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The Community, Part IIThis story was originally published as "My Wife; His Toy Part II. It was pulled and retitled as the story line changed. Gina was running late, and the Minneapolis traffic was not being very cooperative. Navigating a big city after three years in a small desert town was challenging. It was veterinarian time again for Benji who was now six years-old, and a first time visit for the puppy, little Junior. Junior was now 23 weeks old and sired by Benji. Gina and Jeff got him as the customary “second...reading time 21 mingenre
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Stars -Screen Test Part-1 CHAPTER 1 "First, take off your top," I suggested, playing with one of her long blonde pigtails. Chrissy nodded and reached for the bottom of her tube. She slid it upward. Slowly, her prepubescent chest came into view. Girls are maturing faster these days, but little Chrissy was still plenty ripe, at nine, for the PT market. Unless she had a sudden growth spurt, she was at least a couple of years shy of training bra time. The areolae were large and pink, vivid on her creamy skin, the little p...reading time 92 mingenre
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Kiara Youngest
Boy next door fucked my mature hairy pussy I knew I was a bit of a plain Jane, mother of four, slightly overweight and nothing special to look at and only 28 years old. My husband showed less and less interest in me and I admit I let myself go a little, then the boy from next door changed all that. It was such an innocent meeting at first; he fetched the empty cups back when I made his mom and some helpers cups of tea when moving in next door. He seemed so shy but ever so polite and I learnt he had just turned 18. His dad had said he ...reading time 27 mingenre
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Brain Hack Incest Chapter 01I guess you can call me a regular 18 year old high school student. Or maybe irregular. I don’t really know what the fuck other guys my age get up to, not really. I sit at the back of the class, away from the jocks and bitches. My only friend, Kevin, was the only other guy I know who kinda got me. He was equally 18 and a fucking virgin. “Tom! You gotta check out this girl I found last night!” He practically shoved his smartphone into my face. He had an obscure adult website running, a girl m...reading time 21 mingenre
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Stasia Grey
Amily the personal maid"You won't be single long," all my friends joked after my first wife died. I think they were just trying to cheer me up, so I would toss back playful answers like, "Well, the kids are too old to need a hot young nanny..." They would play along, with answers like, "so audition maids willing to look good in the traditional short skirt..." By which time, my balls would be heavy as I pictured a tight young lass with pert breasts overflowing a cantilevered bodice, bending from the waist to d...reading time 19 mingenre
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The business tripMen who travel on business regularly have a unique opportunity to get in a little fun that for the most part goes to waste. I was luckier than most on my last trip and spent all my nights with three of the most sexually active ladies I have ever met. I had initially thought that this trip could be better than most as I and my traveling companions Sue, Donna and Eileen headed for the airport but dismissed my thoughts a fantasy. Little did I know that my fantasies would not hold a candle to the re...reading time 25 mingenre
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Business Lady
The jailbreak plays poker, All In!!!At the try On haul two days ago the girls only revealed one outfit each. Those were the pink and black garters with matching glitters for a top. Ripping anchor mounts out of the wall in a final crashing climax for the four of us. Everybody needed a day of rest to recuperate and heal. Earlier today I took ElleJo to a high-end private school that bordered my property. The schools Superintendent is a long time friend whom has had many a game of poker at home. Many Social Climbers have sent they'...reading time 19 mingenre
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Lukewood Space
Queer bent bastardJason and I had just spent the better part of the afternoon skateboarding all over town. Now, reasonably exhausted, we were lounging around on my back deck, drinking Cokes and munching on some brownies my mom had just finished making. It was a typical Sunday afternoon. For the last six years, Jason and I had spent nearly every free minute together, skateboarding, playing one-on-one, driving my mom or his mom nuts, and just doing whatever. There was nothing we didn’t know about each other…well, a...reading time 52 mingenre
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The Descent"Would you like to eat my ass?" she asked nonchalantly, while biting down on a piece of carrot she brought to her mouth. It was the clear late evening of a sunny August day. They were having dinner in the living room, while the distant city lights would peer through the giant window installed as one of the walls for the kitchen. "What?" he asked dumbfounded, with his mouth half open, forgetting to chew. "You know, I was wondering if you'd do it. I'm not bent on it, but I am curious about it and ...reading time 26 mingenre
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Mercy Belle
A weak moment before Christmas The only time in my life I cheated my husband was an evening in December. Like a cliché I became weak after our company’s Christmas Party where I certainly had too much mulled wine and other drinks. Yet somehow I remember it with less regret than I certainly should. It must’ve been around 10 o‘clock when my colleague took the two of us home. He was our driver tonight and hadn’t drunk. When we reached the appartment of our fellow Amanda she invited us in for a little coffee and we agreed. Tonight...reading time 23 mingenre
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The Sexy Neighbour like You “Wake up, little sister!” said an annoying, condescending voice that could’ve roused a corpse. “It’s after seven and you’re officially late.” “Ugh! Damn it, Ray. It’s Saturday,” groaned Sarah Jones as she held a pillow over her head to block out the morning sun. “I don’t care. I’ve got work. You’ve got errands. So long as you’re living in your generous, loving sister’s condo, you’re going to stick to a schedule.” Sarah closed her eyes and buried her face in the arm of the couc...reading time 20 mingenre
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A trip of debaucheryI was reading, Victor the servant was busy with household chores. "Don't you think we're really bored this afternoon," Alfred told us point-blank. I'd be up for a little jaunt into town... A sex spree... But that's up to Trixie... would you be okay honey... to be the centerpiece of it, and bend to our all our sexual desires? The roommate was over, Alfred now paid me a fortune to be his secretary, I worked for him... after my work at the factory and I had taken a liking to his more than erotic ...reading time 22 mingenre
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River RunRiver Run My gurlfriend Tamie and I decided to make a run to the river and cruise the casinos last weekend. We had arranged to meet up with two other gurls, Michelle and Monica. When we arrived we decided to go to a couple of the off scene bars and see who was lurking about. These bars are not specifically gay bars but are more alternative scene bars where people looking to link up will go to get away from the main gambling crowds. Two in particular offer happy hunting for sissies in search of ...reading time 26 mingenre
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Bobbi Satin
Slave TeacherYou know, I never could stand arrogant people. I've pretty much always been the geek of whatever school I'd attended, the one who never had many friends and spent most of his time in his own little world. Needless to say, my generally quiet and antisocial nature made me seem like an easy target for bullies in my youth. That's how it went for most people like me. They always tried to put me down and, more often than not, I didn't have the balls to stand up to them. It wasn't just the typical half...reading time 22 mingenre
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Pervert City
The new posiyionThe new position Mary Johnstone, Mr Ford read through her description a second time this one sounded like she would fit the bill, she went on the small pile that would be coming for an interview. Andrew (Andy) Ford was 28 and had run his own business for the last two years, however Andy seemed on the outside his real demeanour was kept well under wraps. He viewed all the women he was going to interview as his chance to release that inner self. Mary Johnstone was just like her application had d...reading time 20 mingenre
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The Pastor's WifeI got a call from my friend, Sandra, inviting me down for a visit. It so happened that my husband was leaving for a hunting trip with friends and I'd already decided to let the kids go to their grandparents so I said, "Sure, love to!" We live in Oklahoma and I left early on that Saturday morning, eager to begin the five hour trip to Sandi's house in a small, country town south of Austin, Texas. "I've got something special and delightfully nasty planned for us," my friend had said into the p...reading time 19 mingenre
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Home Wrecker Blond Moment. The first time I met my wife Janis I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She was in a Denny’s waitress uniform, dark brown skirt, with a light blue print blouse. She had panty hose on with black shoes. Her brown hair was pulled back in a French braid that went just past her neck. She had hazel eyes that where greener than anything else. The very second, I saw her, a voice inside me said. You are going to marrie her. Now some people said that is love at first sight. NO, I didn’t...reading time 55 mingenre
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Home Wrecker Blond Moment. The first time I met my wife Janis I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She was in a Denny’s waitress uniform, dark brown skirt, with a light blue print blouse. She had panty hose on with black shoes. Her brown hair was pulled back in a French braid that went just past her neck. She had hazel eyes that where greener than anything else. The very second, I saw her, a voice inside me said. You are going to marrie her. Now some people said that is love at first sight. NO, I didn’t...reading time 55 mingenre
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Blond moment Blond Moment. The first time I met my wife Janis I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She was in a Denny’s waitress uniform, dark brown skirt, with a light blue print blouse. She had panty hose on with black shoes. Her brown hair was pulled back in a French braid that went just past her neck. She had hazel eyes that where greener than anything else. The very second, I saw her, a voice inside me said. You are going to marrie her. Now some people said that is love at first sight. NO, I didn’...reading time 55 mingenre
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Few Incest Stories to Ponder It was finally done, the man cave in the basement that I had been working on for ages. I had two wide screen TV's next to each other on the far wall, a perfect mini bar loaded with my favorite drinks on ice, a frig filled with my favorite snacks. I had a pool table that converted into a, ice hockey table or poker table, and a nice large couch along the wall, by the best thing was my recliner. It rocked and laid flat if I wanted to just catch some Zzz's. The game was on, only the light over th...reading time 90 mingenre
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Incestlover 59
T-Girl fairy tale 2A New Plaything Jared was stoking the cooking fire for the evening meal when his two step sisters entered the kitchen. Patrice was a year his senior and Evelyn two years his junior. Patrice was wearing a low cut light blue country dress that fitted tightly from the hips up. The blue matched the blue in her eyes and she had a matching blue ribbon in her golden hair which cascaded down to the middle of her back. She was thin but not bony and had a nicely shaped almost athletic figure. Evelyn ha...reading time 24 mingenre
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HeatherThere was a time before marriage and becoming parents that my wife and I partied almost every weekend. We would work our fingers to the bone during the week and spend Friday and Saturday nights out with all types of friends. This led to quite a few erotic encounters during those formative years of our relationship that helped lay a solid foundation for a healthy and fun sex life. However, there was one that still stands out in both of our minds. Just shy of fifteen years ago, my then fiance and...reading time 26 mingenre
Group sex
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Andrew Arrow
Doing it in the woodsThis crazy, wonderful thing happened to me last summer. It happened when I went camping with a friend, just before school started. I thought I'd write about it. I hope you enjoy it...Kala * * * * * It was late summer when I was invited to go camping with my friend Debra and her parents. Debra and I attend the same high school and we shared a couple of classes together last year. Before that, we were in elementary school together. I've never been camping before and I was really excited! We wer...reading time 31 mingenre
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Bathroom TalesDisclaimer: it's never okay to assault or rape someone, and someone who is drunk cannot consent. This is just a fantasy. Nobody actually wants this to happen to them in real life. ***** "I don't care if you fuck every cock in this club," Jeff said, not even looking at his girlfriend of two years as he threw back his fourth shot of tequila. "I'm not jealous." "Oh, because, it sure seemed like you were jealous when that guy was talking to me, after you came back from the bathroom," Chelsea poin...reading time 24 mingenre
Group sex
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It's All About the KnotThis is a story about sex between men and male dogs. If that offends you then leave now. If you are not of legal age to view pornography, then you need to leave too. This story is my intellectual property and may not be posted in any way or used for anything other than personal reading without my express permission. It's All About the Knot The most common question I get from guys that find out I get dog fucked is; Does it hurt? The answer to that is; Yes..., it hurts..., exquisitely. I li...reading time 25 mingenre
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Mikhail Conrad
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