Story search divorced

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967 stories found

Grandma comes to stayI'm Peter 29 have my own home and work at the local mill, wasn't in any relationship at the time. I was lucky I was able to buy a house cheap at the age of 25, it wasn't a palace but it would do me fine. I've been working ever since leaving high school and had saved my money, I rode a bicycle instead of having a car. But I now own a pickup and had done up my house over the years since buying it. So I'm pretty well setup as they say, then my grandpa Jack died of the coronavirus leaving grandma Sy...reading time 5 mingenre
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Peter Grandma Fucker
Spinster AuntI Gordon 24 single and live with my divorced mother Carol 42, I'm her only child. My mother youngest sister Joanne 35 is single and a spinster according to Carol. Never been fucked or in any relationship with a man. She is a quiet person who works in a university library as a researcher. She tracks down any books or papers the professors want, even from outside the university library. After my father left, Carol asked Joanne to move in with us to help with the costs. This suited Joanne as she wo...reading time 5 mingenre
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PlaymatesWhen I was small my mother had a close friend with a daughter that was my 1st crush. I don't ever remember a time until I was in my late teens that we were not friends. This is our story as close as I can get to true and real, only the names have been changed. I recall being teased about how "neat it would be" if we ended up getting married, etc. I'm pretty sure Penny was the first girl I ever kissed. We played a version of you show me yours I'll show you mine at a very early age in her bac...reading time 5 mingenre
First times
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I'm no Angel I got divorced in early 2020 and then got stuck in a lockdown, I very well off and with payments to my ex wife Gail 44 and paying for my 2 children to go thru university. Hardly is noticed by me, so stuck at my new home alone. I had time to think and I agreed with myself that I'm a selfish person and most of all I like it that way. I want everything my way and only do things for ours if I get a benefit myself. One thing about the lockdown it kept the homeless off our street. Anyway after lockdow...reading time 5 mingenre
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Andrew T E
Starting againI got divorced in 2019 and moved to another state to start my life again. I'm Arch short for Archibald and at 31, I was starting over. No children from the marriage and that may it easier. My ex wife started an affair with her work partner and I wasn't wanted anymore. I'm not a tall person only 5'6" and heavy set. So I found an old run down farm 8 miles out of town, only 41 acres. I started to do it up as my new home and got the usual horses, chickens and a dog I called Boris. I kept to myself a...reading time 5 mingenre
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Arch F
Making the best things Caught away from home due to a snap lockdown and no place to stay I went my aunt Carol 56 (father's sister) divorced the only relative near to me at the time. Carol is a strange woman, by what I've seen over the years I've known her, she calls herself a new age person and practices weird rituals for empowerment. To what purpose I still don't understand, you can't call her a witch or anything old hat as that. She is into technology and says that we will be soon among the stars. If she hadn't been...reading time 5 mingenre
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PromotedI was transferred in to boost up productivity in an old factory, owned by the company I worked for. I'd a reputation as the axe man, I come in and people lose their jobs. This time I was to manage the factory boost it earnings, but at low cost to the company. Meaning no replacing the machines, replacements weren't available anyway, as there was no market. The old machines done the work and being a niche market, there was no competition and not enough demand for competition to start. The factory ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Willing to fuck Assistant
I bought a house/annex and 5 acres sight unseenI wasn't ever good with women and used hookers for sex, it easy to get and no hoops to jump thru to get it as long as you had the cash. My career was the complete opposite to my love life and at 36 I discovered I was in a rut and so I moved to country town. Bought my property and the town wasn't small it wasn't big enough to be called a city. I didn't want a place where everybody knows you, I'm the private person type. After settling in I got the lay of the land as they say and was quite happy t...reading time 5 mingenre
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Happy Lover/father
Lucky Accident I 23 was walking home after working the late shift and at a crosswalk I started across with the green walk sign and a car clipped me. I wasn't hurt and more in shock than anything else. The car a very expensive one was being driven by a mature woman, drunk or high I don't know which. Anyway, she was terrified I would sue her or get the police involved or both. I recovered my senses and not being hurt I was willing to let it side. But she worried I would change my mind later and the lights at th...reading time 5 mingenre
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My Mother JaneMy mother Jane 43 5'5" average build quiet woman married to Scott 48 loud mouth know all and unfaithful. I'm Andrew 26 6'1" single average build carpenter, early 2017 I bought a cottage that joined onto my parents back fence. It was in poor condition and I lived with my parents as I did the cottage up. I first fenced in the cottage with a connecting gate to my parents home. Shortly after I got my cottage Scott got a promotion and would away more often. He had affairs and both me and my mother ab...reading time 5 mingenre
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Retutning HomeI'm Greg 28 just last year in October, I returned home to the town of my birth. I was taken away by my father after he and my mother divorced when I was 14. My father got a job in Greece and still lives there now with his new wife and family. I hadn't seen my mother since the divorce and she also remarried and has a new family. I visited her on my return and then decided to see how my old town had changed over years. Not much as it turned out, except a lot of shops were now closed up. I stayed a...reading time 5 mingenre
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One Door Closes Another Opened Early last year my then girlfriend Brooke 22 broke off our relationship and moved away to live with her father Henry. I was sad at first. But that's life as they say, she was attending university and I wasn't. I work as a carpenter and that was the cause of most of her problem with me. Anyway I'm doing quite well and have already bought my own home and doing it up. Its in a good neighborhood and was a little run down when I got it in a 2020 estate sale. Anyway I was home working on my home finis...reading time 5 mingenre
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David S B
My Rural Hide AwayI inherited a country property from my uncle Frank, as I was the only relative who took an interest in it while he was alive. None of the others were interested in going there and I liked going there for peace and quiet from the city noise. It also came with a sizeable amount of cash and the condition it was never sold. Others in the family shared others things, but my inheritance was the biggest piece by far. It was too late after he passed for them to do anything, as Frank had put in a conditi...reading time 5 mingenre
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Legend ZeldaCute and white, Tim relished knowing he was sexist prior to his twenty-first birthday which he and Joshua, his black, 22-y/o friend, celebrated at The Depot on a September, Thursday night. But it didn't occur to them that Zelda, Tim's divorced, 35-y/o aunt, would provide the entertainment until they entered the bar's foyer and saw a poster announcing: “Legend of Zelda, the world's raunchiest stripper.” 'I'm sure she lives up to her reputation,' Joshua remarked. 'I hope she does,' Tim said as ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Grandma PhyllisMy grandma Phyllis 67 widowed after the passing of grandpa Paul 3 years ago. Phyllis lived alone for almost 2 years, until I got a job in the nearby town and started to live with her. My name is Darrin 23 and work at the local mill as a shift electrician in the maintenance section, after school at 15 to trained as a electrician. Once fully qualified I got a job at the mill after looking around a bit. I'm like sport and use it as a means of keeping fit, no chance of going the majors. Two reasons ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Fantastic TrainingI was always awkward growing up and especially awkward when it came to girls or women. Always felt uncomfortable around women and girls outside of my family. So at 21 still a virgin and not much chance of sex in my future either, I couldn't even bring myself to hire a woman for sex. Still living at home and going to work and coming home and rarely going out anywhere except for shopping. I'm no skinny guy and quite fit and 6'2" solid build, just couldn't relate to women much at all. Then we got a...reading time 5 mingenre
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Brett B
EntitledI'm a widower of 3 years my late died freak accident, a tree branch broke off during strong wind and hit her. At 59 I was again single and now living alone, decided to give my house to my son and his new wife and move to an apartment. It was closer to my business, and I wouldn't have to drive miles to and from work each day. Settling in quickly, not interested in dating at all I kept to myself. After a year I started getting horny and still not wanting the hassle of dating. Decided to Leveridge ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Entitled Boss
My Sister RuthI returned from living overseas early last year, I purchased a small farm to raise pigs and chickens and also got 3 horses. The farm is only forty acres and 8 miles from the closest town. Which I was born and raised in, at 35 divorced no children I just wanted a quiet life. My sister Ruth 32 widow is the closest of my family to me being only 4 miles down the road, she lost her husband in the forest fires months before my return. She has 2 boys 7 and 5 and works as a doctors receptionist, the hou...reading time 5 mingenre
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My Quiet NephewI'm Ashley 47 divorced 1 grown child who has married and started her own family in the next state. I use to rent and then my only sibling David passed away suddenly in a car accident he was 50. He also had only one child Andrew 26 very quiet and all the times I met him he hardly spoke at all. His mother cleared off years ago when he was 4 and my brother David raised him alone. Not word or letter from his mother since she left, she filed for divorce on the other coast and David didn't try to stop...reading time 5 mingenre
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Ashley Cum Bucket
My Little CousinBy little I mean short she is only 4'1" 23 and gorgeous, lives across the street houses down the street. I bought my house last year and my cousin was sharing the house with other girls she went to university with. I didn't buy the house because my cousin lived nearby, I didn't know where she lived at the time. Just that she lived near the university, bought the house that suited me best as mine has a large shed in the back yard. I'm an electrician and work for the local power company and do wor...reading time 5 mingenre
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Horny Father to be
I made money from older womenAt a young age I would do odd jobs in my neighborhood, mowing lawns, weeding garden beds, cleaning out garages/sheds and other things. Most of the men in the neighborhood were willing to spend a few bucks for me to do the odd jobs. As I got older I filled out and got on the football team. Then I noticed that the women in the area would sunbath in there gardens watching me work. Then I came across a book about a gigolo, it opened my eyes to a wider career. I wasn't going to a great footballer and...reading time 4 mingenre
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Trophy WifeMy uncle 64 married a 20-year-old because she looked great, and he wanted to show her off. She came from a poor family, and she was desperate after the pandemic had taken most of her family. Mainly due to no money for medical help and so they didn't get help. Nothing was ever free for them, so with only a younger sister 16 left marriage to my uncle was her only hope. She must have been really desperate to marry my asshole of an uncle. But due to my uncle's many health issues she at least didn't ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Horny willing Nephew
I hired a Housekeeper.Being stuck at home I became a bit of a slob and my house got rather messy, usually I was out of the house a lot more and only due to the lockdown I home a lot more. The lockdown finished and I hired a cleaning service to clean my home. They got it back to tis pre lockdown state. Then with another lockdown possible being enforced, I decided I would hire a housekeeper. I advertised for a live in housekeeper and had 7 applications and I went thru them and selected Margret 58 divorced children grow...reading time 5 mingenre
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HomecomingNine years ago I left my hometown, my mother had died and with no other relatives locally I left. I had finished university and had returned to be with my mother who was ill and she got worse and died several months later Lung Cancer. She was a heavy smoker and I couldn't ever remember seeing her without a cigarette either in her hand or mouth. First thing she done was light a cigarette even before getting out of bed and smoking another before going to sleep. Three packs a day she told her docto...reading time 5 mingenre
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Ralph B
DespicableOne day in August a month after she got married, the 24-y/o Astrid explained to Jonah, her dominant, white and 25-y/o husband, that she fantasized about simulated force. 'Really?' he inquired. 'Really, because I'm a masochist needing abuse.' 'That's for sure!' Jonah replied as he fiercely slapped her beautiful face under her long, red hair. 'Aaah!' she gasped. 'Cruelty turns you on, doesn't it?' he asked. 'I can't remember when it hasn't,' she responded. However, Jonah was proudly sexist ...reading time 4 mingenre
Group sex
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The Pig-Master
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