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My 3 WivesI'm John now 75 retired and have 9 children 14 grandchildren and 2 wives. I had 3 but sadly one passed away from cancer 5 years ago. All my wives knew about the others and we even holidayed together. When I was single and my work had me travel I met a girl and started dating her in 3 different states. Then one got pregnant, all got pregnant around the same time. I was honest and asked each what they wanted and they each wanted me to marry them. All knowing about the others at the time and so aft...reading time 1 mingenre
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Retired John
Dreaming about my Cousin*True Story 100%* I have a cousin that I am attracted to. I have always had a thing for her. My mother is from a large family so I have lots of cousins actually. There are so many of us I doubt I could even name them all. The closest in age to myself however happens to be a few months younger than me, her name is Terry. Most of our other cousins are at least a year or two older or younger thus, we found ourselves together playing at family gatherings, more often than not just us two. I ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy I'm 49 a little overweight and need glasses, I was divorced in 2019 and my 2 grown children prefer their mother to me. So, I don't see them at all, I had to sell my business to pay off my wife and don't have to pay anything anymore. I move away to another state to restart my life, bought a rundown business during the lockdown and done it up myself. Opening it up after lockdown I ran it by myself and as business improved, I hired staff as required. In April 2021 I had 3 staff all women over 45 an...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy Happy Guy
One night of passionLast years end of year office party was fantastic, and it made me a father. But I'm not married as it would be hard to satisfy both women who I got pregnant to me on that party night. Instead, they both live with me and our 2 children, how did I get 2 women into bed at the same night you may be thinking. Well, a little bit of history about the 2 women. They were and still are the office lesbians and after a bit too much alcohol, we had a threesome. One thing you probably already know lesbian the...reading time 1 mingenre
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Horny party goer
First a new job, then married I've been a loner most of my life and didn't mix with other people, I just didn't want too in the reason I suppose. Done well and got a great career and moved up the ladder fairly quickly. I finally made they say when I got promoted and got a PA, my PA was 54 unattached was all I knew. Anyway, I had to travel a fair amount in my new job and my PA was always with me. I used to get a massage most week even when I was away, at home I got them at my apartment. When I was away in my hotel room, my P...reading time 3 mingenre
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Massage Lover
I love my son's penis second updateI started fucking David after catching him masturbating and he became my lover. I thought I was his only lover until I found out he was fucking Susan our born-again Christian neighbor. I felt a little jealous at first but got over it rather quickly. Anyway, I wanted David to start dating and get over his shyness and I had succeeded. With him fucking Susan the proof. But Susan is too old to have grandchildren for me. Luckily, she has a daughter Gwen a year younger than David and he has also bedde...reading time 1 mingenre
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My HobbyI'm Arnold 34 married to Clare with 2 children and work as a freelance photographer. Early last year I was attending the social event of the year in our town, working and not as a guest. It was boring as usual and I started to wander around and saw some movement in a quiet out of the way place. I investigated and spied a couple getting it on, at first I wasn't interested all that much. No one would pay for pictures of unknowns, then I recognized the man as a senator and took some pictures and sh...reading time 3 mingenre
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Wanted a wife so I placed an Ad My ad was simple and direct, successful man wants a wife to have children phone, at first not a reply and after 2 weeks thought it had failed. Then I 39 got a reply she was a year younger than me as she said her age and gave a description of herself. Sounded great to me and we arranged to meet, no flower in my coat, a red handkerchief in my top pocket. So, as I waited wondering if I had done a stupid think, she arrived. It was my doctor 36, she had replaced my former doctor after his retirement....reading time 1 mingenre
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Doctor's Husband
How I got MarriedAt the time this started I was 23 and travelled around working whatever I could get. I'm good with my hands and can do most jobs, just not smart enough for higher learning. It not that liked travelling the work was always of short duration. I arrived at my now hometown and asked about any work going at the hardware. One of the customers 39 said she had work available and asked me what I could do. I replied I do any manual work required fencing, digging, minor plumbing and electrical and carpentr...reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky Lucky Man
Finally a real man in my lifeMarried after high school already pregnant, several years later my husband died. Turned left but the road went right the 100 odd feet drop finished him, he was drunk at the time. He always had money for alcohol, but never enough for his family. Now with 3 children 7, 5 and 2 no parents of mine own to help us and his not willing even if they were able to help. I got 2 jobs and we struggled on, lost our rental after losing both jobs and just by chance. I was able to get another better job, I was ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Ball draining neighborI live in an apartment building and work at a local factory and also works shifts. So, my social life isn't that great. Luckily for me, I've a neighbor 54 who works as a librarian and is divorced or never married she hasn't said I haven't asked. I found out she likes sex in every way it seems. She gives great head and loves her ass fucked more than her vagina and I found out due to the pandemic. Both caught in our apartments during lockdowns and started to talk and hang out together and then din...reading time 1 mingenre
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Happy Neighbor
My Sister DeniseI'm John 25 single, mechanic and work a large national trucking company. Last July I was offered a new job interstate, the company mechanic there was retiring and they wanted some already employed by the company to take his place. I accepted as it meant a pay raise and I would be closer to my family. My parents live in the next town and my sister Denise 28 married 1 child Daniel 3 lived in the town I was going to. I left at the end of July and started work at the new depot in August. I had alrea...reading time 3 mingenre
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Visit to my Aunt updateI'm Bruce and last I visited my Joan and cousin Cheryl and started having sex with them both and on my return home I arranged to transfer back to their home town. On my return, I found out I had gotten both of them pregnant and my mother Marie wasn't pleased about me getting her younger sister pregnant. She also moved in with us and joined in the sex with all of us. I have a daughter Elizabeth by Joan and a son Richard by Cheryl both are very healthy and as far as anyone outside our little famil...reading time 1 mingenre
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Making and breaking of a cuckold - 1 Innocence lostIt all seemed so innocent at the time. My new wife of 6 months, Gemma, asked me if it would be alright if one of her friends from the gym came around for a drink tonight. I said sure, what’s her name? HIS name is Max, she replied. I was slightly taken aback but I said fine, no worries. As background, my name is Peter and I am a partner in an accounting firm, 41 years old and successful financially, but short, pudgy and balding. My wife works as a PA at the firm, or did until she married me, i...reading time 4 mingenre
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Bag lady continuedI first met Alice walking along the road in the rain and offered her a lift, on finding out she no place to stay offered a cabin I had on my land. Then after giving her spot work cleaning my home hired her as my housekeeper and after she caught me masturbating we started a sexual relationship and regularly sleeping together. She also bought a stray dog home and started trying to get me to ask her new friend Robyn out and with Alice help we started dating and fucking. Robyn and Alice share my bed...reading time 1 mingenre
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David WA
My mother became InsatiableMy mother Katherine 41 divorced lives with me, Alfred 22 on our family chicken farm, left to my mother by her late father also called Alfred. My father Robert didn't like the country life and preferred the city and when grandpa Alfred (widower at the time) got sick he stayed behind in the city and ended up finding another woman and divorced Katherine. That was almost 2 years ago now, Alfred got worse and died 10 months ago. Katherine wasn't really hurt by Robert divorcing her as they weren't hav...reading time 3 mingenre
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Alfred G
Happy I caught outI was having sex with three girls on a regular basis, not all at the same time. But as they say all your chickens come home to roost. Mine did when 1 of my girlfriends wanted me to accompany her to her cousins wedding. I agreed and at the wedding were the other girls I was also fucking, caught red handed. But none put on a scene at the wedding, that was for later. Luckily for me they were cousins and had always got on very well together, 2 of them weren't looking for marriage at the time and I w...reading time 1 mingenre
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Horny Guy........
Aunt JoanI'm Gary now 63 divorced and have 4 grown children, who have all moved out. Back when I was 18, I went off to college and was going to stay with aunt Joan. Joan was then 46 a widow and worked as a receptionist for the local bank manager. Aunt Joan had been married to Uncle Ron, my fathers younger brother. Ron had died 2 years before while in the army, he was a major and had made the army his life. I've always been told I was the spitting image of Ron at my age, even by Ron. My mother was happy t...reading time 4 mingenre
First times
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Last MaleIn 2020 my uncle died of Covid, and his son died early 2021 car accident. That left me as the direct male in the family, my father was the younger brother of my deceased uncle. But had died in 2018 heart attack, he was a heavy drinker and smoker and liked to party with drugs also. Because of his excess I didn't take up his bad habits, neither was I great with women. Our family was somewhat reduced to my aunt and her daughter, my mother didn't hang around long after my birth. At 25 and in my last...reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky Cousin
WhiskeyI'm Greg now 64 married 4 grown children, back when I was 23 single I had a job working for a large national company. I was sent to work in a small town and got a room at a boarding house. The widow who owned the house was Martha in her late fifties at the time, also 3 other women in their forties boarded there and worked at the local mill. I kept a bottle of whiskey in my room and would have a shot now and then. I stored it in my suitcase under the bed, as the town didn't have any bars or selle...reading time 3 mingenre
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Farm Life I'm Glen 42 married to Leslie 41 and we've 4 children, Leslie's sister Noleen 39 came to live with us 6 years ago after her husband Norman was killed on active service. As we are her only close relatives and Noleen joined in a sexual relationship with Leslie and me and has now had 2 children by me. Her and Norman hadn't had any children before he died and with Leslie pregnant when she arrived, Noleen became motherly towards our children and also very horny as well. So she asked Leslie about gett...reading time 1 mingenre
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Glen M
SuccessfulI was very successful in everything I had done in my schooling and careerwise and only failed in relationships. I couldn't get girls to go out with me and was seen as a cold fish, I later heard. Anyway, my career was going great and so I concentrated om my career. I finally decided I should try again and start a family at 36 and failed again, but I kept trying. Then I got send to do a job overseas and while there I saw beautiful women and was told they were husband hunting. But also told, not to...reading time 3 mingenre
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Successful Man
Finally Married I've never been great with the ladies but have had my moments also. With all my friend married I was the only single guy and started to feel awkward being the sole single male at events and started to avoid those events. But I still saw my friends, but not at events. Using my job as a cover, self-employed and would say an urgent job came up and I had to do it or something similar. This worked mostly at first but less and less and then no invitations were given as I never came. But my closest fr...reading time 3 mingenre
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Thankful Friend
From Nurse to LoverFirst a brief history, I married at 18 to Carol then 17 and pregnant. Divorced at 25 and traveled the world working and finally returned home after twenty years away. Carol had remarried a year after our divorce and she had custody of Janet our daughter. I hadn't married again and had been in a lot of relationships and no more children. Janet was 6 almost 7 at the time of our divorce and I had paid maintenance and sent her birthday and Christmas presents over the years. But I hadn't seen her sin...reading time 3 mingenre
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Better late than NeverI'm Bernard 61 and 1 child almost 2, after years working and doing very well for myself I decided to retire. I was single never married and so I purchased a 4 bedroom house on 3 acres outside a nice town which everything I thought I would need. I'm use to having servants do things for me around my home. So I hired a housekeeper and her daughter, live in as I had the space and it meant they were there when wanted. Shannon 58 and Katherine 35, they weren't locals and it meant none of their family ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Bernard Father now
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