Niece Fucks Her Uncle While Her Parents Are Abroad


Diane had just finished her junior year of junior school when her father received a huge promotion that would make him a senior executive at an international oil company. The job was based out of Oslo, Norway, and Diane’s father was required to begin his new position within a few weeks, so he needed to move his family from Westfield, Indiana to Oslo that summer.... which, everyone knew, would create major angst and chaos to Diane’s upcoming senior year of high school.

Diane was beside herself... she was happy for her father’s success, but she knew the impact that a move to Norway would have on her final year of school in the U.S., and she was devastated. So, after many family discussions, it was agreed that Diane could stay with her mother’s brother and his wife.... Uncle Paul and Aunt Jackie... to finish out her last year of high school, while her parents moved overseas without her.

Diane’s aunt and uncle lived in a quaint, three-bedroom house in a town called Noblesville, which was a small enclave just outside of Indianapolis... and pretty close to Westfield, which is where Diane had grown up.

This was perfect, since it would allow her to continue attending Westfield High for her senior year... including graduating with her class along with all of her life-long friends.

Diane really enjoyed her time in high school... she was a popular girl for many reasons... not the least of which was because she had a rocking body that the guys couldn’t keep their eyes and hands off of. She had always been happy that she inherited her mother’s physical assets... including a pretty face, great smile, curvy hips... and a beautiful set of large, natural D-cup boobs.

She loved it when her classmates... and many of her teachers... noticed how they jiggled when she walked through the halls at school... even when she wore a bra.

She smiled to herself whenever she thought about how she had leveraged her prodigious breasts numerous times over the years to catch the eye of guys she was interested in... including some of the most popular guys at Westfield.

Her latest ‘boyfriend’ was a senior football player, named Kevin, who she’d been fucking since the middle of summer. She had to acknowledge, with a wry smile, that being able to continue dating him... and knowing that there were other interested guys readily available if he didn’t work out... was another big reason she was happy to be staying in Indiana while her parents moved to Norway.

Uncle Paul was a year older than his sister... Diane’s mother... so they were both in their late-forties as Diane prepared to enter her final year of high school. The two siblings had grown up together in a small town in Indiana, called Maxwell, so they had both managed to live their entire lives... including getting jobs and getting married... within 35 miles of their childhood home.

He was a mid-level manager at a downtown consulting firm, and was the perfect male version of Diane’s mother.... she could definitely see the family resemblance. He was still in pretty good shape at 48... and Diane thought the touch of gray at his temples made him look kind of distinguished.

Her uncle’s wife... Aunt Jackie... was a fun, bubbly person who was easy to be around. She could be a little hyper sometimes... but she definitely seemed to brighten up whatever room she happened to be in.

Diane had always liked her mother’s brother... and his wife... so she was ecstatic when they agreed to let her stay with them while she finished out her final year of school.

Diane moved in with her aunt and uncle toward the end of summer, just before her fall semester began, and settled in quickly. They had given her one of the spare bedrooms, which was down the hall from the master bedroom, and right next to the shared bathroom. They even let her take over the dining room to study in, so she could spread out her school books and papers all across the dining room table.

School started a few weeks after Diane had moved into her new room at her uncle’s place, so it wasn’t long before she found herself knee-deep in the fall semester of her senior year.

Right about that time, her aunt’s mother came down with the flu, and Aunt Jackie decided to fly out to North Carolina to help her through it. Diane’s aunt boarded a plane on Sunday afternoon and flew to Durham, with plans to return the following Saturday evening.

Diane and her uncle figured they’d be fine while Aunt Jackie was away... about the only change in their daily routine would be that they’d have to order take-out dinners delivered to the house every day, rather than eating Aunt Jackie’s home-cooked meals for supper.

Diane thought to herself, “No problem... we can manage.”

The morning after her aunt flew off to help her sick mother, everything went pretty smoothly for Diane and Uncle Paul... she caught her bus to school, just like every other school day; while he grabbed a banana for breakfast, then jumped in his car and headed off to his job near the center of town.

In the afternoon, Diane had come home from school and was studying at the dining room table, as usual.... and she was still at it when her uncle came home from work that evening.

He put his briefcase down, gave her a kiss on the top of her head, then used his cell phone to order a Mexican take-out dinner for the two of them.

He quickly changed into a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt, then went for a quick jog while waiting for the food to be delivered.

When Uncle Paul was about half-way through his run, a surprise rain storm hit the area, and he was caught in the middle of a downpour. By the time he got home, he was totally drenched.

Once he got back to the house, he went inside, kicked off his soaking wet sneakers, and stood in the foyer... dripping water all over the area rug in the entryway. He called for Diane to bring him a couple of bath towels, as he pulled his sopping wet shirt off over his head and tossed it onto the floor next to his running shoes.

Diane hurried to get the towels, then returned to the foyer with them. She handed one to her uncle, then knelt down next to him and began using the other towel to help dry off the water dripping down his legs.

As Uncle Paul used his towel to wipe off his arms, chest and vigorously rub his hair dry, Diane worked her way up his wet legs... drying them as she went... then continued up to his wet shorts, rubbing and patting to stem the water seeping from the wet material.

Without thinking about it, she continued rubbing his shorts... front and back... and suddenly realized that she was squeezing his ass cheeks with one hand, while rubbing and patting his cock through his wet shorts with the other, as she tried to help him dry off.

When she realized what she was doing, she left her hands where they were, but looked up at her uncle to see if he had noticed.... she could tell by the look on his face that he had.

He was smiling down at her, with his hands on his hips, and a shit-eating grin on his face, as he watched her rub his wet legs and shorts, and fondle his privates.

Diane had always considered her uncle kind of attractive, although she’d never really given it much conscious thought. But getting her hands on his firm ass and the thick shaft of his flaccid prick while trying to help him dry off had definitely caught her attention.

She was captivated with the size of his package, as she continued using part of the big towel in one hand to rub and massage his tight buttocks, while using the rest of the towel in her other hand to press and caress his thick penis through his drenched shorts.

With a mischievous smile, she dropped her eyes to the outline of his impressive shaft underneath his sopping wet shorts... clearly visible, since the wet material was plastered to his body like a second skin... and exclaimed, “What the.... Oh, my God, Uncle Paul, you’re fucking huge.... I had no idea!”

Her uncle laughed, then... with his hands still on his hips... watched as his niece continue to knead the lump in his shorts for a while before he chortled and said, “You’re so much like your mother when she was your age”.

Diane’s eyes darted up to meet his, then returned to the growing bulge in his shorts, as she asked, “What the heck are you talking about?”

Uncle Paul grinned at the look on her face, then began to tell her the story about how his sister... Diane’s mother... had discovered his cock when they were both about the same age as Diane.

“You know that your mom and I shared a bathroom while we were growing up... you’ve seen your grandparents’ house, right?”

Diane didn’t know where this story was going, but responded, “Of course”, as she continued to check out the outline of his dick through his wet shorts... and noting that she could even make out the shape of the wide, mushroom-shaped head sitting majestically at the end of his stiffening shaft.

“Well, one morning while we were getting ready for school, I had just climbed out of the shower and was rubbing my hair dry with a towel, when your mother barged into the bathroom, saying she had to pee and couldn’t wait.”

Diane giggled and said, “What... no locks on the doors when you were growing up?”

“Sure, we had locks... but we just didn’t think to use them that much.”

Then he continued, “Anyway, she was sitting on the toilet, as I stood in front of her... rubbing my hair dry... and she couldn’t take her eyes off my dangling prick... she just sat there watching it sway back and forth between my legs.”

He chuckled and added, “Well... to make a long story short... she ended up sitting on the toilet... peeing... with her bathrobe wide open and her big, beautiful boobs jiggling around between us... as she stroked my shaft and sucked my cock.”

Diane glanced back up to her uncle’s eyes and exclaimed, “Are you fucking kidding me? Mom gave you a blowjob?”

He laughed and said, “Yeah... she made me cum that morning... and I was pretty impressed that she was able to swallow most of it... only a little spilled down her chin and onto her tits.”

Uncle Paul reached down and grabbed Diane’s breasts through her shirt and added, “And you definitely got your mother’s tits.”

Diane blushed.... then, as she unconsciously continued to rub her uncle’s semi-hard penis through his wet shorts, she grinned and said, “So... then what happened? Did you two fuck?”

Her uncle laughed, then replied, “Well... not right then... we had to get to school. But, yeah... we fucked for the first time after school that same day, before your grandparents got home from work. It was incredible... your mother is an amazing piece of ass.”

Diane eyebrows shot up again... then she laughed and said, “Really? I can’t believe you and mom fucked when you were younger... holy shit...”

Uncle Paul chuckled, and said, “Yep. After that, we fucked almost every day... sometimes before school... in the shower, or bent over the counter while your mother brushed her teeth; and a lot of times after school, while your grandparents worked.... as long as one of us didn’t have something else to do that day.”

Diane had a surprised look on her face, as she looked into her uncle’s eyes and took in this new information about her mother fucking her brother every day after school, mumbling, “Damn, Uncle Paul... I had no idea mom was so hot to trot.”

Her uncle laughed and said, “You’d be surprised.... she would even sneak into my room sometimes after her boyfriends dropped her off after a date... apparently she liked having my cock sliding in and out of her pussy before she went to sleep at night... even if she’d just finished getting fucked by whatever guy she was seeing.”

“Holy shit.... didn’t Nana and Pops suspect anything?”

Still grinning, he said, “Nope... our bedrooms were on different floors, so they never found out... I don’t think it even crossed their minds.”

Shaking her head in disbelief, she dropped her gaze back down to the outline of her uncle’s stiffening cock, which was clearly responding to her probing and caressing fingers.

Then, grinning wickedly, Diane dropped the towel she was holding, grabbed the bottom part of her uncle’s drenched running shorts, and pulled them down to his ankles, along with his underwear... causing his now nearly erect hard-on to spring free... bouncing up and down, and wobbling back and forth between his legs.

Still kneeling next to her uncle, Diane could see his stiffening cock in perfect profile... it was already semi-hard, with a soft bend to the shaft, and the bulbous tip pointing at the floor in front of him.

Holy shit, she couldn’t believe how long and veiny it was... and thick! She couldn’t seem to take her eyes off it.

Then, with one hand still on his ass cheeks, she reached up with the other hand and began running her fingers along the entire length of his penis.... toying with the swollen head, then gliding her hand down to the base, and back up again.

Diane continued admiring her uncle’s impressive prick... now fully erect and sticking straight out from his hips... as she eagerly stroked her pumping fist back and forth along the 10” shaft.

Lost in a bit of a trance, she mumbled... mostly to herself... “Well, I can see why she wanted this inside her every day... it’s fucking incredible!”

After quietly jerking his stiff cock for a minute, or so, Diane added, “You know, my boyfriend has a pretty nice dick, but it’s nowhere near this big.”

Between moans, Uncle Paul asked, “Are you still seeing that guy you were dating over the summer... what-siz-name... Kevin? I haven’t seen him around lately.”

“Yeah... he’s been focused on making the football team, so we haven’t been getting together much so far this semester.”

Staring at her uncle’s thick shaft as she eagerly stroked it with one of her hands from base to tip, Diane shifted her other hand from squeezing his ass cheeks to fondling his dangling testicles.... then lamented, “God, I miss him... he only makes me cum about half the time we fuck, but he’s a good kisser... and it was nice having a decent-looking guy who I could rely on for a nice shag a couple times a week.”

She laughed, and added, “I’ve been wearing out my vibrator almost every night for the past few weeks.”

Uncle Paul chuckled and said, “Yeah, I know.... these walls are pretty thin, so I can hear the buzz... and your moans... coming from your room whenever I get up at night to take a leak.”

She giggled, and said, “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.... I can hear you and Aunt Jackie fucking in your bedroom, too.”

Laughing, Uncle Paul said, “Just wait til she comes home from visiting her mother this weekend.... she goes crazy after she hasn’t had any for more than a few days.”

Diane laughed, and said, “I’ll bet...”, then shifted around from the side of her uncle until she was kneeling directly in front of him.

Holding the shaft of his rigid pole in her hand, she sucked the head of his engorged prick into her mouth, and began bobbing her head back and forth.... continuing to jerk his cock with one hand, while using the other one to gently caress his wobbling nutsack.

Uncle Paul leaned back against the wall by the front door... spread his legs a little farther... then put one hand on the back of Diane’s head. He reached between them with the other hand...slipping it inside her shirt to squeeze and massage her heavy breasts as they swayed gently between the two of them, in rhythm with her bobbing head.

With his eyes closed and his head thrown back, he groaned his pleasure... rocking his hips gently into his niece’s warm mouth and stroking hand.

“Holy shit, Di... you’re really good at this! I guess it’s fair to say this isn’t your first time...”

Diane giggled, and said something unintelligible around the thick cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Then, after a few minutes, Diane pulled her uncle’s erection from her mouth... stood up, and yanked her shirt off over her head.

She wasn’t wearing a bra, so her heavy breasts swung around and jiggled, as she tossed her shirt over by her uncle’s wet clothes on the floor. She bent over... pushing her shorts and panties down to her ankles... then stepped out of them... while her uncle reached over and grabbed handfuls of her swaying boobs as they dangled beneath her.

Diane enjoyed the feeling of her uncle’s strong hands on her tits... and he seemed to be really enjoying himself... so, when she stood back up, she raised her arms and placed her hands behind her head... letting him play with her quivering breasts for a while... squeezing the soft flesh of each boob, and pulling on her stiff nipples.

Diane mewled and moaned softly as her uncle kneaded her sensitive breasts... bending down to suck on one hard nipple, then the other... while his throbbing hard-on bounced and swayed between them.

Between sucking on her uncle’s cock, and his attention to her tits, Diane could tell that her pussy was already soaking wet. So, after a few pleasurable moments with his hands all over her soft boobs, she pushed his probing fingers away.... then grabbed his engorged cock with one hand... picked up one of the towels with the other... and led him down the hallway toward the living room.

Still holding her uncle’s cock by the shaft, Diane spread the towel out on the sofa cushions with her free hand. She roughly pushed her uncle down so that he was sitting on the towel, then climbed onto his lap... straddling his crotch, with one knee on either side of his hips.... her totally wet pussy poised just above the tip of his raging boner.

While Uncle Paul grabbed her jostling boobs... massaging them both, while sucking and nibbling on each rock-hard nipple... Diane grabbed the shaft of his pulsating prick, and lined it up with her drenched vagina.

With her eyes closed, she lowered herself onto his rigid pole... slowly at first, then gliding up and down on his erection... faster... and harder... going deeper and deeper into her cunt with every downward lunge... until she was totally impaled on his massive penis.... her stiff clitoris rubbing deliciously against the base of his cock.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... oooooooohhhhhhhh.... holy fuck, Uncle Paul.... you’re so fucking big.... my God, you feel good.... I can feel you all the way inside me.... hmmmmmmmm.... wow.... fucking incredible....”

Her uncle’s dick was hitting all the right spots inside her snatch.... she could feel the sides of her pussy hugging his thick shaft as she bounced up and down on his lap... raising her hips until just the head of his cock was inside her cunt, then slamming her ass back down... driving his huge erection as deep as it would go... over and over.

She could feel an intense climax building between her legs as she continued to bounce up and down on his raging hard-on.

Between her uncle’s lips and teeth on her nipples, and her clit grinding against the base of his cock with every downward lunge... Diane was suddenly jolted by a glorious, euphoric orgasm that racked her entire body.

“Oh, my God... oh, my God... yeah... holy fuck, Uncle Paul... yeah... uhn... uhn... fuck, I’m cumming... ah... ah... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.... holy shit.... oooooooohhhhhhhhhh.... yeeeeeeaaaahhhhhhh... my God, that’s amazing... aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... wow.... hmmmmmmmmm...”

As her legs trembled and her climax washed over her, Diane leaned forward... squashing her heavy breasts into her uncle’s face and flopping herself against his chest... totally spent.... gently twerking her hips and losing herself in her powerful orgasm.

After letting Diane enjoy her lingering climax for a while, Uncle Paul grabbed her hips and began bouncing her up and down on his steely rod again... harder and faster... thrusting his hips up into every one of her downward strokes like a piston... until he suddenly caught his breath, squeezed her ass cheeks, and blasted several ropes of warm, creamy splooge all over the walls of her dripping wet cunt.

“Uhn... uhn... ah... yeah... uhn... uhn... oh, shit, Di... here I cum... ah... ah... aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.... aaaaaahhhhhhh... uhn... uhn... fuck, yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh.... ooooooohhhhhhhhh... hmmmmmmmm....”

Uncle Paul continued sliding his cock in and out of Diane’s slippery snatch as he emptied his nutsack inside her... eventually causing pussy juices and globs of cum to leak out from around his pumping shaft, and drip onto the towel beneath them on the sofa.

Still pressing her soft boobs against his face, Diane continued to slowly rock her hips up and down on his still hard erection, as they both enjoyed the throes of their fading orgasms.

Eventually, they both stopped, and just sat quietly on the couch.... Diane straddling his hips, and Uncle Paul fondling her ass cheeks, with his stiff prick still shoved deep inside her pussy... as they relaxed against the back of the sofa and tried to catch their breath.

After several minutes, they got up from the couch... Uncle Paul’s still semi-hard cock sliding out of Diane’s twat as she crawled off his lap... then used the towel they had been sitting on to wipe off his glistening penis and clean up the mixture of cum and pussy juices dripping down the inside of her thighs.

Uncle Paul chuckled and said, “The towel was a good idea.”

Diane grinned and replied, “Ya think?”

Giggling and mumbling about how much fun it was, they grabbed the towels and clothes from the floor in the foyer, and tossed them into the laundry room on their way to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once the shower was running, they both stepped in and squeezed out some shampoo to wash each other’s hair.... tittering and laughing... as Diane’s heavy breasts and her uncle’s dangling cock flailed and swung around between them while they rigorously scrubbed each other’s scalps.

When they’d finished with that, Uncle Paul soaped up Diane’s boobs... massaging the flesh and gently pinching the still taut nipples... while she used the bar of soap to lather up his still semi-hard penis and swinging nutsack.

Diane couldn’t help but giggle as she noticed that, after only a few minutes of rubbing and massaging her uncle’s soapy dick, it had suddenly become hard again... the engorged head straining at the end of his fully erect penis.

“What the fuck, Uncle Paul... holy shit... you’ve got another boner! How’d you do that?”

He laughed, and quipped, “What can I tell you... it’s a skill.... like anything.”

They laughed as Diane playfully slapped her uncle’s reinvigorated hard-on.... then she added more lather to her hand, and began stroking it in earnest, while he continued to knead the flesh of her soapy breasts.

After a minute, or so, Diane turned her face up to his, and they shared a warm, wet kiss.... as he gently pressed her back up against the wall of the shower... nudged her legs apart with his knees... and leaned forward, shoving his rigid boner into her still wet vagina.

She let out a guttural moan when he entered her.... then grunted in rhythm with his thrusting hips, as he pounded his thick erection in and out of her dripping wet gash.

“Ooooohhhhhhh... yeeeeaaaahhhhhh.... uhn.... uhn.... uhn... uhn.... damn, Uncle Paul... I can’t get enough of your cock... uhn.... uhn.... uhn.... yeah... harder... harder... uhn.... uhn.... oh, yeah... soooooo fucking goooooood....”

This position was stimulating Diane’s clitoris perfectly... and between her uncle’s hands mauling her tits and her plump nub getting vigorously rubbed by his pumping shaft.... she felt a massive orgasm begin building between her legs.

It didn’t take long before she erupted... her climax washing over her like a warm, tingly tidal wave... as she creamed all over her uncle’s thrusting prick... moaning and murmuring between grunts from the force of his powerful lunges.

“Oh, fuck.... uhn... uhn... oh, fuck.... uhn... uhn... yeah... ah... aaaaaahhhhhhhhh.... aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... yeah... yeah... aaaaaahhhhhhhhh... holy shit, Uncle Paul... keep going... keep going.... yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhh... oooooohhhhhh.... Goddamn, that feels fucking fantastic.... uhn... uhn... hmmmmmmmm....”

Hearing Diane’s orgasm seemed to trigger something in Uncle Paul.... he released her tits, grabbed both ass cheeks, and picked up the pace... slamming his cock as far into her cunt as it would go... over and over.

It didn’t take long before he let out a growl... then shifted his hips backwards and pulled his stiff boner out of Diane’s cunt.

He reached up to grab her left breast with one hand, while wrapping his other hand around the shaft of his throbbing cock... then jacked himself off... blasting rope after rope of warm, creamy spunk all over his niece’s stomach and shaved snatch.

“Uhn... uhn... yeah... uhn... fuck, yeah... uhn... eh... eh... yeeeeaahhh... uhn... uhn... hmmmmmm.... uhn... uhn... God, yeah.... uhn.... hmmmmmm...”

Diane laughed as she watched her uncle’s cum shoot from the tip of his penis and splash onto her belly, trickling down the front of her pussy and thighs... eventually dripping onto the shower floor between their legs.

There was something ultra-sexy about watching a guy jerking off in the shower, and Diane was mesmerized, as she gazed at her uncle’s pumping fist and spewing jizzm.

When his nutsack was finally empty, Uncle Paul released his spent prick, and let it dangle between them as he leaned forward and put his hands on the shower wall above Diane’s head to support himself... gasping for air and mumbling about how good it felt.

Smiling to herself, Diane playfully slapped her uncle’s swaying dick, and watched it swing back and forth for a few seconds... banging into each thigh, before finally settling down to a gentle wobble between his legs.

With her eyes still locked onto his jiggling schlong, Diane said, “Well, that was fun... but now we really need to clean up... I have a test tomorrow, and I have some studying to do.... besides, I’m starving.”

Uncle Paul nodded and said, “Yeah... I wonder what happened to our food.”

They quickly finished showering, then dried off and dressed... Uncle Paul in boxers, and Diane in a thin cotton night shirt draped over her naked tits... and, of course, no panties. Then they headed back toward the entryway near the front of the house in search of the food they’d ordered.

Sure enough, the food had been placed on the porch near the front door... which fortunately was covered, so it had been protected from the rain. They laughed at the situation, then sat down to a quick meal of tacos and guacamole, before Diane retired to the dining room to study, and her uncle went into the living room and watched TV.

When Diane had finished studying, she joined her uncle on the sofa. Together they watched a late night movie... Diane’s hand gently stroking her uncle’s flaccid penis through the pee slit in his boxers; and his arm draped over her shoulder... his hand resting inside her night shirt and softly massaging her soft boobs.

After the movie, they went to bed in the master bedroom... tenderly caressing each other as their eyes slowly closed... both of them simply too worn out to squeeze in another fuck before they drifted off to sleep.

The next morning they woke up a little earlier than normal... both of them feeling totally rejuvenated.

After lounging around in bed for a few brief minutes... fondling, kissing, and feeling each other up... they crawled out of bed and decided to take a shower together before their day got started.

They knew they didn’t have much time, but Diane’s uncle managed to quickly fuck her from behind as the hot spray from the shower cascaded over their naked bodies.

He grabbed onto Diane’s dangling tits, as she bent over in the shower... her legs spread wide... and one hand on the wall for support. With her eyes closed, she used her other hand to rub out a delicious climax between her legs.... while Uncle Paul pounded her cunt with his stiff morning wood until he blasted a huge load of cum deep inside her pussy.

After enjoying their morning orgasms, they cleaned each other up, then quickly got dressed and began their day.... Diane heading off to school with her books in a knapsack, and her uncle driving to his company’s offices about thirty minutes away.

After the rain storm on Monday evening, and the early morning shower on Tuesday, Diane and her uncle banged each other every day that week... knowing that her aunt would be returning from her trip the following weekend.

Most mornings found Diane riding Uncle Paul’s first erection of the day... either in bed, or in the shower... before catching the bus to school, while he headed off to his office near downtown.

Diane usually studied right after school, but would take a break when her uncle got home from work. They’d choose a take-out restaurant, call in their food order, then enjoy a quick fuck while they waited for it to be delivered.... either with Diane bent over the counter in the kitchen, or sprawled on the living room sofa.... both of them managing to squeeze in at least one delightful orgasm before their meal arrived.

On Saturday morning, the day her aunt was going to return from her trip, Diane woke up first. She reached under the blanket... found her uncle’s morning erection... and began gently stroking the thick shaft, as she impatiently waited for him to wake up.

After some moans and stretches, he finally woke up.... smiled at her through bleary eyes, and said, “Hey, Di... that feels nice. What a great way to start the day.”

Diane giggled, then bent over and sucked the tip of her uncle’s cock into her mouth... using her tongue to rub around the ridge of the tip, as she bobbed her head up and down on his engorged penis.

Uncle Paul leaned up against the headboard, with his legs spread and his hands clasped behind his head... slowly waking up as he reveled in the tingly sensations of his niece’s warm mouth and pumping fist sliding up and down his stiff morning hard-on.

After a couple of minutes, Diane pulled his thick boner out of her mouth with a ‘plop’ and smiled at him, saying, “Aunt Jackie comes home today, so we won’t be able to do this every day like we have been.”

Uncle Paul chuckled, grabbed her boobs with both hands and began gently fondling them, as he said, “Yeah... but we’ll figure something out.”

As she rolled onto her back, spread her legs, and pulled him over on top of her, Diane said, “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Uncle Paul’s dick was rock hard already, so Diane reached down between them and grabbed his shaft... running the bulbous tip up and down the moist slit between her pussy lips.

She found her clit and slapped the head of his cock against it for several moments... playfully teasing herself, as she moaned and rocked her hips.

With her hand still wrapped around his thick pole, Diane continued rubbing it against her engorged nub... enjoying the tingly sensation of heightened pleasure, and enhancing her anticipation of the moment when her uncle’s hard-on would finally slide into her dripping wet pussy.

After edging herself for a little while, Diane finally pulled her uncle’s prick forward... causing the thick head of his boner to slip into her drenched vagina. She let out a guttural moan, as the feeling of being totally filled and gloriously stretched overwhelmed her.

“ooooohhhhhhhhh, fuuuuuuuccccckkk meeeeeeee.... that feels soooooo fucking goooooood... hmmmmmmmm...”

Uncle Paul began slowly pumping his rigid pole in and out of her sopping wet cunt... then picked up the pace... going deeper and deeper with every forward thrust. He grunted, then added his guttural moans to hers, as he kept plowing his stiff dick into her, until he was balls-deep inside her pussy... his nutsack slapping against her ass cheeks in rhythm with his rocking hips.

Diane’s heavy boobs were bouncing up and down like a wave pool on her chest... smashing into each other, over and over... as her uncle hammered his thick hard-on into her drenched cunt.

Uncle Paul smiled as he focused on her flailing tits... then reached out and grabbed them both... squeezing the flesh and tweaking her nipples... as he continued railing away between her spread legs.

Diane suddenly let out a muffled yelp as an intense orgasm crashed through her body... sending tentacles of pleasure emanating from her clit, to her nipples, and back again, as she creamed all over her uncle’s rigid cock.

“Ohh!... oh, my God.... oh, my God... that was so quick... ooooohhhhhhh.... shit, yeeeeaahhhhhh.... holy fuck, Uncle Paul... damn, I fucking love your cock... ooooohhhhhhhh.... aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.... yeah, keep going... keep going... aaaaaahhhhhh... so fucking good..... aaaaaahhhhh.... hmmmmmm..”

It didn’t take long before Uncle Paul grabbed Diane’s thighs, and held them tightly, as he picked up the pace... slamming his steely pole as far into her pussy as it would go, then suddenly blasting several streams of splooge all over the walls of her sloppy wet vagina.

As her uncle continued sliding his stiff boner in and out of her dripping pussy, Diane giggled and said, “Oh, my God, Uncle Paul... that felt incredible... oh, my God... oh, my God... yeah... keep going... yeah... ooooohhhh, yeeeeaaahhhhh... keep going... oh, my God... that feels amazing.”

Uncle Paul kept slowly pumping his throbbing erection in and out of her overflowing pussy... cum and pussy juices leaking out from around his thick shaft, and dribbling down Diane’s ass crack... as they both caught their breath and enjoyed their waning orgasms.

After her uncle’s hard-on finally started to fade, they both got up and quickly showered together.

Once they were dressed, Diane headed off to the mall with her friends from school, while Uncle Paul drove over to the club for a round of golf with three of his co-workers.

Diane’s aunt arrived home that evening just before dinner.... and after effusive greetings, the three of them sat down to enjoy an Italian take-out meal that Uncle Paul had picked up on his way home from golfing.

After dinner, Diane offered to clear the dishes, which her aunt gratefully accepted.

As Diane began cleaning up, Aunt Jackie yawned...and to no one in particular... said, “I’m bushed... traveling always wears me out... I think I’ll go to bed early.” Then... with a mischievous grin, she looked at her husband and asked, “Do you want to join me, hon?”

Uncle Paul chuckled and said, “Of course.... I’m right behind you.”

As he followed his wife out of the kitchen, he shared a conspiratorial smile with his niece, who grinned and threw him a ‘thumbs up’.

About ten minutes later, Diane smiled to herself as she sat on the sofa in the living room, watching TV, and listening to her aunt and uncle grunting and moaning as he welcomed her home from her week-long trip to visit her mother.
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