My Misadventures with Mrs. Lasalle


A lot of strange things happened over the years involving my friend’s mother. I grew up six houses from the LaSalle's, and I was friends with their sons Kevin and Harry (who we called Hulk). My sister was friends with their sister as well. I spent a lot of time at Mrs. Lasalle’s house.

Mrs. Lasalle liked to party with friends. She had pool parties and holiday parties. Always very friendly. She was always nice to me. One time something happened that didn’t really involve me, but it seemed like it did. I was over for a birthday party at her house and her extended family was there including Kevin’s Aunt. It was crowded with people, and I was standing in the kitchen as people walked about. Kevin’s Aunt was standing in front of me facing away and Mrs. Lasalle was standing beside me. Mrs. Lasalle reached out and slid her hand between her sister’s legs and gave her sister’s pussy a strong pinch through her stretchy pants.

I couldn’t believe it. The Aunt turned around and glared at me. I can still remember her angry look. I was just a boy, maybe eleven, and this woman thought I had grabbed her crotch. The next few seconds stretched on, and I was sure I was about to be slapped harder than anyone has ever been slapped. Mrs. Lasalle started laughing and the expression on her sister’s face relaxed. Then they were both laughing. Before I walked away, the aunt looked at me with a strange look and a stranger little smile.

Mrs. Lasalle liked jokes like that. She also wore a two-piece bathing suit when most other women her age wore singles. At a pool party all the young girls would be in Bikinis and so would she. I watched the older girls most, but I did notice that she had large breasts. I think she liked people looking at them. She wasn't a swimsuit model, but she had a good body for a woman with four kids. She was 5 foot 9, and thinking back now I realize she had nice smooth legs; her hips were wider than the younger girls, she had a rounded stomach, her breasts were full and and when she wore a bikini top or a bra that pressed them together, she had wonderful cleavage. She had a slightly odd-looking face, wore glasses and had overly curly hair that she complained about. I thought she looked nice when she smiled. When she wore tighter cloth shirts she sometimes went without a bra, and you could see the shape of each breast and sometimes her nipples. She always dressed to highlight her body and in the summer heat she always showed a lot.

She had confidence in her body then, but she would often make comments, especially to her sister, on how she was an ugly duckling in high school. Tall and gangly, flat chested with no ass, an odd shaped mouth, terrible glasses and overly curly hair. As an adult she had blossomed. Her breasts and ass became larger and that complemented her height. She had her teeth fixed, bought better glasses and spent money on her hair. She married an older man, and after having four kids she became even curvier. 'A body a high school girl would kill for' her sister would say. She felt like she missed out on attention from boys when she was young, and she definitely tried to make up for it later. But I was just a kid, and I didn't think of these facts till much later.

When I was a little older, I was sleeping in their backyard tent with Kevin and Hulk. Hulk was younger, but a big kid and he had fallen asleep. Kevin and I talked about playing a practical joke on him. We had heard about putting water on somebody’s crotch. They would wake up and think they peed. Kevin said we couldn’t do that because sometimes it would really make someone pee. He was sleeping in just his underwear, so we took his big meaty hand and placed it in his underwear. Hours later when the sun came up, it was still there. Kevin and I laughed so much that Hulk woke up. When we went into the house Mrs. Lasalle asked what was so funny, so I told her. She got mad at me. “I don’t like that type of joke.” I was surprised. After that day, she kind of looked at me differently. Like I wasn’t some innocent kid.

I was getting to that age. Always looking at my teacher’s tits or trying to see a nipple as a woman or girl bent over. When Mrs. Lasalle was in her backyard in her two-piece bathing suits, I used to look at her breasts a lot. If she noticed, she didn't get mad, she just smiled then ignored me. One day I went over, and Kevin was gone. Mrs. Lasalle was working in the backyard. I was going to leave and come back later, but she started talking to me. I didn’t usually talk to her alone, but I answered her questions without thinking anything odd about it. She was leaning forward, working on her roses and her shirt hung down, creating a big gap. It was a summer shirt and loose around the neck, and she wasn't wearing a bra. I could see her tits, all of them, even her nipples. I had never seen all of them because they were so big, but the shirt was loose so I could see them. They were right in front of me. As she worked on her flowers, they jiggled. Each breast was full, and with gravity assisting them they hung down impressively. She had dollar coin sized areolas with nipples that stuck out. She looked up and kept talking. She was making eye contact. I couldn’t stop looking. She must have known, but somehow, she kept talking. Maybe I got an erection, and maybe she noticed, but I can’t remember. I just remember those hanging Playboy-like tits. This was before fake tits, so they were all natural. Finally, she knelt, and her shirt hung closer to her. I couldn’t see her tits anymore, just the shape of each breast and her nipples poking through her shirt.

I would help Mrs. Lasalle carry things like groceries. She tended to ask me for help rather than her own boys, which I didn't mind. One day I was helping with laundry, and she held up a pair of boy’s underwear and said "Pretty soon even Harry is going to start making a mess in his underwear. He's getting to that age." Then she looked at me. I got embarrassed. She knew about my wet dreams, I guess everyone knew, they just didn't talk about it. She was like that. She talked about the way boys were, and how her daughter had to be careful. How men worked hard to get what they wanted from women. She made jokes about her oldest boy masturbating.

A year later they moved away. Kevin’s father ran a shop in town, and they had made a lot of money and they bought property out in the country and built a huge house on a 4-acre property. We visited a couple of times. And I got to see Kevin occasionally in town and visit him at his house, because it was less than two miles away from my cousin’s house, who also lived out of the city. I didn't see Mrs. Lasalle often, but when I did, she always commented on how big I was getting. She would stand close to me to see if I was as tall as her yet.

One Christmas we were visiting my cousins and my sister wanted to leave for a while to go to the Lasalle’s. At the Lasalle’s Mrs. Lasalle had decorated the basement for a party and a few of the kid’s older friends were there. The basement was set up for dancing and everyone was drinking spiked punch and there was a cooler full of beer. I was under 16, but as a French-Canadian we were allowed to drink a few drinks at parties and family get-togethers. Mrs. Lasalle brought me my first beer as soon as I came downstairs. I don’t know if she had been drinking but she was happy to see me, as if I was her friend and not her son’s. There were a bunch of older kids, both boys and girls, so a lot were up dancing. The room was very dark, except for the blinking Christmas lights and I noticed that slow songs were being played. It was almost a make-out party, but it was Christmas time and Mrs. Lasalle stayed in the room, unlike other basement parties I had been to, where the adults went away.

Kevin and his younger brother were having a good time, because they were allowed to drink a few beers. I was watching the older kids dance when Mrs. Lasalle plopped herself down on the couch, almost falling against me. She sat close to me and turned my head towards hers and started catching up with me. Kevin walked away, and I was sitting next to this woman watching a bunch of kids dancing. Mrs. Lasalle had brought me another beer. I already had a couple and some punch and that was enough to get me feeling funny. The way she leaned and and touched me I thought she was a little drunk as well. She wanted to dance. None of the boys at the party would dance with her, she complained. I offered. So, we danced in this dark room, illuminated with just Christmas lights. I would have died of embarrassment, except no one seemed to be paying attention, and my judgement was impaired. Man, we danced close. I had grown to be almost her height and her tits were pressed up against my chest. She pressed her cheek against mine for a while and then moved her shoulders farther away and held on to my shoulders and moved her hips forward, until her crotch was rubbing up against the front of my jeans. We danced like this for a while and occasionally she would grind against my bulge. All the contact, and the sight of her breasts underneath her t-shirt gave me a terrible stiffy. I was sure she could tell exactly how hard I was. As the song ended, I got a break as the next song had to be queued up. I left the room to adjust my prick in my underwear.

I found Kevin in the next room, and I nursed my beer and talked to him. After a few minutes I asked him about his mom being at the party. He turned a little red and admitted that she always hung around when his sister’s friends were over. She liked to arrange dances and had danced with a few of the boys. We talked about other things, and out of curiosity I asked about his father. He was upstairs. He had bad legs and had trouble coming into the basement. Mr. Lasalle was a great guy, a hard worker, but he had diabetes, and it was causing problems.

I went back to sit in the dark and finish my beer. My sister was still talking to her friends, so I just watched people, until suddenly Mrs. Lasalle was sitting next to me again leaning in and talking to me. We talked for just a short time and then she told me she wanted to dance again. So up we went. This time she guided me as far from the sitting guests as she could, and she danced up against me again. A faster song came on and she danced with me still. Her hands went low on my back, and she pulled me towards her as she grinded against me. She was moving pretty fast because of the song, but she kept in full contact with my aching hard-on. Then she pulled me close around the shoulders and held onto me and breathed heavy on my neck. As she breathed her breasts moved against my chest. Before the song ended, she grinded against me with quick movements out of sync with the music and panted. When the song ended, I felt hot, and she was sweating. She practically fled the room, and I didn’t see her again until we were leaving. I went and sat in the dark with a raging hardon, positioning my legs so no one would notice.

A short while later we were standing at the door and my sister, and I were saying goodbye to our friends and Mrs. Lasalle. I looked to see if she was drunk, but she was as sober as a judge. I was the one who was wobbly on my feet walking to the car.

The next summer Kevin called me up and asked if I was going to my cousin’s birthday party. I hadn’t heard about it, so I asked him if he was going. He told me to ask my cousin if I could go and bring him along. I got the point. He hadn’t been invited and he was looking for an ‘in’ through me. I called my cousin, and she was fine with us coming to her party. She was turning 16, just ahead of me. She was a ‘county kid’ and 16 was a big deal. Almost all the county kids started driving at 16, and that’s when the serious dating started. I guess her party was a big deal for the kids at the county school she went to.

At the party I started out having a good time. As the night went on, things changed. All the county kids were weird. They all hung around in groups and weren’t very open to talking to someone they didn’t know. They made a big deal about who was dating who. I felt like I had walked into some alien society. I could forget about talking to any of the pretty girls, I felt like I would get in a fight just for trying. Even Kevin abandoned me. He was always trying to hang around a certain girl and got obviously annoyed if I tagged along. My cousin also ignored me. That night was a big deal for her. Eventually I ended up talking to another city kid, who had come with a friend. We compared stories about all the odd ways the county kids acted. When the city kid left, I was utterly bored. My Aunt and Uncle hadn’t provided booze to anyone, and I found out it was a very bad idea to do so, as the county kids had a habit of drinking and driving. I had only one beer the whole night, and the kids who had brought the beer were hostile to me when I tried to get a second.

I asked Kevin if he was going to leave, and he responded no. I decided to leave myself and walk the two mile walk to his house without him. I didn’t want to try to stay at the party and sleep with people making noise all night. I walked to his house and knocked on the door. I hadn’t called from my aunt’s house so I was hoping someone would be there and I wouldn’t have to sleep on the porch. After knocking louder, a light turned on and Mrs. Lasalle came down to the door.

She opened the door. She had a nighty on. Frilly and sheer. I got an eyeful. She asked about Kevin. I told her I had walked there alone. She sighed. She told me she wasn’t surprised. She invited me in and told me to sit on the couch. She asked a bit more about Kevin. She told me he probably wouldn’t come home that night. She asked me about the girl he was talking to. When I told her the girl’s name, Mrs. Lasalle made a dismissive noise.

“Kevin only wants one thing from her.” She said.

“What’s that?” I asked stupidly.

“You are sixteen. You know what boys want.”

I told her I was almost sixteen.

“Close enough. That girl gave her last boyfriend a blowjob. Now Kevin is trying to date that little trollop.”

I sat there dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe she said blowjob. She sat there on the couch with that sheer nighty. I found myself looking at her breasts as she stared forward, obviously upset.

“You wouldn’t do that, would you?” she asked.

“Do what? Date a girl like that?”

“No! Tell everyone if a girl gave you a blowjob.”

“No. I won’t”. I made it sound like a promise.

She looked at me for a few moments. Then she told me. “When I was a junior in high school one of the most popular senior boys talked me into dating him. I wasn't part of the popular crowd. I was surprised when he said I was pretty. Our first date ended with us kissing. On our second date he took me parking. We were in the back seat of his car making out for a long time. He had me pulled on top of him and he was running his hands all over until he stopped and moved me aside. 'What's the matter?' I asked him. He said he couldn't control himself anymore. Then he pushed his pants and underwear down and I saw his erection. He told me I would touch it with my hands if I just wanted to be friends, but I would use my mouth if I wanted to be his steady girlfriend. I put my mouth on it, and he told me what to do. When I was doing what he wanted, he started to moan and say my name. After a while he put his hand on the back of my head and started swinging his hips and pushing it into my mouth. I was struggling to breathe through my nose, and he kept it up until he grunted like a pig and squirted his juice into me. He held me down until I swallowed. Then he pulled up his pants, told me to move to the front seat and he drove me home."

She was quiet for a few moments. "The next day at school he didn't talk to me. He must have told his friends what I had done. By the end of the week, the whole school knew."

This had turned into one seriously strange evening. She was staring forward. I was tenting in my jeans noticeably. Then she looked at me.

“Have you had one?”


“Would you like one?”

I looked around the room. We were on the main floor. Hulk was probably upstairs sleeping, as was her husband. “Yes”. I croaked out.

She bit her lower lip and looked at me up and down. “Not here.” She stood up and led me into the basement. Once down there we walked through the room where we last danced into a smaller room. It was a simple room with a small bed, a small basement window and some exercise equipment. She pulled me into the room, knelt and started unbuttoning my jeans and pulling my pants down. My underwear was pulled partly down, and the band was holding my erection down. As she pulled down my underwear it sprung up. I was 140 pounds and five foot nine. Being that thin, my penis really stuck out. She adjusted her position, and I felt her open mouth slide over it. Her warm mouth held my hardon. It. Felt. So. Good. I had no experience of someone else even touching it, and having her lips slide over my shaft as her tongue played with my tip was unbelievable.

It was dark in the room with only the window providing some harsh light from an outside security light. I stood in the darkness as she shifted and pushed my pants down farther and took me even more in. Her tongue moved on it as she held her mouth still. Ohhh. Ohhh. I was panting.

She stopped. She grabbed the back of my leg and lifted so she could get my pants off. I stepped out of them, and she pushed me back a couple steps and I sat on the bed. She got between my legs and ran her hands around. She felt my legs and stomach and gripped my hardon. “You’ve grown nicely.” She put the head of my penis in her mouth and tongued the tip. Wow. She lowered her head until her lips were almost clamped down at the base of my shaft. Almost my whole dick. I started to gasp and shake. Then she pulled off and told me to slide up the bed. With both of us on the bed, she knelt between my knees and bobbed up and down. One hand roamed around my stomach and balls as the other gripped my leg. She kept up a steady pace and I was building up. I was making noises and breathing sharply, and I could hear her breath through her nose and the slapping suction noise of her tight lips on my shaft. My shoulders lifted and I was staring down in the dim light at the top of her head moving up and down. I fell back and shook my hips and pumped into her. Ahh. Haaahh. Ahhh. UAUMMM. I was cumming and shouting until I noticed how loud I was and clamped my teeth together. OHHHH. Ooooh. I was done the first heavy shots, but I continued to pump and shake my hips. She held me in her mouth until my last involuntary spasm was finished. Then I felt her swallow. She lifted her head and slid down beside me.

“You were a little noisy.”


"Don't be. I enjoyed it."

"I really enjoyed it."

"I could tell." She was looking at me with a little smile. Without her glasses and with that smile she looked pretty. For a moment I thought she might want to kiss me, which freaked me out because of all the cum I had shot into her mouth. “I have to go.” Then she left.

I lay back in bed with my underwear a few feet away. I felt so utterly relaxed, I almost fell asleep with my dick shrinking. Then I thought of how that would look if someone else found me, so I forced myself to put on my underwear and crawled back in bed and covered up.

In the middle of the night, I awoke to a sound. A voice. She had come back. I could see her silhouette. She called my name. I answered her. She crawled into bed and lay down next to me. She asked me “Will you do what I want?”


She got on top of me. Her knees were on each side of my stomach and she was on all fours. She was farther up the bed than me and my head rested on my pillow looking between her breasts. Then she slipped her nighty over each of shoulders and pulled it down until her tits were hanging down. She moved until one of them was directly above my mouth and told me to lick it. I started on one, then moved to the other. At first my hands were at my side but then I realized I could touch her and I ran them along her nighty, feeling her sides, her back and the top of her hips. As I continued to lick, I slid my hand down to her ass and under her nighty. It was the first time I felt an ass, the first time I felt a nipple. She told me to suck her nipple into her mouth. I sucked with my mouth open, and I made a ring around the tip of her tit as her nipple got larger and extended into me. I licked the nipple wildly. My hand squeezed a large handful of her ass. She was moaning. She pulled back her breast gently and then lowered the other tit in my mouth. I had no idea how long we were going to do this. With her forearms by my shoulders, her inner thighs squeezing the sides of my stomach, her stomach hanging down on my chest and her breasts smothering my face I felt engulfed.

I slid my hand off her ass and slid it past her stomach and felt her pussy through her nighty. I felt hair and wetness through the mesh material. I wanted to really feel her pussy, so I slipped my hand under her nighty and felt her coarse hair until I found the source of the wetness. I ran my fingers along the fleshy folds. She moaned loudly then pulled her tits off and said breathily “Ok, Ok”

Then she shifted down past my hips. I felt my underwear being pulled off and her hand was on my dick. She was leaning right over it. I thought I was going to get another blow-job but then I felt her handling my dick. She was putting something over it. It was a rubber. She carefully extended it all the way down my shaft. Then she moved forward and adjusted the bottom of her nighty and then lowered herself down on me. My dick slid against her thigh. She reached back and adjusted my angle and lowered herself again. I went inside of her. She slowly lowered herself until I could feel the hair of her bush on me. I was fully in her, and she held still. Then she pulled my head forward and adjusted my pillow. With my head bent forward she positioned a nipple in front of my mouth. I licked it. I sucked it into my mouth and licked the nipple. Unnnhgh. She made a loud noise when she breathed. Her hips shifted up and down. She rode me. When I relaxed my suction and shifted my head, I found her other nipple and pulled it into my mouth. I had one hand on her back and the other on her ass. Her nighty had slipped and was bunched up between our stomachs. She kept making moaning noises and when I slowed down my licking because my dick was getting excited, she whispered “keep licking.”

I flicked my tongue, and she rolled her hips. I was holding on, trying not to orgasm. I was amazed I had lasted so long. I guess the previous blowjob helped, plus the condom dulled the sensation. Her hips were moving quicker now, and she pulled away. I watched her tits jiggle in the near darkness as she rode me harder and harder, rolling her hips. Her back was arched, and I was holding on to her, lifting my hips off the bed to press deep into her. She barked. Then shook. Then held still. Then she let out a long high-pitched sigh as her pussy twitched. My dick started to pump as her pussy pulsed. I pushed into her with short tight thrusts until my dick was done shooting and she stopped gasping. Our bodies relaxed at the same time. Her weight pressed down on me everywhere. Her hips, stomach, tits and face buried me. I kept my hips raised and my erection in her, not wanting the feeling to end. I felt wetness on my balls. She turned her head sideways and breathed loudly. Her rough curly hair was in my face. I kept her impaled, enjoying her body pressing down on me, moving with her breath.

My erection finally softened, and I lowered my hips, and slid out of her. She rolled to one side. I felt down there. The condom was still on. My pubes and my balls were wet.

She lay back on the bed and I listened to her breathing. We just lay there for a few minutes. I imagined someone standing in the doorway, flipping on the light and seeing my rubber covered wet rod and her curly damp pussy. Finally, she moved. She pushed something against herself down there. Then I felt a small towel pressing against my balls and pubes. I felt the rubber being pulled slowly off of me. Then the towel enveloped my shaft. She threw my underwear on top of me and leaned in and said “Thanks.”

I lifted my head and kissed her. She pulled back. Then she lowered her head and kissed me softly. Then she left me again.

I got my underwear on and the cover over me. As I fell back asleep, I thought of the fact that she was more than twice my age. I wondered if a girl my age could do the things she had done.

The next morning before I left, Kevin called me a wussy for leaving the party early. “You should have stayed and got some. I did.”

“From that nice girl you were talking to?”

“Yeah. From that ‘nice’ girl.”

“Well, maybe if you don’t tell anyone about it, you will see her again and you will get some more.”

I didn’t know if he could keep his mouth shut. I could.

This series of Stories:

An Evening with Mrs. Lasalle
An Afternoon with Mrs. Lasalle
Dinner with Mrs. Lasalle
Working for Mrs. Lasalle
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