She lay on the big, disheveled bed in the dim light of the bedside lamp, her arms pulled cruelly behind her back and cinched tightly together at the wrists and elbows with unyielding white rope.
The same rope that pinned her long, shapely legs together at the ankles and knees and painfully encircled the base of her 34-D cups, forcing them to bulge out in firm, dark painful melons of flesh, now turned dark purple from the hours of agonizing constriction.
Her mouth had been packed with two big, thick hand towels and taped over with a dozen feet of clear packing tape winding tightly around her head and covering her face from her pointy chin to just below her flaring nostrils, oozing with snot from her sobbing as she tried to breathe through the mucus sliding down her face to her chin and big firm tits… Her long gray pony tail hanging clear of the tape, she wondered why he had done that…
She looked over at the clock next to the lamp 2:25 the green light glowed… she closed her big brown eyes and thought, this mother fucker has been here for seven fucking hours, raping and sodomizing me…
Her vagina and anus were sore and aching from this fucker’s big, thick cock forcing its way into her over and over, filling her as he grunted and groaned, their bodies sweating together in the warm July evening in her stifling little bedroom… her muffled cries of pain and terror making him all the harder…
She had gotten home from the office around seven, hoping to get a bite to eat and take a nice warm bath before melting into bed after a tough day at the office which she had only been at a couple of weeks…
And that was part of the problem, she still didn’t know many people, having moved from the mid-west to the coast to take a new job… but unfortunately for her she had been spotted the first day at the new office by this fucking pervert who followed her, stalking her as she walked on her tall slender heels in her tight pencil skirt and tighter blouses.
But when he had discovered she was new and alone, well, her fate was sealed… He had picked this hot Thursday night, figuring correctly, she would get home about seven and want to unwind before going to bed to get ready for Friday morning, a morning which only he knew, she would never see…
She heard him banging around out in the kitchen and wondered what he was doing, whatever it was, it was giving her a few minutes alone without his pawing, slapping, squeezing, biting or fucking her!
She tested her bonds again for the hundredth time, but she knew it was useless, her hands and lowers arms were dead, numb like to hunks of beef, as were her feet and lower legs from hours of cruel bondage cutting off her circulation… her huge tits, swollen and dark seemed to throb with every beat of her heart, several bite marks standing out red and angry…
Finally she heard him coming back down the hall from the kitchen amazed at his arm load… a stool from the kitchen, a sauce pan, a drill, some steel hooks and a hotplate…
She raised her head to look at what he had blinking tears from her big eyes… He looked at her, his body naked and muscular, glistening with sweat from his various exertions… I’ll bet you’re wondering… he let the statement trail off as he took the drill and drilled a hole trough the carpet and into the floor beneath…
What the fuck is he doing… he took one of the metal hooks, really a threaded ring and screwed the thread down into the floor leaving just the ring exposed above the carpet…
She dropped her head back to the sheets, stained with and smelling of his cum… but then he stood up on the stool and raised the drill above his head and drilled another hole in the ceiling and screwed a second ring into the ceiling a couple feet from the foot of the bed but right above the floor ring.
He jumped down, his massive organ and ball sack swinging as he did so, putting down the drill he took a long piece of the rope and tied it between her numb feet and around her crushed ankles… oh what the fuck is he going to do to me now… almost too tired to care and in too much pain to resist…
He stepped back on the stool and reached up and threaded the free end of the rope through the ring and pulled the rope taught and stepped down and simply said, Here we go!
And he began to tug on the rope dragging her bound, helpless body across the soiled sheets eliciting a muffled cry from her as much in confusing as terror or pain.
Easily he pulled her five-foot seven inch, 135 pounds across the bed, her legs pulled up first at 45 degrees and then vertical as her torso pulled clear, her numb hand unable to grab anything to retard her progress.
Then with one huge tug her torso swung upwards until only her head was on the end of the bed and then that pulled free as well and she swung across the room, her long, gray pony tail brushing the carpet as she groaned, swinging a couple feet upside down sideways hanging upside down.
Her feet were a few inches from the ceiling ring as he tied the free end of the rope off to the foot board of the bed… her head was literally spinning as she tried to figure out what he was doing, what he had in store for her as it became obvious, he was not planning on leaving soon…
He took another length of rope and tied it into her long pony tail pulling it taught and then tying the rope through the ring in the floor anchoring her head in place so she could not move but a scant inch or two…
He took the sauce pan into the bedroom and filled it with water then brought it back and set the hot plate on the stool and the pan atop that and turned on the burner…
Oh NO! This can’t be good for me! What kind of perverted hell does he have in store for me? She cried trying to struggle but it was useless as was trying to scream, it was muffled nonsense coming out of her throbbing, aching jaw…
He sat on the edge of the bed, his cock becoming more erect at her new plight… As he reached into his back pack and pulled out a small eye dropper and an insulated glove.
I saw this in an old Flash Gordon comic years ago and have used it several times over the years. He said as he watched the pot slowly coming to a boil… the villain had Flashes gal pal tied upside down like this and used boiling water in a most creative, excruciating way to get her to talk…
Her eyes darted between his face, now upside down and the quickly boiling pot… screaming in helpless horror at his words… He held up the eye dropper… you see I don’t have to apply very much boiling water to your lovely flesh to elicit the anguished reply that I want…
The pan began to bubble and suddenly reached a full rolling boil as he slipped on the insulated glove and picked up the dropped dipping the end into the boiling liquid… he pulled it out and could see the long, slender tube was full of boiling water!
She screamed as he moved his hand over until it was poised and half inch above the bottom of her bound, swollen breast and squeezed the bulb!
Liquid fire squirted onto her turgid flesh as she screamed in agony as her breast was scalded, struggling furiously to escape but unable to move…
Excellent! He said quietly admiring his work and returned the dropper to the pan brining it back twice more to the same tortured breasts as her muffled screams filled the small room, her eyes rolling back into her skull wishing for unconsciousness as her breast quickly blistered from the burn.
Now for lefty he said moving to the other breast as the water dripped off the first one her scream trying to beg him fell on deaf, disinterested ears and her left breasts was scalded again and again…
She was near passing out but a smelling salt under her nostrils brought her back gagging and blinking…
As tender as those are, you have much more sensitive flesh, don’t you? He said standing up and spreading her thick thighs apart with his free hand as she screamed in terror knowing was next, but it was useless as he sprayed the boiling water on her trapped and exposed clit hood!
Her struggling was exquisite as the hood was scalded and he returned again burning that quickly swelling flesh… but the third time he held up the vile and said, You know what’s next!
And she did and screamed but his fingers moved the blistering hood and found the swollen clit beneath it! That muffled cry of agony mixed with terror as she convulsed and then went limp as she passed out…
Oh no, he smiled, not so easy for you, and brought the salts beneath her nostril again and brought her back to the real world! Not so quick to escape your punishment dear, he said with another dropper scalding her blistering clit into an insanity of agony as she pissed herself which he enjoyed as it ran down her straining body to the floor…
By now the clit had become a swollen blistering mass beneath the equally damaged hood… so he just rubbed his finger roughly across both bring her to a flurry of useless agonized struggling…
He smiled again, I’m really enjoying our time together, he said, taking a turkey baster from his pack… he inserted the end into the pan and sucked it full of boiling water… she was nearly incoherent, barely able to focus om his words, her eyes glazed over with tears and pain, snot running from her nose…
You have a sweet, tight pussy for a 45 year old woman, he said spreading her vulva and inserting the end in her well used cunt, but I think it has seen its last use… and he squirted the moist, pink membrane of her vagina with scalding liquid until it ran back out as her body convulsed her eyes rolling into her skull.
When she came to, agony burning through her in a mind bending swirl of pain he was sitting in front of her slowly stroking his cock in his hand as his other hand ran over her taught, straining flesh.
I would really love to stay and spend more quality time with you, he said filling the dropper again, but its getting on toward four and I need to be gone before the sun comes up… he said as he grabbed her head and inserted the end into her right nostril and squeezed filling her sinus with boiling water which made it feel like her brain was burning as she screamed in horror… you see, he continued, in the comic the heroine’s mouth was ungagged so she could tell the villain what he wanted, so when he filled her sinuses with boiling water, she could still breathe through her mouth as her sinus swelled up…
He filled the dropper again, all she could see through her tears was his movement as she tried to breathe through her undamaged sinus… but I don’t need to hear what you have to say and with your mouth packed and sealed, I’m afraid your scalded sinuses will swell and suffocate you…
She tried to scream but the scalding water filled her left nostril burning her sinus… as she struggled for breath he watched with pleasure as her body convulsed in its final death throes, the oxygen cut off by her swollen scalded sinuses, her body jerked as her lungs starved for oxygen battled and her brain died away, her body convulsed in a might shake and then hung still, her eyes, stared straight ahead, dilated and dead…
He collected his things, dressed and left her hanging there, tightly bound, scalded and suffocated, just as he had imagined her when he first spotted her in her high heels and tight skirt and blouse, but now she was perfect…
Her end…
She lay on the big, disheveled bed in the dim light of the bedside lamp, her arms pulled cruelly behind her back and cinched tightly together at the wrists and elbows with unyielding white rope.
The same rope that pinned her long, shapely legs together at the ankles and knees and painfully encircled the base of her 34-D cups, forcing them to bulge out in firm, dark painful melons of flesh, now turned dark purple from the hours of agonizing constriction.
Her mouth had been packed with two big, thick hand towels and taped over with a dozen feet of clear packing tape winding tightly around her head and covering her face from her pointy chin to just below her flaring nostrils, oozing with snot from her sobbing as she tried to breathe through the mucus sliding down her face to her chin and big firm tits… Her long gray pony tail hanging clear of the tape, she wondered why he had done that…
She looked over at the clock next to the lamp 2:25 the green light glowed… she closed her big brown eyes and thought, this mother fucker has been here for seven fucking hours, raping and sodomizing me…
Her vagina and anus were sore and aching from this fucker’s big, thick cock forcing its way into her over and over, filling her as he grunted and groaned, their bodies sweating together in the warm July evening in her stifling little bedroom… her muffled cries of pain and terror making him all the harder…
She had gotten home from the office around seven, hoping to get a bite to eat and take a nice warm bath before melting into bed after a tough day at the office which she had only been at a couple of weeks…
And that was part of the problem, she still didn’t know many people, having moved from the mid-west to the coast to take a new job… but unfortunately for her she had been spotted the first day at the new office by this fucking pervert who followed her, stalking her as she walked on her tall slender heels in her tight pencil skirt and tighter blouses.
But when he had discovered she was new and alone, well, her fate was sealed… He had picked this hot Thursday night, figuring correctly, she would get home about seven and want to unwind before going to bed to get ready for Friday morning, a morning which only he knew, she would never see…
She heard him banging around out in the kitchen and wondered what he was doing, whatever it was, it was giving her a few minutes alone without his pawing, slapping, squeezing, biting or fucking her!
She tested her bonds again for the hundredth time, but she knew it was useless, her hands and lowers arms were dead, numb like to hunks of beef, as were her feet and lower legs from hours of cruel bondage cutting off her circulation… her huge tits, swollen and dark seemed to throb with every beat of her heart, several bite marks standing out red and angry…
Finally she heard him coming back down the hall from the kitchen amazed at his arm load… a stool from the kitchen, a sauce pan, a drill, some steel hooks and a hotplate…
She raised her head to look at what he had blinking tears from her big eyes… He looked at her, his body naked and muscular, glistening with sweat from his various exertions… I’ll bet you’re wondering… he let the statement trail off as he took the drill and drilled a hole trough the carpet and into the floor beneath…
What the fuck is he doing… he took one of the metal hooks, really a threaded ring and screwed the thread down into the floor leaving just the ring exposed above the carpet…
She dropped her head back to the sheets, stained with and smelling of his cum… but then he stood up on the stool and raised the drill above his head and drilled another hole in the ceiling and screwed a second ring into the ceiling a couple feet from the foot of the bed but right above the floor ring.
He jumped down, his massive organ and ball sack swinging as he did so, putting down the drill he took a long piece of the rope and tied it between her numb feet and around her crushed ankles… oh what the fuck is he going to do to me now… almost too tired to care and in too much pain to resist…
He stepped back on the stool and reached up and threaded the free end of the rope through the ring and pulled the rope taught and stepped down and simply said, Here we go!
And he began to tug on the rope dragging her bound, helpless body across the soiled sheets eliciting a muffled cry from her as much in confusing as terror or pain.
Easily he pulled her five-foot seven inch, 135 pounds across the bed, her legs pulled up first at 45 degrees and then vertical as her torso pulled clear, her numb hand unable to grab anything to retard her progress.
Then with one huge tug her torso swung upwards until only her head was on the end of the bed and then that pulled free as well and she swung across the room, her long, gray pony tail brushing the carpet as she groaned, swinging a couple feet upside down sideways hanging upside down.
Her feet were a few inches from the ceiling ring as he tied the free end of the rope off to the foot board of the bed… her head was literally spinning as she tried to figure out what he was doing, what he had in store for her as it became obvious, he was not planning on leaving soon…
He took another length of rope and tied it into her long pony tail pulling it taught and then tying the rope through the ring in the floor anchoring her head in place so she could not move but a scant inch or two…
He took the sauce pan into the bedroom and filled it with water then brought it back and set the hot plate on the stool and the pan atop that and turned on the burner…
Oh NO! This can’t be good for me! What kind of perverted hell does he have in store for me? She cried trying to struggle but it was useless as was trying to scream, it was muffled nonsense coming out of her throbbing, aching jaw…
He sat on the edge of the bed, his cock becoming more erect at her new plight… As he reached into his back pack and pulled out a small eye dropper and an insulated glove.
I saw this in an old Flash Gordon comic years ago and have used it several times over the years. He said as he watched the pot slowly coming to a boil… the villain had Flashes gal pal tied upside down like this and used boiling water in a most creative, excruciating way to get her to talk…
Her eyes darted between his face, now upside down and the quickly boiling pot… screaming in helpless horror at his words… He held up the eye dropper… you see I don’t have to apply very much boiling water to your lovely flesh to elicit the anguished reply that I want…
The pan began to bubble and suddenly reached a full rolling boil as he slipped on the insulated glove and picked up the dropped dipping the end into the boiling liquid… he pulled it out and could see the long, slender tube was full of boiling water!
She screamed as he moved his hand over until it was poised and half inch above the bottom of her bound, swollen breast and squeezed the bulb!
Liquid fire squirted onto her turgid flesh as she screamed in agony as her breast was scalded, struggling furiously to escape but unable to move…
Excellent! He said quietly admiring his work and returned the dropper to the pan brining it back twice more to the same tortured breasts as her muffled screams filled the small room, her eyes rolling back into her skull wishing for unconsciousness as her breast quickly blistered from the burn.
Now for lefty he said moving to the other breast as the water dripped off the first one her scream trying to beg him fell on deaf, disinterested ears and her left breasts was scalded again and again…
She was near passing out but a smelling salt under her nostrils brought her back gagging and blinking…
As tender as those are, you have much more sensitive flesh, don’t you? He said standing up and spreading her thick thighs apart with his free hand as she screamed in terror knowing was next, but it was useless as he sprayed the boiling water on her trapped and exposed clit hood!
Her struggling was exquisite as the hood was scalded and he returned again burning that quickly swelling flesh… but the third time he held up the vile and said, You know what’s next!
And she did and screamed but his fingers moved the blistering hood and found the swollen clit beneath it! That muffled cry of agony mixed with terror as she convulsed and then went limp as she passed out…
Oh no, he smiled, not so easy for you, and brought the salts beneath her nostril again and brought her back to the real world! Not so quick to escape your punishment dear, he said with another dropper scalding her blistering clit into an insanity of agony as she pissed herself which he enjoyed as it ran down her straining body to the floor…
By now the clit had become a swollen blistering mass beneath the equally damaged hood… so he just rubbed his finger roughly across both bring her to a flurry of useless agonized struggling…
He smiled again, I’m really enjoying our time together, he said, taking a turkey baster from his pack… he inserted the end into the pan and sucked it full of boiling water… she was nearly incoherent, barely able to focus om his words, her eyes glazed over with tears and pain, snot running from her nose…
You have a sweet, tight pussy for a 45 year old woman, he said spreading her vulva and inserting the end in her well used cunt, but I think it has seen its last use… and he squirted the moist, pink membrane of her vagina with scalding liquid until it ran back out as her body convulsed her eyes rolling into her skull.
When she came to, agony burning through her in a mind bending swirl of pain he was sitting in front of her slowly stroking his cock in his hand as his other hand ran over her taught, straining flesh.
I would really love to stay and spend more quality time with you, he said filling the dropper again, but its getting on toward four and I need to be gone before the sun comes up… he said as he grabbed her head and inserted the end into her right nostril and squeezed filling her sinus with boiling water which made it feel like her brain was burning as she screamed in horror… you see, he continued, in the comic the heroine’s mouth was ungagged so she could tell the villain what he wanted, so when he filled her sinuses with boiling water, she could still breathe through her mouth as her sinus swelled up…
He filled the dropper again, all she could see through her tears was his movement as she tried to breathe through her undamaged sinus… but I don’t need to hear what you have to say and with your mouth packed and sealed, I’m afraid your scalded sinuses will swell and suffocate you…
She tried to scream but the scalding water filled her left nostril burning her sinus… as she struggled for breath he watched with pleasure as her body convulsed in its final death throes, the oxygen cut off by her swollen scalded sinuses, her body jerked as her lungs starved for oxygen battled and her brain died away, her body convulsed in a might shake and then hung still, her eyes, stared straight ahead, dilated and dead…
He collected his things, dressed and left her hanging there, tightly bound, scalded and suffocated, just as he had imagined her when he first spotted her in her high heels and tight skirt and blouse, but now she was perfect…
Her end…
Continue to read from the same author
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He Showed Me What I Wanted
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