Plain Jayne part 1. The stranger.

first times

Jayne was 18 and had left school.
She had a job working in an office typing pool, boring but it gave her some independence.
Her taste in fashion was to put it mildly plain hence her nickname Plain Jayne.

She didn't have any friends as such just people who went to the same school but not one of them was a buddy friend.
She lived with her parents in a small plain cottage.
Jayne attended church every Sunday and sang in the choir. That was her only release from her humble existence.
After the Sunday service Jayne would wonder through the graveyard to her grandmother's grave.
Because the family were not exactly rich, a simple cross marked the place where Betty, her Nan, was laid to rest.
She always sat on top of the grave chatted to Betty for ages about work and how her parents were doing.
Jayne knew that Betty was listening to her because she got little feelings when she said anything sad and few moments later she would be happy again.

One warm summer’s day after church Jayne was sat talking to her Nan when an old man appeared and asked who she was talking to?
“My Nan Betty,” Jayne replied, as if Betty was sat next to her.
“May I,” the man asked pointing to the ground next to her?
“Sure,” Jayne said, “but don't sit on the grave because Betty won't be able to breathe.”
“Fine,” the man said and sat facing her just behind the cross.
Jayne looked at him, he was old and I mean ancient she thought, 80s or even 90s.
He was staring right at her and a terrifying thought came over her.
She was wearing a short summer dress that only came halfway down her thighs. I was fine to wear it in church because she wore a cassock that was long and hid her legs anyway.
She slowly reached behind her back and felt to see that she was wearing panties, didn't want him seeing her private parts.
Yes that's fine she thought as she felt the elastic waist band.
She was slightly uncomfortable because she didn't know how to sit. Normally she would sit cross legged but with her having a visitor she sat with her legs straight in front of her which wasn't exactly comfortable and Betty knew this.

They talked about all manner of things even the man was chatting to Nan like they were old friends.
After a long session with her Nan Jayne said it was time to go home for tea and stood up being careful not to flash her underwear.
“Bye Nan,” she said and turned to leave.
“Excuse me Jayne, would it be possible for you to help an old man stand up?”

Something hit her in the stomach. How did he know her name? She and Betty hadn't told him.
She turned back and he held his hand out for assistance. Jayne took hold; his hand was as cold as ice.
He slowly stood up and thanked her. “You are a very pretty young lady,” he said.
Jayne blushed and smiled at him.
“I know that you have no friends to speak of and you have a boring job.”
“It gives me money so I can...”
“Can what,” he interrupted?
Jayne didn't have any answer for that.
She suddenly realised that she was not going anywhere and her life was pretty much stagnant. All the girls from school had boyfriends and went out all the time. They dressed in designer clothes and wore makeup.
Jayne shrugged and looked at the floor.
“I can help you Jayne if you like.”
She looked up into his dark cold eyes and asked what he proposed?

“Come with me, I am not going to hurt you in any way; I just need you to keep a promise.
Could you do that Jayne?”
“I think so sir,” she replied.
“You can not think, you must know,” he said in a forceful manner.
“Yes, I can,” Jayne said wondering what the promise was.
“Follow me,” he said and they walked to the old abandoned non conformist chapel at the other side of the graveyard.
The man went in but Jayne stopped at the door. “Why is he taking me in here,” she mumbled?
“Don't worry we will only be here for a few minutes,” he said.
Jayne reluctantly entered. It was dark and gloomy with rubble all over the floor and spiders webs everywhere.

“Here my child,” he said as he stood on what was once the altar.
She walked to him.
“Kneel please,” he said.
She knelt on the hard cold floor and the man placed his hands on her head. He said some mumbo jumbo and then asked her if she would promise to keep her virginity in tact for the rest of her life?
“I wasn't intending to lose it anyway,” Jayne said slightly shocked at such a personal question.
“Just answer yes or no please.”
“Yes,” Jayne said almost shouting.
“Good my child,” he replied.
She could feel the coldness of his hands boring into her skull and there was a smell of burning wood just like a bonfire.
Her face was at crotch height and she noticed that he was getting a huge bulge inside his trousers.
Jayne tried to move her head back because she thought to herself if the buttons opened then his manhood would spring out and hit her in the face, might even blind her.

More mumbo jumbo and then he said, “rise my child.”
Jayne stood up and the man kissed the back of her right hand and said, “sex is fine as long as you keep your virginity in place. Oral and anal sex are fine. You can be touched and stimulated by persons touching your vagina but you cannot have full intercourse. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Jayne said.
“Goodbye,” the man said and disappeared like he had floated away.

Jayne walked into the sunshine and hurried home. Her head was spinning with all kinds of thoughts.

Jayne arrived home and her mum said that the service was very good and the choir sang at its best for a long while.
Dad said the sermon was far too long again.
Mum asked him how he knew that when he was asleep through most of it. They all laughed and Jayne went to the bathroom to wash ready for tea.

They sat at the kitchen table where ham sandwiches, pork pie and other savouries were ready to eat.
Small talk was the order of the day like every Sunday tea time.
Nobody ever had anything to say and Jayne was certainly not going to mention the incident in the graveyard.
Apple pie and ice cream followed and as many cups of tea as you liked, drank from the Bone China tea service that was a wedding present for Jayne's parents.

All through tea, Jayne had been getting an itch on her vagina but thought it might be an ant she had picked up while sat on the grass. It had never happened before but you never know was her conclusion.

The itch got worse so she excused herself and rushed to the bathroom.
Pulling her panties down she looked to see if there were any ants. None that she could see but the itch was still there.
She noticed that there was a damp patch inside her panties and that never happened unless she had started her period but her body hadn't warned her. She usually got stomach cramps but not always.
It was clear so it wasn't that.
She felt between her legs and gasped as her fingers touched her vagina.
What is going on she said to herself?
It was wet but she hadn't been to the toilet for ages and didn't want to go now.
After putting her panties in the wash basket she went to her room and took her hand mirror and tried to look for the problem.
She was restricted by her dress so removed it and lay on the bed with her head propped up so she could see her swollen vagina.
She felt around but couldn't see anything. It seemed to be coming from near the top of her secret place.
Her fingers touched her clitoris and she gasped. Electricity shot through her body.
WOW that was bad but also wonderful.
She did it again and got the same reaction.
She knew it was wrong but couldn't help herself.
Jayne got bolder and slid two fingers between her wet labia and slowly started to move them. The feeling was like nothing else she had ever experienced. A warm glow rushed over her body and when she rubbed her clitoris with the thumb of her other hand she almost fainted. The feelings were nearly too much to bear but she wasn't stopping.
Suddenly liquid started to gush from her body and she was finding it difficult to breathe.
As the feelings subsided there was a knock on the bedroom door.
“Are you okay love,” her mum asked?
“Fine,” Jayne gasped, “I just stubbed my toe. It will be okay in a moment.”
“See you downstairs in a few minutes then, ” her mum replied.
“Yes,” Jayne said still fighting to breathe normally.

“What is wrong with me Jayne,” said as she looked in wardrobe mirror?I”I have never ever done anything like that before. It is so wrong.
I just want to be normal.”

Little did Jayne realise that both males and females masturbated and it was quite normal.

She dressed in clean panties and bra, white because that was all she had.
A grey t-shirt and baggy jeans completed her outfit.
Jayne had decided to go out and ask if she was normal.

Her parents were waiting in the lounge for her and asked why she was dressed in those clothes?
“Betty said that I should go out and try to mix with people or I would turn into an old maid,” Jayne replied.
“Betty has a lot to say but she is not here when things go wrong and they will mark my words,” her dad replied.
“I am going out tonight and you cannot stop me.
I am 18 years of age and classed as a woman,” Jayne retorted much to the annoyance of her parents.
“See you later she,” said and walked out of the house slamming the front door.

Jayne caught the bus into town and alighted at The Jolly Miller right in the town centre.
There was music coming from the place not the kind of thing that she was into but if she wanted to meet people then so be it.
She entered a walked up to the bar.
“Cider please,” Jayne said. The bartender asked her for ID. “Certainly,” she said and pulled her passport out of her bag.
“Fine,” he said and pulled her a half pint of strong cider.
Jayne looked around to see if anyone she knew was in there.

Jayne spotted Viv, Beth and Nicky who worked in the same office, so she went over.

“Hi ladies,” Jayne said.
“OMG if it isn't Plain Jayne,” Nicky said. Viv gave her a kick said,” what a surprise to see you in here Jayne, for what do we owe the pleasure?”
“I just thought that I would come out and meet people you know, it gets lonely sitting in your bedroom every night.”

“Sit here pet,” Viv said and patted the seat next to her. “We are all happy to have you in our little group of pissheads,” she said and gave Jayne a kiss, not on the cheek but full on her lips.
Jayne was sure that Viv had tried to push her tongue into her mouth.
Jayne had only been kissed by two women, her mum and Nan Betty so she was quite flustered and blushed.

They talked about sex and men but Jayne hadn't got a clue what they were on about.
Occasionally Viv touch Jayne's leg or arms, sometimes her face and frequent whispered in her ear, each time licking her ear or cheek.

After several drinks Jayne excused herself and went to the bathroom.
While she was sat down she noticed that her panties were soaking wet.
Jayne thought quickly and put lots of toilet tissue into her panties then wiped herself.
She got the same feeling as in her bedroom earlier.
“No you mustn't,” Jayne said to herself and pulled her panties and jeans up, flushed the loo and left the cubicle.
Viv was leaning against the wash basins smiling at her.

As Jayne washed her hands Viv asked her if she liked her big tits.
Jayne didn't say anything.
“You kept looking at them so I think you do,” Viv said.
Jayne went to dry her hands but Viv stood in front of her and said, “I asked you a question.”
Jayne replied that she thought that they were nice and she wished that hers were larger.

Viv unbuttoned her top, she had a big black lacy bra on and her breasts were spilling over the top.
“Go on, touch them,” Viv said. Jayne blushed and looked down.
“Here let me help you,” Viv said and unfastened the front clip of her bra.
“I love front loader bras she,” said and grabbed Jayne's hands placing them on her huge boobs.
Jayne gasped and got a tingle between her legs.
They were a lot firmer and warmer than Jayne had expected.
“Play with them bban,” Viv whispered and moved Jayne's hands over them.
As soon as Jayne's hands touched her breasts Viv slipped her top and bra off, the quick as a flash pushed her hands up Jayne's top and into her bra.
Jayne gasped and buried her face in Viv's neck.
As Viv toyed with her nipples Jayne felt that warm feeling between her legs and started to pinch Viv's huge nipples.
Both women were enjoying each other's touch while standing in the ladies toilets.
Neither had thought what would happen if someone came in.
Jayne looked at Viv and smiled. Viv lifted Jayne's top and bra right up exposing her smallish breasts and bent her head and started sucking on Jayne's extremely sensitive nipples.
Jayne shuddered and started to stroke Viv's hair.
Suddenly two women came in. Viv picked up her top and put it on but instead of buttoning it up she tied a knot so that her cleavage was still on show.
Jayne meanwhile had ran into a cubicle and was trying to pull her bra back over her breasts but it seemed to have gotten tighter. Maybe Viv had adjusted the straps.
Finally she emerged from the cubicle but her bra felt weird.
Viv asked Jayne if she would put her bra in her bag because she didn't want to walk back to the table carrying it. So Jayne stuffed it in her shoulder bag and they both left the toilets, Viv blowing a kiss to the two women.

They sat down and the other girls looked at Jayne with raised eyebrows. Jayne just blushed and went to the bar for more drinks.

The more they drank the more outrageous their conversation became.
The others were talking about fannies and cocks but because Jayne had never seen a penis before she just smiled and nodded.

Somebody suggested shots so each person bought a round. The others quickly downed the first one. Jayne tried and it made her cough. The other girls giggled and said that the next one would be easier.

The bell sounded for last orders so despite protests Jayne ordered a bottle of cider each and two shots per woman.
“God I'm pissed now,” Beth said.
“And we're not far behind you,” Nicky continued.
“I feel fine,” Jayne replied. “I'll drink any that you don't want.”

They finished their drinks and went outside for a taxi. They climbed into a black cab and each woman gave Jayne some money seeing that she was the last to get out.
The other girls had been dropped off and Viv asked Jayne if she would like to come to her house for a nightcap?
“It's been a lovely evening Viv she,” replied, “but I needed to go to sleep, work in the morning.”
“Another time then,” Viv said and gave her a long kiss before she climbed unsteadily out of the taxi.

As the taxi neared Jayne's home she could smell burning wood like she had done in the cemetery.
The driver who Asian asked if she'd had a good time.
“Yes,” Jayne said, “and I had alcohol for the first time too.”
“I don't feel funny like the others did.”
“Are you still a virgin Jayne,” the driver asked?
Jayne went cold. How did he know her name because not one of us had mentioned any names while were in the cab?
‘Yes,” she said after a few moments. “Why?” she asked.
“Just remember the cemetery Jayne and you will be fine,” the driver said.

They reached Jayne's house and as she offered him the fare the driver said no keep it you have done well.
He gently pushed her hand away. His hand was freezing cold and a shiver ran down her spine.
She quickly left the taxi and ran into the house and upstairs to her bedroom.

“Everything OK love,” Jayne's mum shouted up the stairs.
“Yes, fine. A great night and I met some girls from work,” she replied.
“Glad you enjoyed yourself,” her mum said as Jayne removed her top and jeans.
She looked in the mirror and her breasts were bulging out of her bra and her knickers seemed to have shrunk. They were also very wet between her legs.
She knew that she hadn't peed herself so it must have been the tingling when she was touching Viv's breasts.

She took her underwear off and quickly moved to the bathroom.
She put the underwear in the washing basket and sat down and had a pee.
She couldn't resist having a play with her nipples and then she got the tingling down below.
She took some toilet tissue and wiped herself but that made her start rubbing her button.
She put her hand over her mouth to try and stifle any sounds but she lost that battle when the first climax hit her.
“Shit, fuck me,” she shouted as climax after climax washed over her.

There was a knock on the door and her dad asked if she was alright?
“Yes I'm OK, just banged my knee,” Jayne replied panicking because she didn't have anything to cover her naked body with.
She stood up and flushed the toilet and took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Sorry,” she said with no attempt to cover her body.
“Night dad,” she said and kissed him full on the lips and then she sauntered down the hallway to her room.
Her dad just stood there watching his naked grown up daughter and he felt a stirring in his loins. God she is beautiful he thought.
Jayne reached her bedroom door and turned around and waved to him and blew him a kiss.
“Goodnight daddy,” she said and went into her room.
He dad went into the bathroom for a pee but his erection was so hard that he was finding it hard to do anything.

Jayne climbed into bed; she couldn't believe that she had just stood in front of her father totally naked.
What's happening to me she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Jayne grabbed her robe and went into the shower.
She returned to her bedroom and laid her clothes on the bed.
She started to pull her knickers on but they seemed way too small. She looked in the mirror and noticed that her backside was larger than it was yesterday. Must be a growth spurt she thought and that was confirmed when she attempted to put her bra on.
Even with all the straps on the largest size it came no where near to fitting her enlarged body.
She dug into her bag and pulled Viv's big lacy bra out and tried it on. She liked the idea of it fastening at the front and it was very much too big for her. OK her breasts didn't quite fill the cups but she was not far off.

She took the bra off and stood side on and looked in the mirror.
WOW, her breasts were a lot bigger and firmer and her nipples were so sensitive, just lightly touching them made her gasp.

Jayne dressed in a white cotton blouse and a navy blue knee length skirt. She put on she black heels and brushed her hair.
The blouse gently rubbed against her nipples and she suddenly realised that she had never been outside without underwear on and felt a flutter in her stomach.
I need to go to work she thought to herself and picked up her shoulder bag and went downstairs to the kitchen.

She entered and stopped dead in her tracks.
Her dad was sat on a chair and her mum was sat straddling him face to face NAKED.
Jayne gasped; she was shocked that the two of them just sat there no attempt to cover themselves.
“Would you like a cup of tea,” her mum asked and slowly climbed off her father?
“No it's fine I will get one on my way to work,” Jayne said looking at her father's stiff thingy, all shiny with her mum's juices.
“Cover that up dad,” she said.
“Why?” he replied. If it wasn't for this he said stroking it you wouldn't be here. Her mum giggled.
“That is so discussing,” Jayne shouted and turned around to leave.
“I've not had time to make you any lunch,” her mum said, here take this and she bent over to reach into her shopping bag for her purse.
Jayne turned round and noticed that her mother's vagina was all red and swollen.
“How many times have you done it today,” Jayne blurted out?
Five or six since last night her dad said.
“We don't count how many times love,” her mum said, “but all of a sudden your father has got the lead back in his pencil.”
“That is so gross,” Jayne screamed, “two old people doing it. Yuk.” She went to go past her mother but she grabbed her and said,” we are not that old,” and kissed her on the lips.
“What about me?” her dad said so she bent over and kissed him on the lips.
He smelled of sweaty bodies and sex.
She got outside, her head was spinning and her stomach was churning. She hurried to the bus stop and joined the queue.

Her mind wondered back to the kitchen and the sight of her father's penis. It was quite beautiful in strange kind of way she thought.
She kept thinking about how it would feel. Hot or cold and how hard it really was.
She shook her head to clear the image of it but then she started looking at the crotches of the men stood at the bus stop.
There were different sized bulges on show, something she had never noticed before and her mind was trying to visualise what they looked like naked.
She was getting wet between her legs and knew she must stop or her juices would be running down her legs.

The bus arrived at everyone scrambled to get on. A guy who looked about 50ish said after you, so Jayne got on the bus and made her way towards the back.
She took hold of a grab pole to steady herself and looked out of the window. It was going to be like a sardine can she thought as lots of people squeezed on.
The nice guy who had let her on board before him was stood right behind her holding onto one of the straps that hung from the ceiling.
An old guy offered Jayne his seat but she declined saying that she was sat down all day and that her bum was getting big.
All the people around giggled and that made Jayne feel happy.
The bus pulled away from the stop and the guy stood behind her kept bumping his groin into her behind. She was sure that he was getting hard so she pushed her butt out to find out.
He let out a low moan and grabbed the same pole she was holding onto. He placed his other hand on her hip and slowly started to grind his crotch against her.
Jayne looked around but nobody had noticed what was going on.
The man lent forward and kissed her neck and then he started to nibble her ear lobe.
Jayne was starting to panic because her juices were trickling down her thighs and soon would be visible below the hemline of her skirt.
Jayne managed to turn round and whispered to the guy,” not here.” He kissed her and said, “where then?”
“The park,” Jayne replied, which was only one stop before hers anyway.
The man tried to kiss her but Jayne turned her head so he only made contact with her ear.
He put his free arm around her waist; Jayne was now reliant on him to stop her falling over so she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Please stop it until we get of. It's only a few stops and then we'll be in the park.”
He stopped moving and placed his hand on her bottom gently moving it up and down.
“Commando I see,” he whispered. Jayne hadn't got a clue what he was talking about so just smiled.

They reached their destination just in time as Jayne could feel her juices were almost touching her knees.
The alighted the bus and quickly made their way though the park gates.
The toilet building was about 50 yards inside the park and the guy said I'll meet you in the gents. Go around the back of the building and then just walk in, that way you won't be seen from the path.

Jayne did as she was told and got round to the entrance to the gents toilets.

She had never been inside a gent’s toilet before so she was slightly apprehensive about going in.
“Hello,” she called out.
“It’s” OK a voice replied, “it's empty.” So Jayne quickly made her way into the gents.
She rounded the corner and the guy was stood in front of a long metal trough with his thing out peeing.
Sorry Jayne said and quickly looked away. The stench of stale urine was almost overwhelming and she noticed that there were faeces all over the floor and walls. She shuddered and fought to stop herself from vomiting.
The guy finished and shook his manhood then rolled the skin back over the head and then tucked it back into his trousers.
“I can't,” Jayne said putting her hand over her nose and mouth.
“I thought that we were going to have fun,” the man said.
“Yes but not in here.” Jayne said looking behind the man to a drawing on the wall.
It was a crude sketch of a pair of woman's legs spread wide open showing in quite accurate detail female genitalia even down to the clitoris. Far too much hair though Jayne thought.
“Lets go into the ladies,” Jayne said. The guy looked puzzled. “We go around the back and straight in no one will see us,” she continued.

So they quickly made their way round to the ladies toilets. There was nobody in so Jayne went into a cubicle and beckoned the guy in.
“Lock the door,”she said as she wiped around the toilet bowl with tissues and then flushed it away.
Jayne didn't want penetrative sex but she also didn't want to get her clothes messed up, so she removed her skirt and hung it on the hook on the door. She unbuttoned her blouse but decided not to remove it.
The guy gasped at the sight of her body.
“What's wrong,”Jayne asked innocently?
”Nothing, you are so perfect,” he replied. Jayne blushed and kicked a couple of used tampons and panty liners under the partition to the other cubicle.
She sat down not knowing what to do next. The guy unfastened his belt so Jayne reached over and pulled him closer. She undid the button the top of his jeans and then slid the zip down.
She put her fingers into the waistband of his underwear and slowly pulled his jeans and underwear down to his ankles.
His thing looked very big and nasty. He took hold of it and started to rub it making it grow in length and width.
There was some clear liquid on the end so Jayne moved her face forward and licked it.
I was slightly salty but not unpleasant then she remembered that he had peed. Millions of women must have done this after a guy has peed she said to herself. A little bit won't kill me.
She put her hand on the guys moving hand just to get the feeling of how he was rubbing himself.
After a few moments the guy removed his hand so Jayne was now in control. She tightened her grip slightly and continued to rub his thing. It was swelling even more now due to her touch.
The guy lifted the front of his T shirt over his head so the front of his body was exposed.

Jayne looked up and saw his hairy body with the small beer belly. She smiled and slowly pulled the foreskin back on his penis and licked the shiny head.
He gave a faint smile and grunted. Jayne slid her lips over the head explored it with her tongue. The guy started to breathe deeply and whisper unrecognisable words.
Jayne continued to rub and slowly allowed him to go further into her mouth.
He put his hand behind her head and gently grabbed her hair and pulled her mouth onto his throbbing member.
Jayne took her hand away and let him slowly slide between her lips.
Not being an expert at this sort of thing Jayne just did what she thought would be nice, like licking the underside of his penis as it went in and flicking her it over the now very swollen head has it came out.
The guy was now swearing saying words like fuck, yes you bitch and take the full length of my cock you fucking dirty slag.
It was making Jayne very wet so she put one hand between her legs and started to rub.
She wanted to say things like the guy but she couldn't speak with her mouth full.

His movements were getting more animated and the grunting and swearing was getting louder. He pulled is cock out her mouth and started to rub it furiously. Jayne knew that he was close to his climax but didn't want his stuff in her hair so she opened her mouth wide and lent forward so that he was just about inside her mouth.

“Cop for this you fucking twat,” he shouted as he started to unload his man juice into Jayne's mouth.
She hadn't expected it to be hot and thick so was unprepared for her next action. Her mouth was rapidly filling up because he was spurting so much. Quickly she clamped her lips around the head and swallowed. Then she slid her lips further down the shaft so his stuff was squirting down her throat.
He guy was completely incoherent so Jayne started to fondle his hairy testicles to try in her mind to help him empty them.

He stopped squirting stood there shaking his head and trying to catch his breath. Jayne slowly pulled her mouth off his rapidly shrinking cock and gently pulled the foreskin back over the head.
Some of his white fluid trickled out of the pee hole so Jayne held her tongue under it until it dropped onto it.
She ran her tongue around her lips and stood up. The guy staggered back towards the door just staring at her.
Jayne slowly buttoned up her blouse and moved towards the man. He was still breathing quite heavily.
Jayne reached between her legs and scooped some of her juices up and then put her hand to her mouth. She sexily licked her fingers and hand smiling at him and lifting her eyebrows as if she was asking him did he want some.
A faint smile indicated to Jayne that he did so she scooped some more juices and offered them to him. He grabbed her wrist and furiously licked and sucked her hand and fingers while Jayne took her skirt off the hook.
When he was finished he let go and pulled his shirt back over his head. Jayne stepped into her skirt and watched as the guy pulled his underwear and jeans up.
Jayne looked at her watch. Still a bit early to arrive in the office so she thought she would get some breakfast.
The guy pulled out his wallet and offered Jayne £40.
“What's that for,”she asked?
“Love that was the best blow job I have ever had. I would give you more but this is all I have on me,” he said.
“No it's fine,” Jayne said.
“Please take it I will be upset if you don't,” the guy said.
Jayne took the money and put it in her bag. She kissed him and said thank you.
“No, thank YOU,” the guy said and kissed her.
They heard someone enter the toilets. Jayne put her finger to her lips indicating to be quite.

Jayne flushed the loo and slowly opened the door. Again she indicated to the guy to be quiet and left the cubicle.

“Morning love,” an oldish woman said. “Hi, morning,” Jayne replied.
She washed her hands and then dried them under the air dryer.
“Thank goodness for these places,” Jayne said. “The bus was packed and took forever. I usually get to work before I need the toilet but this morning was murder.”
The woman laughed and said, “I know the feeling.”
“Bye,” Jayne said.
“Bye love and have a nice day,” the woman replied.

Jayne stepped out into the sunshine, her head churning over what she had just done. Sucked a real penis no cock, must call it a cock and swallowed the stuff. She would need to find out what it was called. She knew the real name was semen but that wasn't sexy enough.
As she walked out of the park she wondered if the cleaning lady had found the guy yet.

And the money, £40 for 10 minutes work. I must look at the sums for that she thought as she made her way to the cafe for breakfast.

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