The Plane Crash Chapter 1-6


The Plane Crash by The Razor's Edge 1-6

Chapter 1

Introduction The school day started normal as they always did. Girls and boys running in the halls to stow their backpacks in their lockers and the screeching and yelling. Nauton Heights Elementary School was situated in an affluent neighborhood in Southern California and the Girls and boys were usually driven to school in their parents BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus or other luxury vehicles. The parents usually both worked but the children were well bred and with a few exceptions very well mannered.
Teenage girls and boys ranged in different age and the mix ratio was about 60 percent girls and 40 percent boys. My name is Marcello Fendi but everyone calls me Marco. I teach music along with 2 female teachers Agnes Miller and Annie Sherlock. Agnes is 43 years old, Annie is 34 and I am 37. I live about 5 blocks from the school and usually walk from my house, located on a quiet cul-de-sac which backs onto a forested area surrounding the cul-de-sac. My back yard is completely private and something I value. I usually cut through the forest via the only trail leading from my backyard to the street two blocks away.

The school has two bands, one mixed and one all girl. The mixed band is mediocre, good but mediocre, however the all girl band is exceptionally good and has won a number of awards and trophies in band competitions throughout the city, province and country. Today was a special day for the all girl school band. Myself and the other two music teachers have been organizing a trip to Australia for over 2 years and today we leave for a 10 day musical journey to the land down under. The parents signed off on the trip over a year ago. The father of one of the girls owns a corporate jet and he offered to provide the plane, pilots and one attendant and all we had to do was pay for the fuel and airport taxes and expenses. A very generous fellow not that any of the parents couldn't afford to pay for first class tickets anywhere. However, getting medical certificates, insurance, deposits from parents and other travel documents has taken the better part of the year. However, we are finally going and today is the day. The bus to take us to the airport had been parked outside since 6:00 that morning and as the girls arrive, their luggage was checked for the usual things that may not be taken and then loaded.

The girls then went to their class and would be called when it was time to leave. Our flight left at 5:30 pm and we needed to be at the airport two hours before and with the normal confusion at the airport we decided to leave the school just after lunch. The ride to the airport was only 20 minutes so we should have a good hour and a half before checkin. We, the teachers met in the lunch room to do our final review of documents and discussed the coming days itiniery. The plane was a 30 passenger jet and the flight would be a long one but the jet had been fitted with very comfortable seats like you would find in first class and in front of the bulkhead was a small meeting area. Lunch was over and finally the moment we had all been waiting for arrived and an announcement over the intercom let the girls know it was time to head to the bus. Our trip to the airport was unusually quite but some of the girls were showing signs of excitement while others were sullen and withdrawn most likely attributed to insecurity and although we had made numerous bus trips, this was the first one out of the country and for longer than a weekend. The airport ordeal was a breeze and the corporate personel were waiting for us and had prepared for our arrival with several attendants at our disposal. All the girls lost their anxiety and were now all smiles and ready to get on the plane. Over the next few hours however, moods changed from happy to sad, crying and whining to laughing and giggling with the occasional vomitting to round out the swings. I have always had a good and open relationship with all the girls and many times they have confided in me against school policy but my intentions were always honorable and did not share their trust with the others. If it had been something serious of course I would have, but mostly it involved young girl stuff concerning a boy who had been bothering them and things like that. Gaining trust with girls is not easy and I have never abused my authority nor in any way been involved with any of them in an inappropriate manner. Trust is trust.

The time seemed to fly by and before we knew it our boarding call was announced. Each girl had their designate seat and even though the attendants tried to put girlfriends together it was pretty much a free for all. A few decided to sit alone. I was seated at the back of the plane by request thinking some peace and quiet would be great and possibly could stretch out and get some decent sleep. Annie sat at the bulkhead and Agnes in the emergency exit isle. There were 4 empty rows in front of me. All the carry on was stowed and the flight attendant gave the standard message about tray tables and seat backs and the plane jerked back, being pushed away from the terminal. The whine of the turbines increased and we were on our way. The taxi to the runway was a bit bumpy and some girls got a bit apprehensive but I decided to let the ladies deal with that and settled back in my seat.

Chapter 2 Departure

The takeoff brought great squeals. For some girls, this was their first flight and did not know what to expect, however in a matter of minutes we were airborn and calm decended in the cabin. The fasten seat belt sign was turned off and as soon as it was, the bathroom became the destination of choice for a few girls and I could see the monkey see monkey do coming a mile away so I decided to get in line before all 23 girls were lined up. I didn't realize how badly I needed to go until I felt the stirrings of a piss hardon. I unfastened my seatbelt and stepped into the isle just in time to get ahead of another three girls. Allison, a bright and gifted 10 year old pushed in behind me. Mary Atkinson, a tall skinny redhead with freckles was in front of me. Allison was pushed tight against me by two other girls behind her and that forced me against Mary. My now semi hardon was pressed against her bottom. Mary turned, looked up and smiled. I could feel the heat from her buttocks and my cock flexed. Crap I thought, just what you need. Did she feel my cock against her? I smiled back and turned somewhat to the side and looked down wondering if it was noticeable. I turned back to Mary only to see her looking at the bulge in my pants as well. She looked up again, staring me right in the eyes and smiled again. Now I was embarrassed and she could tell I was, but didn't turn her eyes away. I pushed back against Allison to gain a little more room then turned back facing Mary's back. She giggled and turned to look forward again. Holy crap, I thought. What a fucking error that was and tried to look like nothing happened but my face showed my embarrassment but thankfully it was only Mary who saw it. The line up continued to grow and now there were about 10 girls behind me with only Mary and one other girl ahead of me. The girls behind kept pushing and more than once my now erect cock, straining against my trousers poked Mary, who giggled each time. I kept pushing back to keep from bumping up against Mary, who was now obviously aware of the bulge in my pants and kept turning to look and smiling. I was quite worried now because, if you know young girls, you know they can't keep a secret and the last thing I needed was for the whole troop to hear about Marco's hardon in the bathroom lineup. It was finally my turn and Mary went into one bathroom and I the other. I waited a while after finishing hoping that she had gone back to her seat and that would be the end of that. My exit was a lucky one and Mary had gone back to her seat about 7 rows in front of me but she was standing in the isle and looked directly at my crotch first, then looked up and smiled then sat down. About an hour after takeoff, the attendants served us supper, typical airline food but we were all very hungry so it tasted great.

After all the trays and garbage had been collected I went to the front of the plane and conferred with Agnes and Annie to ensure that all was well and was stopped by Mary. "Marco, is everything Ok?" asked Mary "Yes, sweety everything is fine. Aren't you tired? I see your friend is already asleep" "No I am not tired at all and I think the excitement of everything is keeping me awake" "Oh well, everything is just great. I am going to talk to Ms. Miller and Ms. Sherlock now so you just relax and enjoy the flight" It was now nearly 8:00 pm and the cabin lights were dimmed. A lot of the girls were already asleep so an air of tranquility descended upon the cabin. I went back to my seat content in the feeling that all was well. I tipped my seat back, feeling the tension of the day melt away and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep. I couldn't have been asleep for more than 20 minutes and was awaked by the flight attendant who instructed me to assist the other ladies in ensuring the girls all had their seat belts fastened as we were passing through a thunder storm as was already evident by the roughness of the ride. The attendant assured us that this was normal over this part of the Pacific and not to worry. The captain advised us via the intercom that an electrical storm was in our path a couple of hours ahead, but he was changing course to avoid the brunt of it. After ensuring all the girls were safely buckled up I went back to my seat and buckled up as well. The plane bumped and ground against the turbulence outside and a few of the girls were a bit scared but the flight attendant kept passing by those that were and after a while everyone settled down and became accustomed to the bumpy ride. Once again I settled back against my seat and closed my eyes.

Chapter 3 -Inappropriate Behavior
"Marco, can I sit with you? Marco are you awake? Marco?" I was slow in responding and a bit startled by hearing her. "Ah, Umm, Ahh Mary, what is wrong?" "I am a bit worried and all the seats with Ms. Miller and Ms. Sherlock are taken by other girls and I am sitting by myself" "Can't you find someone else to sit with?" "No, is it a problem to sit with you?" "Well, no I don't think so but I think you should talk to Ms. Miller first" "I did and she told me to ask you." "Well as long as Ms. Miller says it is Ok, then Ok, come on and sit down" I helped her fasten her seatbelt and then settled back again and closed my eyes. "Aren't you scared Marco?" "No sweety, I have been on many flights and there is always some turbulence. It is nothing to worry about. Now why don't you just relax and try to get some sleep" I never really paid much attention to the girls before. Oh don't get me wrong, I certainly noticed her round breasts and the swell of their bottoms and their flat tummies beginning to bulge out but I was never turned on by that. Now I found myself studying Mary. Her long coltish legs jutting from her thigh length shorts, her flat tummy with her outy bellybutton, her little cone shaped tities pressed out against her halter top and her full lips. She looked so cute sitting there. Her freckled arms and under her eyes and on down her cheeks fading near her cute little chin. "Can I sit right next to you Marco?" "Why, are you not comfortable there?" "Sure but I would feel more secure if I sat right next to you" "Oh alright, move over" She undid her seatbelt and lifted the arm rest separating the seats, slid over and snuggled up to me. The overhead light was on, beamed directly at her seat and when she bent forward to fasten her seatbelt again the light caught her hair and the redness came out sparkling like a sunburst. She really was a teenage beauty and someday some lucky guy would have her. I have always had a thing for redheads. My father told me they were trouble and red haired women were the work of the devil, but what did he know, my mother was blonde. She leaned her head against me and I could smell her freshness even though we had spent the better part of the day in the airport. Whatever shampoo she used had a wonderful odor. "Comfortable now sweety?" "Yes, really comfortable and I feel safe now too" I reached up and turned off both lights. After a few minutes she started to squirm and lifted my arm up over her head and then snuggled in closer. My arm rested across her shoulder above her head. A few minutes later she was asleep and I followed right behind her.

I guess we must have slept for about 2 hours or at least I did but when I woke in a dream like state I thought I could feel a warm little hand stroking my erection. I nearly jumped out of my seat, pushing her hand away quickly when I realized I wasn't dreaming. "Mary, what the hell are you doing?" I whispered as I brushed her hand away the second time. We whispered. "I couldn't sleep Marco and I was curious about your thing. I felt is against my ass when we were in the bathroom lineup and it felt really hard, like it is right now" "Well, young lady that is very inappropriate and don't do it again Ok" "Ok Marco, I was just curious is all, but it feels really nice when it is hard like is now. I'm sorry Marco, don't say anything Ok. I don't want to get into trouble" "Mary, please let's not talk about this anymore, and please please, you don't tell anyone and I won't tell anyone. It would get us both into a whole lot of trouble" "Don't worry I won't tell anyone about our little secret, but I really like how it feels Marco." "Yah well, just don't say anything, promise me, not anyone Ok" "Ok, I promise, not anyone. You know we talk about you in school all the time." "Wha wha wha what do you mean you talk about me all the time?" "We have seen your thingy through your pants and talk about what it would look like. We are all curious you know." "Mary this is totally inappropriate and I do not want to talk about it any more. You promised me you won't say anthing to anyone about this" "I said I promise and I keep my promises" "Ok thanks Mary, now just sit back and go to sleep"
Chapter 4 -The Crash
I no sooner got those words out of my mouth when suddenly the plane dropped and the heart in your throat feeling caught me by surprise. The plane then shuddered as it veered sharply to the right. I slid up the window blind and was blinded by a lightning fork. Screams eminated throughout the cabin and then the lights flickered and went out. I could hear the jet engines winding down in pitch and that worried me. A few seconds later the backup kicked in but I knew something was wrong when the co-pilot came out of the cockpit. All the girls were crying and screaming and then an enormous flash pitched the cabin into total darkness with only the flash from the lightning storm illuminated the cabin. I knew we were in deep trouble before the co-pilot announced it in a loud voice. "Everyone, please try to stay calm. Ensure your seatbelts are fastened tightly. We are going to make an emergency landing." I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was scared as well and even though he could barely be heard above the now wailing girls, his message hit me like a brick. Where we were I did not know but over the Pacific somewhere for sure and pitch black outside. Were we going to land in water? Where the hell were we going to make an emergency landing? In my mind there was no such thing as an emergency landing. How about an emergency fucking crash. In the direction designated by the flight path in the seat pocket there were not many places to make an emergency landing. The time was now 11:40 so we had been in the air for nearly 5 hours which would mean we were past Hawaii. I straighted up my seat back and did the same for Mary. I knew from the pressure on my seat belt we were slowing down and descending fast. I looked out the window. Aside from the flashes of lightning I could not see any ground illumination that would designate a city or something. Nothing. Now I started to get a bit worried. Even though I was a bit scared, trying to comfort Mary helped me abate my own fear. The flight attendant had secured all the girls and overhead bins as well as personally instructing each row about emergency landing procedures then took her own seat. I thought we were a bit higher but the sudden horrendous ripping and tearing of metal told me we were crashing and badly. The right wing must have struck something because the last thing I saw was the gaping hole in the side of the plane where the wing should have been. The tail whipped to the left and my head crashed against the window and it was lights out. I don't know how long I was unconscious but when I came to, I could feel the blood running down my cheek as I slumped forward.

I turned to see Mary still out but could see no sign of trauma. Through blood soaked eyes I peered over the seat and started to cry. The whole front section of the plane was missing and nothing but a giant hole where it used to be. Luckily there was no fire yet but from the look of the inside of the plane I was not sure if anyone had survived. I knew we were on land because there was no water flooding so that was a good thing. We were stopped and that too was a very good thing. Now to survey the damage. I unfastened my seatbelt and half rolled over Mary who was now coming around. "Are you Ok sweety?" "Yes, I think so, my arm hurts really bad and so does my leg but I think I am Ok" she said wimpering, her eyes full of tears. "I am going to check out the situation, you stay here and don't move or touch anything" "Ok but I am really scared" "Don't be scared sweety, nothing more is going to happen, just wait here until I come to get you" I moved into the isle or what was left of it and proceeded forward. The row with Agnes was gone, nothing but another gaping hole where the wing was attached. There was no sign of Agnes nor the two girls who sat in the isle seat of either side. The carnage was devistating and I could hear the wails of the girls eminating from the seats ahead. As I struggled to walk through the isle I quickly surveyed the situation, there was blood everywhere which was not a good sign. The plane had come to rest on an angle with the left wing down and the nose of the plane which no longer existed driven into the dirt. The angle made it difficult to navigate through the broken twisted seats and other over head bin debris, but I plodded forward. When I saw what was left of Annie I was horrified. She had been crushed by the forward bulkhead as where the two girls with her and two of the three girls on the other side. The remaining girl in the window seat was still alive but covered in blood, I was hoping it wasn't hers. Her name was Margie Cohen, her eyes were closed but she was crying loudly. "Margie, can you hear me" She slowly opened her eyes and replied "Yes but I can't move my legs and they hurt really really bad" "Are you bleeding anywhere?" "No I don't think so, but my legs hurt" "Well you just wait right here" I proceeded to move through the rows and from the look of things, many of the girls were still alive but some obviously dead. I asked each one if they were bleeding and if they weren't and could move, get out of their seats and head to the front of the plane and move outside. I shook each girl in turn and if I felt a pulse, carried them outside to the dryest place I could find deemed far enough away from the wreckage to be safe and lay her down, instructing the girls to cover them with a palm leaf or anything else they could find and huddle with them to keep them warm and attend to them as best they could.

Their tender years and lack of experience providing any medical attention was limited but comfort was good medicine. I decided that if the girl didn't respond and if I could not detect a pulse, I would leave them there until I got everyone else outside to safety and the morning to bring light. I carried 5 girls outside and began to address their wounds, the rest were able to get out by themselves. I went to the back of the plane and got Mary and carried her outside then I instructed the older girls to help anyone younger and continued surveying each row. I was near tears as each row brought more injured and more dead. I mentally kept count of the girls who were obviously dead and so far 9 were for sure dead and about 4 more were seriously injured and without medical attention they would probably be dead soon. Finally I had surveyed all the rows and went outside to take a head count. There were 10 girls apparently with no major injuries other than a few scrapes and minor cuts. They were all crying and I pulled them all close in a group hug and told them to relax and sit down for a few minutes. That hardly worked as the wailing continued. I explained to them that there were 9 girls injured seriously. I didn't want to let them know they were dead, morning would bring a new test for them dealing with that. Right now we needed calm. I instructed them to clear a spot under a huge palm tree and get some palm leaves to cover the ground and I would begin bringing out the other girls. The temperature was a bit cool but still bearable, the lightning continued to light the dark sky as the rain kept pelting down upon the wreckage and thankfully the grove of palm trees shed the rain to the outside of the palm canopy and the ground underneath was relatively dry. Our only light was that produced by the storm and a dim shadowed light from the gaping hole in the front of the plane. It was now nearly 3:00 in the morning and dawn I was sure would bring a whole new perspective on the wreckage. The plane although a total wreck had maintained battery backup power and a few overhead lights flickered enough to provide the dimmest of light. The girls were all still wailing like banshees and trying to talk to them was an effort in futility until I shouted at them to shut the hell up for a minute. I once again organized the girls, instructing them to remain calm and to care for their friends, to stay close to one another not knowing where the hell we were and what dangers could be around. In the face of my own panic and shock, I tried to show the girls some courage. After all the girls had been safely removed from the plane I huddled with the girls again for a few minutes, trying to calm them down then decided to tend to the injured girls.
Chapter 5 - Medic Medic
We were, I was just fucked. The woman dead and missing left me the lone adult to deal with this nightmare. First I needed to assess the health of the girls and treat any injuries. The first injured girl I attended to, Linda Marshal was having trouble breathing. Her pullover top had blood down the right side just below her armpit but she was conscious and coherent at least. I told her I would have to lift her top to check her injury. She said that was Ok. "Be gentle though I hurt Marco, I hurt real bad" "Don't you worry angel, I will be gentle" I lifted her arms above her head, then lifted her top a little but couldn't see anything so I called Mary Atkinson to assist me. I told her to peel her top up by grasping the waist band and slowly pull it over her head, while I held her arms straight above her head. The lightning flashed and I noticed a cut or more a deep scratch about three inches long extending from just below her nipple to just under her armpit and blood was trickling but didn't look life threatening. I told Mary to put pressure on her wound while I quickly ran back to plane and rummaged for the first aid kit. Luckily the first aid kit was easily found and seemingly undamaged. I grabbed a couple of carry on bags that appeared to have cloths in them and hurried back to attend to the wounded girls. The first aid kit had an assortment of gauze bandages and rolls of gauze as well. I found a spray bandage aerosol can, which I had never seen before other than an ad on TV so I knew that was a good find. I couldn't help but noticed the breast of Linda's nipple which meant she was late in starting to grow titties and thought, how beautiful a young girls nipple was. I proceeded to clean her wound and sprayed it once then dabbed the wound and sprayed it again.

The bleeding stopped. I then dressed her wound with a combination of gauze and cloth strips I ripped from a blouse in one of the carry on bags. I told Mary to dig up a dry top if she could find one in the carry on bags and instructed Margie Cohen to help Mary put it on her and sit with her. I quickly moved on to the next girl. Audra Brown had a broken arm and a large patch of flesh peeled from a point to a triangular shape just above her knee. The wound was about 2 inches long and I am sure it must have hurt like hell. The cut I could easily dress although she needed stitches that wasn't going to happen but it was not going to be easy to set her arm and without any pain killers or topical freezing she was in for a screaming session. The thought occurred to me that perhaps a shot of some alcohol, like you see in the movies might dull the pain a little. Once again I rushed back to the plane and headed to the back where the kitchen was still in tact and maybe the airlines still had a bottle of liquor even though this flight was for minors. I rummaged through all the cabinets and aside from discovering a significant amount of food, I did find several bottles of all different types of alcohol. They were mostly the little bottles but there was a large bottle of Johnny Walker Red and a bottle of Gran Marnier. I grabbed both and headed back to the girls. "Audra you have a broken arm and I need to reset it and it is going to hurt really bad but I want you to drink as much of this bottle as you can before I start OK" "What is it Marco?" "It is a liquor, sweet and tastes like oranges and you are going to need something to dull the pain. I also need to cut away the sleeve of your sweater" "Oh Marco, but this is my favorite sweater" "Listen Audra, this is no time to get sentimental, I don't think we can take it off without a lot of pain, now just drink this and relax a bit and I will check on another girl and get back to you in a few minutes" The sweat and rain had my face drenched and I was almost in a state of panic having to deal with the situation but when the going gets tough, the tough get going. She proceeded to take tiny swigs from the bottle and then decided she liked it and took a few good gulps and laid back down. "See to it that she drinks enough of this Mary but not too much so she passes out drunk" "I will Marco"

The next girl, Donna Eckels, aside from a few scrapes didn't look injured but I could tell she was in severe pain, probably from some internal injury and judging from the lump on her forehead a concusion as well. "Where do you hurt Donna" "My tummy hurts and so does my head and I feel like I am going to be sick" I decided that at this point there wasn't much I could do for her. Giving her medication from the first aid kit was not the correct thing to do if she did have a concusion. "Well, listen I don't see any real problems other than the lump on your head and I want you to lay quite for a while and if you still feel naucious I will get you something, but try not to go to sleep Ok" "Mary, see that Donna has a few swigs of that bottle as well and don't let her go to sleep" "Ok Marco, here Donna, take a drink of this" I called Valerie to sit with her. "Do not let her go to sleep Valerie, she needs to stay awake. I don't care how you do it but just don't let her go to sleep" "Ok Marco but hurry Ok, I hurt really bad inside" replied Donna I called the two twins as well to come and sit with her and instructed them as well to make sure she didn't doze off. I moved quickly to attend to the next girl, Susan Black. "Where do you hurt Susan?" "My back hurts and so does my arm and I feel wet between my legs" Oh Jesus, I thought how the hell was I going to handle this one. "Well first lay down and roll over if you can and I will check out your back first" She laid down on the damp ground and rolled over.

I pushed up her top, which clung to her wet body. The lightning still had not subsided and enabled me to catch glimpes of her. I could not see any marks or blood. "No lower down on my back Marco" I looked lower but couldn't see anything either, well that wasn't exactly true, she had two of the deepest dimples on her back I have ever seen. "I don't see anything, down further Susan" "Yes just above my bummy cheeks" "Listen, I am going to pull your shorts down a bit so just relax Ok" "Oh it's Ok Marco, you are like my doctor now and it is Ok if you see me" I pulled her shorts down a short ways and noticed a large scrape just above her crease that extended from her left hip to about an inch below her cheek crease. She had a very plump juicy ass, well defined hips and together with her dimples showed all the signs of woman. I pulled her shorts back up and pulled her top down. "Well Susan, it looks like a scratch, a pretty bad one but I think it will be Ok, we can check it better in the morning when we have light, now what is wrong with your arm" "It feels numb and it starts to hurt right from my shoulder" "Well roll over and lets check out your arm" She rolled over. I picked up her arm by her wrist and slowly raised it higher and higher until it was almost straight up when she winced. I placed my hand on her shoulder and pulled slightly lifting more and felt a slight pop. Her shoulder had been dislocated and the pop meant it was back in place. "Wow, you really are a good doctor Marco." "Are you Ok now?" "Yes but I feel really wet down there Marco" "Well listen Susan, I am not sure what you mean by wet down there but I feel a bit uncomfortable with examining you there" "Marco, you told Audra this is no time to get sentimental, well this is no time to get scared either, I am scared so please" "What do you want me to do?" "I want you to look and see why I am wet there, I could be bleeding to death Marco" The words from her struck me and she was right. "Ok then I will examine you there" I pulled down her shorts one more time, slowly, wondering what I was going to see. My hands were shaking as I pulled her shorts down over her mons, a lightning flash illuminated her smooth girlie pussy and I caught glimpse of her pink clitoris. I thought to myself, holy crap would you look at the size of that thing but pulled my thoughts back to the task at hand. I continued pulling her shorts down and noticed the crotch of her panties covered in blood. Oh fuck, she is bleeding to death. I caught myself and then realized that it might be her period. "Susan, I am not sure but I think you are starting your period, do you think that is possible?" "Yes, it is possible because it’s about time, so yes it is possible" I quickly pulled up her shorts and accidentally brushed the back of my fingers over her clitoris, which stood out like a little finger and she giggled. "What are you giggling about?" "That tickled" "You must be feeling much better now with your shoulder set" I told her I had to get back to the other girls and instructed Mary to organize the other older girls to gather more palm leaves and to shake them off to get most of the rain off them. While they were doing that I went to tend to Audra who should have been drunk by now. "Audra, Audra, AUDRA" No response, I checked the bottle and she had drunk almost half of it. That would have put me out. The girls had removed her sweater and it lay on top of her rain soaked body. I lifted it up a little and pushed it to one side to gain access to her arm and noticed they took off her training bra as well or she wasn't wearing one. "Becky come here and help me with Audra" "Listen carefully, I need you to hold her down, sit on her chest with your legs on either side and I will try to reset her broken arm." "Ok, like this Marco?" Becky straddled Audra, and I slowly moved her arm to one side pulling it between my legs and braced my foot against Becky's leg. "Ready, Becky?" "Yes Marco" I began by slowly pulling on her arm and could feel the grating of bone on bone and winced, luckily it was her upper arm. I asked Becky to put her hands around the upper part of the break and help me align it with the lower part. I pulled harder and could feel the bones meshing correctly or at least close to being correct. We fashioned a splint using some branches and tied it up with strips of a wet shirt. "Good work Becky. Now if you can sit with her a while, I think she is pretty intoxicated" She never so much as made a sound during the whole process, but I knew she would be wailing tomorrow.
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