Story search divorced

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967 stories found

The old Neighbor I'm William 45 divorced average height and weight. I work as foreman in a Steel mill, I by myself in a quite suburb. I have an old neighbor called Elizabeth 68 widow great body for her age. I can see into her bedroom from mine and nobody can see in to mine as I a special glass that lets you see out, but not in. There is a thin film applied to the glass that stop you seeing in when the lights on in the room it sort of illuminates the film and blocks the view in. So after I first saw Elizabeth un...reading time 4 mingenre
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Securing my Family's FutureI'm Wendy 54 divorced and 1 daughter Jane 35 and Jane is ultra shy especially around men. We get by okay, but not great and early last year I met David 65 self made retired and no family of his own. We started talking went to fuck regularly and I realized David missed one thing in his life having a family of his own. I would if I could have a child for him, but I'm passed that now. Then while waiting to catch the bus home with Jane I noticed a older man and younger woman kissing. Too passionate ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Wendy Grandmother
Drunken Night Last year I returned to my home town for a reunion and stayed with divorced mother Rachel 53. I'm John 27 single, I was staying a week. The high school football team reunion was on Saturday night and I arrived late Friday. I planned to stay the next week visiting mom. We both had plans that Saturday night, I left and went to the reunion and mom to a charity event. I got bored at the reunion and started drinking a lot. I did meet some old friends and talked the usual rubbish, around midnight I go...reading time 3 mingenre
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Drunken SexI'm Gordan 25 carpenter, single and live with my sister Grace 21 and mother Anne 42 divorced. I've been working since leaving school at 15 and have purchased a 3 bedroom house and have almost finished doing it up. It was barely liveable, when I purchased it cheap. I've spent more on doing it up then it cost. I had to get one bathroom and 2 bedrooms done before we could live in it. Anne and Grace shared a bedroom for 4 months after we moved in. I got the house 2 years ago at the local government ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Moving onI was married to Kirsten 34 and had 3 children with her, but after 12 years of marriage she decided I wasn't her soulmate anymore. So we divorced in 2019 and she got the children and I got them half the holidays and every second Christmas. Kirsten then married her law partner Helmut. I live in a town outside the city with Kirsten and the children still live. I moved there to get away from the city. I'm Casey 35 and work from home mostly and had purchased a old 4 bedroom house on a large block an...reading time 3 mingenre
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BoredI'm Greg 23 live at home with my mother Joyce 45 divorced and sister Kaye 25 single, being in self-isolation due to the coronavirus. After a week of isolation, I was almost climbing the walls and while playing cards with Joyce and Kaye, they could see I wasn't paying attention and was bored. Kaye suggested we spice up the game and play strip poker and Joyce said she was willing and Kaye had to ask me again. As I wasn't listening at the time and I agreed, but I wasn't excited about it as I didn't...reading time 3 mingenre
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A Lucky Break DownI was driving to the west coast and going to find work there. In the Midwest my old car broke down. Short on cash, I took a job at the local gas station. I'm a qualified mechanic and got room over the garage to sleep in and would be able to work on my car during my off time. I'm Wendel 35 divorced no children, my wife got most of everything, hence my money shortage. I was head west to put distance between us, so broken down in the Midwest. I hope to be on my way in a week or so. The people were ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Holiday with my SisterI'm Egar 28 single, I work in I T development. I own my own home and I'm paid very well. I'm not a party guy, I keep to my self and work. My sister Robyn 30 divorced 2 children and lives in an apartment 3 miles from me. It started last year, my niece 7 and nephew 5 were on holiday staying with their Father for the holidays. Robyn had to take her holidays from her work, but couldn't afford to go anywhere. I also was going on holiday and hadn't made any plan to do anything. My Mother suggested tha...reading time 4 mingenre
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My AuntMy aunt Fiona 54 widow lost Frank her husband last year and couldn't afford her rent after frank died. I'm Alan 37 divorced and have my own place just outside of town and was the closest family member to Fiona, Fiona had a son. But he killed on active service years before and she was now alone. Dana 62 my mother an the oldest of Fiona's siblings asked me to take Fiona in and I agreed. My parents live in the next state and didn't have any room with my father's mother living with them. Fiona is av...reading time 3 mingenre
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Alan C
I'm a userBy user I mean I use people to get what I want whenever I want it. I had been married but had gotten divorced and had no children. At 36 I was financially well off, but relationship wise I wasn't doing well at all. You get a reputation of being a user and people start avoiding you. Sex wasn't a problem I could always find a fuck, but it wasn't as satisfying anymore. The easy women as I called them weren't giving me the satisfaction I wanted. I reasoned it was because they were easy to bed, so I ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Finally Caught
Sister joins me in my bedI'm Keith 38 divorced 2 children both live with their mother. Last November I moved to another state for work and closer to my ex wife (now remarried) and my children. Not by design but the company I work closed my former workplace and I was transferred. It also put me closer to my sister Margret 36 single my only sibling. Margret works as an artist and does quite well in advertising and also selling some of her own personal works as well. I got my own 3 bedroom home as I get the children half t...reading time 3 mingenre
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Keith P
My old high school Sweetheart's MotherI Gerald, when I was at high school I had a girlfriend called Judy. But after we went off to college we parted ways. After finishing college I return to my home town and worked in the family business. I didn't have a girlfriend then, but a few friends I went out with. I was passing my old girlfriends Judy's home and saw her mother in the garden and stopped to say hello. Wendy 53 was divorced and lived alone, we had the usual talk how are you and what you doing now and I asked how Judy was. I was...reading time 4 mingenre
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My Sister-in-lawThis all started in 2015, my wife had died 2013 leaving to care for our 2 boys than almost 5 and 3. My sister-in-law was suddenly hit with divorce papers by her than husband. Which came as a total shock to her and left devastated and she started drinking. I was the closest relative to her at the time and I worked from home and cared for my 2 boys and now had a drunk sister-in-law to take care of as well. My boys go to a play group for several hours Monday to Friday to allow them to meet other ch...reading time 3 mingenre
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Accidental Husband
Saying goodbye before running awayI'm running away with my 2 girlfriends in a couple of days. We're running away to Mexico. We have some Mexican blood so I'll be perfect. The next few days I'm going to say goodbyes to people. I started out with my neighbor. I knocked on her door and she opened it in a minute. She greeted me with a "hi sexy" (I may have had sex with her before) and she kissed me and signaled me inside. When the doors closed, she put her arms around me, and kissed me with tongue. I said I need to talk to her. She...reading time 4 mingenre
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Making Money I'm Bruce 26 single unemployed, I live with my mother Clare 47 divorced & unemployed and my sisters Robyn 23 single unemployed and Ellen 20 single unemployed. I couldn't get a job and neither could anyone else in our area, as there were none going. I lifted a few things to get by, one day I lifted a digital camera. It could record video and sound, it was high end and I kept it. Instead of selling it, then one day my mother was doing some part time cleaning for some cash in hand and she found a ...reading time 3 mingenre
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I was restrictedHaving been partying rather than studying, my parents first cut my allowance. But it didn't have the desired effect. So, they stop my allowance completely thus I was very restricted in everything I did except going to my university lectures. I could easily walk the distance, but the weekends were the worst for me as without money I couldn't hang out with my friends or date girls. The loss of my allowance was until my grades improved greatly, I was told and improve beyond my previous best was als...reading time 4 mingenre
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Horny Nephew
Living with Grandma updateLast year my gran Pamela moved in with me after a fire in her apartment block. We got on very well together and after she caught masturbating in the bath, I asked her to take over the stroking and she did. We ended up in my bed fucking and have continued sleeping together and regularly fucking also. Then May this year Marilyn 23 my cousin came to the city for work and also see Pamela. Marilyn is quite shy and Pamela had asked her to stay with us, at first I thought it would stop the sex with Pam...reading time 4 mingenre
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Robert W G
Best Day EverI'm Max 25 single average build and height, I work as plumber for a large local company. Friday it was my turn to do the small jobs, that come in at times. Nothing major, the first job of the day was a leaking pipe in a kitchen. Nothing unusual about that, I was met the by a woman in a nightgown and was shown to the kitchen. I found the problem to be a cracked plastic pipe, I cut it out and replaced it with new pipe. The lady Joan 45 standing near me with her nightgown now open and she was nude ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Taking a RiskI've always fancied my cousin Robyn 24 and dreamt of her most nights. I'm Paul 27 plumber single and doing well in my trade, but lousy in my love life. Then Robyn came to town to work in the local council admin office, I saw her just once before the tornado hit several weeks later. My home escaped damage and I only lost power for a day, Robyn's rental home was destroyed and she lost most of her stuff. My mother Ruth 46 widow and her sister Rhonda 44 divorced Robyn's mother came to help out. Both...reading time 3 mingenre
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Summertime momLong story short version. My parents divorced and because of my mother's drinking problem, I was given to my father to raise. I was 14 at the time and never saw my mother for 5 years and only got to see her because I came of age. My mother wasn't drinking as heavily as she was before. She had the odd breakout you could say and so I never saw her as my father would use any excuse to stop me seeing her. I didn't go to university and became an electrician; I was still training when I met mother and...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Son
Dream JobI 28 single average build and work at a holiday resort. I got my dream job, working on a Coral Atoll very exclusive resort. I mainly do bar work and some times do lifeguard at the lagoon. As it a exclusive resort you only see the very well off guests, a lot of wealthy Wifes without their husbands. As well as the wealthy older men some with thier young female friends. I'm not the resort stud or anything like that, I'm the one the guest don't notice as much. The female staff as all young and petty...reading time 3 mingenre
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I married into a Family of PreppersI'm Henry now 35 married 8 children and now the patriarch of my extended family. Twelve years ago I married Judith then 20, she worked at the local supermarket and I worked there also. I like her and asked her out and we when out several times and ended up sleeping together and then marrying 8 months later. Her father Paul was 63 at the time and lived out of town on his property with Judith and her younger sister Meagan and their mother Cheryl. My parents had divorced years before and my father ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Henry F
The DebtLong story short, I'm Mary 43 now divorced and have I child Richard 21 who works and lives interstate. My left after the divorce and I don't know or care where he. I was working at a bakery and the owner decided to sell up and retire. As I did almost all the baking I thought I could buy it, but didn't the money or a credit rating to get a loan. I asked my brother David 45 if he would lend the money and he agreed. David is a stock broker and a widower lives alone since his wife Angela pasted away...reading time 4 mingenre
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My reclusive NeighborI (33) moved next my reclusive neighbor 38 just after marrying didn't meet or see him for 6 months or so. I thought the house was empty as no lights showed at night and had never seen anybody visiting or there at all. But I still worked and was gone most of everyday and on the weekends my husband and I were out visiting or on the lake. My marriage quickly failed as my husband got caught with another woman by her husband. Who shot both dead on the spot and now widowed instead of divorced. My husb...reading time 3 mingenre
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Contented Wife
My MotherI'm David 23 youngest of three and only one still at home with our mother Grace 46 divorced. My siblings have both moved to the city to work. Grace then became very clingy to me and I thought she was worried I would leave also. But I didn't intend to leave our town as I like it a lot and have a job as a mechanic and am happy there. I'm not a ladies man, far from it but I do get lucky every now and then. I was read a paper from the city, it came in a box for Grace from my sister. It had a vase in...reading time 4 mingenre
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