Friends for life. The beginning

first times

They say that friendships are made at school and can last a lifetime. This is certainly true for me and my 3 friends.
We were all the same age give or take a month or so. What was unique about our group that it was made up of 2 boys and 2 girls.
Paul was tall and very clever. Steve had the pop star good looks. Beth was model material with a nice body as big blue eyes. Me, Lara, was and still am the studious type. I always had to know everything.
I haven’t got a clue why four very different people got on so well but we did. The guys treated us girls like equals and we did the same with them. Beth and I did share our girly secrets though like when it was the time of the month and what we thought about the boys at school.
By the time we were 16, sex had come into our chats. Not actually doing it but trying to think what it would be like with a certain person. My crush was on Steve. I wasn’t alone as most girls of my age and older had the same idea.
I made up my mind one day that is was going to make a move and ask him out. The plan was that after school I would follow him to the shop and casually flash some flesh to get a reaction.
The school bell sounded, it was the last day of term and a mass of bodies rushed out of school. I could see Steve in front of me with several guys and Beth. As she lived not far from him, I wasn’t bothered, it was something she did all the time.
As I rounded the corner near the shop, I stopped dead in my tracks. Steve was sat on the windowsill of the shop, his legs stretched out in front of him with Beth straddling them, her left hand behind his head. She was almost eating his face. She was holding his left hand to her right boob and he had his right hand inside the back of the waistband of her skirt, touching her arse no doubt.
There and then the bottom fell out of my world. How could Beth, my best friend do it in public where I could see them? I grabbed Beth’s hair and dragged her away from Steve, calling her a cow and a slut. We suddenly fell out with each other, fighting like two bitches on heat.
We fell to the ground but she being bigger than me put me on my back and sat on me, hitting me repeatedly. My legs were flailing about and my knickers were on display but I didn’t care. I pulled her hair dragging her head down to me then I smashed her in the face with mine. Not a very bright idea for either of us.
Beth's nose started to bleed and I had a cut on my lip which felt and looked like I was bleeding to death.
The shopkeeper came out and separated us but I wanted to carry on fighting. Both of us had tears streaming down our faces along with the blood. “Go home now young ladies and calm down,” the shopkeeper said.
As I stood up one of the guys shouted “did you see Lara's hairy fanny?”
I nearly died on the spot. I didn’t see who it was because of my tear-filled eyes.
I picked up my school bag and started to cross the busy road, oblivious to the traffic. Suddenly the sound of car horns and screeching tyres filled my ears but I took no notice until two big arms grabbed my waist pulled me back to the side of the road.
“What the hell do you think you were doing?” Paul’s voice said.
I snapped out of my trance ad looked at him then the road then the crowd then back to him. I burst into tears and Paul pulled me close to him.
“Come on, let’s get you home,” he said and took my bag and then put his arm around my shoulders. We crossed the road at a crossing and walked home. I was sobbing constantly and Paul pulled me close to him so I put my arm around his waist.
We reached the front if my house and Paul lent against the wall and pulled me to him. “Go on cry as long as you need to I’m not doing anything else today and I like how you smell,” he said kissing the top of my head. I snuggled into him, he made me feel nice and safe. He spread his legs so I could stand between them and get even closer.
Paul slowly ran his fingers up and down my back, trying to comfort me. He is a nice guy I thought.
Suddenly he rested his hands on my bottom. I looked up but I couldn’t see his face because of my tears so I wiped my eyes with my shirt sleeve then my nose with on back of my hand.
“That’s not very ladylike,” Paul said pulling a funny face.
“So you’re saying I’m not a lady then?” I replied. I got a terrible pain on my lip where it was cut so I put my fingers to it. It was still bleeding, not much but when I spoke it opened up again. I winced and put my hand up to touch the cut.
“Here, let’s clean it up and see how bad it is,” Paul said taking his handkerchief from his pocket. He wrapped a corner around his index finger and licked it then move it towards my lip. I tried to pull away but he put his other hand on the back of my head and said “Keep still, will you?”
I looked into his blue eyes and tried not you flinch as he gently cleaned the cut. When he was happy it was clean, he handed me his handkerchief and said wipe your eyes and blow your nose. I duly obligated but instead of handing it back to him, I stepped back, lifted my skirt and tucked it into the waistband of my knickers giving him a good flash. “Why have you done that,” Paul asked?
“I change my knickers every day so my mum will wash your hanky at the same time.”
“Lets go into my house and start our studying seeing there will only be two of us now, I said.
“Good idea,” Paul replied.
We entered the house I shouted to mum that it was and Paul and we were going to do some studying for the exams.
She came into the front room and asked if we wanted a drink and some cake. Paul being such a nerd, stood up when mum entered and said hello to her. I looked to the ceiling and tutted.
Mum left the room and I said that I was going to get changed out of my school uniform.
I put on a loose vest top and baggy shorts then picked up my washing and went downstairs to Paul. He just sat there, not even getting any study material out.
“Here, sniff these,” I said throwing my dirt knickers at him. “Bingo,” I shouted as they landed on his face and went in my bag to get my gym kit out for washing.
Mum came into the room carrying a tray with cakes and two glasses of orange juice.
Paul said, “Lara you dropped these,” handing me my knickers back. He didn’t bat an eyelid.
“Mum this is Paul’s hanky that he used to clean my facial wound. Could you wash it for him please,,” I said looking at her doe-eyed?
Paul took the tray from mum and placed it on the table then mum took my washing from me. She smiled and then winked at me then tapped the side of her nose.
“No way,” I whispered but she gave me a nod then a big grin. She thinks Paul and I are an item I thought.
I sat on the armchair opposite Paul with my legs crossed. I looked at him as he ate a piece of cake, he wasn’t bad looking, not in Steve’s league but passable. I took some cake and leaned back on the chair. Paul was staring at me.
“What are you looking at,” I asked?
“Nothing,” he replied and blushed.
“Yes, you are you dirty sod. You are trying to see if I have got a hairy fanny as that boy shouted.”
“No, I’m not,” he protested.
“Seeing you were nice to me,” I said, I stood up and pulled my shorts down to my knees and stood up giving him a full view of my pubic hair.
The door opened and my shorts were quickly back in place as I sat down again.
It was my mum informing us that dad would be home soon and would be having his tea in this room while watching the TV.
“Can we go to my room then?” I asked.
“Certainly not, you know how your father is about people going in your bedroom, especially boys,” mum replied.
“We can go to my home, mum and dad are going out later so we can have the lounge to ourselves,” Paul offered.
“That’s settled then,” I said and collected my things. “Let’s go, Paul, I don’t want to get in daddy’s way do I,” I said looking at mum, who had realised that I wasn’t a little girl anymore.
“Don’t be too late home love,” mum said, “you know how your dad doesn’t like you staying out.”
“Sod him,” I shouted just before I slammed the front door shut.
As we walked to Pauls house at the other end of the row, he asked why I didn’t like my dad.
“He won’t let me grow up. I’ve got a woman’s body as I have periods but he treats me like a little child.” I was getting angry and Paul knew it so didn’t say anything in reply.
We reached his house and we went in. I had been here before and his mum greeted me and asked if I would like a cold drink. “Yes please,” I replied and sat down in the lounge.
“Such a polite girl,”Pauls's mum said, “she would make you a perfect wife,” she continued. I thought that was funny. Paul looked at me and went upstairs to change out of his uniform.
His mum came into the lounge carrying a tall glass of orange juice with ice in one hand and a bottle of nail polish in the other. She was wearing a stort bathrobe.
She handed me the drink and sat opposite me on the sofa. Paul's mum is very pretty I thought. I’d never had chance to study her before. She wasn’t like my mum who was controlled my dad but funny and easy to talk to.
She took the top off the nail polish and lifted her foot to paint her toenails.
“I can do that for you Mrs Dawson,” I offered.
“Call me Ruth, Mrs sounds so old fashioned,” she replied and giggled.
I knelt on the floor and lifted her right foot and placed it between my boobs.
I took the polish and started painting nails. I looked up, her robe had opened and I could see that she had no hair on her pussy.

The sight of it made it hard for me to concentrate on painting her nails and when she changed feet and her legs spread revealing her labia, I had to ask her why she was bald down there.
As I finished I plucked up the courage to ask her. “Ruth, why haven’t you got any hair between your legs,” I asked?
“Well, Ted, my husband doesn’t like munching a rug.” I looked at her, puzzled. “You know, all that hair down there while he is licking my vagina.”
I was shocked, Paul's mum and dad still did IT.
“I wish mine didnt have any hair on it,” I said.
“Let me see,” Ruth said so I stood up and pulled my shorts down to my knees.
“That is some rug,” Ruth said, laughing. She put her hand on it and then took hold of some hair. She gently pulled me towards her. I didn’t know what to do so I just looked at her face. She slid her hands between my legs and started to run her fingers along my pussy crack. It felt so good. We heard Paul coming down the stairs so Ruth let me go and quickly pulled my shorts up and sat down.
My heart was thumping and my pussy had started to leak. Nobody had ever touched me there except my mum when I was young.
Ruth lifted her hand to her nose and sniffed then put each finger in her mouth as if she was tasting me. That got me more worked up. She smiled at me and licked her lips. She smiled at me then winked. I blushed and nervously smiled back.
Paul came into the room, he was wearing shorts and a vest top that showed his body off. He sat next to me and Ruth said, “Paul, look Lara has painted my nailed beautifully,” and lifted one foot up to show him. Her robe parted to reveal her pussy but she didn’t even try to cover herself. When she lifted her other foot she was totally exposed. I looked at Paul but he didn’t bat an eyelid. Strange family, I thought.

Paul's dad, Ted arrived home. He is a good looking guy with a great body I thought. Why was I thinking like this, I had seen him loads of times and he had known me since Paul and I were babies.
“Going for a shower sweet,” he said to Ruth, “it’s nearly beer o'clock and went upstairs.”
Ruth followed him and Paul said that they would be at it for ages before he got in the shower.
“Really,” I said.
“Yeah, they are at it all the time, like bloody rabbits,” he said.
I took some books out of my bag and we started to revise. Maths is so difficult but with Paul on my side, I should be able to get the marks needed for uni.
Paul had put some deodorant spray on, not too much like some guys at school do and he smelled nice. I moved closer to him to get a good smell.
“You smell very nice,” I said flicking my eyes at him.
He leant over and had a sniff of my body.
“You smell like a girl,” he said. “Not bad but a bit sweaty after your fight.”
I lifted my arm and took a sniff of my armpit. A bit sticky I thought so I leant over Paul and reached into my bag to get my deodorant out. My right boob was pressing against his groin and my left boob was brushing against his thighs.
“While you are down there,” Paul said, putting his hand on the back of my head.
I sat up and asked what I was suppose to do while I was down there?
He said, “you know, suck my dick.”
I was shocked because I didn’t think he was like that. “That is so gross,” I said. “Women don’t put cocks in their mouths, that is yuk,” and pretended to vomit.
“Yes they do, I’ve seen it on DVD and my mum does it to dad all the time.” That really did my head in, Ruth seems such a good woman, okay she removes her pubes but... Then it hit me, Ted licks her vag and she sucks his dick. WOW.

I sprayed my armpits then stood up and sprayed down the front of my shorts. I had my back to Paul so he couldn’t see anything.
I was still stood up as I reached over and put the spray back in my bag. Paul got a good look down the front of my t-shirt at my cleavage. “Did you like that,” I asked as I stood up?
”Yes, I did he,” said putting his hand on my bum.
I need a pee I said and went upstairs. The bathroom door was locked and needed the toilet like yesterday. Suddenly the door opened and Ted walked out, naked. He was rubbing his hair dry so his huge cock was moving from side to side.
“It’s all yours,” Lara he said standing to one side, not even bothering to cover himself.
I pushed past him and closed the door and then pulled my shorts down and did a pee.
I closed my eyes and all I could see was Ted's massive cock. I didn’t know a human cock could be so big. They never told us that in biology.
How could Ruth even get that in her mouth was beyond me I thought.
I finished and wiped my pussy. God, I was so wet. I rubbed it a little and it felt so good but I said to myself that I wasn’t in my bedroom now, so I stopped and washed my hands.
I came out of the bathroom, the main bedroom door was open and I saw Ruth who was sat on the bed naked taking Ted's huge cock in her mouth.
I was shocked but Paul was right, she did suck cock. I rushed downstairs and said to Paul that he was right, his mum did suck his dad's cock and it was huge.
I straddled Paul's groin and placed his hands on my backside, then put my arms around his neck a pulled his face into my cleavage. What I had just witness was unreal. I’d never seen people doing IT before. I ground my pussy into his groan and his cock reacted just as I thought.
Paul came up for air and asked what I was doing.
Breathlessly I told him what I had seen and about his dad's huge cock.
”So, you don’t think I’ve seen it before,” he said smiling then pulling the straps down on my vest, revealing my naked breasts. He took a sharp intake of breath and licked each nipple.
I shuddered and held his head so he could continue licking them.

Suddenly a voice said, revision wasn’t as interesting when I was at school. Ruth and Ted we’re stood a few feet away, smiling.
I jumped off Paul and stood up trying and failing badly not to expose myself to them.
Paul didnI ’t do anything to hide the huge bulge in his shorts but I sat down and buried my face in my hands, too ashamed to look at them.
“I’ve all done it,” Lara, Ruth said. “There is nothing to be ashamed of.”
Ted took his wallet out of his trouser pocket and put £20 on the table. “Get yourselves a takeaway and here Paul, these are just in case,” he said as he put four condoms next to the money.
I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.
“Cheers dad,Cheers” Paul said.
“Thank you,” I mumbled through my hands.
Ruth came over and put her hand on my head, “don’t my ashamed babe, it has to happen sometime and Ted has made sure it will be safe.”
I looked at her, tears filling my eyes. She kissed my forehead and whispered at she would sort out my rug tomorrow when the guys were at rugby. I smiled at her and said that would be nice. She kissed me then Ted came up but I looked down at the floor.
One, because he had seen me on top of his son and two, because I’d seen his big cock.
He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face so I had to look at him.
“Did you like what you saw,” he whispered?
Yes, I nodded.
“Good, you can take another look sometime, okay,” he continued.
I felt all wobbly and he kissed me full on the lips.
“Our taxi is here, sweet,” he said to Ruth. “Enjoy yourselves but be safe,” he shouted as he went out of the front door.
I turned and looked at Paul then burst into tears. He put his arms around me and held me until I stopped sobbing.
Let’s sit down and we can talk about it, Paul said, sounding all grown up.
We sat close together, our bare thighs touching. He started to rub his hand up and down my back along my spine.
“Is it your time of the month,” he enquired? I looked at him and informed him that that was last week.
“Well what’s wrong then Lara, you aren’t normally like this,” he said.
“I left home this morning a schoolgirl but during the day things have changed,” I told him.
“In what way,” he asked putting his hand under the back of my vest so he was touching my bare skin.
“Well, I’ve seen things that I shouldn’t have seen like your mother sucking your fathers cock.”
“Get used to it, they are at it all the ttime” Paul replied.
“And,” Lara interrupted, “I think I’m in love.”
“Who with,” Paul asked, quite taken back by the news?
“You, silly,” she said twisting her body so that she was almost facing him. This movement made his hand slide around under her armpit so it was practically touching the side of her breast.
They look at each other then Lara leant forward ad kissed his lips.
Suddenly they realised that this was a very awkward situation so they turned to face the table and Paul picked up the maths book again.
Their enthusiasm for maths had now gone so he suggested that if they went to his room they could lay on the bed with a book resting on the pillows and they could take down notes in comfort.
“Are you sure you don’t want to have your wicked way with me,” Lara said in mock protested?
They both laugh and they went up to Pauls bedroom.
Lara had never been in a boys bedroom before. It had pictures of women in little bikinis and some just their panties, covering their breasts with their arms.
I”I can see what you get up to in here,” she said.
“These are my guardian angels who watch over me at night,” he said trying to keep his face straight.
“Can we do some work now please or shall I go home,” she asked?
Lara took the books out of her bag. “Geography?”
“Yuk,” Paul said.
“Religious education?”
“Boring,” they both said.
Science. She threw that on the pile of rejects.
“English?” “Nah!” she said.
“Could be interesting,” Paul said.
She looked at him. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, “we have to do it some time so we might as well get it over with”
“Good point,” Lara replied and kicked her trainers off and joined Paul on the bed.

She opened the book and sought out the revision questions.
“These look a bit silly,” she said.
“Why,” Paul answered knowing the question were about mostly sex, basically?
“Give it here,” Paul said, taking the book from her.
“The first question:- what is fellatio?”
“Err, the only opera written by Ludwig con Beethoven,” Lara replied.
Paul burst out laughing but Lara didn’t know why.
“It is,” she insisted.
Once Paul had stopped laughing he said, “you really don’t know do you?”
She looked at him and he knew she didn’t.
“Felatio is the stimulation of a penis by somebody using their mouth.”
“You mean? Yuk,” she said. “The thought of doing that makes me feel sick, what happens to the stuff that come out of the penis then,” she asked?
“I think you are supposed to swallow it,” Paul said.
Lara rolled onto her back holding her stomach and had one hand over her mouth as if she was going to throw up.

Lara froze and turned to Paul and she said, “your mum was doing that to your dad earlier because I saw them.”
“There we are then, if parents can do it, it must be okay,” Paul said.
“Suppose so,” she replied and rolled back on her front.
Paul said he was too hot and pulled his top off. Lara almost wet herself at the sight of his toned body, which she thought was better than his dads.
He lay down on his side looking at her. She is beautiful, he thought. He had never studied her before because she was just another girl.

“What,” she asked? She wasn’t used to boys starting at her.
“I was just thinking how pretty you are Lara,” Paul said and blushed.
,”Well, thank you, Paul, you’re not bad looking yourself,” she replied and giggled.
“Would you say we are more than just schoolmates,” she continued?
“I would like to think so,” he replied, “seeing we have known each other since we were babies.”

“Good,” Lara said then sat up and removed her top.
Paul's cock went from a semi-stiff to rock hard immediately. He had never had a stiffy like this before. It was true what all the girls at school said about Lara, she did have a fantastic pair of boobs and a body to match.
She lay down on her back and put her hands behind her head.
“I think you are stunning,” Paul said and lay beside her. Lara took hold of his hand and placed it on her left boob.
He swallowed then leant across and kissed her cheek. She moved her head to face him then kissed him back but on his lips.
That single act of their lips touching broke the ice. They didn’t know how to but just did things that felt right.
Lara put her hand around the back of Paul's head and kissed him harder while he gently played with her breast, making her moan softly.
She pushed her tongue between his lips just like she had seen in a film. Paul opened his mouth slightly so Lara explored inside his mouth, her tongue playing with his.
They were both getting hot from the close body contact and she pulled away and told him she was roasting while trying to catch her breath.
“It is warm,” Paul said but he didn’t see her next move coming. She lifted her hips off the bed and slide her shorts down her legs and then removed them from her feet and not in a ladylike way, flashing her moist vagina at him.
Paul took a sharp intake of breath, how is the most beautiful girl in school, laying naked in my bed he thought.
“Don’t worry about the rug,” she said pointing to the mass of pubic hair covering her mons, “your mum is going to sort it out tomorrow.”
Paul's cock was straining against his shorts and when Lara suggested he removed them he didn’t need telling twice and turned onto his back and pulled his shorts down, his cock thwacking against his stomach.
It was Lara's turn to be impressed. She had seen his dads cock but Paul's looked even bigger.
She pulled him back towards her, his cock resting on her thigh. After a few more kisses she took his right hand as placed it between her legs on her intimate part.
Paul just let his hand rest on her moist vagina so Lara put her hand over his and gently pushed his middle finger into her opening. She gasped because it was long and quite thick and rubbed her finger over the partly exposed head of his cock.
They were now furiously kissing and moving their bodies about, gasping for air at every opportunity.

Lara pulled gently on his cock and asked Paul to lay on top of her. She spread her legs and he climbed between them. Her mind was spinning because this was the nearest she had been to doing it but with Paul, she felt safe.
She could feel his balls resting against her vagina and his long hard cock pressing against her stomach past her belly button. They kissed some more then she asked him if he wanted to do it.
Paul looked at her, almost in disbelief. “You mean actually do it,” he asked not knowing what to think?
“Yes, silly, I want you to make love to me for real,” she replied and kissed him.
“Okay,” Paul said, “I will just go and get a condom from downstairs.”
“No, lets do it without but make sure you don’t do it in me,” Lara said getting more daring.
“But,” Paul exclaimed.
“No buts, it’s my body and I want you to do it and feel you inside me,” she pleaded.

Paul knelt up and Lara took hold of his cock and rubbed against her wet pussy. Paul pushed his hips forward so he was just between her labia. It felt wonderful.
They stared into each other’s eyes as he pushed some more and Lara wrapped he arms around his neck.
“Do it,” she whispered and felt his cock siding to her body.
Paul met some resistance but pushed past it.
Lara gasped as Paul took her virginity. There was a sharp pain then pure pleasure as he slid fully inside her body.
Slowly Paul started to slide his cock in and out, giving them both lots of pleasure. They kissed ad licked each other’s faces until he could feel he was getting the point of no return.
“Lara, I need to...” he started but she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“I cant hold it much longer,” he pleaded.
“Yes,” she hissed and held him tightly.
“Shit,” he said as he reached the point of no return and his cock exploded deep inside her body.
She screamed and started to bit his neck. “My special baby,” she said as her climax overwhelmed her too.

Slowly their orgasms subsided, they fought for breath.
Paul lifted his head up and saw tears streaming down Lara’s face.
“I’m so sorry,” Paul tried to apologise.
Lara giggled and said thank you for making me a woman and pulled his face close to hers and kissed him.

He eventually rolled off her, his cock leaving a trail of their fluids across her thigh and hip. He lay on his back and said, “I knew I should have got a condom.”
Lara half sat up and asked why?
“You might be pregnant now and who will look after the baby,” Paul said with some concern.
“Don’t worry about it,” she said rolling on her side and kissing his hand.
“I do though,” he replied.
“So, you didn’t like it and you would rather have done it to some other girl in school, like Beth,” Lara asked, all serious?
“No, I’m glad you were my first. The best looking girl in the whole school and I got to have sex with her,” Paul offered.
“Sex, ssex” Lara protested. “I thought it was love, anyway give me a kiss.”
They kissed and she slowly slid her body on top of his. She straddled him, his flaccid cock resting against her pussy. She shivered and said, “I love Mister Paul Dawson,” then giggled.
He placed his hands on her backside and squeezed it then kissed her top of her head and said he loved her too.

She snuggled up to him, feeling very safe and secure and they drifted off in to a deep sleep.

The noise of the front four women them. “It’s my mum and dad,” Paul whispered.
“What time is it,it” Lara asked?
“Just past midnight,” he replied.
She sat up and said, “Shit, my dad will kill me.” She climbed off the bed and pulled her shorts on then her top, not noticing it was inside out.

She slipped the trainers on and started shoving the books into her bag while Paul just lay there naked watching her.
“You are not bothered that your parents are home and we’ve just had sex,” she whispered in a high pitched voice?
“Not rreally” he replied, “my mum and dad, will be cool with that.”
“I’m going home,” she said and walked to the bedroom door.
“I meant what I said that I love you,” he said and climbed off the bed and put his arms around her kissing all over her face.
“That’s okay but my dad is going to kill me because of the time.”
Paul grabbed his shorts and pulled them on and they went downstairs.
As they made their way to the front door, Ruth came out of the lounge, her blouse undone and her hair dishevelled.
“Have you had a nice time kids,” she said, slurring her words slightly. She made no attempt to cover her breasts in front of her son.
“Very productive,” Paul replied. Lara glared at him.
“Come and tell us all about it,” Ruth said.
“I’ve got to go home but if you think Pythagorean Triangles are for you, I will be happy to discuss them tomorrow,” Lara replied and shouted, “good night Mr D. Goodnight Ruth and Paul,” she said and left the house.

She ran down the street and got to her front door. She inserted the key and opened it as quietly as she could, hoping her parents were in bed. She crept along to the stairs when the lounge door opened and her father said, “what time do you call this you dirty slut?”
“We have been studying and lost track of time,” Lara said trying to defend herself.
“I will speak to you in the morning, no, this morning,” he shouted, looking at his watch.

She rushed upstairs and locked her bedroom door then removed her clothes. She lay on the bed naked recalling what had happened earlier. Her right hand drifted between her legs and she felt how moist her pussy still was. She squeezed her thighs together and fell asleep, dreaming of her and Paul making passionate love together all night long.

To be continued...

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