The Community, Part III - Hunted Woman


Gina’s alarm went off at the usual time, and she got up and went through the motions of getting ready for work though she had already arranged for a vacation day. Jeff was already awake and in the kitchen. He handed her a cup of coffee, and they sat down together.

Gina cooled her coffee by blowing before taking her first sip, “Anything special going on today?”

“No, we are getting inspected next month, so the boss is going to be handing out assignments. I think we’re in pretty good shape right now so no big deal. How about you?”

“Nothing special, same routine. I have a pretty good class this term, no real problem students. All in all, I’m enjoying teaching them...such an improvement from last year.”

Jeff finished his coffee and grabbed his jacket, “Okay, see ya when I see ya, love you,” he gave Gina a quick kiss on his way out the door.”

Gina looked at the clock, still plenty of time. She stepped into the shower, just a rinse off, no soap as Angela instructed. As she ran her hands over her body, she wondered what Angela had planned. It was to be a surprise; all she was told was that they would be going for a 3 mile run when she got to the farm, and she was to dress accordingly.

Gina put on a new pink cross back sports bra, an old pair of white, cotton panties, and her favorite black cropped leggings. Her running shoes were old, and in need of an upgrade, but would be okay for now. After filling her camelbak, she got in her car, full of anticipation and was on her way.

Angela’s directions were easy to follow, and for back up, Gina had put the address into her cellphone. Once she cleared the Minneapolis metropolitan area she passed farms, with their cows and corn fields. She slowed when her map voice informed her she would be turning left in a quarter mile, but she couldn’t see the road...then there it was, a narrow, gravel road that ran into a forested area. She followed the road for three miles until she drove up on a large iron gate. This was it.

Gina went to the call box and initiated a call which Angela answered.

“Wow, you made it and early on up to the’s not far.”

Gina followed a dirt road through the trees for a few hundred yards before coming to a clearing. There she saw a white two story house with a wood shingle roof that had to be at least 200 years old. It had been well maintained as were the grounds around it, green grass, and a sprinkling of apple trees. To the left there was a barn and behind the barn were the boarding kennels Angela had mentioned. Angela came out to the front porch as she drove up...purple running shorts, and a white cut-off tank top.

Angela ran up to the car, “Hey, park anywhere and let me show you around.”

Gina parked and got out, “Thanks, this is quite a place...I’m impressed.”

Angela smiled, “Yeah, it is. We have 320 acres here. About half is under cultivation...we lease it to a farmer who plants corn and soybeans. The rest is woods, all natural except for the trails and paths we’ve established...hiking and jogging in the summer and snow mobiles and cross country skiing in the winter. Here, let me show you the kennels.”

Angela led Gina through the barn, except once inside it wasn’t really a barn at all. It was actually set up as a small arena, three rows of circular seating surrounding a dirt floor which was about 40 feet in diameter.

Gina was curious, “What is this for?”

“Oh it’s just something we do out here, I can explain more later. C’mon, let’s meet my dogs.”

Angela led Gina through a sliding door that led from the barn structure into a office/clinic, and another door took them into a clinic complex where they were met by two large male Rottweilers and an English Mastiff. The Rottweilers were big, but the English Mastiff was a giant. His coat was a fawn colored brindle and the black around the eyes and muzzle gave him an ominous appearance. He was broad shouldered and powerfully muscled, weighing at least 240 to 250 lbs. The dogs were excited to see Angela, and curious about the newcomer.

“Come here Gina, let me introduce you,” pointing to the Rottweilers, Angela said, “This is Achilles, and this is his son, Hector. The Mastiff is Sampson, feel free to say, ‘Hi.’”

Gina squatted down and hugged Hector and Achilles and got a friendly response, but when she approached Sampson, he let out a low growl. That brought a quick rebuke from Angela. She handed Gina a dog treat, “Here, hold out your hand and let him smell you, then give him the treat.”

That worked, and Gina got his huge tongue in her face for her efforts.

Angela laughed, “That tongue is something else, so what do you think?”

“They’re beautiful animals...big, so what’s it like with them?”

Angela went over to Hector and put her arm around him, “This boy is a sweetheart, such a nice dog, but his dad can be a bit of a grouch. I’m gonna let you make friends with Achilles. He’s very good with us, loves to lick, and he’s experienced, so there’s not a whole lotta frustration and confusion like you get with younger dogs. He’ll take you down, use his tongue on you, and when he’s ready, he’ll mount you. It’ll be very different from what you’ve experienced with Benji. He’s going to be bigger, not a lot, but you’ll know it for sure. He hits hard when he puts it in, and you’re gonna get pounded for about a minute. He puts out a lot of ejaculate compared to other dogs his size, or even bigger, like Sampson. He will knot and tie you, and that knot will be bigger than your golden’s.”

Angela turned to Gina, “So are you okay with having sex with Achilles?”

Gina nodded, “Yes, I’m, I mean yeah, I’m kinda excited about it.”

Angela motioned for Gina to come over and pet Achilles. When she did, Hector attempted to join them for attention which brought a growl and a snap from his dad.

Angela laughed, “Still the dominant one. The thing with Achilles, he’ll remember you, and after he fucks you, he thinks he owns you. With these dogs, they’re trained, and they’re cool as long as we have our clothes on. When the clothes come off, we become fuck bitches to them, and they’re big, strong animals; they won’t be denied.”

Gina stroked Achilles head and muzzle while running her other hand along his body. He was far more muscular than Benji. His hind legs were especially thick. She felt his sheath, then lightly brushed against his testicals which brought a slight reaction.

She turned to Angela, “So what about Hector and Sampson?”

“Oh, they’re players too....but Sampson is going to have to wait his turn...not today.”

The girls left the dogs and started walking toward the woods. Angela explained to Gina that normally they had full time help for the grounds and kennel, but she had given everyone the day off. When they got to the edge of the forest, Angela said, let’s jog, I gotta show you a few things.”

They started running at a slow pace along a well traveled path. Angela pointed out some green plants that were growing near the trail, “That’s poison ivy...stay away from it, pretty nasty stuff. We try to control it, but it keeps coming back.”

They had gone about a half mile into the woods and came upon a clearing where the path diverged. Angela stopped.

“We’re going to play a game with the dogs when we get back. Have you ever been hunted?”

Gina shrugged, “Not sure I understand...hunted?”

“Yep, hunted. When we get back to the trail head, my husband will be there with Achilles and Hector. They’ll be on leashes, so nothing will happen, but you’ll be getting undressed in front of the dogs...about 100 feet away. When you do that, they’ll know it’s game on. Just leave your clothes on the ground and give them a chance to get your scent. You’ll get a head start and run this path, and Mo will let the dogs go. When you get to this split, you go to the right. About this time, you’ll hear the barking which tells you the dogs are on your scent. The paths converge at another clearing, and there’s an abandoned barn and farm house there. You find a place to hide in or around the barn...all part of the game, and you will be found...then it’s “rock your world” time. Sound like something you’d like to try?”

Gina nodded, “Oh yeah, fuck yeah...I’m in.”

“Are you okay with getting naked in front of my husband?”

“I am, yeah that’s good...after all, he’s a doctor, right?”

Angela and Gina both laughed, “Yes, good point.”

Angela increased her pace on the return, and Gina stayed with her. As they approached the trailhead, Gina saw Dr. Qaalub and the two dogs waiting for them.

Angela slowed to a walk, and waved to her husband, and Dr. Qaalub shouted, “Ready?” Angela looked to Gina, and she gave a nod. With that she started to disrobe.

Gina removed her t-shirt and then slipped off her sports bra. As she did, a cool breeze swept over her and gave her a brief chill, she cupped her breasts and felt her nipples tighten.

Gina wondered about one thing, “Is it okay to run barefoot out there?”

Angela shrugged, “I go barefoot a lot, so it’s okay for me...but you can keep your shoes on if you like.”

Gina bent down and untied her shoes and removed her socks, “Okay, I’m barefoot all the time too, if you say it’s okay, barefoot it is,” as she removed her shoes and socks.

Gina pulled down her leggings and panties, stepped out of them and stood naked in front of her friend.

Angela gave her a “once over,” and thought to herself, “Great athletic body, petite like a gymnast, and her bush is something else. If she starts doing modeling, we may need to do something about that.”

“I knew from yoga you would have quite a body, but you’re really quite weren’t kidding about lifting weights, you look like an olympian. Are you ready for this?”

Gina smiled, “Oh yeah, but how’s this gonna work? Two dogs and only one of me?”

Angela shook her head, “Good’re going to be busy.”

“Both of them?”

“Yep, Achilles will assert himself over Hector and take you. When he finishes with you, it’ll be Hector’s turn. I’ve done it a lot with them, and that’s how it always goes. In another year or so, that’ll change...Hector is starting to push back on the big dog, little dog thing. Are you okay with having sex with two?”

Gina nodded, “Oh yeah, fuck yeah...I mean I think.”

Angela moved behind her and put her hands on her shoulders, “You’ll be fine, and we’ll be right there to step in if there is a problem.”

Dr. Qaalub called down, “Ready?”

Angela replied, “Yeah, bring them down and talk 'em up.”

Angela led Gina away from the clothes pile toward the woods. Dr. Qaalub walked the dogs down to where Gina got undressed and gave her panties to Achilles before he began talking to them.

When the dogs started getting excited, Angela nodded toward her husband, “He’s getting them amped up for hear them barking and jumping around in response? Right now he’s having a hard time holding them...that’s 260 pounds of horny dog trying to come at you...they can smell you. This is where you give em a little preview….show your ass.”

Gina turned away from the dogs, assumed a submissive position showing her sex, looked back, and began calling them by name, “Achilles, Hector, come and get it boys.”

Gina spanked her ass a few times, then started twerking while spreading her ass and pussy with her hands, “Come fuck me, fuck me hard.”

Angela laughed and gave her a playful smack on her ass, “Damn girl, you’re really down for this.”

From his vantage point, Dr Qaalub smiled as he watched the show, while the dogs strained against their leashes. Gina appeared eager by the way she was shaking her ass. He could tell she wanted it bad, even through that thick pubic growth, he could see her pink slit and anus...she had an elegant, natural way of presenting herself...the members of the Community were going to love her.

After about a minute or two, Angela turned to Gina, “Time to go.”

Gina ran to the edge of the woods, and looked back before she disappeared into the trees. She saw the dogs were sniffing and howling...Achilles had her panties in his was erotically intimidating. She reached down and felt her vagina; she was already quite swollen, wet, and thinking, “How big are those Rottweilers, what’s it gonna be like...first time with two?”

Gina ran for several minutes. It was close to midday and the Indian summer humidity was high. She was covered with perspiration when she came to the trail divergence. As Angela said, the dogs were now on her scent and coming for her. Gina felt very alone and increased her pace, anxious to get to the barn.

The trail Gina was on was cut through a forest of large oak trees which created a lot of shade. She had to stop briefly to check her foot after stepping on an hurt like hell, but no damage.

The trail was narrowing, and Gina wasn’t sure she was still on it, but after about a hundred yards she came to a clearing and the ruins of the old house and a barn that looked to have been abandoned for years.

She walked into the barn, past what remained of the rusted milking stanchions. There were no hiding places, so she climbed a wooden ladder up into the haymow. There she saw two mattresses on the wooden floor.

Sunlight streamed in through several gaps in the roofing and siding, and Gina let out a shriek when she walked through a large spider’s web. In the center of the floor, there were two queen size mattresses.

The baying was getting closer now, and Gina saw what remained of an old chicken coop that was outside the barn, alongside an earthen ramp led into the haymow. She went inside and pulled a dirty piece of canvass off the dirt floor, and squatted, huddled in a corner behind it. She could hear the dogs clearly now...they were in the barn, hunting for her.

Peaking over the canvas, Gina saw dogs were in the haymow, searching in frustration. She became aware of an odor, and lifted her arm, thinking to herself, “Oh, it’s me...gross. no shaving, soap, or deodorant for days now.”

Gina wrapped her arms around her legs; she never felt like this a hunted animal, a female wolf, scared, tracked down, horny, wild, she uttered aloud, “Fuck me.”

Suddenly there was a growl, followed by excited barking; the dogs had found the chicken coop.

Gina stood up from her hiding place and surrendered. As expected, Achilles claimed her as his...snarling a warning at the younger dog. Angela and Dr Qaalub watched as Gina led the dogs up the earthen ramp. She was a mess. Streaks of dirt covered her sweat soaked body, and the bottoms of her feet were dirt stained from running on the trail and being in the old barn and chicken coop. Remains of the spider’s web were in her long black hair. Achilles had his nose in her ass, pushing her along, and Hector followed at a safe distance, knowing his turn with the new female would come.

As Gina passed, Angela whispered to her, “Play hard to get as long as you can before you give it up. We are recording this for you. Your safe word is ‘Jeff.’ You say that, and we’ll intervene….also, when you get ready to take him, get to the edge of the mattress on your knees...then Achilles can keep his hind legs and paws on the floor. Your very petite and he’s much bigger, so it will be easier and more enjoyable for you.”

Gina nodded in response, and as she did, Angela could see her heart beating.

Gina stepped onto the mattress, and turned to look around as Achilles was dealing with Hector who seemed to want to play. The two dogs started sparring, and it ended when Hector got nipped and yelped before retiring to a corner to watch and wait.

Achilles turned to Gina and moved behind her before rising up, placing one paw on her shoulder and a foreleg around her waist. He was powerful, much more so than her golden, and easily took her to her knees. The animal tried for an immediate mount, but Gina rolled onto her back and tried to push him away with her feet...he was too strong, too fast, and easily fought off her futile attempts to keep him away. Finally she gave up and opened her legs for him. Achilles went right to work on her sex with his long tongue.

Gina was his and let out an, “Aaaaah, aaaa, fuck yes, yes,” as he probed her vagina.
She was stroking his coat with her dirty feet and rolling her nipples with her fingers while thrusting her hips up in an effort to rub her clitoris on his nose. The dog had Gina going, and she began to pound the mattress with her fists. From his corner, Hector let out a loud bark, followed by a whine.

Angela nudged Mohammed, and nodded toward the action, “She is a natural...she wasn’t kidding when she told me she prefers dog sex to her husband.” She reached down and grabbed her husband’s penis, “I see you’re more than just a little interested. Do you want to fuck her?”

Dr. Qaalub nodded, “In due time.”

Angela laughed and refocused on the action; Gina had locked her legs around the animal’s shoulders and had her back arched, grinding her pussy into him. She was crying out and grunting as Achilles continued to pleasure her, “Aaaaah, uh, uh, uh, oh fuck, oh fuck.”

Angela whispered, “Holy Shit...Is she having an orgasm already?”

She was. The whole scene with the strange dog, knowing what was coming, and being watched by others lit an exhibitionist flame in her that took her to a very new, very different level of hypersexuality. Gina rubbed her clitoris and screamed as a strong orgasm swept over her, squeezing Achilles tightly with her legs which prompted a growl.

Achilles’ red tipped penis was emerging from its sheath, and he was ready to mate with Gina who lay there panting, still rubbing her genitals and breasts. He tried to turn her over with his powerful neck muscles, but the female wanted to play.

Gina did a backward roll and faced Achilles, trying to wrestle him, but he used his powerful forelegs to force her to her stomach and moved behind her. He pinned her down on the mattress with his paws and began licking her ass. He was heavy and rough, so much more than what she was used to. Finally, she had enough. It was time.

Gina struggled to her hands and knees with the big, horny dog all over her, and crept to the edge of the mattress, putting her toes on the hay mow floor, “Okay, okay, it’s yours, all yours, fuck me.”

Gina got into the presentation position, spreading her knees wide, giving full exposure to her genitals and anus. Achilles was clearly excited and went to work licking her again.

Suddenly, Gina had a strong urge to urinate, “Hey, I gotta pee.”

Angela replied, “Not a problem, go ahead, there are mattress pads underneath the sheet. Achilles will love it.”

Preferring not to wet the bed, Gina backed her ass over the edge of the mattress and urinated, a few drops at first, then a gush that lasted several seconds. That excited Achilles, and he sniffed her puddle before licking her vagina vigorously in response. From his corner, Hector put his nose in the air...he too could smell her. He emitted a low growl and began to pace.

Finally it was time. Achilles mounted Gina and began to probe her with his penis. His initial thrusting missed the spot and was painful, so Gina reached between her legs and guided him in, “Oh, oh he’s big, shit, fuck...getting bigger.” Gina gasped and moaned as the dog started fucking and his penis began to thicken inside her. She felt the first spurt of semen when the the tip of his cock touched her cervix, “Oh, oh, so hot, fucking hot.

Gina was fully penetrated when Achilles wrapped his forelegs tightly around her body, holding her close. Then he began to fuck her in earnest for about a minute as his knot began to grow. He was now fully seated inside, and he slowed his thrusting but still held her. Gina could hear and feel his heavy breathing, hot, on the side of her neck. She started moving her ass in a circular motion, adjusting to the knot which was throbbing on her G-spot as he continued to ejaculate deep inside her.

Dr. Qaalub and Angela watched with interest, and when Gina started grinding her ass on Achilles’ cock, fucking back, Dr. Qaalub remarked, “She’s good, like you said, a petite, so eager, the way she works his cock with that little brown ass...and look how Achilles covers her with that big body of his; she’s tiny under him. Our people are going to love her. I do wanna see her with Sampson, maybe Mustafa’s wolf hybrid too.”

Angela nodded and jabbed her elbow into his side, “Watch our girl now.”

Gina laid her head down on the mattress, gazing toward Angela and the doctor with her mouth partially open, punctuating her soft moans with an occasional gasp whenever Achilles moved. His knot was much bigger than Benji’s, and his cock was fatter. He was delivering her a fuck of a lifetime.

With a far away look in her eyes, she ran her hands along Achilles’ muscular forelegs. She took his paws and held them in her hands while he had her in his grasp. His nails were long and thick and the pads on his foot and digits were rough. Gina explored his paws with her fingers then pushed his left paw back and held it against her clitoris as she rotated her hips.

“Yeah, yeah baby, oh...oh oh oh, feel that pussy, fuck me, fuck me.”

Achilles’ responded with a low growl and licked her shoulder. His fat canine cock and the paw on her clitoris was taking her to the edge again. With another hot spurt of sperm deep inside her cunt, she began to climax a second time, pushing her pelvis into him while moaning into the sheets.

“Oh fuck, again, again, fuck that pussy, fuck it, fuck me.”

Gina was overcome and lost control and Achilles tightened his grip on her as she became enveloped and started screaming and bucking in a spastic orgasm.

“Ahhhh, uh, uh, uh, oh my God, oh my God.”

Gina was moaning as her orgasm subsided. She ran her hands over her body. Her nipples were hard and hyper sensitive. She touched her vagina and felt the base of Achilles penis. He was still firmly inside her, but the ejaculations were slowing...still an occasional hot spurt against her cervix, but he was close to finishing. He put out a lot more semen than Benji, and it was leaking out of her, drenching her pubic hair.

Achilles stopped moving and relaxed his hold on Gina then suddenly stepped over her with a hind leg. This brought a shriek from her as they were still tied.

Angela quickly went over and grabbed his collar to keep him from moving. Hector took advantage of her actions by approaching Gina and began pacing anxiously in front of her. She reached for him, wrapping her arms around his head, “Hector, Hector, you want my pussy too, don’t you boy…don’t you.”

Hector responded by licking her face, but began pacing again when Achilles turned and growled.

After several minutes Achilles pulled out with a wet, queefing sound, and a flow of ejaculate leaked from Gina’s vagina. The dog sat back, licking himself for a moment before going back to the female.

Gina was on her back now, arms outstretched over her head, legs open, with her ass resting on the semen soaked sheet. She was panting, her small breasts flattened on her chest, nipples still erect, rising and falling with each breath. She touched herself, her wet vagina was still agape and glistening, when she felt Achilles’ nose and tongue back at it, licking her between her legs. She withdrew her hand and let him do his after sex thing while Hector paced back and forth, emitting low pitched growls behind her, as if to say, “Hurry up!”

Achilles finally finished with her and retreated to a corner and laid on his side with his penis still protruding obscenely from its sheath as he licked himself. Dr. Qaalub had a hold on Hector’s collar, struggling to keep him under control while Angela went over to Gina, and offered her a damp towel and water bottle.

“That was pretty intense. Do you need a break?”

Gina shook her head as she drank from the bottle, and wiped her wet genitals, “No, I’m good, like I’m so alive. I want more...Hector?” She turned to look for him.

Angela smiled and patted her inner thigh, “Okay superstar, Hector is next. Standby, he’s a little awkward...actually more intense than his dad. You sure you need a few minutes?”

Gina shook her head, “No, let him go. I’m fucking him, but can we put the other mattress on top of this one. I think I’d like to fuck missionary with Hector. Achilles pounded me pretty hard; I’m a little worn out.”

The spare mattress was put in place, and Dr. Qaalub let go of Hector’s collar...he went right for Gina, jumping onto the mattresses and introducing himself with a flurry of licking as she sat up to meet him. He was excited and circled her several times, sniffing and licking her face when she gave him a hug and kiss. That introduction lasted just a moment before the young Rottweiler went right for her pussy with his nose and tongue.

Gina had a coy smile on her face as she laid back and opened up to Hector by spreading her legs and pulling back on her knees to give him her freshly fucked cunt. He was good, definitely more aggressive than his dad as he buried his nose and tongue into her genitals, and Gina responded, “Oh damn, loving it Hector, love like my pussy boy? Like to fuck that?”

Gina let Hector enjoy her pussy for a couple minutes before she rolled onto her hands and knees and turned to face him. When the dog went after her vagina again, Gina caught him, reached between his hind legs, and stroked his sheath. His red tipped penis made an appearance, and she laid underneath him, trying to lick at it, but he was too excited, and in scrambling around he stepped on her shoulder leaving several visible scratches.

Hector’s penis was completely out, and he was more than ready. He kept trying to get behind Gina for a mount, but she was playing, and he was getting impatient. The third time she rolled out from under him, he had enough and let out a long, low pitched growl.

Gina sat up and hugged him tight, “Oh, poor baby...I’m sorry. Okay, okay you can have me.”

Gina turned and presented herself, patting her ass, but before she could say anything more, Hector hit her like a runaway train, flattening her into the mattress where he pressed his body against her for a moment. He was panting heavily, right into her ear.
As she slowly tried to get back to her knees, the dog got off her and started circling. As soon as she presented, he was back at her with his nose in her anus and tongue in her vagina…she could feel his thick, wet tongue and hot breath on her genitals as he prepared her for mating, and that happened fast.

Hector mounted Gina, held her tightly in his forelegs, and drove his penis into her wet vagina with his first thrust but quickly slipped out. The dog repositioned for another try, but missed slightly, and Gina screamed and spun away from him rubbing herself, “Aaaaiiieee, oh fuck, my ass.”

Hector had missed his mark slightly and penetrated Gina’s anus. After recovering from the unexpected assault, she moved to the edge of the mattress and laid on her back, legs akimbo.

“Bad dog Hector; that hurt.”

Hector moved between Gina’s legs, licked her twice, and when she wrapped her legs around his black body, locking her dirty feet toghether, and grasped his shoulders he began to fuck her missionary style.

As they engaged in coitus, Angela nodded to her husband, “Well, we need to work on a few things before she takes the mastiff, but she handled that well, look at her move her ass...she loves it.”

Gina’s head was pressed against Hector’s sternum as she clung to his forelegs. Her mouth was opened slightly, and she moaned softly, uttering an occasional vulgarity. Her body and his were motionless for the most part, except for her grinding her ass on his cock. The dog was knotted inside her and she was feeling it along with his ejaculations. While they fucked, Gina was watching Angela and her husband. He had undressed, and she was sucking his cock. Dr. Qaalub was tall and slightly built, but his uncircumcised cock seemed misplaced on his body...he was big, much bigger than most. He was obviously turned on by what he was seeing. They made eye contact, and he smiled slightly.

Then it started again, the sight of the doctor and his wife, along with what Gina and Hector were doing to each other was driving her to another climax, and when it hit, she screamed, “Oh my God, God, aaaaahhhh, fuck, fuck me, fuck me, as she squeezed Hector tight with her arms and legs.

When it was over, she let go of the dog and collapsed underneath him, massaging her breasts, on the verge of exhaustion. Hector remained over her, panting while she stroked his hips with her feet. After a few minutes had passed, He pulled out; again accompanied by the disconcerting sounds of his organ leaving her.

Gina felt herself, she was spent, and her genitals were swollen and sore. Dr. Qaalub, still naked, came over to her and extended a hand, helping her to her feet, while Angela saw to the dogs.

“So how was it?”

Gina shook her head, “I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s me. I love it.”

“Even the part where he put it in the wrong hole?”

Gina laughed, “That was a shock to my system...maybe someday, but not today.”

So get dressed, and let’s go back to the house. We got a hot tub ready for you, and Angela and me want to talk about where we go from here.”

Gina was curious, “From here?”

“Yes, We’re going to present you with an opportunity to move to a new level with your interest in zoo sex.”

It was late afternoon when the three, plus Achilles and Hector, started back for the house. They were making small talk, but Gina had a sense her life was going to be changing quite a bit.

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