Story search beach

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307 stories found

It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the MotherDisclaimer: I do not own Pokemon nor profit from it. This is a parody, protected under Fair Use in Section 107 of US Copyright Law. It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the Mother Synopsis: Pokemon AU - An evil Ash sadistically punishes and trains his mother, becoming a different kind of master. ----- "I..I can't!" The naked 33 year old woman groaned, her own juices flowing around her fingers and down the lower curves of her ass cheeks. Sitting on the floor, legs lewdly spread, the au...reading time 92 mingenre
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Little Matriarch Little Matriarch Written by Dirty Amber Note For Readers: Narrator of each part is mentioned at the start. I am sure most readers will find this note superfluous. ********************** Tom has three daughters, Lily [13], Tracey [11] and sam [10]. His brother and him had married their cousins, twins. After freak tragedies men were left alone and brooding. Lily takes over as matriarch. She first takes her father and shares him with her two sisters. Then she takes her grandfather and...reading time 162 mingenre
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Dirty Amber
The GovernessIt was hot, very hot and Richard had been walking quickly for over an hour. The sunrays filtered through the treetops, blinding the boy's eyes as he looked up. 'Not much further', he thought as he began to mount the rise that led to the lake. Richard was dressed, as were all boys at the orphanage in long grey flannel shorts, that came to his knee's, a heavy flannel jacket, long grey socks, ending in black boots. His shirt was soaked in perspiration with the effort of the long walk. Richard...reading time 576 mingenre
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Jane Marwood
Broken BlissI couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me. * * * An annoying beeping sounds wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I? "Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad...reading time 267 mingenre
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Libby's Game LIBBY'S GAME. The young male lay down in the morning sunlight, that streamed into the den, lightly warming his skin. His eyes closed and he slipped into a Dream... . . . The Pack-Leader wasn't going to return. The thought had coalesced slowly, from early on, when he simply wasn't around, to months having past without his presence in the den. Earlier, when only weeks had passed since the Pack-Leader...reading time 232 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Fallen MotherNOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Good day beloved reader, a few things before we begin: Firstly , this is my first ever story I have ever published when it comes to porn, as such I am seeking , any input you may have on my work. Don't hesitate to inform me on what you liked / didn't liked , what you think I could improve on and especially what you'd like to see next , so long as it falls within what I can write of course. Secondly , this story has some very dark and mature themes even for a porn , that ...reading time 177 mingenre
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Phoenix EnvyCherry blossoms are falling, it's the beauty of the fall. It's a perfect moment in reflection that reciprocates a geisha designated as Phoenix Jade knee down in mediation underneath a cherry blossom tree. It's absolutely spectacular for eyewitnesses, not only because the secluded renown geisha but the beauty of the cherry blossoms falling with the rain dew. Each drip from a cherry blossom leaf represents the Astro Plains which our entire universe resides, and somewhere the supreme goddess but no...reading time 432 mingenre
Science fiction
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Phoenix Envy Glorious Goddess. @
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