Brain Hack Incest Chapter 01


I guess you can call me a regular 18 year old high school student.

Or maybe irregular. I don’t really know what the fuck other guys my age get up to, not really.

I sit at the back of the class, away from the jocks and bitches.

My only friend, Kevin, was the only other guy I know who kinda got me. He was equally 18 and a fucking virgin.

“Tom! You gotta check out this girl I found last night!”

He practically shoved his smartphone into my face. He had an obscure adult website running, a girl moaning as a guy with a massive dick plowed into her.

“Dude!” I said, “put that shit away, you’re going to get us in trouble.”

Kevin looked around. The phone’s volume was low, but I didn’t know if others could hear it. If they did, they weren’t taking any notice of it.

“You gotta relax man, no one gives a shit.”

But I did. I was ‘uncool’ enough as it is, I didn’t need to have a reputation as being the local pervert too.

“I read the comments. Other’s are saying that the girl? She ain’t faking it, but she’s not doing it on her own free will either.”

“What the hell are you talking about.”

“It’s an app, the girl apparently had her mind hacked into being a slut.”

“That’s a load of crap. What’s next? Pills that’ll make your dick big too?”

Kevin bristled at that. He had a chip on his shoulder about his dick size. I didn’t. Oh boy, I didn’t one bit. Let’s just say I’m much bigger than average. Doesn’t mean shit if girls aren’t interested in you though.

“I’m serious, you can even check out the website. Dark web shit, this is.”

“Malloy! Get your butt back in your seat, class is starting soon!”

Kevin scrambled and left me in peace. Mrs Clayton was a firecracker of a teacher. She put the ’S’ in strict and for some reason I think she had it for me and Kev. Maybe it’s our lack of purpose or something? We’re in the last year of high school and everyone around me seems to know what they want to do. I had no idea what I wanted. Kev seemed content just watching porn all day long.

Still, I guess I should enjoy what’s left of my school life. Mrs Clayton had one thing going for her though- Her looks. She’s got a seriously big rack on her and the pencil skirts she liked wearing couldn’t hide the thick curves of her ass.

One time, she wore a shirt that was so thin, I could make out the purple lacy bra as she was bent over my desk, lecturing me on how I fucked up on my math equation. I spent the rest of that class with a boner under the desk. It wasn’t something I could hide easily too. Most days, I jerk off before I come to school just so I didn’t have to deal with errant woodies in school. I’d be the laughing stock if I did.
Class passed by with me barely paying attention. A part of my brain kept going over to what Kevin was saying about that girl in the video. I saw only a bit of it, but it was enough to get an impression.

There was no way the girl was faking. There was a look in her eyes, of pure bliss. She was really into it. That or she was a world class liar. I seen enough porn to be able to tell when a girl was simply going thought the motions though for the cash.

And brainwashing and all that crap? Gotta be some urban legend bullshit.

The school day was almost over but I didn’t fancy going straight home. Mom was probably working and I didn’t want to deal with Ashley’s crap. Ash is my sister. She wasn’t what you’d call smart but she somehow got into college. But she’s still living at home to save on rent. It worked out fine for her, you’d think she’d want some privacy. But seeing as Mom was never home, Ash would have no qualms bringing some random guy home to bang. Being a cheerleader bimbo, it’s usually some meathead she meat in the gym or jock from college.
Anyways, I was sitting on a bench in the school courtyard, scrolling through my phone. I wanted to satiate my curiosity.

I found the obscure website Kev shown me- I was sneaky like that. For all he’s worth, Kev did have a knack for finding lesser known websites with quality videos. I found the video he shown me, but I didn’t watch it- I didn’t want to get an erection in school. It was getting late, but you’d never know who was still around. I sifted through the comments and lo and behold, some people did mention this ‘Brain Hack’ App.

What’s more, it was developed by a guy right here in my very town!

I noted the address and figured why not. Go and see this guy who apparently made the App.

I took a few buses into town. By now it was dark and the streets were already bustling with people just finishing work or people getting ready to go out to party.

I weaved my way through the shadier side of the town, full of tightly packed buildings, the kind where there were signs for shady looking companies that didn’t really advertise what they were selling. I figured out that the modelling agencies were really a front for porno shoots.

I could a detective at this rate.

I entered a shabby non-descript building and my destination was on the fifth floor. I walked past a bum by the entrance who paid me no mind. There were cardboard boxes strewn everywhere and the more I climbed, the more convinced I was that this was a bullshit excursion.

I ended up in front of an office with the sign beside the door saying ‘Brain Tech Inc’.

Okay, so the address matches up with the address I found on the internet.

I rapped on the door, I couldn’t see in through the glass pane because it was obscured by blinds.

I waited for a few minutes and was about to leave when the door opened.

“What is it? I’m trying to take shit.”

It was a guy who looked to be in his 50s. Long scraggly looking guy, disheveled hair with a tatty white doctors coat. He had a newspaper tucked under one arm and a half bent cigarette hanging out of his mouth. His eyes looked shot. I didn’t think he slept recently.
“Uhh, is this the place where the Brain Hack app is developed?”

He looked at me with suspicion. “Who are you?”

“Just a guy, I was curious about it and wanted to find out more.”

He just stood there, squinting at me. Something must’ve clicked because he held the door open to let me in.

Taking it as an okay, I walked past him.

“Take a seat, wherever you can plant your ass on.”

The office was a mess.

There was a desk towards the back of the already boxy office, but its was piled high with paperwork and books. In fact the whole place was stacked with textbooks. A quick glance told me they were about studies of the brain and other neurological textbooks. The only place that had any semblance of order was a computer desk in the corner. The screen was filled with random programming jargon that I didn’t understand.

I put some books onto the floor and sat on a random dining chair.

“So what can I do for you? You’re not some college guy coming to offer me funding for my app are you?”

“Uhh no sorry, I came across your App online and was interested in it.”

“Shit, well that sucks,” he said, going over to the mini kitchen and filling a mug up with cold coffee. “Drink?”

“No thanks.”

He leaned against the sink, took a swig and pulled a face. “Where did you say you found my app again?”

I decided to be as honest as possible. “An adult website.”

“Huh. Guess Jenna did something right.”


“She was my PA. Apparently I needed someone to help me raise awareness of my App. I’m no good with that sort of shit, so I tried bringing in a profession to handle that sort of thing for me. She came, had a quick talk about my product, and left after taking my money. Thought i was being scammed, I’m too busy to chase her down.”

“What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like? Next gen shit. I’m designing an App that’ll let me manipulate and navigate brain waves. If it works 100%, think of the applications it’d have in combating degenerative diseases like ALS. We could rewrite the brain, make things work. And even unlock our potential. Did you know we don’t even use 20% of our brain’s capacity in our lifetimes. What a waste!”

“So uh, why did you use the App to brainwash a girl?”

“What? You’re not the feds are you? Nah, you’re just a kid. Well, that was an unfortunate experiment. It was back in the alpha stages. I got the app to work but it still needed tweaking. I spoke to one of the girls downstairs and they thought it’d be helpful. Told them my invention could ease performance anxiety. You don’t believe how many girls want to go into adult entertainment, but they couldn’t get into the right headspace for it.”

He took another sip and the face he made told me it was on the wrong side of bitter, or right, depending on where you stood. “I messed with a few rudimentary settings, figuring that I could help reduce the girl’s anxiety. And it worked too well. She went from being super shy, to being totally uninhibited. She was so into it, she would’ve done the shoot for free. Good thing I know the producer and he wasn’t an asshole.”

“Wow. So it’s not permanent is it?”

“What? No, I don’t think so. The effects shouldn’t be permanent, but you never know with these things. I don’t want to create something that would permanently alter someone’s mind, that’d be wrong.”

“Why aren’t you getting funding for this?”

“Because they think I’m a quack! Other scientists started throwing words around like ‘unethical’ at me. They were worried about military applications. But that’s not me! Anyways, I got thrown out of college- I was a professor at Hartmore College you know!”

I nodded. Not that I agreed with him necessarily, but he seemed to be on a manic roll with his words and I didn’t want to upset him somehow. He looked… a little unhinged.

“So now im arse over head in some shitty office, here in the red light district with next to no money to make this App work. I’ll show them. Hey, why don’t you be my assistant, I could use a hand and you haven’t called me crazy just yet!”

“I’ll think about it,” I replied, feeling like maybe this dude was crazy after all. Maybe the girl in the video was simply a hoax, she was high on something, but I didn’t want to get too caught up in this man’s madness.

“I know what! You need proof! I can give you proof.”

All of a sudden, he started patting me down.

“Hey, what are you-”

He fished the phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I thought it was password protected but he got around it. He pressed a few buttons and before long, he downloaded something onto my phone. Then he shoved it into my hand.

“Here, you try it. Not on me for God’s sake, but try it. You’ll believe me then.”

I looked at my screen. There was a new app on it. It was a rudimentary icon, just a symbol looking like an eye with the word ‘Brain Hack v1.0’ on it. I pressed on it and a menu came up.

Then a notice prompt came up. Biodata registered.

“What’s that?”

“Security. The app is registered to work with you. Don’t want you losing your goddamn phone and other’s using it.”
The screen went black and came back on. I was taken to a menu with very basic details.

Setting at 100% horniness.

“You point it at someone and press the camera button. There’s no flash or anything but if it works, you’ll get the results straight away.” The guy said, as if reading my mind.

“Can’t I change the settings?”

“Of course not, this is version one. Just point and shoot at someone and it should work. If you like it, come back and we can test out version two. That’s where the real settings are.”

“Question. Why don’t you test it out yourself?”

He answered by grabbing his crotch. “My dick don’t work like that no more. Must be all the energy drinks or something I’ve been drinking over the years. I could get a girl to try suck me off or something but it just don’t get hard. Haven’t jerked off for years. Hopefully with the data you get me, I can rewire my brain to work like that again.”

I was still apprehensive, but figured I got nothing to lose. “Okay, I’ll give it a try.”

He smiled. He grabbed my phone and pressed a few keys and pointed the camera at me.

“Whoa wait-” I cried out.

Nothing happened.

“Relax kid. I just registered your bio data into the App. Now that you’ve agreed to help, it should work. Point at a target and it’ll hack their brain to see you as the target. Guys, girls, whatever, you can even flash it at a dog if you wanted, I don’t care. I just want the data.”
He shoved the phone back into my hand and pushed me on my way. “Now go, times a wastin’.”

“I’m Tom Smith, by the way, before he shut the door on me.”

“Yeah, yeah whatever, I’m Frank Booker.”

And with that, he shut the door and I could hear the sound of his fingers pounding hard on his computer keyboard.
Well, that was an intense half hour.

I still thought he was a nutjob but a part of me really hoped it did work. Maybe I could try to get into college or a technical school and it’d be nice if I didn’t have my v card intact.

The bum was gone now, so I hung around the front entrance. Rain was lightly falling and the streets turned into a sea of neon lights.
Yeah, I was deep in the red light district.

I toyed with my phone, my finger kept hovering over the Brain Hack app. I got to try it with someone.

I watched as people walked by, oblivious to me lounging around by the entrance to the building. I was just another guy trying to stay out of the rain.

My heart was pounding hard against my ribcage, and every time people walked by, I almost felt like I was window shopping. No one batted me an eyelid, focused on getting to their destination.

A pair of ladies walked by, quite fit, in gym wear, obviously heading to a gym. Nope.

A pretty lady walked by, but she had a burly looking man in her arm. Nope.

Two old ladies. Nope.

I sighed. I was about to zip my coat up and head to the nearest bus station when a woman came down the road. She was in a trench coat, undone so I could see that she was wearing a business suit underneath. She had riotous red hair and her make up still looked perfect, despite the fact that she obviously been at work all day. She had an umbrella so she kept most of the rain off her.

I gulped. She was gorgeous.

I had to try. Get her to stop and look at my phone. It was probably bullshit, but I had to try.

I kept my eyes on the phone, trying to look casual, listening to the sound of her heels striking the pavement as she got closer and closer.
“Excuse me miss?” I asked as she walked by. Now or never.

“Yes?” She turned to look at me. “I’m not interested in anything sorry, I’ve had a really stressful day.”

“Sorry, I’m a little lost, is this the correct place?” I said, pointing to my phone
She peered over and I pressed the button. No sound or anything to tell me if I did it right.

“I don’t see anything.”

“Shit, my mistake. Sorry to bother you.”

Crap, I knew better than to let my hormones get the best of me. I knew it was fake.

“No problem. Say, are you busy right now?”

“Huh?” I looked up at her. I don’t know why, but all of a sudden, I felt like prey.

“It’s just that uhh, I’ve been so stressed out lately,” she said, brushing back a lock of hair. “Do you think you can help me out?”

She looked left and right. Then she grabbed my hand and led me around the corner into an alleyway.

Like a dumbstruck idiot, I followed her. The first thing I thought was how lovely and soft her hand felt against mine. I haven’t held a girl’s hand before and now this beauty was holding mine like it was the most normal thing in the world.

She took me around the back of the building, behind some dumpsters and out of view of anyone. I could still hear the general hustle bustle around the front, people talking, music playing loudly from nearby bars and barkers trying to get men to come inside.

The woman licked her lips. “Thank you for doing this for me. I want to say that I’m not normally like this. I’m not a slut.”

“I believe you, ma’am,” I answered.

“Call me Kelly.”

“I’m Tom.”

“Nice to meet you, Tom,” she purred. She leaned in real close, so her smell, her perfume invaded my nostrils. She smelled so womanly, grown up.

“How old are you, Tom?” She purred, stroking my leg up and down.

“E-eighteen,” I blurted out. I never had a woman come onto me like this. It still felt surreal.

And hot.

“That’s a nice age,” she breathed, unzipping my fly. Overwhelmed, I leaned against the wall of the building, feeling the wet brickwork soaking into my back but not particularly giving a shit about it.

Oh god, my cock was rock hard already. As she unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants and boxers down, my cock sprang out. She gasped.

“Holy shit, you’re a big boy,” she giggled, licking her lips. “Do you know what I like to do to relax Tommy?”

“W-what’s that?”

She got on her knees in front of me, unmindful of her stockings were getting dirty from the gravel.

Kelly looked up with those round, sultry eyes of hers. “I like to suck cock. Nothing like to nice juicy cock in my mouth to relax with. You’ll let me do that for you, won’t you?”

I gulped. “O-of course.”

“Thank you,” she drawled and then she wrapped her hand around my shaft. It was like she was mesmerised. She gave it one or two long, slow strokes that went straight to my balls. I felt my fingers curling and biting into my palms.

To be honest, I never had anyone touching my dick before. It was always just me. And Kelly’s hands felt so smooth and unfamiliar. That and the fact that she was a complete stranger jerking me off behind some dank alleyway just made it even hotter.

She kept moving her hand, until a drop of precum beaded out from my tip. She made a weird mewling noise and ran the tip of her tongue from the base of my cock, using her other hand to massage my balls, and followed it along the underside of my dick. Her eyes fluttered as her plump lips closed over my mushroom head.

“Oh fuck,” I hissed. As I felt her tongue lash over my slit.

“Mmm, yummy,” she purred. “So sweet and salty.”

She suctioned my cock, literally salivating all over it, making it all wet and sloppy. I didn’t even know how good a blowjob could feel, all wet and hot and tight and…

She pulled off my dick and gave it several slow, loving kisses.

“You enjoying this Tommy?”

“Yes,” I said. And then I had a thought. “D-do you think you can show me your breasts?”

Kelly smiled. “What a brazen young man you are!”

But she didn’t chastise me, she spread her trench coat out a bit more, giving me full view of her shirt. She put her mouth over my dick as she undid her buttons, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

One by one, her buttons came off, until her bra covered breasts were fully exposed.

“Can I see more?” I asked, trying not to blow my load from her sucking.

Kelly didn’t stop sucking me, but she gave me a look that told me that she was amused.

God, her tits were fantastic. The valleys of her breasts looked smooth and pale like marble. And they were so full too, the bra was barely containing her. She reached under and behind her, in a way only an experienced woman could and unhooked her bra. Then her tits popped out, free from their confines.

Her nipples were fucking huge. And hard too, like gumdrops.

“Do you like what you see?” She asked as she came up for air.

“Y-yes Kelly. Your tits are beautiful.”

“Thank you, honey.”

She pumped and sucked away as my cock pulsed painfully in her mouth. My balls never felt this tight before. Her breasts were swaying freely now, sensing that I was building up to the inevitable.

“K-Kelly, you need to move, I think I’m going to cum…” I groaned. I tensed my dick, trying to hold back the torrent but it was hopeless.
She simply mewled around my dick sending pleasurable vibrations through me. I pushed my back hard against the wall and cried out.
“I’m cumming!” I howled.

My cock pulsed and enlarged in her mouth and then I came. Her eyes went wide as load after load of hot, thick cum blasted into her mouth. Her throat went up and down, swallowing as much as she could, but clearly it was too much. She gasped for air, pulling my cock off her, but I still kept ejaculating. Hot ropes of cum landed on her face, hair and some even hit her breasts.

I groaned with a strange sense of pride washing over me as I saw my own semen marking this beautiful lady.

I leaned against the wall for support, panting for air and Kelly was still on the floor. Using a finger, she scooped up the cum on her and ate that too.

“God, that was delicious.” She stood and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Tommy.”

“U-uh no problem.” I said, still feeling wiped out.

Kelly pulled a handkerchief out from her purse, wiped up as best she could and buttoned up her trench coat. Then she handed me a business card.

“I like you boy, you have a lot of spunk,” she said, giggling at her own joke. “Call me anytime if you’re in the neighborhood. I like a guy who is reliable and can help me relax.”

Then she walked off, leaving me alone with my dick hanging out.

Holy fuck, the app worked.

This changed everything.

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