Trial and Analysis - Vault 46


Disclaimer: I do not own Fallout nor do I profit from it. This is a parody, protected under Fair Use in Section 107 of US Copyright Law.

Trial and Analysis - Vault 46

Synopsis: An attractive housewife seeks shelter underground from nuclear war. Unfortunately the scientists there subject her to a gauntlet of pain, breeding, and degradation. A Fallout series parody.


"We're all set with Pod 11 sir, I'm reinitiating suspension."

Donny stepped back and radioed the Overseer, his glasses glinting under the bright lights. Cryo Pod 11 whirred back to life, freezing the unconscious redhead within, her head lolling stupidly to the right.

"Alright, moving to Pod 12."

Carrying a heavy bag slung over his white lab coat, he was one of the many researchers employed by Vault-Tec Corporation. The year was 2077. In a world where American culture had never progressed beyond the 50s, Vault-Tec, as a government contractor, had built a breathtaking number of underground nuclear shelter 'vaults' to house the public in the event of nuclear war.

That war had broken out yesterday. Those who had purchased a space flocked to the vaults, fleeing for their lives through the large, intimidating steel doors into what they perceived to be safety within.

Unfortunately, this was largely just a front. The vaults had a much more sinister purpose; they served as mass research facilities for human experimentation. What they specifically researched varied from vault to vault.

Donny reached up and punched a code into Pod 12's panel, and the device began to thaw it's occupant. He glanced at the nameplate: Diane Starling. The cryo pods were vertically positioned and slightly tilted backwards, their charges secured on their feet.

As the window cleared he made out a cute face, her eyes squeezed shut in discomfort, grimace frozen in place. Her face was gorgeous, she looked like the perfect 50s housewife with her gently curling shoulder length black hair, bright ruby red lipstick, and a small dark beauty mark on her cheek.

As she rapidly thawed, Donny punched in another code. The IV in her arm flushed with a powerful sedative, keeping her knocked out.

The air whooshed softly as the heavy metal door swung open, locking onto the side of the pod. Donny grinned, eyeing her shapely curves as he set the bag at his feet.

She wore a pretty emerald green dress with white polka dots. It was of a comfortable but still modestly attractive cut, hugging her generous chest intimately before flaring out into the skirts below. It had been a gift from her mother before she and her fiance had passed away in a car accident, and it matched the color of Diane's eyes. Below the dress she wore bright white sandals, with both her finger and toe nails polished red.

As pretty as her dress was it wasn't Vault-Tec required attire. They had been in a hurry to get everyone processed as quickly as possible yesterday and hadn't had time to change their clothes. Quickly isolating everyone as they entered the vault, they were each practically shoved into cryo, the professional staff assuring them it was for their safety and that they would be thawed as soon as the bombs stopped dropping. Diane only fleetingly saw one other woman being escorted away to another room; she never had the chance to notice all the vault dwellers were in fact women.

*Rip! Rip!

Foregoing using his provided scissors, Donny decided the best way to remove this classy lady's clothes was by force.

Shredding the front of her dress to tatters, he marveled at her exposed white bra, her deep cleavage on display for him. Not wanting to wait, he slowly drug the cups up. A plump pink nippled globe jiggled into place, first one, then the other. They were perfectly shaped, with the tips still hard from the cold. He squeezed her none-too-gently, pinched her nipples affectionately, then moved on.


With a yank he split her dress further and further down, finally cleaving it into two. Pulling the tattered rags from her body, he shoved the offending garment into his bag. Taking his scissors, he snipped her bra straps and threw it in with the dress.

Smiling, he grabbed the front of her white cotton panties and yanked them up roughly. He heard the woman's breath catch slightly as her underwear split her labia, and he idly bounced her twice, her heels leaving the floor. Two snips later her panties joined the rest of her clothes, along with her white sandals.

He stepped back and took in the view, admiring the swell of her hips, the gracefulness of her legs. He was pleased to note she was completely bare between her thighs. He raised one of her legs by the knee and rubbed her intimately, and wormed in a finger to explore her briefly; she was dry, but snug and tight.


He smacked her pouting labia and dropped her leg back down. She shifted uncomfortably and her eyelids fluttered. He probably shouldn't have cuntslapped her, he didn't want her waking up yet. As fine as she was, he had a lot of work to get done. Sighing, he pulled out her new uniform from the bag.

There was a pair of dainty looking black pumps, the heels 2.5 inches tall. A small number 46 was emblazoned in yellow on the sides. She belonged to Vault 46 now. Also in his hand was a single flimsy black garter and a black metallic collar. Both of these also had a fancy yellow 46 embellished on them.

And that was all of it. Her shoes, collar, and single garter were the entirety of her uniform. He slid the garter up her right leg until the sheer fabric tightly wrapped around her soft mid-thigh, and then stuffed her feet into the shoes. The collar tightly locked around her neck with a click. There was no discernible way to remove it.

More appropriately dressed, Donny punched in some codes, and her pod door closed. As it whirred back to life, cryogenically suspending her once again, he reached for his radio.

"Pod 12 has been processed. I'm moving to Pod 13."


Diane felt so achingly...wet.

Bright white light blinded her as she came to, her eyes adjusting as she grimaced. The IV in her arm was pumping her full of ridiculously strong aphrodisiac, enough to keep her unbearably horny all day. She had never felt so aroused in her life, and it was the first sensation she felt as she rejoined the land of the living. She also had a mild headache.

Confused, she blinked stupidly, her thighs rubbing together for a moment. She wanted to touch herself. Can't move. She was so cold. Where was she? Was she naked?!

Shock washed over her face, then indignant outrage. With her pod door wide open, she could see into the other cryo pods.

"W-what? What's going on?"
"What is happening!?"
"God! What are they doing to us?!"

The room was full of pods, each with a naked woman secured inside, arms and legs immobilized by metal bands. Unable to move their restrained limbs, but acutely aware of their nudity, they shrieked as they called out to each other in their panic.

It lasted but a moment. Suddenly Diane's pod practically dropped straight down through the floor, and she cried out in terror as she rushed through a completely dark passage. As she traveled, her manacled hands, near her waist, mechanically pulled together behind her back and clicked together.

Emerging from the tunnel, her pod detached her cuffs from itself and abruptly stopped. Diane unceremoniously launched through the air and fell straight down.

Into a large tank of ice water.

The breath whooshed from her lungs in large bubbles as the cold washed over her. The water was frigid, and a large amount of ice was floating at the surface. The tank was transparent, and you could see Diane struggling within, her form distorted by the frosty glass.

Since her cuffs had been joined together behind her back she couldn't swim properly. All she could do was kick. Instant panic hit her as she thrashed, her lungs already burning thanks to the air she expelled. It was so cold her brain felt numb. She struggled to the water's surface.

*Gasp! Her head emerged and she sucked in a much needed breath of air.

Two robotic arms suddenly plunged into the tank to grab her. One mechanical arm heartlessly gripped her long black hair, yanking her painfully by the scalp, the robotic fingers entwined in her tresses. It pushed her head just below the water's surface again.

The other arm was worse. Instead of a hand it was equipped with a hook-like L shaped protrusion, ending in a long tapered metal probe.

Coming up behind her and below her ass, Diane suddenly felt her cunt being impaled on the achingly wide device. She groaned and squealed bubbles underwater as her wet pink clenched around it. Despite her fear, she was so aroused from the aphrodisiac it actually felt kind of nice - until it kept jerking deeper and deeper. The base widened more and more stretching her until the tip painfully crashed against her cervix. Diane kicked and scissored her legs, the arm safely running up behind her ass and back away from her reach.

She flailed and and kicked there pitifully for a minute, her robotic assailant drowning her. She was so cold, if only she was closer to the glass her nipples could probably cut it.

Lungs burning, her eyes started to grow dull. Just when she was on the verge of inhaling a lungful of water she was yanked from the tank. With her weight painfully supported by both her scalp and the metal dildo in her pussy, she was hauled into the air up to the level of a metal catwalk, where three white-coated scientists stood. Two of them held long metal rods with pancake-sized circles on the ends. Diane's juices ran in little rivulets down her inner thighs, her breasts heaving as she gasped in air.

They smiled at her pleasantly. Diane's teeth chattered behind her blue-tinged lips as she spluttered. Despite the iron grip on her hair, she was able to slowly pry her head around enough to barely see over her shoulder. Eyes watering from the pain in her scalp, she made out a spherical floating three-armed robot. She had seen them advertised on TV. Where "Mister Handy" was supposed to be written in fancy cursive on its side, it instead was labeled "Caretaker."

She looked at the men in front of her, teeth still chattering.

"G-g-g-et t-this f-f-fucking-g thing off-"
"That's enough of that." The lead scientist stepped forwards and tried to jam a red ball gag into her mouth, Diane twisting her face trying to evade him. Not amused, he drove a fist into her soft lower stomach. It collided with the tip of the hard metal dildo within her.


Eyes wide, Diane's breath whooshed from her lungs and her mouth fell open. Promptly it was filled with hard, tightly buckled ball gag. Strangely, it had a large hole drilled through the middle of it all the way through. Even more disconcerting, a tight clip was snapped onto her nose, closing off her nostrils.

She breathed noisily through the hole in the gag, glaring at him. Why were they doing this to her!?

"MmhahaaaMMaaaa!!" she tried to yell at them but the gag kept her tongue virtually immobilized.

"Indeed. No doubt you are wondering how you've come to be in this predicament. I'm pleased to inform you - what was it -" he glanced at his clipboard. "Ah yes, Diane. I'm pleased to inform you Diane that you have the honor of being one of Vault-Tec Corporations test subjects. Dunk her please."

"MmhmhMaamm!!" *SPLASH

The robot plunged her back into her frigid tank, the shock of the cold washing over her again. Her mouth filled with water through the hole in her gag, and she kicked and flailed uselessly as before. They hauled her up after a minute.

Diane had to empty her mouth to breathe, and so she gulped down the water. She realized her mistake as she felt her shivers intensify, the cold water chilling her insides. Her wide eyes stared at her captors, baring her soul to them like a deer in headlights, her face flushed in humiliation.

"I am Dr. Jacobson, the Overseer of this vault. Vault-Tec takes pride in the diversity of its research programs, but here we specialize in women. Specifically testing the limits of women. Physical limits, mental limits, sexual limits, limits of pain. We test it all."

"We're going to have fun stretching your holes bitch." said one of his assistants, shutting up when Dr. Jacobson glanced at him in annoyance. She winced at their words, and her eyes started to moisten.

"Warm her up please." Two large vents extended from the walls behind them and aimed directly at Diane. Hot, very hot, air washed over her. For a split second it felt nice to her freezing flesh, then 5 seconds in she started sweating. 20 seconds in she thought she was being cooked alive.

"Of all our test subjects, I think I'm going to have the most fun with you, Diane." Dr. Jacobson's eyes glinted maliciously as he yelled over the roar of the vents. "It's those wondrous tits of yours. Dunk her."

As she plummeted to the tank, the Overseer nodded to his two assistants. They both flipped a switch on the handles of their long staff-like rods.


She crashed into the icy depths again, the shock of the extreme temperature change making her quake. She felt like her heart was going to stop. Her nipples instantly hardened again like little bullets, her mouth filling with water. She desperately tried to signal she needed air. They ignored her.

When her struggles grew weaker she was hauled up again. Not wanting to swallow the ice cold water this time, she had to cruelly blow the liquid out of her mouth with her burning lungs. The water shot forward out of the hole in her gag in a little stream, almost like some sort of imitation of a fountain. They chuckled and turned on the heat vents.

Again her breasts heaved as she sucked in boiling hot air. She gasped as best she could through her gag, desperately trying to catch her breath before they dunked her again.

"You're not taking in enough air. Deeper breaths. Help her gentlemen."

Distressed and slowly roasting, she hardly noticed that the two assistants to the Overseer had ominously raised the rods in their hands. Holding them by the rubber grips, both simultaneously jabbed the flat circles on the ends into the heaving swells of her breasts.

"MMMGMMAA!!!" she shrieked through her gag. The rods were equipped with electric hot plates on the ends, which were set to a sizzling, though not quite burning, temperature. It was slightly hotter than a car hood left in the desert sun. If they held them to her skin for 40-45 seconds she would suffer minor burns. They would hold her for 35. On Diane's freezing skin it felt like lava.

Diane quaked and moaned, sweat beading on her brow as her well-breasted chest heated up. They were not gentle, crushing her sensitive peaks back against her chest wall, their eyes soaking in the sight of her breastflesh seemingly trying to swallow the plates. The burning pain was making her hyperventilate even faster while her face grew pale from the shock of such extreme temperature changes.

"Better, much better." Jacobson bemusedly watched her struggled, panicked breaths and smiled to himself.

"This is of course a test too, my dear. We need to evaluate your constitution, to see if you can handle these abrupt changes of environment." Diane writhed and arched her chest, trying to get away from the cursed plates, her nipples feeling like hot coals. Her hair blew backwards behind her in the stiflingly hot wind. "If your body is feeble and can't survive this, then we really won't have much use for you."

"Dunk her."


Mind blanked by the paralyzing cold, Diane blinked underwater and shivered uncontrollably. Slowly her thoughts returned to her. Her mind raced, what other kinds of tests were they going to do to her? Suddenly the dildo in her cunt began to vibrate, and she clenched around it tightly. It wouldn't take much to make her cum, the aphrodisiac in her system was strong.

They held her under even longer this time, and Diane's eyes began to roll back in her head. Her thighs closed and rubbed together as she came on the relentlessly vibrating dildo, as her oxygen starved brain tried to wrap her legs around the lover that wasn't there. Abruptly yanked from the water, scalp burning and stuffed pussy throbbing, she was brought back from the brink of passing out when the hot plates slammed back into her already brightly pinkened funbags. Crying out, she involuntarily choked down the water, and the heat vents blasted her anew.

She quaked and shook, skin a deathly pale, her heart beating out of her chest. She was having trouble focusing her eyes, and as a heat wave washed over her she felt like vomiting. Despite this, the twinges of pleasure were building again in her overstimulated pussy. Her nipples were screaming at her, informing her that apparently they were being burnt off, and she could only watch as one of the aides started twisting the rod the plate was mounted on. Catching on, the other aide copied him, the two punishing her fiery tenderized breasts. They felt like bags of jiggling molten heat. A tear quickly ran from the corner of her eye to her chin.




After pulling off her nose clip, the Overseer popped the ball gag from Diane's aching mouth. She was like a ragdoll, limply cunt-mounted to the floating Mister Handy behind her, her head jerked back by the hair, wrists cuffed together behind her back. She was glad the ball gag was taken out, but felt too weak to talk.

She had been getting 'evaluated' for an hour.

Suddenly the robotic hand in her hair released her, and after a split second of precariously balancing on the dildo in her pussy, she came crashing to the floor. The horrid vibrating cock, now on its strongest pulsating setting, wetly slipped from her tight folds, unable to wring the last of two dozen painful cums out of her. She landed with a crash onto the metal catwalk, her hands still cuffed behind her.

"Congratulations. Your constitution is adequate for you to continue on as a test subject." Dr. Jacobson said gleefully, making notes on his clipboard.

Diane had sat up from the floor, looking up at him hatefully. Her hair was disheveled, and she appeared exhausted, miserable. "You're monsters..." she said, the weakness of her voice diluting its venom.

"This is sufficient. You can rest and recover the remainder of the day. Take her to storage, if you please."

The Mister Handy, or "Caretaker" as it was labeled, grabbed her upper arms and hauled her to her feet, her legs shaky. Apparently only the robot, one of many, would be her escort; the Overseer and his aides had more test subjects to evaluate.

Her beautiful, flushed face glared at them as she was taken away.

"I'll get away from here you bastards!" Her voice faded away as she was marched around the corner into a hallway.

The hall was non-descript, plain, with steel walls and bright white sterile lighting. She shuffled along awkwardly, her legs still weak, and sniffled. She looked over her shoulder at the robot.

"Do you talk?"
The robot ignored her. The model was very well spoken, actually, but they had been programmed not to communicate with test subjects unless giving instructions.

"Let me go. I'm commanding you to let me go!" She tried to wiggle her arms out of his grasp.
Again, no response. When she stopped walking, it simply drug her along.

Finally they arrived at 'storage.'

It was a substantially sized storage bay, with dozens of cells laid out in a grid. Around half were currently occupied, containing a single woman. Each was wearing only a collar, black shoes, and a garter, all emblazoned with the number 46. These were all test subjects.

Each cell was made of completely clear soundproof glass, even the doors. The glass was bulletproof strength and could not be broken. Within each small square space was a long mat, which also functioned as a wireless charger for their shock collars. A small 6 inch by 6 inch square opening near the corner on the floor had a hatched door, which was closed and controlled by mechanical operation.

Additionally, a single small display screen hung from a pole extending from the concrete ceiling, tilted downward for viewing. It was high up and out of reach of the occupant, as was the small camera in the corner.

The hallway she and her escort had exited was one of many that connected here. Researchers and robots meandered amongst the grid of cells, pulling out test subjects or critically watching them through the glass. She could hear a few women, either being taken to or from their cells, shrieking and screaming obscenities at them.

As Diane was marched along she looked inside them with mounting dismay. A few of the captives simply sat quietly, not bothering to look up at her as she passed. Most looked as horrified as she was. Some were crying, some soundlessly banging on the glass, some curled in the fetal position on the floor. All were fairly attractive and selected for their good genes, and each was at least a B-cup.

They arrived at an empty cell and the door slid open automatically. Diane heard her wrist shackles click and drop and she was shoved inside, the door instantly slamming shut behind her. The robot retrieved her shackles from the floor and floated away, leaving her.

It was dead quiet inside. Seeing the buzz of activity around her through the glass, it was almost surreal. Diane sat down and covered her newly freed hands over her breasts. God they hurt so much, who the fuck does that to a woman? She gingerly sat on her mat in the corner. She supposed this was to be her bed?

She hated that she had no privacy. She could feel the curious looks of the women around her. The brunette in the cell next to her ignored her, her face clutched in her hands while she cried. To her right, a pretty blonde smiled at her weakly, her eyes red as well.

Across from her various women motioned at her, but Diane didn't see the point. They couldn't communicate. She just shrugged at them and sat and watched them silently, her small hands modestly covering her nipples. They finally gave up on her.

She had a moment to think for the first time since waking up. How did all this happen? Vault-Tec seemed like such a sensible company, everyone was talking about them. Everyone knew nuclear war was likely, so it seemed like a good precaution to reserve a space in one of their bunker-like vaults. She had applied years ago for a space. When she was accepted she happily paid the hefty fee. What was money compared to her life, after all?

She remembered they had interviewed her...asked her general health questions and given her a completely normal physical, to see if she could be cryogenically frozen in the event of nuclear fallout. She remembered the doctor's eyes raking over her for a moment, but she tended to have that effect on men and thought nothing of it.

She wondered where her brother and father were. They were the only family she had left. She had tried to be assigned the same Vault as them, but was told there were more applicants than available spaces. Facilities were limited and there was a long waiting list. If she insisted, they could put her on the end of the other vault's waiting list but the odds of her being accepted were astronomically low.

Now she wondered if she'd ever see them again. When the bombs started dropping, she had a brief tearful farewell on the phone with her dad before rushing to her vault. Were they even alive still? And if so, who knew how long Vault-Tec would keep them frozen, or what experiments they had in mind for them. From what she'd seen, it would probably be better for them if they remained in cryo.

"Those bastards" she said quietly to herself, sniffling. She was worried, but also had her own predicament to deal with. Her scorched nipples were still achingly hard, insistently poking into the palms of her hands. Despite being made to cum so many times she was still unbearably aroused. She wanted so badly to touch herself, but was too embarrassed with all the other women around her. Obviously they had given her something. But why did they pump so much aphrodisiac in her if she was to spend the rest of the day here?

She hated them. She shifted uncomfortably in her sexual frustration, stressed out and tired. All she could do now was sit and worry. She hoped somebody came soon to let her go pee. She fiddled with the black metallic collar around her neck, but it wouldn't come free. She couldn't even feel a seam on it, she had no idea how she'd get it off.

At least she could take off these heels and this stupid garter. She didn't relish the idea of being even more nude but she'd be damned if she'd play along with their little sexy dress up game.

She had just got her shoes off and was reaching for the garter around her thigh when her collar suddenly blasted her with electricity.

"AAHHhhha Oh my gaaaaaawdd aaAAH"


A loud mechanical voice boomed through the speakers of her red-flashing display screen, while Diane writhed on the floor, clutching at her neck. The other women watched her in fear, most already familiar with what was happening to her.

The shock stopped and Diane lay gasping. She instantly had a splitting headache, the pain had been paralyzing.

Diane scrambled to her shoes and hastily stuffed her feet back into them. The countdown stopped.

Terrified, she hugged her knees and started crying, her rock hard nipples brushing against her thighs.

A few hours later all the lights suddenly cut, submerging them all in pitch black darkness. It was time to sleep.


The bright lights suddenly blared back to life, rousing Diane from her fitful sleep. She had only gotten a few hours at best, and she had dreamt nightmares all night. She had kept waking up periodically, cold and wishing for a blanket, the need for the toilet almost unbearable.

Sitting up she rubbed her eyes and looked around at all the women in 'storage.' All looked haggard, tired, and upset. She supposed she wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep. Diane rolled her neck, trying to work out the kinks. A pillow would be nice.

A few minutes ticked by and her glass door suddenly slid open. In strode a middle-aged man in a lab coat, clearly another of the researchers. Behind him floated another robot. She watched them warily and said nothing. She could see many other researchers and robots entering other cells of the storage room.

"I'm here to see that you tend to your hygiene. Open the hatch." he instructed the robot.

Near the corner of the cell, the small 6 inch square door on the floor suddenly slid open, revealing a drain pipe.

"Each morning one of our Caretaker models will come to grant you toilet access. You may now urinate."

"Excuse me? I'll do no such thing, you've got to be kidding me." The scientist raised an eyebrow and took a remote out of his pocket.

"Please, can you take me to a bathro-aahhH!!!"

Pointing the remote at her and pressing a button, her collar lit up in electrical fury again. Diane instantly collapsed to her knees, her manicured nails clutching at the collar, her face scrunched in agony. If he kept this up a few more seconds, she was sure she'd piss herself.

Suddenly the voltage stopped, and she sagged a little.

"P-please! Don't hurt me!"
"I suggest you straddle that waste drain immediately whore" he said coldly, raising the remote to point it at her again.

"Wait! Wait, I'll go, please!" she shuffled over to the drain and squatted over it, facing away from him.

"No. Stop. Turn and face me." Embarrassed, she rotated to face him. She wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Spread your legs. More. Now reach down and pull your lips open."
He hit the button, lighting up her collar. She fell backwards onto her ass.

"Aahhh please I will, I will!!!!" The shocks stop, and Diane unsteadily squats and spreads her legs again. She lowers her shaking hands to her vulva. Gently spreading herself, she can feel the cold air of the room entering her most intimate of places. She didn't need to pull open her labia to pee...he must be doing this purely to embarrass her. It worked.

"Every morning when one of our robotic assistants enters, you will assume this position and relieve yourself over the waste drain. If you disobey, the robot will activate your collar. Urinate now."

Humiliated beyond belief, scared of further pain, she started to tinkle. Her face reddened and her eyes moistened. As she peed, the man kept talking.

"You will no longer have the need to defecate, as twice per day you will be administered a thorough enema. Once in the morning immediately after urination, the other before dinner."

Aghast at his words, her little stream halted for a second, then resumed. Finishing up, continuing to hold herself open, she looked at him.

"I need something to wipe." She dreaded his words before he spoke them.
"Use your hand, then lick it off."

Shaking with anger, she quickly released her labia and ran a finger through her slit over her little peehole. She brought it up to her face and stared at it, then at him. Could she overpower him? Maybe she should rush him. While she weighed her options, he pointed the remote at her.

Alarmed, her tongue darted out and licked her finger clean. She tried to ignore the bitter taste. There was no way she could escape, he would simply shock her again. It was too debilitating, and he had said the robot could activate her collar as well. She felt defeated.

"Stand up."
Grateful to leave her embarrassing position, she rose up. Suddenly the man had her hair in a tight grip, and was kissing her on the lips. Revulsion swept over her, and she pushed away at his chest. He held her tight.

He stopped kissing her and looked in her face. "Before we get to your enema I think I'd like to sample your...assets. Remember, if you fight me our robot friend here will light you up."

"Stop, please just, leave me alone! I don't want any of this!"

He pushed her to her mat on the floor, gently at first then more forcefully when she refused to move. Shoving her down, he forced her onto her back, the terrified woman scared to fight him as he climbed on top of her. The Caretaker remained hovering nearby, the silent observer.

She looked hot in her test subject attire, he had to admit. The collar, the garter, the heels... He brushed her raven locks from her face, looked at the little beauty mark on her cheek. Simply ravishing.

He started to fondle her tits with one hand, smiling as she looked away from him. She was mortified, acutely aware the other women could see her. Her hand grasped his wrist and half-heartedly tried to push him away, but he persisted. He started to roughly shake the buxom bust, one heavy globe at a time. He loved how they jiggled and bobbed, the rosy tips begging to be pinched. His cock was hardening at the sight. Since she was on her back, they sagged slightly to the sides when he wasn't playing with them.

Sucking a nipple into his mouth, he nursed from her like a breastfeeding baby. Not satisfied, he started to lightly bite her, then progressively began to chew harder and harder.

"Ow, oww! Stop!"
Flustered and annoyed she pushed at his head, so he released that nipple and moved to the next. She made such sweet little noises as he ground the rubbery tips with his teeth, switching from one to the other.

"Ouch! God, please, stop biting me! Ohhhh." Her words only spurred him on, and after popping off to lick her blushing teat he maneuvered the hard nipple to between his canines, sinking the little pointed edges in deeply. Diane exhaled sharply and squirmed, looking fearfully at the floating Caretaker. Don't fight him. Don't fight him...

He took both hands and grasped a titty at the base. Squeezing powerfully, he again bit the sensitive peak and pulled his head back, stretching the compressed globe into a pointed cone. Yanking with his teeth viciously like a dog tearing into meat, the tortured nipple slid millimeter by millimeter as the hefty breastmeat jiggled. Finally it popped free, the abused mammary wobbling back into a semi-correct shape, his fingers still mercilessly sunk into the flesh at the base.

"Unnnngghh.....w-why? Owww!" *crying
He again bit the same nipple, to repeat the process in case she wasn't paying attention last time. She must have been a little more sensitive because her toes curled inside her shoes. He would of course lavish his attention on the whore's other titbag in a moment, he was in no hurry. As he tugged the nipple straight up, the taut boob straining, he repositioned his grip from the base to the more substantial middle swell. Nearly her entire breast was now in his overlapped hands. Sadistically, he sank his fingers in as bruisingly hard as possible, making the notes of her whimpers hit new highs. Again he yanked and yanked with his teeth, Diane's hands clawing desperately at the mat underneath her while she squealed. Slowly, so slowly, the nipple began to slide...

By the time he'd had his fill of her boobs the wet little nubbins were a dark red and looked raw, with little crimson flecks dotting their surface. He gave her manhandled titties each three heavy full-palmed smacks, then started kissing his way down her stomach as she shuddered and cried. Her trembling hands softly cradled her throbbing chest.

He worked his way down her body until his face was buried in the apex between her thighs, deeply inhaling her scent. He licked up and down the entire length of her pussy, and she shifted her hips uncomfortably as he pried her lips apart with his fingers, still licking her. As he tongued her clit, she felt herself start to moisten, feeling betrayed by her own body.

"Unh! Unnnh!"
He rapidly flicked his tongue across the sensitive little bundle of nerves, and her hips bucked. She couldn't help but drive her cunt up into his face. Why did he want to hurt her breasts so much but make her pussy feel so good? His tongue pushed into her depths, sampling, tasting her. She was divine.

Her juices running down his chin, he sat back and freed his cock from his pants. He rubbed the tip up and down the damp groove of her sexlips before barely inserting himself. She sobbed quietly, even though they had vibrated and abused her yesterday being penetrated by a man felt worse somehow. He grabbed her ankles and pushed them up and back, his body weight forcing her feet nearly to her head. She groaned at the intense stretch in her legs and hips, her hands pushing at his chest.

"Yes yes, here it comes bitch. What you've been craving."
Her breath hitched as he suddenly bucked his hips. Spearing into her far too quickly, he reveled in the tight wet heat encompassing him. He held perfectly still, savoring the moment.

"Ohhh yes..."

Wasting little time, he suddenly started a brisk rhythm, rutting into her like she was just some sexdoll. He was mesmerized by her dancing boobs as he plowed into her. Her cunt wrapped around him in a tight embrace, seemingly begging for his cum. He fucked her faster.

"Oh! Ohh! God, don't! Don't cum inside! Ohh!"

He couldn't care less what she wanted. He plowed into her with a vengeance. He had a serious case of blue balls after helping to 'process' all their new test subjects yesterday, and he really needed this relief. He pistoned in and out of her roughly, her squelching sex lewdly filling the cell with her scent.

Roaring, he slowed down to pound straight into her quivering depths with leisurely powerful strokes.


The sound of their coupling flesh competed with her moans as he spurt with each final, strong thrust. Diane was running her fingers through her hair, looking sideways away from him, totally distraught. She could feel his cum inside her, pooling in the little indented hole of her cervix. Hot tears ran freely down into her hair.

With her insides thoroughly white-washed, the scientist climbed off of her, sweat dripping from his face. As her ankles snapped back down from her head a small trickle of white ran out of her to drip onto her sleeping mat below.

"Not bad, but we'll have to teach you to fuck back better. We don't allow pillow princesses here."

"...f-fuck you."

"You already have. Get up, I'll show you the rest of your morning routine." He activated her shock collar, ignoring her shrieks.


"They're ridiculously distracting."
The scientist looked at Diane's full breasts coldly, the humiliated woman shifting uncomfortably while she covered her chest with her hands. Carrying a small case, Dr. Allard and a Caretaker had come to retrieve her for testing. Her first time of many.

"I don't want those fat udders flopping around during the test, whore. We need to concentrate while we're working."

"I'm not doing any tests!" she yelled defiantly, blushing. Her breasts weren't obscenely large anyway, she was just well-endowed. "And you could you know just give me some clothes!"

She heard a high-pitched whine then fell to the floor as her shock collar activated. 'Pathetic,' thought Dr. Allard, his remote pointed at her. She will learn to control her outbursts. The shocking stopped along with her screams.

"Get up" he said angrily, grabbing her by the hair and hauling her to her feet. She twisted but failed to escape his grip, looking at him with wide eyes. He stuck his face inches from hers.

"I want you to ask me nicely. Say 'Please Doctor, will you strap down my fat fuckbags?'"

She hesitated, and he tightened his grip on her hair, making her eyes water.
"...Please Doctor. Will you s-strap down my...fat f-fuckbags?"

"And why do you want me to do that?"

"Because they're ridiculous...a-and d-distracting." Her voice was tremulous, she was going to cry.

Roughly pushing her away, he opened the case he had brought. What he then pulled out made her face blanch white.


"Yes. Yes Sir, the project could begin within 3 weeks. Minimal risk Sir." Dr. Allard was speaking on the interdepartmental phone with the Overseer, discussing an upcoming research project. He was standing in the observational side of what resembled an operating theater, near a large one-way viewing window. Four of his fellow scientists peered intently through the window, making notes, gathering data, and looking highly amused.

Within the spacious room on the other side Diane was staring with terrified wide eyes into the face of a massive, green-skinned monster. It appeared to be a man, or man-like was around nine feet tall, insanely muscular, its veins and bulging muscles hideous and disproportionate. A super mutant. It was currently worming its fat tongue into her mouth, the massive hand, almost as large as her face, turning her head up while it hunched down to her level. She squirmed and beat her fists uselessly on its solid body, the disgusting tongue lapping playfully at the uvula hanging down near her throat.

Diane hadn't been told, but she had actually been in cryo for a very long time. It was over 150 years since she had fled the bombs; she along with a number of other women had been released as fresh test subjects after using up the previous batch. The original researchers weren't even around anymore; 'Doctor' Jacobson, Overseer of the vault, was himself the grandchild of two of the pioneering scientists.

In those long decades that she had been frozen, the unrecognizable post-nuclear world above had caused a lot of mutations. Animals and the surviving bands of people had all reacted in various and terrifying ways to the ungodly amount of radiation in the chaotic, ungoverned wasteland. This had opened up new and exciting parameters for testing. The Vault didn't really care about the state of the world.

Diane, along with many other women in the facility, was being used to evaluate the fertility of these mutated men. Could they still breed with regular humans, or had their genes drifted away too far? How did they treat their mates, were they violent? How would a theoretical pregnancy progress, could the women naturally give birth and survive? They were a complete unknown to the science team. A few had been captured and fitted with modified high-voltage shock collars; slaves to the remnant of true humanity.

"The frogs proved remarkably susceptible to gene splicing. Yes. Just a moment Sir-" Dr. Allard covered the mouthpiece of the phone and punched a button on the control panel. He shouted into the microphone, his voice booming within the room.

"I want that tongue in her throat you big oaf. Deeper damn it!"

Diane's eyes shot towards the black glass window, but couldn't make anything out through the one-way filter. Grunting, the super mutant pushed his slimy dark purple tongue farther past his yellowed teeth, the long fat appendage worming its way all the way through her mouth. He forced the tip into the constricting entrance of her throat. She retched and gagged, trying to bite down on his tongue but finding it as thick as leather. The mutant barely felt it, and simply wormed his way in even deeper.

Her eyes watered heavily as he 'kissed' her. His saliva was thick and viscous, somewhere between mucus and spit. It ran in clear streams down from her mouth over her chin, dangling down and dripping thickly onto the tops of her breasts, running between her cleavage.

And what a state her cleavage was in. A long run of thin white cord had been individually wrapped excruciatingly tight around the base of each of her globes. First it was wrapped around one breast and only tied off once the nipple was rock hard from the pressure. Taking the rest of the remaining length, it was run below her armpits around her back, towards the other breast. This breast was then pulled sideways and tied at the base like the other, the bloated nipple swelling above. There was no slack, so her mushroomed tits were tautly pulled sideways towards her armpits when they finished.

Taking a second length of cord and positioning it just behind the coils of the first, her boobs had then been wrapped together, slowly pulling the strangled bases towards each other and further pressurizing the distended tips. It had taken a lot of forceful tugs, but finally the whimpering bitch's dark milkbags were crushed together, the pulsing sensitive peaks ready to pop. Only then was she ready to be 'strapped down'.

Sadistically, an ultra-tight black elastic strap, made of some durable synthetic material, had been run around her torso. It was less than a half centimeter in width and under tremendous tension. It crossed her full bust across the achingly hardened nipples, the top and bottom of her areolas still barely visible, and fastened behind her back. A tensioning tool was used to tighten it appropriately. The thin strap bit deeply into her, nearly disappearing from sight into the swollen bisected titbags. It's tourniquet-level constriction inhibited her diaphragm, making it hard to breathe, and it felt like her chest was being sawed in half.

Dr. Allard had fitted her with it, to prevent her jiggling from distracting the other researchers. It was hands down the worst solution for a bra she had ever encountered. Her womanly flesh bulged obscenely above and below the strap, but was admittedly stabilized.

Above her throbbing cinched mammaries, her expanded throat visibly moved on her collared neck, the mutant's tongue powerfully flexing left and right in her hurting gullet. She clawed at the brute and gurgled miserably, unable to breathe.

She felt something massive smacking into her thigh. Fear dropped like a pit in her stomach. The mutant kept stretching her throat with his tongue, but got tired of hunching over. Grasping the back of her head and back, hugging her, he straightened up and lifted her from the floor, pulling her closer into him. Diane was about to pass out.

Suddenly he pulled his mouth away from hers.

Her wet restrained breasts rose and fell slightly as she rapidly tried to gasp in air, unable to take more than a half breath at a time. She started coughing as she sucked back some of the thick spittle.

"L-Let me *cough go! What are you!?"

" more wait. Now." the mutant's gruff voice was gravelly, his sentences simple. He wasn't the brightest lightbulb, even among the mutants.

A massive table had been placed along the wall, and he practically threw Diane on top of it. Landing face down, she cried out as she crashed onto the hard wood, the mutant's huge hand pressed into her back, pinning her as she struggled.

She looked back fearfully. A massive green cock, as big as a normal man's forearm, bobbed ominously. The little slit on the tip had a gleaming pearl of precum on it.

"No, you can't! I'll die! No! Help! Help me!"

"Now" he said again. He grasped his shaft with his free hand and squeezed it. "No Die." Pushing forward, he lined up his cock.

That is to say, he lined it up between her cheeks.

"Noo!! Godddddd!! NNgggHH!!"

Slowly, his massive tool started its inexorable slide up her too-small ass. She tried to wiggle away, but with him pinning her she had nowhere to go. Her tight ring fought him the whole way, stretching thinly while she grunted and clenched as hard as she could. The valiant effort ultimately only caused her more pain. Opening up wider and wider, the bulging cockhead finally slipped inside.

"Unngh!!! T-take it-unngh!!-out!" it felt like her ass had been split in two, which was pretty much true. It burned from the friction as he pushed farther in.

"What's that idiot doing?" Dr. Allard was furious, he was supposed to be breeding the bitch not sodomizing her. He reached for the intercom button.

"Wait Dr. Allard!" one of the other scientists stopped him. "If their subspecies prefers to mate anally that should be documented as well. This is an observational study after all...I suggest we observe."

Diane gasped and clutched at her face, tears leaking from her eyes. Her ass was on fire, amazingly she hadn't ripped but it felt like it to her. And it was still only halfway in and was sinking in deeper!

"Ungh! No more, please! It's ripping me apar- ngh!"
He slid the hand on the struggling woman's back to her head, smashing her cheek to the table below. Aroused by her well-shaped cheeks and the tightness of her, the super mutant suddenly bucked his hips, driving the last of himself into her. She wheezed as the thick cockmeat fully seated in her stuffed butt. The first bend of her asstube, deep inside her, forcibly straightened a few inches.

It was the first impalement of many. More aggressively he pulled his hips back, her abused hole dragging outwards from the dry friction, until the ridiculous length emerged from her back passage. She squealed when he roughly shoved it back inside, fully embedding himself and beginning to piston in and out of her. She just lay there and shook.

Her collar suddenly blasted her with voltage and she screamed, eyes rolling up in her head. The intercom crackled to life "Fuck him back you dumb slut! Put some effort into it or I swear to God we're gonna fry your brains!"

Crying, hating all of them, she shakily pushed herself up onto her knees, face still pinned to the table. Ass raised, the massive cock still slowly fucking her, she spread her legs slightly and threw her ass back onto the thrusting cock. She almost passed out at the ripping pain.

Thwump! Thwump! Thwump!

Her cheeks audibly smacked themselves into the mutant's hips as she helped to shatter her own butt. Feeling more invigorated, the brutish monster sped up faster and faster.

Thwump! "Ungh!" Thwump! "ngh!" Thwump! "Gawwd!" Thwump! Thwump! Thwump!

Enjoying the sensation of thoroughly reaming this small woman out, his cock started to spurt thick ropes of precum. It was a blessing for Diane, it helped to lube up her overstuffed butt and she felt the burning lessen slightly.

Thwump! Thwump! Thwump! "Nggh!" her hips bounced and bucked as she continued to throw her ass back at him. She had never even had anal sex before, now she was being forced into a brutal buttfuck that would make even the most oversexed whores weep in despair.

Releasing her head, he brought his massive hands to her hips and started slamming her back onto himself. Rising onto her elbows, she rested her forehead on her crossed arms, her eyes tightly closed. Even though her tits were savagely strapped down and unable to hang freely, they still managed to wobble slightly under the intense force of the pounding she was receiving.

Breathing heavily, the super mutant started cumming. Thwump! Punishing her with his cock, he slammed into her and held her hips still. She could feel a heavy splash of scalding hot semen, felt it running down deeper into her depths within. He could cum a ridiculous amount, it felt like a hose was going off inside of her.

Thwump! He bucked into her again, still spurting.
Thwump! Again.

His white seed started to leak out of her ass around his cock, still painfully hard up her backside. It dripped to the table below, between her spread legs. Satisfied, the mutant started rolling his hips, his still hard cock flexing inside her. Diane squeaked.

She was nearly incoherent at this point, simply crying her eyes out. He had was over, it was over. She could finally get away from this freak. Her breath hitched as he kept rolling his hips, she remained fully impaled.

Why was he still hard?

At last she felt him pull his cock back out....then slam it back home again!
"Nggh! N-no!! UNGH!" Again the massive, unforgiving girth was straightening out her insides.

Thwump! Thwump! THWUMP! THWUMP!!! *sob

He quickly got back into his old rhythm, the suffering woman squealing beneath him. Super mutants had amazing stamina, he wasn't even close to done with her. Cum ran from between her jiggling asscheeks over her labia and down her thighs. Seeing this, Dr. Allard saw an opportunity to salvage the test.

Her shock collar lit up again, refocusing her attention. The PA crackled to life as she writhed, clutching at her neck.
"I want you to pack all that cum into your pussy, whore! Do you hear me? Every fucking drop! Fingers in your cunt, now!!"

Thwump! Thwump! Thwump! Thwump!
Diane gasped raspingly under the barbaric assault between her raised cheeks. The enormous cock hurt so fucking much, she couldn't take the shock collar on top of it. Her mind felt like it was about to shatter. She buried her wincing face into the crook of her right elbow while she slid her left hand back between her legs.

The beast's hot cum gushed from her drowning, tortured butt, drenching her vulva and thighs before dripping onto the table. She tentatively dipped her fingers into the puddle, coating her still red-polished nails with a thick white glaze.


Sobbing into her arm, Diane brings her trembling hand up to her sex. She accidentally brushes against the mutant's huge swinging balls, which twitch as they pump her ass with more baby batter. Sliding her middle and ring fingers past the soft cum-splattered lips, she pushes them in up to the knuckle. Sliding back out again her fingers have a glossy but clean sheen, the thick white cum swallowed up by her whorish cunt.

Not bothering to reach back down to the puddle on the table, she runs her fingers through the cum running down her left inner thigh, scooping up another deposit. She stuffs it deeply into her pussy, her labia already glistening from the runoff above.

Groaning in time with her reaming, she works slowly but methodically, deftly wiping up the cum running down her legs first before trying to tackle the puddle. She's not nearly fast enough, and she only gets two fingerfuls of cum out of the puddle before her thighs are drenched again.

Eventually, after her ass had been flooded another three times, her pussy itself gets so oversaturated that it too began to drip onto the table. Her hand dips into the puddle and stops for a moment; the stressed tearful woman doesn't know what to do. She hears the high pitched whine of her collar charging.

Once again, stretched ass burning and strapped tits throbbing, her fingers were deeply buried in her sopping snatch.


Dr. Allard evaluated the final report. It had taken 3 hours for the super mutant to be satisfied with Diane, slightly less than average when he considered the other women being tested that day. Of the 30 females used, only 4 had been taken vaginally. It appeared the super mutants preferred a woman's ass to her pussy. Interesting.

It was too early to say if any pregnancies took. Dr. Allard doubted they would, the two species had just diverged too much. Still, he should probably schedule more testing to get a greater sampling group.

He glanced under his desk. Diane was on her knees gently suckling on his rock hard cock while he worked, and her exhausted eyes raised to look up at him. He put a hand on her head and pushed her back down his length. By now she knew better than to disobey.


Diane awoke with a start, the sound of the sliding door of her cell startling her. Somehow she had slept through the lights kicking on. Instantly alert, she scrambled to her knees to face the robotic Caretaker as it glided in alone; she no longer needed the presence of a human.

Without a word, it halted in front of her, the cell door closing behind it. Her waste drain door opened, and she scurried over to it, a depressed look on her face. She had been here for some time now and knew this routine well.

Squatting over the drain, she spread her legs. Just when she was about to tinkle...

"You are not to urinate at this time. Please stand over the drain for your shower." She was always taken aback by the pleasant gentlemanly British voice of the Caretakers. It just didn't fit.

"Please stand for your shower. This is your final warning." A high pitched whine emanated from her collar, the device charging up.

Great. They always let her pee in the morning, she didn't want to imagine what this meant for her. She already could barely hold it in, the last time she was permitted to go was before dinner last night.

"Fine." she exhaled in frustration. Arguing would only bring her pain.

She rose to her feet and kicked off her high heels, sliding down and removing her garter as well, stowing them on the floor in the opposite corner of the cell. Steeling herself and standing near the drain, she closed her eyes as a pressure washing nozzle extended out from the body of the robot. Cold water mixed with soap shot out in a narrow flat triangle and blasted into her.

"Aiii!" she yelped, the frigid spray making her nipples stand out instantly. The water ran from the floor to the waste drain, and she scrubbed her hands through her hair, washing it. Knowing what was expected of her, she turned around and bent halfway over, spreading her legs. Reaching behind herself, she pulled her asscheeks apart and opened her pussy with her fingers. The Caretaker redirected the frigid soapy spray straight into her hot cunt, the stinging pressure cleansing her well-used pussy tube. Legs shaking, she counted to ten then released her labia, rubbing her fingers over and between her pummeled vulva before straightening back upright.

Turning in the spray as necessary to clean herself, she rubbed her hands over her body. As she washed her boobs, the powerful stream followed her hands and blasted into the heavily jiggling flesh, making them flop around and indent wherever it lingered. The soapy stream changed to a rinsing pure clean water, and Diane again bent over. She pried her tender sexlips open to rinse the soap out of her, her breath catching as the cold water blasted up her shocked pussy for a second time. The 'shower' was very brief, but it was sufficient.

Soaking wet and covered with goosebumps, she looked at the heartless Caretaker, shivering. She wished they'd give her a towel at least.

"Initiating breakfast" the robot announced.

From the floor near the cell's wall, a small hatch opened and a huge pink rubber dildo rose upwards, mounted on a short stubby pedestal. The dildo was easily 8 inches long and slightly flexible, gradually widening towards the base. Instantly a watery goop started slowly spurting from the end, running to the floor.

"3 minutes remaining" the Caretaker informed her.

Diane scrambled to the fake cock and dropped to her hands and knees. She needed sustenance. At first she had refused to drink the vile liquid, whatever it was, but since this was the only method the Vault staff used to feed her she had quickly swallowed her pride, so to speak. Test subjects only received two modest meals, breakfast and dinner. If she didn't drink this down, she would starve.

Facing the glass wall on her hands and knees, ass towards the Caretaker, she slurped the rubbery cock into her mouth. The greasy whitish slime oozing out of the tip was actually very nutritious, but tasted awful. Along with other things, it was blended tuna, tofu, potatoes, vegetables, milk, water, and vitamins, pureed into a very fine liquid. It had a weird aftertaste. Diane didn't know, but the milk was extracted from the lactating test subjects, and the researchers often added their own cum to their feed vats.

Feeling like a whore, Diane swallowed down nearly the entirety of the rubber cock. She slavishly worked her tongue all around it, gulping down the gooey mess hungrily as it splashed the back of her throat. She didn't want to suck it so enthusiastically; she was forced. The dildo had little sensors in it, and the more thoroughly she blew it, the greater the rate her 'food' was dispensed. Since she only had 3 minutes, she had to work fast if she wanted to get enough calories.

"Two minutes remaining."
The whitish goo leaked in little watery streams from the corners of her mouth as she swallowed the mouthfuls, her head bobbing rapidly. Her cheeks hollowed slightly as she sucked, her glistening cocksucking lips wrapped tightly around the thick shaft. Diane's working throat gulped and gulped. She wanted to throw up, it tasted vile.


She wetly pulled herself off the cock for a moment, her shaky stomach threatening to empty itself. Breath ragged, she fought the nausea and gobbled it back down. Her eyes watered as the stiff rubber banged into the entrance of her throat, the nutritious goo powerfully splashing from the tip to shoot out of her nose. She hadn't meant to go that deep.

While she coughed and gurgled on the feeding cock, the Caretaker moved closer behind her to her ass. Green eyes full of sadness and dread, Diane steeled herself. She hated this next part. Why wouldn't it ever wait until she was finished?

On one of the robot's arms a huge metallic butt plug was mounted. It had a large hole on the tip, nearly the size of half the plug. Without preamble the robot grasped her hips with its two other arms, immobilizing her, then started shoving the buttplug straight inbetween her shapely cheeks.

She still needed her morning enema.

*Gurgle "mmggg!" she wetly protested as her ass painfully widened, the tight little throbbing hole stretching thinly over the too-big plug. Tenacious and cruel, the Caretaker applied a dreadful steady pressure, forcing her tight butt to swallow the widest part of the plug in a matter of seconds. Its other two arms firmly held her squirming hips.

*Pop! "AHhH!! AHHHhhH!" poor Diane couldn't take it and pulled her face off the cock, her 'food' messily squirting on her lips and chin. Dropping her head onto the pedestal the feeding cock was mounted on, she gasped painfully as the ring of her ass snapped closed around the base of the buttplug.

"G-gawd! Ohhhh!"
"One minute remaining" the Caretaker informed her.

Sobbing briefly, Diane again swallowed the dildo, sliding her lips as far down as she could before bobbing her head again. She had to hurry.

It wasn't going to be easy for her.

A steaming hot, irritating solution started blasting from the hole in the buttplug straight into her bowels, and she squealed into the dildo. It was a mix of 95% soapy salt water and 5% rubbing alcohol. More concerned with time efficiency than comfort, the Caretaker filled her rapidly with a powerful stream. She already felt full to the brim, and her body broke out in a sweat from the watery heat.

It kept adding solution. And more. And more.

Her lower stomach began to visibly swell, and she was sure her furiously stinging intestines were about to pop. Painful cramps wracked her insides, and it took all her willpower to focus on the rubber cock in her mouth and keep swallowing. The enema was putting a terrible pressure on her full bladder, her dire need to pee growing substantially.

Suddenly the pedestal dropped, dragging the cock from between her lips and disappearing back into the floor, the hatch closing. She had run out of time to eat.

Losing her support, Diane's upper body sprawled on the floor, her filled upraised ass still held tight by the Caretaker. She coughed out a little puddle of her gooey meal, desperately trying to keep it down. Her stomach gurgled, upset at its contents but feeling full. She thinks she ate enough to last until dinner.

*cough "ugh, disgusting..." She squirmed in discomfort, her overfilled insides itching and burning. The fat plug up inside her completely sealed her off, not a drip leaking around it.

Leaving her ass pressurized for a few minutes, as the Caretaker suddenly activated his internal pump. A powerful vacuum started sucking the water out of her back through the large hole in her buttplug. In no time the dirty water was evacuated, stored in the robots waste tank for disposal.

The first soapy enema complete, it started the second.

This time fresh, but hotter water flooded her ass, rapidly stretching her to near-bursting. Filled to the brink, an additional extra quart squeezed into her this time. She moaned at the constant unyielding pressure inside her. Just when she thought something was going to rupture, the reverse pump activated and powerfully started sucking out the water. She exhaled gratefully.

Her ass aching in protest, the Caretaker slowly began to extract the buttplug.

A low groan escaped her throat. Squinting her eyes and arching her head back, her butt once again widened over the fat swell in the middle. It came free with a wet sucking sound, her asshole winking. She dropped her head back the floor, bonking her forehead. How was this her life now?

"Please dress and await further instruction" the Caretaker intoned. Diane gingerly rose to unsteady feet and retrieved her discarded heels and garter. While she 'dressed,' the buttplug on the Caretaker's arm swiveled and folded inward, revealing a tiny ribbed nozzle mounted on the reverse side.

"Please spread your legs."

"What are you going to do?" This was new.

"Spread your legs. This is your final warning."

Diane warily widened her stance then squealed. The robot's arm shot up between her legs and jammed the nozzle into her tiny peehole. With a quick jerk, the entire inch and a half rasped its way to embed itself entirely within her. Her hands shot down to clutch at the robotic arm.

"Oww what the fu-ouch stop! Ah!" Bleach instantly shot up her pisstube, burning the thin sensitive flesh. In less than 3 seconds her already full bladder was backfilled, the little sack stretching as what little space available it had left was taken out. It felt like a water balloon inside her, ready to burst at the slightest touch. The bleach diffused throughout her pee and irritated the walls terribly.

"OOhhhhh you can't be serious! Ngh!"

"You are not to urinate." the robot repeated, pulling the nozzle from her while she shuddered. Miraculously only a single drop fell from her violated peehole to the floor. "Follow me."

As she followed him out the door, her knees slightly bowed inward, she wondered what awful sort of tests they would be doing today.


The giant steel door slowly slid open sideways and stopped, cracked open just enough for Diane and the Caretaker to enter. When Diane entered the massive dark storage bay, she knew immediately something was terribly wrong. She felt like she shouldn't be here.

"What is this? What's going on?" she asked the Caretaker. The floating robot didn't answer, it simply floated backwards out into the hall while she stared at it. The massive door slid closed, the deafening sound of metal scraping on metal making her wince. She was left alone.

She glanced around the bay, trying to get her bearings. It was very dimly lit with only a handful of faint amber lights glowing distantly on the ceiling. As her eyes adjusted, she could make out that about 10 feet in front of her the hard floor was covered in a thick layer of dirt and sparse grass. The air was very warm and incredibly humid, it was almost like a sauna. Sweat beaded on her brow.

Walking slowly she followed the wall, not trusting anything about this situation. She had trouble walking and stumbled along as her heels sank into the softer earth. She didn't dare take them off though; if she was being watched by camera she knew they would activate her shock collar.

She still couldn't see very far ahead of herself so she didn't stray from the wall. She explored only a little then decided to stay put and wait. The huge bay was eerily silent, and 10 minutes ticked by.

She still desperately needed to pee, the evil little robot had backfilled her bladder before bringing her here. Diane knew peeing without permission would earn her some shock time as well but...she was going to have to risk it. There was just no way she could hold it in anymore.

Diane ventured from the wall, not far but enough to where she wouldn't have to worry about stepping in her own mess. Squatting down, she blissfully starting urinating. She had been filled with a small amount of bleach, and it burned her tender tube on the way out. Despite that, the relief felt so good she got goosebumps.

Beyond her sight in the middle of the storage bay, on the edge of a small artificial pond, a pair of faceted eyes watched her. A nose poked out of the surface of the water, inhaling deeply. It's dark silhouette began to glide through the water.

Diane was caught completely off-guard. She was finishing up her business when she heard the rustling of something running. Running towards her.

She panicked when she saw the monster. A giant frog, about twice her size with spines on its back, was sprinting at her. It balanced on only its long bulky front arms to run, the body and small hind legs dangling uselessly in the air beneath it. She had never seen such a weird, monstrous creature. Shrieking she turned and ran as best she could in her heels, trying to get away.

Giant frogs were, unfortunately, common enough in the wasteland above these days, a side effect of the debilitating radiation plaguing the world. This frog, however, was special. It was a genetic experiment, the result of careful gene splicing at the hands of the Vault's scientists. Amongst other things, it was part bloatfly by DNA, a horrendous mixing of insect and amphibian. By appearance it looked more or less like a mutated giant frog, aside from it's unnerving multi-faceted eyes. They were the eyes of a fly.

Regrettably for Diane, the frog had been genetically conditioned when it detected a certain chemical - bleach. To the frog, this signified a mate. Its sensitive nose detected the bleach that had been backfilled into her bladder earlier that morning, that she had pissed all over the ground.

The 'frog' caught her in no time. A few strides of his powerful arms and it was on top of her, knocking her to the dirt with ease. Hissing, it smacked her on the head, and Diane's world went dark.


So full.

Diane's face twitched uncomfortably. She was still knocked unconscious, but was whimpering her discomfort quietly.

She had a long fleshy organ embedded in the deepest recesses of her ass.

She had been drug to the edge of the pond and dropped there, laying on her side in the inch of shallow dirty water. Standing over her, wetly croaking, the frog's long, slimy ovipositor wormed it way out of the slit between its hind legs.

The freak of nature had been gifted a bloatfly's ovipositor by the scientists. Now it intended to deposit its eggs into its new mate.

The weird pink organ, covered with bony chitinous studs, was now firmly lodged deeply up her ass. It had pushed it as far as it could up the tight hole, five feet at least worming its way through her intestines. A little bulge slowly moved along her stomach as it followed the turns and bends of her bowels, freshly clean from her enema. It had reached the end of her asstube and crashed into the valve separating the small intestine from the large. That was sufficient.

A string of lumps, each slightly larger than a chicken egg, begin sliding down the ovipositor. Her winking asshole swallowed each bump as they advanced, the organ undulating and working the eggs up Diane's butt. Unlike normal frog eggs, these had a hard shell. Pushing out the first egg, the frog began to slowly pull himself out of her.

For every inch the ovipositor retreated, a three slippery frog eggs were left in its place. Three dozen eggs later, about a foot of ovipositor retracted, Diane came to.

Cramps from deep in her stomach hit her like a wall. Her eyes bulged and shot open, and she started screaming, terrified of what she was seeing and feeling. She started thrashing and began to rise to her feet, so the frog simply smashed his huge hand down on her head, holding her cheek to the water and pinning the kicking woman down.

"Ohhh Goddddddd somebody help meeeee!" she shuddered as more and more eggs were crammed up her butt, the creature methodically depositing them at an impressively consistent density. He was halfway retracted out of her ass now. Small bumps could be seen all over her stomach, and they were still increasing. As it retracted, the bony protrusions scraped and abraded her delicate linings.

Despite her wailing and panic, the frog went about his task without ever actually harming her. With a wet squelching noise the ovipositor popped out of her ass, a few wet black eggs following suit. She had nearly 150 eggs crammed up her entire rectum.

Hyperventilating, Diane felt the horrid thing begin to worm its way up her pussy next.

"No...." she moaned, trying again to break free. All she did was pull a muscle in her neck, the frog easily pinning her by the head. She half-rolled onto her back and kicked at him, but it completely ignored her.

Despite all the use it got these days, her cunt was still deliciously tight. Feeling the thickness of the slowly impaling ovipositor, and the deep stretching feeling it gave her, her confused cunt started to moisten in preparation.

The rough bony studs scraped over her sensitive pink tissues, the pain making her clench down wantonly. When it reached her core, the tip pushed insistently against the tiny hole of her cervix. With a strong steady pressure, her cervix began to slightly widen more and more.

"God damn it...Owww!"

Suddenly it slid inside a half inch, her cervix tightly wrapped around the tapered tip. As it continued to advance, her womb continued to open up, the first studs beginning to scrape their way past the tight ring as her thighs shook.

Satisfied with three inches up inside her womb, the frog started pumping eggs. She could feel each hard rounded egg as it passed, not very easily, through the ring of her cervix. The wetly deposited eggs rolled around and piled up within, and as her womb swelled with its load her stomach began to grow.

"Ohhh...ohh!" *sobbing

Between the eggs up her ass and those filling her womb, she looked about 4 months pregnant. She felt a lancing pain as her womb protested the stretching. Her breath hitched as the rough ovipositor retracted, and the frog left eggs down the length of her cunt tube as it pulled itself free.


The steel bay doors rattled open once again, the bright beams of light from the hall piercing into the storage bay. A Caretaker robot entered and slowly floated towards the small pond.

A soft wet gurgling noise could be heard as it approached. Activating a bright spotlight, the robot illuminated the source.

At the pond's water line, the giant frog monster had moved Diane face up onto a flat rock. Her head hung limply off the rock's edge, hair trailing in the shallow water below. Her eyes, wide open, were rolled up in her head. She weakly was clutching at one of the giant front legs of the frog, who was stepping on her to pin her by her flattened breasts to the rock. She was on the verge of suffocating.

With her head lolling off the edge, the frog had fed his ovipositor down her throat. He explored deeply, penetrating all the way into her stomach. She choked wetly, tears running from her eyes to drip into the water below. A long string of bulging eggs was working its way down the ovipositor in her gullet to be deposited straight into her stomach, her throat forcibly swallowing and gulping one fleshy lump after another.

Her normally smooth stomach looked like it was about to pop. She easily looked 5 months pregnant, her abdomen swollen with hundreds of eggs in her bowels, womb, and stomach.

It was time to retrieve her.

The Caretaker shone the blaringly bright spotlight directly on the frog, and it hissed in pain. It was extremely photosensitive, and after it hissed it roughly jumped into the pond, its studded ovipositor unceremoniously yanked out of Diane's throat. She immediately threw up, a dozen eggs plopping into the water. She gasped in ragged breaths, her battered throat burning from the rough extraction.

A booming voice issued from the speaker next to one of the wall-mounted cameras.
"Bring her to Med Bay 3, Caretaker."


Diane was strapped to a gynecological chair, but it was unlike any exam she had experienced previously. Rescued by the Caretaker robot, she had been brought to Med Bay 3 and surrounded by scientists.

A few leg stirrups and arm cuffs later, she was having her vitals taken while a large bucket was set below her ass, which was positioned under the edge of the gyno chair. They injected her with a powerful diuretic, and she somehow felt even more sick to her stomach than before. Then the cramps hit her.

Mortified, she was made to push and squeeze every frog egg she could out of her ass. Granted her insides were spotless from her enema that morning, she still was literally forced to shit out eggs in front of an audience. She never felt so low in her life.

She would occasionally turn her head to vomit out eggs, another bucket quickly brought up to her face. Between her bouts of crying she demanded to know why they had done this to her, that they had tried to kill her, and she screamed and raged at them. They found it annoying, so they activated her shock collar until she stopped her inane babbling. The sniffling, weeping woman silently expelled the disgusting eggs from her stomach and ass. Some of the deeper butt-dwelling eggs were more stubborn, and it took her no less than three hours. Her abdomen finally began to shrink again.

Now she only looked 3 months pregnant. The only eggs left inside her were stuffed into her baby factory, and she would need help removing those.

She wasn't going to get it.

Using the controls of her gynecological chair, she was repositioned learning backwards, head running towards the floor.

"W..what are you doing?" she asked, risking electric shock again. The servos whirred and her legs were slowly spread, letting the doctors look straight down at her pussy. It was at a comfortable working height.

An elderly gentleman smiled at her. Kneeling down, he grasped one of her full breasts and squeezed, looking her in the face.

"The experiment isn't over, my dear. If our genetic modifications were successful, you should, with some minor help, be able to deliver these young ones. The eggs will hatch, giant frogs are hermaphrodites and can fertilize their own eggs. We designed these to flourish in the environment of a woman's womb."

As he spoke, Diane's mind blanked. She couldn't find any words. She stared at him, then gasped as a four-bladed steel speculum speared into her tired sex. They stored it in the room's small freezer.

*crank *crank *crank *crank *crank *crank *crank
"Ouch! You're - ow! splitting me apart!"
*crank *crank *crank *crank *crank *crank

Spinning the little wingnut mercilessly, she was pried achingly wide open as the cold metal forced her cunt to clamp down tightly. The scientist's hands strained on the final turns, her toes curling and back arching as she was opened wide enough to fit a fist without touching her walls. Then he gave her one more gaspingly brutal turn for good measure.

Peering down within her, they could see that her fucktube had been well abraded from the rough ovipositor. She would heal just fine though. Deep inside, her reddened cervix winked up at them, the hole slightly agape from its brutal stretching earlier; using a penlight you could see part of an egg through it.

"We couldn't quite get the sequencing right to have the eggs survive in a dry environment. Well, relatively dry. So we need to get you sorted."

A large electric pipette, more of a turkey baster really, was brought over. It was filled with perfectly balanced vitamin-infused water. The pipette was lowered down into Diane's splayed-out pussy, and she moaned as the tip was jammed into the recently sensitized hole within. Pressing a button, the imitation pond water flowed into her womb.

She needed a few more doses. Again and again pipettes were lowered and water flowed into her sacred distended cavern, flooding the eggs so brutally deposited earlier. Diane squirmed uncomfortably in her restraint, furious. She was never going to escape this hell.

Finally the waterline rose all the way, completely filling her uterus, even flowing out sideways partly down her fallopian tubes. The old man who had groped her boobs earlier approached with a small togglebolt in his hand.

It was literally just a regular togglebolt, the kind you'd get from a hardware store. Two small springs pushed foldable wings out sideways one direction only. You could turn the long central screw to adjust the depth of the wings. This togglebolt had a gasketed disc mounted between the screw head and the wings.

The old man jammed the togglebolt straight down through her womb hole, easy enough to do given the extreme spread of her cunt at the moment. Pushing roughly, the folding wings narrowed and sank through the tight little opening, then flared back open once on the other side. Unfortunately one of the eggs within her was damaged by the long screw, but it was just one of dozens.

"Ouch! What are you doing?" Diane asked fearfully, unable to see what was going on between her legs. All she could see was her titties dangling towards her chin, her swollen belly, and her spread restrained knees.

In answer an electric screwdriver was lowered into her. Rapidly spinning the screw head, the rough edged wings within her womb traveled up the screw, shortening the distance, tightening. The gasketed disc on the outside pressed firmly over the little hole, sealing it up tight as the wings began to dig painfully into her cervix. The tight ring of muscle twitched as the jagged edges of the wings spun and cut microabrasions into it, before firmly tightening down enough to stop spinning.

"Ngggh! Gaawd!!"

The man between her thighs looked thoughtful, then picked up a manual hand screwdriver. He decided he wanted to feel for himself the tension and take a more personal approach. He lowered it to the screw and twisted the handle with both hands.

He twisted again.

The clamping pressure had tripled. The sharp little wings sank painfully a few millimeters into the interior wall of her cervix, a tiny amount of blood leaking around them. Diane banged her head against the headrest, cursing and yelping. Viciously throbbing in waves, the entrance to her baby factory was now water tight and crushingly pinched, a sealing gasket on one side, and punishing steel hardware on the other.

All they had to do now was remove the speculum and wait. First though, he gave here womb screw one more slow, savage turn.


12 days later.

"Ahhh! Ahhh!" Diane shivered uncontrollably, in the middle of her morning 'shower.' Bending over, she pulled her cunt open while the Caretaker sprayed the icy water directly up inside her. The little togglebolt was still securely in place, sealing her off. It still deeply pained her, but she had grown a little accustomed to it. Her tadpole-stuffed belly still looked 3 months pregnant.

She felt a squirming mass swim around inside her, bouncing off the walls of her womb. Revolted, she shivered. It felt like having hundreds of cockroach legs run around inside her.

Diane straightened back up, turning to face the Caretaker. Her movements agitated the tadpoles, setting them swimming around again. "Please, listen to me. I felt the eggs hatch last night! Please, take me to the Med Center!" she begged. She needed help, she couldn't reach the togglebolt on her own.

In response, the robot raised the large metallic buttplug on its arm. "Please bend over for your enema."

Glaring at it, she gave up. She was just going to have to go through the regular morning routine first.


"Oh God..." Diane looked with disgust at the water flowing out of her spread legs. Having removed the hated togglebolt, the water she had been carrying around for 12 days gushed out of her. The room full of scientists had her remain standing, a large five gallon bucket on the floor between her feet. Her wrists were manacled and attached to a rope running to the ceiling, and a spreader bar held her open by the knees. She was bearing down as hard as she could, doing her best to push the frogspawn out of her.

Humiliated, she felt the fat little bodies of the mutated tadpoles squeeze past her cervix one at time, plopping down to land in the bucket. A few bounced off her spreader bar and had to be picked up, but most successfully landed on target. There were dozens of the dark little things, each the size of a ping pong ball. They had used a long syringe to inject a muscle relaxer into her cervix, letting her open up enough to let the tadpoles pass through. And all the cracked eggshells, for that matter.

As the vile liquid left her, she felt blissful emptiness. It was so relieving, and her previously egg-distended stomach was flat again. When no more tadpoles were dropping down they took the bucket away and left her standing there, congratulating each other and completely ignoring the naked breeding bitch in the middle of the room.

She felt absolutely filthy inside. Luckily one of the Caretakers would give her a stiff-bristled womb cleaning tonight.

Dr. Jacobson, the Overseer, was present. This experiment, in his view, was a success. Not only did they successfully splice the genes of a giant frog, but they were even able to make it mate with human women in response to a trigger. And the eggs had survived inside her, and were carried to term; everything had gone exceedingly well. They were well poised to continue research and development in this area. With luck they'd create dozens of species that would seek out and breed with women.

He looked at Diane and smiled. The gesture gave her the creeps.

"So, you're a mommy now. I have a feeling Mommy will be kept busy from now on." She looked away from him, flustered and eyes downcast. She wished he wouldn't say that, she wasn't a mother...she hadn't even really been in labor.

"You've done a good job" he continued, still grinning. Her wrists were still strung up above her head, and he took the opportunity to tweak her nipple and jiggle her heavy breast. She was a cutie.

She knew who he was, knew he was in charge and she should not piss him off.
"I...thank you." she said stiffly. She wanted pull her breast out of his fingers, to scream at him and demand how he could let these things happen. She bit her tongue.

"Tell you what Mommy, since you've done so well, why don't you take a break from testing and play some golf with me the next few days? I insist."

She looked startled. No doubt he just wanted to have sex with her but...take a break from testing? Would he really do that for her?

She would make love to him everyday if it meant a break from these hellish experiments.

"...yes. Yes, please! Thank you!"


"MMGggaaaaaaa........" Diane wailed loudly into her gag, the blood in her head pounding. She was being prepped for her day of golf with the Overseer today. Dr. Allard had volunteered to manage the process.

Manacled to a concrete wall, she was suspended upside down, her head nearly touching the floor. A long very flexible dildo gag had been stuffed into her mouth, buckled in place and effectively silencing her. The tip scratched at the entrance to her throat, making her retch. Her arms were stretched out sideways, metal bands attached to the wall encircling her wrists. Her stomach was similarly restrained, and the collar around her neck was secured to the wall by D-ring.

Her legs however were on fire. Four men, assistants to Allard, had forced them into a terribly strenuous sideways split, manacling them at the ankle and above the knee. Under agonizing tension, you could see the bands of muscle in her inner thighs, and that was before he had started working on her pussy. Now they seriously threatened to tear as Diane desperately strained to snap her legs closed.

In need of lubricant, a tube of Mick's Vapor Rub, a mentholated astringent popular before the bombs fell, had been shoved into the entrance of her displayed pussy. Her hips squirmed in discomfort when the tube was squeezed, packing her narrow fuckpipe with the burning ointment.

While her sensitive girlflesh bathed in vapor rub, a customized four bladed speculum, similar to the one that had devastated her cunt before, was wedged inside her. She had always been snug downstairs, so it absolutely killed her as he pried her pussy wide open. Cranked over and over again, the four fully-seated blades slowly split her top to bottom, left to right. Groaning, she again was opened wide enough to fit a fist inside, and tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

What made this speculum special was that the wingnut had been replaced with a regular hexnut; it was operated by wrench. Hands balled into fists, toes curling, she trembled as the greater leverage of the long wrench allowed Allard to crank out another turn. And another. And another.

Working slowly, six more turns in now, Diane's splayed out sexlips were white under the pressure, the blood forced from them. Struggling mightily, Allard heartlessly pushed with both hands on the wrench, but it barely moved. He leaned in and bounced with his weight, and her inner pink, as taut as a drum, somehow managed to widen another few millimeters. Diane, already making a lot of muffled noise, squealed even more loudly.

"That should give us some room to work." said Allard. His assistants watched quietly behind him, impressed at how elastic a woman's sex could be.

The wanton gaping hole was a near perfect O, on the absolute cusp of ripping terribly. A full sized grapefruit could be dropped into her and there'd be a good quarter inch of spare space. A very small trickle of blood ran from the edges of each of the speculum's blades. They weren't sharp, but the sheer pressure wrapped around them had caused them to just barely sink into her thinly stretched sexflesh.

Diane wouldn't have believed it, but soon she would be wishing her pussy hurt only as much as it hurt now.

"Dr. Jacobson loves jewelry bitch, so I've got a few trinkets he's asked me to give you to wear. Just sit there and relax, I'll take care of everything. Oh, I almost forgot to plug you."

A small silicone plug was abruptly shoved up her peehole, the squirming woman's little tube burning. Now she couldn't piss all over him.

Reaching into his jacket he pulled out a small red case, 'Vault 46' written in cursive on the cover. Opening it, he pulled out two small surgical retractors. Held in the hand, they were essentially metal rods with flat, rounded hooks, most often used in surgery to pull incisions open. He lowered them into her splayed out cunt, worming the hooks into the small hole of her cervix.

Prying her open, he firmly tugged the retractors diagonally and up, the little ring of muscle fighting him. It pulled upwards slightly as the hole dilated, and he put more muscle into it. Quiet muffled grunts escaped Diane's throat, and he briefly relaxed and slid both hooks ninety degrees. Pull. The little tight hole to her womb stretched oblong, slowly widening to half an inch. Rotate ninety degrees, pull. Five eighths. Rotate, pull. Maybe he should have injected her with a muscle relaxant after all... he pulled harder. Three quarters.

His hands shaking, that was about all he could do with these tools, but it looked sufficient. He called out to his assistants, one of them approaching and grasping the handles of the retractors. Dr. Allard let him take them, the assistant holding her open.

Taking a pair of long needlenose pliers, Allard lowered into her what looked like a small six-armed steel star, like an asterisk * . The star, a mechanical device, was formed by a small solid central circle and thick segmented needle shafts, each arm ending in a razor-sharp point. It was only 3/4 of an inch in total diameter and had what looked like a button in the center.

He pushed the top edge of the star into the distorted oblong hole of her cervix, trying to lay it flat in the aperture. Diane gasped, the needle tips had nearly effortlessly sank into her flesh. Maneuvering the evil little thing, his assistant manipulating the retractors to aid him, Allard wedged it right in the center of the hole and released it. His assistant pulled the retractors out.

Down inside of her spreadout whorish cunt, Diane's cervix looked like it had a little metal star instead of a hole. Without the retractors the ring of muscle began to close up again, slowly sinking a few millimeters of the six sharp tips into itself. Diane was gasping through her nose.

Before the abused litte hole had even tightened back up, Allard took his closed pliers and firmly jabbed the center button of the star. The strong little springs inside of it triggered.

Diane's thighs trembled violently and she wailed as all six short needles instantly extended. Segmented, spring loaded, and tapered, once the release was hit they savagely shot out all six directions and expanded the star's diameter to an appalling two inches. Piercing through the sensitive flesh, the tips emerged from the other side of the tight cervical ring, completely skewering it from the inside out.

"MGMNGNNNGGgNGNM" Diane thrashed as much as she was able, twisting her head side to side , her hands opening and closing. The suddenly pin-cushioned gate to her womb twitched, about a half centimeter of each of the six needles poking out along the outer circumference. In the middle, it continued to tighten back up around the star's solid center, sliding along the needle shafts. Her cunt walls, severely distended from their stretch, barely even trembled as they attempted to contract.

"MrrMgghhkkkrkrr! *cough NgKrr! *cough" she choked pitiably as she tried to scream, the the tip of the long dildo gag rubbing against the entrance to her throat when she thrashed her head. Her eyes watered heavily.

One at a time, Allard used his pliers to stick small black rubber caps onto the needle tips, helping to both secure the hellish star and protect Diane from further damage. He pushed the caps down until they touched flesh, you couldn't even see the needles anymore. All you saw was six small black rubber orbs surrounding the outside of her cervix, with a solid metal looking circle filling the hole.

The initial agony was persistent, and it only slowly faded to a deep-seated, miserable throb. Had she been able she would be begging Allard, promising him anything. Pulse pounding in her upside down head, she sobbed.

"That looks better, I'm sure the Overseer will appreciate the...artistic...value. I can make it really stand out even more."

He retrieved the modified ligator gun and loaded an elastic band into it. At the end of a long metal tube, four hooked arms held the band out into a three inch square. He lowered the square around her cervix, maneuvering the tight band underneath the rubber caps ringing the tortured muscle. He clicked the trigger, and the four arms immediately retracted while the band snapped shut.

It was definitely unpleasant, the tight little band squeezing her strongly and unable to slide upwards due to the rubber needle caps. While unpleasant, she wouldn't call it painful though. Unfortunately for Diane, it was the first of many.

Allard worked methodically, quickly loading another band in the ligator gun. For the next few minutes, he snaps band after band around the base of her punished womanhood, the room filled with loud snapping sounds followed by Diane's guttural grunts. After three snaps the tight ring began to deform, after five Diane's eyes blinked out fresh tears.

Eleven unforgiving bands later the base of her cervix was squeezed appallingly tight. Spiked, impaled, fully crushed, the entrance to her womb mushroomed out, swelling upwards under the harsh pressure. The whorish sexmeat had darkened to an angry purplish-red, and Allard swore he saw it shudder when he snapped the final, twelfth band around it. She was eerily quiet however - Diane had passed out three bands ago.


Diane awoke to a lancing, piercing pain in her clit, and immediately started shrieking into her gag.

Allard was finishing up with her. While she had been unconscious, he had removed the viciously wide speculum from her fucktube. Blissfully emptied, it still nonetheless partly gaped up at him. Slathering vapor rub on his hand, he took a moment to punch a fist into her, her loosened box swallowing him with ease. She would tighten back up, it was amazing what a cunt could be put through and still recover. Obviously he left the strangling bands and skewering needled star in place in her cervix. Those would be removed at the discretion of the Overseer.

Still unconscious, a small metal ring was taken out and held to her clit. It was supposed to slip over the sensitive little nub. Too small to fit properly, the needlenose pliers had been used to jerk her sensitive button through the tiny circle. Her face twitched uncomfortably as the ring settled all the way down to the base, the teeth of the pliers squeezing her roughly.

When he had started inserting the inch long, thin clit needle, that's when she had woken up. Her shrill cries were muffled by the long dildo gag.

Most people don't realize that a woman's clit actually extends into her body. Diane was painfully aware, she would have pissed all over Allard and herself if it wasn't for the silicone plug lodged in her urethra. Angled slightly upwards, slowly the sharp tip ascended through her nerve-rich tissues, skewering the most sensitive part of her anatomy. Wet snot blew out of Diane's nose as she shuddered.

He fully sank the cold steel into her, pushing the pinhead flat to the surface. They'd have to use pliers to dig it out later.

"That ought to do it, whore," said Allard, walking to the sink to wash his hands. "Let's get you to your golf game, our illustrious Overseer is waiting."


Dr. Jacobson, as Overseer, had access to the Vault's driving range. It wasn't anything too special, space was limited after all. It was simply a large room with a distant fine net in it to catch golf balls. A radar gun to the side gave the readout of the ball's speed.

He brought his clubs and a large box of hundreds of golf balls with him. At his feet, Diane's fat tits jiggled and wobbled as he poked them with his shoe. He stood to her side, her right breast closer to him than her left.

Gagged, blindfolded, and cuffed, they had stuffed the restrained woman into a specially built, claustrophobically little box. Forced to lay flat, arms extended and manacled over her head, her back was arched severely over a large steel rounded tube. Two tight straps, one across her throat and the other her stomach, kept her arching in the required position. Her jutting breasts were pushed out of a rectangular cut in the surface of the box, the fat udders completely exposed. They sagged slightly to the sides due to gravity, laying gently against the thin wooden edge of the boxes top.

He loved her tits, they were absolutely perfect. He could spend all day hurting them... and he had reserved her for three.

Within the stifling box, Diane moaned into her gag. She was sweating profusely and felt her panic rising as she felt something nudging her breast. It was hard to pay it too much attention though, given what was going on between her legs. Her clit was still ringed and impaled, her cervix skewered and banded. Her whole concentration was fixed on the core of her suffering femininity. She could barely breathe, they had encircled her torso below her breasts with a wide leather strap, buckled tight enough to restrict her to little quarter-sized gasps. He did not want her chest heaving too much for what he had planned.

He had climbed up onto the box, it would serve as his tee-off platform. Already semi-aroused, he gently jiggled her bust with his foot.

Stepping aside, he knelt down and took out his specially made metal 'golf tees.' The flared heads looked like a regular golf tee, the little cup designed to hold the golfball and keep it from rolling.

Just below the head things were a little more abnormal. The short stubby heads were welded atop small but heavy duty nipple clamps, with ominous little set screws on the sides . Jacobson gathered up a handful of wobbly breast.

Diane felt a hand grasping her chest, but her attention wasn't sharply refocused until the strong jaws of the first clamp snapped shut on her sensitive tip. Breath hitching loudly, her spine creaked as she tried to flex her already arched back. Her other breast was being tightly gripped.

Pain lanced through her other nipple, and she squealed. Using a small allen key, Jacobson savagely tightened down the set screws, the sharp teeth threatening to bite clear through her rubbery teats. He didn't want them flying off. He deftly set a golf ball on the closest tee, then straightened up and grabbed his driver.


Remarkably, his aim was good and he cleanly whacked the ball off. Most of the force swooshed by harmlessly, though he did barely nick the tee and it tried to launch forwards. Her nipple tugged forwards and backwards, anchoring it down, but it had only stung a little. Though her crushed tit tips throbbed, Diane still wasn't really sure what was happening up there. It felt like something had lightly swatted at her nipple. She had no idea a golf club had just barely missed her clamped breast.

'Wow,' he thought. 'Maybe I am getting the hang of this after all.'

He teed up another ball, this time on the opposite breast.


The heavy club swung down powerfully, colliding with colossal force into the soft undercurve of her boob. With a loud smack it sank in deeply, the heavy breastflesh surging forwards towards her chin, wobbling intensely as the shockwaves pummeled her. She gasped silently, unable to find her voice, eyes bulging.

He set down another golf ball, back to the original breast.


"Fuck!" he was growing frustrated. Well, he was here to practice after all. The bludgeoned mammary flew forwards and slapped down onto the surface of the box, then bounced back to dance across her chest. He set another ball.

She wheezed and hyperventilated, but the leather strap cinched around her torso prevented her bust from rising and falling enough to shake the ball loose. He set the head of the club lightly on her fuckbag behind the tee, and drew back.

Whaaaack! "NGGGHH!!!!!"
He let the bouncing tit settle down, then tried again.

Swoosh! A clean hit, he barely grazed the nipple and the ball soared through the air.
Whack! "NGG...."
Whack! "nggghghh!
Whack! "ngh!"
WHACK! "...mngh..."
WHAAACK! *muffled sobs

Barely hanging on to consciousness, Diane's voice was growing weaker, though the punishing hits were gaining force. The more angry he became at his misses, the harder he swung. Of course, that only made his aim worse.

Most of the time he alternated back and forth, though occasionally he'd forget and lay into the same shuddering fucksack multiple times. The nipple clamps held on resolutely, their crushing teeth refusing to release her. He admired the way the heavy golf club would crash into the sensitive underboobs, how they would lewdly flop upwards and smack into the box's surface. They would probably be smacking her chin if her head wasn't arched back safely into the box below.

Mostly fat, the heavy jiggling milkbags were well-suited to the abuse. Despite the deep bruising being so generously beaten into her tender breastly centers, they would heal nicely over the next few weeks. He'd make an appointment for her at the med center, if they worked diligently at it they would be able to rub out the unsightly bruises when they darkened.


As her red swollen chest shimmied and danced, he noticed she was barely squeaking out any groans anymore. He knelt down and pulled out a syringe.

"Aw, are Mommy's titties sore? No passing out bitch, that would be rude." He jabbed the syringe sideways into her right breast and emptied it. Pumped with stimulant, she wouldn't be able to pass out now.

He stood up and surveyed the room, a dozen or so golf balls littering the area. Only four were on the far side, harmlessly caught by the net before dropping to the floor. The rest were strewn haphazardly close by, the result of rolling away when he 'missed.'

"I definitely need to keep practicing" he said quietly to himself, shaking his head. He picked up another golf ball.
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