My Aunt wanted me


My aunt 48 never married and calls herself a priestess and is into the occult. My parents call her wacko and strange. But we live in the next state so not much interaction with her. I never done very well at school and became a mechanic as I (27) love cars. I got a job in the same city as my wacko aunt at major dealership. I found a room to rent while I got my bearings as they say. My aunt knew I was in town as it wasn't a secret, and her mother told. Our family is well off, and I was thinking of buying my own house and hadn't yet found what I wanted. That also wasn't a secret, the house wasn't that important to me a large shed or space for one was. My aunt lived in an older part of the city actually closer to my job than the room I rented. But she had no shed, but the house next door did, and it came on the market the owner passing away and his family preferring to sell it than keep it. My aunt told my grandmother who had my phone number, and she rang me. It couldn't hurt to have a look before it was listed publicly. So, I did and liked it straight away without even going inside the house, private sale followed, the new owners got what they wanted and so did I. Of course, I visited my aunt and moved in with her while the sale was completed. We got on fairly well, no hassles and my parents, grandmother and sister visited to help me with the setup of the house. I was more interested in the setup of the shed, back home before my move I rebuilt old classics and then sold them. It was my hobby, and I did date and did fairly okay, I think. When everyone had returned home, my aunt made sure I ate regular meals mostly with her. Except on nights, she had her followers (7) over mostly women. There was one man in the group, and he was in his late fifties or in his sixties. But he married a woman in the group, and they then moved away. Nothing to do with me, I was wrong about that. It seems a man is required in their belief to be the anchor of the group and keep them tethered to the earth while they are on the spiral plane. Whatever that is, it was linked to them by regular sex with one or more in the group. Not many in the group would get me excited sexually my aunt being one of the two who would, the other was 25 and a librarian. Didn't dress to impress wearing turtlenecks, long sleeves and skirts and with glasses like librarian in old movies. The others overweight and oldest ones of the group. My aunt needing another male looked towards me, I was next door and unattached. She needed me to join her group fairly quickly, so she didn't muck about. One night at dinner she asked me to sleep with her, she was happy I accepted. Why not I thought, she good looking and I didn't have a girlfriend at the time. Every night after that I got sex with her and the night before their next gathering, she asked me to join the group. Adding I could fuck any in the group who were also willing. That meant the librarian I thought, but she wasn't into the sexual part of their gatherings or at least not with the former anchor anyway. But my aunt would be very willing she had told me and by how much we'd fuck already I willing joined. It wouldn't stop me dating either and the meeting were once a fortnight. Also, she was looking for more women to join as well. After 2 meetings and still only fucking my aunt, I tried asking the librarian out and got refused. But it was early days as they say. My aunt saw my interest in the librarian and started to aid my efforts a little bit. The librarian mother had died a few years earlier leading to her joining the group, her father never hung around when her mother had gotten pregnant. So, she had little trust in men and didn't at all. My aunt had already seduced the librarian, and they got it on about once a month. The librarian trusted my aunt and with her advising I wasn't like her father, slowly got her to go on a date with me. Told not to rush it by my aunt, I took it slowly and finally bedded her. Albeit I was invited to join her and my aunt in their sexual romp as they called it. Others joined none I was attracted too and after 7 months of sleeping with me the librarian moved in with me as we were engaged and had started trying to start a family. My aunt regularly sleeping with us, another man (61) joined their group with his wife and my aunt said I could leave if I wanted too. I decided to stay as my now wife was happy being in the group and also enjoys the romps with my aunt still and I wasn't fucking anyone but the 2 of them it was no problem for her.
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