T-Girl fairy tale 9


After the Wedding

Angel resplendent in her beautiful white wedding dress eagerly pulled Jared over the threshold into her chambers and didn't stop until she had deposited him on her bed. They were tipsy on Andean red wine and made love like it was the last time they would ever get to be together. They had abstained from sex for the whole week prior to the wedding and were completely ravenous for each other. Their fine clothes lay about the bed in small piles completely forgotten. More wine and unending sex carried them into the wee hours of the morning until they finally passed out from exhausting mix.

Much later that morning Jared awoke and rose up on one elbow to look at his beautiful Angel sleeping in the late morning sun shining through the high windows. Her golden hair made a perfect halo around her head upon the pillow. Her smooth white skin, small nose and high cheek bones almost seemed too perfect to be actual flesh. He couldn't believe he was now married to this incredible woman.

His stomach growled and he vaguely remembered a bowl of fruit in the other room. He slipped out of bed and padded into the anti-chamber to investigate.

"You've done very well for yourself." A familiar voice said quietly.

Jared about jumped out of his skin as he whipped around to find Gerald sitting on a one of the chairs. He laughed with relief.

"You scared the devil out of me Gerald!"

"I usually only have that effect on small children and beautiful women I'm attempting to woo." Jared chuckled for a moment then sobered and said.

"If I've done well it is only due to your help."

"Thank you my boy, but in truth you did all the work. All I did was provide you the opportunity." Jared bowed low before his Faire Godfather.

"You should really at least put some smallclothes on. You're a well built lad and all, but I don't fancy looking at you that much. So what happened to the wicked step sisters and that evil step mother of yours?"

Jared went to the wardrobe and pulled out a white robe to slip on as he answered.

"I don't really know. Everything has been so busy with the wedding and all that I haven't had a chance to ask Angel. I do feel sorry for Evelyn though. She thought she was in love with me and I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye the night Angel came to collect me."

"Well then I guess I should clear that mystery up."

They both turned to look at Angel who was standing in the doorway to the bedchamber, with her hands on her hips, completely naked. Gerald's mouth dropped open as he saw her penis hanging from her crotch.

"Very impressive Highness! Even flaccid I'm surprised that poor Jared here can walk this morning!"

"Gerald this is the last time I better ever find you here in my chambers without my permission."

"Yes Highness." He said with a hang dog look on his face. Jared stared in amazement.

"You two know each other?"

"I originally thought he was only my father's tailor, but have since found him to be...shall we say something more."

Angel strode into the room and picked up her robe from a chaise lounge. She slipped it over her shoulders and tied it in front. As she walked over to a curtain that hung against one wall Jared again admired her incredible beauty. She reached behind the curtain and pulled a rope that made a slight tinkling noise. Within a few seconds Juliana appeared from behind the curtain.

"Good morning Juliana, please fetch Jared's hand maiden for me."

Juliana disappeared behind the curtain and moments later she walked in with a wide eyed Evelyn in tow behind her. With a squeal of delight Evelyn rushed across the room and hugged Jared.

"Evelyn! You must not attack the Prince so! We are here to serve them not strangle them in an embrace!"

Angel raised her hand and said,

"Let it go Juliana. They have a rather special bond since they are step brother and sister." She turned to Jared and said, "She begged so convincingly that I finally agreed to allow her to come to the castle with you. She is here to serve you and keep you company when I'm away on kingdom business. She and Juliana will both be keeping an eye on you when I'm gone. They are the only women that I will ever tolerate in my chambers with you. As a matter of fact I have given them both leave to...ah...entertain you, but only when I'm gone from the castle. Juliana, please show Jared what I mean."

Juliana, with a shy grin, pulled her dress tightly across her hips, showing an unmistakable bulge that appeared to rival Evelyn's as Angel continued.

"As for your older step sister, Patrice has found her way into the bed of one of the Dukes that has for some years been a constant thorn in my side. I haven't heard a single peep from him this whole week and last night at the wedding he was positively gushing about his new bride to be, your step sister, so she is doing me a service even though she doesn't know it. Martha is working for me in the dungeons. Come here and you can watch as she interrogates a spy we caught two days ago."

Angel led them to a nearby table and pulled off the cloth that was covering a crystal ball. She said,

"With this I can look into any place in the castle and the surrounding grounds." She waived her hand over it and softly said, "Dungeon"

Swimming into view was the Dungeon and there before them was a skinny naked man strapped over a device that had him nearly bent double. Martha was walking toward him wearing a black leather mask and a black cloak. They hear her say,

"I am Mistress Martha and you were found spying by the palace guards. I am here to extract all your information from you. I am her Highness's newest interrogator and must prove my capabilities so that I may stay in her employ here at the castle so you can expect no mercy from me."

"You are only a woman! There is no way you can break me! You'll be out on your arse before I even break a sweat."

"I do not think so. You see I have a very special way to break you that I'm sure will have you talking very soon."

Mistress Martha's back was to her unknown audience when she dropped the cloak down around her feet. In addition to the mask she had on only knee high ridding boots. They could see the face of the spy go completely ashen and he began to stutter as sweat appeared on his brow.

"Please Mistress...no...I'll tell you everything...please no..."

As they continued to watch Mistress Martha turned around. Jared gasped as they all saw the incredible size of her cock. It was monstrous! Easily long enough to reach her knees and thick enough to take both of her hands to encircle it. She was holding it in her hands as she approached the spy's unprotected arse and began to press the huge tip between his small butt cheeks. As he began to scream wildly Angel tossed the cover back over the crystal ball and silence fell in the room.

"As you see I've even found a place for your step mother to serve me."

Jared stared at the covered ball for a few seconds. He shook his head and said quietly,

"I have no doubts she will serve you well in that capacity, but how did she get so...so...huge?"

"Oh I had one of my wizards put together a little pill to help her reach her full potential. It was quite painful and she will never be her old size again, but she seems to be adjusting to use it very well so far. She has already broken two other spies this week."

Angel looked around the room at all the people there and said,

"Now if you will all excuse me I have a new husband that I want to give a most memorable honeymoon to for the rest of the week."

Without anything being further said they both smiled as Angel grabbed Jared by the hand and led him back to her bedchamber.

And they lived happily ever after?

The End
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