Her breasts were round and full almost spilling from her bodice. She smiled and with a sneer in her voice she said,
"I should have known this would happen. Both your sisters have been sneaking looks at you and once I found Evelyn watching you work without your shirt in the garden. She was playing with her cock as she watched you and before I reprimanded her I heard her say, 'Tell me you want it Jared.' in a whisper. I knew she wouldn't act on her own, but Patrice is very bold, actively taking what she wants and it appears she wanted you. This is the first time the girls have had a step brother they could play with and it seems they took advantage of it as soon as I was gone from the house." Martha now walked over to where Jared was trussed over the table and as she slowly walked around him she ran her fingertips over his muscular back then continued, "You have grown into a very enticing young man. All the hard work has hardened your muscles and made them pleasing to see and touch." She walked back into view on the other side of him then continued on around behind him again. "Why it's no wonder my girls are so smitten with your hard young body." Her speech was becoming more and more breathy, and then Jared heard the rustle of her skirts being raised. He could feel her presence behind him as if she radiated a power of own, then he felt her against him. No longer a stranger to the feeling of being opened by a woman's penis, he felt her tip begin to stretch him for her entry. As the tip opened him further and further he realised that Evelyn had gotten her girth from her mother. Finally he felt the crown of her cock head slip inside his sphincter.
"MMM...I haven't felt this since the night your father died in my bed." Jared heard her shoes move on the floor and felt her thighs against the back of his legs. Her hands found their way to his hips and his step mother, gripping him tightly, pushed her cock all the way into his body. Jared made an incoherent animal noise as his step mother filled his rectum. She was just as deep inside him as Patrice had been. Martha relished in the feel of his ass stretched tightly around her pulsing member. Jared could feel her dress bunched up between them as she leaned forward and slid her hands up along his muscular sides. He struggled vainly to get away, but his bindings only bit deeper into his flesh. Martha sensed his revulsion at having his father's wife's penis buried in his ass. "I want you to know that I didn't want anything to happen to your father. I really did love him in my own way. I got tired of always talking about farming and hunting but he really was a very sweet man. Oh and his arse was so tight! When we got into bed that night to consummate the marriage he still had no idea what was waiting for him beneath my dress. He started off playing with my breasts and his hands explored my body. When his hand found my waiting erection he made a strangled sound and I quickly rolled over on top of him. We struggled, but only briefly, and then I was pushing my way into him." To add emphasis to her story she pushed herself deeper into Jared. "I filled him with my lust as I pushed my breasts into his face. Holding him close to me I began to make love to him. I kissed him deeply while I gently worked my way in and out of his tight quivering arse. After a while he began to kiss me back and suck on my tongue as I moved it around inside his mouth. Our love making be came more and more passionate until we reached a crescendo." Martha's thrusts matched her story and she began to pant as she finished. "Finally I thrust deeply into his body with both my tongue and my penis and we came together, loudly groaning and moaning. I could barely believe he was having such intense pleasure from me as he continued to moan long after I had finished. I held him tightly against my body with my consummating womanhood buried deeply in his arse in an attempt to prolong his pleasure as much as possible. Moments later, he became very still and when I realised that he was no longer breathing I began to cry." Jared felt hot tears drop onto his back and he almost felt sorry for her. Almost, but not quite. Her cock was still thrusting into him and seconds later she erupted deep inside his young body.
Martha stood up and sniffled, then wiped the tears from her face. She said, "I guess it is still very emotional for me to talk about it, but I hope you understand that it was nothing I wanted. I would have been happy spending his money and making love to him. Now I am cast adrift and must make my way in a man's world." She stepped back away and withdrew her penis from him. After she straightened her dress and put herself back aright she untied Jared who removed the mouth opening device. Martha helped him up and with her eyes still shining from the tears she gently kissed him on the cheek and said,
"I think you have been through enough today. Go up to your room for the rest of the evening. But I will expect you to have breakfast for all of us as usual in the morning. Just because we have shared this intimate moment does not mean that your status has changed in this household. Now off with you."
Jared scooped up his clothes from the corner, slipped out of the door and up the hallway. He dashed up the tower stairs to his bedroom and flung his naked body upon the bed. He sobbed into his pillow and wished he was dead. He cried himself to sleep only to be awakened by a gentle shaking from a strong hand. Jared gasped awaked and pulled away from the hand. Dusk had fallen as he slept and he could not make out who was in the room with him. There was a deep manly chuckle as a soft blue light began to grow before Jared's eyes. As his eyes adjusted Jared could see that the light was held in the palm of a man's hand. A man that looked familiar, yet didn't. Jared stuttered out,
"Who...who...who are you?" The man chuckled deeply again and said,
"Why my boy has it been so long that you have forgotten me? We were such close friends when you were young I would have thought that you would never forget me!" He laughed deeply and it was such a warm sound that Jared could not help but to smile himself. Then the realization came to Jared.
"Gerald? Could it be? Is it really you?"
"In the flesh! Well...so to speak."
"But I thought you were just my imaginary friend. Am I dreaming?"
"Not at all, I am your godfather. Faire godfather to be precise. That explains the magic." He said with the back of his hand beside his mouth and a quick wink. "My boy, you need a distinct change of venue. This house is full of womanly pricks that, I'm afraid, will be constantly in your arse now that they know the way. In six days the Kingdom will be celebrating Beltane and in the castle Princess Angel will be hosting a Beltane Ball at which she plans to choose a young man to share her bed. You my boy are going to be at that ball."
"How can that be? Even when father was alive he didn't have enough standing to be invited to a ball at the castle. I have even less status than he had and have fallen off of the edge of the world as far as royalty is concerned. Did you know that Martha plans to have her daughters try to woo Angel's castoffs so they can live in luxury?"
"I did not, but it is of no importance to me. If she can marry those harpies off, so much the better. I'm only concerned with the welfare of my charge." With a flourish of his hand Gerald made an ornate card appear, then with a flip of his wrist he sent is sailing onto the bed beside Jared. Jared picked it up uneasily from the bed and looked closely at the writing on it. In a flowing script it said,
'You are here by commanded by Princess Angel to attend a royal ball to be held in my honor on the feast of Beltane. I wish to meet each and every eligible man in my kingdom and from those in attendance will choose my husband.'
"How did you get this?" Jared asked in wonder.
"Well, I am a man and I am eligible." Gerald said with a hurt tone in his voice. Jared looked at him in silence. Gerald continued in a bluster, "Ok, Ok, so it was a bit of magic. But I could have been invited you know!" Jared got up off the bed and for the first time cracked a smirk. He placed his hand on Gerald's shoulder and said,
"I'm sure Princess Angel would fall madly in love with you if you were not being so noble by giving the invitation to me." Gerald let out a long sigh.
"It's no use pretending, we both know that I'm far too old for a young beauty such as the princess. I'm sure she will be way more interested in you. But the question remains, are you willing to marry her if she chooses you?" Jared looked around the dumpy tower room and said,
"What do I have to lose?
"That's the spirit my boy! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
Jared was stoking the cooking fire for the evening meal when his two step sisters entered the kitchen. Patrice was a year his senior and Evelyn two years his junior. Patrice was wearing a low cut light blue country dress that fitted tightly from the hips up. The blue matched the blue in her eyes and she had a matching blue ribbon in her golden hair which cascaded down to the middle of her back. She was thin but not bony and had a nicely shaped almost athletic figure. Evelyn had a fuller figure with broad hips creating more distinct curves. The low cut pink dress was cut the same as her sisters, but her breasts were much more prominent. Her eyes were brown and her hair was a dark auburn brown that hung to her shoulders. Patrice was the tallest, but both girls were more than several inches taller than Jared himself. Under different circumstances Jared would have believed both young women to be attractive, but they tormented him whenever possible and since they were the offspring of The Harpy he couldn't tolerate being near them.
Both Patrice and Evelyn had on separate occasions and more than once caught him alone in the hallway. There they would push up against him and feel him up. Evelyn wasn't as rough as Patrice, but she was still very persistent. One day Patrice had even shoved her hand down his breeches and stuck her finger into his ass. Jared had shoved her violently away and was preparing to clout her when she said,
"Now, now, if you strike me Mother will have the blacksmith clamp you in irons for her to whip. You remember how that felt. I didn't hurt you or anything, besides it was only my finger." With her nose in the air she turned on her heal and headed down the hall. As she walked away Jared wasn't sure, but he thought he heard her say, 'Only my finger...for now.'
"So what will you be serving for dinner tonight Jared?" Patrice purred.
"Potato soup. Roast mutton with leeks." He said shortly.
"Oooo two of my favorites." She said sarcastically.
"Well if your mother hadn't spent all that money on the wedding we'd have more choices in the larder." Patrice took two quick steps across the kitchen and slapped Jared hard across the face.
"I'll not have you speaking about mother in that fashion. You're lucky she allows you to stay here at all. She could have sent you to serve in the Regent's Army."
Jared rubbed the side of his face and thought, 'I'm just about ready to abandon father's farm and join myself.' But he wisely said nothing out loud. In a commanding voice she continued,
"Evelyn and I require your...ah...services in our rooms. Since you do not have anything on the stove for now and mother plans to dine in town with the Earl of Scranton I want you to wait dinner and attend us first. Come Evelyn, let us prepare for Jared's help in our suite."
As Jared watched his step sisters swish from the room he thought that Evelyn was holding her hands in an odd way in front of her. To his mind they were just odd in general though so he released a heavy sigh, dampened down the fire so it wouldn't be out by the time he returned, and followed them from the room.
The sisters were already in the suite when he arrived and the doors were closed. He considered not knocking, but didn't feel like hearing the 'Knocking Lecture' again so he rapped smartly on the dark wooden doors.
"Enter." Came from within. Jared gripped the brass knob, turned and pushed the door open. As soon as he stepped inside the room something hit the back of his head and his world went dark.
When Jared came to he was trussed up and tied to a small wooden side table that was about waist high. The very next thing he noticed was that he was buck naked. 'Oh hell,' he thought 'they're going to whip me like their mom.' He struggled against his bonds to no avail as he attempted to look around the room for his wicked step sisters.
They were standing behind him outside of his field of vision, watching him struggle. The dresses were gone and each girl was only wearing her corset. The corsets matched the dresses and gave the girls dramatically curvy shapes. Even Patrice's small breasts looked round and full as they spilled out of the top of her blue corset. Evelyn's breasts needed no help and were barely contained within the top of her yellow one.
Patrice spoke from behind Jared,
"Feeling a bit helpless little brother?"
"Let me up at once. I've done nothing to deserve a whipping!" Both the girls giggled at that and Patrice continued in a haughty voice,
"My dear little brother, we have no intention of whipping you! Using you for our pleasure certainly, but not whipping you. Unless you fail to provide us with that needed pleasure." The menace in her voice was unmistakable. "With Mother away in the city visiting the duke you can expect to be spending some quality time with your loving step sisters. Evelyn I believe that the time has come to show our little brother how much we love him."
Jared heard their foot steps on the floor as they each walked down either side of him and came to a stop in front of him where he could see them. Jared's mouth dropped open in shock for there before him stood his two step sisters in their corsets. That would have been shock enough, yet to his greater amazement each girl had a stiff penis standing out from her crotch where her little cunny should have been. Jared stuttered,
"WWWWhat the hhhell! You're boys? I thought you were girls!"
"We are girls silly! Look at these breasts. Do boys have breasts like these?"
"Well...no, but girls don't have cocks like those either!"
"Oh! These little things? Patrice said with mild surprise in her voice, "Yes I suppose most girls do not, but they're sooo satisfying, I would bet they would have them if they could." The girls reached down and each gripped her cock. Patrice's was long and thin, matching her slight build. While Evelyn's was shorter, but very thick, so thick in fact she couldn't quite get her hand around it. "Get the device." Patrice said quietly to Evelyn. With a wicked grin Evelyn quickly stepped over to the night stand, opened the drawer, and retrieved a thick piece of steel rod with wedge shaped pieces of metal on either end. The rod was bent in the shape of a U and the wedge shapes were on the inside of the tips of the U.
Evelyn pressed the pointed ends of the wedges against Jared's mouth, but he held his mouth tightly shut. Patrice let out a rather ominous chuckle then said,
"It will do you no good to struggle against us little brother. We will take what we want from you." Patrice leaned down and licked along Jared's cheek up to his ear where she whispered, "Though if you struggle and thrash as we have our way with you, we find that quite...exciting!" She punctuated by sticking her long pointed tongue into his ear. Jared made a strangled sound and at that moment Evelyn pushed harder against his mouth.
The metal rubbed against Jared's teeth causing a shiver to run down his spine and as he tired to avoid the feel of the metal against his teeth he relaxed too much allowing the metal wedges to slip to the back of his mouth. Once the wedges were in place Evelyn rotated the rod around behind Jared's head locking the device in his mouth and conveniently holding his mouth open for their use.
When Evelyn stepped away Jared tossed his head and made some obscene sounds at them, but that was the best he could muster. Patrice said,
"We much prefer to have our man unencumbered by such devices because it inhibits the good sucking qualities that we so enjoy in a mouth, yet we have found that until our new man has been broken in it is best to use caution when sticking our cocks in his mouth. Teeth can be such bothersome things." Patrice stepped up to Jared's face. Her cock was just above his head so she had to squat down a bit to line up the tip with his open mouth. She easily slid her penis into his mouth and continued on to his throat until Jared gagged on her cock head. She pulled back then pushed in until once again he gagged on her throbbing member. Patrice let out a little moan of pleasure and began to pump in and out of Jared's controlled mouth. Evelyn stood there stroking her own fat cock as she waited her turn.
Jared's mind was spinning. He struggled, but it was to no avail. The girls had him truly trussed up with his mouth held open for their pleasure. As Patrice's cock hit the back of his throat again and again tears of frustration rolled down his cheeks.
Patrice noticed his tears and said to him, "Don't cry little brother. It may seem harsh now, but in the coming months you'll grow to love our attentions and eventually you'll ask us for them. Maybe even beg us for them." She pulled herself from Jared's drooling mouth as she said, "Your turn Evelyn."
Evelyn eagerly stepped up to Jared's mouth. She was exactly the right height, but as her cock head drew near to Jared's mouth he knew that she was going to be a much tighter fit. Where Patrice hadn't touched Jared's lips, Evelyn's cock dragged against his lips and even touched his teeth lightly. He could feel her cock making the wedges move out more tightly against his cheeks. Her pubic hair touched his nose at the same time her cock caused him to gag on her. Evelyn moaned loudly and without any warning began to enthusiastically pump his mouth. With each thrust Evelyn's pelvic bone bumped against Jared's nose and he gagged on the tip of her cock. His nose was hurting and he was sure that any second she'd hit him so hard it would start to bleed, but before that happened something else completely took his mind off of his nose and Evelyn's penis.
He felt something pushing against his sphincter and the cold realization that Patrice was behind him with her cock ready to enter him washed over him. He renewed his struggle against his bonds, but to no effect. He felt Patrice's hands caress his hips then move down onto the cheeks of his ass. She rubbed his ass enjoying the anticipation and dread she was causing, then spread his ass cheeks widely. Patrice watched his asshole quiver and move as she placed the tip of her penis on his skin above it and slowly dragged the tip down until was against his inviting hole. She watched the muscles across his back tighten as he prepared for her to enter him. But still she waited. Feeling his sphincter quivering against the tip of her cock she slowly began to push into him. Jared tried to squeeze his hole tightly shut to guard against her entry, but she was rock hard and there was nothing that could keep her out of him. Patrice moaned and purred,
"That's it. Squeeze it tightly shut. Try to keep me out of you." She toyed with him, pushing and relaxing, pushing and relaxing, as though she couldn't penetrate his snugly shut asshole. His ass cheeks hurt where she had them stretched open so far, but the thought that just maybe he would be able to keep her out of him kept him squeezing. Evelyn's tempo hadn't changed and she continued to pump his mouth as she excitedly watched her sister torment Jared's asshole. Jared's mouth was numb to Evelyn. He was busy worrying about Patrice.
Patrice pushed again and said in a pouting voice,
"Evelyn, I don't think I'm going to be able to get inside Jared. His ass is just too strong for my girly cock." Jared wanted to smile, but his mouth was full of Evelyn, whom he heard giggle, and he knew right then that Patrice was only toying with him. In answer to this stark realization Patrice pushed hard against him until the head of her cock popped inside his sphincter. Jared moaned in pain while both girls moaned in pleasure. Evelyn said,
"That feels so good! Patrice, make him moan again, please!?"
"I'd love to my sister dear." And with that she began to steadily force her cock into Jared's tight ass. Jared thrashed against his bonds as the pain exploded in his ass. He moaned and groaned in pain giving distinct vibrational pleasure to Evelyn's aching cock. Jared was hit by two pelvic bones at once. Patrice's hit him in the tail bone as Evelyn's hit him in the nose. Patrice leaned forward and grabbed Jared by the shoulders as she started to hump his ass vigorously. Evelyn shot a huge load of come into Jared's throat and he struggled to swallow what he could so he didn't choke on it, but most of it just dripped out with all the saliva.
Patrice was pumping him like he was the last piece of ass she'd ever get as Evelyn languished with her still erect member in his mouth. It didn't take Patrice very long to catch up with her sister. In the middle of an extraordinary flurry of thrusts she suddenly buried her cock in Jared and with a huge grunt began spraying her cum into him. As she came she ground her prick in his ass, reveling in the feeling of his unwilling sphincter quivering around the base of her cock. When she finished coming she collapsed across Jared's muscular back panting for breath.
Evelyn waited patiently for Patrice to catch her breath. With her cock buried in Jared's ass Patrice leaned up and licked his ear.
"That was scrumptious!" she whispered and squeezed her muscles making her cock jump inside of him. "But I think your dear step-sister Evelyn would like a chance to enjoy your fruits as well."
Patrice pushed up off of Jared and pulled her still partially hard penis from his well pumped ass.
"He's all yours sister dear. I got nice and deep inside of him but maybe you can stretch him out some more." Evelyn pulled herself from his mouth and eagerly moved into position behind him. Patrice was standing beside her as she placed the head of her much thicker cock against Jared's only somewhat stretched hole. Evelyn didn't wait or tease Jared, she just simply pushed her thick cock into him. Jared's world exploded in pain again and he yelled out as she began to pummel his ass. Jared imagined that having Evelyn in his ass is what it must feel like to be shoved down on a hitching post and she was ramming her post into him with complete abandon.
Within minutes Evelyn was gripping Jared's hips and yelling her own pleasure as she too sprayed his insides with her come. At that very moment the door burst open and there stood his step mother. Her face was livid as she roared at the girls,
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" Evelyn scrambled back from Jared so fast that her cock made a popping noise as it pulled from him. Patrice stammered,
"Mother! We thought you were staying in town with the Duke! We were just sharing some special time with Jared here and didn't expect you home tonight. And well we uh..." Patrice ground to a halt. For the first time in his life Jared was glad to see his step mother. The look on her face showed that she was here to save him from this outrage. His step mother continued to yell at the girls,
"What are you thinking? You can't just screw your step brother like this! This could destroy everything we've worked so hard for, is that what you're trying to do? Patrice can't you keep a hold on yourself?" Patrice stammered,
"I don't care what you wanted! Hell, I know what you wanted because I see what has happened to Jared! I just found out today at the Duke's that there is to be a ball held for Princess Angel and she is going to choose a husband from the men at the ball! If you two can each woo one of her cast off suitors we may yet gain access to the money we need to live in the manner to which we've become accustom! Now you horny little girls get out of my sight!" The girls were loathe to give up the fun and when they didn't move fast enough she roared, "NOW!"
Both girls grabbed their dresses and pelted from the room.
His step mother stood in the room looking at him. Jared could only look back seeing as how the wedges still held his mouth open. She stood over him and the anger that had filled her just moments ago began to ebb and then flow away. Martha was proud of her figure and she showed it off at every opportunity. The dress she was wearing was a deep emerald green with black lace along the plunging neck line. Her breasts were round and full almost spilling from her bodice. She smiled and with a sneer in her voice she said,
"I should have known this would happen. Both your sisters have been sneaking looks at you and once I found Evelyn watching you work without your shirt in the garden. She was playing with her cock as she watched you and before I reprimanded her I heard her say, 'Tell me you want it Jared.' in a whisper. I knew she wouldn't act on her own, but Patrice is very bold, actively taking what she wants and it appears she wanted you. This is the first time the girls have had a step brother they could play with and it seems they took advantage of it as soon as I was gone from the house." Martha now walked over to where Jared was trussed over the table and as she slowly walked around him she ran her fingertips over his muscular back then continued, "You have grown into a very enticing young man. All the hard work has hardened your muscles and made them pleasing to see and touch." She walked back into view on the other side of him then continued on around behind him again. "Why it's no wonder my girls are so smitten with your hard young body." Her speech was becoming more and more breathy, and then Jared heard the rustle of her skirts being raised. He could feel her presence behind him as if she radiated a power of own, then he felt her against him. No longer a stranger to the feeling of being opened by a woman's penis, he felt her tip begin to stretch him for her entry. As the tip opened him further and further he realised that Evelyn had gotten her girth from her mother. Finally he felt the crown of her cock head slip inside his sphincter.
"MMM...I haven't felt this since the night your father died in my bed." Jared heard her shoes move on the floor and felt her thighs against the back of his legs. Her hands found their way to his hips and his step mother, gripping him tightly, pushed her cock all the way into his body. Jared made an incoherent animal noise as his step mother filled his rectum. She was just as deep inside him as Patrice had been. Martha relished in the feel of his ass stretched tightly around her pulsing member. Jared could feel her dress bunched up between them as she leaned forward and slid her hands up along his muscular sides. He struggled vainly to get away, but his bindings only bit deeper into his flesh. Martha sensed his revulsion at having his father's wife's penis buried in his ass. "I want you to know that I didn't want anything to happen to your father. I really did love him in my own way. I got tired of always talking about farming and hunting but he really was a very sweet man. Oh and his arse was so tight! When we got into bed that night to consummate the marriage he still had no idea what was waiting for him beneath my dress. He started off playing with my breasts and his hands explored my body. When his hand found my waiting erection he made a strangled sound and I quickly rolled over on top of him. We struggled, but only briefly, and then I was pushing my way into him." To add emphasis to her story she pushed herself deeper into Jared. "I filled him with my lust as I pushed my breasts into his face. Holding him close to me I began to make love to him. I kissed him deeply while I gently worked my way in and out of his tight quivering arse. After a while he began to kiss me back and suck on my tongue as I moved it around inside his mouth. Our love making be came more and more passionate until we reached a crescendo." Martha's thrusts matched her story and she began to pant as she finished. "Finally I thrust deeply into his body with both my tongue and my penis and we came together, loudly groaning and moaning. I could barely believe he was having such intense pleasure from me as he continued to moan long after I had finished. I held him tightly against my body with my consummating womanhood buried deeply in his arse in an attempt to prolong his pleasure as much as possible. Moments later, he became very still and when I realised that he was no longer breathing I began to cry." Jared felt hot tears drop onto his back and he almost felt sorry for her. Almost, but not quite. Her cock was still thrusting into him and seconds later she erupted deep inside his young body.
Martha stood up and sniffled, then wiped the tears from her face. She said, "I guess it is still very emotional for me to talk about it, but I hope you understand that it was nothing I wanted. I would have been happy spending his money and making love to him. Now I am cast adrift and must make my way in a man's world." She stepped back away and withdrew her penis from him. After she straightened her dress and put herself back aright she untied Jared who removed the mouth opening device. Martha helped him up and with her eyes still shining from the tears she gently kissed him on the cheek and said,
"I think you have been through enough today. Go up to your room for the rest of the evening. But I will expect you to have breakfast for all of us as usual in the morning. Just because we have shared this intimate moment does not mean that your status has changed in this household. Now off with you."
Jared scooped up his clothes from the corner, slipped out of the door and up the hallway. He dashed up the tower stairs to his bedroom and flung his naked body upon the bed. He sobbed into his pillow and wished he was dead. He cried himself to sleep only to be awakened by a gentle shaking from a strong hand. Jared gasped awaked and pulled away from the hand. Dusk had fallen as he slept and he could not make out who was in the room with him. There was a deep manly chuckle as a soft blue light began to grow before Jared's eyes. As his eyes adjusted Jared could see that the light was held in the palm of a man's hand. A man that looked familiar, yet didn't. Jared stuttered out,
"Who...who...who are you?" The man chuckled deeply again and said,
"Why my boy has it been so long that you have forgotten me? We were such close friends when you were young I would have thought that you would never forget me!" He laughed deeply and it was such a warm sound that Jared could not help but to smile himself. Then the realization came to Jared.
"Gerald? Could it be? Is it really you?"
"In the flesh! Well...so to speak."
"But I thought you were just my imaginary friend. Am I dreaming?"
"Not at all, I am your godfather. Faire godfather to be precise. That explains the magic." He said with the back of his hand beside his mouth and a quick wink. "My boy, you need a distinct change of venue. This house is full of womanly pricks that, I'm afraid, will be constantly in your arse now that they know the way. In six days the Kingdom will be celebrating Beltane and in the castle Princess Angel will be hosting a Beltane Ball at which she plans to choose a young man to share her bed. You my boy are going to be at that ball."
"How can that be? Even when father was alive he didn't have enough standing to be invited to a ball at the castle. I have even less status than he had and have fallen off of the edge of the world as far as royalty is concerned. Did you know that Martha plans to have her daughters try to woo Angel's castoffs so they can live in luxury?"
"I did not, but it is of no importance to me. If she can marry those harpies off, so much the better. I'm only concerned with the welfare of my charge." With a flourish of his hand Gerald made an ornate card appear, then with a flip of his wrist he sent is sailing onto the bed beside Jared. Jared picked it up uneasily from the bed and looked closely at the writing on it. In a flowing script it said,
'You are here by commanded by Princess Angel to attend a royal ball to be held in my honor on the feast of Beltane. I wish to meet each and every eligible man in my kingdom and from those in attendance will choose my husband.'
"How did you get this?" Jared asked in wonder.
"Well, I am a man and I am eligible." Gerald said with a hurt tone in his voice. Jared looked at him in silence. Gerald continued in a bluster, "Ok, Ok, so it was a bit of magic. But I could have been invited you know!" Jared got up off the bed and for the first time cracked a smirk. He placed his hand on Gerald's shoulder and said,
"I'm sure Princess Angel would fall madly in love with you if you were not being so noble by giving the invitation to me." Gerald let out a long sigh.
"It's no use pretending, we both know that I'm far too old for a young beauty such as the princess. I'm sure she will be way more interested in you. But the question remains, are you willing to marry her if she chooses you?" Jared looked around the dumpy tower room and said,
"What do I have to lose?
"That's the spirit my boy! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
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