Fallen Mother



Good day beloved reader, a few things before we begin:

Firstly , this is my first ever story I have ever published when it comes to porn, as such I am seeking , any input you may have on my work. Don't hesitate to inform me on what you liked / didn't liked , what you think I could improve on and especially what you'd like to see next , so long as it falls within what I can write of course.

Secondly , this story has some very dark and mature themes even for a porn , that may not be some readers cup of tea. Nothing too extreme , but just enough that they might turn some one off, something I'd very much like to avoid as a porn writer. The story also has a very slow start and a lot of characterization , build up and teasing before the main events start , so if that isn't your cup of tea either, I'm advising you at the start.

Lastly , the story deals with a lot off niche themes , most of which I am into others not so much , but I still included them as I felt they played an integral part in the story I envisioned. They mainly include NTR of Mom , forced , pregnancy , weight gain, victims perspective , that sort of shit.

Now without further ado lets get on with the show.

Chapter 1 : Setting The Stage

You trudged your feet forward one after the other in a manner akin to being in a trance. The suns warm, shimmering yellow rays beating down on your sun kissed face, as you stared aimlessly at the towering concrete skyscrapers that blotched the skyline of the bustling city you inhabited. The cacophony of vehicles whiffing by , people chattering and laughing, and the distant noise of construction or repair that would normally assault your ear on any other day out and about the town was distorted and muted, a background trifle, as you found yourself consumed by your own thoughts.

You continued your zombie like shuffle, focusing intently on your thoughts about yourself and the future. You were in your prime, 18 years of age , tall, lean with well defined muscles, shaggy blonde hair and icy blue eyes, to the casual gawker you were quite the looker, no doubt thanks to your numerous hours spent practicing on the basketball court. However, physical appeal wasn't the only thing you had to offer, you thought, taking a moment to glance down at your left arm robed in blue satin , gently clutching a laminated sheet of parchment in its palm. You had just finished your graduation ceremony, completing highschool with not only a high G.P.A but as the valedictorian , with numerous academic opportunities awaiting you all across the globe, the future was looking bright. Yet still, you pondered how you had gotten to this point, unlike a few others at your highschool things like this certainly didn't come naturally for you , you had to work hard to get in the shape your in and acquire the grades you have. In fact , if you'd have to narrow it down to any singular thing , the one object or person rather that comes to mind would undoubtedly have to be your mother.

Ambitious , headstrong , poised and hyper intelligent , not to mention a serious taskmaster and strict disciplinarian to boot. These were just some of the traits that flew off the top of your head when it comes to describing your mother , and are certainly the characteristics you feel attributed most heavily not just to your success but hers as well. After all you had both just moved to this city five years ago and she was already the CFO of Moogle Telemedia Limited , one of the largest tech companies in the Unified States. Her incredible intellect, perfectionist attitude and somewhat forceful nature, no doubt earned her that position , along with a few enemies . You have to admit your mother can be very overbearing and pushy at times, coupled with her icy exterior , you can't help but see why one of the two most common words used to describe her by friends and even some family is bitch. Still, you are eternally grateful to her , and you can see that beneath her cold exterior and demanding nature , is a deeply maternal love and a woman that wants nothing more than for you to succeed and be successful. You could certainly hazard a guess why , after all it had been just you and her for the past 12 years , ever since your father died. Through out that time and even now she had settled for nothing less than excellence from you. Pushing you to attend ball practice , to take extra classes , to study at least 4 hours a day, to do things the "right way", as she puts it. Multiple times you found yourself unable to handle the pressure and breaking down into a sobbing mess , contemplating running away and even outright agreeing with your mother's designation by friends as an absolute helicopter mom of a bitch. Yet , still you are unable to help but feel you wouldn't be the successful young man you are today if it wasn't for those tough times and are truly indebted to her. Thinking about it now , you can almost feel as if she's yelling at you to pay attention like the days of old.

" Jason !"

" Jason !"

" Jason Reyes !"

In fact now that you focus in on the voice even more, it sounds a little bit too realistic and close to be just your imagination. Before you could even begin to examine the situation even more , your time spent swimming in your sea of thoughts was brought to an abrupt end by the feeling of a delicate hand tightly clutching your upper arm. A peculiar feeling of euphoria washed over you , as you felt all your once muted senses come surging back to you at full capacity. The mix of stimuli that had once been hidden away in the back of your mind came rushing back into you like a shot of adrenaline. The suns powerful glare nearly burnt your retinas causing you to squint in response , the cacophony of cars, chatter and construction slammed into your ears at full volume, you could smell and taste the distinctly fishy aroma of the wharf nearby as a strong breeze sent goose pimples invading the skin of your body. It was almost as if you were in a heightened state of awareness. Taking a step back to quickly readjust to your surroundings you couldn't help but notice a distinctly effeminate figure standing before you.

She was attired in a plain white blouse coupled with a tight fit black pencil skirt, that fell just above her knees, and simple half inch black heels. She stood about a head or two shorter than you, her eyes meeting your chest were she to look straight ahead. Grabbing a moment to acquire a greater stock of her form , you noticed she was quite a voluptuous woman, with an incredibly tantalizing hourglass figure. Long , thick , shapely legs that went all the way up, sitting atop them her wide, fat , thickset baby making hips caused her form to flare out dramatically, as they distended and pushed firmly against the admittedly size or two , too small pencil skirt. Continuing along her figure to her upper torso, in comparison to her hips her waist was quite trim and slim, her shoulders narrow and her arms slender. However her comparatively thin upper shape wasn't the true highlight of her top half , but rather it was the giant set of swollen round melons that sat proudly atop her chest. The fabric of the blouse clung greedily to their tender form , as they lurched forward pursing against the pinched textile ,hungrily consuming the space inside the fabric, spilling to the front and sides, lewdly highlighting their large, round inviting outline. Their sheer size, causing significant distress to the buttons of her already snug white blouse, straining against the tide of flesh that bulged against them , seemingly ready to burst off at any moment and reveal the erotic globes that lie underneath. Their sheer weight and heft resulting in them drooping slightly into an erotic tear shaped curvature.

Seeing such a mouth watering display you could barely find the strength to tear your eyes away and continue upward, to the head that sat at the apex of this pubescent sex fantasy of a woman. As you did so you found her face much like her body to be just as enchanting. Her facial features were dark, and sharp yet incredibly alluring and sultry, perfectly contrasting her porcelain skin. Sharp ,intense, cougar like piercing chocolate brown eyes , bespectacled and outline lightly touched by black mascara, a cute button nose , high cheek bones, and a pair of thick, full pouty lips, touched up by deep red lip gloss, her silky raven black hair done up into a tight bun.

Normally seeing a body such as that , who could easily put even the most sinfully salacious of exotic porn stars to shame, would ignite a burning fire in your loins, were it not for the fact that every word you just used to describe the woman standing before you created a mirror image of your hyper ambitious, disciplinarian mother. The matter of which you were made acutely aware of as she tightly gripped your biceps once more and her mouth began to move calling you back to reality.

" Jason are you even listening to me ?! " She asked loudly , her voice a waft with frustration , indicating her strained patience.

" Huh ...... uh... yeah sorry mom. I spaced out a bit.... just taking it all in you know." You replied sheepishly , a small reassuring grin rising on your face to quell her nerves.

*SIGH* " I told you not to stay up too late last night. You know how important 7 to 8 hours of sleep is, especially for a young man whose about to be sent off to one of the top colleges around the globe." Your mother said admonishing you , a slight hint of motherly concern perforating her tone.

" Sorry mom , I'll try to listen next time." You replied , your tone riddled with both apathy and defeat. You knew it was pointless to argue with your mother , even though the probable cause of your spacing out was likely due to excitement and curiosity rather than a lack of sleep. Despite her incredible smarts your mother always did seem a bit challenged when it came to her emotional intelligence, particularly her empathy.

" Good ." She said , a slight smile cracking on her face, before she turned around to continue both your walks to the parking lot where she had her car waiting.

As she did so you felt your face flush with the heat of embarrassment, as you quickly came to realize just how small and tight that black pencil skirt she wore really was. You couldn't rip your eyes away as they quickly latched unto her rear. You saw what can only be described as a sea of full, round, bubbly, ass fat spilling against the tight, groaning fabric of her black skirt. The textile wrapping lasciviously around the curves of her thick , shapely, wide, overflowing backside, creaking almost as they struggled to contain the vast quantities of flesh that resided within their confines, lewdly outlining their form, leaving nothing to the imagination, as they triumphantly jutted outwards , each cheek nearly the size of a volley ball , beckoningly calling any onlooker. Every sway of her full hips causing them to bubble and jiggle slightly , yet ever so enticingly. You couldn't help but berate yourself , for being so spaced out throughout the whole ordeal and graduation that you didn't even notice what your mom was wearing. Though that would explain all the funny looks , cat calls and whistles you were getting today , I mean you know your mother was already a drop dead bombshell and she certainly couldn't avoid flaunting it regardless of what she wore and she was used to the attention , though today did seem excessive. Seeing it now , you cant help but recall just a moment ago when you drank in your mother's form , and begun to deeply think again just about what a real beauty she was.

Despite being in her early forties , your mother doesn't look a day past thirty , looks , riches and intelligence your mother had it all. Thinking about it now you cant also help but see why the other word both friends and family used to describe her , well friends mostly aside from your creepy uncle Ron, was MILF, much to your charge in and embarrassment. Sometimes you cant help but feel , that the only reason your friends could stand being over when your mom was there, was because of the eye full she gave them regardless of what she was wearing. In fact many a times when both she and them were present, you couldn't help but notice they took suspiciously long trips to the bathroom. Hell one of them even outright admitted that your mother's image was at the top of his spank bank, a thought you no longer wish to entertain. Yet, despite her having it all your mother never seemed to pursue any sort of further romantic relationship after the death of your father, even with the waves of suitors she had practically crawling over each other to get her attention. Even her millionaire bosses were in line , in spite of this however, she rarely gave any of them the time of day, and when she did her excuse was often her only focus being her career and her son . A flattering response , that made you feel loved and special, but also a bit sad , as you couldn't even begin to think how unimaginably lonely she'll probably be when you leave for college. Besides Clarissa her secretary, she doesn't really speak to anyone else on an informal basis rather than you.

Your mind continued to wander as you carried on with your thoughts about your mother , the future and yourself and friends. Before long you found yourself strapped in to the familiar leather seat, of your mother's black Mercedes Benz. Breaking free from your deep thought once more and glancing to the side, you saw that your mother was struggling slightly to get her seat belt across and in between her massive mammaries, her perfectly manicured dainty hands sinking into their tender globes of flesh as she adjusted them. After a few brief seconds of her gently fondling and groping herself , she managed to solve her small dilemma , looking over to you as she latched her seat belt in place, your gazes locking unto each other . You quickly broke eye contact , for fear she would reprimand you again about spacing out , yet much to your surprise she cracked a small smile towards you once again.

" So, I've decided to take the rest of the day off, so you and I could grab some food and discuss your future at Pleasant Park." Your mom stated , in manner similar to which she addressed her colleagues when making business arrangements.

" That sounds great. Thanks mom!" You replied nodding your head , slightly thrown off by her tone , but happy nonetheless.

" Good. So how does Sushi sound ? " Your mom stated her smile creeping a bit wider , as she revved her engines and turned her attention to driving.

" Excellent." You replied , infected by your mother's rare jovial attitude, a smile crawling on your face as well.

Chapter 2 : Pleasant Park and Discussion

As the Benz cruised by leisurely , you stared aimlessly at the peculiarly empty city side walk , the warm , gentle heat of the recently purchased sushi and dumplings radiating outwards, warming both your loins and thighs which they sat in. Your face was still slightly flushed with embarrassment, as you recalled events prior.

You had just entered the small restaurant ,quite unassumingly at that , only for your mother's ridiculously erotic form to capture the attention of both employee and patron alike as usual , more so considering how tightly her outfit clung to her tantalizing shape. Their eyes focused either on her ample engorged busom , whose shape greedily took up most of the fabric of her close fitting blouse , jostling up and down enticingly and with noticeable heft in every 'clack' of her heels , threatening to burst free from their cotton confines , revealing their fat , round , full, enlarged goodness as they pushed against the clothing stretching it to its absolute limit or her wide, thick, bloated backside, whose sea of supple , bubbly ass fat spilled forward and burgeoned tightly against the already strained pencil skirt, wobbling and jiggling up and down, side to side invitingly , no wantingly , demanding any onlookers full attention, with each sensual sway of her broad baby factory hips. Some tried to hide their lewd intentions by stealing quick glances and then looking away. Others stared unabashedly, without a care in the world what others , or the object of their lustful gaze might think or say. One patron even seemed to be licking their lips, hell you could see a group of construction workers poorly conceal their attempts at stealing quick photos unbeknownst to your mother, huddling in glee to see who go the best shot of her fat ass.

Placing your order , you could tell the scruffy looking cashier , deliberately took long to write down and place your orders . Drinking in the clearly visible outline of your mom's plump milk tanks, begging and groaning to be released, nearly overflowing out of their almost skintight prison , ready to burst free any moment. He probably wished one of her fat tits would pop free and land right in his mouth to suckle. Even after taking your orders he took rather long to give it to the chef , probably because he was nursing a healthy erection at this point , it was pretty common every time any male saw your mother's bimbo and beyond proportions, something you could never get used.

Luckily this attention you were getting seemed to dissipate as you both sat down to wait for your order, the table you chose obscuring most of her errogenous features. However, that didn't seem to stop the whispers , which in your experience mainly consisted of a little too personal locker room talk , wondering if she's some famous exotic pornstar or whore, whose the blonde kid with her and discussing their chances of getting her phone number or pounding her gigantic ass senseless. After what felt like a small awkward eternity , that consisted of you twiddling your thumbs and your mother responding to business call after business call , you final got your order and were relived to leave. Even then you could still feel the horny gazes of the occupants of the restaurant, hungrily following your mother on the way out.

This was a rather frequent occurrence anytime you found yourself out and about with her and probably a minutely occurrence anytime your mom so much as set a foot outside the house. Still despite its recurrence you have yet to acclimate to it and doubt you ever will. On one hand your kind of proud your mom is such a bombshell and not the stereotypical matronly , portly image of a mother in her forties , a figure undoubtedly due to great genetics and a killer workout routine, but on the other hand you detest the amount of attention it brings . What baffles you even more so , is the fact that your mother doesn't seem to notice just how much lustful stares she brings , with her thickset baby making hips , massive, tender , full breasts and large , round, juicy ass you'd only see in rap videos. Part of you wishes she was just that innocent and that despite her intelligence and wealth of knowledge she's still quite fresh when it comes to such things and not that she's just gotten used to it and phased it out over the years. After a couple more minutes of mulling these thoughts over you decide to simply push them in the back of your mind , and be content that you get to spend the rest of the afternoon with your mother , a rare occurrence.

Following a few more minutes of leisurely cruising , you both arrived at your destination. Getting out you were relived to notice the park was quite empty save for an early afternoon jogger, and a portly homeless man who seemed to be asleep on a park bench opposite of the entrance. The park as the name suggests was quite pleasant, consisting of a large well kept pond directly in its center with a few ducks swimming in it , well groomed greenery , and park benches , tables and ornamental trees and shrubs interspliced around the slightly worn concrete sidewalk that travelled the entirety of its landscape. You both strolled lackadaisically along the park's walkway , carefully surveying the terrain for the perfect table to sit, chat and eat , through out the entire ordeal your mother's ass and breasts swayed pendulously , bobbing up and down , with each fling of her hips and distinctive clack of her heels. You couldn't tear your eyes away from such an enchanting view , on any other day , you'd have just ignored it and moved on but considering events prior and her snug choice of outfit , you were hyper aware. You could swear if it were not due to the summer heat , you could hear her buttons crying out for help as her swollen udders lurched against them following each step , jumping up and down and swaying lightly side to side , sending ripples through the tight , supple flesh of her enlarged globes. A sight made even more prominent not just by her near skin tight blouse but even more so by her excessive perspiration , which caused her blouse to stick even more erroneously to the lewd shape of her full tanks, their modesty only protected by the increasingly apparent bright image of her lacey red bra hugging them in place. You thanked the good one above , that you were mostly alone , you don't think you could've handled your mother putting on such an unintentional , yet sinfully lubricous display in a crowded park , or deal with her image popping up again on Fastbok pages and Senddit forums or other not so safe for work sites related to thicc fucking MILFS. You almost died the last time you saw one , even thought it was a rather unassuming photo of her walking alongside and chatting with a co-worker, though due to her ridiculous proportions anything your mom did was hardly mundane and could easily be perceived with perverted desire.

Following a minute or two more , of casual strolling , you decided the venue for today would be a blue table , almost directly opposite of the park entrance , shaded gently by a large green Maple tree. You both walked up and took a seat your mother's large breast flopping downwards with noticeable weight as she did , wobbling for a brief second afterward. You swore if they were any larger , heavier or fuller, hanging any lower, they'd have a nice resting spot on the table top.

" So , I was thinking , your first choice should be Roxford University's Biomedical Engineering Degree. They are quite distant , being halfway across the world in the United Monarchy , but their education system is far superior to anyone else." Your mother stated almost commandingly , as she parted her full red lips to begin to place a bite of sushi inside.

Straight to business, you thought to yourself.

" Yeah I'm well aware, but I was thinking somewhere a bit more close to home. Where I can visit anytime I wanted and check in from time to time. Hartfeld University offers the same degree , and while their not as good as Roxford their still highly accredited." You responded trying your best to make your case.

While she is right , Roxford far surpasses Hartfeld, your rather overprotective of your mother , and given her rather cold nature , fear that you'll be leaving her all alone without so much as a soul to speak to . Hartfeld is still an incredibly prestigious school and is in your home country off the Unified States allowing you to visit whenever you need to or feel like.

Your mom's face took on a slight scowl as she finished chewing and opened her mouth to speak once more.

" And why would you choose Hartfeld when there is clearly a better choice available. If it's me your concerned about , don't be , your mom can handle herself just fine. It's your education you should worry about." She replied , rather aggressively as she pointed her wooden chopsticks in your direction admonishingly.

Ice cold as usual you thought. You can't help but feel a slight sting from her choice of words. Once again her struggle with empathy comes into play , she fails to understand the cause for your concern and your love for her. You open your mouth once more to begin pleading your case , but are quickly shot down as your mother begins to speak over you.

" Jason , this isn't up for debate . You need to get the best education possible if your gonna succeed in this ever expanding and competitive world. I've seen it with my own eyes.... just how cut throat you have to be to stay on top. And that all starts with a good foundation." Your mother lectured , with a fair amount of emotion more than she usually does, her motherly tone beginning to highlight itself.

You grimaced and hung your head slightly in defeat , there was no arguing with her when she got like this . While you do understand that she simply wants what is best for you , she cant seem to understand you have feelings too. Following a few minutes of solemn silence , interspliced with the sound of chewing and the occasional vibration from your mom's business phone , the stillness was broken by a loud sigh from your mother.

" Look honey , I know you just graduated highschool and things still seem so new , fresh and confusing to you and how difficult it is is to fly the coop to some foreign country so early. In addition I know how overbearing and pushy I can be , but ...... I just want you to know everything I've done , every sacrifice I made was simply because I want the best for you........... I know I don't say it enough but I love you and am so proud of the fine young man you've become." Your mother cooed, her voice over flowing with maternal love and affection , a truly rare sight indeed , you almost fell out your seat being so unaccustomed to it.

You raised your head from your sullen stupor , locking eyes with your mother. Her bespectacled chocolate brown irises were brimming with emotion and shaking slightly as you stared at each other deeply for a few passing moments , awaiting the other to break the renewed quietude. You felt a warm wave of heat wash over you , your mother hadn't become quite so expressive and maternal with you for quite some time, making you realize just how starved you had been for overt maternal affection and recognition from your sole parent, you felt tears begin to well in your eyes .

" Thanks Mom, I love you too ." You replied equally as endearingly , a large smile spreading across your face as a few tears of joy trickled down your cheeks.

Your mother in turn responded by reaching over and clasping you with both her arms pulling you into a tight embrace. The swiftness of the motion causing her burgeoning breasts to send the first few buttons atop her white blouse to their doom, causing a generous volume of tender , supple white cleavage to spill out of the newly formed neckline , leaving quite an ample view of her mountainous bosom and the frilly tips of her red brassiere. Your mothers engorged melons radiated a gentle warmth , they were soft and because of the sweat quite sticky , your were being smothered it felt like you were sinking into stack of melting marshmallows as you were pressed tightly into her enlarged funbags , sinking into a sea of succulent, supple flesh. It almost reminded you of when you used to suckle on them , you wonder for a brief moment if your mother would have decided to have even more children , just how ridiculously huge, full and lewdly hung would they be , maybe even below her waist at that point.

For any other male this would be incredibly stimulating and erotic , but for you it was heavenly to feel the tender warmth of your mother's physical affection. And though you had not convinced her to let you stay in country , you were happy she at least showed she understood and cared in a more noticeable manner. You wish this moment could last forever , life however hectic it seemed at the moment was good and about to get better.

Chapter 3 : A Man Down On His Luck

Where as you were at your peak with even greater advents on the horizon, the exact opposite could be said for one Richard Dickson. To call him a man down on his luck would be quite the serious understatement. The divorce had left him out of a home and soon the exorbitant cost of paying both alimony and child support left him penniless and jobless as well. All of it because his whore of a wife of fifteen years decided she had grown tired of him and scampered off with his two kids for a man ten years his junior. Destitute , depressed and unable to pay child support , what followed for Dick was a hard life and an exigent ten year stay at the city's local penitentiary, where he was forced to give up not only his basic freedoms but the one thing his wife hadn't stolen away, his 'pride'. Richard spent those next ten years stewing in his melancholy and festering his hate and anger not just for his wife but women in general, believing them to be nothing more than vanity obsessed sluts , looking for the next fat cock to fill them up or big spender to sweep them off their feet. Completing his stay, Richard found himself thrust into a world that cared little for those of his status , that being the less than reputable members of society , coupled with being out of the working age prime, he found it difficult to find and keep gainful employment. As such he was forced to take part in a lifestyle he found even more demeaning than his time in prison , being a beggar on the street. Being forced to rely on the kindness of a society that cared little for him , rummaging through trash just to keep a full belly and clothed, beaten , look down upon and dejected. Coupled with the divorce and his time in prison , Dick was undoubtedly a changed man both mentally as well as physically. Angry at how both the system and society treated him and continued to treat him , Richard had become a man with a short temper , vindictive, selfish and callow , most of his hate directed towards women thanks to his wife, yet that didn't stop him from lusting after them like a starved dog, hungry for any sort of sustenance. His time incarcerated, had left him woefully deprived of any form of female comfort, their only redeeming feature he believed was the usage of their feminine form and features as pleasure for their much superior male counterparts. This unrestrained perverse desire had resulted in him receiving, on more than one occasion , a series of slaps, jabs or kicks , when his wanting hands found themselves on areas a little to personal for any unsuspecting female stranger, and in some instances a visit from the police. However that doesn't mean he was completely without regret at least for himself. Often times he'd find himself wallowing in his own self pity , lamenting about the absolute depravity and abysmal futility of his situations, on days similar to today.

" Oh how my life could've been so much different , If I had never shacked up with that blonde bimbo bitch." He muttered to himself through his thin creased lips , half awake, as he pinched his bulbous pallid nose with his thick fingers.

Richard groaned as the rotating sun's radiant yellow rays begun to pierce between the canopy of trees that had shaded him during his slumber, caressing his stout , portly physique with a gentle caressing warmth, causing slight discomfort to his shielded eyes as they did.

" Fuck....... suns changing direction already ?" He puzzled , slowly adjusting himself to sit upright on the small wooden bench that he rested.

" Shit I better start looking for food" He mumbled groggily as one hand rubbed across his face from the tip of his flabby double chin to the back of his greasy balding grey mane, the other working at his groin to adjust his sizeable cock in his torn khaki trousers.

Dick continued to rub his eyes for a few seconds more before squinting and slowly surveying the brightly lit terrain , collecting his thoughts to better decide his next course of action. Doing so his eyes nearly bulged out of his head as it stopped dead in their tracks lasering in on the site that had enchanted his gaze. His mouth fell agape and began to almost salivate as his fat cock stiffened against his trousers rapidly , almost painfully so. He saw an image which he can only claim to have witnessed , in some of his most sinfully lubricous masturbatory fantasies. Sitting a few meters across his left , back turned to him, was a raven haired bombshell beauty , attired in a semi formal white blouse and an incredibly tight pencil skirt that hugged her form lewdly , her silky black hair tied up into a high bun revealing her long slender porcelain white neck. Her narrow shoulders and slim waist only serving to further accentuate the dramatic flare of her wide , thickset, baby yearning hips, easily surpassing the width of her shoulders giving her sickeningly full hourglass figure as they pushed tightly against the straining textile of her skirts waist , leaving outlines of pockets of fat due to their sheer volume, threatening to snap the skirt in two. But what truly caught Dick's twisted eye , were the humongous swells of juicy flesh that were located directly beneath them, their sheer volume and her sitting motion causing them to jut prominently against the already stretched thin fabric that clung lasciviously to their curvature, highlighting each cheeks large , round , full, firm magnificence. Their sheer volume causing her ample sea of ass fat to spill even more prominently to the sides and the front as the squeezed tightly to the point of bursting by the force of her sitting on the chair and the clinging of the black skirt distending strikingly and invitingly , no demandingly in Dick's mind. She was asking for that overstuffed skirt to be torn off and her gigantic backside , her hips and ass wouldn't be such a teasingly huge size if they weren't meant to be bred, after all that's what women were made for in Dick's mind at least and she certainly was over achieving.

Dick shot bolt upright , much like his twitching schlong, as he begun to cautiously stalk around the bimbo beauty from a far , desperately trying to drink in every aspect of her form. As he did so he noticed that she wasn't dining alone but with an preppy , lean built , blonde kid that looked a decade her junior, however this distraction was fleeting as he eyes latched unto to an equally as delectable and jaw dropping site as her overflowing plump rear. A passing thought in his mind wondered why the blouse she wore pulled forward against her a bi too snuggly , looking at it now he had his answer. They were roughly the size , of small overripe watermelons as they torpedoed against their cotton confines , eagerly consumed the fabric meant for the rest of her body causing the blouse to come untucked and reveal the supple , yet taut flesh of the hem of her torso and back. The hot summer day , caused them to be drenched in perspiration, causing the white cotton to cling even more needlingly to their shape , highlighting their humongous tear drop shaped fatness as they drooped slightly at the behest of gravity, resulting in the fabric becoming discolored revealing the color of her skin and the faint outline of her bright red bra. What really sent his blood boiling and his precum oozing out of the tip of his engorged cock, was the way in which t=struggled to contain their mountainous volume . Even from this distance he could watch how the fabric and it's buttons strained as they wrapped tightly against her gigantic tits , resulting in an ocean of their tender , plump flesh to spill out of her unbuttoned neckline , indiscriminately in every direction as they threatened to burst of the rest of her attire. It was as if her blouse , much like Dick's inflamed member was crying out for release.

His heart pounded away, like a jackhammer in his chest as a lustful heat spread all over his entire body and concentrated in his lions, he wanted nothing more than to ravish the woman before him , right there and then. He wanted nothing more than to rip those bountiful breasts free from their cotton prison and fondle , grope and play with them as he pleased, to drop his fat cock between them and watch them disappear into the mountain of supple , white tender flesh , as the pressure from their weight and her more than helping hands wrung them dry. He teased himself , at how soft , succulent and full they must feel, his heart almost skipping with trepidation as he wondered, how if they were that big that it would certainly mean their filled with gallons of milk, ready to spew fort at the gentlest of touch. He wanted nothing more than for the folds of her undoubtedly sopping wet mound , to clamp down hungrily on his fat. stiff , filled to the brim cock , as they wrung his sweet baby batter up and out into her expectantly fertile womb. After all , the creator wouldn't have given her such plentiful , round, bubbly cushions on her backside and wide, desperate, birthing hips, if it didn't mean that her wanting cunt should be filled with obscene amounts of spunk, so that she could pop out a couple of brats every available cycle.

Dick had not felt this way in a long time , almost like a dog in heat , a lust addled mad man , desiring nothing more than to have his way with and blow his thick , pent up load into the woman before him. That woman was none other than , your strict , by the books , helicopter mom. A sinister smile crept across Dick's face as he loosened his belt and undid his zipper. He would do whatever it takes to bend her over and fuck her senseless , regardless of the consequences he thought to himself , as he sauntered his way in your direction.

Chapter 4 : Mom Gets A Surprise Serving

Following your tender embrace , you both chatted away for what seemed like a quarter of an hour, throughout the entire ordeal you were filled with a quiet contentment. It was the first time in quite a while , that your mother spoke to you so freely and openly , not to mention in such an endearing and maternal manner as well , too often you were used to her near drill sergeant tone, and conservative nature when it came to , well discussing anything. Most of the time you chalked it up to her rigid upbringing or efficient nature , but now that your older and are in the moment , you came to realize your mother's just a bit awkward and introverted. Your conversation entailed many topics , about yourself and the future , friends and family , your mom , her worries, work and even your deceased father, a touchy subject. The discussion truly was pleasant , you had never seen your mom so jovial , you had even managed to make her crack several smiles , but even more surprising than that was a small chuckle. You were dumbfounded , you had rarely seen your mom smile , much less laugh yet here she was chuckling away. The motion of which caused her large breasts to jump up and down vigorously , causing her constrictive white blouse to squeeze down on their sublime , fat, full form even more, sending an extra helping of her tender, plump creamy white cleavage spilling forth out of her increasingly plunging neckline to the sides, sending small wobbles and ripples through them as she did. Despite the precarious position of your mom's mammoth mammaries, ready to explode forth out of her blouse at the slightest motion , your elated conversation carried on with out distraction on your part at least.

That was until both your noses were assailed by the pungent, acrylic smell of body odor mixed with the noticeable stench of urine . Causing you both to crinkle your faces in disgust, pinching your noses as you did , stopping any attempt at continued conversation dead in it's track.

" What is that horrendous smell ? " Your mother gasped barely able to part her lips to utter the sentence , before quickly choking and sealing them back at the behest of the repugnant aroma.

You both dashed your head side to side , searching intently for the source of the foul smell. Your mother's heavy tits wobbling enchantingly from left to right as you did. As you searched , your eyes focused on a portly figure approaching from the opposite direction in which your mother faced . As he neared closer , you noticed how powerful the aroma became , signaling him as the likeliest source.

Nearing closer you managed to gather a better description of him. He appeared to be a middle aged man in his late fifties or perhaps early sixties , his build was round and paunchy , his body covered in thick black hair, for the parts that were exposed anyway, save for his head which had lost most of its mane, except for a few clumps of grey on the sides and a scraggly beard growing over his lips and loose double chin. His features much as his build was swollen , his lips were chapped , thin and creased , his nose toady and bulbous and his eyes beady and slit , his entire face peppered by warts. His attire consisted of a hodgepodge of various worn, battered clothing. On his torso he wore an unbuttoned faded blue dress shirt , that had seen more than its fair share of hardships , as it was peppered with small tears and holes, he had the sleeves rolled over up revealing his thick hairy arms. Beneath this layer he wore a rather unassuming white undershirt , that seemed to be in the best condition compared to the rest of his ensemble, however from the looks of it , it was a size too small as it barely managed to cover the underside of his large, drooping beer gut , revealing a hint of his pallid white belly covered in the same thick black hair. As for legs, they were attired in a loose , beaten khaki shorts , that stopped about his mid thigh , they sagged quite a bit and in between his steps he appeared to try and pull them. What struck you as even more strange than this foreign man approaching you, was the fact that he wore a belt , but kept it unbuckled, in spite of his dilemma. From the thigh downward his plump hairy legs were uncovered , and his feet were bare.

By the time you had finished sizing him up , the man was already within speaking range , as evidenced by his voice directed towards you both , but also by the high smell he brought along with him.

" Good afternoon gentleman and fine lady . Forgive me for interrupting, but I was hoping to borrow some of your kindness for just a moment." He said cracking a wide smile, greeting you both friendly enough.

His voice wasn't to deep for a man , but it was coarse and you couldn't help but feel his tone radiated ulterior motives. Yet despite that you were a bit surprised , considering his haggard condition , you hadn't expected such eloquent and coherent speech from him.

Your mother who was just made aware of his presence, jolted her head to the side of the table which she sat and he now stood , a bit too close for comfort you might add. Her face twisted in absolute loathing and repugnance as she gazed up to meet the man eye to eye. Your mother always held an intense disinterest and sometimes even prejudice against the homeless and their plight , believing them to be free loaders and that even they with some proper motivation could be contributing members of society , but choose not to.

" What do you want ? Can't you see me and my son are having a meal here ? " Your mother asked, rather aggressively at that , her voice swimming with annoyance and disgust.

The man simply cracked another wide smile , but this time you noticed his beady eyes hungrily sweeping across your mother's erotic shape , tracing her full lips , before stopping dead on her large , juicy melons. You felt the faint heat of embarrassment wash over you again , as he stared lustfully at the deep boundless volleys of her overflowing breasts, spilling out her top, taking special attention to read to small tag that shot out from the bra inside, that read Custom Kim's: K- Cups, unbeknownst to you this caused a violent stirring in his loins, as his balls churned with backed up cum. Despite being such a regular occurrence, this particular instance had you on the edge , not only because of his appearance , but because his eyes refused to break away from her engorged mammaries , even as the spoke , with him inching ever so closer to your mother.

" Terribly sorry hot stuff , but I promise to take but a small piece of your time . You see I was just hoping to see if a fine young woman and her chipper young son , could help me with a bit of a financial dilemma. As you can see I'm not exactly in the richest of situations right now , and was hoping you could impart a small bit of your kindness and help me get a meal for this hot afternoon ? " He asked in a manner unchanged as before, save for a slight bit of condescendence . Were it not for his suspect actions , you would believe he was just earnestly begging for money.

However throughout the conversation you noticed him nudging himself ever so closer to your mother, to the point where his obese, pot belly now only stood about half a foot away from your moms delicate face. You could see visible frustration begin to emote itself on your mother features , as one eye began to twitch behind her glasses. She was clearly thrown off by his almost condescending manner of speech , as well as his 'hot stuff' comment.

" Listen here fatso! I don't know who you think you are ? But since you cant take a hint !w We clearly don' t have time for lazy bums who are seemingly able bodied enough to work, but choose to beg like some whimpering dog. If you can beg for money , you can beg for a job and get yourself cleaned up and fed. Now leave me and my son alone." Your mother snarled at the man as venomously and sternly as she could.

It was quite surprising in fact , you had never seen her so viscous , probably because you had never done something to irritate her so , like this poor fool did. However that surprised quickly faded , as your eyes laid themselves on the man . His usual smile faded , replaced by an apathetic grin , his eyes hadn't once moved from your mom's fat tits, but their expression slightly changed . Still swimming with lust they also seemed to hide a growing sense of frustration and even worse so anger .

A choking silence fell upon the table for a few seconds following your mom's stinging comments and rebuff , their eyes still locked on each other. She stared at him with the same expression of intense disgust and he her with the same perverse anger. This didn't last long however , with the stillness being broken as the man began to speak again.

" Well......if you cant provide me with the means to fill my belly. You could at least do me the favor of allowing me to fill yours." The man said puzzlingly , cracking a wide toothy grin as he did.

" What are you ........grrgggrgrglgurglrgurgrllllgrllll....!" Your mother responded , before her sentence was cut short.

You stood frozen in abject shock. In one swift motion the man had undone his pants , and shoved his large , erect , oozing ,cheesy cock directly to the back of your mother's delicate throat , clamping her soft , full lips down it, as she choked and gasped wildly for air. You stood frozen by the surge of adrenaline shooting through your veins, unable to do anything but perceive every single waking moment with extreme clarity , as he clasped two of his thick meaty hands atop her head and began desperately ramming his stiff rod in and out your mom's tender orifice. Sending, dick cheese, pubes and saliva everywhere with each thrust downward , causing her to choke and gasp for air as her eyes upturned into the back of her head, her tears sending her black mascara oozing down her face. It only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like eons for you who stood frozen by the paralytic shock of the situation . He was almost like a machine in a factory , rhythmically but animalistically, plunging his fat member out of and in your mother dainty now very overstuffed mouth , mixing the contents of his leaking precum and smegma with her saliva , her throat spasming violently and gurgling with each heavy , brutal plunge, her hands digging into his thighs in a feeble attempt to stop her savage throat fucking , but only serving to make her seem like she was enjoying it. It wasn't before long that you noticed he begun increasing his pace . no doubt to begin his final journey to a climactic finish , at this point your mother's arms had fallen limply to her sides, her tight bun had come undone as her raven hair fell wildly across her face and down to her shoulders. Yet that didn't stop the horny bastard from continuously and lustfully pumping in and out of her stretched throat. Following a few more impulsive repetitions of his orgasmic crusade, his head shot up like a bolt of lightning in the air as he moaned gutturally. You watched as his cock stiffened and swelled even larger, the large fleshy veins become even more prominent with his cock continuing to march upward in girth , stretching your mom's already lolled mouth, now cum receptacle at this point, even larger as you could see a surge of fluid almost pass through his engorged cock , into the back of your mother's throat. Your mother sat unresponsive, as the fat old bastard , hosed an almost never ending stream of backed up baby gunk , down her gullet with a distinctive 'glug' , following every synchronous spasm. Obviously spent you watched him wrench his flaccid dick , from your mothers sore mouth , splattering some leftover smegma and semen all over her face and glasses, smiling as he watched cum drain from the edges of her fat lips.

" Ahhhhhh.... I knew those dick sucking lips were good for one thing at least. Hell, seeing the state your in maybe I'd even go for a round two, with the much more receptive dick sucking pair downstairs. Hahahahaha !" He laughed triumphantly as he stuffed his penis back in his shorts.

Hearing him laugh and gazing at your mother's defiled state, you quickly snapped out of your catatonic paralysis and felt a powder keg of rage explode inside you.

" Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

You cried out as you leapt across the table and tackled him to the ground , his eyes widened in surprise seemingly forgetting you were there, as you began to wail on his face as hard as you could with your fists. The first blow came down with an explosive force , yielding a distinctive crunch and spray of blood. The second sent his eyes blood shot and made his nose squelch , the third knocking him unconscious. Yet that didn't stop you , from indiscriminately yielding blow after blow on your already defeated opponent. You had every intention to beat him to a bloody pulp and roll him into the lake once you were finished. Your hate filled barrage only being quelled by, the sound of a distinctly familiar female voice demanding you stop this instant.

" Jason Domingo Reyes , you stop that this instant!" It called out commandingly.

You recognized that voice and tone anywhere, it was your mother. Your rage quickly subsided as a fresh wind of clarity reverberated across your entire body . You spun your head around in confusion , standing behind you was your mother, she seemed to have somewhat recovered from her ordeal, relatively unshaken as evidenced by the way she stood and the manner in which she spoke.

" Stop this moment boy, that's an order from your mother!" She barked out , in her usual drill sergeant tone, your were wholly baffled , she wanted you to stop from killing the bastard who assaulted her.

" But mom , this jackass deserves to pay for what he did to you !" You cried out, bewildered but incredibly upset.

" I know he does ! But..... I didn't raise my son to be a murderer." Your mother said , a fire ignited in her eyes , one you had only seen in her most serious of moments.

" Mom......" You trailed off sullenly , as you stood up from the patch of blood stained grass, you had beaten Richard to sopping mess in just a few moments ago , facing your mother in the process.

Doing so you realized just how much of a number the horny fuck did on her. Her face was drizzled with specks of smegma and some drying cum , her long raven black hair was undone, frizzy and wildly stuck to parts of her face , her make-up was smeared all over her face with two parallel streams of mascara falling down the sides of her feauture to the middle of her cheeks. her red lipstick smeared to the side of her lips , which still had a greasy black pube stuck to them and a single stream of cum dribbling down to her neck and then into her torso. She must've immediately jumped into action when she saw you beating that fat old guy senseless. Following the dribble of cum from her face downwards you noticed that the force of her oral pistoning had cause the rest of her blouse buttons to come undone, and one of her fat, swollen, taut tits to burst free of both her bra and cotton confines, their large watermelon shaped fullness hanging like an over ripe fruit directly beside her navel. Despite her being your mother , you had never seen her breasts bare and realize just how large, pressed , and full they were spilling not just forward , but upward and outward to the sides as well, why if they were any bigger your pretty sure a sizeable amount of delicate white cleavage would hang off the sides of her torso and compete for the space her arms occupied. Breaking away from that split second distraction , your eyes continued their journey across your mother's shape , following the trail the cum droplet had left. It drizzled across the plump , succulent , mountainous curve of your her free hanging , massive milker, tracing it's outline in it's entirety before finding its way to her dusky pink , small dinner plate sized areolas which writhed with goose bumps , before dripping of her thick ,erect nipple , that was nearly the length of one thirds of your pinky. To a person unaware of the situation prior it could almost give off the impression that she was lactating. Yet your mind was unconcerned with your mother's rather risque display, right now.

You ran in and hugged her tightly , her huge tits smothering against your chests and distending off to the sides as they were squeezed upwards by your tight embrace, you could feel her free fat nipple poke you in the upper stomach.

" Are you okay mom , I'm sorry I didn't jump in quicker , I was just so overcome by the shock of it all." You whimpered apologetically , more concerned for your mother's well being than any reprimand she might give you.

" I'm, fine my sweet boy. The fool just roughed me up a bit . You've known me all your life , I'm a lot stronger than that." Your mother cooed, assuring you she's fine. The stench emanating from her mouth reminding you of the events prior. The man had practically washed his filthy dick clean in your mom's mouth and it showed, her breath stunk of the after smell of sex and then some. However you were simply relieved she was alright.

You both cleaned yourself off before calling the police washing the blood off your hands in the pond , while your mother cleaned the scrum off her face and tits , as well as remove her smeared makeup. She threw her lacy red bra in the trash bin , having been torn during the mayhem of the ordeal, but that wasn't the only piece of her ensemble she had lost in her face's violent confrontation with Richard's fat cock. The creepy fool had also caused the rest of the buttons on her blouse to come undone and become useless. If the article did little to hide her modesty when it was fully functional , it certainly couldn't do it now in its current state. She did her best to pull them over her large , juicy watermelons as they hung perversely just beside her navel and wobbled slightly side to side with each breath she took. Their sheer volume causing them to spill from beneath their thin white coverings and press gently into each other atop her exposed midline , where the buttons would normally protect their reticence. They were so expansive in fact , that you could see the beginning curve of her puffy areolas as they peeked ever so slightly to the sides of the opened blouse, your mother's jutting nipples still protruding erectly upwards and tenting the fabric even more. Curious , it was a hot summer day and yet your mother's nipples continued to stand at attention. However, you had not the time to contemplate the issue further as the police arrived to take your statements and bring the old fuck into custody. Thank the Creator, they were both female, you couldn't handle any more lustful stares towards your mother's , anything , today.

Soon you both found your way parked in front of a modest upscale villa type beige house , your home. Your mother quickly unlocked the door and dashed for the shower, an appropriate response given todays occurrence. You on the other hand , marched upstairs and threw yourself onto your bed , clearly exhausted as well. You looked out of the plexi glass double windows that sat directly beside your bed frame. It was evening already.

" Fuck ......... What a fucking day ......." You murmured to yourself , before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Chapter 5 : No One Man Should Have All That Power, Especially This One

Richard found himself face up , his rotund form bare , feeling himself wading side to side in a gentle but fixed motion.

"Am I dead ?" He thought to himself rather solemnly , slowly opening his eyes to take inventory of his situation.

Doing so he found himself tenderly wading down a small stream, roughly the width of his body , whose water gleamed a near translucent cosmic shine . He found it strange , not just the glow , but the caressing warmth of the water that softly stroked his entire body , piercing into the very core of his bones , calming his every fiber. However , what struck him as even more peculiar was what surrounded the stream . He gazed left and right , up and down , and in every direction he looked he found himself surrounded by an all expansive , never ending shroud of inexorable blackness. His only source of illumination being the equally as unending body of water he travelled upon.

" So this is the after life huh. It's a lot better than I expected , especially for some one like me . Hehehehe !" Dick mused to himself , gently rocking back and forth at the kind behest of the smooth current, he felt almost like a baby being lolled to bed by the kind fingers of the small waves.

Dick shut his eyes once more , deciding that he might as well enjoy the ride , wherever it may be leading him , as the water continued to cradle him peaceably , inviting him to accept the tender embrace of sleep. Yet, this silent contentment wouldn't last for long. It was like the sound of hundreds of explosions of lightning went off all at once , sending the looming vibrations of thunder riveting through Richards ears. He flung his eyes wide open near blood shot , as a blinding radiant yellow light nearly scorched his corneas. His eyes watered and were bleary as they struggled to adjust to new source of illumination that brightened the black void he was drifting along.

" What the fuck !?" He cried , as he rubbed his irritated eyes gingerly.

Opening them he found that he was surrounded by dozens of small bubbles , containing the same brilliant sheen as the stream he continued to floated along. What marked them as different however , was that each seemed to hold an almost translucent reflection of everyone of Dick's memories , both fond and forgotten. Richard stared in awe as the memories drifted by him , his eyes taking special attention to linger on those most important. They appeared to be ordered in proximity to him by their age , an importance , the older and more forgotten farther away and the newer and closes to his heart almost drifting right beside him. Dick almost shed a tear as he recounted some with fondness and other's with malicious hate. A small smile crept up on his face as he watched the drift by , recounting his childhood , his first kiss , his first time, his graduation and promotions , the tender embrace of his loving wife on their marriage day and the birth of his two children, he even recalled with great detail how dumped a years worth of backed up baby batter down your mother's delicate gullet . Remembering vividly , how her soft , full lips provided the perfect cushion as he delivered each powerful thrust of his girthy engorged cock , how her warm , wet , tight throat clung desperately to its stiffened shape , wringing wringing his balls empty with a powerful vacuum like suction , how guttural her cries for air were as he indiscriminately assaulted her soft , dainty face. Oh how he would've loved to go for a round two with the undoubtedly equally as fat and far more receptive pair of lips she had downstairs.

" If it wasn't for that fucking blonde brat ! " Richard cried out , cursing your name as he was bitterly reminded of the vicious beating you had laid upon him.

Recalling it now, had caused all of Dick's most repressed and painful memories to assail him all at once . He watched his divorce play by, his wife taking the kids , house and a new lover, how his boss brutally fired him despite knowing of his precarious situation and recent separation , his time in prison where he was subjected to every manner of abuse and lastly his time on the streets where he was forced to grovel to survive.

" Fuckkkkkkkkkkk ! " Richard screamed in intense agony , as he began to sob uncontrollably.

Richard wanted nothing more than for the world that treated him like shit to burn and the people who wronged him to get their comeuppance, but most of all he wanted the power to make it happen. He would continue his relentless sobbing for some time before another booming noise would assault his ears and somber pity party. What marked this occasion as different however , is that it would seem this clamor was speaking to him.

" DO YOU DESIRE POWER ! " An eldritch voice boomed thunderously , sending reverberations through out Dick's very being , it's demonic cadence hiding a beckoning allure , demanding an answer.

" YES ! " Richard cried out, without any hesitation.

" I CAN GRANT OUY THE POWER YOU DESIRE MORTAL . ALL I ASK IS THAT YOU BEND YOUR WILL TO MY OWN !" The voice thundered once more , the same beckoning nature permeating its input , motioning , no , demanding an answer.

" YES ! " Richard howled , once again with little deliberation.

" DO YOU SUBMIT TO ME ! " The voice cried out once more , more as like a command than a question , seemingly sure pf Richards response.

" Yes........" Richard trailed off sullenly , wiping the snot and tears from his bloated face.

" HAHAHAHA! YOU'RE MINE NOW RICHARD ! " The voiced jovially responded , it's demonic tone rich with a sense of twisted triumph.


Following these words Richard was assaulted by a jolt of powerful electricity resonating throughout his entire body , causing him to violently convulse. Each of his memory bubbles exploding in a brilliance of blinding white rays , before blackening his vision completely.

" Guhuhuuuuuu ..... " Richard peeped , as he gasped for air, his sense of feeling simulated by the icy cold sensation of concrete on his swollen face.

Regaining his senses , Richard sat bolt upright , once again tasked with surveying the area to assess his location and situation . He found himself in a room shrouded in near complete darkness , its features just barely lit from the delicate streams of radiant white moonlight that pierced inward from what seemed like a window located off to the side and above him. It seemed he had been placed in a mostly empty prison cell , surrounded by steel bars on all sides, save for behind where the bars were attached to a dilapidated yellow wall. The cell was perforated by the pungent aroma of feces and urine , no doubt thanks to the single item that had populated the empty cold concrete of his cell , a porcelain toilet that had seen better days. It was a place Dick had seen before, thanks to his prior encounters with other unfortunate women. A place specifically reserved for sexual miscreants and deviants such as himself.

" Huh ..... Guess they haven't bothered to get the lights working for this section of the precinct. Ha ! Like they would for rapists and molesters like me. " He jived , making light of his situation in an attempt to lull his mind.

Placing his hands to the ground and pushing himself upward, Richard decided to try and grab the attention of any guard that had been placed to watch over him. Doing so he felt faint and nauseous almost being thrown off balance and landing flat on his ass. The woozy feeling caught him off guard as he spent a few moments gathering his balance , following which he felt a powerful wave of exhaustion wash over him . His limbs felt ginger and as if they had been bolted down , granting him a cruel reminder of the events prior to his most recent incarceration.

" Raggggh ! That fucking brat." He grumbled under his breath , making a mental note to give him and his repressed slut of a mom both a lesson they'd never forget.

Richard limped to the front of his cell , clasping the metal cylinders of his cage as he cried out for any soul nearby , but to no avail. He doubted in his mind that there was even anyone on watch for this section and that no one would come to check on him until morning. Feeling drained and with obviously no where else left to go, Richard slumped to the floor, recounting the events once more that had left him in such a broken state. Being bitterly reminded again, as he tenderly caressed his cracked , mauled visage.

" Stupid kid. " He muttered, before surveying the rest of his body for any lasting injury.

Richard found himself and his attire largely undamaged save for a few blotches of dried blood and dirt. Following his form from his tubby legs , up and over his protruding, swollen gut and flabby chest , he was for the most part all right. That was until he investigated his arms and gasped with surprise upon inspection . Were it not for his inebriated state, he would've been pacing back and forth in a mix of fear and confusion . Attached to his wrist was a small black leather bound book engraved with the icon of a large twisted decaying oak tree , whose sprawling black roots seemed to come off of the book and dig deeply into the skin of his hairy arms , without so much as an inkling of pain. Housed directly in the tomes center , a small socket containing a radiant violet gem stone that glowed with a soft gentle hue , that he had not seem to notice until now. Surprisingly the gem was what yielded most of Richard's attention, almost entranced by its delicate pulsing glow, causing him to clearly remember his experience prior to his awakening. He recollected the stream , his memories , his breakdown and relentless sobbing , and finally his deal with the demonic voice. Doing so the gem's brilliance grew blindingly , before assaulting his mind with a surge of electricity . Once again Richard's vision went black, as four words etched across his mind.


" My desire ....... ? " Richard puzzled, at the new sensations and sights swept across him.

" I guess....... I'd like to get out of this fucking cell !" He mused jokingly, clearly under the impression he was undergoing some sort of psychotic break due to the repeated blows he took to the head.


The book flashed words again across Richard's mind before enveloping him in a blinding light , and a gentle warmth.

" What the hell ! " Dick cried before he felt his every cell being scrambled and spirited away.

" Hahhhhhh !" Richard gasped , flinging his eyes wide open.

He was in the same slumped position as before inspecting the black book latched to his arm , only his location was very different. Instead of the cold dank prison cell , he found himself instead back at Pleasant Park, more specifically in the very same spot he was beaten to a bloody pulp, as evidenced by the dried specks of blood and cum surrounding him.

" What the fuck ! I'm back in the park . " He posited to himself , eyes fixed on the ominous leather tome.

" You mean those visions I had , the voice, the fucking stream was all real. " Richard muttered to himself again ,as his heart began to pound faster and faster in his chest.

Obviously skeptical , he thought their was no way , that his vision and even the display of the books power were all delusions of grandeur . A pipe dream , fueled by nothing more than a selfish desire for vengeance. Even in spite of the grimoire piercing into his flesh and the bright gem stone beckoning him to fulfill his every desire. There was only one way to confirm the truth behind the reality he currently experienced. To test it again. Dick closed his eyes and focused intently on the events prior to the cubes activation , recollecting in every detail how the gems brilliance increased to an almost blinding radiance before he was assaulted with a jolt of electricity and a question. And so thought so done , the tome and it's associated triggers occurred again , and soon Richard found himself posed with the same question.


Even though he had lost control of his body , Dick could almost feel a smile creep up on his face.

" I wish my face wasn't busted anymore"

Just as before Richard felt himself enveloped by a blinding light and gentle warmth before being plunged back into his body.

Elated to see if it had work , he quickly limped to the waters edge to stare at his reflection and to his immediate joy , his mauled visage was completely healed, an exact replica as before his beating. Were it not for his exhausted condition he would be happily skipping for joy. Realizing such he became acutely aware that he could just wish for his exhaustion to be gone. However before he prepared to do so , he stopped to consider just how time consuming, communing with gem for wishes were , an incredibly sharp thought crawling into his mind as he did. Repeating the steps before, Richard wished that instead of having to commune with the gem, he simply had to say the words " I wish " before inputting his desire, and so said so done as Richard followed this with a wish using the key phrases , to eliminate his exhaustion , to much success.

Feeling refreshed, Richard mind overflowed with all the possibilities this new boon had opened for him . Money , women, power , status , he could have it all, anything his corrupt and perverted heart desired. Thinking about it in more detail , Richard decided he might as well start off small and with a wish any man , perverted or not would make.

" I wish I had a fat horse cock ." He stated with glee , an obscene but elated smile spreading across his cubby face.

Following a few brief moments of intrepid excitement , Richard felt his whole body flush with a burning heat , as his heart rate began to increase in speed, pounding away like a jack hammer inside his chest , boiling blood surging all over his body, concentrating in one point , his loins. An orgasmic pleasure waded over his already fat , greasy cock as it stiffened painfully in his pants and as his balls drooped as low as they could before churning with heat and a desire for release as well. Then in one fluid explosive motion he dropped to his knees in ecstasy as he felt the entire contents of his balls blow into the front of his pants , his cock throbbing with each cathartic explosion . Followed by the erroneous feeling of his spent, tender yet very erect member thrusting violently against the now buckling confines of his worn khaki trousers , as he felt his member swell not only forward in length but thickened side ways in girth as well. It wasn't too long before his rock hard boners offensive split his khaki shorts in two causing his lightning rod to come swinging upwards and outwards in its new fuller , thicker, longer ,obscene form. Normally , due to his grotesque , jutting gut he would only be able to see the head of his swollen cock , but today was certainly a different day. His egregious rod was pushing at least thirteen no fourteen inches forward , it's girth nearly half the size of his thick forearm , its massive engorged tip almost the size of a golf ball. His rod had almost resembled a morning star save for the spikes , meant to punish any foolish slut into submitting to him.

Richard wiped the stream of saliva that had begun draining down the side of his face as he gazed into the starry sky above , still overwhelmed by the orgasmic pleasure he had experienced. Looking downward he marveled at the splendid form of his new schlong , watching it rapidly deflate , having been happily spent just moments ago , flopping on the cold dirt in front of him as it did so. He still couldn't believe it , the book was real and soon every desire he had was going to be fulfilled. He stood up wobbling slightly, his legs having yet to recover from his cascade of pleasure. He could feel his meaty rod slap between his lower thighs as cum dribbled down his legs , he took hold of it and properly shook it off sending specks everywhere. Clasping it in his hands now , he could truly appreciate its girth and weight. His minded riveted with a renewed sense of pleasure, imagining what it would be like to use it on a woman. As he did so a truly devilish and perverse idea crept up into his mind , sending his massive member recoiling forward and thickening in his hand almost sickeningly so again , riving around for another surge of decadent release. Richard could feel his heart pound away , and his blood begin to boil over again as he was overcome by a rabid frenzy of lustful heat, addling his mind. A sinister smile crawled across his face as he licked his chapped, thin lips before uttering the words:

" I wish I knew where that blonde brat lived ."

Chapter 6 : Man to Monster

You were awoken to the sounds of pots and pans clanging downstairs , the radiant yellow rays of first light, gently illuminating your darkened room, as you rubbed your eyes tenderly, before stretching. You sat upright in your bed , groggily you took scathing glances across your still shadowy room , before vividly recounting yesterday's horrendous events.

" Mom ...." You whispered to yourself , your voice bereft with sadness.

Recalling what had happened to your mother , you felt the faint feeling of the same burning rage you experienced that day begin to bubble inside you. On that same vein, you raised both your hands to your face and made note of how swollen your knuckles were , reminding you that those events did indeed transpire. You had hoped they were nothing more than a bad dream , a deluded nightmare , however life wasn't that kind. Thinking about it now , you realized you had collapsed at the end of that day and hadn't even checked on your mom's condition following her bath. In fact you hadn't gotten a change of clothes , nor a bath , as evidenced by the dried specks of blood and the high smell that permeated your room.

" Shit .... I can't go down and let mom see me like this ." You muttered once again , fearful of your her reprise.

With this thought in mind you decided it would be best to shower and grab a change of clothes before heading downstairs to see what the commotion was about. Making your way downstairs and to the kitchen , you found your mother preparing lunch for both you and her before she had to depart for work , looking as prim, proper and pristine as ever , almost as if yesterday's events hadn't even occurred . Her silky , raven black hair , like before was done up into a tight bun , her sharp , dark, chocolate brown eyes touched up lightly by black mascara and her thick , full, pouty lips highlighted by blood red lipstick that contrasted her smooth , spotless white skin. Her attire , compared to yesterday's was far more conservative. Though you had to admit that any ensemble she wore after yesterday would be far more prudent , yet, it was your mother after after all , even the humblest of clothing wouldn't stop her most lubricously tantalizing and largest features from proudly jutting out against the fabric for every lustful onlookers perverse satisfaction. She wore a tight white turtle neck that clung delicately to her slender neck , adorned in an intricate golden chain, and wrapped greedily against the shape of her enlarged breasts , highlighting each globes' , round , plump, full, watermelon shaped goodness in their entirety, proudly spewing forth and drooping slightly, causing to fabric to groan almost under the stress. This had also resulted in the rest of the stretched fabric highlighting her trim waist and taut flat stomach as well. Thrown over her buckling turtle neck , was black blazer, which for better or worse she had chosen to leave unbuttoned. Beneath this, her lower half was clad in a black bell foot business pants, that much like the skirt she wore yesterday , distorted against the flare of her wide, thick , baby making hips and the unquantifiable volumes of her large , round , bubbly , jutting ass fat, each cheeks' erotic shape, like before , lewdly outlined by the tight grip of the hungry textile , accentuating just how much junk your mother had in her trunk. Unbeknownst to her, the sheer volume of heat she was packing had caused the first of two buttons of her pants to come undone , granting a small window that revealed the beginning tips of her raunchy laced black panties and the small amount of tender white flesh above below her navel and above her woman hood.

You blushed lightly at the sight , foregoing informing your mother, for fear of reprimand early in the morning , but also because you considered yesterday's unfortunate situation as well. You told yourself she would probably recognize the wardrobe malfunction sooner or later.

" Good Morning Mom ." You chirped flashing a pleasant smile towards her.

" Good morning Jason " Your mother replied in turn, her eyes fixed on whatever she was doing on the countertop that separated you , with the same usual icy demeanor.

On any other day you'd have simply ignored it and moved on , a usual occurrence, but today it elated you. Seeing your mother acts so casually , considering what transpired , was a relief to your anxious heart. To you it meant, for the most part at least , that she had recovered and is back to her old self. The rest of the morning was the standard affair , you cooked up some grub for your breakfast while your mother responded to wave after waves of business calls , as she put the last finishing touches on lunch and headed out the door for work , her humongous tits and fat ass wobbling and jiggling enticingly as she did so . You could even hear a dogged whistle from your perverted neighbor Mr. Chang , followed by an abrupt reprimand from your mother, before she got in her car and sped off. This was a regular occurrence as well , your mother would leave for her car followed by a lustful or inappropriate remark from Mr. Chang, which she would then follow by admonishing him , much like she would you, before speeding off. He was an old Asian guy in his seventies , and like many other men he enjoyed ogling your moms more than plump rear or fat melons. Often times he'd find himself at your door asking you for help with simple tasks , but you knew he was there to eat up your mother's obscene form with his eyes. In fact on several occasions you caught him trying to steal pictures of your mom's thick swaying hips or her gigantic plush backside as she bent over to do something or walked to her car , most of them intercepted by you, of course. On most days you would have been slightly creeped out by his behavior , but today you were just happy for the normalcy it brought.

Following your mom's departure from the house , the rest of your morning consisted of you leisurely lounging about. Occupying your time with a plethora of tasks : playing videogames , watching some of your favorite shows , and making summer plans with your friends. However, it wasn't too long before your taskmaster mother's voice echoed in your head, telling you to use your free time constructively, causing you to sweep up your laptop and begin reading about Rockford University and its Chemical Engineering degree. Soon you found yourself on the couch of your living room lightly perusing the internet for something that captured your attention, your stomach lightly grumbling as the afternoon approached.

" BANG ! BANG ! BANG !" A loud and aggressive knock thundered from your front door , disturbing your idyllic morning and putting you slightly on edge.

" Who the hell could that be ? Mr. Chang ?" You questioned from under your breath , placing your laptop on the coffee table before you , and getting up to check on the door.

Opening it you saw a sight that nearly sent you into a foaming rage. There he stood he's near obese, rotund shape blotching the sun , as he towered nearly half a foot over you , noticeably taller than when you saw him yesterday , his thick hairy arms akimbo on his hips, as a light breeze assailed your face with his pungent aroma. It was him , the same fat old bastard that had defiled your mother's beautiful face and forced her to guzzle his thick curdy cum. Aside from his shocking arrival at your doorstep ,was how noticeably different he looked compared to yesterday. Most of his chubby, flabby features remained largely unchanged , but what struck you as different was how he stood a full six inches taller than you , where he was only to your neck in height yesterday. Even more surprising and perhaps far more grotesque however , was the fact that he stood unclothed from the waist down before you , hanging pendulously between his legs something you couldn't even begin describe. Far too large for a cock, more like a giant slab of meat, its gigantic swollen head gentle lapped side to side from each thigh with the wind , emanating an even fouler stench of old urine and fish . You crinkled your nose in disgust as you met his face, with your eyes, it was cracked in a creepy grin.

" Is mommy home , son ?" He asked lecherously , licking his lips in almost crude anticipation.

" JUST WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING HE............. Guhuuuuuuuuuuuuu !" Were the only words you could cry out , before you felt all the wind swept out of your chest by a powerful jab to the stomach.

You fell to the ground , groaning in pain , releasing the contents of your mostly empty stomach before your vision began to blur. You creaked up at the old lecher , and could see his expression had changed from smug glee to malicious content as he raised his stout hoof and brought it down on your head with force, knocking you unconscious.

You woke up to the feeling of splitting pain and shock riveting all over your head , as you gingerly opened your eyes in fear , quickly realizing that they had been near swollen shut. Looking around you noticed you were back in your room , slouching upright in a wooden chair, your hands, legs and mouth bound and gagged as more of your senses returned, allowing you to come to this terrifying epiphany. You quickly recanted the events that transpired moments ago , but before you could even yell for help , your attempts were cut short the distinctly coarse voice of the twisted old creep turning your ear and his acrylic smell burning your nose.

" You know as much as I hate to admit it . I gotta thank you kid." He said sinisterly , his voice clearly indicating his amusement at the state your in and some hidden irony you fail to understand.

You could feel the floor creak and vibrate as he brought his portly frame from behind you and layed on your bed, arms crossed behind his head , staring at the ceiling. His heavy size causing the legs of the frame to creak and groan with every micro movement.

" I mean , if it weren't for you , I'd have never enjoyed this kind of power ." He stated slyly, gently gripping his massive schlong in between both his hands , flicking it up and down with noticeable heft.

You wanted to scream , cry out , puke , or perhaps all three at the same time, as you began to feel nauseous and faint, overcome by a crushing blackhole of despair and dread that had begun to form in your stomach. You struggled against your bindings , but to no avail, Richard seemingly unaware of your futile struggle began to speak again.

" I know what your thinking. Why me, what did I ever do to deserve this. Ha ! I mean I thought the same thing when my whore of a wife left me." He said turning to you, uncharacteristically sincerely at that as well.

" For so long I was forced to sit by and watch as the world had it's way with me. From the divorce , to prison , to being treated like shit by people like you on the streets. I wanted nothing more for the world that cast me aside to burn and for the people that wronged me to get their due ! But I was powerless to do so and let myself become content that it was simply my lot in life to suffer !" He relented , eyes still transfixed on you , cock still in hand , his voice slowly marching up in rage and volume.

" Not anymore , with this I have all the power in the world. " he chuckled to himself , gesturing to a strange black book embedded in his arm.

" I have the power to make the world that fucked me over burn, and for everyone whose ever wronged me to pay ." He continued , smirking to himself , before his eyes locked unto you once more.

" And unfortunately for you kid , those people start with you and that whore you call a mom. Hehehehe ! " He cackled , with a wide toothy grin , gazingsquarely into your marred visage.

" Ohhhhhh...... Let me tell you those fat , dick sucking lips were so soft and divine around my cock. They felt so tender and warm, and gave my fat rod a nice cushion as as she glugged down my sperm like the good whore she is." He lewdly recounted to himself in disgustingly vivid detail , you could see his member harden and begin to plump up in his hands as he did.

" Man how'd I'd love to go to town on those fat , full, juicy, melons she had hanging in front of her , ripe and ready to pop free from that fucking slutty blouse she was wearing right into my mouth." He continued , as he began to slowly stroke his rock hard schlong , which was now at full mast.

" What I wouldn't give to grab a hold a those fucking wide , thick cow hips and ram my cock into the deepest parts of her needy, wet, tight cunt . The pair down stairs should be just as plump and full and far more friendly to my dick than the one upstairs, that's for sure. Hehehe" He groaned again, louder this time as the stroking motion he focused so intently on became faster and faster.

" I........ughhh.... mean....ughhhh.... why else would she have such a thick , fat , round, ass , if it wasn't for me to use as a cushion as I jam my fucking big dick in and out of her hot , wet , wanting hole , before filling her up with load after load of my warm , thick, fucking baby batter.........aeughgha.........aueghnhhhh........aueghhhhhhh." He howled out like a dog in heat , before sending torrent after torrent of his hot spunk all over his legs and your fresh sheets , with some even landing at your feet.

"Huhuhuhuh...... Yeah I'd love to watch her get filled to the brim with my sperm and spew out a couple a my brats. Would knock the haughty bitch down a peg, for sure. Eheheh!" He snickered to himself before locking eyes with you.

" Heh... Well I shouldn't say I would loved to , with this book it's definitely going to happen." He motioned once more , looking directly into your soul.

After retailing in vivid detail what he would do to your mother , you renewed your struggle with even more vigor , a looming sense of dread stimulating every single fiber of your being. You could feel your heart pound away, as adrenaline coursed through your veins filling you with an even greater sense of urgency. You could feel your blood boil over with rage , as you fought against your leather restraints to no avail. To you this was a life or death situation , fear , panick and most importantly dread left a bottomless black pith in your stomach as you continued to fight. Your mother , the one woman, who despite her flaws, loved you unconditionally and wanted nothing better than for you to succeed and be happy , even at her expense. That woman was endanger of being debased by this fat piece of shit that invaded your house , who wanted nothing more than to have his way with her. You began to rattle in your chair , with each defiant attempt at bursting free from your restraints, chipping away at your resolve , until you realized just like at the park you were helpless to stop what was about to transpire before you. Tears began to well swollen eyes and drip down your face , as you registered the hopelessness and futility of the situation.

" Yessss! That's a good fucking appetizer before the main course. Just what I fucking wanted to see , you a sobbing mess just like I was after you fucked up my face." The man snarled, goading you in your incapacitated state , laughing almost at your tearful display .

" Heheheheheh ! As much as I'd love to watch you cry like a little bitch for a while , I'm a very impatient man. And this little boy down here is getting hungry as well." He jested , motioning to his rapidly hardening and twitching member.

" So what's say we see what the main course is up to . She should be arriving any minute after all." The man mused once more staring plaintively at the sky outside your window.

Evening had fallen already , and your mother like clockwork would be home soon , unaware of what twisted fate awaits her , you unable to do anything but hope and pray.

" Heh ... Let's see what's she's up to right now. " The man muttered under his breath , getting up from your bed and motioning the leather bound book right in front of you.

Chapter 7: In Your Heart Shall Burn

The old bastard held the book directly in front of your gaze for a few seconds , before beginning to mutter something indiscernible under his breath. Though you were still in fight or flight mode , at the back of your mind you wondered what the hell he was doing. Then suddenly, like magic you were nearly blinded, as a giant ball of radiant violet light suddenly materialized in front of you, before slowly changing to take a more rectangular geometry , darkening as it did. Following a few more mesmerizing minutes, the light had dimmed completely , vanishing, in its place a mirror that stood chest high to the perverted monster. Unlike a regular mirror however , that would usually be showcasing a reflection , this one appeared to present live footage of events transpiring in the real world, almost like a camera or a mystic ball you had seen in fantasy. More specifically , it seemed to be showing live footage of a black Mercedes Benz, cruising through your street , your mother's Mercedes Benz. You shuddered in response, quickly realizing this book is most likely how he found your address , how he grew half a foot taller , and how he acquired such a vile, putrid, disgusting thing in between his legs.

" Ahh..... There she is , your mom's a real stickler for punctuality ehhhh..... She's four minutes earlier than she usually is . Guess she cant wait to become a slut for this fat cock huh. " The man goaded once again , a perverse grin crawling across his face once more , as you both stared into the mirror to watch your mother's next course of action.

The Benz had just found itself parked in the drive way, as the door swung open and your mother stepped out, revealing her ludicrous figure. From the looks of it she had been working out before arriving , evidenced not only by the delicate sheen of sweat her porcelain skin gave off but the the change in attire as well. Her usual high bun and tight turtle neck and bell bottom pants had been forgone for an equally as tight high pony tail that ended just at the beginning of her neck and a surprisingly loose fitting tracksuit , which unlike some of her other attire did an excellent job not lewdly accentuating any of her most prominent features. Though her large tits , fat round ass and thick hips could still be seen ballooning against the fabric , their shape wasn't highlighted as perversely. Glancing away from the mirror you could see the fat pig frowning , clearly disappointed by her choice of clothing. She walked into the house, placing the bags she had removed from the side of the car when you had taken your vison away from the mirror, and leaving them at the entrance way , calling out your name as she did.

" Jason ! .......... Jason Reyes ! Where are you ? " She yelled out , slight concern in her voice.

Normally you would've already been in the drive way helping her inside, but today as you've learned, is not a normal day.

" For goodness sake , that boy could've at least told me he had left for some friend's house or the library. I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with him about why he shouldn't be doing that. " Your mom said to herself in her usual reprimanding tone , chalking your lack of an answer to her calls, up to a simple failure of communication on your part . Unbeknownst to her, however, you had been beaten, bound and gagged and were watching her every move with her molester not that she could ever dream up such a situation.

" Man this whore is really blue balling me with that outfit and hair. I prefer my women with hairstyles a bit more sensual, you know . " He sneered, looking away from the mirror towards you, before cracking a devilish smile.

Your heart began to race and panicked thoughts flooded your mind as you watched him raise his tome bound arm and whisper under his breath again, before turning his attention , intently back on the mirror , the same perverse grin finding itself ear to ear on his face. If it wasn't for the gag in your mouth , it would've fallen agape in shock and brimming horror. You stared in bewilderment , at your mother, who now stood by the countertop in the kitchen, as her tight ponytail magically came undone causing her silky ,raven black hair to fall to her shoulders and the base of her neck, tenderly caressing the sides of her face as they did so, giving her ,as much as you hated to admit, a wild , almost freeing sensual look you wouldn't often associate with your mom's usual prim and proper hairstyles. Your bewilderment continued and even exacerbated as you realize the changes to your mom's hair were not yet complete. You and Richard stared attentively , admittedly for different reasons, as her hair began to lengthen and extend rapidly , growing from the back of her neck to almost her waist in length, the parts that had fallen to her shoulders swept back into the waterfall of rich , dark mane that caped her spine , noticeable and plentiful straight black bangs formed as well, covering her entire forehead and stopping just above the eyebrows. Her new hairstyle almost resembled the princess haircuts you saw in anime and on some J-pop idols , it sill seemed to have have its usual silky texture although quite a bit thicker , and you noticed that as you followed the hair downwards to the tips, it became a shade or two lighter, almost dark brown in coloration. In spite of your fear and panic at the situation, somewhere deep down in your mind, you had to admit it gave your mother a distinctly mature , and erotic allure, more so than usual , highlighting the dark, somewhat angular features of her high cheek bones and slightly sunken cheeks. Almost resembling a pent up cougar in her late forties , oozing sexual appeal and desperation. An image your sure the horny old bastard was definitely trying to paint. You could almost feel your heart fly out of your throat , as you quickly registered just how much power he truly held , capable of changing your mother's form with nothing but a whisper . You could feel a voice in the back of your head urge you to struggle and stop him , but you had already become exhausted from your previous attempts.

" That's what I'm fucking talking about . Now she's really starting to look like some pent up cougar , horny for some dick. Well aside from that outfit of course . Let's fucking change that to something that really screams 'fuck me now'." He snorted out with perverse glee , beginning to whisper to the black book indiscernibly again.

Glancing back at the mirror your heart sank into your stomach with despair and anxiety as you watched a blinding , radiant white orb envelope your mother from the neck down , surprisingly without her notice. Like before it's hue grew to a brilliant sheen , before exploding and vanishing with a blinding flash. Recovering from your disorientation, and slowly opening your eyes , you were met with an ensemble that even the raunchiest and most immoral of cheap hookers you'd find in the back alleys at the dead of night , would claim to be too immodest, especially with how it obscenely depicted your mother's curvaceous figure, causing you to flush both with the heat of embarrassment and rage.

Starting from the neck and going down , you noticed she now wore a large, racy black choker , that clung snugly, to her delicate, slender nape. Attached directly to the choker's center , so that it may face whoever she might be speaking to, was a large silver medallion that had the words " WORLDS BEST CUM GUZZLER " engraved on it. Yet , despite the crude words, this was perhaps the least sinful part of her out fit. Drifting further downwards your body flooded with even greater shame and embarrassment, it was something you had never imagined your mother would even find herself near in a thousand years. Affixed to the wide berth of her large , fat tits , was a small red tube top that failed to even meet that classification, looking more like an over stretched rubber band on its last leg , straining to keep her overflowing tit flesh from spewing out of its small tight confines and flopping lewdly downward unto her stomach. They also failed to protect even a modicum of her modesty , save for her , long thick nipples , whose outline you could faintly see through the top , having been taped down and to the sides , no doubt to prevent them from snapping the last strands of the garment , when they recoiled forward fully erect. This left her round , dusky pink, almost dinner plate sized areolas for full view of any wanting onlooker to see , you noted how their entirety was swept across with goose pimples as well, thanks to the slight chill of the air. The fabric squeezed tightly on your mother's gigantic busom , distorting its shape , sending obscene amounts of flesh spilling in every direction , greedily searching for new spaces to occupy, up into the base of her neck , down on top of her diaphragm and even to the sides, where they competed for space in between the armpits , causing the flesh to look tight and strained , making the veins that supplied them with blood even more prominent. They looked like two over ripe watermelons ready to explode at any moment. Travelling even further down you found an equally as lewd display. Attached to her bottom was a pair of woefully too tiny , black leather booty shorts , that failed to hide even a sliver of her feminine curves. Like most of her other articles of clothes it buckled at the seams , when met with the flare of her , wide jutting hips , that admittedly threatened to end the small shorts career right there and then, menacing it to split into two at its full, thick behest. The waist band much like the choker was adorned with calligraphy, located directly at the front. It consisted of two words , separated by a small arrow that pointed down toward her woman hood , that read ' SPERM BANK', much to your disgust. Speaking of her womanhood , further down , the zipper and button that would normally protect their modesty was purposely undone, once again revealing the tender white flesh between her navel and vagina , but also the coarse finely trimmed black hairs of her pubes , almost showcasing the faintest outline of her honeypot , which was hidden just a few centimeters below. It was almost like it was on purpose , teasing no inviting any greedy gawkers to come and make a deposit in the ' SPERM BANK'. Yet , the outfit wasn't done immodestly highlighting your mom's curves it was just beginning in fact . Taking a trip to her plump rear, the leather fabric wrapped lasciviously to the curves of her thick, shapely ass, groaning almost as they struggled to contain the vast quantities of meat that resided in their confines, lewdly exemplifying every pain staking detail of their bubbly , fat , full round shape, that seemed to occupy their own gravitational pull as they jutted invitingly outwards , each cheek roughly thrice the size of her head. Just like the front , the backside of the shorts had little respect for your mother's modesty her sheer volume of ample , round , overflowing , bubbly ass flesh was too much for the small member to contain , resulting in a sea of juicy thick meat spilling below and outward through the hem of each leg hole. Half of her plentiful thickset cheeks practically spewed out her shorts , for all to see in their tender , white juiciness, their massive size causing them to droop enticingly above the back of her upper thigh. In their free state you could scarcely imagine how vigorously they'd bubble and bounce , slapping into each other with a distinct meaty clap. Moving even further down the rest of her ensemble was completed by a pair of long lacy , black webbed stockings and a pair of dark , three inch hooker heels, that both were attached to her lengthy , thick, shapely legs. You couldn't believe what you were seeing , there you're normally prim, proper and conservative mother stood , now dressed like some bimbo from an exotic porno , but even more surprisingly so , without so much as a peep from her . You struggled to even begin to comprehend the extent of the fat pig's power , seemingly at random he could warp things around him, without so much as a notice from others , unless he let them like you with the mirror.

You felt numb almost , barely capable of sinking any further into shame and despair, as you continued to realize the futility of struggling against Richard's power. Yet still you're mind raced with the prospect of escape , beating him to a bloody pulp and saving your mother , unfortunately every single idea you had conjured were all met with the same obstacle , the damn unbreakable restraints.

" Yeaaahhhhhhhhhhhh..... Now that's what I'm fucking talking about. That's a fucking slut desperate for some fat dick." Richard growled gutturally , both elated and turned on by his changes to your mom's apparel as evidenced by his light stroking of his grotesque , once again fully erect member.

" That's enough fucking foreplay for now though. Time to make my entrance for the main event. Hehehehe." He graveled once again , a sinister and malicious sense of glee perforating his tone, as he looked you dead in the eyes.

Unable to speak let alone scream , you pleaded with your eyes. Begging him not to do what you knew he was about to do. Holding out hope that somewhere in his twisted blackened heart that there was a sliver of humanity. Unfortunately , it was no avail.

" Say goodbye to your stuck bitch of a mom kid. I'm about to turn her into a squealing pig for this meaty cock. Hehehehe" Richard chuckled deviously , flicking his enlarged member up and down tauntingly before beginning to stomp away to your bedroom door.

You began to shake violently in your chair , channeling every ounce of strength in your body to break free or at least create enough noise to alert your mother, however hopeless the situation might be. Tears began to well in your eyes and stream down your face , you needed to do something , anything to stop this perverted creep before he defiled your mother or worse used his powers in some unimaginably vulgar way on her. You tried pushing, kicking , jumping , screaming , anything , something , but just like before they had no effect. A deep looming sense of black inexorable dread consumed every fiber of your being, throwing you into a hellish pit of despair as you heard the doors creak open and Richard say:

" It was fun spending time with you kid . I'll leave the mirror up so you can at least enjoy the show. Heh ! So don't say I'm without some humanity. Hahahahah!"


With that sound you felt an even deeper heartbreak , as you knew any small possibility you had to do anything to save your mom had been dashed to the wall. And that try as you might she was about to become that man's plaything.


You listened to Richard's slow ominous footsteps as he made his way from the hallway to downstairs , each heavy footed stomp creaking the floor boards and sending a chill down your spine as he inched closer and closer to your mother. Thinking about her now , your eyes frantically dashed back to the mirror , hoping that by some divine grace she had to leave the house , even in that outfit she was wearing. However as you've learned today life was filled with disappointment and terror. Instead you found her bent over , something occupying her attention in the cupboards below the countertop she was working, this had caused even more of her ample , fleshy hindquarters to spill obscenely from her tight black article, salaciously protruding outwards in such a way that would send any red blooded straight man , overcome with lust. The slight , but noticeable wag of her thick , broad hips , causing the plentiful flesh of her round, full rear to bubble and wobble egregiously , sending small ripples through their supple, thick , white meat. This salacious display continued for a few seconds longer , before stopping abruptly , your mother's ear seemingly becoming acutely aware of the noises Richard's large hooves were making , as he found his way to the kitchen.

" Jason Reyes ! Just what has gotten into you today young man ! You could've at least let me know you were home when I called your name." She said admonishingly, not realizing it was Richard that stood before her and not you, as the grotesque old bastard stepped into view of the mirror.

" I'm sorry my slutty little cocksleeve I'll make sure it never happens again." Richard responded snidely in tow , his voice brimming with perverse anticipation.

Your mother now recognizing the voice stood bolt upright before screaming. The sudden motion had caused her fat tantalizing tits to burst free from the pitiful top that was supposed to keep them in place , sending her more than appreciative milkers recoiling proudly into the air , jiggling and wobbling vigorously and indecently as they came flopping down with a distinctive, hefty , fleshy smack unto her stomach, at the not so gentle reminder of gravity. This was much to Richard's pleasure as evidenced by the light stroking of his humongous putrid member.

" JUST WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING IN MY HOUSE ! " Your mother cried out , in clear distress, it was the most emotional and fearful you had ever seen her.

" Relax my little cum guzzling whore , I'm just here to finish up what we'd started yesterday before your little brat so rudely interrupted us. I mean don't tell me you didn't enjoy it , your fat lips and tight throat were so needy yesterday. " Richard jived, his eyes like before looked squarely on the shape of your mothers large, full breasts, greedily eating up their every detail as he motioned towards his cock.

Your mother's eyes flew wide open as she clasped one of her hands around her mouth, before taking a few steps back , her huge knockers once again jumping up and down indecently with each step she took.

" DON'T YOU DARE COME ANOTHER STEP CLOSER ! I'M GONNA CALL THE POLICE YOU SICK PERV !" Your mother yelled out once more , fear continually climbing in her tone , despite her defiant words.

" That's quite a shame, and here I was thinking you both loved having me in your home. I mean me and blondie just had a nice long chat and he looked like he was enjoying himself. " The man retorted to your mother's threats of law enforcement rather intimidatingly. He intended to use you as a bargain chip much to your continued despair.

Hearing this, the expression on your mother's face changed from one of fiery defiance to motherly concern. You had hoped it wouldn't have come to this, him using you to get to your mother when she should be concerned about her own safety.

" You sick disgusting creep ! What did you do with my son !? Where's my Jason !? " Your mother cried out once more , her voice shaking with both fear and concern.

" Relax fat cheeks , he's fine . Just a bit tied up at the moment. Heheheeheh . " He snickered , his eyes now squarely focused on your mother's nearly visible snatch.

She shut her eyes for a brief moment and breathe a sigh of relief , as she did so the man took the opportunity to quickly close the gap between them , swerving around the corner of the counter top until they were inches away from each other, separated only the berth of your mom's huge , round , full tits , that even in their pendulously free swinging state jutted proudly forward with a slight erotic sag.

" Tell you what , I'll let you see him again, if you do my little boy down here a few favors" He said almost in a whisper , trying his best to come off as a heart throb , but sounding more like the creepy pervert he was , as he motioned towards his grotesque slab of meat.

Your mother's face contorted in disgust not only at the proposition , but at the putrid smell emanating from not him as well as his enlarged member . Your mother took her hands and slapped them akimbo across her wide hips , her gigantic melons swaying slightly from side to side as she did gingerly pressing into one another with each pendulous swing.

" As if I'd ever willingly service a disgusting , good for nothing pig like you ." Your mother retorted defiantly , locking eyes with him just like yesterday almost in a battle of wits.

" Huhhhhhhhhhhh!" The man let out a long sigh.

" Women ........They always gotta hit you where it hurts." The man mumbled to himself , his usual creepy grin replaced by a twisted scowl , his ego clearly bruised by your mother's harsh words.

Your heart skipped in horror as you watched him take a few steps back and extend his tome bound arm towards your her before beginning to whisper indiscernibly.

" This should knock you down a peg, BITCH !" He roared out vindictively as the gem stone grew brighter and brighter.

The gemstone's radiance continued to grow before dimming abruptly. You stared through the mirror in anxiety filled pandemonium as you watched a faint shimmer briefly envelope your mother , before her entire body began to lightly quake, sending her fat tits and ass jiggling and rippling wickedly. This would continue for a brief moments longer once again stopping without warning. Your swollen eyes shot wide open , as you witnessed your mother's already sinfully curvaceous physique, begin to slowly but surely plump up , becoming even fuller and thicker. Her long , toned finely defined legs grew softer and thicker as they pulsed and radiated outwards with creamy white flesh. Her already plump and wide baby making hips , flared outward in surge of growth easily doubling her shoulders in width at this point, thickening and fattening even further. Their massive increase causing even more distress to the progressively overcrowding leather shorts, causing its form to creek and groan as they struggled to contain the rapid influx of delectable , soft hip flesh , their growth climaxing in a distinctive rip followed by the remnants of her coochie shorts falling beside her brimful new legs , split into to two, leaving the delicate features and full lips of her hot mound unprotected , her bare vagina in all its mature glory. Not wanting to be outdone your mom's ass began to quake and quiver, sending ripples through the endless sea of her it's fat , causing it to jostle and bubble beckoningly. Continuing to rumble for a few more seconds before it pulsed and pushed out in an instantaneous explosion of flesh, the tender, full , plump wide , white flesh spewing indiscriminately in every direction, growing wider and heavier quivering with fat as its sheer size caused it to begin to droop heavily unto her plush thighs, against the ever present force of gravity. The thick round cakes of her cheeks , pulsing proudly outwards , practically the size of basket balls at that point or small watermelons. They were far wider, fatter , and fuller , matching your mom's increasingly heavier frame.

Continuing to her upper torso , you realized her growth spurt was only partly finished. Most of her upper features grew slightly pudgier and brimming, her face became slightly more rounded and filled , her arms thickened , her waist pushed a bit more on the sides , with slight love handles. Her flat toned stomach grew softer and lurched forward marginally with slight plush. As impossible for your eyes to believe even her large , round , over ripe melons grew fatter and fuller with flesh. Your mother's already enormous mammaries , grew even bigger, rounder, and topped up , pulsing outwards in every direction , triumphantly climbing a cup size or two , greedily demanding more and more of the space in front off and beside her. Her new tits, had you taken aback , they were as large as, no larger than even the biggest and most ripe of watermelons, as they hung seductively almost to her waist at this point, their sheer size, volume and roundness causing them to press erotically into one another , leaving no space in between their deep volleys.

You stared in abject horror at your mother's exposed , newer , thicker, fuller slightly rotund form. She wasn't fat per se, far from it in fact , but she was noticeably twenty to thirty pounds heavier than she had been before, most of the new flesh finding its way and bloating up her already engorged , fullest most erotic features. You almost couldn't describe the feeling you felt in your heart , it was a mix of shame , rage , despair and fear. If this was just the tip of that fat old perverts power , you shuddered , thinking what more he could do to her, as you were forced to sit and watch , lamenting your own powerlessness to do anything. You could have never imagined your mother's already bodaciously stacked figure , blown so lewdly out of proportion , into some plus sized bimbo , that you would have never even begun to imagine in your most profane of pubescent fantasies. Though hard to imagine, considering her perfectionist behavior and fitness craze attitude, somewhere in the back of your mind you couldn't help but think this is how sacrilegiously perverse she would have looked had she let herself go and plumped up a bit , about how many lustful gazes would she turn then , about how her new egregiously thick figure would cause some men to forgoe even their basest of human decencies to indulge their carnal desires on her, just as he did yesterday.

Looking at her new shape now , you watched as Richard's huge schlong , twitch and writhe violently in his wanting hands , clearly impressed at his handiwork , your heart sinking deeper, thinking about what he would do now. Your mother was clearly in shock as she slowly drank in her fuller physique , growing flustered at her now nude display. Looking down she squeaked, as she brought her hands up to her face and felt her plusher cheeks , lightly gliding them down over her larger form , shivering slightly in pleasure as she brought them over the curves of her mountainous cleavage causing them to lightly bob up and down as she left them , to pinch some of the fat on her heavier thicker hips before rounding their way around and grabbing an obscene amount of her overflowing , bubbly juicy ass flesh in her hands, their sheer volume causing meat to ooze out between her finger tips.

" What the hell did you do to me ! " Your mother screeched in terror and bewilderment , her eyes locking unto Richard's once more with the same fiery rage.

Your mother had always cared for her physique , and made an extra effort to maintain her slim and trim form , she was now clearly furious at how it had been undone , bloated out of proportion to a far more softer , comelier shape. Surprisingly more so angry at what had been done to her and less so bewildered at how it had been done.

" Hehehe. I made you into my perfect woman , my chubby fucking cow. I always did prefer em with a little extra meat on their bones and junk in the trunk, especially in your case." Richard laughed tauntingly, his eyes travelling up and down her soft curves.

" Eeeeeeeeep !" Your mother peeped out in distress , as you begun to rattle in your chair violently, having watched Richards , heavy , meaty hands clamp unto her large fat tits , gripping down on them intently, distorting the flesh around them.

" But what I really loved were these humongous juicy melons , hanging right in front of me !" Richard groaned , biting down on his bottom lip with his crooked teeth , as he began to maul your mom's massive breasts.

He started off slowly , almost sensually , as the fat nubs he calls thumbs, glided across the goose pimples of her areolas in a deliberately slow circular motion for a few seconds , before clamping down tightly on her rapidly stiffening nipples with the help of his equally as chubby index finger. This caused your mother ,who was frozen in shock, to stiffen upright , as a jolt of electricity surged through her body, causing her erroneous curves to jiggle indecently as she did. Seeing her jump from the forced pleasure sent a wicked smile across the old pervs face , before he continued his assault on your her fantastically fat fun bags. He worked dexterously as one hand carried on with it's relentless crusade on her thick , erect, pink nipple , mercilessly , tugging and clamping down unto them with his nubby fingers , pressing and pulling them down before watching them recoil back up and twitch violently in pleasure. While the other kneaded , pulled and cupped the full , supple ,creamy white flesh, of her brimful milk tanks distorting their shape, resulting in her overflowing tit flesh spilling in every direction possible, his grubby thick digits pressed into her tender globes, causing them to spew up and in between the web of each of his phalanges, as they desperately searched for an escape from his manic grip. Without missing so much as a beat in his carnal rhythm, he took his lumbering , engorged , unclean cock and stuffed them squarely between your mom's plump touching thighs , forcefully spreading them apart with their humongous berth before slowly beginning to thrust his enlarged shaft in and out of the impromptu orifice he had created , giving them a delicate oily sheen as he lewdly lubricated her thighs and nether with his overflowing precum. Each wanton , powerful thrust teetering on the dangerously sinful line of penetration , as his enlarged throbbing head followed by the rest of his shaft, grazed roughly against the folds of your mother's fat, full pussy lips , giving them a sloppy , wet precum filled kiss each and every dive he took. At the same time it seemed Richard had grown tired of admiring the sublime , large , heavy fullness of her gigantic breasts with his hands and had become even more intimate with them. With one hand he continued his animalistic kneading , groping and twisting of her flesh , while the other was replaced by his crooked black teeth and thin chapped lips. He worked his tongue dexterously and intently, as he did his fingers before , snaking his salivating appendage across the bumps of her areola slowly and deliberately , enjoying every exquisite taste, texture and stimulation he felt before increasing his speed and changing direction. Finding its way to her throbbing nipple, sadistically toying with it's wanting need for stimulation by flicking it up and down and left and right with a powerful thrust, before verifying its need for greater excitement by gingerly biting down on it. He grinded on them almost vindictively , before moving in with his narrow creased lips for a hungry suckle. He worked wantingly at the engorged nub of her heavy , bulging breasts , almost like a newborn cub desperate for their mother's thick life giving milk , making indecently grotesque slobbering sounds with each purse and pull of his lips. Aiding in his desperate nursing , he brought back up his free hands right onto the sides of your mom's humungous globes tugging and squeezing their tender porcelain flesh fervently , forlornly in hopes that anything , something would quench his invisible thirst.

He continued these carnal motions in rhythmic and synchronous deliberation , for a few minutes longer , slowly marching up in speed and tempo as he neared , climax , releasing soft moans and growling lowly as his struggle for liberation built to bursting. All the while your mother stood there in catatonic shock , showing little to no response to the pig's , relentless and twisted use of her soft womanly curves to relieve his pent up pleasure. You stared in abhorrent agony as the animalistic thrust of his hips marched quickly up in pace, obviously nearing his explosive finish, as he continued to relentlessly plunge his putrid , slab of meat in and out of your mother's now precum soaked thighs, with the distinct sound of wet slapping flesh. Grinding roughly against the curls of your mothers' soft , now drenched snatch , whose lubrication, only added to the woefully precarious possibility of his twisted , fat cock finding its way into your mother's sopping wet hole and possibly knocking her up. You nearly collapsed in anxiety when in one thrust his swollen head nearly slipped in. He was now pistoning away like a machine , foregoing his suckling , and malicious man handling of your mothers now sore , enlarged , fat tits , in favor of focusing intently on his licentious thrusts. They became wider, faster and heavier , as he arched his hips back as far as his stubby legs could carry them before diving in between her thick , plump thighs with a powerful plunge. His jabs became far more desperate as his breathing grew more and more laborious, his perverse groans and moans growing louder. Then like lightning , in one fluid motion his thick hairy arms wrapped around her soft waist , interlocking from behind, pulling her closer into him , causing her humongous mammaries to smash right into and envelop his slobbering face in a volley of plump, warm white flesh , before slamming his long girthy cock in its full length into the boundless sea of thigh meat on your mothers legs, crying out a guttural roar as he shot thick , gooey , rancid torrent after torrent of cum outward and unto the floor behind them at full velocity. Nuzzling his head in the warm tender embrace of your mom's tit fat , before coming up for air and releasing a contented sigh. Removing his head from her heavenly pillows , he grabbed unto his rapidly deflating member and began to slowly remove them from in between her plush thighs , still dripping with excess baby batter. Then as if solely to taunt you , and kick you while your down he took his still engorged , swollen head and wiped of the remaining curdy spunk on the lips of your mother's sopping wet twat. Causing it to ooze off and dribble down her thighs , to make it seem like he had just delivered his hefty load straight into her womb. It was almost as if he wanted you to know that was soon to come.

" Yeahhhhhhhhh..... That's a good fucking cock sleeve. Almost makes me feel bad for not sharing you with the rest of world. But daddy isn't finished yet, let's go for ......... " Richard grumbled victoriously , indecently reveling in his triumph and his next course of action before being interrupted by your mother's retaliatory assault unto his face .

" YOU SICK ! " Your mother howled in rage , her voice booming throughout the entire house , as she laid the first heavy handed slap unto the old perverts left cheek.

" DISGUSTING ! " She continued using her other hand to deliver a powerful jab straight into his thick meaty neck, causing Richard to wince in pain as he staggered backward.

" PIG ! " She screeched at the top of her lungs , as she continued her relentless thrashing , throwing another quick jab into his face , bloodying his nose.

" NEVER TOUCH ME OR MY FAMILY AGAIN ! " Your mother roared as she brought both her hands into the air , and clamping them into a fist before bringing them down with all her might , only to be stopped mid descent by one of the creepy bastards hands , gripping tightly unto both her wrists as he did.

" Now that wasn't very nice , you fucking slut. " Richard graveled his voice a waft with anger and frustration.

Your mother's eyes flew wide open and looked panicked as she caught a glimpse of the old creep's angered gaze. Seeing this she began a desperate struggle as she tried to yank her arms free from Richard's iron grip. Each frightened pull causing her her massive , full , round, fat tits to jostle and wobble vigorously , swinging pendulously from left to right before smacking into each other with a meaty , indecent collision, sending waves of ripples through their wide , supple creamy berth.

" Just because of that I'm gonna have to teach that vulgar mouth of yours a lesson until it learns to respect me and call me master." Richard said, a twisted grin rising in his voice .

Your mothers eyes grew wet with fear , as she could almost anticipate what he was about to do next. Using his other hand Richard grabbed tightly unto her shoulders , before pushing her down to ground, causing her legs to buckle and for her to land on her knees.

Then just like in the park, in single fluid motion he stuffed the entire length of his fat , bulbous, unwashed cock straight down to the back of her throat and beyond , clamping her thick pouty lips straight down unto it's width. The increased size and girth of his horribly grotesque member causing her throat to distend against its shape and her cheeks to fill to the brim with his throbbing , sticky package. Yet that didn't stop him from thrusting forward , just as before he clasped both of his hands unto the sides of her face and began to slowly ram his thick, girthy cock violently down her tender , over stretched oral orifice , his massive swollen balls banging and slapping against her slender neck with a hefty smack , as she began to gag and choke desperately for air. Once again your were unable to save your mother from being defiled , unable to do anything but sit and watch as the only woman who loved you unconditionally , was being used as some sort of meat socket or toilet for that fat old pig to release his carnal desires and pent up aggression . You wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and die right there. Where as you were at your lowest point, Richard seemed to be basking in the pleasure of his new power . At a quickened pace he continued to rhythmically and animalistically plunge his fat rod in and out of your mother's sore , overcrowded blowjob hole , moaning with pleasure each salaciously lubricated dive he took downwards, causing your mothers throat to spasm and contract violently as she gurgled obscenely at the contents in her esophagus , sending pubes , saliva and some recently spent sperm everywhere. As Richard continued to pound away at your mom's delicate face, you saw devilishly smug smile crawl on his face , different from his usual perverse grin , as he slowly ebbed his hand a bit lower down her face , before taking two of his fat thumbs and distending your mother's nose , by pushing them upwards , giving her the appearance of a snorting pig , all without stopping his savage pistoning of her soft ,wet oral hole.

" Ughh......aueghh.... Whose ... the .....fucking pig now you desperate whore ..." Clearly bemused by his twisted , vindictive show of vengeance.

At this point you weren't even sure your mother could hear him as she continued her desperate struggle for air , her black mascara beginning to stream down her face as she fought desperately to get him off and get some breathing room . She curled her hands up into fists and slammed wildly at the sides of his protruding guts and legs but to no avail, Richard smiling evilly at her feeble attempts at respite, as his fat horse cock continued to plop from in between her full lips with a perverse, wet popping sound, granting your mom small snippets of air. The horny bastard continued to lusftully pump in and out of your mother's over stretched throat for a few minutes more, his pace slowly marching up in speed and rhythm , to the point that he was now pistoning away like robot , far faster and dexterously than a man his size should be able to , relentlessly assaulting your mom's delicate features with his , swollen , engorged slab of meat. Following a few more fast paced impulses of his orgasmic crusade , you watched as just like before , his cock , grew even larger and fatter , stiffening pain fully so , almost ripping your mothers mouth at the edges with how wide it had become, his head shooting upward in pure bliss as his meat began to throb and spasm uncontrollably , bathing your mom's innards in his hot , thick , gooey spunk. You could almost see as she guzzled down load after load of his disgusting torrential cum , with each synchronous spasm along it's girth with a distinctive gulp, her eyes rolling in the back of her head as she was forced to glug down every last drop. Unlike before however , this seemed to persist for a whole minute , causing your mother's throat to become backed up . Brimming over and with nowhere else to go, the man's disgusting cock milk found it's means of escape through her nose and edges of her lips , sending a twisted smile once more across the ugly bastard's face.

Having spent his most recent load , Richard wrenched his rapidly deflating rod from your mom's gullet , causing her to collapse on the ground writhing in pain and spitting up the remains of his backed up baby seed and her saliva. Her new soft and slightly plush stomach now bloated noticeably due to the sheer volume of baby batter she was forced to swallow.

" I'll.......kill you.... I'll call the police ........and make sure you rot in jail !" Your mother cried noticeably hoarse yet still defiant , even in her nude defiled form and with her salaciously corrupted plump new figure.

" Heh , there's still some fight in you huh. Good ! That's what fucking makes this interesting and turns me on." Richard stated flicking specks of curdy cum from his unwashed dick tip unto your mom's face.

" But still you've learned nothing from your punishment. Looks like I'm gonna have to teach those lips downstairs a lesson too , just to get my point across." Richard graveled perversely , his spent cock instantly renewing in vigor at the prospect.

Your mother, still disheveled and on the ground , eyes shot wide with terror as she realized what the vile cretin meant to do next and desperately tried to crawl away to escape. However, still not yet acclimated to her heavier , ungainlier form and exhausted from her malicious throat fucking, she didn't get far. Richard slowly stalked around her, smiling in twisted anticipation , as he watched her struggle to flee from him, greedily lapping up her indecently full , curvaceous shape and display with his eyes. He watched hungrily as the humongous fat filled globes of each of her round thick shapely cheeks spewed with excess flesh to the sides and bottom , jutting out obscenely but also invitingly , as they quivered and wobbled with fat indiscriminately in every direction , as she continued her desperate escape. He watched hungrily from behind as your mother's gigantic , fattened , overripe watermelons , hung indecently like udders from her chest , her long thick ,turgid nipples almost draping over the grown were they a bit bigger, as they bobbed forward and back ward , shaking and jiggling lightly with each thrust forward. Seemingly satisfied with looking , and giving your mother a slim chance of escape , he walked up directly behind her, before widening his legs and taking a small squat , struggling to get his arms to match the width of her broad , baby making hips before digging in greedily to their ample flesh with both of his thick meaty hands , earning a small shriek from your mom.

" YOU WOULDN'T FUCKING DARE ! " Your mother cried , her last desperate attempt to intimidate him from going through with what he was about to do. It was the first time you'd have ever heard her curse.

Her threats unfortunately fell on deaf ears , as the old pig seemed intent on breeding your mother's large fat beckoning backside as he arched his hips as far back as he could possibly muster, allowing you to get a full horizontal glimpse of his throbbing , engorged , lengthy cock , before plunging it downward with all his might into the deepest wretches of your mother's warm folds , howling animalistically as he did , and causing your mother to stifle what sounded like a small moan. You could practically hear her vagina squelch as it clamped down and attempted to accommodate the full size of the man's erroneously huge stiffened member, pushing her fat , puffy pussy lips as far apart as they could go , as it writhed around in its tender new home . At the same his powerful thrusts sent your mother's glasses flying off her face and some of her thick , black hair to fly forward and stick to her face, giving her that wild unkempt look you saw in the park, contorted in what looked like a mixture of mostly disgust but a slight hint of repressed arousal.

" T.....ake.....it......out ! Take it out now, you fucking bastard !" Your mother croaked out in distress , gritting her teeth down as she did.

" Huh...huh.....I can't , with how hungrily , your greedy fucking cunts clamping down on my dick . Besides were just getting started ! " Richard retorted as he rapidly exited your mother's spasming honeypot , before plunging just as deeply back in , causing her to stifle another moan.

" Aeugh....auegh...... I'll Kill you ......you...pig !" she groaned in between her teeth, as she began to pant almost.

" Hehehe ! Still... ugh....resisting are you.....ugh...Don't worry you wont last for too long after I show you some of a the skills I used to use on my wife......ugh......Get ready I call this one the one-two-three- cross." Richard growled in pleasure as he shook his hips lightly from side to side , clearly enjoying the feeling of your mom's strong , wet, vaginal canals trying to wring his grotesquely huge member dry , her defiant resistance no doubt adding to the strength of the action.

Then in one clean rhythmic motion he wrenched his cock free from her downstairs' cum gullet , before vigorously pistoning in and out of her three consecutive times each time eliciting a louder more pleasurable grunt than the last. Every powerful , mechanical plunge, causing his portly stomach to collide with her boundless , ginormous , full backside , causing it quiver with fat and vibrate vigorously , spilling out to the sides and upwards as it's flesh was displaced with each synchronous pounding. The thrust of his hips sending her plump full udders, recoiling forward against their might as well , causing them to wobble and shake indecently before slapping into each other with a hefty meaty smack , both accounts followed by a sinfully wet squelch each time he stuck the landing inside your mother's sopping wet snatch.

" St....o....p ..." Your mother began to mutter, but before she could even finish she was cut off by the disgusting bastard.

" Ugghh...ugghhhh..... Still fighting ehhh... well here comes the next one. I call this one Wait-For It ." Richard groaned out , as he once again wretched his girthy member from her warm, contracting folds , with an obscene sloshing and popping , as he did so he removed one of his grubby hands from your mother's broad thick hips and grabbed a hold of his thick , engorged cock right below its swollen head.

He then began lewdly and vigorously slapping and slathering the enlarged mushroom tip of his dick against her puffy , now swollen vaginal lips and entrance , teasing pushing it back in but never doing so as it began to drizzle her hot nectar upon it. Your mother's face once again contorted into disgust but also anxiety, as she awaited the moment he would stuff her full again. He continued to slowly grind , his fattened tip against the entrance of your mother's folds for a few brief moments longer , lulling her into a false sense of security , before a wicked smile crept up on his face and he rapidly jammed the entire length and berth of his thick , swollen cock to the back of her moist birth canal , all the way down to his shaft, causing your mother's pussy to squelch violently and repetitively as it was reshaped to his comfort.

" Auegghbhhhhh....!" Your mother moaned out louder than you had ever heard her before, as her eyes began to twitch , at the brutal assail of his giant slab of putrid meat.

" Ughh...ugh... There we fucking go.Ug......Thats more like it. Just give into me baby and I'll make you feel like this everyday ." Richard offered in between grunts, as he slowly pulled about half the length of his humongous rod , now bathed in your mom's woman juices , before slowly beginning to slide in and out of her sloppy , wet snatch.

" Ne....ugh......ve....rrr....." Your mother replied , her words broken apart in between every light but stimulating thrust, as his long thick pole worked her innards to their size.

" Huh...huh....uhu.....Then it looks like were gonna have to up the punishment !" Richard howled , as he rapidly shifted pace and started to quickly and animlistically pump in and out of your mom's tender wet downstairs , each powerful piston forcing her to stifle grunts that progressively became louder , as his portly frame and giant sagging balls sack collided with your mother's thick , fat plush ass cushions and soft stomach respectively , sending the rest of her soft feminine curves quivering and wobbling with fat , each hefty , indecent , meaty stroke.

Over the course of the next few minutes , Richard continued his assault on your mom's tight, wet cunt. Furiously and vigorously thrusting in and out of her, like a man on a mission, every so often slowing down to giver her a smack on her thick , shapely cheeks causing their wide fat full berth to quake and wobble enticingly , as he constantly changed rhythm and tempo, slowing to a crawl with wide , deep ,powerful plunges , that filled her spasming , moist , vaginal folds to brimming with its entire length and girth, before rapidly shifting pace and pounding away at her snatch like a dog in heat, all in an attempt to keep her on her toes and make her experience absolute bliss. Each thrust slowly but surely building to his climax , becoming harder , faster and deeper , causing her groans to become louder and louder each passing second as they built in what almost sounded like pleasure. He fucked her hard , as if she was built only to pleasure him , the air was perfumed by wet sloshing and squelching sounds , the distinct , hefty and meaty slap of skin meeting skin , as well as your mom's high pitched , formerly suppressed moans and groans and the old pervs guttural howling. Each lustful wet pump he gave your mom stretching and filling her insides to their absolute limit , sending her obscenely huge udders recoiling forward before slapping down unto each other with a fleshy smack . Your mother who begun the assault defiant and resistant , now looked daze, almost pacified even , she had begun moaning louder and louder , much to your distress , now beginning to pant as well , her face looked flushed and her eyes glazed over.

Following the first few minutes of the ordeal she had gone quiet , curling her hands and feet into balls on the ground as Richard plowed away at her now overstretched , nectar drenched hole, she could feel as her vaginal wall pulsed and cooed against his molten thick rod , being reshaped almost in a way to fit him and him alone inside , preparing itself for the inevitable release of his curdy thick baby making spunk, much to her dismay. The deep pit grew larger in your stomach as you feared she was on her way to climax as well , that the fat disgusting old dog would make her experience orgasmic bliss against her will and defile her even further. Anxiety filled thoughts swarmed your subconscious , you wondered what if he really did intend to cum inside , to knock her up and get her to spew out his litter nine months later , to steal her away and make her his wife and their mother instead. Your heart wretched with sorrow at the thought and unfortunately for you , you were gonna get your answer sooner rather than later.

A few more unholy minutes passed as you watched him relentlessly piston in and out of your mother's now very much sore , drooling honeypot before he began to rapidly and deliberately quicken his pace , his groans and howls growing louder as you saw that each plunge outward his cock grew fatter, stiffer and more engorged, you knew what this meant. He was fucking her like a rabbit at this point , and by the looks of it had no intention of pulling out , fully intent on bathing your mothers, undoubtedly very fertile womb to bursting with his genetics. Your mother nearing her climax as well , recognized this and begun opening her mouth to scream at him to stop , but just as she was about to, he did something unexpected. He wrenched his fat schlong , admittedly with more difficulty than he expected , from your mother's vacuuming cunt , grabbing unto to her slight, plush love handles and flipping her unto her back in one sudden but fluid motion, causing her gigantic melons to fly up and land heavily unto her stomach. At the same time he parted her legs with his own stubby ones before ramming his massive stiff rod back in between her yearning greedy vaginal lips , into her deepest warmest folds. Your mother moaned in surprise , not only by the switch to missionary position , but also the speed at which he re entered her hungry , convulsing orifice. Richard's vindictive side was showing , it looks like he wanted your mother to look directly into his toady rotund , warty face, as he spewed load after load of his viscous , curdy , smelly backed up baby gunk directly into her womb , jacking her up with a couple of his kids. Your mother quickly catching on raised her hands so she could retaliate , only once again to be stopped short by Richard , who grabbed unto both of them with each of his hands interlocking his fingers with hers to make her look like she was a willing participant, ready to receive his disgusting torrent and become a mother to their young. For about a minute or two longer , Richard was like a man possessed, as he continued to pound faster in and out of your mom's sopping wet hole with incredible vigor. Causing , her plump , full , round free hanging tits to recoil up and in her face before coming down at the behest of gravity and smacking into each other with an indecent meaty slap, causing her tits to wobble and bubble with tender white fat as they did. His strokes , became longer , harder and deeper, as he began to slow back down to a reasonable pace , his grunts and moans became more guttural and deep , sounding strained as he inched closer and closer to a volcanic eruption of his molten balls. Your mother recognizing his slowing pace , and realizing he did intend to fatten her up with a few kids, yelled in between grunts and moans for him to stop.

" Ugh.......PULLL...ughh....PULLL.......PULL OUT YOU SICK FUCKING PIG !" Your mother cried in terror , as she felt his enlarged rod , grow even thicker , fatter and fuller inside her vaginal folds , distending them even more.

Like before these cries fell on deaf ears , Richard was an animal now driven solely by lust. Wrenching his fat , throbbing cock free from your mother's greedy slobbering snatch one final time with a distinctive plopping sound. The old bastard arched his hips as far back as he could carry them , you watched as his grotesquely huge slab of meat , grew even thicker , fuller , longer and engorged than you had ever seen it before , as his humongous sagging balls sack began to violently jump up an down contracting with his brimming churning sperm , travelling up his vesicles to his large shaft. Then in one final climatic motion he plunged it back down to the base of his shaft, with all his strength , into your mother's slobbering , sore , hungry cunt in an orgasmic explosion. Emptying the entire contents of his pent up overflowing balls into the deepest wretches of her fertile womb, your mom's birth canal gripping down as tight as it could on his meaty rod , hungrily guzzling down load after load.

" auefhghghh ! ......Take......it ......You ,........fucking slut ! Take it and get fucking pregnant with my spawn ! "Richard howled in triumphant bliss , as he took a couple extra pumps in with his still orgasming cock , intent on giving each and every one of his sperm cells a head start to her fallopian tubes.

" Aeughgheueheugh ......!" At the same time your mother let out a guttural, almost primal moan , one you would have never thought to escape her proper , conservative tongue , as she experienced her own orgasmic bliss.

Her neck shot backwards, her tongue flying out of her mouth as her eyes spun up into the back of her head , her hips and plump, supple legs, followed suit thrusting upwards almost desperately so in union with Richard's plunges , sending him even deeper down into her hot, wet, spasming twat , further increasing the chances of impregnation. At the same time your mother's hungry cunt preceded to explode with her own transparent viscous nectar , sending the old perv's baby batter overflowing out of her used orifice , dribbling perversely from between edges of her fat overstuffed contented pussy lips unto the floor.

" Ohhhhh ! Fuck ! I knew you were fucking pent up , but this is not what I expected. You look like your really having the time of your life their my little slut." Richard goaded your mother, presently surprised, as he wrung his now flaccid , reddened cock free from her wanting vagina , wiping the remaining dribbles of cum on her soft plush stomach before standing upright.

Your mother laid slumped over on the floor , writhing and twitching in pleasure , as a waterfall of the disgusting fat pigs , curdy spunk oozed out of her , worn , stretched , convulsing cunt , her eyes still dazed over by lust . Her white soft stomach and large rotund , over ripe melons , riddled with left over sperm and some pubes. You felt tears burst from your eyes and pour down your face , as the black hole in your stomach consumed your entire body and it shuddered and wept with sadness. Their your mother lay , bloated , debased , defiled, stuffed to the brim with some low life's cum that will undoubtedly cause her to sire his young. You had hit your lowest point , your life couldn't get any worse. Unfortunately faith would challenge that thought very soon.

Chapter 8 : Breaking Point

" Pwheeeeeeee ! What a fucking sight, making me get hard back already. I could fucking go for round two .How bout you, my chubby little cream pie ?" Richard goaded as he gazed down upon your mother , clearly pleased with himself , flicking off some of the remaining dribbles of his cum on the floor.

" Though with the amount a my babies swimming in your greedy fucking cum receptacle, you'll probably be backed up for a few more minutes. Congratulations by the way , I'm hoping for triplets! Heheheeheh!" The fat old bastard chimed once more , before releasing a low menacing laugh, filled with perverse glee.

" Fuck........you." Your mom retorted, much to his surprise , having just recovered from her blissful orgasmic high, locking eyes unto him with the same hateful defiant stare.

Your mother was certainly now a profane sight to behold , if anybody walked in they'd have thought people just finished filming some exotic hardcore porno. Her straight, long thick dark hair was now disheveled and unkempt , plastered all over her slightly round face and back, thanks to obscene amounts of spunk that landed on her giving her an oily sheen. Her dark eyes oozed mascara down to her cheeks , her thick red lips smeared to the sides with lipstick and were slightly swollen , giving her almost duck face type lips, the entirety of her features peppered in specks of drying cum. She had managed to close her thick ample legs , eliciting a horrid squelching sound as the motion squeezed majority of Richard's spent baby batter out from her birth canal and unto her plush soft thighs and thick legs , almost like a small stream, as she had them super imposed unto each other and off to the right on the floor. Her fat bloated, ass cheeks compressed , proudly outwards in the opposite direction, still reddened from their violent encounter with the old bastards , grubby , meaty hands. Your mother had her upper torso pushed upwards and slightly rotated to face Richard , supported by her fleshy arms. Her large, plump tear drop shaped globes , hanging lewdly off to the sides of her body , her long , thick nipples , still quivering and throbbing lightly from the after effects of her plowing. Her plump , rotund , unbelievable hourglass body , radiated that warm after sex glow.

" Heh . I'm a bit too old to be a father again though. Sixty one going on Sixty two. Hell with all the sex I'm about to be having , I might not even live to see the baby ! Hahahah! " The disgusting old pervert mirthed , ignoring your mother's previous fiery indignation, clearly lost in his own thoughts.

" Fuck ! It'd be nice though to watch her fine round ass bloat up some more, with my fucking brats. Hell , with this book anything's fucking possible. What's say eight months ? Yeah that sounds good." Richard mused to himself once more , still trapped in his own devilishly perverse thought bubbles.

" You .... perverted animal. I'll get an abortion , take some pills. I'll drop dead before keeping even one of your disgusting children." Your mother graveled out in defiance , clearly still shaken up as she supported her heavier frame unto the counter , her massive mammaries swinging lightly and clapping into each other as she did.

Yet, before she could even continue her defiance and plot her retaliation, the old creep snapped out of his train of thought and stretched his tome bound arm directly at your mother , the gem embedded in it's center , glowing radiantly before dimming as before. You squirmed in a remorseful panic, bound in your seat , as your mind began to race at what he intended to do to her next.

As the last of the gemstone's radiance dwindled , your mother stared apathetically at Richard , before instantly lurching over and releasing the contents of her stomach unto the floor, which profanely enough consisted mainly of the gallons of curdy spunk she was forced to guzzle moments ago. Your mother stood hunched over on the counter, strands of her black hair hanging at the sides of her face as she wiped saliva and a few chunks of sperm from the sides of her fat lips.

" What......did...you do to me ?" She asked, showing more fear and concern than she meant to let on , The horny bastard simply giving her a twisted smile as a response.

Your mother took two steps back clearly light headed , before her entire body began to shake and quiver, her fat tits and ass jumped and wobbled , her stomach rumbled, her cheeks bubbled , her entire form quaked with fat , sending ripples through their plush white fullness. This shaking continued to pick up in speed and repetition before her already , erroneously plump, thick, shapely , hourglass physique pulsed outwards becoming even fuller in an instantaneous explosion of fat. Her face grew far rounder and chubbier filling out quite a bit especially her cheeks. Her slender neck plumped up pulsing out lightly in girth. Her shoulders became heavier set. Her arms grew even thicker , drooping slightly with flesh. Her already humongous, large , fat , round melons , grew even more rotund , spewing downwards and outwards , drooping even more heavily now down to her hips and pushed to the sides gently tapping into her new thickened arms. Her plush waist , lurched out slightly, her slight love handles becoming more defined and plentiful. Her ridiculously wide thickset hips , broadened , plumped up and fattened even further , with an extra emphasis on the last two , reaching nearly one and a half times the size of the door way at this point. Her wide , filled to the brim with supple fat , rounded ass cheeks , quivered and pulsed outward in flesh wobbling indecently in every direction, growing rounder , fuller and thicker , becoming twice the size of basketballs at this point and far broader , drooping immodestly with fat against the back of her thighs. Her legs radiated outward in a sea of porcelain flesh , becoming even fatter, thicker and more rotund causing her already plump thighs to bloat even larger , directly pressing into each other even when spread apart. Where as your mother was slightly chubby after her first change she was pushing BBW territory at this point, your heart sank with even greater despair as you could scarcely recognize her at this point, in her new rotund , plush yet still salaciously curvaceous form, her most sinful features swollen to the size of porn fantasies and beyond. Yet you were granted little respite as your her transformation was far from over.

You watched as her already engorged , full, knockers began to rumble, before her gigantic milkers as if unsatisfied with their already , plump , round large size began to grow again , at an admittedly slower pace this time. You stared in curious , but fearful bewilderment as they grew even larger, heavier , rounder and fuller, with a special emphasis on the last two. Her two tits gently jostled and bumped into each other, causing both to wobble enticingly left to right as they did , sending waves through the globes of their tear drop shaped droop. It seems the two were in a slow but intent race to the beginning of her groin. Coupled with the slowness of the growth, a new feature to this second helping of flesh , was the sound of liquid , particularly the sloshing of a very thick viscous liquid, that accompanied every jostle , bump and wobble of your mom's porcelain milk tank mammaries. Following a few brief moments , her renewed growth spurt seemed to slow and stop entirely , her full melons drooping enticingly just a half inch shy of her snatch, the skin around them looking noticeably tighter , pulled and stretched. They were humongous , easily surpassing anything you had seen in your most sinful and wettest of pubescent dreams, spilling not just forwards and downwards , but to the sides and even back as well , pressing tightly into her thick , plush arms, forcing her to make way for their ridiculously wide berth, gently bobbing up and down and wobbling slightly with each now heavy breath your mother took. Your mom had what you couldn't quite describe as the look of discomfort , there was more repressed pleasure than pain, it was almost how you'd look when you desperately needed to pee. Yet respite seemed far from over for her , as her turgid , long nipples stood bolt upright near painfully so , twitching and throbbing indecently as they did.

Without so much as a warning like last time , you watched as her areolas, rapidly grew shades darker, stopping at a deep chocolate brown , before pulsing and radiating outwards becoming as large as a small platter plate and as puffy as a doughnut , the small goose pimples on them thickening slightly and becoming more prominent as her skin grew even tighter. Just like her areola , her thick nipples quickly turned shades darker , becoming puffier , even plumper and longer eventually jutting out like sore engorged finger. However, that didn't seem to be the end as they pulsed outward in an instantaneous surge of growth fattening immensely and pushing out even longer , they were almost the length penises and twice as wide. Her enlarged and sore nipples , pulsed and twitched , begging for a release of some sort as they stood pointing straight ahead. With this final change her tender white skin , grew even tighter over her huge pumpkins, hugging them snugly, her swollen mammaries grew even tighter and filled. Thick blue veins becoming prominent and peppering her skin as Richard's power continued to pump your mother's fat tits full of the thick viscous liquid , causing them to wobble with noticeable heft and slosh plentifully and heavily.

You could scarcely believe your eyes, your mom's already perversely huge water melon sized breasts , had swollen even larger to practically the size of large pumpkins at this point , taking up majority of her upper half and greedily beginning to invade into her lower torso , hanging like udders from a cow, becoming engorged and stretched with what you could only believe, is thick creamy milk. Your mind shot chock full adrenaline inducing fear , milk could only mean one thing. Before you could even finish the thought, you were interrupted by your mother groaning in pain , as her stomach quaked and grumbled violently.

Your mom's soft , slightly round stomach quaked violently, grumbling gutturally as she winced in pain. This kept up for an entire minute before stopping abruptly, then in one sudden fluid motion , your mother's stomach exploded in a surge of , surprisingly taut , white flesh, pushing her mountainous globes off to the side as it slowed to its humongous round fullness. Her stomach was practically the size of a large bean bag chair. but unlike the rest of the supple , white overflowing flesh that drooped enticingly off her plentiful , curvaceous form, the flesh here was much like her breasts. Tight , pressed and stretched, perforated with thick blue veins, not to mention how round and almost egg shaped her stomach had become, something not usually associated with a fat gut. Yet still, her round tight stomach protruded out proudly easily outcompeting her wide fat ass and humongous , sloshing tits , to becoming her most prominent feature as it lurched slightly above her groin and pushed her massive , pumpkin size milk laden breasts to both sides of it , where they gently perched on top of it's massive girth. You could swear you saw a small hand distend her white flesh, from the inside for a brief moment before retreating back , your mother nearly lost her balance with all the pounds she had packed on.

" Oh.... Fuck ..... Guess octuplets was a little but too much huh . Heeheheh! Though I guess considering your size , you could handle it ." Richard chuckled , reveling in both his lust and triumph , as his large , engorged thick member shot up stiffly, poking your mother in her rotund belly just below her pouty navel.

You could feel your being shatter like glass into tiny little pieces, as you stared at what you couldn't even begin to call your mother , she was more like a walking baby factory at that point , her body specially made to please men and wring them dry , for their precious baby seed , and nurture and spit out litter after litter . You felt nauseous, almost ready to pass out as you gazed at her new sinfully perverse form. There your hyper ambitious , strict yet caring, helicopter mom stood , her formerly bodaciously stacked yet still trim and slim physique , bloated and warped into what you can only describe as some twisted , perverted breeding cow , meant to suck men's cock milk dry with her body and nurse and spit out their young batch after batch, load after load. You couldn't bear to watch , but the anxiety and fear of what happens next kept you from looking away.

Your mother looked physically strained, like she was about to pop at any moment , as you noticed she slowly began to rub her ridiculously huge thighs against one another , with a wet slopping sound. Her eyes twitched and her breathing became panted and heavy.

" W......What ........aeughhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She muttered in between pants , before stopping abruptly and moaning like an animal.

She flung her head backwards and stuck her head out as she moaned in guttural pleasure , both her hands clamping down on the abundance of fat on her thick hips squeezing them tightly , as she arched her back , all the way backwards. Your mom howled in orgasmic bliss , as her heavy tits recoiled forward and her swollen nipples throbbed painfully before exploding in a vast torrent of milky white goodness, with several smaller streams spraying off to the sides of her bulbous nubs. Her vagina following suit, exploding in continued squirts of her hot nectar , that begun to trickle and stream down from between her plump thighs , mixing with the drying torrents of cum that she had failed to wipe clean from her legs. You watched in both horror and anguish as your mother grabbed unto her massive milkers and began kneading and rubbing them however best she could given their size , to aid in their continued release. You winced in pain , as she wantingly worked her fat breasts and full nipples and grinded her thick thighs. Never in a million years or darkest nightmares would you ever have imagined your mom putting on such a salacious display , sex as far as you were concerned seemed to not even be a priority or even a thought especially when it came to her career and you. Yet , there she was , hungrily working at her milk laden mammaries , tugging at her wet, turgid nipples like a small dick, as it oozed out life giving milk , greedily stimulating her snatch with her thighs like she was some dog in heat, as the old perverts huge schlong distended her taut over stuffed stomach.

" So I'm guessing your rearing for another round , you fat cow ." Richard chided domineeringly, as he latched unto the shaft of his enlarged rod and slowly dragged it down entrance of her vagina, lightly kissing her pouted , wet puffy pussy lips with the engorged tip of his cock , eliciting small but noticeable grunts of pleasure from your mom.

She simply stared at Richard , her face noticeably flushed , her eyes glazed over with what looked like lust , no a yearning almost . As she continued to roughly maul and knead her humongous, engorged sloshing globes, yanking and tugging at her swollen enlarged nipples , as light guzzles of milk continued to pour out at a steady pace.

" I'll take that as a yes. " Richard chirped triumphantly , pushing your mother against the counter causing her to land on her sides , moving her swollen , pregnant gut off to the side , as her gigantic, filled to bursting breast clapped down on top of one another, exploding in another torrent , of viscous breast milk , as she moaned throatily in bliss.

The pig then preceded to scoop one of her thick legs off the ground , raising it as high as he could vertically in the air, causing her twat to squelch open, giving you a detailed look at her dark pink , convulsing , dribbling insides, before he plunged his putrid slab of meat , into the deepest parts of her orifices again. Where as your mother would have put up some resistance or defiance just moments ago, now she was pacified ,demure, welcoming it almost, as evidenced by her near animalistic howl upon his entry into her slippery baby hole, that sent her entire rotund body quivering with fat and wobbling indecently , her humongous milkers releasing another torrential , gush of her babies precious sustenance , staining the counter top she lay on. Richard wasted no time in enjoying your mother's fatter , fuller , far more fertile and horny form , as he quickly latched unto to one of her engorged , full , veiny white tits with his free hand , clamping tightly down on her over flowing breast , causing her mammaries to erupt in another lengthy geyser of milk, as he ruthlessly and efficiently pistoned in and out of her greedy , vacuuming cunt , which had become one big -g spot thanks to her bloated pregnancy. This time around your mother made no effort to stifle her grunts and moans as she continued to explode in pleasure from each powerful thrust , her face twisted in sinful delight as she squealed louder and more animalistically, with each plunge into her uterus and torrential eruption of her overcrowded breasts. Tears began welling in your eyes again, as you witnessed your mom's corruption, you almost threw up watching as she slowly began to become a slave to her lusts and his cock.

The old pervert worked expertly , as he stuffed her sore , but now very welcoming cunt with his thick grotesque cock , working her wanting , fat spewing breasts with his large grubby hand as he snaked his tongue into your mothers mouth in between one of her sensual moans. She resisted slightly at first , giving you a small glimpse of hope that her mind hadn't been completely addled by lust , before she eagerly locked tongues and lips with him at the lulling of his dangerous techniques and continued powerful thrusts filling her up , crushing your already shattered heart into a million pieces. The sounds in the air were now just an obscene mix of flesh slapping against flesh , a synchronous symphony of your mother's and Richard's groans and pants interspliced with the slobbering wet smacks of their lips and tongues colliding with each other as they growled like animals. You stared in abject horror, your mom's one leg not raised in the air trembled, as Richard's mouth moved , his fat , warty cheeks fluttered, as he drove his tongue deep into your mothers mouth , probing around fanatically. You could even hear the slimy , meat sounds of their tongues smashing together. It was a kiss far more indecent than any of the plowing she was given before hand and the deep pounding she was receiving now. It was a kiss filled with invasive probing , dominating passion , unencumbered by any sort of human decency or decorum , driven by full primal lust , it was the kiss of a man who was intent on stealing your mother and making her his. Your mother to your horror not only seemed to be enjoying it , but became a willing participant. With her dazed , hungry expression , you could see that she had also begun to move her tongue on it's own accord , tangling with Richards much larger one , making louder , wetter , noises between them as breath seeded out their nose. All the while the old bastard hadn't once slowed or stopped ritually sliding in and out of her greedy , wet honeypot , which seemed intent on trapping his large fat cock inside her forever, hungrily clamping down on his rod, as her folds desperately worked along the entirety of his shaft, expectantly awaiting the burst of his hot , sticky cock milk, with each orgasmic plunge. At the same time his hands worked dexterously , one keeping her thick, stout, leg as high it could in the air to make his plunge into her wombs far more enjoyable , harder, and deeper, while the other effortlessly worked her fat milk laden pumpkins , for all its creamy , life sustaining goodness , as he kneaded mashed , and distended the taut white flesh and tugged and squeezed on her fattened turgid nipple , eliciting a powerful moan of pleasure in between your mother's locking of lips with him, as well as a torrential eruption of thick , white milk. Your mother's vagina had become a waterfall at this point , streaming with her thick , transparent , honey , as it dribbled unto her thighs and Richard's fat slab , further easing his hurried and powerful descent into her warm folds, he pounded into her like an animal sending her body twitching with pleasure, her one free , large , fat tit wobbled and jostled upwards before smashing down on her tight , baby packed, protruding stomach each time, sending her throbbing thick nipple gushing with milk.

This sinful heart wrenching display continued for quite some time , much to your misery. They were like animals at this point , howling in pleasure for the whole neighborhood to hear, as they slobbered over each others tongues , and worked each others most delicate parts in some sort of sinful union , their pace growing even more frenzied and carnal as the moments ticked by. Your mother at this point had her arms wrapped around the back of the disgusting old pigs girthy neck , pulling him closer and deeper into her, as they ebbed nearer to climax. Richard now pistoned inside her at unimaginable speeds, causing her vagina to squelch and slobber with every minute movement , as they moaned into each other's mouth in between breaths of their tongues' sloppy embrace. Their fucking had become so violent and frenzied that you could even hear the countertop they were going at it on shake and rumble vigorously. Following a few brief moments , just like before you watched Richard's pace slow, as his strokes became , longer , deeper and harder , while your mother's moans in synch , grew louder , deeper and boomed with sexual satisfaction. Again Richard wrenched his huge cock from the iron grip of your mother's hungry vaginal lips , for one final explosive orgasmic thrust, his rod stiffening even harder , growing larger , fatter, and more engorged , his balls violently contracting sending their contents up through their tubes and into his shaft filling it even further. But before Richard could complete his climactic plunge , your mother finished the job for him , as she freed her leg from his grip , taking both of them and wrapping them around his hips, pulling him as deep as she could inside her to the point where you almost felt concern that they might hit the babies in her womb ,as they exploded in orgasmic bliss.

" Nnnnnnnghghhg ! " They both cried out in unison, tongues still interlocked as the perverted bastard , dumped load after load of his thick gunk into your mom's spasming overcrowded birth canal.

Richard's balls continued to convulse and churn , hosing batch after batch of his baby batter down your mother's cum gullet into her stuffed to the brim womb . Your mother's eyes like before upturned in her head , as her moist , warm vaginal folds , bit down tightly on the pig's spasming cock , convulsing violently with each hefty delivery of his curdy gunk . Her humongous , overfilled , lactating breasts , rumbled before erupting in a geyser of milk that was sent everywhere , drenching both her and Richard. All the while , they refused to break away from their perverse tongue play, even as Richard wretched his spent cock from her still contracting hole. Your mom pursed her lips around the old geezers tongue and started sucking and worshipping it. Her mouth stretching into a lewd, cock sucking cone shape as she began to bob her head forward and back, slurping up is tongue lewdly, taking it eagerly in her mouth, then mashing it together with his , all the while she laid on top of the counter top, legs uncrossed as Richard's spent genetics oozed out of her , hot , wet, stretched dick receptacle and flowed unto the table and then the ground. Not only were both their tongues interlocked , but their eyes as well, staring carnally into one another's souls. You could clearly see it wasn't your mother present anymore , but a beast subservient to her lust and the fat cock that was just plopped out of her.

Your head wracked with pain , as you threw up a little in your mouth , you could scarcely believe anything you saw was real. That your strict loving mother , had been warped to the proportions of some BBW breeding cow , that she not only willingly allowed this man to defile her but enjoyed it. Your heart shrunk and shattered in despair as you continued to watch your mother's descent into lust frenzied madness.


They continued to fuck for what seemed like nearly half a day, well into the early hours morning , showing no signs of stopping , or slowing , any sort of decreasing enjoyment , almost like they were a young couple, no more like a pair of horny rabbits. During which they tried every sex position conceivable, and every act known to man , where you quickly came to realize just how expertly your mother knew to work a cock dry , especially one so big. She had thrown away any fleeting thoughts of modesty or decorum , driven solely by lust and a need to be stuffed to the brim with fat cocks , a desire Richard clearly satisfied , as evidenced by her guttural moans and animalistic grunts throughout the entire ordeal. Of which she had become unsatisfied expressing her pleasure , now howling out profanities with every helping of dick the old bastard gave her. She was practically squealing like a pig every time he stuffed her full of his thick , gooey baby batter, or made her humongous, fat, milk laden tits explode in a torrent of pleasure and milk. You were paralyzed into a state of apathetic shock , as you watched your mom , transform into a whore , caring only for her next load of thick spunk , an agent of lust. You had hoped that it was all an act , a bad dream , a nightmare , but no , her actions provided everything to the contrary. You wanted in your heart , that somewhere deep in her lust addled brain, that there was a sliver of her old personality , or love for you , that would allow her to break free from her entrancement and resist , show a sign that she's still your mother. But nothing had gone your way today , what made you think this would be any different.

" Oh.......yeah.....oh ...yeah ....Oh fuck yeah ! Fill up this slutty pregnant cunt big boy !" Your mother cried out in bombastic pleasure , her engorged form straddling up and down vigorously atop the fat old pig's humongous , girthy cock, letting out deep moans in between words.

Your mother at this point was a complete mess. They had fucked so hard and so long that they were both drenched in sweat , cum and breast milk. Your mother's thick , long black hair was now plastered wildly all over her back and face , highlighting her chubby faces round features , her dark eyes oozed mascara still and were locked intently unto Richard's , her thick pouty lips were smeared with red lipstick as she bit down on her dick sucking lower lip. Her rotund , bloated , yet very much salaciously curvaceous figure bounced up and down on Richard's enormously fat cock , causing her greedy snatch , to squelch sinfully, as her warm folds gripped down tightly on his throbbing rod distending her insides , desperately trying to wring him dry, each time eliciting a guttural scream of pleasure as her contracting vaginal muscles pulled her deeper unto his fat rod. Her thick arms were stretched downwards , her digits tenderly interlocking with the disgusting pig s ones , every successful plunge downward she took on his long thick shaft not only causing her to cry out in ecstasy, but her plump curves to wobble and quiver wickedly with flesh. Her massive , pressed , milk filled mammaries , recoiling proudly into air , before coming down with a hefty smack and distending unto her jutting , tight , over populated stomach , resulting in her dribbling yet still painfully erect dick nipples bursting forth with a torrent of thick white life sustaining milk. Your mother looked like she was having the time of her life , meanwhile Richard had a triumphant smile on his face , having accomplished what he had come here to do. Humiliate you and break your spirit and turn your mother into a cock crazed whore.

" Oh......ugh......Your a real fucking pent up slut aren't you ?! " Richard asked your mother domineeringly, in between his own pleasure filled grunts, as he gently removed his interlocking hands from hers and grabbed down on her endless sea , of thick supple hip flesh.

" You....ugh.......ughhh.... fucking know it !" Your mother squeaked from between her whore lips , as Richard took control of the rhythm of her plowing , slowly but powerfully thrusting into her , causing her to squirm with pleasure.

" ughhh........Your a fucking fat tittied bimbo , whose only worth is draining men's balls dry right ? " Richard continued in his same domineering tone , as he begun to plunge harder and faster upward into your mom's soaking wet , twitching snatch.

" Oh.......ugh...oh.....fuck........FUCK YES ! " She howled in between her heavy pants and moans, her spasming twat gripping tighter on the old bastard's huge slab of meat , as her thick fattened nipples began to ooze a steady stream of milk, in between their obscene pendulous swinging and smacking.

"Your..........ughh.....ugh....hah......Your a fat fucking breeding cow , who loves fucking raw and getting creampied , so she can fatten up with any man's fucking kids every available cycle she has ! Aren't you !? " Richard roared out demeaningly , now once again pistoning in and out of your mother's tender wet orifice at an increased pace , no doubt beginning his final journey for another orgasmic explosion of bliss, his huge ball sack , now swinging upwards and slapping into your mother's wide huge fat bloated ass cheeks with a wet smack, giving her even greater jolts of pleasure.

" Oh.....ugh.....oh....oh.......Oh yes ! .......I can't wait to be filled to the brim with babies every single fucking second I can ! It doesn't matter which man ! Any man ! So long as his sperm is strong enough to give me a litter like yours !" Your mother moaned out in between her increasing grunts , and quickening plowing. She was now bouncing wildly up and down on Richard's fat dick , moaning indiscriminately , without a care in the world for the babies presently in her swollen womb. The small streams of thick gushing milk oozing out of her overstuffed breast , slowly marching up to torrents.

" Oh.......oh.......ugh.....aeuhghh....Your.......Your ......Your a brainless little whore who belongs to me and me alone , career and son be damned ! " Richard roared out as he began to pump in and out of your mother at a sickeningly fast pace , causing her hot , wet, convulsing birth canal to greedily clamp down even tighter on his member and squelch with glee, as he gripped even tighter down on her ridiculously thick hips , distending the skin in between his digits.

Once again the old perverts , pace slowed reasonably , his strokes becoming longer , harder and deeper , preparing for imminent explosion and to bathe your mother's pregnant , overstuffed innards in his curdy baby gunk , for the next innumerable time. Each plunge upward and outward of her contorting , moist , hungry vaginal walls , his dick grew longer, fatter, fuller ,and thicker stretching it even wider than last time. He was surely about dump another hefty load into your more than welcome mom again. Meanwhile , her on the other hand prepared for it as she began to lick and bite her lips in anticipation , forcing her greedy snatch's walls and lips to clamp even harder down on his fat member and keep it in place as she sucked him dry , her eyes wild with a thrill of pure ecstasy.


Renouncing everything she had once been and affirming her self to be nothing more than a living flesh light to be used by the fat old bastard in whatever way he sought fit. Giving up her status as a functioning member of society , a CFO and most importantly your mom , so that she may become a cheap, outlandishly plump , thick curvaceous whore.

" Heheheh!......ugh......Your mine now momma Reyes. I'll make sure not a single fucking minute goes by where your slutty fucking vaccum cunt isn't filled with a fat cock or swimming in dozens of babies "

Richard triumphantly but also perversely sinisterly , replied to your mom's howling affirmation of his previous statements, as he continued to pump load after load of his thick , curdy , smelly spunk into the deepest wretches of her womb and then some, causing it to ooze out of her violently trashing twat and unto to his portly hairy stomach. Your mother simply continued to moan loudly in pleasure as she quickly, began desperately bouncing up and down on the perverted geezers fat rod to keep it hard and pumping her full of what she likes, her face contorted in pure ecstasy as she rolled it back in pleasure, her eyes upturned, her mouth wide open with her tongue sticking out.

It was like a knife straight through your very soul, with that unholy display you knew for certain that your mother was gone for good. Tears burst forth from your eyes , as you hurled through your gag , your head began to spin and your vision dimming until it was consumed completely in darkness. The last image burnt in your retinas , your thick , shapely , bloated, pregnant mother bouncing greedily on that fat pudgy bastards cock , screaming like a whore.

Epilogue : Six Years Later

It had been six years , six long years since that faithful day when your mom disappeared, the events of the aftermath clear in your mind. You awoke on the cold floor of your bedroom , it was pitch black in the middle of the night, your injuries along with the bindings and magic mirror were gone. You wasted no time in recollecting past events before bolting downstairs in hopes of saving your mother ,and beating that fat , ugly bastard to death. However, when you arrived downstairs to the kitchen both him and your mother were gone , the only evidence that seemed to confirm the hellish , and nightmarish events that had recently occurred , were the copious amounts of dried semen , breast milk and a few pubes that were scattered across the kitchen floor , along with your mothers black spectacles. You picked them up , staring at them briefly , before beginning to weep uncontrollably as you recalled the past day in greater detail along with her chilling affirmation.

You spent the rest of your summer searching desperately for your mother , refusing to believe she had abandoned you for that old dog to become his whore , and choosing instead to think that she was kidnapped. You did everything within your power to find her , filing police reports , picture on milk carton , posting her image on every forum group and social media page you knew, which you're pretty sure was used more as masturbatory material more than anything else , but you didn't care as you pleaded with the creator above to help you find your mother. You even called in at her work , but had come to find out from her secretary, that she had resigned the same week she disappeared, adding to your fear and concern even more. Thinking about it now , she did mention that it was strange for your hyper ambitious , methodical , disciplined mother , who had fought so hard for the position would, simply resigned after a few years , especially without so much as a formal letter , two weeks notice ,or an in person goodbye. Just a single rushed , rather peculiar phone call. You had to agree with her that it sounded nothing like her , your career driven , by the books mom wouldn't just pick up and leave , forgetting everything she fought so hard for. When asked about the phone call , she did something unexpected and congratulated you. Complimenting you on your new baby siblings and expressing surprise that your usual ice cold , career bound mother had found a boyfriend and let him her pregnant at that. Your heart became pressed ,and sunk slightly with anguish as those words challenged your belief in that she had been kidnapped and reminding you again what happened that day. When asked to give more detail , the secretary explained that while she didn't hear it our right , she put two and two together. Recollecting that during the phone call , she had sounded notably flustered , and slightly in pain, she heard a man with a rather coarse voice whisper to her indiscernibly in the background as she responded under her breath but still clear enough for her to hear , somethin about her soon to be babies getting in the way. The secretary then expressed childish glee and curiosity about who was the handsome man , good enough not only to bag a lewdly curvaceous woman like your mom , but get in her pants and knock her up so quickly. With that your heart sunk even further , you had just lost your last lead to find your mother.

Days , turned to weeks , weeks turned to months and months turned to a year , as you desperately continued to search for her, each day that passed slowly squeezing hope from your mind. The police investigations and pictures turned up nothing, breaking your heart even further. Until one day you simply decided that it was time to give up and move on , having repressed the memories of what had happened that day , locking them in the deepest, darkest , least travelled roads of your mind , and choosing instead to believe she had been kidnapped and at worst killed. You mourned as you and some of your family and friends held a small funeral in light of the last chances of finding her being dashed. You cried everyday for what seemed like months , before coming to the realization that your mother's not dead, that her will still lives on in you , and that you owe it to her dreams and yours come true and that she would never want to see you like this. With this renewed vigor inside you , you applied to Rockford University's chemical engineering degree and got accepted without a second thought. There you spent the next four years acing your classes and eventually graduating valedictorian there as well , getting an opportunity to work at one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the Unified States right in the city your old home was in fact. There you spent the last year working your way up the ladder , rather quickly eventually becoming Deputy Lab Director. All of it thanks to your mom's will and dreams inspiring you to make it happen . Looking back you realized that six years had gone by since that faithful day, your memories faded slightly as you had all but moved on . Accepting your mother's seemingly untimely, death , but keeping the woman you remembered she was well and alive in your mind as a reminder for you to always succeed and excel in everything you do . Well that was up until you found yourself at the trains station in the dead of night having just finished working a late shift.

" I swear to you bro , it's real , in the alleyways between seventh and eight avenue , between 1 and 3 am on Tuesday , Thursdays and Fridays." A young man explained to his friend a bit more loudly than he meant too.

It was just you and them sitting in the train stations waiting area , as you both were looking for a train home admittedly for different reasons. Where as you looked like you had worked along day , they seemed to have been partying all night. Yet still , with nothing to do but wait , you intently listened to their conversation as they sat in the bench directly beside you.

" Sounds like a fricking sham so you can get robbed man, if your really that desperate for some pussy we can just hit up Antonio's brothel near fifth avenue." The other male jived, clearly skeptical and distrustful of whatever rumor they seemed to be entertaining. Which from the sounds of it related to getting their urges checked by women of ill repute , that littered the city.

" This isn't just any fucking pussy man this is some real exotic , straight porn fantasy shit man . I'm telling you it's 1:30 right now if we catch the train well still have an hour for me to show you." The other man blurted out in a rather sloppy attempt o convince his friend.

" Oh really , what so special about this hooker , that you'd head all the way out a town just to fucking screw her ?" His friend followed , mildly curious at how some random prostitute has him so intensely wanting to see her.

" Oh where to start . Huge fucking knockers , I'm talking some Heinkler World Records shit , wide , thick baby making hips and a round fat ass, bigger than any a those hoes you see out a the street , some real exotic wild shit only rich fucks could probably afford." The first man blurted out once more , lewdly recounting the hookers shape in an attempt to answer his friends question and get him invested.

Listening in now , you were fairly curious . Not just at the woman in question , but at the prospect of getting your balls drained. Work had been stressful and it had been a full six months since you last felt one of the many comforts of a woman. The man's friend stared intently at him , becoming fairly curious at his lascivious description.

" Looks like I got your attention huh. But here is the best part . She'll let you blow a load in her raw , at no extra charge, no worries about a mini you running around the brothel nine months later. Don't worry about any STDs either, plenty a the boys that have tried her, says her pimp keeps her clean and checked , so she can continue business." The man said elated at his friends curiosity , before attempting to seal the deal with the prospect of a raw fucking and assuring him of the whores legitimacy.

" I don't know man , twenty five sounds a bit cheap for the fucking quality of bitch you talking about." The man's friend replied teetering on the edge of agreement but still skeptical.

" Look man , like I said plenty a the boys tried her out before . Hell Jorge is a repeat customer , says you should at least try this bitch's cunt once before you die . She's a bit on the plush side , but she's fucking worth it mate." The man said a bit frustrated at his friends distrust in spite of everything he says.

" Look man if she doesn't turn out to be legit , I'll owe you big time and we can pack up and go home on me." He continued , giving one last assurance to his friend.

" Alright man , her cock sucking game better be A1 though , my fucking balls are stuffed to brim, ever since my break up with Chelsae." The man's friend replied in reluctant agreement , still unsure but ready to go through with his friend's idea of at least window shopping the goods, the rapidly approaching sound of the train arriving muting their conversation beyond recognition.

Your train was the one directly after this , yet out of morbid curiosity and a slight push from lust, you followed the two young men discreetly to see this exotic prostitute for yourself. After what felt like a twenty minute train ride , you followed the men at a distance to their destination . You noticed that it was in a rather shady part of the city , as evidenced by the dilapidated buildings, trash on the streets , and the distant noise of police sirens. Seeing this initially deterred you , but having already spent money on the train fare and having walked the distance , you ultimately decided that you would commit to the chase. You continued to trail them for a minute or two until they turned around a corner and went down in to a series of dark alley ways , you knew to be usually associated with activities of ill repute late at night. Having lost them during the turn , and in this deep all ready , you decided the best course of action would be to continue to traverse the alley ways until you found the men or the hooker you had come to visit. As you traversed deeper into the back alleys you could faintly begin to hear the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh , the moans of a woman and disgustingly or erotically , depending on who you're asking , wet slopping sounds. This cacophony of noises would grow louder and louder the further you descended, as they did you slowly began to realize it was most likely the sound of people getting off , indicating that you were heading in the right direction . Eventually, it sounded like it was happening right next to you as you rounded a final corner to meet what you had been searching for , and boy was it quite a site to say the least.

In a rather large space in between the large buildings, where most of the back alleys seemed to lead , knelt a woman , she was on all fours surrounded by young men of various ethnicities. She had wild , curly blonde hair that fell to about her waist and brilliant honey tan skin, her face with what little you could see from the angle you stood was chubby and rounded, her sharp brown eyes touched by light eye shadow and black mascara , her thick , pouty lips wore blood red lipstick . What really struck you about her appearance however , was her body. She was quite a portly woman , clearly overweight , with slight sagging of her thick arms and legs , very plush thighs that would press deeply into each other if closed and some obvious love handles, but what kept her from looking anything but uncomely was her ridiculously huge , hips, tits and ass . You had never seen them so obscenely huge on anyone , save for your dear departed mother. Her tits were the size of large pumpkins, maybe even bigger , they were huge , round , hefty and clearly full , decorated with prominent thick blue veins that were pumping her full of something, their skin looked tender , taut but with signs of wear and tear , obviously from her profession and sagged with a noticeable droop. From her position however , the hung like udders from a cow, or over ripe fruits ready to burst off and fall from the trees , they were so magnificently large in fact that they brushed against the ground which she knelt, oozing and distending almost spilling over like a sea of supple flesh against the cold hard ground. What certainly surprised you even more than the sight of her breasts were her even lewder areola and nipples. Her areolas were a deep chocolate brown , like you'd see on pregnant women , filled with goose pimples and very puffy , almost the size of a platter plate at that as well. But what really took the cake were here nipples, they were bent poking out from under the sea of her breast flesh that stood smothered against the ground, you could scarcely believe your eyes at their size, they were long, thick and fat , roughly the size of a small penis and twice as large. They stood full erect , throbbing , thrashing and squirming vigorously as the gushed out a light gout of what looked like thick, creamy white breast milk , further adding to your sinfully obscene thoughts of her body. Her hips were thick , and wide , much like her breasts they overflowed in tender flesh, they were massive , easily dwarfing the size of a door frame at that point , you'd wandered in the back of your mind the moment you saw them how'd she managed to get inside let alone fit in a car with those bovine hips. Her ass was just as wide , and even fuller , fatter and rounder, rippling and wobbling with flesh immodestly as the man behind her pounded into her delicate folds , each ass cheek was thick shapely and jutted out a couple inches forward , spewing over with fat and drooping obscenely at the presence of gravity , even on all fours. They were probably the size of small beach balls and twice as wide. Even in spite of such a salacious display , it wasn't those three very prominent features that grabbed your attention , in regards to her body , but rather it was her stomach that had you more perturbed than horny.

She looked like she was ready to pop , her stomach swollen to the size of a bean bag chair with taut , tight flesh , the same prominent blue veins that pumped her full of life giving milk , perforated her huge stomach as well. It was very round , tight , pressed and almost egg shaped as it jutted out ward and nearly dragged her down to the ground , her back undoubtedly straining to support her humongous milk canisters and bloated stomach as she kept her balance on all fours. It was not a gut you usually associated with chubby or portly women such as herself , but rather pregnant women , and by the looks of it she was stuffed to the brim.

Aside from her body , her outfit , or lack there of also made an impression on you . Considering you found her during her dealings with clientele , that was sure to be expected. All she wore was a racy black choker on her neck with a silver medallion in the middle, that seemed to have inscriptions on it , which you were unable to read from this angle. Coupled with this was a pair of lacey spider web stockings and black hooker heels , she wore on each incredibly thick , plump leg. Her entire look really screamed outlandish whore that's for sure.

And she sure was living up to that description , putting on a show not just for one , two but four men at once , expertly working at each of their hardened rods , and wringing them dry with her talents, moaning like a squealing pig as she did. The first man , who seemed to be a dark skinned fellow , in around the same age as you was directly behind her , her large, fat ass cheeks stuck desperately outward towards his groin. He struggled not only to match the wide berth of her thickset hips with his arms , as he greedily dug into their , tender fat, but also desperately keeping himself from blowing a fat load in her , trying to extend the pleasure as long as he could. Unfortunately for him it seemed she thought to the contrary, as she vigorously bounced her fat ass up and down the length of his shaft , swallowing it entirely with her war, wet honey pot , whose hungry lips seemed to vacuum and tight convulsing muscles warped and pulled on his shape , desperate for his seed , creating a perverse slicking and squelching sound , each animalistic plunge in and out. Every collision her plush ass cheeks made with his groin , sending it smothering against him , causing its supple , warm overflowing flesh to spew and distend over him every wanting smack of skin , wobbling and quivering with fat vigorously as they did. Even with the pistoning she was giving the lad from behind , she still had the dexterity and coherence to pleasure three more souls. Her thick arms stood outstretched , their hands working in unison up and down the shafts of two young white men that stood on to the left and right of her. They were certainly experienced hands , as they effortlessly worked from the base of their erect rods , up to their swollen engorged tips , with a slight twisting motion before repeating the process downward again. Her technique was no doubt efficient , as evidenced by the men's faces contorted in pleasure , looking as if they were almost ready to spew their baby batter all over her face and gigantic tits , in a symphony of cascading bliss. As if she hadn't finish showing of her expertise in her field , with the man from behind and the two boys to the side , another young man occupied her attention to the front as well. This one looked a bit younger than you , and he was Hispanic, his throbbing member and her face interlocked in a a sinfully perverse dance. Her plump lips were pursed, clamped greedily down on the width of his writhing member , her face contorted into a deviously shameful cock sucking cone shape, as she hungrily bobbed her head along the length of his admittedly fat cock , creating all manner of abhorrent , sloshing and "shlucking" sounds. She was almost worshiping at that point moving frenziedly almost , slurping it up with her tongue lewdly , eagerly vacuuming it down her hot , wet gullet , expertly working it with her tongue , so that she may receive each last precious drop of his seed, releasing it for only brief moments at a time , so that she may breathe and moan in satisfied pleasure.

You had to admit it was quite the erotic site , as evidenced by your rapidly hardening member in your trousers, you wanted to unbuckle your pants and jump right in , but decided not to thinking it would ruin the mood and that you hadn't paid yet. Besides you had figured by the looks of things they'd finish pretty quickly if she kept working them that hard , it was four on one , but make no mistake she was in control. Through out the entire ordeal however , you couldn't shake this strange feeling , that kept you from enjoying the show she was putting on to the fullest . It was almost like the feeling you had when your mom disappeared . Something vaguely familiar about her outfit and especially familiar about her moan and groans surprisingly , kept sending a shudder down your spine. It was almost as if you had heard them before , and they reminded you of something truly awful. You couldn't shake it off and that bothered you.

Sure enough , just as you predicted after a few minutes had passed all the men she was pleasuring looked just about ready to explode, releasing the thick contents of their balls into and unto her in a symphony of cascading bliss. The first guy straight into the deepest wretches of her convulsing womb , throwing in a few last ditch thrusts in his orgasmic high , the other two bathed her face and tits in their , hot , thick spunk , you even saw a hefty spurt land in her eye , the last guy straight down her contracting gullet , with an indecent "schlucking" sound, you could almost see load after load of his baby batter glug down her throat as she enjoyed every last drop. All the while she let out an animalistic if a bit stifled moan as she basked in her cum shower , her eyes recoiling into her head in pure unadulterated ecstasy. Drenched in cum , and as the men wrenched their spent cocks from her orifices and hands , she looked up and smiled , before licking some of the gunk off her lips and hands. It was a sinfully perverse display , but rather than be aroused , you couldn't shake this nauseous feeling in her stomach . Especially now that you got a full look at her face, although still contorted in pleasure , it almost resembled your mother's , had she put on some extra pounds. Seeing it now , your head pulsed with pain , flashing with memories long and deeply suppressed, causing you to grimace and fall on your knees. Memories that felt strangely familiar yet distinctly foreign flashed through your mind, they told of a fat old pervert breaking into your home , assaulting you , and defiling your mother, warping her mind and body into something you can only describe as a cock crazed , cow succubus. Tears lightly trickled down from your face as they came crashing into you. Those memories came flooding back into you , you tried your hardest to deny them , now locked in a battle in your mind , but some where deep down you knew them to be true. Your mother had become and obscenely thick baby factory , she had agreed to become that old bastards whore and she had willingly given up you and her career to become a cum dumpster for men's carnal desires. You tried your hardest to deny them again , to suppress them back in your head , you refused to believe your conservative , disciplined , yet loving mother would ever abandon you and subject herself to something like this. Yet, somewhere deep down was a growing realization that it all was true. Something the whore said next would confirm your doubt for the absolute worst.

" Ooooooooohhhhhh........you boys really know how to work a girl huh ? You know momma Reyes , loves when you pump her full of your hot young spunk. She just cant get enough of it." She said seductively , squelching down on her vagina and sending the dark skinned young man's spunk dribbling out of her sopping wet hole.

You knew that voice anywhere , even though a bit coarse now , you knew it for sure . It was your long lost mother's. And just like that all your previous, notions you had chosen to believe in face of reality came crashing down. The woman who just moments ago , like a hungry dog , worked four men's cocks dry so efficiently and effortlessly for her enjoyment , like some perverse machine. The woman that had most likely guzzled down load after load of semen from hundreds if not thousands of men into to her hungry gullet or her greedy, sopping wet snatch. That woman was your mother, she had chosen to abandon you and her career in favor of becoming some outlandishly plump and erotic sex toy , to get jacked and deliver a litter for hundreds of men, whose name she probably didn't know. Those events that happened six years ago had occurred and all the emotion and pain they caused came surging back into you in one swift motion.

You felt your head get tight , as you released the contents of your stomach unto the floor , your vision blurring until eventually darkness.

Authors Note : Thank you my dedicated reader for reaching the end of my first story. Hope you enjoyed and if you didn't feel free to tell me what you'd like to see improved.
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