The jailbreak plays poker, All In!!!


At the try On haul two days ago the girls only revealed one outfit each. Those were the pink and black garters with matching glitters for a top.

Ripping anchor mounts out of the wall in a final crashing climax for the four of us. Everybody needed a day of rest to recuperate and heal.

Earlier today I took ElleJo to a high-end private school that bordered my property. The schools Superintendent is a long time friend whom has had many a game of poker at home.

Many Social Climbers have sent they're children to this school, as an attempt to secure continuing education in the finest college's even if only for a semester after high school graduation.

Dr. Grant this is my house guest ElleJo, we need her enrolled for this upcoming semester, Do you have room for her?

ElleJo chose a sharp suit and jacket choosing not to wear the blouse that came with this outfit, since it was not a formal interview.

Now both Grant's first and last names are both Grant. Dr. Grant Grant.
ElleJo is it? Yes Sir Elle replied:
Croix had mentioned that you have some special circumstances that you are from Rapid City originally. Yes Doctor, that is true.

Why don't you step out for now and I will introduce you to Ingrid. She's at the coffee Kiosk waiting on a ruling of her eligibility tomorrow.

You men talk and I will go strategize with Ingrid about our futures here. Will you come to the Kiost when you are done?

ElleJo walks down the marble floored marvel of a school to find a beautiful fiery red head crying at a large empty table by herself.

Are you Ingrid? ElleJo asked the young lady.
Yes, but it doesn't matter anymore! I just got the worst news ever!

Is there anything that I can do? get you another coffee? No, thanks anyway. My exchange family is being indicted and can't send me to my dream school, all my dreams hinged off this opportunity to mingle with the wealthiest people.

I never wanted a career just this platform. Now I'm going to be sent back home. Elle introduced herself and said if you are willing to hear me out, I have a suggestion that might interest you and will solve those problems.

Really Elle? How can you be so sure?
ElleJo said keep an open mind and I'll tell you about Croix.

You mean Croix , that Croix as Croix walked towards them with Superintendent Grant.
Yes that Croix do you know him? No not at all but I'd do anything to be in his circle of friends. Anything Ingrid whispered as the men drew near.

Ladies, Grant greeted them, Croix this is Ingrid another young lady wanting to further her future here at Stable Downs. Ingrid is an exchange student from Scotland.

Croix said maybe you'll have some classes together? Won't that be nice.

Croix, Elle getting his attention.
Ingrid has some unforseen monetary issues similar to mine. I would like to take her shopping and maybe Dr. Grant could come over for dinner, play some poker and discuss our enrollment.

Elle stepped towards Dr. Grant while unbuttoning her suit coat and teasing the mid 50's Gent with her ample breasts.

Dinner and poker you say! What time should I arrive Croix? How is 7:30pm with you Dr. Grant?

That will do fine.

Us girls are going shopping then, Croix reaches for his wallet to give Elle a card. Ingrid what type of food do you enjoy most?

Tonight I'm feeling CHAMPAIGN and umm?
ElleJo finishes her order for her.
Champagne and Reefer is what we ladies will be having, see you at 7:30 in the Poker Room.

Croix told the girls to take his car that he would stay and catch a ride with Dr.Grant.

Ingrid and ElleJo scurried off like long lost besties.
No Way! He let's you drive this car!?

If I can remember the security code we will be, Elle laughs. A Rolls Royce Phantom! Ingrid is getting a taste of Gold.

Now Dr.Grant was well versed with Croix and the poker room. Over the years a few students had elevated they're GPA serving drinks and entertainment.

The girls had gone shopping for a few hours and made they're way back to the gated mansion of Croix's residency. Waiting for a stable hand to pull out with an empty horse trailer they poured drinks on the veranda made plans and started sharing a blunt of Duncan's Reserve together.

There's no mistaking the sound of horses hooves walking across the concrete loading area of one of the arenas next to the poker room and the current new residency of ElleJo's mom LanaJo. Whom hadn't made an appearance yet rocking her new house arrest bracelet. .

As the stable hands took the men's steeds away and kenneled them for the night. . Oh Croix Niles was returned this afternoon from the trainers.. His endurance and muscle mass is impressive Sir!

Thank you Mondo, you can take your crew and leave for the day.

When Dr.Grant stepped onto the veranda he was met by two young ladies that had bought Stable Downs girls attire. Both wearing Stable Downs skirts that had been cut very short exposing the girls lack of panties and their tops were each wearing a small school flag like an ascot.

Both girls had they're hair pulled into pony tails making them look younger than they were by a couple years in my opinion.

Ingrid approached Dr. Grant can I get you a drink kind Sir? Croix told her he was pouring them Bourbon that they were fine.

I'll show you the wine cellar Ingrid and you can pick a bottle of Champagne out. Croix, anything we can't get into?

Croix replied any Champaign is fine sweetheart, but never even touch a bottle in the area behind the red curtains please. Sure thing and the girls went inside.

The wine cellar is at the end of a brick and stone walkway that is 10' below the man cave back into the hillside at a constant controlled temperature of 48 degrees and 24 hour surveillance of motion detecting cameras.

When the girls returned with they're selected bottle of Spirits. Croix asked Dr. Grant to take the girls to the poker house that he had to check an email that was just sent as Urgent!

Sure thing let's go girls, I meant ladies. They joined hands and the girls skipped together down the sloping path. Dr. Grant enjoyed the view.

Croix joined several minutes later distracted and was a little upset.
Dr. Grant asked if everything is okay, yes just disappointed is all, but I will fix that later.

Ladies you wanted to play a game of poker and we need to sweet talk Dr. Grant into letting both you girls attend Stable Downs.

What do you propose we do ElleJo? Should we play a hand against the good doctor for your acceptance ?

Okay let's play one hand of cutthroat win and you'll get in. Croix shuffle and deal us each one card. High card wins, Aces are a 1 unless the other person gets a King then the Ace Trumps the King, understand the rules?

Two cards are dealt. The good doctor flips over a 9. ElleJo is anxious as several cards can beat his 9..
Elle flips a 4...

Sorry ElleJo, you won't be attending Stable Downs, we will miss not having you.
Ingrid started crying for her loss.

Croix deals two more cards to Dr. Grant and Ingrid...

Ladies first the good doctor says, Ingrid downed her glass of Champagne poured another and drank all the second glass and did a very unrefined belch...sorry!!

The girls held hands as Ingrid flips over a King!!! Woo-hoo she yelled! I'm going to Stable Downs!! My dream come true!!...

Doc, would you like to flip your card now? Croix asked.

Doc flips the Ace of ♠️ and like that the celebrations stop...Ingrid is sobbing No, No No,please one more try...

Dr.Grant thanked Croix for the drink, nodded his head. Ladies I thank you for a wonderful game of cards, I'm sorry for your losses.

DOUBLE OR ANYTHING! ONE HAND. If I win we both get in if you win Dr. Grant we'll both do anything...

You are speaking for ElleJo too? Elle nodded that she agrees with the terms of this hand.
If you lose whatever number you draw you will choose that number off the tiles on the wall and submit to whatever that number requires..fair enough?

Croix shuffles the cards laying one in front of the girls and one card in front of Dr. Grant.

Ladies you go first; they each pat the card for good luck. Ingrid flips the card over showing a 6...we still have a chance Ingrid as they now are holding hands and their breath...

The good doctor gets up and pours himself and Croix another bourbon dragging out the suspense! Sitting once more he flips over a 7...Ingrid is unconsouleable for a moment with tears in her eyes,, she was gracious and accepted her loss and said thank you..

You gave us girls several chances.. Thank you..
ElleJo pointed to the wall behind the bar and told Ingred go get the #6 tile and bring it here.

Laying the tile on the table, Elle said flip it over and our fate is on the back.

Gitty Up and a picture of a horse with (Heads Over, Tails Under) written in small print. the stables we go.

Attached was a jumping arena with a multitude of obstacles for the horses to maneuver around and over.

This will be a 30 minute endeavor for each of you. Would you like to go separately or at the same time on different horses?

The girls conferred at the same time please. When Croix got the urgent email it was a security breach in the wine cellar.

A picture of Ingrid in the forbidden area and had agitated two bottles of wine that now had to be opened and consumed.
Both a MountClaire of irreplaceable value and stock.

Croix had Mondo prepare the Arabian dancer before he went home. The special saddles were fitted with the same harness set up as the mechanical rodeo bull that LanaJo rode two nights before.

A leather waist belt about 5" wide with four straps that allowed 7" of up and down travel for the rider. The knees were bent even with the horses back and secured so the rider could not fall off, same as the mechanical bull.

Two identical 10" long and Coors can thick rubber dildo's were snapped into place.
ElleJo was getting horny thinking about it.

Ingrid was leary but still pounding Champaign being brave.
Elle asked Croix if he would like her pussy to make sure she was really wet for this 30 minute ride.

Doctor? And with your girl?

I would like to see ElleJo lick Ingrid's pussy while you eat ElleJo...

Elle laid over the table and Ingrid squatted onto her face with her full but well shorn bush of fiery red hairs.

Her labia was smaller than that of ElleJo's but equally beautiful to behold. Elle said she had never liked another woman before and had only had her mother lick her pussy just two nights before for the first time.

Ingrid was hot and ready to go, already having her first orgasm with the inexperienced tongue of ElleJo.

Stepping onto their steeds from a table and being secured on top of each dildo.
Your 30 minutes will start by being trotted in circles.
Croix held both leeds of the 20' ropes and give the Trot command!

The valiant steeds sprang to life and lurched ahead. Side by side they warmed their muscles up before any galloping or jumping would ensue.

ElleJo wasn't trying to protect her young vagina from the ride, securely fastened to her steed she quickly save into the full pleasure.

Ingrid was more reserved and trying to protect her young womanhood from the stiff threat. Pushing hard with her leg muscles to keep those straps stretched tight and not inpaling her flower.

Croix called out Gitty Up! In unison the mighty steeds went into a thunderous sounding gallop in the echoing jumping arena!

All hopes of Ingrid protecting her virtuous flower faded as with each ground shaking hurtle forward. Her tender pussy was met by the power of the 860 pounds or chisled muscles thrust.

Her tight hole being abused as never before.
Harumf Harumf Harumf continuously slamming those rubber clocks deep into both girls.

ElleJo shouts out as she is having a massive orgasm! CROIX I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUUCH!!!
You can her her sloppy wet pussy being driven wild with every thrust. When that orgasm ender Croix brought the horses to a walk again. 10 minutes gone! I will know unbridled the horses and they will go the the jumps.

These animals will perform jumps over the fences and various gates. If they don't complete a jump by knocking a pole down, the horse will take a lap around the outer edge of the arena.

As you can see double square bails of hay, 30 individual jumps back to back to back!
Dr. Grant smacks Ingrids horse on the ass and he starts the course.

Ingrid slams down hard just leaving the staging area groaning in pleasure.
Her first three jumps are metal barrels laid on they're sides.

You can see the formidable rubber Johnson plunging into her young body. Then two 4' hurdles back to back.

Her suspension straps are pulled tight as the beast descends from the first jump. Slamming 10" of thick cock instantly up in young Ingrids pussy as the steed lunges back into the air, but knocking a bar off with a hoof on the second jump.

Croix gave two short loud whistles and her mount ran to the outer track and started clearing the staged bails of hay. So that with every landing was an immediate jump in the next step.

This builds endurance and core strength in the horses. For the rider it's a rhythmic cadence of smooth but forceful strokes through the unstoppable repeated penetrations that mortal man could ever match.

Still holding ElleJo's steed, I asked her if she would like to join Ingrid for this round and the last 7 minutes of their time.

Elle eagerly nodded yes Sir and Croix yelled YAH!! The horses hips dropped as he thrust away to the outer trail.

Now almost in a competition between the two studs, jump! jump! jump! Jump! ElleJo was writhing in extasy upon the manhood of no escape!

Ingrid was hollering I have to pee I gotta go pee! I'm I'm as the horse got closer her orgasm while being thrown up and down on the saddle continually.

You could hear her orgasm while she pissed my horse. White caps of pleasure consumed her. Every breath in was earned, every exhale was a declaration at the top of her lungs! The joy she was having.

5 more laps and you are done.

Ella's thick hangers were getting the jostling of a lifetime. The side door from the poker room opened and there stood Ellen's mom naked with the two bottles of wine that Ingrid had not only touched but disturbed the settled fluorescence within both bottles.

A severe price would be paid! For this TRESPASS...
As the horses completed the final lap, both girls in extasy getting the best fucking of their young lives! TIME!

Both animals knew to do a cool down lap walking the outer path.

Unhooking both girls from they're mounts. Neither could hardly speak and wanted refreshments to drink.

Resting both ladies recapped their experience together and admitted they had more orgasms than they could count.

Dr.Grant congratulated ElleJo, you have been accepted to Stable Downs , Congratulations 🎊
She and her nude mother hugged as Elle was trying to walk off her recent trauma to her tender pussy.

Ingrid? Yes Croix she answered under heavy breath. You violated my trust and now two bottles of wine worth 23,000 combined must be consumed because you disturbed them.

Your penance will be to do the under for 30 more minutes.

The under? I'm sorry I didn't drink any I just picked them upto look at them.

Don't touch means don't touch!

Dr. Grant come walking in with the Magnificent Arabian dancing horse and a very wide leather harness.

This Arabian Stud had machismo and was already showing his excitement with a punishment that didn't bend when fully erect.

You can join ElleJo at school, but first you will have to pay your penance.
Ingrid's face and demeanor hit the floor and she was sobbing again.

LanaJo Elle's mom said please let me carry her burden. This little thing won't survive that monstrous cocktail for 30 minutes.

As Croix poured the first glass of very expensive wine in a keg cup of ice. He asked Ingrid how will you repay LanaJo for her grace? Umm? I yah will umm..let her choose a new number for me next time???

Lana are you good with this? I am.
Will somebody help me into this leather support harness?

The top of the harness was like a straight jacket that you slid your arms into that fastened to a padded yoke around the horses neck. Two thick straps with chords of bungee went around the animals waist holding one leg on each side out and away from the stud.

While we put Lana into the restraint the Arabian stud walked over to a slide and leaped up and whinied repeatedly shaking his powerful neck and main.

Girls one of you on each side walk Lana up the steps to the top of the slide. It's about 3'tall.
Now lay down and scoot in-between the horses front legs Lanajo.

ElleJo? Mom is going to need some olive oil for this. Elle handed the oil to Ingrid, my mother is doing this so you can go to school. You are going to rub her down.

Lana is a beautiful woman with large soft titties a thin waist and an ass that any man would love to have his way with.

Ingrid soaking her hands in oil started rubbing Lana's pussy inserting two fingers as she sucked on her firm nipples.

Lana we are going to slide you onto his deck the lower you a bit and connect to the yoke harness alright? Lana scooted down some and felt the large mushroom end of the Arabians penis cover her entire opening....

With a stearn stair at Ingrid with malice she said you owe me girl! Shimmying a little more, her mature flower took the head of the stud into her....

Lana we need a few more inches to connect the restraints. The horse started kicking around with his back legs his hormones maxed out as he knew what was about to go down!

I'm secure now Dr. Grant said loudly, me must hurry ! ElleJo go close those doors or he will run away with your mom in tow! Shaking his head with excitement!

LanaJo lift your legs around his rump now and we will secure the bungee chords over his back!! Like this? as the stud was trying to penetrate her deeper standing up against the mounting slide.

Stand back! The brilliant white steed took over, Agressivley driving his hips into the sacrificial woman's body!

The woman and the stud both crying out. His massive body leaping into the air like a bucking rodeo Bronco..

His steel like cock thrusting into Lonas gaped hole. Not reaching full penetration as he hadn't found his rhythm yet.

LanaJo was well into her first orgasm, and maybe that's what the experienced stud was waiting for?

Ingrid gave herself to Dr.Grant take me in the ass while we watch!

Both girls spilling the bottles of wine while they reached they're arms out over the table, begging to be taken!

With both men now sodomizing both young women fully and fiercely! Croix whistled 3 quick blasts and the Arabian jumped up onto his hind legs and started hoping on his back legs like in a circus tent!!!

Lana's pussy had a full horse dick rigid and thick taking her in massive strokes. Leaping his powerful body into the air !

ElleJo started yelling at the horse, fuck her hard make her yours!

Croix! fuck me hard like the horse!
Ingrid was trying to keep Dr. Grant from taking her ass. He slammed her hands to the table and said if you move them before I come you will ride every horse in the stables bitch!

With that information, she gave her virgin ass to the good doctor and he violated her properly!

With tears in her eyes she watched LonaJo getting pounded and the massive stud started cumming!
Copious amounts of sperm were running from her bottom as the mighty steed had exhausted himself and sat down like a dog or a mule does.

LanaJo exhaled one long moan of pure satisfaction with her hair hanging down between the horses front legs.

I was still driving my cock into ElleJo's precious ass when I heard Ingrid having her first analgasm! Uuuuugh!! yes! yes! yes!!fuck your girl daddy oooh I'm going to cum again and with that the good doctor held her waist leaving his manhood spewing globs of his seed deep into her new found talent!

Ingrid would be his new anal slut whenever he wanted her. The Arabian stud looked pathetic as he just wanted to lay down and go to sleep.

ElleJo unhooked the two large clasps freeing her mother. Scooting away from the Stallion she reached to her ruined pussy with one palm and Elle helped her stand up.

Ingrid knew to lay on her back as LanaJo slowly climbed onto the table.
Open up! Ingrid closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

Pulling her palm from her violated pussy her cool and the horses sperm ran into her mouth.

Ingrid tried to make love to that battered and beaten pussy with her mouth gently and slowly.

The Arabian stud walked over to a pile of straw and laid down.

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