Stranger in my bed- Final work day

group sex

Thursday morning. I slept well but Dave had a fitful night. He must have been dreaming of huge cock up his ass or down his throat. I climbed out of bed still wearing my stockings and suspenders. I had a huge pee in my bowl and went down stairs to my a tea and a coffee. It was going to be another hot day. Not a cloud in the sky and it was already in the 70o F. At 6:30 am that is too hot. I took the drinks back up to the bedroom. Dave was lying on his front with his legs spread wide. I gently opened his ass cheeks to have a look and his used hole. It looked sore and very wide. Why did he take on Nero's huge cock? What was he trying to prove? That is is fucking gay. I can't believe he swallowed it all then to take balls deep in the ass. He's either brave or fucking stupid. We'll see when he takes a shit later. At least I will be able to get my hand in if he can't push it out I thought. I kissed both ass cheeks and shook his arm gently. Dave slowly woke up, smacking his lips together because his mouth was so dry. I wasn't surprised with amount of stuff he had sucked and licked last night. Morning babe, how's my gay cum bucket? Ugh Dave replied as though he didn't remember. I bent over and kissed on the lips. His breath smelled of public toilets that hadn't been cleaned for ages. He sat up and adjusted his position to get comfortable. I handed him his coffee. Thanks babe, your a life saver. Her took a sip and swallowed slowly. I think I'm getting a cold, my throat is sore. So you don't remember last night then I asked? I remember tea, dressing in women's underwear and some of your friends coming round. Why? Nothing I said. I would need to tell him gently. Maybe when he goes to the toilet and shits he will remember. How the fuck can you forget that a huge black cock had been right down your throat and up your ass? Dave said he needed a pee and went to the toilet. Please use the bowl babe I shouted. Will do sweet he replied. He walked like he had a sore back, a bit stiff and slow. I followed him into the bathroom. He was peeing into the bowl making my pee foam up. He finished and started to shake the drops off the end of his cock. Here let me I said. I knelt down and slipped his damp cock in my mouth. It tasted dirty but nice. Lets shower and get breakfast after I has sponged myself down. Dave said I need a dump and sat on the toilet. He let out a loud bubbly fart and chuckled better out that in babe. You the fuck for I replied? I let the pee soaked sponge drip on his bald head. Dirty cow he shouted then went quite. I could hear his guts rumbling and thought any moment now. Dave grunted and his bowels started to empty. It sounded like a flock of sparrows taking flight. What did I eat last night asked, my asshole is on fire. Apart from my pussy a big load of male cum and a shitty cock, nothing I replied. And not to mention 14" of hard cock all the way up your ass too. Dave looked at me stunned. I what he said still shitting like a horse walking along a road. Don't you remember a thing? Not really he said. I asked you to get Nero ready for me and you took him all the down your throat to his balls. Then later down stairs you sat on his huge fat cock taking it all the way up your ass. I screamed and asked you not to but you wouldn't listen. Then you licked and sucked your shit off it. Dave sat there in total silence. So now you are a gay boy and can rent your ass out for goon money. I laughed said give us a kiss little faggot. I bent down to kiss his. God that stinks I said grabbing the air freshener and spraying everywhere.
Dave stood up and looked down into the toilet bowl. What a fucking mess he said. He had coat all the inside of the bowl. I had a quick look. I couldn't see any blood so that was fine. Flush it you dirty bastard I said. Don't you wish I had done that all over you? A bit too runny for my liking I replied. He went geyt some paper to wipe himself. No don't babe, I will check you ass hole first. Bend over a bit and spread your cheeks. It OK, you have prolapsed a little. What Dave shouted? It's only a little bit. I will push it back in when we shower. So I did take a big cock up my ass he said. Yes babe and you loved it. I walked to the shower and started pouring our pee over my head. What some babe? Do I fuck he said. It will help your sore cock ruined throat. OK give it here Dave said and took a big gulp. Not bad he said. I have drank worst beers than that. He took another swig. Don't drink it all, leave some for me please. He squirted some out of his mouth onto my face. I kissed him and we swapped the pee between our mouths. I drank the rest and put the bowl on the floor of the shower. Lets get your broken ass fixed babe I said. I don't know, will it hurt? nowhere near as bad as me picking shit out of it yesterday. He bent over holding on to the rail. He ass was a mess all covered in shit. I was tempted to lick it but then will would never get out of the house. Relax babe, it won't take long. OK I think I trust you he replied. I gently touched his prolapse and he moaned. Fuck it I said and knelt down placing my lips on it. I licked it and Dave's cock started rising. Fuck babe that is wonderful he said. Push your ass gently babe it will be easier to get it in. I was lying, I wanted more of his ass out. His prolapse grew so I placed my lips over it. I pushed my tongue inside it and Dave started cumming down the tiles of the shower. Fuck me he said. I reluctantly told him to stop pushing and with my fingers slowly pushed him all the way back inside. There we are almost like new. Dave kissed me and we showered. We dressed and I told Dave we would be staying out late so I take a change of clothes for us. Fine Dave said and went down to prepare breakfast. I packed my gold chain-mail bra and thong set and my gold fishnets and suspender belt. My yellow ankle boots with 4" heels completed the outfit. I would buy some lip gloss and eye shadow later. I also took my black silk wrap for wearing between venues. I took Dave's gold thong and a black latex mask and a collar and heavy chain. That will keep the bitch under my control I thought. This fucking sissy is mine.
We ate breakfast and went to Salford. The shopping is quite poor there near the town hall. No market and limited shops.
Dave returned and we set off for his final job, Manchester. I made a phone call on my hands free set. The phone answered. Hello a squeaky male voice said. Hi, Gaynor here, how's my favourite faggot Nev? Gaynor Manchester's own fucking bike, long time. I need a favour babe. Fuck off last favour I did for you, 5 of my best studs couldn't fuck for over a week. Dave looked at me in disbelief. I just want to park my car in your car park. Not the big white bus? Yes it's better than your pink puff wagon.He's got a pink BMW I said to Dave who giggled. I like pink Nev said, it goes with my complexion. What rust, fake fucking tan? You look like Donald Trump. OK yes you can but leave my guys alone. Will do, I have a male friend with me. Does he take cock? Yes he took Nero last night, all the way up. MMM I will have to have him. you can he's ruined now. Dave punched me on my arm. I giggled. Will be there at 4 pm. Fine you dirty slut. Love you too babe. And made a kissing noise. Sounds like a fun person Dave said. He is in a weird way. He's great when you get to know him but some people have trouble and take him the wrong way.

Dave went to the town hall and I went shopping for gold lips gloss and eye shadow. It was very warm and I had dressed to well. Cream blouse, Grey pinstripe trousers and low heels. I could feel sweat running down the crack of my ass and under my tits. I was so uncomfortable. I went to Primark and bought a white boob tube two sizes too small and a little pair of mini short that made my ass cheeks hang out and rode up into my pussy. £10 well spent I thought. Off to the Arndale toilets to change. I found a cubicle and stripped off anything. My body was glistening with sweat. I slipped my blouse back on and opened the door. An attendant was checking the room. She was a large black lady. Excuse me I said, is there anywhere to have a quick wash I'm all sweaty. You can use them pointing to the hands bowls or I can let you into my little bucket room just cold water sorry. That will do. I grabbed my stuff and followed her out of the ladies into the main entrance where both men and women enter and into a small room. I got some funny looks with my bare ass and tits on show. I closed the door removed my top again and started to wash in the cold water. MMMMM it felt so nice and cool. There was a knock on the door. I opened it slightly and the woman was holding a towel. Best I could do she said. Thank you so much I said. I never thought about getting dry. I saw there was a drain near the sink and some new buckets. I filled two buckets with cold water and stood over the drain. I poured the cold water over me. It took my breath away but it was so refreshing. I stood there for a minute to let the water run off my body. I wrung my hair out and then started to pat myself dry. The towel was clean but small like a hand towel. I had a slightly musty smell but at least I will be dry. I dried mainly my boobs pussy and ass crack. The rest would dry in the sun. I slipped the shorts on. Fuck they were tight. Stuck right up my ass cheek so most of my big fat butt was showing. The boob tube came next. Way too small but it tied at the front so I could easily make it secure. It left most of my cleavage on show. Fuck it, it's my body. I slipped my shoes on and left the room. I found the lady and hand her the towel back. She was sat in her office. WOW you going onto the streets dressed like that she asked? Yes why I replied. Your one brave girl. I can't see me getting away with outfit she said. We laughed. You got a great chassis on you for sure. Lots of men will be walking into lampposts or getting run over she chuckled. I offered her £20 but she declined. I am not taking a no I said. You saved my life. I will buy my grand kids something she said. I bent and kissed her, the boob tube slid down exposed my nipples. Oops I said. Careful out there girl she replied. I turned to walk out. Hey girl she shouted. I turned, she was pointing to my crotch. Your vaggie lips are hanging out she said. Fuck it I said they never see the sun. She shook her head and said take care.

I walked out said onto Market St. Both men and women were staring at me. I don't care I thought. It's not my fault I have a great body. Some young girls asked if I was a model. No I said. Two old women said it was obscene walking around Manchester with no clothes on and that I should be locked up. It must have been in the mid 80's F and they had fucking big coats on. Dave phone and said he was nearly finished. I arranged to me him outside the town-hall. I stood on the steps of the town-hall and Dave came out. Fuck me he exclaimed. People turned and stared. Later babe I replied. We might get arrested for having sex in Albert Square. What? Why? he asked. I was too warm in those other clothes babe. I didn't want to be all sweaty for my baby did I. Well you could have bought larger sizes babe, I mean come on. The biggest sizes I could get sorry. Dave walked up to me and kissed me. Did you know your pussy lips are showing? yes I said, they wanted some sun. He stepped back and the boob tube had slipped down. And so are my nipples now. Thanks. I pulled it back over my nipples. There easy isn't it. He took his hanky out. Gaynor there is more material in my hanky than in that top he said. And I replied pulling the top down. Cover them up he hissed. Why don't you like them any more I shouted. You didn't complain when you were squirting you cum over them every night this week did you. If you don't like them then somebody else can. I went to unbutton my shorts. Don't you fucking dare he shouted. And what are you going to do about it you bald faggot. I screamed. Yes this poof takes it up the ass. Dave walked over and slapped so hard across the face I went into shock. I just stared at him. I was very angry. That's the second time this bastard has hit me. Dave came close and tried to pull my top up. don't just fucking don't I shouted. Now fuck off I screamed at the top of my voice. I'm going to Nev's and you can fucking do one. I started to walk towards the car-park where my car was, tits still out. Dave followed me and two security guards came out of the town-hall. Are you OK Miss one said? I ignored them and marched on. Yes, she fine Dave. She is on the change. What with her hormonal imbalance and the sun make her do silly thing. Hormonal imbalance and the fucking sun, say one more word and I'll fucking smash your ugly face in I thought. I got to the car-park and walked up three floors to my car. Dave was huffing and puffing behind me. I opened the car and threw my bags on the back seat. I undid the boob tube and threw that in along with my shoes. I turned to face Dave you was wailing for my next move. I unbuttoned my shorts and removed them. Walk to two parking bays away and got on my hands and knees. Fuck me I shout. Doesn't matter which hole just do it. Dave just stood there. A guy walked out of the lift. Hey babe, want to fuck me. Any hole, no charge. This fucking faggot only like his shit box fucked. The guy said not today thanks and walked away. I started laughing, a silly demonic laugh. See no one will even fuck me for free. I collapsed on the tarmac crying my eyes out. Dave put his gear in the car and rushed over to me. He lay on the floor next to me and put his arms around me. He kissed my snotty nose and said Gaynor babe I love you with all my sole. You are the best thing to happen to me in a very long time. Dave was crying too. You have made me a better person and have taught me so many new thing. He kissed me cheek. You have made a new man or woman out of me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. I rubbed the top of his bald head and kissed him on the lips and burst out laughing. Floods of tears streamed down my cheeks. I love you too sausage I whispered. It's not that small is it? It is honestly? A Mega Jumbo Sausage I said with huge Lamb's Fries. We started laughing uncontrollably. My sides and tummy were aching we laughed so much. I need a pee Dave said. So do I, I replied. Fuck it lets do it here Dave said. Good I said and stood up. Her I said has I held my hand out, I'll help a pensioner up off the floor. Quick strip I said. No fucking way Dave replied. Scared y cat I said. Hurry up I need a piss I whispered. Get naked and we can have a sexy piss. Dave ran to the car and stripped off. He ran back with his cock dangling. Right, you aim at my pussy and I will piss on your cock. We stood on the third floor on a multi storey car-park in the middle of Manchester pissing on each others genitals in broad daylight. We kissed like new lovers until we heard the lift coming up. We ran to the car and jumped in. Two minutes to Nev's I said. What like this Dave replied. Yes, nobody will see us. It was just literally two minutes but I took the scenic route, driving passed lot of buses full of people going home. Dave was on the near side some they all got a view of his semi hard cock and balls. I give up caring where I'm with you Dave said. He started waving to people. He's as fucking daft as me I thought.

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