Made Guardian
My uncle by marriage got very ill (cancer), knowing his wife was a spendthrift (his description) made me her financial guardian. She was 21 years younger him and they had no children of their own. My uncle had paid my way thru college, and I'd become an accountant and worked for him. I was then 34 and my aunt was 49, younger sister of my late mother. I wasn't into dating or partying, mainly because I didn't have money to do so. But also, it wasn't in my nature to partying, I was used to working and working hard. That's why my uncle supported me thru college, my work ethic he thought was like his. In many ways were alike, but in one way we were very different. He was great with women; I've never been great with them. I'd got lucky and paid for some sex I've gotten, so I concentrated on my work. Earning my uncle approval by doing that, so when he needed a guardian for his wife, I was the perfect person in his mind. He told me to let her have fun within acceptable limits, he gave me the limit he used. But said to allow for inflation over the years and not tell my aunt what the limit was. My aunt a very attractive woman for her age, had a major miscarriage early in their marriage and so couldn't get pregnant again. So, she started partying as an alternative I suppose. The limit he had was quite a bit higher than she thought. My uncle liked to let her think she was getting more than he had wanted her to have. It also acted as a sort of restraint on her. So, when my uncle passed away, I was put in overall charge of his business interests, not to run them directly. My aunt was quite restrained for a few months until she came to terms with his passing. Then slowly at first, she started her partying again and was back in full swing a couple of months later. It didn't take her long to require a boost, but I resisted as I had been instructed to be by my late uncle. But I was still going to give her what she wanted anyway as my uncle had always had. But there was one change in the procedure, my aunt thought me cold and not a free giving as her late husband. Mainly because I was an accountant, probably from knowing my lack of womanizing. She thought she wouldn't get extra money, so she played up to me a bit and got the money. Thinking it was that and not knowing she was going to get anyway. It became her first option every time she wanted more money. One time I was distracted by another problem; I hadn't been receptive in her mind that time. So, she tried again the next day, the other problem was fixed and my aunt put in more effort than she had been doing, getting the extra money. Her elevated effort had gotten me aroused, not that she had noticed. But it had taught her, I grew more resistance overtime. Thru a combination of needing to elevate her efforts in her mind and a growing sexual restlessness of her own. She decided to seduce me as a way of getting what she wanted, at first it was just her fallback position. But when I showed more resistance, she decided it was time. As I said my aunt is very attractive, I hadn't realized her seduction effort was just part of her new tactic to get more money. I scummed to her advances, and we became lovers, I stayed the whole night with her, and she enjoyed my efforts. As she became a regular bed partner of mine, even when not requiring money. Thru my aunt I met my now wife 30, my wife is bi-sexual and was a side fling of my aunt for years. Especially when my uncle was very ill and unable to perform in bed. Besides my uncle I'm the only man she had regular sex with, several one offs before she married, none after. My aunt has me and my wife and our children live with her, her partying has reduced greatly since the birth of our first child a daughter named after my aunt. We've had a son in January, my aunt is always there for the children and joins my wife and I in our bed every night, not always for sex, but it is still part of our relationship. Hasn't asked for extra money since after we became fulltime lovers.
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