Story search married

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Man of the HouseI'm now 69 married and have 4 children and 9 grandchildren, back in 1968 I was working as a plumber helper and would go on to be a plumber. My father was in the Army and in Vietnam and was wounded very badly, he got back home. But passed away 3 months later after a heart attack. I was the oldest of 3, besides the pension. My wages helped keep the family, my mother was a strong woman and took in washing as a way to make more money. I saw to it, that my brother and sister had what they needed. I d...reading time 3 mingenre
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Virgin daughterHi everybody i'm Prabhakar 43 yrs old with a big long dick i love sex , i own a small textile factory .I lose my wife few years ago , since that day i saw her in my daughter Reena 18 yrs old nice body just like a model i made her the boss of the factory and i work as a manager .i was having sex with a married woman name Hina and we fuck every afternoon when we were alone , we stay late to work on some project lot of time my daughter catch us and she will get mad telling not to do that here .One...reading time 3 mingenre
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I wanted SexI'd been overseas for years and finally came home and felt out of place. Not as connected as I thought I would be om my return. So, at first, I didn't date and stayed home most nights unless I went to see a movie. Overseas I was a party guy and got sex regularly and now back home I wasn't reacting to the women I met like I did overseas. Then I was promoted and was told to hire a personal assistant. The vacancy was a talking point among the staff at the business and some had hopes of getting the ...reading time 4 mingenre
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My Rich AuntMy aunt Kimberley 37 was married to my late father's younger brother Bruce, sadly Bruce died in traffic accident and Kimberley's parents also died in the same accident. Thus Kimberley as an only child got everything from her parents estate and 3 large life insurance payouts as well. But Kimberley and Bruce had only been married a couple of years and hadn't yet had children of their own. I'm Adam 26 only son of Nigel (deceased) and Mary and youngest of the 3 children. Mary now lived with Jean my ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Adam I
Married and moreI married my wife after we finished university 2018, we were lover from the second year of university studies. We were given a house close to my in-laws, both started our careers in her family-owned company. She got pregnant late 2019 and everything was going fine, then in 2020 and my wife heavily pregnant, the pandemic started reaping havoc and it took my father-in-law fairly early. A lockdown in forced, luckily our house yard joined her parent's house yard, and a gateway was already installed....reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy family stud
Perfect I'm no ladies man, but I do okay as I have the will and means to succeed. I don't pick out the best women available, I go after the ones that are weak. By weak I mean they are just getting by and anything go wrong they are in big trouble. I'm the manager of a business that employs these women and so I exploit those who interest me. I prefer mature women to the younger ones, as they can't get pregnant. Which would cause me trouble, I see a woman who interests me and start to find everything I can...reading time 4 mingenre
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Alfred no settled down
My Aunt Alison cont My aunt now wife Alison had our twin boys in August 2021, and both was very healthy. Since we married in May 2021, and we decided to try and have more children and so never take precautions and it paid off Alison is pregnant again and the doctor says it's a girl, but due Alison's age she is under constant observation by the doctor and my mother has move to live with us and looks after her grandson until Alison has the baby and is well enough to do everything herself. We were lucky the insurance...reading time 1 mingenre
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Clifford father to be
My Ad answered Horny and divorced, I advertised for a fuck date online. Got 1 reply and it was a fake name I like had also used. I was 35 and the respondent was 30 and as they seemed interested made a date and used a motel room as the place. I turned up waited for the respondent to show up, she did only 5 minutes late. It was a surprise to me as the respondent was my cousin married and in the process of divorcing. After an awkward start to our sex date, we decided to continue and had sex twice. Deleting our p...reading time 1 mingenre
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Very Horny Cousins
Married by requestI was single and in no relationship at the time and my career was standing still or not advancing as I've wanted. But it didn't really matter as I was off financially anyway, but I wanted to do well. I worked in the family business, and it wasn't from lack of ability I wasn't advancing, it was the lack of positions to advance too. But then my grandfather who was the head of the business came to me with a idea of his to expand the business. I was the only person who could help with his idea, I wa...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy I Did
Soccer MomI was 34 single and in my spare time train boys to play soccer, I was in the state team for several years and after an injury (car accident) had to retire. But took on training boys and we did okay runner ups the previous year. Several of the mothers are unattached (divorced), but I wasn't on their radars you could say. But then I was surprised I was on the radar of one of them. The mother was a widow and bought her son to training and sat always by herself. I hadn't taken much interest her, at ...reading time 3 mingenre
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The Coach
Small Town I'm Jeff now 23 builder, married and 2 children. I work with my father and grandfather in their building and home maintenance business. We work in our small town and other places near and far. Being in a small town has a lot of advantages and some disadvantages like your mother is a teacher and teaches you sex education at school. It was really embarrassing, also you could never avoid going to school. But the biggest problem is that your family makes up most of the town. I mean my uncles, aunts ...reading time 3 mingenre
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My Cousin continuedHolly was pregnant and had twin boys in October both very healthy and back in March we returned to the city and Holly changed her surname to mind and now wear her mother's wedding rings. Back on the farm we have settled into the local community and are accepted as a married couple. Holly wants a least one more child a girl and I said Well we'll keep trying until we get it right. She laughed and said 10 it is then, that took the wind out of my sails so to speak. But I'm quite happy to have as man...reading time 1 mingenre
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Kevin P B
Chance TakenI wasn't ever much good with girls thru high school and university but done well at my studies and passed out in the top 5 of my year. Because of that I was offered a great job which I took and started making my way up the totem pole of my chosen career. Not much happened in my love life, but I had lost my virginity while at university. Fucking a much older woman who was drunk at the time, but a fuck is fuck they say. Anyway, I turned thirty and came to the attention of the wife 56 of the CEO 70...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Mother-in-law fucker
New JobI'm Henry 29 and started a new job in October 2021, nothing flash about it. Anyway I was supervised by Karen 39 and worked along side Ellen 21 Karen's daughter. None of us are anything special in our looks. But I got on very well with Ellen and started dating and fucking her, I also spent Christmas with them both. My family live in another state, during the holidays I slept with both of them. Now I'm married to Ellen and she will have our son next month, not long before Karen has my daughter als...reading time 1 mingenre
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To have a FamilyShort History I'm not handsome and all thru my schooling was called names like geek, nerd and weirdo. But I done very well at my studies, also I was financially well off and got sex from hookers. I hired one for sexual training and after leaving university and working for the family firm. I still used hookers, but I decided I needed to move beyond hooker and start a family. So I jump at the chance to overseas and work there for about 5 years and at the age of 30 I started my search for a wife. ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Ryan B T
The old Goat Lady update 2 I asked Jane to marry me and agreed and we married earlier this year, and she is in her last month of her pregnancy. Edith is still a regular in our bed and the boundary fence has been opened in a couple places to allow the goat to move around my property and Edith sold her home (as it needed more work than mine) for removal as lives with Jane and me. Jane is the perfect wife for me, just as Edith said she would be. She doesn't believe in precautions during sex and I'm quite happy with that. On...reading time 1 mingenre
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Daniel O
Being in Lockdown isn't so bad.I'm Gavin 35 single and live an a apartment building of 25 apartments. Five on each floor those most apartments have married or couples living in them. There are some that have singles like myself, I live alone and my neighbors across the hall are both single women. Jessica 29 and Lorna 31 and since the lockdown started we have got to know each other. I got a large order in from the local supermarket before the lockdown started and have gotten deliveries since. They had lost their jobs due to th...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Brother DavidI'm writing about younger brother as he is a very horny man and hasn't got a girlfriend or doesn't keep them for long, due to his roaming eye. He has fucked both of my closest girlfriends and most of the girls in our street, I even think he has fucked several of the married women in the street as well. He is very sure of himself; I think he's fucking his boss at the moment as he spends a great deal of time with her lately, she a widow of 55 and he is 27. Anytime I have a new girlfriend and he fi...reading time 1 mingenre
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Amused Sister
Family History I'm now 24 and 5 yrs ago I was caught by my Grandmother Beryl fucking my sister Kay. Kay is 2 yrs old than me. We starting fucking each other 2 yrs before being caught. We had just move in with Beryl after our Parents died in car crash after a drunk driver went straight a red light in truck, total their car. Granddad was long deceased and Beryl was the closest family left. We were self sufficient in money wise as our parents both had big life insurance plans. Beryl who was 54 at the time ours d...reading time 3 mingenre
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How I got my wife I'm very fit and it doesn't show, I (32) look skinny, and people think I'm weedy looking especially when I am wearing a coat. Like my hero growing up Bruce Lee in height and build, I trained in the martial arts and got state prizes in my age groups as I grew up. Shorter than other males my age, I'm also on the plain side in looks and wear glasses. I can't stand contact lenses, preferring glasses and after getting a promotion and transfer I bought a house in my new city and state. Nothing flash,...reading time 3 mingenre
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Wanta be Bruce
My Aunt Holly update2Holly returned and our baby is due next month, Natasha and I married in January and she is also pregnant. Glenda still sleeps with me, Natasha and Holly we are all quite happy together. But I've started looking for a bigger house to cope with my expanding family, no hurry yet but with Holly deciding to have another child and Natasha wanting 4 we'll need it sooner or later. Glenda is providing most of the sex I get at the moment, Holly gives head jobs and Natasha has morning sickness and gives he...reading time 1 mingenre
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MarriedBack in 2019 I realized at 24 my life was shit, no future due to not studying and instead I partied. No future, except crappy low paid jobs. One was as a waitress at a diner and getting unwanted offers from both the clients and male staff. But there was one customer (34) who was always nice and told the a**holes to shut up and talk nice and politely. Only one customer objected to being told and tried to punch him for telling him to be nice to the waitresses. It didn't end well for annoying custo...reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky Ex-waitress
Seducing my UncleMy uncle is an uncle by marriage not a blood relative, was married to my mother's sister deceased. He is very well off financially and hadn't married again after the passing of my aunt. They had no children, and he wasn't dating at all I found out. I'm a high school dropout and working low paid jobs to get by. Last Christmas my uncle was there and alone as per usual for him. He doesn't look bad for his age, and I thought he would have a girlfriend at least by now. My aunt having died in 2020 Cor...reading time 3 mingenre
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Very Willing Niece
My life was mapped out before I was bornYou see this family tradition in history books and in movies, but you think they don't happen these days. Mainly to do with Royal families, not the common people. But it is still practiced today, I know as it happened to me. I was born in 1988 into a farming family and I was the second son and not destined to inherit the family. So, I was to be married off to another similar farming family. My marriage was arranged before I was 2 years old, and my bride had only just been born several days befor...reading time 4 mingenre
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Pledged Man
I was chosenLong story short version. My uncle was 59 when he married for the first time and married a 24-year-old woman. An arranged marriage as he wanted an heir, I'm 27 his only nephew via his only brother (deceased). No other close family and my father died in a car accident in 2016. My mother died 2009 drug overdose she had cancer and took all her meds at once to end it all. My uncle is very well off and has supported me thru my life and I work for him as his runner. He has major health problems and do...reading time 3 mingenre
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