

My father had a very old friend, they were so close growing up and went travelling together. My father met my mother, and they married, and he stopped travelling and had me. I'm now 31 and my mother had major trouble having me as I was a large baby, and she was of slight build. So, they had no more children, my father was very well off due to family wealth and his career. My mother died when I was 23 finishing university (stroke) she had a weak heart after my birth I'd been told ever since I was 12. My father was 5 years older than her and her loss affected him badly and he seemed to give up on life. Dying 3 years later, I inherited everything, and my father's old friend had kept in contact with him all the years since he married. His friend had also married several years after my father had, like my father he was very well off. Only having one child also a daughter now 27 and very reserved (quiet) as her father called it. He came to my father's funeral with his daughter, unknown to me he also had a health problem. Cancer of the liver and it was spreading and nothing seemed to be able to stop it. His wife had died when their daughter was 7 and she became quiet ever since. He asked me at the funeral about the deal he had with my father. A deal I knew nothing about, his cancer was his second or third and the other were treated and disappeared. But it had returned, and nothing seemed to be working this time around. I just nodded not knowing what he was talking about, hoping her would talk about the deal. But he didn't say anymore and was feeling unwell and they left shortly after, but he was happy when left. The day after the funeral I started going thru my father's papers hoping to find out about the deal. Finally found an 8-year-old letter from his friend. It thanked him for agreeing to look after his daughter if he was to pass away and be her legal guardian and as nothing else was found I thought that must be it. I didn't expect his daughter would need a legal guardian now at her age and thought he just wanted someone to help get over his passing when it happened. Well, I didn't have long to find out, the next week his lawyers contacted me telling me in was hospital and not expect to survive. So, I went to see him as I thought it was the least, I could do, as a very old friend of my late father. He was happy to see me and his daughter was a wreck. Her father told her she could rely on me, and I just nodded. I was with him for his last few days and had to arrange his funeral as his daughter wasn't able herself. I was with her most of the time and at the reading of his will I found out I was mentioned as her legal guardian it had been updated since my father's funeral. It didn't bother me I thought as soon as she got over her father's death, she would want her independence. Living with her was required as she couldn't cope and as time passed, she got over her father's passing. But still couldn't cope by herself and it was awkward for me as if I had a date, she had to come on the date with me. At first it could be passed off as missing her father after his death. But 7 months later it wasn't believable even by me, I even tried hiring a companion for her. But I still had to be close, it was like she had bonded with me and nothing I could do would work. Having a pretty woman as close as your shadow every day is quite wearing. Only when she was in her bed asleep was I alone in the next room and I awoke sometimes during the night with her sitting on my bed. I was told she needed a distraction, and I'd tried getting a companion. It didn't work, but then I was told children work very well. At first, I thought I should try and adopt a child for her. But I soon realize they wouldn't let her have a child first for being single and then her mental state which I admit I wouldn't let her have a child also. Finally, New Year's Eve 2022 I went out celebrating taking her with me as I had too. I drank a little too much and awoke next morning in my bed with her beside me. At first, I didn't remember getting to bed, but it came back to me, and I remembered I had fucked her at least once. She was happy when she awoke, and we showered together. She is a gorgeous looking woman, and we went back to my bed and fucked again. The day after it dawned on me, she had never dated or had sex, and I hadn't taken any precautions, I may have gotten her pregnant. I hadn't but as she slept in my bed every night there after it didn't take very long. Now as my willing lover she was closer to me more than before. So, after thinking it over and seeing her more relaxed than I've ever seen her. I decided I should marry her and so I asked her, and she accepted my proposal and a few days later she tested positive to being pregnant. A quick marriage followed, just because it seemed right to do it quickly. It solved my dating problem no need to date when your married, unless it's your wife. She had our son we named after our fathers, her father's name first then mine. I must admit it is great being married to her and having started a family; I feel more contented with my life.
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