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Trial and Analysis - Vault 46Disclaimer: I do not own Fallout nor do I profit from it. This is a parody, protected under Fair Use in Section 107 of US Copyright Law. Trial and Analysis - Vault 46 Synopsis: An attractive housewife seeks shelter underground from nuclear war. Unfortunately the scientists there subject her to a gauntlet of pain, breeding, and degradation. A Fallout series parody. -------------------------------------------- "We're all set with Pod 11 sir, I'm reinitiating suspension." Donny stepped back an...reading time 90 mingenre
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My Daughter’s Field Trip "Well how about THIS one?" Shae held the pink t-shirt up to her chest. I studied the thin fabric, comparing it to the green one with the open shoulders. It was an overshirt, just a little too thin to cover up what was beneath it. Both shirts were pretty revealing, but that seemed to be all that department stores would stock for teenage girls these days. I wasn't complaining. "Does it go with the skirt?" my daughter asked. "Or does the green one go better?" "Honey, you know you're asking the wron...reading time 69 mingenre
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After Mrs. LasalleFor the next few weeks, I met Mrs. Lasalle at the auto shop on Sundays. She told me that she knew I had stayed at Beth's house after she left. She was on her knees rolling a condom onto my shaft when she said "I know you didn’t need to wear this with Beth, but you have to with me. Don't suggest the 'withdrawal' method again." "Yes Mrs. Lasalle." I said in a sly tone. Our relationship was great now and I could joke around with her. "How do you want me?" I had her bend over the desk. She had s...reading time 39 mingenre
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Working for Mrs. LasalleAfter my time with Mrs. Lasalle, I finished school and moved away. After almost two years I was laid off from my job. I was hoping to be rehired, but I started looking for a new job. I moved back home to save money. I left behind a steady girlfriend named Brenda. I was determined to make our long-distance relationship survive. Every two weeks I visited her. I had bought a used car when I started working and I was struggling to keep it running. The round-trip to see Brenda was difficult in t...reading time 36 mingenre
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The War of 2020The War of 2020 -Part 1- The summer air swept clouds of thick black smoke through the grassy hills. In West Virginia, the air was hot and polluted enough already. His eyes stung, watering as he turned away from the fire. Pulling out a bandana, he spit before covering his mouth. Another crop was lost to rival looters, the third one this week. They'd taken as much corn and soy as they could before setting the bare fields ablaze. We have been at War for over 5 years now, with no signs of it endi...reading time 63 mingenre
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M. O'Bryan
Cousins with Benefits"Mel, are you texting again? Who is it this time?" Mel looked up from her phone and out the windshield. "Oh, just a friend," she replied, grateful that her driving step mom couldn't actually read what was on her screen. "Not another boyfriend, I hope." Mel rolled her eyes. "Come on..." "Honestly, you had how many boyfriends this year?" Mel looked out the window on her right. Always the same conversation with Sally. "Only two, really." "Hmm...Well, I hope you've been safe." Now that was ...reading time 63 mingenre
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Jayne part 3Jayne opened her eyes; she had not had a great sleep. Her mind kept wandering to the sight of her parents and what they were doing. Her pillows were damp with sweat and there was a large damp patch on the sheets under her pussy. She touched her pussy, it was sticky. She lifted her finger to her nose and sniffed, it definitely wasn't pee. She knelt up and then lowered her nose to the damp patch on the bed, that wasn't pee either. God, it's my pussy juices, I must have done it while dreaming abou...reading time 31 mingenre
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Two Good To Be TrueTWO GOOD TO BE TRUE CHAPTER ONE "Oh, my goodness Bruce, babe you are licking the hell out of this pussy tonight." Dawn moans loudly, tossing her long hair back as she arches her back. Dawn is pretty on the sense that no man would hesitate to pay a premium just to sniff her pussy, that is if Dawn was promoting the delectable dessert. Trust me Dawn is the shit; 5'9, 158 lbs., with measurements of 36-28-42, Dawn could give a dead man an erection. With a little nudging, Dawn has convinced ...reading time 24 mingenre
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Loving Alan And Greg Jr. Beyond BeliefI didn't know what to expect, but they sat with me down and kissed my cheeks. I wasn't even sure if Greg had any clue what Alan had in mind, but I just sat back and waited. Although, he didn't make me wait long, he got up and went back towards my dresser. "Mom, you are going to need to stock up on condoms, unless you want one of us to get you pregnant." "Okay, son," I replied before glancing at his hands. "Do you have two there?" "Yes," he answered, closing the gap. "Would you enjoy the honor...reading time 40 mingenre
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The Night I Saw My Step Mom MasturbatingNervous as hell and three hours late, my sandals slid off my feet at the front door in the dark with only the moonlight from the window on the top half of the storm door for me to see anything. My hands made the big door slam slightly. "Shit, that loud mouth bimbo better not wake up," I whispered, hitting my hip. I began walking and heard moaning reaching my ears from an undisclosed location. "What the fuck?" I whispered, glancing down the hall and discovering the living room still lit ...reading time 34 mingenre
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VIPs in bondage - FourThe dark, stretch limousine cruised silently through the cold, deserted streets of Los Angeles, snaking through the streets inexorably towards its destination. It was late at night, just past midnight and in this business area of town on a Saturday night you rarely saw anyone around. The long car wound around one last corner and gently slowed to a stop in front of a non-descript grey stone building, whose windows were tinted out ? not that that was uncommon around here. Almost as it came to a ha...reading time 25 mingenre
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Dark Cloud
The Community, Part III - Hunted WomanGina’s alarm went off at the usual time, and she got up and went through the motions of getting ready for work though she had already arranged for a vacation day. Jeff was already awake and in the kitchen. He handed her a cup of coffee, and they sat down together. Gina cooled her coffee by blowing before taking her first sip, “Anything special going on today?” “No, we are getting inspected next month, so the boss is going to be handing out assignments. I think we’re in pretty good shape right ...reading time 28 mingenre
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The Plane Crash Chapter 1-6The Plane Crash by The Razor's Edge 1-6 Chapter 1 Introduction The school day started normal as they always did. Girls and boys running in the halls to stow their backpacks in their lockers and the screeching and yelling. Nauton Heights Elementary School was situated in an affluent neighborhood in Southern California and the Girls and boys were usually driven to school in their parents BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus or other luxury vehicles. The parents usually both worked but the children were well...reading time 32 mingenre
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She nodded and smiled For over a decade some friends of our's would ask us to watch in random combinations to watch the girls if the parents were going somewhere by themselves. If to Hawaii the girls would go and we would watch the dog and cat and stay at they're home. The oldest daughter had recently had a baby and had moved out into her own place with her fiance. The youngest daughter still living at home had just finished high-school and would stay at home throughout college. This would be her last summer of v...reading time 30 mingenre
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Lukewood Space
Back to School... Part 1 After a rather exhausting weekend of fun in the Woods (see previous series) it is Monday morning and I am struggling to awaken as my alarm annoyingly fires off from across the room. The activities of the past two or 3 days have not diminished my morning wood though, lol. I still have a difficult time believing all that has happened but I have high hopes for the summer as it stands now, so I am ready to get the last days of school out of the way. Not to say I am super excited to get out of bed...reading time 34 mingenre
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A Casualty of ChanceIf Kelli Zellers had a fault, it was the fact that she couldn't easily say the word, "No". It was a trait borne somewhat out of her DNA, her Mother was such a sweet woman that most who knew her thought she was a prime candidate for Sainthood. Between the selflessness Kelli showed with her Husband and two daughters over the years, not to mention her chosen career as a registered nurse, Kelli had long ago given more than she would ever take on this Earth. That word, "No" often crept out of her lu...reading time 176 mingenre
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A Casualty of ChanceIf Kelli Zellers had a fault, it was the fact that she couldn't easily say the word, "No". It was a trait borne somewhat out of her DNA, her Mother was such a sweet woman that most who knew her thought she was a prime candidate for Sainthood. Between the selflessness Kelli showed with her Husband and two daughters over the years, not to mention her chosen career as a registered nurse, Kelli had long ago given more than she would ever take on this Earth. That word, "No" often crept out of her lu...reading time 180 mingenre
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Ultimate Car Family Sex Mom started crying. Tom was a former Navy Seal and loathed failure. Tom said with determination that they were going no matter what it took, and they started packing everything they needed into the old van. To make matters worse, the luggage wouldn’t fit all in it back, so most went to the driver side of the van Because it was an older van, and like many older vehicles, there was something that wasn’t working on it. In this case that was the front passenger seatbelt. So, Rachel would have to si...reading time 33 mingenre
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Shashi Bansal
Cabin Fever: Parting ShotThe vacation was going great and it was only half over! Paul was loving these days, this week of blissful serenity out in the remote woods of North Carolina. He was loving them more than he’d ever expected he would. Actually, he’d originally suspected that a week out in the boondocks with nothing to do but drink beer would get incredibly boring incredibly fast. But he couldn’t account for the immense sense of release he felt in throwing off all the stresses of exams and studying. In fact, just ...reading time 176 mingenre
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Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 2Natasha awoke, slowly and confused, in a room that she didn't know. It was a damp, dark room ; she felt the stench first, then tried to move, but she couldn't. She was lying on a bed, and when she tried to sit up and stand, she found herself immobilized. His wrists had been taped together and tied high to the bedpost, and each of her feet had been tied to two feet apart to the word bedposts. She wasn't alone, of course. She pulled, trying to strain in the bindings, but couldn't do it. She groa...reading time 75 mingenre
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Niece Fucks Her Uncle While Her Parents Are Abroad Diane had just finished her junior year of junior school when her father received a huge promotion that would make him a senior executive at an international oil company. The job was based out of Oslo, Norway, and Diane’s father was required to begin his new position within a few weeks, so he needed to move his family from Westfield, Indiana to Oslo that summer.... which, everyone knew, would create major angst and chaos to Diane’s upcoming senior year of high school. Diane was beside herself....reading time 31 mingenre
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Morgan Long Gordon
Secretary Sandwich, Pt. 2A couple months had passed since business partners Jason and Shane began double-teaming Jason's secretary, Abby. The first couple weeks were a blur, during which the 25-year-old blonde was treated to about as much dick as she had in the rest of her life combined aided by the fact that she was almost always taking two simultaneously. None of the three of them ever actually shared with any coworkers what was going on, yet it was inevitable that some people were starting to notice the interesting d...reading time 77 mingenre
Group sex
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Business travel or sexing trip at the Congo ? Seven months later, Marion was with me when I received the Director's email asking me to join him in his office. If I agreed, it was necessary to work out the terms of my trip to the Congo. There were plans to cultivate and harvest medicinal plants. Mr. N'Doumbé wanted at all costs that a secretary accompany the responsible pharmacist and that it be me. The mission should last about two months. - Youpiieeee... the Dirlo asks me if I want to go to Congo, you know N'Doumbé, the black pharma...reading time 61 mingenre
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An Allegory, Moki and SusanIf you visit Taos, New Mexico, the Mountain will retain part of your soul, if it wants you. Spirits dwell in many places in that state. I wrote this story after reading Dante's Inferno. The sensitive reader will hear its echoes. Aside from the obvious cultural references this tale refers to some biblical passages. For those who care they are: Genesis 1:15 to 1:21, Luke 5:2, Ecclesiastes 9:4, Proverbs 30:19, Obadiah 1:14, Matthew 5:13, Matthew 6:11, Luke 8:30, Matthew 14:20, Jeremiah 7:3...reading time 26 mingenre
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Indoctrination - Chapter 30------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this stor...reading time 28 mingenre
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Night Owl
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