Stranger in my bed - The Party

group sex

We arrived outside Nev's building. I rang. Hi babe Gaynor here. Hi Slut, sorry the bike sheds full. Open up or my minder will tear your chipolata off. The doors slowly opened. We collected our things from the car and waited for the lift. What was that all about before Dave asked? I'll tell you later babe OK. Fine. I hope your not shocked Nev is weird. I'll be fine. No I mean really weird. Thanks for the heads up he said. We got to Nev's apartment and where shown in. Nev was lying on a large bed in the middle of the room. He was wearing pink robe fully open revealing his orange body. Dave sniggered. I nudged him. Hi Nev babe, how's it hangin? I walk up to him. Gaynor I have told my boys are off limits to you. I bent and kissed him. Why the fuck are you naked? Long story I replied. I went down and took his cock and balls in my mouth at the same time. He rubbed my head and moaned. Love that don't you Nev. Yes I do. Pity you won't let me finish. Some day baby some day. I straddled his hips and put my pussy near his tiny cock. Don't put that thing anywhere near my cock he said. Wouldn't dream of it I don't know where yours has been. Likewise I'm sure he replied. Me Dave my new recruit. Dave moved forward trying not to laugh. Dave held his hand out and Nev took it and kissed it. Hey, you two haven't been fucking in my lift have you? No babe I told you, long story. Nev took hold of Dave's cock and said nice. I like the little tuft of grey. Turn round. Dave turned round and said nice job Gaynor fully broken in? Yes Jamie and Nero. Nice one. I have job later if you want it. Two Afro-Americans flying in tonight need somewhere rest their weapons. Big guys and big money. £5000. For two nights. Temping though it is, I promised my cum bucket a night in the Village. Suit yourself Nev said. Is it OK if we shower I asked? Yes fine but no pubic hairs in there, OK? I grabbed Dave's hand and stood in front of Nev. Satisfied I said pointing to our pubic areas. Dave was eyeing up all the cock on show. Does my sex little ass hole fancy one or two? It's just that they are so big and they have rings and studs on them. You mean the Prince Albert's? Yes how do they fuck with those in? Just like you babe I said. Well I'm not sure Dave said. We walked to Nev's all pink shower room and have a hot shower. There was pink soap, shampoo, sponges and of course pink fluffy towels. Why does he like pink so much? Even for a gay guy it's a bit over the top. His surname is Rose hence pink. Cool he said. Good job his name isn't Samuel Scheidt pronounce shite I said and Baroque composer, wrote some great brass stuff. You’re a mine of fucking useless information Gaynor even though you not bad looking. I slapped his wet ass and we kissed. We got dressed. Dave put his work gear back on and had to wear the shorts and troublesome boob tube. Where are my pretties going Nev asked? Curry Mile, I want to show Dave. Nev phoned somebody on his pink mobile phone. All done he said. Table booked and it's on me. Neville baby you shouldn't have. I bent and gave him a long kiss while placing my hand on him very small cock. I looked at his cock. Hey Nev it's grown 1" and laughed. Fuck off before I change my mind he shouted. As we walked out Nev shouted, Hey David sweet haven't you forgotten something? Dave looked at me and I pursed my lips. No way he mouthed. Yes I nodded. Dave walked over to Nev and bent down to kiss him. I made the wanking sign. Dave kissed Nev and Nev put his tongue in Dave's mouth. Dave played with Nev's cock. They broke off the kiss and Dave bent over, pulled Nev's little foreskin back and started licking his small cock head. Nobody does that to Nev unless asked to and especially strangers. Nev's eyes were close. Fuck we're for it now I thought. Nev started cumming and Dave swallowed. Fuck that was good Nev said. Are you sure your not a chick with a dick he asked Dave? How would you like to have a go at this Nev said and rolled over kneeling up and spreading his ass cheeks? Cave started to lean forward with his tongue out. Dave I'm starving and all you can do is snack. Dave flicked his tongue over Nev's well used ass hole. Nev squealed yes. Has Dave walked passed him Nev rubbed his hand down Dave's bulge and it's here for you any time darling and flicked his tongue out.
We got in the lift and as we went down I asked Dave what the fuck had gotten into him? Why he said with a smirk on his face? Nev is only the most powerful gay in the whole of Manchester that's fucking why. You don't suck his cock without his permission and live to tell the tale. You have I bet. I waited to be asked not just take. Lots of gay men will now be hunting for us. Nev's cum is like gold dust. He only cums a few times a year and mister cum bucket swallows two years worth in seconds. If I end up under a new building or on a remote Welsh mountain dead I will kill you OK. As we got out of the lift I turned to Dave and licked his lips. Got it I said. What he asked? Just a bit of Nev on your bottom lip. Fuck off he said and smacked me ass. I'll get a taxi Dave said. No there's loads of buses and they are cheap I replied. You only want to get the bus so people can look at you. You get a taxi then if you can't stand being with me. Joking he said. I will go on the bus just to see how many times your tits fall out of your top pointing at one of my exposed nipples. Shit I said and tucked it back in. We arrived at the Curry Mile and went in the restaurant. Table for Mr. Rose I said. This way madam the doorman said. Everybody was looking at us. We ordered. I had a salad started then a light vegetable curry. Dave had all the starters a vindaloo curry and rice with chips and extra curry sauce. Your ass will be on fire tonight I said and you’re sleeping on your own. I knew what would happen tonight but Dave didn't. I drank tap water and Dave had 4 Guinness.
We got a taxi back to Nev’s. He had given me a fob to get in. David darling could you be so kind as to empty your balls down my throat was the first thing Nev said. Not how was your meal or anything else. No he can't, I need him full for tonight. Sorry, I forgot he replied. Are you performing tonight Gaynor? Yes babe it would be rude not to. I'll come and watch you. You’re the best at it. Pay up and you can have a go I said. I'll give you £500 to do it now. Nev I have just had lunch, Maybe some other time. Come on my cum bucket time to get dressed. We went into Nev's pink dressing room. I lay mine and Dave's gear out on the table. I'm not wearing that he said pointing to the chain-mail bra and thong set. Real gold that babe, I'm worth it aren't I? How fucking much was that? With the stockings, suspenders and the make up, just under £500. You should have done what Nev wanted and you would have got your money back. What Nev wanted was not for a squeamish. Leave it at that OK? Yes fine, I won't ask again, my lips are sealed. Shut up and put these on throwing him a gold thong and a gold waist coat. Fuck off I'm not wearing them. You will I said, slapping my short riding crop on the table. I stripped of and threw the top and shorts in the bin. What a waste Dave said. Are you going to wear them? No he replied. Well then shut it. He was in his boxers and came over and asked if he could have my pussy there and then. If you are a very good boy tonight and do everything I tell you, you can do what the fuck you like with it. I had put my gold susses on and sat down to put fishnets on. Boxers off Dave you knob, you can't wear a thong over you underpants. Do I have to Dave said? Yes your little winkle goes in it. Little he said as he removed his boxers. You wouldn't like it on your nose for a wart would you? His cock and balls wiggled as he stepped into the thong. I was getting wet. Good job I bought you extra large isn't it I said. It is a bit tight Dave replied. Piss off I said laughing at him. I put my footwear on and stood up. Dave let out a whistle, sexy or what he said. I stepped into the thong and slid it up my legs. I couldn't get it passed the bottom of my ass cheek. Should have got extra large like me Dave said. I'll fuck kill you if you say another word OK? Fine with me Dave said with a huge grin on his face. I noticed two small clasps near the front panel. I undid one re fastened it after I had passed it over my cheek; I did the same with the other side. How's that I said. Fucking lucky Dave replied. I adjusted the chain running between my legs. God it rubbed on my clit. I will be just leaking everywhere. I put my arms thought holes in the bra and clipped it fastened at the front. A front loader Dave said. Nice and easy to remove he said and giggled. Something will get removed in a minute and it won't be my bra. Dave put the waist coat and said it's too small. No it's no I replied. It doesn't fasten he said. Not supposed to, It's to show off you god like physique. He started posing. Give me a break I said. I put my hair up into two high ponytails on the side of my head. Dave commented that they looked like horns. I applied my gold eye shadow and lip gloss and turned around to Dave. Wow you look stunning and I can't get a hard on wearing this. Good, it's working then. I walk over and place the thick leather collar around his neck then attached the heavy dog lead to it. That was gold plated too. Last item then we can go. I pulled the black latex mask over his head. I covered his hair, ears and had two eye holes. His nose and mouth were uncovered. I gave him a big kiss and said lets go. I grabbed my black wrap and we walked back into the room. Stunning Nev said and all his boys started clapping. Gaynor, what time are you on tonight? About 12:30 I said. I'll be there he said and we left. On what Dave asked? Nothing, just a joke between me and Nev.
I put my silk wrap on and we stepped outside. The heat hit us. It was 8:30 pm and still hot. There were quite a lot of people around and Dave said how far. 2 minutes I said and pulled the wrap across me holding it closed with one hand while leading Dave with the other. We went to Rembrandt's first where the builder who dress in ladies clothing drink. I removed my wrap and told Dave to get down on his knees and crawl in. He told me to piss off, so I hit him on his ass with the riding crop. Dropped to his knees and crawled in. Great tool these riding crops. Hi Gaynor babe what's you have brought in? Some piece of shit I stood on. They laughed. Dave was just about to say something when whack and stroke on the right as cheek. It is house trained the barman asked. Yes I said spreading Dave as cheek for all to see. Ask it to blow me for a drink. I shoved Dave in the direction. You heard. Dave crawled over and put his head under the guys dress and started sucking his cock. I walked over and lifted the dress. Dave had the guys cock balls deep in his mouth doing Gaynor impression with his throat. What you having babe? Double Pernod and just a little black currant please. Ice? No thanks. I was served the drink and swallowed it in one. I touched Dave's balls with my foot. Hurry up people are waiting. Chuckles all round. The guy stiffened and emptied his balls down Dave's throat. Next I shouted. Me a small guy said. Dave crawled to him. There's another hole if anybody wants it. I will a big black guy said... Come here babe lets lube you up a bit. I sucked big black cock getting it wet and his juices flowing. Here babe and the guy dropped to his knees. I pulled aside the string and pointed his cock where it needed to go. He slammed into Dave's ass and started long and hard strokes. Two doubles later I announced we were going. Boos all round. Sorry guys, can't get the cum bucket full too soon. They laughed and some kissed me. Now I shouted and pulled the chain. Dave crawled to the door with cum dripping from his ass hole.
This it fucking joke Dave said when we got outside. You’re taking the piss. Later my darling and kissed his cheek. I'm not doing this anymore. Fine, but you want this I said pointing to my pussy. Of course I do and tried to grab me. I stepped back and said I told you do as I say and it is all yours. We went to the New Union, one of the first gay bars in Manchester. Dave got on all fours. No up, you can walk into here. I took my robe off again and we walked me leading Dave by the lead. Double Pernod with a touch of black please. Yes babe the barmaid said. It was Jan a friend. Small boobs and slim body. Very short hair bleached blonde, a hard core lesbian. On the house babe she said and we kissed with tongues entwined. What’s this thing you have here. Oh, just my new cum bucket. Nice, both ends work I hope. God yes thanks to Nero. Fuck, never. Yes it loved Nero being balls deep in both holes. Nancy's in and would love to see you.
Nancy is in her late 70's early 80's, been coming in the New Union for years. She sits on the piano naked dressed in fishnets and black heels. He old saggy boobs look like empty saddle bags and she is all wrinkled and thin. She wears far too much red lipstick and blue eye shadow. She sings for drinks. She is crap but everyone loves her. I walk through dragging Dave behind me. Gaynor my beautiful princess Nancy says how are you my baby? I kiss her on both cheeks. I am good nanikins, I have always called her that, and you look so young and pretty. Don't tell lies to me she said. I'm not you will always be pretty to me. I kissed her on the lips. What's that your dragging round. My new cum bucket, and he is house trained. Do you want to have him do something for you nanikins? Does it eat pussy? God yes, better than most women. Really is squealed. Yes sit down. So Nancy climbed onto the piano via steps somebody made for her and opened her legs wide. Nancy's pussy has seen more cocks than anybody else I know even me. It is all flabby with long lips a huge hole. I tugged the chain and pointed to Nancy's pussy. Dave looked at me wait until we're alone eyes. I gave him a little tap with the riding crop on his ass. Dave bent over and started licking Nancy's pussy. I wasn't sure if she had been fucked today or by how many, but I would be very surprised if she hadn't. Nancy grabbed Dave's head and moaned yes. She leant back onto the wall. Lick my ass she said. She lifted her legs to expose her bony ass and ass hole. Dave licked like he was enjoying it. I know he wasn't, Nancy was wailing and thrashing about as though she was dying. Nancy let go of Dave's head and he quickly stood up. He looked ill and Nancy's pussy looked like a chicken that's just been plucked and cleaned out. Dave went to wipe his mouth, don't I said tapping him on his butt. He looked at me with pain in his eyes. Got to go Nancy see you soon. Drink for Gaynor please Jan. same again, and quickly. I downed it in one and we left. We took about 5 steps and Dave vomited all over the road.
I handed him a tissue from my bag, here I said and folded my wrap and put it in my bag. You're fucking dead late he growled. Why I thought you did well and Nancy loved it. How much lower can you you bitch? I love your praise but do try to find better words. Me How fucking many more are there you cunt? Well praise has just made it 4 more levels. If you don't want to go too deep keep your fucking mouth shut I said squeezing his cheeks with one hand and kissing him. I like inside his mouth. You are...Shhhh I reminded him. We did a few more bars then went into Tiny's, a gay club where not many guys are tiny. Crawl I said and Dave dropped to his hands and knees. Gaynor babe nice to see you again people said. Lots of cheek kissing and hugging. And this is what Nina, a cross-dresser said. Oh that my new cum bucket, it's good but still has a lot to learn. Drink babe Nina asked? Yes Double Pernod and a splash of black no ice. Sami and Bev spotted us. They walked over. Gaynor my best woman fuck you look stunning. Thank you, real gold this. Bra and thong, not like you Bev said. I could not miss a bargain. Does this take cock? Oh yes in both holes. May we? Sure you can. I handed the lead to Bev and they walked off Dave crawling behind.
Sami and Bev are she males with huge cocks. They were my first double anal. I had a few more drinks and several people asked me to strip. So I removed my bra and thong and then people started playing and eating me. One CD asked if he could fuck me. Yes of course mouth or ass only. I've never done ass before he said. Here I replied and bent over a table. Got any lube anyone? No lube please just get hard and ram it in. A guy sucked until he was hard then he slammed it in my ass. I've had bigger but he’s OK. He started slapping my ass cheeks. I love that. The harder the better. He finished and a massive cock replaced him. Fuck this is big I thought. Who ever it was pressed head against the table. He definitely knew how to fuck. Long slow strokes then fast short strokes making nearly cum but not quite. Who the fuck is it? He spewed pints of cum up my ass as I came squirting on his balls and thighs. He pulled out the rubbed his softening cock up and down my pussy crack. He tried to enter me but I managed to push him off and turn around. He was a big half cast guy with a massive cock. It was nearly down to his knees and it was fucking soft. Hi, Billy he said. Gaynor I replied still trying to catch my breath. Why no pussy being a hot chick like you? Saving it for someone special tonight sorry. I can give you deep throat if you like. You won't get that in you throat. What a bet? Sure he said. I knelt down and did my thing not touching his cock with my hands, slowly pulling him in by his ass cheeks. When his balls were touching chin he said fucking hell nobody has ever done that to me before. I fingered his ass hole until he came again. I let him slip out of my mouth and stood up. Fucking amazing he said. Marry me and we can live happily for ever. You mean you will be happy. Now the bet. Oh yes what do you want? Double Pernod and black on ice. God I love a woman who knows what she wants and kissed me. I took the drink and necked it. Jesus somebody who drinks like that is going to die. When I replied? Dave came back with Sami and Bev they were smiling and I detected a satisfied look on his face under the mask. Good I asked? Yes replied Sami right up to my balls. Bev said the same thing. We could have almost touched inside it. Dave looked pleased with himself so I yanked his chain a bit too hard and follow, now.
We walked outside into the street. It was still quite busy and I was naked but I didn't care, just a short walk to Loo and very select nightclub. I took the mask off Dave and kissed him. Good boy I said as I licked some of Bev's cum off him bottom lip. Take off your waistcoat and thong I told him. No, I'm not standing in the street naked. Fine, you sit here while I go and enjoy myself. He started to remove them. Do you want to keep them I asked? The thong yes he replied. Kinky little fucker aren't we I said, from Y fronts to a thong in four days. I move close and grabbed his cock. This has lots of work to do later so not cumming OK? Yes mistress he said and licked my nose. We walked the short distance to Loo and I scanned in. He asked what the club was. I told him it is a specialist club that caters for a specific type of fetish, like water sports and the like and tonight I am the star. So you’re going to let people piss on you? Yes amongst other things. Like he asked? I gave him the dumb look. You are fucking kidding me. No, any bodily fluid they like. I won't let you Dave said. Is your life worth trying to stop me? I do this every month; it makes people happy and gives me release. What somebody shitting all over you? Yes, I have like all women a 28 day cycle and tomorrow I am at the top.
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