T-Girl fairy tale 4


The Suitors

Princess Angel nodded to another would be suitor, Duke Schuster, and extended her elbow for him to take her arm. Typically the woman takes the man's arm, but not in Angel's world. The Duke was graying at the temples just a bit and his coat did a fair job of hiding his small paunch which caused him to wear those new pants with an elastic waist band. Angel guided him to a small private chamber off of the Ball Room. The room's walls were paneled in dark wood with golden accents. There were several tables along the walls and each one held a lamp turned down low. In the center of the room was a chaise lounge covered in dark red velvet piped in gold. Angel escorted the hopeful candidate to the lounge and bid him have a seat. Angel wore a beautiful golden ball gown that was lavishly embroidered. It fit snuggly to her torso and required no straps to hold it in place and did fabulous things to her already impressive cleavage.

"As I'm sure you know I am in search of a husband."

Interrupting the Duke leapt from the lounge to take Angel's hand and cried out,

"Yes my Princess! I will be a good husband. I will treat you kindly, respect you and be gentle with you in bed. I will..." Angel extracted her hand and pushed him back down on the lounge.

"Please allow me to finish." He started to speak but before he could get anything out Angel touched her finger to her lips and he reluctantly fell silent. "Whoever I choose for a husband will in no way play the role of a typical husband. He will do as I say and not presume to advise me on any issues. He will attend all public functions with me and other than that will only be expected to be in my presence when he is summoned. This includes my bedroom. This brings me to a very important part, when in my bed he will obey my every command and will accept whatever pleasures are offered to him." Confusion passed over the Duke's face and he asked.

"But surely Princess Angel you would want a strong man with backbone and not some simpering dandy?"

"I don't want a simpering dandy, but I do want a man who knows his place when accompanying me." Schuster paused to think for a moment. He could live with a little less manliness if it meant being King.

"Well, I believe I could be that man for you."

Angel studied him for a moment then casually reached over to her right hip and with a quick movement the bottom part of the gown dropped to the floor. She stood there in the tight corset portion of the gown which ended at her hips and a pair of golden ball shoes. Her cock stood straight out from her crotch and the Duke's eyes went so wide that they almost fell from his head when he saw it. She stepped forward out of the gown encircling her feet and stepped up to him, her prick level with his face. She then quickly pulled his mouth down to her eager member. Her strong fingers found the weak spot on his jaws and after forcing them open she pushed his mouth down over her cock. He struggled as she humped his mouth eagerly for a few seconds then released him.

"What is the meaning of this? I am a man! I do not suck on cocks!"

"If you have plans of being my husband you not only will suck on my cock, but to do it eagerly and you will be expected to take it in your arse as well!"

Angel pushed him back on the lounge and gripping his pants easily stripped them from his legs. She pushed his legs up against his chest and with her full breasts in his face she began to push her cock into his arse. Of all the men she had brought to this room so far she was sliding into him with the least difficulty, which was not to say it was easy, only that it was easier. A little more than half way into him he began to cry out in extreme pain. Angel slowed her entry in an attempt to allow him some time to adjust to her size, but a moment later she bumped into something inside him and he passed out. She stopped pushing and after a second pulled her still throbbing cock from him. She had not really liked him that much anyway, so not being able to fully enter him was not that big of a loss. Though there had been a couple that she had liked quite a bit she couldn't even get the head of her cock in them before they passed out from the pain and she had decided that if she was to be burdened with a husband he must be able to completely accommodate every inch of her penis.

With her dress back around her waist she leaned over her last chance for a husband and smacked him on the cheeks until he slowly came around. Once his mind fully came aware he scrambled to back away from Angel.

"No need to try to escape. I have no intention of asking you to be my husband. I don't think we are...uh...compatible." She watched as he quickly donned his pants and when he was ready she extended her arm again. He looked at it dubiously.

"There is nothing to fear, your experience is over, but we should leave the room in apparent accord." His mind was a swirl with all the gold he would earn selling this story to Angel's enemies. With a slight sneer he said,

"Of course your Highness. You are correct as always."

Angel rapped sharply on the door twice and they both saw a brief light blue flash of light around the door jamb. He looked at her questioningly and she said with a smirk of her own,

"Sealed against sound." He nodded knowingly. Angel opened the door and as they passed through it a startled look passed over the Duke's face. Angel asked innocently,

"Is something wrong Duke Schuster?"

"No, no, but I can not seem to remember what we were talking about. I must have been so captivated by your beauty that lost my train of thought."

"Oh my good Duke! You are such a flatterer! I'm sorry if talking about the agricultural situation of the kingdom was so boring for you."

"Uh...not at all your Highness. Anything you wish to discuss with me is always of great interest."

"Yes. Well it has been very good visiting with you this evening. We shall have to visit again soon."

Angel walked away from the bewildered Duke. She nodded and smiled at many of the people on her way to the dais where her throne sat. Before she could make it to the top she was drawn into a conversation by the Duchess of Edmore. They were talking politely, but as Angel was attempting to extract herself she glanced over toward the entrance to the ballroom and noticed a well built young man entering that she hadn't seen yet tonight. He stopped a butler and conversed with him a moment. They both looked to her empty throne for a second. Then the butler said something else and continued on his way. The young man looked a little dejected as he slowly descended the stairs. She watched him move with an easy grace and the close fit of his sliver and blue doublet showed off his v shaped build. She also noticed the muscles of his legs rippling under his blue hose. His eyes were covered by a dark blue velvet mask as was accepted for a suitor who wished some anonymity. Angel found him quite intriguing. The Duchess finally saw that Princess Angel's attention was trained elsewhere so she followed Angel's gaze to the young new comer. The Duchess withdrew her glasses from the folds of her ball gown and holding them by the long handle she too studied Angel's object of interest.

"Hmmm. He is very handsome. Do you know him your Highness?"

"No. As a matter of fact I was just getting ready to ask you that same question."

"I'm afraid not, though from the cut of his clothes and that wonderful tan I would say he is from one of your most southern Baronies. One thing that I can tell you is that I wish I was younger, because I would already be on my way over to introduce myself to him."

"Duchess, that is a simply grand idea. I believe that I will not let him know who I am just yet. Would you be so kind as to lend me your mask?"

"It would be my greatest pleasure Highness."

From somewhere else in the folds of her gown the Duchess produced a black satin mask, trimmed in gold with gold ribbon for a tie. Angel accepted the mask with a nod of her head and with practiced ease tied it in place.

At the Estate

Jared had gotten all of his outside chores done as quickly as possible and was only running about twenty minutes late on supper. He was rushing around the kitchen working as fast as he could so he could meet his step mother in her room on time. Over the last five days the three women had fallen into a steady routine. His step mother Martha wanted oral services each morning with breakfast. Out of necessity Jared had become very good at that task. For the first couple of days she had taken longer and longer to reach orgasm. But on the third day he had learned the one thing that absolutely sent her over the edge. Deep throat. He would relax his throat and swallow her completely. She would grind against his mouth for a few moments then explode down his throat. Jared had also learned that he should not make her come too soon because then she would make him suck her back to erection and do it all over again.

Patrice did not have a set place to take her pleasure from Jared. In truth there was no place in the house he was safe from her. Once or twice each morning she would seek him out in some secluded place in the mansion, slip up behind him, loosen his breeches and push them down around his ankles. Then with a familiarity born of repetitive practice she would unceremoniously slide her long thin cock in his arse. Patrice distained anything dirty, just as her mother did, so once he went outside to work he was safe from both of them.

Outside was Evelyn's favorite spot. No particular place outside, just outside. Any place outside. She made love to him in the barn, behind the stone wall, down by the stream that runs through the pasture and anywhere else she happened to find him working. After the incident in the barn stall though there had been a distinct change in Evelyn's attitude. One that was slowly causing her mother and sister to wonder if something was up between her and Jared. Evelyn was not treating Jared like some beast of burden like they were and one time when Patrice slapped him for spilling soup on her dress Evelyn yelled at her to stop it and said it was only an accident.

Jared had to admit he looked forward to seeing Evelyn when she came out to meet him for their little trysts. She treated him very well even though she took many of the same liberties with his body that the other two women took she did it in a familiar lover sort of way. Take this afternoon's little bit of fun. She had caught him outside the back doors to the barn. He was bent over checking the shoes on one of the horses. With his back to the doors and the front hoof of the horse resting on his knee she slipped up behind him and press her hips against his butt. He could feel her hard penis through her dress and his breeches.

"I have something for you. It's rather hard. Do you want it?" She giggled

"Can you not see that I'm busy woman?! Go away! Leave me to my chores!"

"I am one of your chores. Your principle chore! And you would do well to remember it!" She tried to say sternly and without giggling, but to no avail.

Jared dropped the horse's hoof and turned into her waiting arms. Their lips met and her tongue lustily filled his mouth. While they kissed Jared worked his hands down her body and onto her thighs where he began to pull her dress up out of the way. About the same time the dress cleared her throbbing cock the horse blew out a heavy sigh. Evelyn broke the kiss to look at the horse who appeared to be looking at her erect member. She addressed the horse with a smirk,

"What? Jealous?" Jared barked a laugh.

"My dear step sister, you may have quite the prodigious penis, but alas even your mighty member is no match for Thor's." He patted the horse on the neck for a second before saying, "Go on with you, we'll finish your hooves later." The horse turned and headed out into the pasture.

"Does he understand you?" She asked amazed.

"I don't think so, but he seems to have a good feel for my tone of voice. Now, where were we? Oh yes, I believe you were threatening my man hole with something hard." He slipped his hand around her thick cock and began stroking it.

"It was no threat, merely an offer of pleasure from one of the many chores you must attend to."

"My dear step sister, you are no chore." He placed his mouth against hers and was instantly rewarded with her tongue to fill it. One of her arms was around his neck while her other hand was on the back of his head holding him tightly to her as she tried to stick her tongue down his throat. He had one hand on the small of her back as the other continued stroking her fat cock. They stood behind the barn for some minutes doing this until Evelyn began to pant with excitement. She broke the kiss and happened to look out in the pasture just as Thor mounted one of the mares. Jared followed her gaze and together they watched as Thor's cock found its way into the mare.

"What a wonderful idea! I believe I'll join him!"

Evelyn untied Jared breeches then turned him around in front of her and bent him forward at the hips. Holding her dress up out of the way she aligned her cock with his waiting hole then slowly and gently fed it to him. She loved watching the head of her penis as it forced him open. The head would disappear into him with the shaft following close behind. Stretching and filling him with her lust. As soon as she had fully penetrated him she felt him squeeze the base of her cock with his strong sphincter muscle. After a week of almost constant practice his strength had noticeably increased. She moaned in delight and lay forward along his back, her light blue cotton dress was soft between them.

Evelyn began pumping her hips very slowly as she reveled in the grip of his ass on her meaty prick. The afternoon sun was warm on Evelyn's back and she caressed Jared's chest and stomach beneath his shirt. Jared knew Evelyn was making love to him. Over the last week they had grown close quickly and developed an easy familiarity with each others bodies as young lovers so often do. When she touched him he melted into her arms and eagerly accepted her attentions. Sometimes they would say nothing at all. She would simply hike up her skirts as she walked toward him and he would drop his breaches to the ground. Ready when she arrived he would slip his arms around her neck, hook his leg over her hip to expose himself for her entry and she would guide her swollen prick to his waiting hole then begin to work her way into him. Evelyn would fuck him for a while as they stood there, then when she grew tired they would lay down in the straw and sometimes Jared would straddle her. Riding her with lustful abandon, a hand on each breast, he would kneed them and pinch her nipples gently yet firmly as he drove them both toward an orgasm.

Jared enjoyed making love with Evelyn which confused him. He knew it was not natural for a man to enjoy this type of love making yet he was enjoying it none the less. The ball was tonight and he was starting to hope that Princess Angel wouldn't pick him.
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