Sara-Screen Test Part-2



Chrissy's first -- and first starring -- video was
"Playground Rape #173: Revenge of the Imperial Wizard."

It was a message picture. I never believed that line
about Western Union. We have an obligation to the
audience -- not just to get their dicks hard, but to
give them something to think about. I settled back to
watch the projection of the final edit.

Usually we slip the newer girls in with supporting
roles, gradually introducing them to the audience while
they get the feel of working in front of the camera.
But thanks to Cherry's treacherous stab in the back,
I'd been caught short. So I decided to let Chrissy go
for the gold, her first time out. It was a good way to
find out if she really had the stuff, even though I was
sure I already knew the answer. Schumann did a quick
rewrite on the script and turned it into a one-girl
showcase. Now, let's see what we had created.

You've seen the series; you know it doesn't vary too
much from one episode to another. Guys don't mind the
old plots; it's the new meat that keeps bringing them
back for more.

Simple setup. Chrissy arrives at school late, finds a
notice on the door that school has been cancelled today
due to a water break. Well, damn! And she's missed
the bus home! What's a girl to do? Chrissy knows.
She marches down to the playground and takes off all
her clothes.

We watch her goofing around on the monkey bars,
swinging, sliding down the board with her legs wide
open and a sharp-focus zoom straight to her pink cunt.
She hits the ground with a thud on her little bare ass
and starts to cry because it hurts. The viewer at home
is holding the remote with one hand and his dick with
the other. He knows what's about to happen.

Look! It's the school janitor. "Are you OK, little
girl?" he asks, helping her stand up. He's a big black
guy, twice as tall as naked little Chrissy. Very
casually he pats her on the bare butt, and she gives
him a big smile while he wipes her tears away with his
red handkerchief. His hand lingers on her face. The
hankie falls away. She starts to lick his fingers.

Billy is playing the janitor, of course. He's been hot
to get his cock into this little blonde honey ever
since she blew him that first day, and unless he
sneaked a quickie while she was in makeup, this will be
his first chance to fuck her. From the size of the
bulge in his work pants, I'd say he didn't sneak a

Chrissy sucks one of his black fingers into her mouth
and gives him that sweet but sassy eye flash. He
stiffens his finger out straight and works it back and
forth while she just sucks away. Billy's face suggests
that he knows he's about to get lucky. The viewer is
stiff by now, with little beads of pre-cum oozing from
the end of his cock. Hold onto that load, Mr
Spectator. It's going to get better.

"I look funny," Chrissy said, raising her face from my
lap and eyeing the projection screen where she was
making googoo eyes at the camera while sucking Billy's
middle finger.

"You look hot," I assured her, and I eased her face
back down to my cock. Mr Spectator wasn't the only one
who was hard. She let her little pink tongue glide
across the end of my knob, wiping away the bubbles of
pre-cum that oozed from my piss-slit.

Billy stands her up in the swing. She holds onto the
ropes with both hands. He has both hands on her thin,
white little body, touching every inch of her while she
preens and stretches. He gropes her young pussy, using
the same finger she sucked so wetly. It goes into her
without a problem and he gives her a warmup reaming.
Chrissy Sweet sighs dreamily, holding the swing ropes
very tightly. She reaches out with her foot and slides
a Maryjane across that protruding bulge in his pants.

"What's that?" she asks innocently. The dialogue is
old, but she makes it sound fresh and new.

"You wanna see?" Billy wonders, a little froth forming
on his lips. Chrissy nods eagerly, just the right
amount of innocent curiosity. He unzips his pants and
fishes out that long stiff black dong.

Chrissy's eyes get big, as if she's never seen anything
like that before. "Wow! What's that for, Mister?"

"For you, if you play your cards right," Billy smiles.
He comes closer, takes her by the wrist, brings her
hand down to touch his meat.

Chrissy makes a face of wonderment. It gave me
goosebumps. Or maybe that was caused by Chrissy
herself, who was busy sucking my cock. No, I think I'm
feeling just the way Louis B Mayer did, the day he
watched Judy Garland's first screen test.

She makes a circle around his cock with her thumb and
forefinger, slides it a short distance up and down the
shaft. Now she's nibbling her lip and looking very
thoughtful. "My uncle has one of these," she said,
"but it's white and little. Do you want to see what he
lets me do with his?"

"More than you could ever guess," Billy smiles. He
sits her down in the swing and sticks that rod in her
face. Chrissy takes it in both hands, demurely kisses
the tip, and then slides her mouth down over it.

She sucks like a schoolgirl. Hell, she _is_ a
schoolgirl! Dainty little sips at stiff black meat,
with constant undirected glances up at him. And at the
camera, which was shooting from Billy's POV. "Am I
doing it right?" her eyes ask. Her mouth is much too
busy to speak.

Her sucking becomes more adept, the longer she does it.
You can see she likes the taste of hard cock. She
takes him a little deeper, gasping for breath between
swallows. Smacking sounds accompany her mouth work.
Drool flows from her lips and down his rod. She still
holds onto it with both hands.

Chrissy's drool was flowing down my own shaft at the
same time. Her teeth gnawed gently but insistently
around my hard meat. I made a mental note to be sure
that the blowjob footage was on the promo reel Chrissy
would take to her Larry King spot Sunday night. Just a
tease of it, just enough to make the cable audience
_need_ to go out and buy that goddamn DVD!

She does a fantastic job of playing innocent blonde
suddenly given the chance to suck on twelve long inches
of hot black cock. She looks just like an angel, with
those dreamy expressions and eyes closed as if she's

Hmmm. There's a script idea. A cute blonde pre-teen
angel, who comes down from heaven to bring happiness to
the world. We could put Chrissy in a white robe, with
halo and wings, and use "Ave Maria" as background music
for the sex scenes. Brilliant idea. I grabbed the
note pad off my desk and scribbled a quick memo to the
writer, while she kept on slathering my cock with her
warm wet tongue.

Suddenly Billy yanks it out of her mouth, whacks
himself a couple of strokes, and gushes a wad straight
into her face. Most of it goes in her open mouth. Her
eyes get big again, and there's a tremor in her throat
as she swallows. You can count every gulp.

"Tastes a lot better than my uncle," she giggles,
wiping her lips with a finger. Billy's cock starts to
droop where it juts out of his unzipped work pants.
Chrissy reaches for it. "Can I have some more?" she
asks, just like Oliver Twist.

His black cock twitches, and the head begins to point
upward again while Chrissy squeezes it inside her hot
little hand. There's still a bubble of jizz in the tiny
dimple above her upper lip. It seeps downward and she
catches it with her tongue just as it starts to drip

Chrissy sucked harder on my cock, still down there on
her knees in front of me. What can I say, it's one of
the perks of being the CEO! Her mouth was halfway down
my shaft now. With some practice she could be the best
PT deep-throater since Pollyanna Petite's golden days.

I began to regret promising Lolita $7500. We hadn't
signed anything yet, though, and I would get the
mouthpieces onto the case, to see what kind of
loopholes might be possible. Something told me that
Chrissy Sweet was going to blow Lolita Lust's little
white panties away. Still, if Lo could deliver on that
double-anal, she'd be worth the money, and then some.
But I still wasn't sure.

Back on screen Billy is sitting on the seesaw. He
arranges Chrissy atop his lap, slipping the end of his
cock into her hairless pussy. She squeals at the
penetration, just the right "Oooh, that feels weird --
but soooo good!" not the "Ouch, you're _hurting_ me,
you big-dicked motherfucker!" that can kill the
hard-ons for more sensitive viewers (and bone them up
solid for some of you guys -- you know who you are).

It goes into her, shallowly, and he holds her little
body up so as not to traumatize her all at once with
his big rod. Then he kicks down at the ground with his
feet and the seesaw rises. As it does, his cock slides
further into Chrissy's cunt.

Up, then down. His feet hit ground and he thrusts
again. Chrissy's eyes roll. This is only the second
fuck of her lifetime, and admittedly, he's bigger than
the guy who got her cherry. She squirms, taking more
of him into herself. It's a struggle, sure, but she
wants to fuck him. She fucks him. Billy kicks the
ground and the seesaw lifts once more, only to come
back down with a thud that imbeds him further still in
her tight cunt.

She's got it now. "Fuck me," she pants, "oooh, fuck
me!" Her ass wiggles and she's moving even without the
bump and grind action of the seesaw. You can tell she
loves it, wants it. Anybody who spilled his load
during the facial has a boner again now.

But wait a minute, the viewer is asking himself. This
is Playground _Rape_, not Playground _Consensual Sex_.
Where's the _action_?

Billy and Chrissy keep fucking atop the bobbing seesaw.
Closeups show her little pink pussy stuffed full of
hard black meat. That's not lube oozing out of her;
it's her own juices. Well, some of it is lube.
Between shots the makeup girl sprays them with a bottle
of baby-oil and water mixed.

"This is disgraceful!" says a redneck voice, off
camera. "Some nigger fucking a little white girl in
broad daylight! Well, we're not gonna stand for that!"

The camera pans around, and there are four guys in
white hoods and white robes. They have eyeholes cut in
their hoods. The leader lifts up his robe and he's not
wearing anything under it but a long skinny dick --
stiff -- and a big hairy belly.

"Ohmygod!" Chrissy squeals. "It's the KKK!" (It
required three takes to get the line right. The
innocent little thing had never heard of the Ku Klux
Klan and kept calling them the "KY" instead of the KKK.
If you listen closely, you can hear a slight hesitation
before she finishes the line.)

And with that, they make their rush. Two of them drag
Chrissy off Billy's cock. The leader throws a punch
which looks as if it really contacted, and Billy
overacts more than a little, snapping his head back and
plopping to the ground. It looks good, though, and he
lies there as if he's unconscious or worse. His dick
still sticks straight up and it glistens wetly. From
time to time it twitches, but it never goes soft.

"Little whore," the Klan leader snarls from under his
hood. "We'll show you what it's like to fuck real

He lifts his robe again and advances on Chrissy. She
shrinks like a violet, starting to cry. He grabs her
throat, squeezing it until her mouth opens. If you
hadn't been on the set, you'd think he was really
forcing her. But it's only an illusion, folks. This
is Hollywood.

Still, this was the point where I thought it was a good
idea to get Chrissy's mom out of the way. Blocking and
filming a gang-bang is hard enough at best, without the
star's mommy second-guessing every setup, every

Pam Mickelman had been stage-momming around the set all
morning, the way they always do (especially the first
time out) and she was just a distraction anyway. I
didn't want her directing over my shoulder during the
rest of the shoot, so I slipped my P.A. -- that
Spielberg kid, the one who thinks he's gonna be the
next Hitchcock, or maybe even the next Ray Conklin --
two hundred and asked him to entertain her for a while,
if you know what I mean (and I think you do). He
suggested a drink in the Winnebago, to calm her down a
little. He escorted her off, and the rest was history.

Christ! The old gal mustn't have had it for months.
She finally showed up again, half an hour after the
last setup, walking bowlegged and with the kind of
smile an undertaker would be a week getting off her
face. Chrissy had to remind her to pick up the check!
Man, I couldn't have fucked anything like that, and I
told the P.A. to give himself an extra two hundred for
service so far above and beyond it wasn't funny. He
didn't even want to take the money. That kid isn't
long for the biz.

The Kleagle strokes Chrissy's hair with one hand and
squeezes her throat with the other, making that mouth
gape. She's brilliant, even looks exactly like he's
hurting the hell out of her. I suppose her mommy is in
the back of the Winnebago with her heels in the air.
Just as long as she isn't interfering with the shoot!

Chrissy resists perfectly, moaning and sobbing with her
mouth wide open while he calls her a filthy little
whore and threatens to piss in her face, and then he
shoves his cock straight into her whimpering yap.

If you zoom in on DVD, you can see her jaws snap shut
around him like a beartrap, but she's still whimpering
so pitifully it would make some guys' dicks get soft.
He keeps on fucking her mouth, a lot harder than I was
pumping my own dick up into Chrissy's mouth as I
watched her on screen.

Her face registers utter disgust but you can see the
turn-on starting to build in her eyes. The hooded guy
holds her head and pushes his long skinny rod in and
out of her mouth. How does she suck up so much of that
thing? Her eyes glisten, and they stare into the
camera. She cups his balls and tilts her head so that
even more of his cock slips inside her lips, so much of
it that I was astonished she didn't gag on him.

I pulled Chrissy upward. She held onto my cock with
her lips, releasing it only reluctantly. I got my hand
into her crotch and tickled her pussy till she broke
into a giggle, and then I slipped free of her hungry
little mouth. I eased her up onto my lap. She backed
against me, perching her slice above my dick, opening
herself with the fingers as she slid downward.

Chrissy was a fucking vet by now. Her cunt ate my cock
in one sweet hot tight gulp and she scooched down onto
my lap, grinding herself against me while my rod filled
her wet hole. This way she could watch herself get
fucked on screen while she fucked me for real. I'm
sure she liked that. I know I did.

All of the Klansmen have boners, and they close in on
the little playground slut. They line up, holding
their white sheets out of the way so their hard cocks
stick out, and she moves up and down the line on her
knees, gobbling each cock as it thrusts into her face.
Some of them spit on her while she's sucking them, big
wads of the stuff landing in her hair. She doesn't
miss a slurp.

The leader turns around, setting the pace for the
others. He bends over, sticking out his fat hairy ass,
and so do the rest. She licks each of their assholes
as she goes back down the line in reverse order. The
camera zooms in to show her tongue penetrate each
rectum while the owner pulls his hairy cheeks open and
makes room for her mouth. She also nuzzles their balls
and sucks them back between the guys' legs, nosing up
to get another lick at their butts before moving on to
the next lucky Klansman in the row.

"That tasted nasty," she giggled to me, watching
herself rim the Klan leader. "All the others were OK,
but he was just gross." The girls always said that,
but what could I do? Ron is a legend. You can no more
make a porn film without him than without anal lube.

But I knew what she meant. Didn't he know that soap
was not a rationed item, now that the war with France
and Germany was over? You _could_ actually take a bath
once a week, whether you needed it or not.

"Don't worry," I told her, "the next time you fuck him,
it'll be in a shower scene, with lots and lots of

The Klan leader wrestles the little girl to the ground.
She falls easily, going into the grass on her elbows
with her knees spread and her little pink slit on full
view. He lifts the bottom of his hood and works his
mustache into her crotch. Tight closeup of his long
tongue lapping her pussy crack, then a pan up to
Chrissy's face, slowly changing from fear and revulsion
to arousal.

"I look hot," she sighed, her little cunt clenching
like a fist around my cock as I fucked her.

"You sure do, honey," I agreed, stroking her body. I
pinched one of her tiny nipples and felt the squirm of
excitement shoot through her body. She squeezed with
her pussy, rubbed her cunt on my balls.

Her knees clutch at the hooded guy who's eating her
cunt. You can see, feel, taste, smell her arousal in
those zoomed pussy closeups. Beads of moisture form on
her pussy lips. He rubs it with his mustache. She
squirms. He raises his head, dropping the hood back
into place, and then he climbs upward, supporting
himself on his knees while he brings the head of his
dick to her gash.

"Put it in," he commands her. "See how you like a big
white dick in your playground pussy!"

Excitedly, she smears his oozing cock all over her
hairless mound, but especially on the tight, slightly
reddened crack. She opens herself with two fingers,
slips his knob into her, then holds her breath. He
wets himself for a moment, and he thrusts.

Chrissy screams as he penetrates her. If you hadn't
already seen her fucking Billy on the seesaw, you'd
swear that this was a true cherry-pop moment. His dick
glides into her, all the way to the nuts, and then he
begins to fuck in and out of the young girl.

His ass clenches with each thrust. Her knees lift
higher and higher each time he enters her. The
squelching sound of a hot wet fuck fills the Dolby
channels. Cut to the other guys watching. Cut to
Billy, still lying in the grass unmoving but with a
stiff dick. Cut to Chrissy's face, registering both
the agony and the ectasy of Playground Rape #173. And
keep cutting to that big cock sawing its way in and out
of her tight hairless pussy.

If we could cut to the viewer at home, we'd see a hand
wrapped around a stiff dick, the other hand close by
holding a wad of tissue. Not yet, Mr Spectator!

He fucks her for six or seven minutes and we see it all
in excruciating detail as it moves from rape to hot
sex, the way it always does in a porn film. Say what
you will about his personal hygiene, the guy is a
master of his art. Chrissy's cunt is so hot and tight
most men, in real life, would be squirting their wad
before they got halfway up it.

Fucking her now, as we watched, I was on a short fuse
myself and really aching to blow my load into the
little blonde, but I wanted to save it for the high
point of the movie. I squeezed and hugged her when the
urge to squirt got nearly irresistible, and kept my
balls on a taut leash. I'm not vain in the slightest,
but this movie was state of the art. And I made it.

"Aaah," the Klan leader gasps, and he stiffens,
lurching like a sounding whale above the little girl,
then burying his meat inside her cunt with a thrust
that might have been excessive on a thirty-year-old

Can my girl take it? Sure, she can! His ass clenches,
imploding around his butthole, and he pumps shallowly
into Chrissy, groaning from underneath his hood as he
blows his nut inside the little blonde.

Then he slides out of her, his cock starting to shrink,
and we come in for a tight CU of her pussy, with his
thick curdled cum oozing out of her violated hole and
down into her asscrack. Pre-teen cream pie. Anybody
who held onto his load this far had probably lost it by

Except for me. I directed it, and I already knew how
the story turned out. The camera panned up to
Chrissy's face, rapt in the excitement of her own
orgasm. I honestly didn't know if she was faking it.
She was that good.

I held Chrissy tightly, rabbit-pumping my cock up into
her. The friction aroused my nuts but I knew I could
hold back a while longer. This fucking was just
marking time. "A Star is Born, honey," I whispered
into her ear when I wasn't nibbling on it.

She fucked right back at me, using all of her natural
talents. "I'm gonna be bigger than Lolita Lust," she
announced throatily. She could very well be correct.

The next guy climbs aboard and shoves his cock into her
cum-sloshed pussy. She's still loose-lipped and he
enters her without a hitch. His white hood bobs up and
down as he fucks her. Each thrust causes more of the
first guy's semen to seep out of Chrissy's cunt.

He also pops his wad inside her -- it was supposed to
be a five-minute fuck scene, but he barely lasts three.
More cum oozes out of Chrissy's violated playground
pussy as he slides his wet cock from her tightness.

The next guy mounts her and starts fucking hard. Too
hard. A cut to the other Klansmen waiting their turns
is a clever disguise for the fact that I went over and
told him to take it easy, goddamn it, she was delicate,
you could break her.

Of course we had to edit that footage out. It was
_supposed_ to be rough, but you have to draw the line,
especially when the girl is new. You don't want to
traumatize a promising piece of ass straight out of the

This time, before he loses his load, he yanks it out.
She clutches at him with her hands, her knees, but no
use. He's not giving her another ram of that cock;
he's outta there. He squats astride her chest, aims
his cock downward, and lets his cum shoot straight down
into her open mouth. She arches her neck, guzzles his
sperm as if she was an eleven-year-old vet. She forces
air through her lips and blows bubbles with the semen.

He holds his cock a moment longer, then dribbles out a
little stream of piss -- some in her face but mostly
onto her flat little chest.

Why that turns people on, I have no idea, and I
wouldn't even shoot it if I had any choice. But even
though PTHC is the class line of the biz, you still
have to keep an eye on the competition. If they're all
pissing on the girls, then we have to piss on them too,
just to stay competitive. A little water sporting
never hurt anybody, anyway.

One thing I refuse to do, no matter how Extreme Rob
Black or Max Hardcore get, is fist anybody under ten.
That's the line I will not cross. If it means PTHC
goes out of business, then so be it, but my conscience
will be clean on Judgement Day.

The last guy steps in, raising his white robe. He
rolls Chrissy over onto her belly, wedges her legs
apart with his knees, and grubs his hooded face down
into her crack. He lifts the hood up to his nose as
the camera dollies in, and he spreads her cheeks, then
drops a big wad of spit onto her asshole and sloshes it
around with his tongue. She squeals and screams and
rips at the grass with her tiny fingers while he rims
her little rectum.

Then he lifts himself up, dropping the hood again, and
he points his cock down at her wet, shiny, but so far
unravished asshole. Anybody who blew his load when the
Klan leader creamed Chrissy is frantically yanking his
dick right now, praying to God that it will get hard
enough to whack some more.

"Here it comes," the guy tells her. "I'm gonna bust
this little nigger-lover's ass!"

Anyone who's ever watched a PTHC Audition knows by now
that it's yours truly, thanks to my gravelly voice, the
left-over from too many years of smoking, even though I
quit back in '98. Just like Hitch, I always take a
cameo in my films. I'm the producer and director, and
Rank definitely Has Its Privileges.

Between takes we'd lubed her and opened her up with
fingers and a butt plug -- she giggled while it was
inside her -- but I wanted it to look as real as
possible. This was her very first anal, after all, and
she shouldn't take it like a pro.

My cock was also lubed, though a filter on the lens
kept it from shining too much and giving it away. We
were shooting a Playground Rape, for Chrissakes, and it
needed to look spontaneous.

Well, all the prep has done its job. I push my dick
into her rectum until the ring yields, and then I'm
inside her, thrusting deep. Not as hard a plunge as
it looks like -- or is it? Chrissy shrieks beneath me,
so realistic it's chilling. I go straight to the
bottom of her butthole and shove my belly against her
ass just like I'm trying to bury another four or five

For what seems an eternity I hover there, fully
imbedded in Chrissy, while she keeps on squealing and
beating her little fists on the ground. "Oh, fuck!"
she wails. "You're ripping me apart!" Then I start to
fuck her.

Atop my lap, the hot little blonde slut was pussy-full
of hard dick, and she squirmed frantically. I reached
down to finger her clit while I kept on fucking her
pussy. "Look at me," she trilled, "oooh, I am _sooo_
fuckin' hot!"

Personally, I prefer pussy to the ass any day of the
week, but you have to give the audience what it wants.
Anal has ruled the roost since the Reagan days, and the
defining moment of most PTHC videos is when the little
whore gets her buns busted. So of course our girls
take it up the ass. And they just love to do it.

I do my part by breaking them in with a slender but
hard piece of meat that has almost never ruptured a
tight tender young butt. I don't turn them over to the
guys with really big dicks until they've had a little
experience and are ready for it.

The camera zooms in to show my cock slicking in and out
of Chrissy's anus. Now the sheen of the anal lube is
hard to miss, which does kinda interfere with the
illusion, but realism can only go so far. I mean,
President Schwarzenegger never _really_ killed anybody
in any of his movies. They were only pretending.

It's the same with porn. Sure, we really do fuck these
girls, but even when we're raping them, it's only an
illusion. And an ass as tight as Chrissy's, you just
have to use some fuckin' _lube_.

Closeup of Chrissy's face, with tears streaming down
her cheeks. They used to make Margaret O'Brien cry on
the set by telling her someone ran over her puppy a few
minutes ago. Chrissy didn't need any motivation. She
had natural talent. She could turn it on and off like
a faucet.

She's really tight, and the viewer can easily tell that
from the way her butt wiggles and clenches each time
it's thrust full of hard cock. She's so tight it's all
I can do to hold out the five minutes I'm supposed to
fuck her. I pretend that my own puppy just got run
over and it helps me hold off for a few moments more.

I was fucking her hard now, both on screen and in real
life. I had my arms around her waist and I just fed
that dick up into her wet little cunt, repeatedly,
almost savagely. She took it all and fucked right back
at me. She was watching herself at the same time, and
I could tell it was making her wild. It almost always
does, the first time the girls see the finished version
of one of their movies.

We were planning an A2M for the finale of the buttfuck,
but even though I outlasted the schedule by two
minutes, I couldn't bring myself to take it out of her
and roll Chrissy over for an oral cum shot. There was
something so sweet and hot about boning her ass, I just
didn't want to do anything else.

My cock reams her. I pull out till only the head is
still inside her rectum and then I shove, grinding her
down into the grass where she's lying. She keeps on
sobbing and moaning.

Suddenly my body stiffens, and I come back out,
though her sphinc snaps as if it means to keep me
there. I spread her butthole with two fingers, making
it gape even more than the hot fucking had widened it,
and I just let my jizz squirt into the exposed

I'm shooting my load from a foot away, and anyone who
saw it would swear I had not gotten my rocks off since
1991. If Peter North was on the set, you wouldn't even
need him. That's how I'm cumming right now. A steady
stream, as if I was pissing on her instead of
ejaculating. The whole gush of my load goes straight
up Chrissy's ass.

I squeeze the knob, teasing out a couple more drops of
sperm, which fall into her open anus, and then I shove
my dick _back in_, sinking inside her completely and
grinding my belly on her skinny little butt cheeks.
She's wet and sticky inside and she's making these
"Gaaa" sounds.

My cock squishes in the wet messy butt tunnel as I keep
on fucking her. I don't think I'm gonna get soft
anytime this week. I could fuck her again, right now.

In sympathetic counterpoint to what I was doing on
screen, I felt my real-life cock begin to unload a
fresh wad up Chrissy's wet little cunt. She felt it
too. I rubbed her pussy lips, her tiny clitoris, and
she shivered atop me, squealing as she exploded into
orgasm. Six, eight thrusts up her pussy, my cock
emptying its big load.

The Klansmen stand Chrissy up and make her bend over.
They pull her ass cheeks open and we see the cum oozing
out of her butthole, out of her fresh-fucked pussy. It
seeps down the insides of her thighs.

"Maybe this will teach you to get to school on time,"
the Klan leader rumbles from beneath his mask. "And
not to fuck around with spades." The robes drop back
into place. Cut to Billy, still motionless on the
grass, and still hard enough to fuck Chrissy and two
other little cunts.

Chrissy just stands there, panting. All of the guys
lift their robes and piss on her in unison. She twists
and turns in the golden yellow spray. "You filthy
fuckers!" she squeals.

The Klansmen adjust their robes and march off, singing
"Dixie" out of tune and out of key. They pile into a
white Cadillac and drive away. I think we've made a
great point about the evils of racism without
belaboring it the way Stanley Kramer would have.
Watching a bunch of Klansmen gang-bang a sweet-faced
little blonde to punish her for fucking a black guy is
a lot more effective than listening to Sidney Poitier
and Kate Hepburn yak about civil rights for ten

Chrissy slouches down onto the foot of the sliding
board, her legs wide open, her body still wet from
being pissed on by the four guys. She looks into the
camera, tears still rolling down her cheeks, and then
she smiles. There's no question what that smile means.

The camera follows her hand as it strokes down across
her flat chest, flat tummy, onto her hairless bun.
The lips of her pussy are almost cherry-pink now,
thanks to the hard friction fucking she's just taken.
She squeezes them, and a little bubble of cum emerges.
Her finger scoops it up. She brings her hand up to her
mouth, gives the camera an enigmatic expression, and
extends the finger to her lips. Her tongue laps out
and scoops up the cum bubble. Freeze frame. The End.

My cock had begun to go soft inside Chrissy's
sperm-filled cunt. The juice was already leaking out
of her, into my lap.

"Next week," I said, "you and Lolita are going to make
a movie. The queens of the biz, together for the first
time. But definitely not the last."

"Who gets top billing?" she asked innocently, stroking
my hair.


"Action!" I said.

Perfect little blonde Chrissy rolled onto her back and
looked up at perfect freckled redhead Lolita, who was
dangling her legs over the side of the bed. They were
in the perfect little girl room, with dolls and stuffed
animals and posters of the Back Street Boys.
Everything was pink. Even the pussies, though the
audience hadn't seen them just yet.

We were shooting Grade School Semen Sluts #162: Don't
Try This At Home, Kids!, specially designed as a
showcase for what I was sure would become the hottest
team in the biz.

"I can see up your dress," Chrissy said.

"What do you see?" Lolita replied smartly, sliding her
legs further apart.

Chrissy sat up. She put her hand on Lolita's knee and
peered seriously up under the short hem of the
redhead's plaid skirt.

"Well, you're not wearing any underpants," she

"Shit," Lolita sighed. "I forgot 'em. They must be in
the principal's office. I had a special meeting with
him in fourth period."

Chrissy's eyebrows lifted. "What kind of special
meeting did you have to take off your panties for?" she
asked innocently.

"Same kind I have every day in fourth period." She
touched the hem of her plaid skirt, then nonchalantly
began to slide it up her slim thigh.

A moment later she'd lifted it to her waist. The
little green leprechaun tat on her mound was a bright
colorful contrast to her peaches and cream skin tone.
Lolita pointed down to her unfuzzed pussy, its gash
touched up a little with rouge to make it photograph

"I suck his weinie till it spits in my mouth, and then
he sticks it right -- here!" She pressed her finger
against her puffy little cunt, pushing until the lips
relaxed and the tip of her finger began to slip between

"You mean he fucks you?" Chrissy gasped.

"You never even heard of fucking, you dumb little
cunt," Lolita sneered, tossing her thick red hair.
Her finger went deeper. She closed her eyes dreamily
and began to screw herself with it.

Chrissy watched, seemingly entranced at the sight of
Lolita fingerfucking herself. She leaned closer,
resting her chin on Lolita's knee. I frowned. I knew
it was blocking the view from the right camera, which
was trained on Lolita's cunt.

But she just looked so engrossed. We could always do
some pickup footage later for the closeup details of
Lolita's finger-fucking. That look on Chrissy's face
was too good to interrupt.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Chrissy asked breathlessly. She
toyed with the edge of her own plaid skirt, teasing in
and out with her little white panties. Her hand
brushed them almost casually, and then she put her
fingers under the waistband and slowly slid them down
inside. As she watched her friend, she began to caress

"I've had bigger things than a finger inside me!"
Lolita smirked, sticking her middle finger deep and
grinding it within her cunt.

The two stage moms were at opposite sides of the
studio. It seemed the safest thing to do. They'd met
for the first time today, and it was like throwing two
strange cats into the same litter box at the same time.
The fur was ruffled and the claws were out.

What else could you expect? Lolita was the reigning
queen of the biz but Chrissy was an up-and-coming
newbie who was definitely gonna go places. Based on
her performance in "Playground Rape #173," it would not
surprise me one goddamn bit if Chrissy Sweet became the
biggest sensation ever to hit PTHC.

Right now Lolita was our #1 star, but the public is
fickle and always ready for something new. If they
chose Chrissy over Lolita, there was nothing I could do
about it. The customer is always right in this biz.
The script was designed to give both girls a full fair
run at the spotlight, and it looked as if Chrissy was
taking her shot at the queen.

Look at her right now. Lolita was riding that finger
for all she was worth, but your eye automatically kept
going to Chrissy and her reactions. She made it all
look brand new, like she'd never seen, never even
considered the idea of a finger up a tight pre-teen
pussy before.

I felt as if I wasn't really on a set with actors and
camera people and stage hands and makeup people -- I
was peeking into a pretty pink bedroom where two sweet
little girls were experimenting with sex for the first

Even though I'd already fucked both of them so many
times my cum should be running out their ears. Ah, the
magic of the movies!

Lolita's mom obviously got the same feeling about her
daughter's potential new rival. I glanced around, saw
Janine sitting over by the commissary table. This was
going to be Lolita's big day, her first double-anal
--an epoch-making event in the biz, if I do say so
myself -- yet when the two girls were on camera
together, it was Chrissy's presence that reached
through the lens and grabbed you by the nuts, then
tickled the end of your dick. Even with her finger
grinding away inside her cunt, Lolita seemed like a
supporting player. Staring at her, head resting on
Lolita's wobbly knee, Chrissy just dominated the scene.

Pam, Chrissy's mom, was beaming from her end of the
sidelines. She could see it too, see her daughter
staking out a claim to the championship. The brighter
her face became, the darker Janine glowered by the
commissary table.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Chrissy asked considerately
while Lolita larded on the ecstatic facial expressions
and rotated the middle finger up her smooth slick cunt.
"Sticking something inside yourself, I mean..."

"Oh, you're just a stupid little baby," Lolita panted.
"I don't know why I even hang around with you. You
don't know anything about anything."

She extracted her finger. It glistened with wetness.
She sniffed it, then stuck it under Chrissy's nose.
The little blonde also took a sniff, wrinkling her nose
cutely as she considered the smell of wet PT pussy.

Chrissy stood up, still holding her skirt up to bare
her little white panties. The look of uncertainty on
her face was priceless. You don't get instincts like
that in Actors' Studio. Stars are born, not made.

"Take off your clothes," Lolita commanded. "I'll show
you what it's _really_ all about."

Chrissy hesitated, then began to peel, very
tantalizingly. She was playing to the camera. If she
was thirteen and able to work in a place where they
sold liquor, I'd have booked her some strip gigs. She
took forever just getting out of her fucking school
tie, for Christ's sake, and when she did remove it, she
played with it some more, until your 'nads were
throbbing at the prospect of seeing the flesh she still
denied you.

Next the blouse. Under it, just a little shortie
t-shirt that was almost a halter, if she'd had anything
to halt. It fit tightly around her flat chest and the
stiffness of her nipples was transparent. She stroked
the school tie back and forth over her chest, until the
nipples got even harder, poking out insistently at the
tight cling of her t-shirt. She twirled it like a
rope, slid it across her hot little ass.

Lolita frowned slightly on the bed. She could tell
that Chrissy was hogging the spotlight. The script
just said "Chrissy undresses, awkwardly but cute." It
didn't say a goddamn thing about acting like Jenna
Jameson prancing around the pole at a gentlemen's club.

One of the grips sighed softly. I turned to the sound
and saw him with his hand on his cock, squeezing it in
appreciation of the display. Chrissy was even turning
on the crew, and they've seen _everything_. The day
she came into my office was the day good fortune took a
major shit in my lap.

She finally lost the skirt, which left her in the
t-shirt, white panties, white kneesocks, and Maryjanes.
More clothes than if you saw her at the beach, and all
you could think of was, Jeeesus, what is she gonna look
like, naked? I was wondering that, too, and I'd not
only already seen her naked, I'd even fucked her in the
ass! Star power was shining like a lighthouse in the

Lolita and her mom might have been in a contest for
who looked the more pissed off. I would not have
wanted to pick a winner. The redhead was visibly
disturbed about the way Chrissy was monopolizing the
spotlight with her improvisatory strip routine.

"Get your little cunt over here to the bed!" she
ad-libbed. "I don't have all day!" It could have
spoiled the whole scene but I let it roll, hoping
Chrissy didn't freeze in the clutch.

Chrissy glanced at the camera, made eye-contact, and
beamed a shy little heart-warming smile. Ohmygod!
That face! If there's one thing I know when I see it,
that one thing is star power. Chrissy slowly dropped
her tie and walked over to the bed, sitting down beside
Lolita. You couldn't take your eyes off her.

Lolita grabbed the bottom of Chrissy's shirt and yanked
it up, then over her blonde head. She grabbed a tiny
handful of pussy through the white panties and bent
downward, pressing her mouth against Chrissy's.

The little blonde resisted as she was kissed. Her legs
kicked impotently and she made whimpering noises,
resisting Lolita's lesbian advances. And then her legs
relaxed and, even though her face was completely hidden
under Lolita's abundant fall of red hair, you could see
acceptance take control of her body. She stretched out
her feet, and her hands came up, stroking Lolita's
hair. Even with her face concealed you _knew_ that she
was kissing the redhead back and loving every minute of

Lolita's mouth worked down Chrissy's neck. The camera
dollied in for a closer shot of her tongue licking
Chrissy's chest, stopping at the nipples. It swirled
around their little pink points, then fed them into
her mouth for some sucking. Lolita's fingers slipped
inside Chrissy's panties. Again, the blonde did it all
with her legs -- sudden twitching of the thighs as
the fingers found her cunt, then a shuddering
relaxation when the caresses became delight.

I think Lolita also sensed that she was being upstaged.
Her hand bunched into a fist inside Chrissy's panties,
and then the little blonde made a squeaking sound. I
knew Lolita had just stuck a finger up her cunt, and
pretty roughly from the sound.

Damn it! She hadn't even pulled the panties down! The
little whore had been making movies for three years and
still didn't seem to know that you had to play to the
fucking _camera_! If you're gonna do something sexy,
we in the paying audience need to _see it_!

But the sexual tension between the two girls was really
palpable now and I let them go on, wanting to get
every moment of it on tape. We could always shoot
covering footage later. Right now there was a grudge
in the air, and it made the scene play so much hotter.

Lolita mouthed her way down Chrissy's flat little
tummy. She pulled the panties down, over Chrissy's
wiggling ass, and now we got a look at that sweet tight
hairless little pussy that was the focus of the scene.
Lolita yanked the panties down to Chrissy's ankles,
slipped one foot out, then expertly opened the younger
girl's thighs so the hot little cunt was even more

She stroked it with her fingers. "You're wet already,"
she purred. "You're hot for it, you little
fourth-grade bitch!"

With that, she put two fingers together and thrust them
roughly into Chrissy's exposed cunt. The blonde
squealed thrillingly at the sudden penetration and
really acted as if it was the first time she'd ever had
anything up her tight little hole. Lolita's wrist
flexed and she fucked her fingers in and out of Chrissy
while the blonde clutched at her flat chest and made
delirious moaning sounds.

Lolita took her fingers out and sniffed at them. "A
whore if I ever smelled one," she said gruffly, hiding
a giggle. She bent down and started licking Chrissy's
smooth tight slit.

Except for a few deviations it was all going per the
script. I relaxed a little. Maybe the girls were
going to quit sniping at each other and get on with the
scene, as it was written and blocked. There's nothing
worse than a ten-year-old diva on the set, but I
thought their innate professionalism was taking over.

I was wrong.

Lolita slurped Chrissy's puss until the little blonde
made orgasmic sounds. I'd fucked her enough times
by now to know she was faking, but she faked it well.
She grabbed Lolita's red hair and forced the other
girl's face down into her cunt, sitting up at the same
time so she'd be certain to dominate the shot. "Oooh,
suck me, Heather," she kept gasping. "I think you're
making me ... cummmm!" And she squealed ecstatically.

Lolita sat up, wiping her mouth with the back of her
hand. Evidently that pussy _was_ pretty wet! She
looked deeply into Chrissy's eyes, then put her arm
around the blonde's neck and pulled their faces
together for a mouth-burning kiss. She made sure that
her left profile was showing. Both she and her mom
thought that was Lolita's best side.

Considering that the girls didn't like each other,
their kissing was pretty hot stuff. My dick began to
stiffen a little inside my pants, and I really _have_
seen everything. Without separating their mouths,
Chrissy began to unbutton Lolita's blouse, opening it
so she could put her hands on the redhead's chest.

Chrissy murmured something. Lolita's head snapped
back, breaking off the kiss but leaving a trail of
saliva that stretched like a spider web between their
pink lips. "What did you say?"

"I said, it feels like you're getting tits," Chrissy
said innocently. "They're so cute and puffy!" She
caressed Lolita's chest, puckered, pushed in for more

"You cunt!" Lolita's mom shrieked from the commissary
table. I'd told her a hundred times, no smoking on the
set, but she had a cigarette in her fingers, which she
threw to the floor and stepped on.

"Who are you calling a cunt, you fat pig?" asked
Chrissy's mom, from the other end of the room. And
then suddenly she was at the commissary table, her nose
only inches from that of Janine.

Two of the PAs hurried in to break them up, just before
fists began flying. I yelled "Cut!" Goddamn stage

A few minutes later, with Pam and Janine both escorted
to separate green rooms, I joined the starlets on set.
Chrissy looked innocent and peachy. Lolita was huddled
on the bed, holding her blouse tightly around her

"She said I'm getting tits," Lolita pouted. "She's a
lying little fuck hole!"

"They _feel_ like tits," Chrissy insisted. I
jerked my thumb at Lolita. Blushing, she opened her
blouse, very slowly. She was as flat as a board.

I put my hands on her chest, sliding my fingers over
every inch of her upper torso. "Of course you don't
have tits," I assured her. "It was probably just the
way you were sitting. And Chrissy -- let's try not to
pick any fights. You and Lolita are the two biggest
stars in the industry and we want this to be a movie
that will have guys losing their loads all over the
world. Let's all work together and make some magic
here, OK, girls?"

I called for action, and they picked up from a little
before they'd left off. First the kiss. This time, I
noticed, Chrissy had adjusted herself slightly, and
more of her face was showing in the shot. We'd have to
use some inserts to make it all blend, but it looked
good, seeing more of the cute blonde around that
swash of red Lolita-hair. And you could see that she
was sucking on Lolita's tongue, growing visibly more
excited as the kisses and caresses intensified. I
made a mental note to schedule Chrissy for a shoot in
the all-lesbian "Lonely Little Girls" series.

Again Chrissy opened Lolita's shirt, but this time
there was no back-biting, no sotto voce comments. She
tweezed the strawberry nipples with her fingers, made
them enlarge, then dropped her head to lick them. I
signaled a zoom-in. She eased the blouse off Lolita's
shoulders, leaving the redhead bare except for her
skirt. One of her hands crept beneath it and got busy
in Lolita's crotch.

You couldn't see what she was doing but you could
certainly see Lolita's reactions. Her face flushed and
she bit her lower lip and she said, "Aahhh." It wasn't
at all faked.

She left the nipples and eased Lolita back, bending in
so she could rim the redhead's bellybutton. Her hand
was still working energetically under the little skirt.
Lolita exhaled rhythmically, her body starting to

Chrissy tossed the skirt upward, adjusting the redhead
slightly so that the camera got a better view of the
leprechaun tat and the sweet rouged crack to which the
little green man's thumb pointed.

She covered Lolita's cuntal bun with her mouth and
sucked hard, her cheeks deflating, and then she exhaled
and started licking every inch of Lolita's pussy mound.
Her tongue slithered up and down the gash, sometimes
teasingly working just within its tight mouth, but
mostly just licking and licking.

I smiled, shaking my head, remembering the way that
little pink tongue felt sliding up and down my stiff
meat. The guy who discovered Julia Roberts couldn't
have been a bit happier than I was at that moment.


So far, so good. Chrissy threw herself into eating
Lolita's pussy. She had confessed to me before the
shoot that she'd never fooled around with another girl,
but she went at it like Rush Limbaugh with a punchbowl
full of Oxycontin. And she made sure that her cute
little face was constantly visible while she fed on
Lolita's cunt.

The unmistakable sound of a real-life orgasm seeped
from Lolita's mouth. I've fucked her often enough to
know she wasn't faking it. She clutched at Chrissy's
blonde hair, ran her fingers through the fine yellow
strands, and just pumped her heart into Chrissy's
smacking mouth. Once we got the covering footage, to
make up for the squabble and some miscues, this would
be "Best of" stuff. We could re-release this scene a
couple of times a year on special DVD collections from
now till the cows came home.

They played on, sticking mostly to the script. Lolita
was a little shaken by the come Chrissy had eaten out
of her, and she seemed to be torn between a desire to
get closer to this hot little angel and the knowledge
that she had a significant rival for the job of
Pre-teen Queen.

The pix of them kissing after the pussy-eating were
nice, two little sweethearts with their tongues in each
other's mouths, rubbing their flat chests together till
the nipples stood up. I just hoped they didn't get
into another girlfight before it was all over.

"I want to show you something," Lolita giggled, sliding
off the bed. She wiggled out of her skirt and now she
was buck naked too. You'd have pegged her for eight,
not ten, at that moment. Her tits had definitely not
begun to develop, as Chrissy had alleged, and I
breathed a little sigh of relief. Losing another
starlet to the onset of age was all I fuckin' needed!

Lolita got on her knees and nosed her way into the
closet. Her little ass stuck out, and she kept her
legs apart to show the best angle on that neat hairless
puff between her thighs. I motioned for a zoom shot,
to get a good sharp closeup of it. Gotta give the
audience what it wants!

She stood up, giggling, and turned around. "Look at
this," she announced, holding up the strap-on. I found
it in my mom's stuff. Now that I've got a new
stepfather, she doesn't need it anymore."

She slithered into the harness, adjusting the dildo
till it stood up like the cock would be, _right now_,
on every guy out there watching. Chrissy's blue eyes
enlarged as Lolita took center stage, strutting around
the pink bedroom with her fake equipment. The dildo
was almost as long as the little redhead was tall.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Chrissy asked
innocently from the bed.

Lolita climbed aboard. "You'll find out," she
announced in a piping little voice. "On your knees,

Chrissy giggled. "Whatever for?"

Lolita slapped her -- a little too hard -- on the ass.
There was a big red mark where her hand had made
contact. Maybe it wasn't too hard after all. "I said,
'On your knees!'" she repeated. "My name's Johnny and
I'm gonna fuck your ass off! But first you better come
over here and suck my plastic dick."

Well, if there was one thing Chrissy knew backwards and
forwards, it was sucking a dick, plastic or otherwise.
She crawled over to Lolita, eyes full of wonderment as
she stared at the plastic prong. She touched it,
looked up with awe in her expression, then stroked the
phallus from its tip to the fake nuts which stuck out
in bloated majesty beneath it.

"It's just like a guy, except it's bigger," Lolita
announced. "I'm gonna show you what the principal does
to me every day in fourth period. Maybe tomorrow we'll
both show up for the conference and really blow his

"Blow his mind"? That washed-out hippie yutz we had
writing for us needed to update his slang. Of course,
a significant part of our audience was made up of DOM,
and odds are they knew what he was talking about, but
still, you hate to have your dialogue sound like it's
mired in the fuckin' 70s.

"Now suck it," Lolita repeated, and with that Chrissy
fell to licking the plastic cock. She did it
beautifully, shy and nervous at first touch, gradually
growing used to the taste, then daintily allowing the
tip of it to enter her mouth. She hollowed in her
cheeks and sucked.

If it had been a real cock it would probably have been
squirting the first jolt across her lapping tongue by
then. I'm pretty sure mine would have, and I'm a

Lolita stretched and preened, standing on the bed and
shoving her cock in and out of Chrissy's mouth. She
held the blonde head tightly, and she fucked hard with
the dildo.

I saw Chrissy shiver and knew Lolita had thrust too
deep, but Chrissy was nothing if not a trouper. She
didn't cry or complain; she just kept on sucking, even
if she did make a few gag-noises -- not that it would
be so bad to have them on the tape.

Throat-fucking till the girl spews isn't my bag, but
some of the competition thrives on it. Even in a class
operation like PTHC, it couldn't hurt to cater just a
little to the peanut gallery.

"Now I'm gonna fuck you," Lolita declared, pulling her
dildo out of Chrissy's mouth. "On your knees with your
fucking little ass up." She stroked her plastic dick
like a man -- it seemed at least half as tall as she
was -- and she knelt behind Chrissy. The obedient
little blonde pulled her cheeks open and Lolita fed the
pointy end of the dildo into Chrissy's cunt. When she
had it seated, she rammed it home with a vengeance.

Chrissy yelped, not entirely acting I was sure, but she
kept on holding her crack open and she took it like a
teenager. "Ohhhh," she moaned over and over while
Lolita fucked the shit out of her with that dildo.

We had three cameras working so there was no need to
cut and change setups. It's hard enough getting a
nine-year-old to learn lines, let alone making them do
the same thing over and over for coverage. They lose a
lot of the spontaneity. Well, so far this was doing
just great, other than that little contretemps about
whether Lo was getting tits or not, and I found myself
thinking about another Peoples Choice award for the
collection in my trophy case.

"Let's try something different," Lolita chirped. The
script girl tapped my arm and pointed to the page.
That wasn't in the dialogue the writer had turned in.
I waved her off. Lo's instincts were sometimes better
than the writer's. I was willing to let her improv a
little bit.

Chrissy looked back over her shoulder. "What do you
mean -- different?" she asked, ad-libbing.

Lolita pulled the dildo out of Chrissy's pussy. You
could see it was coated in slick wetness. She tipped
it slightly upward, pushed it against Chrissy's
butthole, and started to shove. Chrissy grunted. I
motioned for the middle camera to zoom in.

Chrissy wasn't scheduled for anal, even dildo anal,
today, but the chemistry on the set was pretty good.
The girls still didn't like each other, and some
grudge-fucking might even give the project an extra
edge. I framed it with my viewfinder as Lolita began
to work the dildo into Chrissy's ass.

"Roll with it, girls," I directed. We'd have to edit
that off the soundtrack, of course, but I needed to
tell them to keep on with the improv.

Lolita was in a mood for rough. She didn't just tease
Chrissy with the dildo, she was determined to _fuck_
her with it. The toy was noticeably bigger than my own
dick, the only thing Chrissy had yet taken up the ass
professionally, and Lo was clearly having some problems
getting it inside her. But Chrissy was a game little
thing and she strained, shoving her ass backward to
meet it.

Lolita was the one who really grunted when the head of
the dildo popped Chrissy's sphinc and got inside her.
It wasn't the squealing she always did when you stuck
something up her own ass on camera, but it was a
satisfied, "Oh, yeah!" kind of grunt that would strike
a resonant chord in everybody who watched the movie.
The dildo pushed into Chrissy's butt and kept on going.

Chrissy was uncomfortable, I had no doubt, but she was
out to be a star and she knew she sometimes would have
to do unpleasant things to get there. It wasn't as if
she'd never been boned up the ass, and if she wanted to
hit the top of the biz, she'd have to take it in the
butt a great many more times before she collected that

If Lolita had just mentioned the idea to me, we could
have lubed Chrissy and used a buttplug to open her,
instead of her having to take it dry. Still, the dildo
had gotten fairly wet while it was up Chrissy's puss,
and it couldn't have been _that_ bad. I made a mental
note to slip her a little bonus for being such a good
sport about an impromptu anal.

"Mmm, fuck my motherfucking ass," Chrissy improvised.
"Rip me a new one while you're at it!" She tossed her
head, long blonde hair shaking all around. One of her
pigtails came loose. Sweat beaded on her forehead.
She closed her eyes and fucked back as hard as Lolita
was giving it to her. I wondered if she was perhaps
even ready to handle Jake Steed or Lex Steele in a hot
IR anal. Ideas for her next big feature started
flashing through my mind.


By now I'd fucked Chrissy enough times that I was
pretty sure she faked the orgasm, but it looked as good
as a real one. As she finished whining and sobbing and
scratching holes in the bedsheets, she slumped on the
bed and Lolita pulled the dildo out.

The redhead looked a little uncertain now, as if she'd
tried a plan that fell apart on her. I think she
expected Chrissy to cry and throw a tantrum over the
unplanned butt fuck (Christ knows Lo would have!), but
my little blonde discovery turned out to be more than
Lolita Lust could handle.

Chrissy rolled over, her hair a mess, her limbs
twitching, her belly heaving, and she looked up at
Lolita. "Is that the best you can do, cunt?" she

That line wasn't in the script, either, but it had a
natural vivacity that made it a perfect capper for the
scene. I nodded to the script girl. Mark it as a

Well, now it was time for lunch break. The mothers
were calmed down, and I let them back on the set.
Janine would have to be here anyway, because Lo's
double anal was coming up first thing after lunch and
there was no way she would not be on set for it.

I didn't need an assistant director for this, but I
knew I would have one anyway, in the shape of Lolita's
mom. And if it helped relax the kid for her
breakthrough scene, it couldn't be all bad.

Chrissy was pretty quiet through lunch. She was just
going to be a spectator in the big sequence anyway,
masturbating while she watched Lo take on two guys,
including the anal DP.

Lolita was jumpy. You could tell she was tensed up
about the action that was coming. Janine got a
buttplug into her, with some help from the P.A., and
the little redhead sat on it while she drank milk from
her sippy-cup and ate her lunch. The set teacher
quizzed her on geography and we got things ready for
the afternoon fuck shoot.

As you'll probably remember I had already tried out Lo
on a sort of double anal -- me and the dildo, that is.
I still didn't really believe she could manage it in
front of the camera with two real cocks, but I was
willing to try, for the sake of the movie. And both
she and Janine swore over and over that she was ready,
that she could do it.

Well, I knew how tight her asshole was. She could take
a small-dicked guy without much problem, if you prepped
her for it, but there was no way I was going to risk
double-fucking her ass with a couple of standard porn

Teenage boys are the ones who really got left out of
the porn biz. Nobody wants to see them fucking little
girls, of course -- that's just a sick idea anyway.
The girls in teen porn prefer to work with the same
older guys they're already familiar with from PT stuff.
None of them want to fuck the same kind of goofy young
pimple-faced guys who are hitting on them every day at
school. That's understandable.

So just about the only job opportunities for young guys
to break into the industry are either in gay films or
else the videos they make for old women. And those
don't sell worth a shit. I _know_; PTHC used to have
an Old Broads/Young Studs line that I had to shut down
because the product just doesn't move.

But there are still some marginal companies making
them. Kutcher, who puts out the May-December old skank
line, owed me some favors, so I borrowed a couple of
his young studs. They were both about fourteen, fairly
good-looking for young guys, and they didn't have
really big dicks yet.

That was key. I didn't cast the roles for handsomest
face and tightest body -- I was looking for the
skinniest young cocks I could hire for the day. As I
watched them stumbling through their light cues I
wondered if maybe I'd have done better leasing a couple
of gay teen studs from Jeff Christie over at Chicken On
Loan from God Video. But I had these yutzes, and I'd
have to make do with them.

Lance Hardman and Tony Teen were what they called
themselves. They were about the size of Frank Sinatra
when all the girls were screaming over him, which means
puny, but they didn't have the schwanz old Frankie was
reported to swing in those zoot suit pants of his.

The plot called for Lance to play Lolita's teenage
step-brother with Tony as his best friend. They just
happened to be downstairs watching MTV and checking out
the big-ass bitches in rap videos, while the girls were
fucking around upstairs in the bedroom.

The dialogue would establish that Lolita was already
fucking the step-brother, so she offers to make it a
double with him and his dopey pal while Chrissy
watches. And to really show up Chrissy, Lolita was
gonna get a regulation DP and then -- voila! both guys
would fuck her tight little asshole together.

Well, Lolita thought they were both the cat's ass.
Turns out her mom loved the May-December tapes and Lo
had frigged her little clit along with mommy, watching
these very guys bone some thirty year old skanks. She
was really excited about having the chance to work with
them. As if she thought I wasn't doing right by her,

But you know how little girls are -- flighty and
impressionable. She'd let them blow their loads in her
ass and tomorrow it would be just another page in her
memory book while she slobbered all over Randy West's
fifty-year-old dick.

The dialogue went well. Everyone knew their lines and
their blocking, and before too long, the living room
set was an orgy.

Lo strutted her stuff. The boys were even more
impressed with having the chance to fuck her than she
was about getting to fuck them. They knew they were in
the presence of real porn stardom and had their chance
to help create something magic and beautiful. Their
skinny dicks got hard when Lolita started sucking them,
and they stayed hard and skinny throughout the rest of
the shoot.

Lolita ate the scenery, the way she always does when
she's on a roll. Chrissy helped suck dick, even
swallowed a little cum when Tony got too excited and
popped his load in her mouth, but the kid never

Mostly, though, it was Lolita, domming the set for
everything she was worth. She whored her 65 pounds
around the set like Liza Minnelli choreographing a room
full of homos who wish she was her mom.

First she blew both guys, then she teased the
step-brother by getting all whorey with his friend.
She did everything but stick Tony up her nose while
wiggling out of Lance's grasp, playing hard to get but
so baby-hot you had to get it.

"You can't have it," she smirked at Lance. "I can give
my pussy to whoever I want to, and I want to give it to
Tony." She slid her slick little cunt down the length
of his tool and pumped madly atop his lap.

The step-brother yanked on her red hair and squeezed
her throat until she opened up and let him put his cock
in her mouth. She kept on fucking Tony while she blew

He kept on squeezing her throat, so that she made
hoarse choking sounds around his meat -- a little too
rough, I thought. That kind of shit might go over when
you were fucking old bags in granny porn, but it just
didn't look nice in a PTHC production. I called cut
and read him the riot act and he promised to behave.

Chrissy got to suck some on Tony while I was explaining
the rules of the biz to Lance, and that's when the
sneaky little bitch made him cum in her mouth. She
giggled as she took his load, blew bubbles with it, and
swallowed, and it just looked so cute I didn't have the
heart to bawl her out for not following the game plan.
And best of all, the Steadicam guy was on her the whole
time and got it on tape.

Lolita had the butt plug in, through the whole scene.
We'd worked that into the script, because she needed to
be as open as possible and there was no way to hide it.
The writer made it part of a game Lo and her
step-brother liked to play while they were fucking.

But then it was time for the big one. First the guys
fucked Lolita in a standard DP, with Tony's cock
replacing the butt plug. She looked tiny sandwiched
between them, but she was as loud as Sophie Tucker
while they banged her. I could see her mom standing
behind the left camera, watching every move, and
nodding every time Lolita flashed those green eyes at
the lens.

Chrissy was playing with the dildo while she watched.
She looked a little bored, the way kids do when they're
not the center of attention, but her turn would be
coming. There were still a couple of major scenes to
shoot. First, the one where Lolita has her conference
with the principal, and then a reprise, when she takes
Chrissy along and the lucky sod gets to fuck both of
their hot tight little pussies. So Chrissy still had
some time to be in the spotlight.

Did I mention that my cameo in this production was the
role of the principal? It's the kind of part Herschel
Savage usually plays, but I didn't need Viagra and it
would save an actor's fee. Besides, I was looking
forward to a couple of hours of fucking Chrissy and
Lolita in tandem. RHIP.

Lolita was a little nervous, as well she might be. Her
big raise was dependent on delivering the double anal
that she and her mom had promised. If anything, Janine
looked even more tense, probably afraid she wasn't
gonna have all that extra money to spend. But if
Lolita could pull it off, she'd be the hottest thing in
the biz and worth every penny I was gonna pay her.

The makeup people came in, to touch up the girls and
of course they had lots and lots of lube. Lolita
spread her butt cheeks, and the makeup girl squirted a
big glob of the stuff into her rectum. There's never
such a thing as too much K-Y when you're doing a
pre-teen anal.

The boys got tubes of gel and greased up their rods.
Both of them seemed a little nervous, and well they
might be. They were about to make porn history.

I called for action, and Tony went straight to Lolita's
butt. He shoved his cock in, fairly hard. She squealed
her head off, the way she always does when she gets it
up the ass, but that's a trademark, just like the
leprechaun tat, and it helps move units. Besides,
she'd already had him up her ass while she was getting
DP, so she knew every inch of him by now. But guys do
love to hear her screech.

It occurred to me that we had not yet gotten Chrissy a
signature tat, though she'd had two weeks to take care
of it. I couldn't see a mark on her body, and I could
see _all_ of her body as she sprawled on the floor, the
dildo stuffed up her pussy to the fake balls. I
reminded myself to get on Pam's case about that. The
teddy bear, with the little heart. It better be bright
on her ass the next time she showed up for a shoot.
You have to identify your product if you want to sell

A quick cut, and Suzi, the makeup girl, hurried in to
give Lo another big squish of K-Y. Her asshole was
gaping from the workout Tony had given it, so Suzi
just stuck the point of the tube up Lo's butt and
squeezed till it was dry.

"OK," I said, "Just where we left off. Action!"

Lance joined Tony, and thanks to the effect of the
buttplug and all that lube, he was able to make a
partial entrance alongside his pal.

Yeah, fucking your dick slap-dab against some other
guy's dick is one way to ensure that you really are
pals! Personally, I wouldn't do it. I'm just a normal
straight guy. I don't need my rod that close to some
other dude's meat. A DP is as proximitous as I feel
comfortable with. But that's why you hire actors.
Give 'em the money and they'll eat shit if the script
says to.

Lolita kept on screeching, loud enough to chill the
blood in your veins. The guys seemed to be having a
major struggle getting themselves inside her. My hopes
began to fall. I never really thought we could do this
with anyone as tiny as Lo. But it was hers and her
mom's idea.

Then suddenly Lance shoved, and Lolita screamed like a
banshee, and I knew that both guys were in her to the
nuts! Damn! I never really believed it would work
until I saw it happen. We were halfway there!

They ground hard against her, soaking their cocks in
her tight asshole. The steadicam guy was shooting up
between their legs to get the full effect of their
cocks buried inside sweet fresh PT anus.

"Move your balls," he kept telling them. "I can't see
the penetration."

We'd have to dub in some music to cover that, something
with a heavy bass-drum beat, definitely, that would go
"SLAP-BAM!" every time those cocks thrust home together
inside Lolita. Maybe something we could turn into a
music video and get a little extra promotion on MTV?

"Well, fuck her," I told the boys. They were just
standing there, still shoved up against Lolita's ass,
and she kept on squealing but they weren't moving at
all. I wasn't paying them by the hour but they sure
acted as if I were.

Lance looked over his shoulder. "I can't pull it back
out," he said.

"For Chrissakes!" I yelled, "she's not _that_ tight! I
double-fucked her ass with dick and dildo, and it was
no fucking problem! Haven't you little bastards ever
done a double anal before?"

Of course I knew they had. Double and even triple
anals are de rigueur in granny porn. But then, most of
those thirty-year-old granny types started off in
mainstream at seven or eight, went into Lucky Thirteen
when they lost their girlish figures, and now were just
knocking around the pissoirs of the biz because they
didn't know anything except the world of entertainment
and were too old for honest work. They've all had
their asses reamed so many times they could do
quintuples if there was any physical way to get five
guys up them at once.

Sure, Lo was tighter than those old skanks, but these
little bastards obviously just didn't know their jobs
and were intent on costing me money. Man, Selective
Service couldn't draft their worthless slacker asses
soon enough to make my day!

"My dick won't move either," Tony said hoarsely. "It
fuckin' won't come out." He wiggled his ass,
struggling. Lolita kept on shrieking but you couldn't
understand any of the words she was saying. The
meaning was obvious, though. And it didn't sound
exactly like her trademarked anal-fuck screaming. If I
didn't know her better, I'd have thought she was
sincere about it.

"Make them take their cocks out, Ray!" Janine shouted
into my ear, close enough to maybe burst the drum.
"She's not faking this time! She just can't take it."
Hmm. A mother really should know. And the screams
from our redheaded queen convinced me that her mom
might be right about this.

"Well, it was _your_ big fuckin' idea," I replied,
pointing out the obvious. And just as obviously
something had gone majorly wrong. Goddamn it, I
thought, the whole afternoon session was going to be

There was a tap on my other shoulder and I turned,
ready to bite the head off whoever was there. It was
Suzi, the makeup girl. The same one who had greased up
Lolita's asshole just before the last call for action.

"I don't know how this happened, Ray," she said, "but
one of the K-Y tubes is full of Krazy Glue, not anal
lube." Suzi held up her fist. The fingers were stuck
together. She wiggled her hand. The fingers didn't
come apart. "I must have gotten it on me when I was
greasing her, and now the stuff has set."

"Tell me it's not the same tube you squirted up that
little whore's asshole," I groaned but I already knew
the answer. A PT starlet with two cocks up her ass --
and her asshole full of Krazy Glue!

I looked to the ceiling. "God," I said, "if you want
me out of the biz, why don't you just strike me dead
with lightning? Why do you have to _fuck_ with me like

The set grew dead silent, except for Lolita's non-stop
screeching. "You're fired," I told Suzi. "Get your
ass out of here. You'll never work in this town again,
even if you get your goddamn fingers unstuck. Where's
that fucking Spielberg? Bring me my cell phone.
Where's the Rolodex? I need Dr Starling, right now."

"Can he help?" Janine demanded. Lolita was still
wailing her head off. It was starting to get on my

"Of course he can," I sighed, "he's Richard Gere's
proctologist, for Chrissakes! Next to a fucking
gerbil, this is _nothing_."

But it _was_ something. The shoot was ruined. The
calculator inside my head was running and I didn't like
the total that appeared on the LCD screen. Salaries,
studio overhead -- a whole day shot to fucking hell!

Lolita might be ruined too, come to think of it. I had
no idea how the doc would ever get those two stiff
young rods out of her hiney. I was sure it could be
done, somehow, but she was hors de combat porn-wise,
for today and the foreseeable future. Something told
me that redheaded Lolita had filmed her last anal.

Well, I could always find another starlet. No problem
there. Someone like Chrissy.

What a pro that kid was! Look at her now, still
fucking herself with the dildo, moaning from deep in
her little tummy, as if the shoot had not just turned
into the _shit_.

But it was all wasted; nobody was even working a
camera. The operators were all down on the set staring
at Lolita and her disastrous double butt-fuck. I shook
my head. That footage coulda been worth $100K and it
was all wasted.

This DVD was supposed to ship in three weeks. The
distributors' schedule was built around the new product
from PTHC. We'd lose money, they'd lose money, the
retailers would lose money. God _damn_ it to fuck! I
thought. A soft voice murmured into my ear.

"Maybe Chrissy could finish the movie," her mother Pam
suggested, leaning close.

Janine was still bitching her head off into my other
ear. I suppose she didn't go down and try to help
Lolita because she knew there was nothing she could do
to get those two hard young cocks out of Lo's glued-up
asshole. It was time for the professionals.

Even though she was ranting a mile a minute, Janine
obviously heard what Pam told me. She stopped in
mid-sentence and glared around me at the other stage

"You bitch!" she snarled, "I'll bet you had something
to do with this! You and your little cunt of a
daughter! She was always jealous because Lolita was
the star and she was just supporting talent."

Pam's eyes saucered. "That's an awful thing to say,"
and I knew she was totally sincere. "All the time she
was growing up Chrissy used to talk about how pretty
Lolita is, for an older girl, and how she wanted to be
just like her someday. We admire your daughter's
talent so much! What happened to her today was just
awful. A tragedy. But there's that old saying, 'The
show must go on.'"

She was right. Everyone in the biz knows that saying,
and we all live by it. I liked the way she thought.
Sure, it was terrible what had happened to Lolita. How
could Krazy Glue get into a tube of K-Y, anyway? What
the fuck ever happened to Quality Control?

I smelled a big product liability case coming up and I
wondered just how much we could expect to make from it.
The K-Y company would have to _pay_, and pay _big_.
Lolita probably had some grounds for action, too.

But you couldn't dwell on it, now that it had happened.
You had to think of the future. "The future is where
we're all going to spend the rest of our lives." I
don't remember whether it was Ed Wood or Dan Quayle who
said that, but it never seemed more profound to me than
it did right then.

Mentally I was revising the script, trying to think of
some excuse to dump Lolita midway through. Maybe her
character gets run over by a school bus between scenes.
Chrissy could play the rest of the pic in mourning. A
tribute to her lost friend, you know? Hmmm, black
panties would look kinda sweet on that thin little
creamy-skinned bod.

Or we could just reshoot it from scratch and drop
Lolita's character completely. Rachel Sunshine was an
Asian newbie, awfully cute, who had a couple of dozen
supporting roles under her thong, and she could step
into the backup spot while Chrissy took over Lolita's

Rachel's acting was a still a little nebulous, but at a
dewy-fresh seven, she had plenty of time to learn the
ropes, and we could give Chrissy most of the dialogue.
If we worked all the rest of today and all day
tomorrow, we might still make the deadline.

Damn, I hated to lose that footage of Lolita fucking
Chrissy with the strap-on, though.

Wait. A flashback.

Chrissy telling Rachel about how she first got turned
on, by a girlfriend in the town she used to live in
_before_ her family moved here, and that way all of the
Lolita footage would still be usable. Then we'd just
go on with Chrissy and Rachel -- another G/G scene with
Chrissy wearing the strap-on, then get both of 'em
properly fucked a few times, and wrap it with a group

I could still play the school principal and fuck both
of their tight little cunts, but of course we'd have to
find some new guys. Those two weren't gonna be much
use for a while, any more than Lolita would.

Luckily, this was the first day of shooting. I had
wanted to get the double-anal out of the way first,
just to make sure we had it in the can. The scenes of
Lolita fucking her stepfather, his golf partner, and
the guy who delivers pizza were scheduled for the next
few days. Chrissy could take it all over and I knew
she could handle it like a champ.

No double-anal, however, which meant rewriting the box
copy -- fast. I should have known not to make that the
focus point for the blurb until the footage was all
safely in the can. No way we were gonna try a
double-anal again any time soon.

"I think you're right, Pam," I said. "We _do_ owe it
to Lolita to keep on going. She wouldn't want a
grotesque accident to destroy the picture she worked so
hard for."

I patted Janine's shoulder when I said that and gave
her an upbeat smile. She just glared at me. Down on
the set Lo was still screeching her little ass off and
still glued rectum-full of two skinny young cocks, but
I knew it would all work out eventually.

I turned to the P.A. "Get Mike Schumann. I need a
rewrite on this script, and I want it fuckin'
yesterday. And call Rachel Sunshine. She's on speed
dial. We need her on set in an hour, with her asshole
greased. Fuck, has anybody called that goddamn doctor
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