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Indoctrination - Chapter 13------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The author does not promot...reading time 14 mingenre
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Night Owl
Sailors returnSailors return It had been a good and uneventful trip down from Cheshire the train was bang on time and even now my heart was pumping as we pulled into the station, it wasn’t the first time I’d done this trip but I always got this excited. I’m Pam Miller and my husband Dave (Dusty naval nickname) is a navigation officer in the navy. Whenever he has been away for any length of time I would always find time to come down to Portsmouth to meet him and for us both to have a filthy sexy night. We had ...reading time 19 mingenre
Group sex
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Cassie: Fucked silly. My manager had thought of me, when the job came up. "I know you like this sort of thing!" he had enthused, "It'll be a walk in the park, for you, Cassie!" I read the job description and my eyes lit up. It was to be like a National Geographic or BBC documentary, that you see on on TV, and I'd be front and centre, on show to the viewer's. Big idea, big budget... if I negotiated wisely it could mean a good pay-packet! A small, dedicated, production team... director, camera, sound... and me......reading time 37 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Accidental conversion to big black cocksI always thought that my boyfriend was amazing in bed. He wasn’t the most buff man you’ve ever seen, he was a little white guy only slightly taller than me. His dick was only slightly above average, maybe six and a half inches on a good day, but he always managed to satisfy me and felt like he was filling me up. This is why I was confused when he talked about bringing toys into the bedroom. “I don’t understand, Craig,” I reiterated as he put his coat on. “We don’t need toys. Are you getting bor...reading time 20 mingenre
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Uncle John (This story contains scenes of v******e and has been written to satisfy a particular fetish of a particular individual. Some of what is depicted is not indicative of either mine or the protagonist's fetishes, but merely to convey the depravity and "perviness" of Uncle John. Reader discretion is advised) I was bored. It was always the same with these kind of things. Family weddings were ok for an hour or so, catching up with relatives you hadn't seen for years was nice but the novelty soon wore...reading time 33 mingenre
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Deadly obsessionAn original story by David Flint-Copyright by David Flint Greg Mantell and his girlfriend Amanda Proctor are in the kitchen of their apartment preparing for the day with their breakfast,their coffee and so on.Amanda is busy at the counter preparing her breakfast of bagel and spread.Greg comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck. Amanda-"MMM NAUGHTY boy.You know I like having my neck kissed." Greg-"MMM-HMM I know you do.that's why I'm doing it.I like kissing your ...reading time 83 mingenre
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David Flint
The postman's needStory girls, adult Fetish Postman's desperate encounter. Janis was due to meet her mate later that summers day. She had not seen her for 6 weeks and was eager to find out about Sally's new friend Tom. She said very little about him, every time she phoned Sally was busy or out. Awaiting Sally to arrive for a girls night. It was warm and she was coming to her house for wine and to stay the night. At 5 pm on the dot she arrived to tell her the adventures of the last 3 weeks. They sat down to...reading time 42 mingenre
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Sand Angel Mondays were the worst. All through the college, tales of the weekend's conquests and defeats, often lies but sometimes truths were swapped, traded and bandied about. Naturally, some of them were about me. I had schooled myself not to react, not to show the hurt that they caused. But through the hubbub of people talking, my ears focussed on every person that uttered the word "Slut!", knowing that, in all likelyhood, they were speaking about me... often lies but sometimes containing a grain of ...reading time 81 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
An Ecstatic RendezvousYes, I’m a narcissist and proud of it, happily fed by my screen and video role models. And after many years of sheer laziness, and being condemned for it, I got into a bit of exercise and healthy living to give my attitude some substance and justification. The muscles gradually tightened, the flab burned away, and all the aftermath of that past accumulated sugar evaporated. At last, I could really show myself off to myself in the mirror. I worked out my own self-revelation show. Late at night, ...reading time 26 mingenre
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David Russell
The plane crash chapter 19 -23 Chapter 19 - Foraging with Linda We had been stranded now for almost 20 days and had used up all the toilet paper and napkins and now of course the girls were complaining about not being able to wipe their bums when they went for a poo which we always did in pairs behind a large tree surrounded by bushes. That area was getting to smell bad and the girls were running out of places to poo and pee without stepping in another girls poo. I decided on another option and that was to poo and pee in the...reading time 79 mingenre
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Fateful Encounter We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one I had has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. I periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and I slip back to when it all happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I have mixed feeling about it, but when it creeps back into my thoughts and I end up thin...reading time 33 mingenre
First times
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Terror in the sand part 2Fatima and Yosef left the room. The door was locked and I was alone. She is one nasty bitch I thought, she is depraved. I bet she has sex with animals to. That thought made me go cold. I pulled the blanket over me. It now had my blood on it along with Yosef’s sperm. He is a strange sort of guy, ruins my virgin pussy then kisses me gently on my lips and cheek. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I kept dreaming about Yosef’s massive cock and wondering what it would be like to have that in ...reading time 24 mingenre
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A broken man"Hello," a woman's voice, "Hypnotherapy Associates. This is Doctor Brown. Can I Help You?" "Yes. Hi. My Name is Amanda. I, uh, was told that you could maybe help me..." "Oh, yes! Terri's friend, right?" "Uh, yeah." "She filled me in just a little. She said you were having some intimacy issues with your boyfriend." "Well, sort of..." "Why don't you tell me yourself what's going on." "Well, we've been together..." she thinks of a lie "about a year now and...I'm not, like, ready to have sex ...reading time 21 mingenre
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A night to rememberMy story told previously is continued here... After my first Voyeuristic experience I craved even more secret viewings of my wife Jackie and I had an idea that I was toying with in my mind. My friend was an electronics wizard who supplied military grade spyware equipment for private detective agencies and the like. So I paid Michael a visit and asked him what he could recommend for home security that had video recording in the event of a break-in. (obviously I did not mention what it was for...reading time 18 mingenre
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Box Office SmashThe feature presentation wasn’t necessarily her first choice, but she always made good on the promises made to her kids. Kali eased the minivan into the parking stall at the megaplex cinema, and within moments her exuberant passengers spilled out, while she, for one final time, checked her image in the visor mirror. Happy with the twinkling eyes and lovely face that smiled back, she closed the visor and caught up to her kids, led by Jade, her eldest daughter, as they headed inside. Once insi...reading time 17 mingenre
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My tenth anniversary presentWhat happens when you spend your anniversary with another woman??? My name is Roy, I am 33. My wife Anna Is 32. We have been very happily married for ten years today. I have never cheated or even looked at another woman. If you could ever see Anna as I do you would know why. She is beautiful with light curly brown hair to her shoulders, she stands 5 feet 4 inches tall with a 36 22 34 figure that makes all the men turn to look. Though she is busty her legs are her best assets. In the right ...reading time 24 mingenre
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Diary of a sperm donorBeing a single man in my mid-thirties was never easy. But it was the life I was used to. Since my poorly paid job entailed me working pretty much most days and weekends I never got around to meeting to many ladies. So, sex was always just me getting myself off every second day. Nothing wrong with it, me having a good wank. Certainly, helped keep me sane. Since this was the norm for me, I always felt what a waist it was cuming into a cleanex that would be flushed down the toilet after jerking my...reading time 16 mingenre
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The Burden of woman It was a strange and new time in my life. I was fifteen and all I could do was think about girls, women and my constantly hard acking cock! I had been cursed by some unknown force of nature to be thrown into a perpetual state of acking throbbing animal like sexual hunger. I guess doctor's call it puberty, I called it torcher! I was jacking off 8 times a day just to ease the suffering I felt. I was constant and brutal. I was horny non-stop every damn day! I was a ...reading time 26 mingenre
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Ty Maximus
Sleepover-My Daughter And Her FriendsDreamy sunlight flooded the chair where I dozed in peaceful contemplation, a book laying open on my lap. I had always been ambivalent about my own birthday. When my daughter Shae asked if she could have a pajama party on Saturday night, the night of my birthday, I was mostly relieved. I wasn’t going to schedule any parties for myself, and was mostly looking forward to a quiet evening of brandy and catching up on some of my books. Now I would have to do so with the company of two extra shrieking ...reading time 56 mingenre
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Anna Gordon
Susan...Part 14Susan… Part 14 Boys talk and the stories can get exaggerated to the point that at least a few details become confused. For example, remember the incident where my little brother snatched my towel and left me standing in the open under our porch light in my still wet white lace panties but otherwise naked in front of two boys from around the block? Somehow this became a tale of me stripping naked and flashing them after our friends Angie and Benji, Teddy and Betty left for home that night. Not ...reading time 49 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 10The next morning, Vivian woke up with Erki the dog, barking and Maia screaming. She looked at the clock and it showed 6:30 presumably, AM. Two things became immediately self-evident. Eino Tarvas was not in her bed. Either he didn’t sleep with her throughout the night; or she had fallen asleep while he was still in her presence. Or perhaps he had remained with her but had left to tend to the normal daily dairy farming chores which she knew had to commence long before 6:30 AM. The other evident fa...reading time 34 mingenre
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Secretary Sandwich, Pt. 3Jason cleared his desk while Abby, his secretary, unbuttoned her top as she faced him. It was now customary for the two to celebrate the weekend with a session in his office before they hit the town. Behind Abby, Shane, Jason's business partner, sat down with his pants already undone and his cock out and rigid. He slowly stroked himself as the red blouse slid past Abby's shoulders and off her body completely, revealing more of her pale, smooth flesh. Once his desk was clear, Jason began to stri...reading time 43 mingenre
Group sex
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Broken BlissI couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me. * * * An annoying beeping sounds wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I? "Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad...reading time 267 mingenre
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Fateful EncounterWe have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, Our first experience of having sex is one that we remember, but when it’s your first time having sex and it happens to be a gay sexual experience, it tends to stay with a person forever, and this particular one has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to erase it from my memory. However, I periodically find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and as I slip back to when it all happened, it beco...reading time 34 mingenre
First times
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Ima Friend
The plane crash 73–79The Plane Crash 73- 79 "Ok my angel, off you go to get your uniform on. I will clean up in here and wait for you in the living room" "Ok Daddy, thank you for drying me. I hope we can do this every school day" "Well, I don't see why not angel. It is just the two of us and whatever you want I want" "Now off you go, I need to get dressed as well" I went and put on a pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt and went to the kitchen to prepare her lunch. I packed her lunch and some juice in her backpack ...reading time 26 mingenre
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