Sexual Awakening - Travelling to Cornwal

first times

Ever since I can remember we went to holiday camps in September. They were cheap and our parents liked saving money. But in July 1995 we went to Cornwall with a group of mum and dads Masonic friends, a week in some big bungalow near the sea. Gary and I were excited because it had always been the same things, mass regimented breakfast, cheers when a plate got dropped. Split into two teams sponsored by tobacco companies. Your day mapped out for you if you were a kid. Mum and dad sat in the bar until tea time. Then Bingo and show and bed at 9 pm. We hated it but because it saved money we did it. Not bad for a family with over £5 million in the bank. That’s how bad our parents were.
I remember going with mum shopping. She bought me nice panties instead of big knickers. She tried to buy me some bras but I refused to wear them. I also got some pretty summer dresses and skirts with light almost see through shirts. Gary go nice modern clothes that made us look older. I was 5’ 7” at the time with big 34C boobs. Not bad for a young teenager. With make up I could pass for 16 even 17 at times.

On the day we all piled into my dads Ford Escort. I was old and full of rust. We all met up and a motorway service area. The others had nice flash cars and Gary and I were the only kids, well teenagers. We were told to sit in the car while they did their what ever they did. Mum kissing everybody and dad shaking hands with the guys and kissing the women. There were three couples plus mum and dad. If they could have we would have been left at home. Off we set off, us in front because we had the slowest crappiest car. We travelled about two hours then came off the motorway for a pub lunch. Dad had a couple of pints and mum had three wines. We drove along country lanes to get back on the motorway but I needed a pee. You could have gone before dad said. I didn't want to then I said. Fine I said I’ll just piss in the back of your car. Dad slammed on the brakes. He got out and walked round the car and opened the door. Get out he said. I climbed out. Right get on with it. I looked round. There was nothing just a grass verge. Their friends had pulled up behind and were watching me. Come on lady we haven’t got all day. Gary had moved over to my door and was leaning out. Tell him to get back over to his side I said. Move back love mum said. Just getting some fresh air he replied. Well dad said. I wanted to die. All these people are going to watch me pee. I looked at Gary pleading with him but he just stuck his tongue out. Fuck it I muttered just loud enough for my dad to hear. I lifted my shit and pulled my panties down, flashing my pussy and ass to everybody. I squatted down with my panties off, legs wide open and started to pee. Mum, dad, Gary and those in the front car could all see my ginger covered pussy. I made me feel all nice that I was showing them my pussy peeing. Mum said Gaynor close your legs, fine, then I piss all down my legs. Gary laughed and dad said wait until we get there. I finished and shouted paper. We haven’t got any love mum said. Great started to the fucking holiday I said. Dad clipped me on the head stop swearing please. I stood up still holding my dress up. I suppose I will have to use these waving my panties about. Dad handed me his handkerchief. Here use this. I made a big show of wiping myself, even wiped by bum. I the car now lady, you have already put us behind. I started to put my panties on. Do it in the car. Move. He’ll watch me though I said pointing to Gary. You should have thought about that back there. I got in the car and noticed Gary had a hard on. Mum Gary has got a stiffy on. He’s been looking at my privates. Mum said Gaynor calm down its fine. OK then show him your pussy I said. Dad turned and said any more of this you get out and we will pick you up on the way back. Fine do it see if I care I shouted? Dad stopped the car and said out lady. You’re not travelling with us. I got out of the car and started crying. I still had my panties in my hand. Ken my dad’s best mate came up and said what’s with little girl? They have kicked me out of their car so I have to stay here until they come back. Get in our car. It’s faster than your dad’s. I walked to his car. Flo his wife got out and let me into the back seat. It was a nice Italian sports car a Masi something or other. I sat there holding my panties and Flo said are you putting them on, only I don’t wear any panties? I started to put them on. Why don’t you leave them off in this hot weather? You will feel better. Nice and cool. It’s very rude not wearing panties isn't it? And from what I saw you have a nice pussy. I gulped. Thank you. Her let me put them in the glove box for now. If you want them back just ask. I handed them to her and she sniffed them. Wonderful she said and winked at me. I went bright red. Ken got into the car and asked why I was red. Flo said before I could say anything, she the same colour has her pussy hair don’t you think? He turned round and said Oh yes and such a nice pussy. I wanted to die. No grown up had talked about me in that way before. I felt embarrassed but grown up too. Ken started the car. It growled into life. Next stop Cornwall he said. He honked the horn and we drove off.

They asked me all sorts of questions like how was I doing at school, still in the brass band? What pop music did I like, favourite sing and the like. It was like a fucking quiz I thought. Then Flo asked if I had a boyfriend. Ken said, I bet he likes playing with your big tits. What I thought. No fucking adult asks them questions. I started to panic. I composed myself. I don’t have a boyfriend I replied. There are three nice guys in my year but my friends are going out with them. Only three Flo asked. Yes all the rest are geeks or idiots. And they smell I said, trying to change the subject. Why do you think you have no boyfriend, you are very pretty and have a great figure Ken added. Look at me I replied. MMMMM yes Ken said, I could look at you all day. Flo punched him and shook her head as if to say stop it. I’m too tall. I am the tallest girl in the school and only two guys are taller than me in the whole school. You would make a perfect model Ken said. No way, I replied. They show all their bits. What bits are they Gaynor he said? You know your thingies. Thingies? You know, Boobs, tits knockers, pussy cunt, twat, arsehole… Yes we get the picture Gaynor Flo replied. Well stop asking me stupid questions. I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m not into sex and I am not going to show my naked body to any one OK. Fine Ken said calmly. On we drove. The car was very fast so we got there before anybody else. The gates to the bungalow were open so Ken drove in and parked up. A lady came out and asked it we were the Randell’s. These aren’t but I am I said. Oh fine. Ken said that we had made good time and arrived a little early. Come in she said, I will show you around. There was a huge lounge overlooking the sea and a nice kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 4 with big beds and 1 with two smaller beds. That’s mine the one with two beds I said. There was a long corridor with the bedroom doors opening onto it. There were two bathrooms with showers, one at each end of the corridor. We went outside into the garden, it was massive. It had lots of tables and chairs and a barbecue to one side. The lady handed Ken 5 sets of keys and left, wishing us a pleasant holiday. Ken said he would go and buy some beers and stuff and left. I lay on one of the loungers and rolled my dress up. Flo sat on a chair near me. Your dress is a bit high; your pussy hair is showing. You’re a woman so your have it too. No I don’t love Flo said. All women and girls have hairy pussies I replied. Flo stood up and undid her shorts. She let them fall revealing her pussy with was completely bald. No way, I said in shock. Does it fall out like on a man's head? No she laughed; I shave or wax to keep it smooth. Do you cut yourself and stick toilet paper on like dad does? No, I wax more than I shave. Wax what’s that? We in the salon they apply hot wax and when it cools they pull if off taking the hairs with it. No fucking way, I bet that hurts I gasped? Sorry for swearing it’s just I didn't know about it. She giggled. It’s OK Gaynor I sweat some times. No it doesn't hurt, It makes my pussy wet. So you go all squidgy in your pussy? You could say that Flo replied. Flo walked over to me. Here feel how smooth it is. I put my hand above her pussy and slowly moved it down. WOW it is nice I said. Feel underneath she instructed. I slid my hand between her slightly open thighs. I could feel her thing that have down. My middle finger sank in between them. Flo gasped and grabbed my wrist. Do you know what you are doing child she whispered? Yes I replied. I do it all the time with my girl friends and Gary. It makes me feel nice. I like to play with my boobs at the same time. Flo stepped out of one leg of her shorts and opened her legs wider. Show me she hissed. I stood up and started rubbing her pussy with my right hand. Then I slid my left hand under her shirt to her boobs. I found her special spot like mine and rubbed it. Flo grabbed my head in her hands and started kissing my. She pushed her tongue in my mouth. Yuk I thought but there was no way out. She shuddered and whispered yesssssss and started to pee on my hand, just like I do. Fuck yes fuck baby she moaned. We heard a car pull out. Quick as a flash, Flo broke away and pulled her shorts up. I got back on the lounger and Flo sat on the chair breathing very fast. I looked at my right hand. It was full of Flo’s sticky stuff from her pussy. I looked at her and started to lick and suck my hand and fingers. Flo said fuck and squealed. A wet patch formed on her shorts in between her open legs. I didn't do that I whispered to her. She just smiled. Flo tasted good, a bit stronger than me. That is the first grown up woman I had tasted. Ken came out and said, all the gear is put away, babe shall we put our swimming gear on and take in the sun? Great idea love, pity Gaynor can’t join us. I could if I had my panties back I reminded him. What about your top half? I will roll my dress up. I have a white chiffon scarf that might do Flo said. I followed them inside. Ken came back with my panties. He was fucking sniffing them. What’s up with you fucking grown up’s sniffing my panties? I snatched them off him and sat in the lounge. I had a sniff. They don’t smell. All right mum’s washing powder and a bit of pee, but not much. I know I will let him stiff them tomorrow after I have worn them all day and had a few pees and a shit. After what seemed ages Flo shouted me. I went into the bed room. Flo was wearing a black bikini. It had very thin straps that tied behind her neck and on her hips. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and told her so. Flo blushed. Ken wasn’t there. Take off all your clothes Flo said. What if he comes back I asked? He won’t he will be sunning himself now. I removed my dress and sandals. I had my hands over my boobs. She walked over with the scarf and put it round my back sliding it to where she wanted it. She brought the loose end to my front and under my boobs and crossed them. Flo then passed it up between my boobs and around my neck. Hold it there she said. I held the lose ends behind my neck and Flo walked behind me. It looks good I thought as I could see myself in the mirror but my boobs are still naked. Flo got hold of my long hair and threw it over my right shoulder. She tied it in a bow then walked back in front of me. Yes nice she said. Flo I said my bobs are still out. Yes I will come to them in a moment. Slip your panties on please. I did and pulled them up. Nope that’s not right Flo said. She grabbed the waist band and started to roll it down. She kept rolling lower and lower. If she goes much further they will be round my ankles I thought. No that’s not right either she said. Take them off. So now I will be out in the garden with no panties on and my boobs on show. She thought for a moment then. She went in to her suit case and brought out what looked like three pieces of string and a small piece of white cloth. She held the cloth against my pussy front and said perfect. She asked me to open my legs so I did as wide as possible without falling over. Not that wide silly she said. I closed them a bit. Flo held the white cloth against my pussy and reached behind and under my bum and took hold of a piece of string. Hold this she said pointing to the cloth. Flo went behind me and took one then the other pieces of string and tied them at the back just above my bum crack. She put her right hand through my legs and placed it on the cloth. Fine she said. Then what happened next blew me away. She slow traced her middle finger down and along the piece of string going through my legs. I shuddered and could feel myself starting to leak. You like that Gaynor she asked. Ugh is all I could say. She rubbed three fingers along my pussy from front to back and then stood up. She walked round to my front and started sucking and licking her fingers and hand. I love the taste of young girls she whispered. She stepped back and said one small thing. She went into bag and pulled out a razor. I will not hurt you just to trim you so you’re not sticking out. Lie on the bed. I did and she pulled the cloth off my pussy and started to shave me. After a few minutes she said all done and pulled the cloth back up. Stand please she said. I stood up and looked down. No hairs sticking out. Nice I thought. Flo started getting my boobs into the scarf. She did a lot of squeezing and feeling and playing with my nipples. There you look like a model now she said. I looked in the mirror and touched myself. I couldn't believe how I looked. I looked about 17 with my boobs just showing through the scarf and no hairs sticking out of my panties, well not panties. Come on young lady, we have sunbathing to do. She held my hand and we walked outside. Ken whistled and said WOW you’re my ladies for the week. He stood up and I could his thing starting to grow in his small black trunks. He gave Flo a kiss the came to me. Do you mind if I kiss you Gaynor, You are stunning? OK I said and blushed. He held my head just like Flo had done and kissed me pulling his tongue in my mouth. It must be a grown up thing I thought. He pulled me close and I could feel his thing pressing against my belly.
Some more cars arrived so I sat on a lounger. Ted and Lily came through and said sorry were late Stan and Martha’s car broke down. That was ours I thought. Its fine now, they are being towed and should be here within the hour. Joan and Ray came out and Joan said what a nightmare. Ray said it could have happened to any of us. Roy and Amy came into the garden and Roy said any beers I dry as nun’s crotch. Amy nudged him and pointed to me. Sorry Gaynor, I didn't recognize you. You look beautiful Lily said. Joan said Gaynor stand up and give us a twirl. I stood up and slowly turn round. Ted, Roy and Ray all whistled. Sorry Ken said I saw her first so she’s mine aren't you babe? I smiled not knowing what to say. Sun time said Ted and the others went to the bedrooms. It’s just a bit fun. We are treating you like a real grown up and must say you look the part. I would take you to the pub now because you look old enough. I blushed and thanked him.
Has the others started to come back out in all kinds of different swimming costumes, Mum, dad and Gary arrived. I lay there as low as I could because mum would say something about what I wearing. Gary spotted me and ran over to me. Shit fucking ca…. God you look sexy Gaynor better that when you’re naked. Shhh I said putting my finger to my mouth. Sorry he whispered. Tight arse will have to buy a new car now, that one has had it. Dad came over, you been OK Gaynor. Yes I replied. Flo lent me this outfit so I could sunbathe. Dad shouted to Ted, any chance of borrowing your car so I can go for some more beers? Sure he said and walked over to dad. Your Gaynor is turning into a fine woman he said to dad. I blushed and dad said it all to do with his genes. How are you and Martha doing, still getting a bit hey? We’re like rabbits dad replied, can’t keep our hands off each other. That’s a fucking lie I thought. They sleep in different beds of a start. I could see mum walking over. This is where the shit hits the fan in said under my breath. Dad had made a run for it and Gary had disappeared too. Hi darling she said, kissing me on the cheek. What a nice outfit shows off a lot of you body doesn’t it? Yes, Flo lent it to me because my stuff was in our poorly car. I’ll go and change. No don’t bother; everybody has had a good look at you now anyway. Look she even trimmed my hair pointing to my pussy. Nice, you look so grown up. She bent to kiss me again and said through clenched teeth, we will talk later. Ken said pizza for tea tonight anyone fancy coming with me? I will I shouted and stood up. That was the first time everybody except for Flo and me had seen there was no ass covering on the panties thing I was wearing. All there was was a bit of string in my ass crack. What shall we have then? All agreed no fish or chicken but anything else was good. Mum looked at me, she was fuming. I climbed into Ken’s car and we set off. He put load music on and tried to sing along. Every time he changed gear he touched my thigh. It took about 20 minutes and lot of gear changes until we reach the pizza shop. We got out and Ken opened the door for me. There was deadly silence. Ken wrapped his arms round me and kissed my neck. Pretend you’re my girlfriend OK he whispered. Does my sweet little pussy cat remember what we want. Yes, anything bar fish and chicken babe I said and kissed his throat. He put his hands on my bare ass cheek and started rubbing them. I put my head on his chest and licked one of his nipples. Saw that in a film I thought. Let’s sit down baby we are the way. We walked over to a chair and Ken sat down. Come here my bunny rabbit he said grabbing my arm and forcing me to sit with my legs spread around his waist. Pulled me close and started licking my neck. His hands went back to my bare bum. Pretend you are getting sexy. Pretend, I’m sat on his lap with a little piece of cloths half covering my pussy and his big thing digging into Twinkie. I started licking his face and moving around on his lap. That made it worse. He started rub a finger up and down my ass crack. Please Ken babe not my ass. I will tell you later. I could hardly breathe. I looked out of the window and there was a crowd of people looking in. I locked my arms loosely around his neck and placed his hands on my boobs. Fuck I’m going to pee in a minute I said meaning squirt. 6 pizzas sir a voice said. Thank fuck for that I whispered. Yeah to right, I was about to do something I would of regretted Ken whispered back. I slowly stood up. I had left a damp patch on his trunk. I wiped it and the shiny bit vanished. Ken paid and the guy handed them to him. Thank you Ken said. No thank you Sir the guy replied. Come again soon. I nearly did Ken said under his breath. Put my hand down the back of his trucks and walked outside. People started clapping us. Quick lets go he said. He put the pizzas on the back seat and started the car. He honked the horn and drove away very fast. My heart was trying to jump out of my chest and Ken was sweating. We slowed down to the sped limit. Ken said girl no woman you were fantastic in there. I was almost thinking you were my girlfriend and for one so young. We got back in 3 minutes which I found strange. I think I wet myself in there Ken I said. Baby you had an orgasm. He kissed and I put my hands on his bum. If only you were a few years older. What do you mean? Nothing he said. Gary and Flo came out. I’m starving Gary said. Me too Ken said and Flo gave him a funny look. I sat on a chair near Flo and we ate the pizzas. Dad was wearing knee length shorts and mum had an old fashioned costume on with skirt type thing and a high neck. I looked like she had a T shirt skirt and matching knickers. Sexy I thought. Everybody else had skin showing. Ray handed me a can of beer. Thanks I said. I swigged it down. It was the first drink since we stopped hours ago. I finished the beer and burped. Excuse me I said and giggled. He handed me another and I drank that fast too. Ray handed me another and said you’ll be up jiving next. I took my time drinking that one. There was music playing the background. I stood up and swayed. Mum came over and said I think its bed time for you lady. But I don’t want to just yet. Come on It’s been along day and we can carry on partying all week. Can we I squealed? Yes only if you go to bed now. OK mummy I said and kissed her on the cheek. I went round to everybody and kissed them thanking them for a wonderful holiday. I asked Flo for my skirt and things. Come on you imp then you can go to bed. Mum what room am I in? Number three with Gary. I followed Ken to the door and turned around night all I said and blew them a kiss. Ken opened his bedroom door and I followed him in. Her we are young lady, I will see you tomorrow. Tomorrow I snarled. I want to sleep with your. I reached behind my neck to undo the knot. No you don’t your drunk. Well at least kiss me good night. He put my things on the bed and put his arms around my waist. I love I said. I love you too babe but we shouldn't do this. Why am I not good enough for you? Baby you are far too good for me and you will break many men’s hearts. He kissed me and put his hands on my bare bum again. I slipped my hands into the front of his trunks. No Gaynor stop. Please stop babe. I just want to see it I said. I pulled his trunks down his big hard cock jumped into view. I grabbed it and started stroking it. No Gaynor he hissed please. I dropped to my knees and pulled the skin back. Ken was whimpering saying no god please help me. I had never had one this big before I said. I opened my mouth and slid it in, sliding my tongue along the bottom. Ken was moaning and grunting. I took more in and grabbed his ass cheeks. I slid my over it letting go further down my throat. I bobbed it in and out his balls hitting my chin. Ken grabbed my heads said fuck as he squirted his man stuff down my throat. When he had finished I let him slid out. I licked the end of it clean and stood up. I kissed him on his lips and said thank you. Mme., it should be me thanking you he said has he pulled his trunks back up. Where did you… There was a knock on the door. I grabbed one of my sandals and threw it under the bed. Come in It’s not locked. Flo and my mum walked in. Any problems Flo said looking right at Ken. I have lost my sandal. They are new and I can’t find it. Let’s have a look shall we. She looked all over, nope can’t find it. Sorry mum I said. Flo got on her knees her nice ass stuck up. Her bottoms were right in the crack of her ass and I could see a small damp patch over her pussy. Here we are Gaynor. If Ken had as much brains has he does brawn he would be a world beater. Thank you Flo I said and kissed her on the cheek then kissed Ken on the cheek too. See you in the morning for more fun. Oops nearly forgot these. I picked my dress, panties and other sandals of the bed night. I went next door to my mine and Gary’s room. I kissed mum on the cheek. She pointed to her lips so I kissed her lips. Night mum and I went into my room. Gary was sat on the bed. Here she is the glamour model I’ll go Ken. You’re only jealous because I got to go in their nice car. Twice and that’s not fair. Anyway Gaynor can we have a kiss because I have never kissed a model before. I lay on the bed and we started to kiss. Gary said what that on your lips. Nothing I said. Doesn’t taste like nothing. Have you been...? You have haven’t you? What, No? Go to sleep I’m tried. I rolled away from him and he put his hands on my bare ass. Fuck off Gary I said. He giggled and started squeezing them. Turned over and elbowed him on his head. Ouch that hurt Gary moaned. It was suppose to I replied. Goodnight and don’t start farting. We both giggled. I turned over and put my arm on his waist. He put his leg between mine and held my butt cheek. We kissed and soon fell asleep.

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