VIPs in bondage - Four


The dark, stretch limousine cruised silently through the cold, deserted streets of Los Angeles, snaking through the streets inexorably towards its destination. It was late at night, just past midnight and in this business area of town on a Saturday night you rarely saw anyone around. The long car wound around one last corner and gently slowed to a stop in front of a non-descript grey stone building, whose windows were tinted out ? not that that was uncommon around here. Almost as it came to a halt the drivers door swung soundlessly open and out stepped an immaculately attired chauffer, his dark suit and tie contrasting with his bright white shirt. He took off his cap and unconsciously brushed at his hair with his hand as he clicked the back door open.

From the darkness inside emerged a long stiletto heel, then another and finally all of Whitney Houston came into the open. Clad in an ankle length, black coat that covered her totally except her head she stood up straight, took a deliberate glance at her diamond encrusted watch and fixed her driver with a withering, cold stare. They were three minutes late, Whitney hated being late and her look told him exactly what she thought of him. He couldn’t bring himself to meet her eyes.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get the others out! I don’t want to waste any more time, we’re late enough as it is.”

Three minutes! But that was Mistress Whitney. Nothing but perfection satisfied her, and everyone knew it. The driver hurried to the further down doors and busied himself while two burly doormen watched the scene with detached amusement. She was one tough Bitch and they had felt the force of her tongue before so it was nice seeing someone else catch it. Of course their eyes were not on him when the four occupants of the lower door to the car emerged.

First came Halle Berry, then Christina Milian, then Beyonce Knowles and lastly Mariah Carey. All four were clothed identically, in long black, shiny capes that prevented any inch of their bodies being seen except their heads and necks. And all four of those beautiful necks were encircled by a black, leather, studded collar.

Striding purposefully towards the door guarded by the doormen, Whitney clicked her fingers and four of her sexy ass bitches obediently got into line behind her to follow her into the club. Whitney waltzed in, of course no-one would stop or question her. Once inside and the heavy doors once again relocked, Whitney whipped off her coat to reveal an amazing, figure hugging red PVC cat suit that displayed every curve of her magnificent body. She took her favourite riding crop from the inside of the jacket and as a submissive attendant girl collect the Mistresses coat, she turned to her celebrity slaves and ordered them to disrobe. And what a sight to behold.

Halle wore only black fetish tape , wound twice around her torso so as to cover her nipples and a kinky, black loin cloth that, when it swung, revealed her shaven pussy (and it swung with every move her legs made!).

Christina was topless, her pert little tits standing up proudly , while a washable tattoo on her stomach declared as “Mistress Whitney’s Bitch”, she had a silver chain-mail style belt/skirt around her waist.

Beyonce’s breasts were also exposed but they also had a chain hanging from each nipple and a crocodile jaw style clamp digging into each nipple. She wore a heavy plastic belt around her waist which had a strip that disappeared between her legs. What an onlooker would not know was that the strip had two large inward facing dildos attached to it and one was buried in Beyonce’s pussy while the other was jammed in her asshole. Of course when you saw Beyonce walk you guessed something was up.

Mariah, finally, was stark naked except from her collar. Whitney produced a red ball gag and fitted it into her mouth and strapped it around Mariah’s head, pushed her forward and swished the crop six times on Mariah’s ass.

None of the slaves wore footwear, their bare feet another sign of their submission to Whitney. Whitney took four leashes from the coat check attendant and affixed them to each of her bitches collars and they immediately sunk to their hands and knees and as an inner doorman pushed open the next door and the music and voices and wails and sounds of leather on skin came bursting out Whitney lead her four superstar slave sluts into the clubs main play area for another Saturday night of fun and games.

The ‘D’ Club. More exclusive than any other establishment in the world. No press know about it, they never will. Any new Mistress or Master will only be admitted if they are a true A list star with everything to lose if they talked and if they sign a contract that would mean the end for them if tell anyone about it.

As Whitney and her bitches entered the massive ballroom that all the celeb BDSM action takes place in nearly every eye turned to watch their entrance. Whitney was a founder member and is hugely respected by the other master’s and Mistress’s, respected but not liked.

One pair of eyes were especially interested in their entrance. Sat upon a huge gold throne with two well known soap actors naked and cowering at her feet was Jennifer Lopez. Clad in one piece mesh and leather teddy outfit with thigh high boots and leather gauntlets she seductively removed the cigarette (held in a diamond encrusted holder) and, locked her hypnotic eyes on the new arrivals and barked out a command.

“Ashtray! Now!”

The young actor shuffled forward and obediently opened his mouth so J-Lo could dump her ashes on his tongue and then turned around and braced himself as his Mistress stubbed it out on his upturned butt. The Sexy Latino Dominatrix followed the progress of Whitney’s group intently, she hadn’t seen her since she added Christina and Beyonce to her Harem. And it was the leggy Destiny ‘s Child singer that especially took Jennifer’s attention. Jenny had lost count of the number of times she had fantasised about dominating her younger rival, but she had always believed the normally clean cut Beyonce wound not be into the lifestyle and had contented herself with fantasy. And now here she was, in the club, on her knees, crawling like a little subbie bitch behind Mistress Whitney.

At last Whitney arrived at her own hand carved throne of marble she had commissioned all those years ago. She sat and looked down her nose at the four gorgeous forms of womanhood who parked up at her feet and looked up at her like puppy dogs desperate to please their Mistress. With sharp staccato orders she soon gave them their immediate duties as she settled back to see who was in the club tonight. She had Halle and Christina position themselves in a 69 to her right side so that they could each lick the others wet pussy while she looked on. She had Mariah kneel before her so she could use the small of her back as a footstool and she had Beyonce kneel and give her a sensuous foot massage.

Whitney scanned the room, seeing rivals and colleagues in various forms of erotic expression. Spankings, floggings and humiliations throughout the cavernous arena all with a low, incessant musical beat behind it. Then she spied Jennifer Lopez strutting across the floor with a purpose. Whitney had met her a few times and while they had not argued she was of the impression that Jennifer was just a little too cocky, too sure of herself and besides she was a rival. Whitney tried to keep the sneer from her face as Lopez came nearer, thinking to herself that she walked like a true slut, all in the hip movement.

“I wonder what this whore wants?”, she spoke softly to herself as it became clear that she was headed to her.

Jennifer came right up behind where the oblivious Beyonce massaged her Mistresses feet and placed her hands on her hips and stared at Whitney for the longest time, neither willing to break the silence. Eventually Jennifer had to.

“Whitney, looking so good as always (Whitney just nodded that she agreed with this unmeant compliment). I must say it has been a while since I have seen you down here and I had no idea you had recruited such impressive new talent (at this comment Jennifer ran her fingers gently through Beyonce’s beautiful long hair).”

“Hands off my property Jennifer. Don’t touch what you can’t afford”, the insult was delivered with a smile that infuriated La Lopez, especially as she just had to laugh it off, she had decided that she must have Beyonce, whatever it took.

“Ah well, no offence intended Whitney but I wondered, I’ve long wanted to get my hands on this little one and I thought, well I wondered, if, maybe I could borrow her for a day or so. You know Mistress to Mistress I’d really appreciate it.”

Really the cheek of her! thought Whitney. Her immediate reaction was to tell her to fuck off, but she kept her calm composure and fixed an icy stare at Jennifer and merely said she’d think about it. Really just thinking that she’d string her along for the night then tell her.

“Thanks, and please remember I’d gladly pay whatever price you want for this beauty” was Jennifer’s parting shot, hopeful she could reach an amicable agreement.

But as the night passed Whitney became more and more intrigued by the idea and various thoughts flew through her warped and twisted mind and when Jennifer was enjoying a cigarette and a drink later that night after flogging one of her young stars it was Whitney that stood before her, her four bitches keeping themselves entertained back at her throne.

“Jennifer, I’ve thought about what you said and I am willing to allow you one day with my slave Beyonce.”

“Excellent, thank you Whitney when can I….”

She stopped as Whitney held up a finger and continued.

“However, the only price I will accept for this is that beforehand you will agree to submit to me for one day. Total subservience to me, do that and Beyonce will be yours, so what do you say?”

Jennifer was astounded and unusually for her, lost for words. This was a ridiculous clause, she was a Domme herself, she didn’t submit to anyone, far less a fellow Mistress. No, it was too ridiculous, and yet why was she not saying no. her actions betrayed that she was really thinking it over and looking over Whitney’s shiny shoulder and seeing Beyonce on her knees and eagerly licking out Halle’s Berry’s pussy while Christina Milian lashed her with a strap was the straw that broke her.

“All right, but no one hears of it from here, no other mistress can know, it’s just between us, and only one day then I get Beyonce. Right” she spoke trying to convince herself of it’s merits.

“As you say. I’ll call you to arrange a suitable time, OK?” and Whitney Houston turned on her heel and walked away with the biggest smile across the width of her face.


One month later and on a dull, grey Saturday morning Jennifer Lopez drove up to Whitney’ country mansion in her sports car and slid on the gravel up to the main entrance. In a white business suit and with her hair pulled tightly back on her head, her heart was beating fast and she had the worst case of butterflies in her stomach that she could ever remember. Slamming the car door shut she ascended the stone steps and rang the doorbell.

She had the distinct feeling she was being observed as she stood there waiting and it seemed an eternity before the door opened, she swallowed and braced herself for the day to come. The door was opened by Mariah Carey, dressed in a tiny French Maids outfit that barely contained her mammoth breasts. She held out a silver platter to Jennifer and smiled knowingly as Jennifer picked up the note from the tray.

It read:

“Greeting slave, your day of service to me begins now. You will strip naked and give my ‘maid’ your clothes. Once you are naked you will fall to your knees and accept what happens. Do not step inside the house, you will do all this on the steps. Mistress Whitney”

Under Mariah’s openly mocking gaze Jennifer reluctantly did as the note said and got through it by thinking of what she would do with Beyonce when she had her. As she shed her black, lacy panties and finally stood stark naked on the chilly step and handed them to maid Mariah she sank to her knees before her., God how embarrassing, this dumb bimbo was just a submissive and she was kneeling before her and showing her her perfect body. And it was perfect, all that dancing had given her the perfect figure, a pert pair of tits, a slender, toned stomach and of course, her amazing booty.

“Here, the Mistress says you have to put this on” spoke Mariah, enjoying herself as she handed Jennifer an old, used, leather dog collar. Jennifer reconsidered for a moment. Was this worth it? She was being collared, this was so humiliating for her. But she still reached out, took the collar and hooked it around her own, tanned throat. It was a tight fit. Once on Mariah, produced a leash and attached it to the leash and spoke again.

“Now I have to walk you, like a dog, to the back, you must be on hands and knees all the way. Understand?”

Jennifer nodded, and to her amazement she found herself walked like this, stark naked around Whitney’s long mansion to the back, where Mariah led her to a wooden dog kennel.

“Back that ass into there” Jennifer did and Mariah tied the leash to a hook and proceeded to place small padlock on the collar and hook to mean there was no way for Jennifer to escape. She produced a rubber bone and pried it into Jennifer’s teeth and told her.

“You have to have that bone in tour mouth when the Mistress comes otherwise you’re gonna be in so much trouble” and with that Mariah left and Jennifer knelt inside the kennel alone, the bone held tightly between her teeth.

She was left alone for thirty minutes, during which the chill morning air gradually gave way to a slightly warmer draft but she still knelt there shivering and cursing pretty much everyone and everything in existence and wondering why the hell she was doing this. Her bone became more and more of an annoyance and hindrance and several times she considered dropping it but she never. Eventually she took the time to study the back of the mansion. It was a real old style house, three floors high, covered in climbing Ivy and seemed to stretch as far into the distance as Jennifer could see. Looking to her right she could see grass fields and trees off into the horizon and an old style stable block down a rutted track from the back of the mansion. In the distance a door slammed and she listened intently as footsteps came from the front of the mansion to the back and got louder and louder.

She jumped with surprise when seconds after the footsteps had disappeared the wooden roof of her kennel exploded in noise as something was banged off it repeatedly. What a fright she got! Then, peering round the edge of the kennel appeared Whitney smiling face. She was dressed in a very typical rural English lady outfit for riding horses, a tight tweed jacket and jodhpurs, with leather riding boots.

“Well, well look what we have in here. Are you my little submissive doggie today? Are you? Come on drop that bone and bark for me if you want to please me.”

Jennifer had hoped this would merely be a test of her mentally and that Whitney would be reasonable in her demands on her, after all she was a fellow Domme. But she was realising this would be extremely humiliating. Oh what she was going to do with Beyonce for all of this indignity! But even as she did this she was barking pathetically like a dog and somewhere was tingling at the abject humiliation of it.

Whitney’s smile became even larger and picking up the bone she threw it away. Then she unlocked the two locks on Jennifer’s leash.

“Go and fetch it bitch, on your hands and knees and bring it back to me in your mouth, now go!” finishing off by spanking J-Lo’s delectable ass with her hand.

What a sight as the world famous mega star bounded across the lawn after the bone and brought it back to her Mistresses feet.

Whitney dropped a large metal dog dish in front of Jennifer and filled it with water from a jug.

“Lap it up little doggie, you might not get a drink for a while.”

Jennifer extended her tongue and lapped from the bowl of water constantly reminding herself, this is just a one day role, I am not her inferior, I am not her little dog. But she sure was acting like it. Amused by this she may have been but Whitney had greater plans for her sub for the day. Picking up the leash she led the sexy Latino across the lawn and down the rutted path towards and into the stables. All the way Whitney admired the way that Jennifer’s firm body moved with each movement. She may have been a cocky bitch at the club but she sure was sexy as hell.

The stables were well maintained by a couple of eager stable hands (they had been given holidays for that day by Whitney). The two of them moved through the stables and Whitney seemed to find it funny how Jen wrinkled her nose up at the overpowering smell of horse in here, she obviously was a city girl rather than country.

“Come on keep up, I’ve had the place tidied up especially for you.”

As Jenny trotted along behind her Mistress for the day she took the chance to take in her surroundings, the stone floor was covered with scattered straw and hay and as they moved along the long building a series of horses in individual boxes came up and Jenny had an uneasy, sinking feeling about this. She really didn’t like animals and being this close to so many was a real blow to her defences she was mentally building up for this day. But the animals paid them no heed as they passed by their stalls, busying themselves with eating and resting. The walls were adorned with saddles and stirrups and all sorts of riding paraphernalia and the soon reached the far end of the stables where a space had very deliberately been cleared. Bales of straw were spread out, and anvil stood unused and the wooden rafters overhead were exposed.

“I want you to bend over that bale. That’s it stretch over it, there, perfect.”

As Jennifer curled her arms over the straw bale, Whitney attached cuffs to her outstretched wrists and linked hem to a chain which she ran under the bale and then wound around another chain which she slid around Lopez’s sexy abs. She then ran another chain from the one around her belly, under the bail and through the other side and linked it to the collar around her neck. In effect her million dollar body was tightly wrapped around the straw bale, her ass stuck up in the air and the straw itching and irritating her breasts. Whitney then took the leash, which was linked now right at the base of Jennifer’s neck to the collar and stretched it up and linked it into a hook that hung from the rafter, forcing Jennifer to keep her head upright. She was helpless and knew it but could help but admire the way Whitney had arranged this.

Whitney paraded around her bound charge, every inch the lady of the manor. As she went she slapped a riding crop onto her gloved hand.

“Well, well you must really want my pretty little slave Beyonce to allow me to do this with you. Eh? Bitch. Come on answer your Mistress!”

“Yes Mistress” the words sticking in Jennifer Lopez’s throat as she spoke them.


Whitney dragged a wooden stool over from a wall and placed it so that it’s edge was right at Jennifer’s proud chin. She then deliberately placed her riding boot on the top of the stool and at Jennifer’s mouth.

“Show me your obedience. Show me what you’re willing to do to get Beyonce. Lick them!”

Whitney Houston was an older, more experienced Dominatrix and had experienced all sorts of situations in her time and she was using all her smarts to grind Jennifer’s defences down and forget (for a while anyway) that she too was a dominant woman. And it was working, without thinking Jennifer extended her tongue from her mouth and licked the tip of Whitney’s boot. Due to the position of her neck Jennifer had little give so Whitney helped her by rotating her boot around so she could get it all and indeed Jen showed no hesitation when she lifted the boot to show her sub her boots sole.

Both boots took a while to do but by the end Jennifer had mentally accepted her role for the rest of the day. That done Whitney took down a specially designed bridal from the walls and placed it tightly around Jennifer’s head and slid a bit into Jennifer’s mouth.

“You see what I do with animals (and you are an animal – a little bitch) that seem to think they’re better than they really are is to dominate them, to show them how weak they are in comparison to me. And today, Jennifer, that is what you had consented to. I think this famous ass of yours should be first, don’t you?”

Off came Whitney’s gloves and there followed twenty sharp spanks to Jennifer’s amazing ass than reddened and warmed them perfectly. Whitney was such an expert that Jennifer even found herself enjoying the warm tingling on her ass. Thus warmed up, Whitney then used some other items, a leather paddle, a strap and finally the riding crop itself. By the end of this session Jennifer’s ass was bright pink as Jennifer squirmed with the intense sensations coursing through her body- it was loving this- god her subs were so fortunate!

As Whitney rested behind Jennifer, Mariah tottered into the stables with a large silver tray covered by a silver bowl. She bent and placed it below Jennifer’s head and with a quick slap to her ass from her Mistress Whitney, she exited. Whitney raised the salver to reveal two things. A glass of white wine, which Whitney raised to her lips and drank from and a rubber belt with a huge strap-on dildo attached. Jennifer could not take her eyes of the toy and thought about that thing inside her. It was quite the prospect.

Whitney began stripping off her restricting outfit and addressed her trussed up slut.

“I want you to know Jennifer that I knew from the first time I met you that you were not a true dominant. Not like me. A true dominant would never allow this to happen. Never. And you have. That makes you below me and you should always remember that. However, you’re young and have much to learn, you should recall this day, remember what I am, what I do to you and begin to understand what a true dominant woman should be. In attitude and in actions. I want you to know Beyonce does not know of our agreement and when you get your chance with her I will be anxious to know what you can do with her, what debauchery you can conjure with her. If you learn and apply you could yet reach your potential.”

With this said she was naked and stooped to meet Jennifer’s compliant eyes.

“Of course you’ll never be quite as good as me though”, and laughed as she spanked her ass one more time.

By this time Whitney had stripped herself stark naked and strutted around the stable like the most impressive specimen of older womanhood. She took up the strap on dildo and made sure she was in J-Lo’s eye line as she stepped into the brace/belt combo and slid it up her shapely, smooth legs until it jammed tightly into her crotch. She ran her hand over the long, veiny plastic mock cock that jutted out from her and licked her lips as she wobbled it playfully at her new slaves face.

“You want this slave?”

Her question was met by a resigned nod from Jennifer, she had wanted to withstand Whitney but failed and she wanted to be sexually satisfied more than ever before and she felt sure Mistress Whitney could provide that for her now.

Whitney used a clear lube to get the dildo nice and slimy and walked behind Jennifer and parted her legs as far as her bonds would allow. It was enough. Whitney then got to her knees and gently eased her plastic cock inside toe sopping wet pussy of Jennifer Lopez. Both women seemed to sigh sexually together at the act of penetration. From there Whitney set to fucking her slave as hard and as forcefully as she could take it. Jennifer’s body had little give due to the way she was tied up but even if she was free, right now she would be moving her hips back to increase the pace she was fucked at. Time stood still as their bodies joined like this and both women just concentrated on the hot sex that was happening here.

Finally, as Jennifer seemed on the very verge of orgasm after the hardest, most satisfying fuck of her life, Whitney pulled the phallus from Jennifer’s grasping pussy walls with an audible ‘pop’. This was excruciating for Jennifer, she had been on the verge of this amazing orgasm and the stimulus had been removed. Through the hard horse’s bit in her mouth she tried to plead with Whitney to finish it off, to bring her all the way off. This only brought a wicked cackle form Whitney.

“Oh you’re mine now baby. You want me to finish you off? Well I will. But I want you to learn from this. So if you want me to finish you off then you have to wear my mark.”

Whitney picked up a long, poker shaped pole that at the end had a W shape.

“It’s permanent ink and I am going to stamp your ass with it slave. But if you agree and beg me to stamp you with my mark then I will also finish you off with this big, hard cock.”

No hesitation as Jennifer nodded her head desperate to finish what had been started. Whitney pulled out the bit from Jen’s mouth and she let loose.

“Yes! Yes! Do it! Whatever you want just fuck me, fuck me please!”

And so Whitney stamped her Mistresses mark on Jennifer’s most famous of asses, loving the knowledge that that mark would be there for a long, long time to remind the younger woman of this day. True to her word she returned the dildo to Jennifer’s sweet pussy and fucked her as hard and as fast as before, bringing her to a screaming, yelling orgasm the likes of which she had not had before. From there Whitney wasted no time in presenting the fluid covered head of the dildo and Jennifer began licking and sucking it with gay abandon, as if addicted to the tastes on it.

Whitney allowed her slave to clean the dildo then took it off and slowly, teasingly untied Jennifer and had her kneel behind her and first kiss her smooth backside before ordering the Latino’s slave tongue to probe deeper and get to eating her ass. Jennifer needed no further instruction and as the day grew longer and colder the two naked superstars were joined at ass and mouth in an intimate tableau.

Finally, Whitney walked Jennifer back to her kennel and let her rest a while before sending her back to her sports car with nothing but her shoes, she would have to drive home stark naked. As Jennifer drove away stunned by what had happened that day and how she had reacted to it she didn’t see Whitney raise her mobile phone to her ear and call her favourite neighbourhood cops to give them a real thrill. As she walked back to the office she wondered what that fiery would-be Domme would do to her little Beyonce.

“Oh Bee, I think she’ll want to get her pound of flesh from you.”
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