The Community, Part II


This story was originally published as "My Wife; His Toy Part II. It was pulled and retitled as the story line changed.

Gina was running late, and the Minneapolis traffic was not being very cooperative. Navigating a big city after three years in a small desert town was challenging. It was veterinarian time again for Benji who was now six years-old, and a first time visit for the puppy, little Junior. Junior was now 23 weeks old and sired by Benji. Gina and Jeff got him as the customary “second pick of the litter,” for Benji’s stud services. Junior’s mother, also a golden retriever, was a champion, owned by the principal of the school Gina taught at.

Junior was a gregarious, aggressive puppy and followed Benji everywhere. At 16 weeks, he was already lifting his leg to pee. Benji was now middle-aged in dog years, and appreciated his frequent naps and leisure time, but Junior was always after him to play. He was good at tolerating the little one, but on occasion he would intimidate Junior with a sharp bark or growl.

After parking and managing the dogs from the car to Dr. Muhammad Qaalub’s clinic, Gina arrived just a little late and checked in. The doctor’s wife and assistant, Angela, came out from behind the desk and greeted Benji like she was happy to see him again. Gina met Angela at her yoga class, and Dr. Qaalub had been treating Benji for about a year now, so Angela knew him quite well. In addition to the veterinary services, Dr Qaalub also offered pet hotel services, and he and Angela had watched over Benji on two occasions when Jeff and Gina had to travel. But this was the first time she saw Junior.

“Oh, he’s so cute.” Angela knelt down and reached for Junior who responded with a sharp little bark and growl.”

Angela laughed and feigned fear, “Oh no baby boy, don’t scare me like that.”

She extended her hand to Junior who sniffed it cautiously before he cautiously allowed her to pet him.

Angela and Dr Qaalub had emigrated to the US from Italy. They had met while serving together in the Italian Army. She had been a K9 handler, and he was the command veterinarian. She was in her mid thirties, tall and voluptuous, with long brown hair and olive complexion. She had classic Italian facial features and Gina thought she was quite beautiful, despite that she was always talking about wanting to get her nose fixed.

The doctor was originally from Libya. His family fled Libya during the Qadhaffy period and settled in Sicily. He was more African looking than Arab, and Gina thought his Italian accented English sounded delightful coming from a man who you would think was African American.

The appointments went well for both Benji and Junior. Angela trimmed Benji’s nails, and then helped the doctor with Junior as he got his first puppy shot series. Poor little guy was not happy at all about that.

After Gina settled up on the bill, Angela walked her out to the car.

As she was loading the dogs, Angela pulled a roll of camouflage, self adhesive medical tape, “Hey, mind if I show you something?”

Without waiting for an answer, Angela sat down on the rear car seat and took Benji’s left forepaw in her hand and said, “This is called the dew claw,” pointing to the small appendage on the inside of his foreleg.

“When we’re doing yoga, I’ve noticed that you’ve been getting scratched up pretty good on your sides from playing with him; I have the same problem with Achilles, our Rottweiler.”

Angela wrapped the tape around Benji’s dew claw a few times, cut it, and handed the roll to Gina, “There, that should do it. He’ll get used to it, and that should cut down on a lot of that scratching. You can also use the tape to secure the socks if you use them.”

Angela pulled up the pants leg on her scrubs and pointed to some scratches on her calf, “You still have to watch out for the toes, but it’s those damn dew claws that do the most damage…at least for me.” Here, keep the tape, you can buy this at any drug store, or you can get it from us.”

With that, Angela gave Gina a wink and a nod, “Let me know how it works for you.”

It took a moment for all of that to sink in, but Gina understood what Angela was saying, she gave her a quick hug, “Oh thank you, you’re so sweet.”

During the drive home, Gina held the roll of tape in her hand, “She knows, and she’s into it too.”

That night Jeff and Gina went out to Dominic’s Supper Club, one of St. Paul’s finest Italian Restaurants. While waiting for dessert, Gina pulled the roll of medical adhesive tape out of her purse and showed it to Jeff.

“I was at the vet today, and Dr Qaalub’s wife, Angela, gave this to me...said I should wrap it around Benji’s dew claws ‘when I play with him’ to keep from getting scratched up. Last time we were at our yoga class she noticed the scratches; Benji scuffed me up pretty good the night before. I’m pretty sure she knows we’re fucking. I think she’s into it too.”

Jeff smiled, “Angela? She’s a real beauty...killer body. Where do you think this is going?”

“I’m not sure. She wants to know ‘how the tape works with Benji.’”

Jeff smiled, “Well, how about we try it out tonight? Feel like ‘going into the wilds’ with your other lover?”

Gina nodded, “Yeah, I need it bad, real bad.”

Gina’s relationship with Benji had evolved to the point where he played a major role in her sex life, as well as Jeff’s. At least twice a week, sometimes more, the couple set aside nights for Benji. Gina often laughed with Jeff about how she was a “shared wife.” Truth be told, though her sexual relationship with Jeff had never been better, she enjoyed sex with Benji more. She often capered with him when Jeff wasn’t present, and on occasion when Jeff was out of town overnight, she would let Benji spend the night in her bed.

Gina and Jeff had developed several triggering actions to signal Benji that she was ready to fuck. On this night, Gina made eye contact with the dog, staring at him for several minutes. Then she stood and removed her t-shirt, bra, and sandals.

Wearing only her white lacepanties, she initiated a pull toy wrestling match with him that went on for several minutes. Gina would wrest the toy away from Benji and try to keep it from him by clutching it to her breasts or holding it between her legs.

After several minutes, Gina surrendered the pull toy, and left for the bathroom. Jeff took the medical adhesive and wrapped both of Benji’s dew claws.

Benji initially wasn’t happy about getting wrapped and began to chew at the bandage. He stopped when he saw Jeff taking the blue quilt to the home gym room. He knew he was going to get to mate with Gina and started his usual routine of jumping, crouching, woofing, and pawing at the bathroom door until she emerged, completely naked.

As Gina made her way to the exercise room, Benji followed close behind, sniffing and licking at her ass. Jeff grabbed the dog’s collar when he came through the door, and put Gina’s music on.

“Easy Benji, easy boy, just relax boy, watch your girl, watch her now.”

Gina began her routine; it was all done at Benji’s level now, she was either kneeling, on her hands and knees, or crawling on her belly. She was moving to Rihanna, ‘Shine Bright Like a Diamond,’ massaging her breasts, twisting her nipples, and masturbating.

Benji was eager to get at her, but he wasn’t trying to pull away from Jeff like he used to...he knew his time with the woman would come. A big part of this routine was the tease, and Gina loved to tease him. After a couple songs, Jeff released the dog, and he went right for her ass.

Gina knelt on the old mattress and box spring they had started using and presented herself in the submission position, on her knees, legs opened wide, head down. She had started trimming her pubic hair, and her once wild bush was now shaped in a 2 inch landing strip and cut short which made her thick dark labia, pink clit and slit, and puckered anus clearly visible.

Gina reacted with a start, as if shocked, and curled her toes when Benji sniffed and lapped at her ass and pussy. His red tipped penis was coming out of its sheath when she rolled away from him onto her back. He tried to move in on her, but she pushed him away with her bare foot.

“Oh no Benji, not so fast doggy, not so fast.”

Benji let loose with a sharp “Yip,” and forced himself through her defenses. She tried rolling away again, but the dog blocked her with a foreleg and buried his snout between her legs. He had her now, and Gina relaxed momentarily, spread her legs wide, and let him pleasure her with his tongue.

She let Benji have his way for a minute or so, and then did a backward roll and tried to get away on her hands and knees. The dog was having none of that.

He pounced on Gina, forcing her onto her stomach and pinned her down by putting his forepaws on her back. She struggled to get away, but Benji clamped his jaws on the back of her neck, applying just enough pressure to let her know he wasn’t in the mood for games.

Gina slowly rolled onto her back while stroking the dog’s head with her feet and assumed a position with her ass at the edge of the mattress; her legs were spread wide, and she grasped her genitals, masturbating as she presented her sex, “Okay, okay, fuck me, fuck my bitch cunt.”

Benji licked Gina’s pussy twice more and then mounted her missionary style, clasping her hips with his forelegs. She felt his penis poking around her vaginal orifice, and then he entered her, pulling her tight as he did so. He was fully inside of Gina when she wrapped her tanned legs around him. As she locked her feet and ankles, Benji started his hump, two deliberate thrusts, and then began to fuck her in a frenetic effort, with his hind feet and nails pounding out an up and down rhythm on the hard wood floor.

Jeff watched, interested and aroused. He was naked and erect while he videoed another session of their dog mating with his wife. Gina had started fucking Benji missionary style, claiming the clitoral stimulation was better. He was okay with that, but preferred to see her taken from behind. He was a little jealous of the intimacy with Gina’s legs around Benji’s torso, face to face, while clutching and stroking him with her hands.

Gina had started to meet Benji’s thrusts with her own, but stopped when his knot started to form. She was bicycling her legs now with her feet arched and toes curled, “Oh fuck, hot cum inside me, fuck, knot my cunt, fuck me Benji! Fuck me!”

Benji’s knot was pulsating now, throbbing against Gina’s G-spot, while he continued to ejaculate into her. He had stopped moving, but she was slowly rotating her ass and moaning, “Ahhh, ahhhh, oooo fuck, oooo fuck, you cock and cum, so fucking hot, oooo fuck me, fuck me.”

The two had been fucking for several minutes when an intense orgasm swept over Gina. She dug her toes into the dog’s fur and started gasping, “Uh, uh, uh, uh….” followed by a long moan, punctuated with repetitious shrieks, as she kicked and convulsed under Benji.

Much of the real action had subsided as her orgasm passed, and Gina clung to Benji while they were tied. Jeff was on his feet now, pacing and stroking his erection anxious for his turn with her.

Gina smiled, sensing his desire. Sex with Jeff was always so much more intense for both of them when he took her after the dog was finished.

Gina called out to Jeff, “Hey babe, it won’t be long now...knot is subsiding and he’s about to pull out.”

Jeff stopped pacing and turned, looking down on his wife. She was lying on her back with her arms outstretched, breathing heavy, her breasts flattened against her chest, dark brown nipples still erect as if begging for attention. Jeff saw that she hadn’t shaved her armpits for a few days; the dark stubble combined with the sweaty sheen covering her body gave her a wild look.

“That’s cool, I can wait. Are you okay?”

Gina laughed, “I’m better than okay...he fucks me good. Please lick my pussy when he pulls out and finishes with me.”

Jeff nodded, and as he did, Benji pulled out of Gina. He briefly licked her vagina as the ejaculate leaked out of her, then retreated to a corner to tend to himself.

Jeff knelt at the side of the bed, placed his hands on Gina’s thighs, behind her knees, and spread her legs wide. Her pussy was wet from Benji’s sperm and saliva, and she softly moaned as he began to lick her clitoris.

“Oh yeah, you love it...lick that pussy, lick it good. Benji fucked it, now it’s your turn.”

Gina grabbed Jeff’s hair and pulled him hard, grinding her pelvic area into his face.

“That’s right, eat my pussy, suck it good, then fuck it.”

Jeff couldn’t hold back any longer, he took Gina the same way Benji had, pushing his cock deep into his wife’s hot, wet pussy.

Gina clamped her legs around Jeff’s waist, meeting his thrusts with her own, moaning and fucking him like her ass was on fire.

“Ohhhh yeah, ohhhh yeah, fuck me, fuck me, fuck your slut.”

Jeff could feel her pelvic muscles clenching his cock as he fucked her. Despite the hard fuck she had just received from the dog, she was still eager for more, as evidenced by her sexual response, and he was giving it to her, but his mind was replaying her sex with Benji, and deep down inside, he knew she was too.

After watching Gina with the dog and feeling the warmth and wetness of her freshly fucked cunt, Jeff couldn’t last very long with her, and predictably he started to cum after just a few minutes of intercourse. Gina could feel the throbbing and semen, and held him close until he was spent.

When it was over, Gina bit Jeff’s ear and whispered, “You like that, huh? Fucking me after the dog is finished?”

“Yeah I do. Do you like it?”

“It’s hot. Did you like giving me head after the dog used my pussy?”

Jeff laughed, “Well, the way you went about that, I didn’t have much choice...I thought you were going to dislocate my goddamn jaw, but yeah it was a turn on.”

Gina yawned, “Not sure where we’re going to end up with all this, but I’m liking it. Let’s sleep here tonight; I’m exhausted.”

Jeff awoke suddenly. The room was dimly illuminated by pre-dawn light, and there at the side of the bed knelt Gina. Her head and shoulders were on the mattress, arms crossed above her head and covered by her long black hair. She was softly moaning and Benji was in full mount, fucking her, both seemingly oblivious to his presence.

The following Saturday Gina arrived at her yoga class early, and Angela was already there, motioning Gina to set up by her. After exchanging a few pleasantries, the instructor arrived, put the class through 45 minutes of hot yoga, before dimming the lights and finishing up with 10 minutes of meditation.

After class Gina invited Angela to go out for Starbucks, and it was there where she got right to the point, “So how did you know? Was it the scratches?”

Angela smiled, “Yeah, that and just the way you are with Benji, and the way he is with you. How long has it been? Does Jeff know?

“About three years. Jeff and me were living in this crappy little desert town that was out in the middle of nowhere. I couldn’t get steady work, so I was home all day, bored, with only my books, gym workouts, and Benji. We had a private back yard, and I used to sunbathe nude. Of course Benji was very interested, and one day I let him lick me. That was it; that one time, and I was hooked. Oral sex with Benji became a daily routine for me...both giving and receiving.”

“Then one night I was lifting weights in our home gym...I used to do that naked, and Jeff would take video. Anyway, I was bench pressing, and Benji got into the room and went right for me. I stopped him of course because Jeff was unaware of what was going on with me and our dog, but Jeff picked up on my arousal. We talked about it, and I told him about having oral sex with Benji, like letting him lick me, and masturbating him. I had been researching actual intercourse between women and male dogs, and Jeff was supportive. The following night Benji and me fucked for the first time in front of Jeff, and it’s been a significant part of our sex life ever since. Jeff has no problem sharing me; it’s a big turn on for him, and we often fuck when Benji is finished with me.”

Angela nodded, “So does all your sex with Benji take place with Jeff watching?”

Gina shook her head, “No, hell no. Jeff travels a lot for his job. Sometimes he’s gone for several days at a time, and that’s when it really gets crazy for me. I sleep with Benji in our bed, and the sex is constant. Jeff had to fly to Phoenix last Easter, and, after I dropped him off at the airport, I came home and for the next two days it was constant. He was insatiable, and I guess I was too...I told Jeff all about it when I picked him up, and he was turned on. We fucked like crazy as soon as we got home. Just between you and me, it’s actually much better when Jeff isn’t around for both me and Benji...I think Benji is a little intimidated when Jeff watches us; I know he doesn’t like it.”

Angela nodded, “Yeah, that’s normal. Benji knows Jeff is the Alpha, and that intimidates him.”

“Anyway, with me it started in high school. I had been sexually active with boys starting at age 13. My parents had a farm, and we had a collie that was always after me. Like you it started with oral; then I got pregnant by my boyfriend. I miscarried early on, and my parents never found out, but that scared me. I cut my boyfriend off. I needed something, and one night I was playing with my dog in the barn, and one thing led to another; I let him fuck me.”

“I was only 16 at the time, raised in the Catholic Church, and I was feeling seriously guilty about it all...I mean how could I even tell a priest about that in confession. So I went through my teenage years consumed with guilt and joined the army as soon as I was through secondary school. I was in the military police, and when an opportunity for a police dog handler came up, I volunteered. That’s how I met my husband, Moh. He was the contract veterinarian for the base, and he pretty much schooled me.”

Gina nodded, “Interesting how it all seemed to come together for you. I’m glad you reached out to me like you did...nice to have someone I can talk to about my interest.”

Angela smiled, “Of course...I love talking about it. So anyway, I presume you’ve only been with Benji?”

Gina shrugged, “Yep, only him. I often wonder what it would be like with other dogs, but how does one go about that? And our puppy won’t hit puberty for a while.”

Angela nodded in agreement, “Your pup may be ready soon, maybe by eight or nine months. He’s an aggressive little guy and seems to be maturing fast. But anyway, if you’re ready to know, get more into it...try new canine partners, I can help you with that.”

Gina shrugged, “Yeah, I am. Truth is I love sex with my dog, even more than with Jeff. I mean, I’ve never loved my husband more than I do now, but the way Benji takes me just rocks my world. I feel so alive now since we’ve been fucking. I daydream about sex with Benji; if I see another male dog, like I said, I wonder what it would be like with him. I fantasize about being kept in a kennel and used by several different breeds...sometimes I imagine I’m in a forest running with a wolf pack, or hiding from a big alpha, like I’m totally consumed by it.”

Angela was taking all of this in, and she had some questions for Gina.

“So how big is your husband?”

Gina was a little surprised at Angela’s coming right to the point, but replied without hesitation, “He’s about 7 inches, very similar in size to Benji except for the knot.”

“Have you been with bigger men?”

“I have, in fact I lost my virginity to a really big guy...he was like porn star big”

They both laughed at that, and Angela said, “Oh no, poor thing...did he hurt you?”

Gina shook her head, “No, it was okay. He was older and knew what he was doing. He was a professor at my college...married of course. When he started talking about leaving his wife, I broke it off.”

“But you were okay with the size?”

Gina nodded, “Yes, I could take all of him. I’m petite, but not shallow at all.”

Angela cleared her throat and took a breath, “Well, Moh and I have a ranch. It’s private, and I’d like to take you there. We raise Rottweilers, and have other breeds. Why don’t you come by? Bring Jeff if you think he’d approve. I think it’s time you take your ‘interest’ to the next level.”

Gina nodded, “Oh, I’m in. I don’t know about Jeff though. He works for the feds you know, and he’s kinda nervous that we’re breaking the law.”

“Well okay then. Let’s plan on it. You check your schedule and let me know what works for you.”

Gina shook her head, “No need...I’m free on Wednesday, it’s a teachers’ in service day if you can fit that in.”

Angela nodded, “Okay then, I’ll get someone to cover for me at the clinic… Wednesday it is. I’ll text you the address and let’s meet there at about 10:00 o’clock.”

As Gina drove away, Angela called her husband, “Okay Moh, just as I figured; Gina is hard core zoo. She’s coming out on Wednesday. Can you get away?”

Dr. Qaalub laughed, “Yeah, I’ll have Bea reschedule the afternoon appointments. Do you think she’d be a good addition for our temple?”

“Yes, she’s eager, hot for it...told me she prefers dog cock to her husband. I’m going to turn the Rottweilers loose on her...see how she does.”

“What about the husband?”

Angela sighed, “I don’t think he’ll be a player...guy is a fed and Gina said he’s a little paranoid about what they’re doing.”

“Well, in a way that’s good for us. We’ve lost some good talent because of objections from the man of the house...if he’s out of the picture, that’s one less potential problem. I really like this girl...nice toned, petite body, and our patrons and followers have been asking for an “Asian woman,”...think she would be up for that? What is her sexual history like?”

Angela shrugged, “I’m not sure. I know she likes to fuck her husband when her dog is through. She told me the dog makes her hypersexual. I’ll feel her out, maybe invite her to our next Mass if I get the right vibe from her. I feel good about her; like I said, she is hard core zoo.

Dr. Qaalub was delighted with that, “Well, that was nicely done again. You have a knack for spotting talent. This will work out well for us...I’m sure our people will love her. As always, set everything up in the playroom. I’ll be watching and recording.

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