Depressed Mother


My family is quite well off financially and I 27 still at home with mother 48. My father having died while fishing in a freak lightning strike that hit his metal boat (aluminum) just over seven years ago. Until early March 2023 my mother's mother lived with us, but she had a stroke and passed away. She was the last of my grandparents and I've no aunts, uncles or cousins as both sets of grandparents only had one child each. With her mother gone my mother became very depressed, I did date fairly regularly and done average in getting sex I believe. But with the passing of my grandmother, I stopped dating to help my mother get over it. I thought it would be a few weeks at most, but mother depression seemed get worst no better and the doctor said it would take a little time. In June 2023 I decided to take my mother away from the constant memories of her mother in our home. With her not being a great beach lover, I took her to a lake with nearby mountains. My mother is a painter of landscapes (her hobby), so it was fairly easy to get her to go with me. No time limit on our stay, we settled in and after a couple of days she was less depressed in my view. Our first weekend there we started exploring the region, chancing on a view my mother really wanted to paint. I could've taken photos, and she could've used them to paint. But I thought it better go there each day until finished she finished her painting. She is good painter, and her paintings really look like what she painted. We were very close the whole time and after she finished the painting, we'd a little party to celebrate. We overindulged a bit and awoke next morning in bed together naked, and I clearly remember fucking her at least once. She also remembered on her waking; I feared her getting depressed again because of us having sex together. So, I kissed on her lips passionately and asked her for more sex. With me wanting more sex with her, it seemed to short circuit her feeling of remorse a bit. With me wanting another fuck she gave in, and we had sex again. The next few days I was wanting her every chance I could, we stayed another week than returned home and I moved into her bedroom. Sex continues, but she is trying to get me to find a wife and start a family so she can have grandchildren. Which has taken her mind off her mother's death, in early August 2023 I met a nice shy girl 25 works at the paint supply store. I liked her straight away as did my mother. I asked her for a date, and she said she didn't date alone and had no close family left since 2020. My mother said she would accompany us as a chaperone, the girl finally agreed to the date. Then more followed, well on our sixth date I got her into my mother's bed along with my mother and shortly after she moved in with me and my mother. My mother idea, as she had no family she knew of and our family also lacking we three went on a trip and I married her. We still sleep with my mother, who is delighted at being a grandmother since last July. My mother hasn't depressed since our trip to the lake and started our sexual relationship.
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